
Published on Jun 1, 2015


A Year In The Life

Valentines Day Surprise Part 1

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

I knew what was in the back of my mind as I put the key in the door. This was going to be the last time I did this. I would quietly deposit the key on the kitchen table, then walk out. But I heard noises. They were coming from downstairs. I could tell by the echo, they were in the workout room.

I could hear the voices, it sounded like our old truck driving buddy was visiting. "Oh fuck me Pete, FUCK ME"

I snuck up to the room. I heard Pete say "Your ass was made for this" so I peered around the corner Pete was giving Wayne's ass a royal fucking.

But then I saw it The man in the sling was a redhead.

I was shaken, by the dream, and by Pete. "Wake up babe. Gotta treat Wayne here to a sauna, a jump in the snow and then dinner." He sensed my confusion through my blank stare. "Had another dream?"

I brushed off his concern as he pulled me off the weight bench into his embrace. I was still wiped out from the epic fuck that Wayne had thrown me, but the strength of Pete revived me. It didn't hurt that Wayne joined in, hugging me from behind.

The sauna, dive into snow, and leftover chili did it's best to continue the revival. We even got a phone call during dinner from my brother John who informed us they got home safely, driving through some bad snow between Pine City and Forest Lake. John gave his best to Pete and then out of nowhere said "You two make a great team, I'm happy for you Kyle." This was so out of character for my brother, and I almost felt guilty since this "great team" had just tag fucked a trucker they barely knew.

I started to wonder if that was my underlying problem, and maybe the hidden meaning of my dreams. I should have just taken the compliment from my brother who was so stingy with "atta boys" but instead I was concerned that sooner or later they would see the real me.

I later gave in to my private side, and cuddled between Wayne and Pete that night. Things that I couldn't share with my twin nephews may, or may not have happened, but luckily I remembered no dreams that night.

Yep, we had all the outward appearances of a happy life. The last few days of January, 2000 were for the most part, great during the waking hours. Brent and Van finalized the first plans for the remodel, and Mike had them okayed quickly. Work was constant, and constantly challenging for me, as we took on new clients. Pete and I shared our life, and started to work together on the old home. The green numbers on Pete's calendar grew bigger as we spent our days and nights together in "our place".

I made plans for a Valentines Day surprise for Pete. I left work early one day and ordered the needed items to pull off this surprise. With that in place, I filled Mike in on my plans, and how he fit into the surprise. I didn't like keeping secrets from Pete, but I knew the end result would be well worth the subterfuge.

While the waking hours were great, my dreams continued to get darker. The foreboding nature of my dreams made them so personal, I couldn't share them with Pete. There was something hidden in them that I couldn't figure out. Death continued to loom, whether the death of a friend, or the death of a relationship. Symbolism was so personal, I was struggling with what they meant, and Pete would have no clue.

Again, I didn't like keeping the details secret from Pete, and he could sense it. He would broach the subject, mention my dreams and ask questions. I held back, feigned ignorance, or deflected to another topic. This worked for a while and I actually thought for a few days that I was putting too much stock in my dreams.

The first of February was on a Tuesday that year. I remember because we actually started the demo and construction then. Mike planned for the installation of the new side doors, the demo, and the electrical, plumbing and then dry wall for the downstairs bathroom and office. His goal was to have the bathroom completed before Valentines Day, then put the focus on the finish carpentry of the office. Pete's involvement in this timeline helped me with my Valentines plan.

Brent's design for the office looked masculine and detailed. True to my vision, the materials were honest and right for this home. Van had helped the vision by pointing out details that helped keep the space cohesive and well organized. I was really looking forward to the execution, and especially see Fred's finish carpentry skills in action.

Pete had spent the last few weeks shadowing an old colleague who was using some new wiring resources. He wanted to be sure he was up-to-date on the products available to him, since things had changed since his retirement. He sourced everything he needed at the local big box home DIY store. In fact we spent a lot of time at the store. We would visit with Van, Brent, or Mike, and my credit card would get it's workout.

We actually caught some good weather that early day in February. The french door arrived on time from the local lumberyard and good planning from Mike ensured that it went in with speed. By midday the door was installed, the wall insulated, and sheetrock and framing done.

Meanwhile Mike and his crew were having a ball on the demo. Fuck, I was having a ball on the demo, swinging a sledgehammer just like a pro. But I got the most pleasure watching the pros take care of it. Mike, what can I say about Mike? He was hot just standing there being him, but put a sledgehammer in his beefy hands and all I can say is DAMN.

I could watch that guy doing demo any day of the week. He started off wearing a Carhartt jacket since the install of the door left the place a bit cold and drafty. But when his crew got the home weather-tight, he stripped down to just his jeans and had a go at a few of the walls. I had wanted to retain as much of the old plaster as possible in this century old house, but this area had bad 70's paneling, so we were able to just swing away..

Mike was working up a sweat, trashing that old paneling. He was the first to swing his sledgehammer at the big black X`s spray painted on the shoddy panels. Dust from the demo covered his strong upper body. His sweat created rivers through the dust, and caused it to cling to the fur that covered his pecs.

I was fixating on the pattern the sweat and dust created on Mike`s lower back when Pete walked in. I don't think I was obvious to the workmen, but Pete caught on right away. He quietly sidled up next to me. He startled me with a whisper "So is this what you've been dreaming about? Beefy Mike pulling down some cheap paneling? I don't mind as long as you bring this home to me." With that Pete swatted my ass. No one else caught it, at least I don't think so.

Mike looked up at his old friend, grabbed a hankie from his back pocket, then wiped the sweat from his brow. "We'll have the rooms framed in tomorrow, you and Charlie can start on Thursday. That is if you still remember how to wire a room." DAMN, every action of that man made adrenaline-charged-blood course to my dick. I wondered if I could sell my business and simply be an apprentice for Mike, solely in charge of wiping the sweat off his brow. I could eventually move up to wiping down his chest and then...

Pete roused me from my daydream. "Looks like Kyle is buying dinner for the guys tonight. You men have made a lot of progress already on this place. However", he sniffed the air "I suggest everyone take a shower before hand."

"We're on" Mike responded. "Ill get all cleaned up for the boy here if he is buying. Hell if he is buying, I might just do some more." He slapped my ass as he walked by. "Okay guys, I'm calling it a day after we get this area tidy. We'll meet at the bar after everyone goes home to shower.

Angelo walked in as the demo crew was wrapping up. He saw me and grabbed a broom to help clean up. Afterwards we sat in the living room while Pete looked over the wiring plans. "How do you concentrate with all those hot men in your house?" Angelo said.

"It's hard buddy, It's hard" I said, chuckling at my weak pun.

"I noticed" he said, grabbing at my crotch. "You'll be lucky if you get out of this remodel alive. Between all of these hot men, the cost, and working with your husband, I don't know if your heart can handle the stress."

Wait. Maybe that was the key to my dreams. They weren't about Fred, or Pete, or the house, but about me. It was all to much for me to think about at the moment, so I changed subjects quickly.

"So what does the weatherman say Mr. Snowplow Driver? Any overtime for you in the future? I might need help paying for these bills?"

"They are calling for snow this coming weekend. But our public works department should have everything back to normal so it won't impact your remodel."

Right then Charlie entered the room. He was covered head to toe in dust due to the demo. "Boss said we gotta shower before Happy Hour tonight. Race you up to the shower.

"You too hubby, you're a mess" Pete said, pulling me off the couch. He took me to the hall mirror where I caught my reflection. I didn't realize how involved I had been in the remodel, but I looked just like the guys who were working on my home. Decades old dust was clinging to my face. My clothes were covered, as were my shoes. Pete stood by me as I assessed the image in the mirror "That is what a working man looks like. It is also a good way to gain respect from your team. The guys will respect you more if you dig in, but always defer to their expertise. Now let's go home and shower."

Pete rode with me back to our place. As soon as we got inside he clinched me in a deep kiss. "I've been wanting to do this since I saw you there working so hard. I was almost tempted to do it in front of all of them, but damn Kyle, not everyone can handle that. Not even sure if I can."

He held me while he arched his back so he could look me in the eyes. I noticed that my dust had wiped off onto his clothes. "Now you're just as dusty as the rest of us. Let's go get dirty while we get clean"

We hurried downstairs, loosening clothes as we went. Pete made quick work of throwing our clothes into the washer, while I started the shower. He joined me under the warm spray of the water. I was washing my face with a bar of soap. Pete took the bar from my hand then directed my face to the spray, He gently rocked my face through the stream, then pulled me close for an almost delicate kiss.

I don't think our bodies separated for more than a second as that kiss became more intense. I felt him hardening against me as he kissed me. He gently scrubbed my back while continuing the embrace. He came up for air for a second to whisper in my ear "Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them."

He moved his right hand from my back, the bar of soap gently caressed my skin. His left worked the remaining lather over my broad back while keeping me close to him. The right hand rubbed the soap over my chest. He would soap me down, then let the spray rinse it away.

Kisses intermingled with the cleansing of my body. I struggled to keep my eyes closed, wanting to see the love my man was giving me. Pete sensed this. "Keep em closed babe" he said then kissed my lips When my chest was thoroughly clean, he pulled me tighter, then started to suds down my ass. He massaged my butt with his strong hands, passing the soap from hand to hand.

On one pass a soapy finger slipped into my hole. He held me tighter as a second thick finger joined the first one. Pete slowly frigged my butt hole with those fingers while the other hand continued to clean up and down my crack. "Feels good, don't it?" he whispered into my ear. "You know, you have a great ass Kyle, but it's not the reason I love you. I love you because of this." Pete removed the fingers from my ass, then used them to thump my chest. "You've got a great, loving heart Kyle."

"Open em" Pete said. I followed instructions to find my man looking at me. He still held me close at the waist, but his back was arched. It could have been the shower, but I swear I saw some tears in his eyes. His voice choked, giving me the answer. "How did I get so damned lucky?"

A smile grew across his face, I smiled back. "It ain't luck, you just finally have the guy you deserve." I truly felt that. You can argue that it was fate, kismet, or maybe something cosmic, but to me it was just two guys who finally connected.

"I don't know if I am worthy of you Kyle. I mean I was about ready to rape that butt of yours, but something sentimental took over." The last words trailed off as new tears formed. He covered them as best as he could by pulling me in tighter, resting his head on my shoulder. "Close em" he whispered as he kissed my shoulder, and then my neck. His tongue darted out and lightly licked as closely as he could get to my "hot spot."

I shivered, so he gently directed my body around, rinsing me off as he turned me. He soon spooned me under that shower, his thickness nestled up against my crack. "I need you" Pete said, his voice cracking. He slowly slid that uncut dick of his between my mounds then entered me in one steady motion. "I need this" he huffed then with five loving thrusts I felt his warmth spread in my hole.

As his spasms stopped he held me close, lightly peppering my neck with kisses. I shivered again causing my hole to clamp down harder on Pete's dick. He chuckled "Too intense" then slowly withdrew from my butt.

We rinsed slowly. Pete controlled the moment. He directed my face under the shower. "Open em" he said and my eyes fluttered as the spray hit them. When the shower met Pete's expectations, he turned off the spray, then walked me over to the wall, where he grabbed a towel and preceded to gently dry me. After I passed inspection, he threw a towel to me. "Your turn" he said, then stood while I returned the favor.

We took our time getting ready for the bar that night. We walked naked up to the bedroom, I went to the spare room to find clothes for the bar, while Pete went into our room. I rummaged for a bit, found something that worked then went across the hall. Pete was there with his own stack, and something extra. In his hand he had a jock strap and a medium butt plug. "Do this for me Kyle, I want you to be thinking of me all night"

I followed his wishes. The butt plug slipped in easily. My dick was fleshing out as I put on the jock strap. It was one of Pete's so it accommodated my thickening meat. I pulled on my 501`s. I hadn't worn them in a while so I was amazed how tightly they fit in the thighs. The flannel shirt and work jacket also felt a bit more snug than I remembered. I caught my reflection in the mirror. It wasn't the same guy who foolishly got stranded in the snow a few short months back. Pete saw my reaction, gave me a thumbs up, then swatted my ass, sending another jolt of pain to my hole via that butt plug.

"I'm going to check email, clean up the junk, meet you downstairs in five" I said. I went across the hall, got an old pair of Chuck Taylor`s, then went to the office and logged on the computer. It didn't take long to clean up my account, so I thought I would help Pete out and do the same to his. While lacing my shoes I deleted some junk, then went to his junk file to clear that up. As usual it was full. I quickly deleted the majority of them, until I saw one from JRed24.


Not gonna see you at the bar tonight. Maybe we can find time later on in the week where we can be together without your "better half" Better half HA, how could any Daddy be better than you?


What the hell did that mean? I struggled with it for a bit. I contemplated confronting Pete about it, but face it, I was looking in his private email. Was Pete fucking Justin on the side? Did that fit within our open relationship we had been cultivating. I mean face it, I had fucked around with my share of men since we met, but this one was sticking in my craw. I was fuming, but was cut short by Pete yelling from downstairs. "Hurry up, time to head to the bar babe. Meet you in the truck."

I left the email from Justin in the junk email file, then shut down his computer." I ran down stairs then out to his truck which was idling on the road. "Ready?" he said, then took off. I stewed in silence, not sure what to do. I probably would have kept on stewing the 10 minutes it took to get to the bar, but a chance encounter with a pot hole sent that butt-plug even further up my ass.

"Ouch Dammit! Take it easy Pete. Remember what I have in my hole"

In the flickering light of oncoming traffic I saw a leer creep across his face. "Of course I remember, I put it there, it felt like a cup-full."

I laughed. Ffffffuck how could I keep mad at him? He then made a game of finding every crack in the pavement, every pot hole between our house and the bar. I thought I found a way to avoid them by trying to keep my ass off the seat, but a second pot hole would unexpectedly thump that butt-plug even more forcefully against my sphincter.

We parked. In the light of the parking lot I looked over at him threateningly. "I'll get you back somehow. In the meantime I am not even sure I have enough strength to leave this vehicle on my own power." He made a flourish of exiting the truck on his side. He then came over to the passenger side and opened the door for me, bowing towards me, then pulling me out into a hug. "If you're man enough to have that in ya, you're man enough to walk into that bar with it in." He gave my ass one more swat, then chuckled as I painfully walked towards the bar.

Shouts of "Boss, Pete" greeted us as we walked inside. Our usual table had grown to two as the demo crew joined the regular Happy Hour gang. I hoped no one noticed how gingerly I was walking, that butt-plug reminding of the drive, more than the gentle fuck I had received. Mike pulled out a bar stool for me, then Pete pushed me down onto the seat, the butt-plug causing another spasm.

"Oooof" I exhaled feeling the throb of that rubbery intruder. I raised my ass for a second, then sat down again. Pete nodded towards the bar and put up two fingers, our code that he was going to get two taps for us.

"I hope you brought your credit card because you already bought the table a round" Mike said, then pulled his stool a little closer. "You're sitting gingerly" he whispered "Old Petey must have had his way with you" he said, his hand on my knee. A broad smile crossed his face "Yeah, you got that freshly fucked glow. I've seen it on my wife, once or twice a year. You are not alone, you should have seen the shit eating grins on the three amigos as they entered the bar tonight." Mike pinched my leg then gave my thigh a slap. "Yep, gotta run up the tab on the Boss tonight guys." he boasted to the table "He's in a good mood, get it while you can."

Pete returned with the beers then offered a toast. "To Kyle, He's gonna be a great boss, and I think he can take anything you guys dish out."

"To Kyle!" they said, then clinked glasses.

I joined in the revelry as much as I could. My butt was still sore from the butt-plug, but it was starting to feel better, I was almost enjoying the reminder. While we waited for our burgers I mingled with the guys. The men who did most of the demolition were new to me, so I spent more time with them, trying to get to know them. A few shared Pete's love of vintage cars so we talked about the coming summer months and the weekly cruises. I was really looking forward to the longer summer nights, and the chance to go out with Pete in his Charger.

Our burgers arrived, and the table got quiet as we all started to eat. Micah entered the bar, expecting to see his friends but when he saw they weren't there he pulled up a chair to our table. I gestured to the waitress to get him a beer and burger. Even though he was younger then most of the men, he fit right in. I think he was trying to figure Pete and I out while I speculated about him. He honestly gave me no clues. Maybe it was that dream but my gaydar registered a tiny blip on the screen, but that could be due to wishful thinking.

I pushed that thought aside as Micah's burger arrived, Between bites he motioned to Mike. "Are you keeping the budget in line for my Boss here? Cuz if not I'll be on your ass so bad you'll feel it the next week"

"Oh the young pencil pusher has me worried, and sonny, it shouldn't be my ass you worry about." Mike chuckled, looking at me.

"What do you mean by that?" Micah said, a bit defiant.

"Ahh, nothing, forget it" Mike said. I was glad he let it drop, almost as glad as I was that Micah gave it right back to Mike. It let me know he was not going to be a pushover.

The rest of the night was a blur. I remember Angelo giving me a rundown of the logistics of three larger men fucking in the existing shower. I reminded him that the new downstairs bathroom was designed with a larger space that should accommodate the whole table if that orgy were to happen. Micah and Mike faced off, but this time to discuss budget contingencies for the remodel. Pete found out that Micah was a more than adequate pool player and the two drew a crowd as they shot a round.

And then finally Mike said goodbye. Actually he did more than say goodbye. It might have been six beers talking but he pulled me over to a booth for a business meeting, then gave me the business. "Kyle, you're great for Pete, never seen him look better. The old dog is having more sex than I have had in the last two years. And look at the three amigos, Fucking their brains out." He put his strong right arm on my shoulder. "If I weren't so straight, I'd jump your bones. You got a great ass for a guy"

I pulled away, but he had me trapped in the booth, the corner was my only option. He got closer. He opened his mouth. "I..."

I squeezed his balls to stop his momentum, then whispered "You will do nothing. You are drunk and don't know what you are saying. You are going to get up, walk over to the table and ask Fred to drive you home. Pete and I will follow, then drive Fred back to my house. You will kiss your loving wife, and she will pour you into bed. I will see you promptly tomorrow at 7:00 where you will forget what happened, but if you do, you will steer clear of talking about it. Do we have that clear?"

He nodded sheepishly, then moved over. I got out, then pulled Fred aside to tell him the plans.

"First time for everything" Fred said. "Who'da believe it a few months back if I was to tell them that I would be the designated driver for Mikey here."

Mike slugged Fred's arm, then smiled. I had quickly learned that Fred was the only one who could get away with calling the boss Mikey.

I paid the bill, and Mike anted up a generous tip. I think he realized he crossed a line. All the hot air must have escaped from him that night, because he looked deflated, defeated and just a bit sheepish as we left the bar.

As we got into the truck Pete finally spoke up. "What the hell happened in that booth Kyle?" Pete was perceptive as always.

"Nothing, Mike's was just a bit drunk and was acting out of his usual character." I lied, then changed the subject. "Be a bit more careful on the way home, I think I have hit the limits of this butt plug."

We followed Fred and Mike to Mike's home and waited outside as Mike's wife Angela met him at the door. She gave us a quickseesee wave, then steadied Mike as he entered the house.

Fred joined us in the truck. "What the hell happened with Mikey? I tried to ask him but he only muttered something about "that ass" I wasn't sure if he was calling you an ass, or talking about your ass."

"Kyle assured me that nothing happened, and I am leaving it at that." Pete said, then hit a pot hole straight on.

The fucker, I think he hit twice the number of pot holes on the way home. I was groaning, Pete would laugh and Fred was clueless the whole time. Pete pulled into the driveway of my old farmhouse and dropped Fred off. He then drove to our place and parked his truck. I started to open the door, he leaned over and stopped me. "Kyle, I know you have your reasons for not talking about it, but if Mike...Fuck, all I can say is he better watch his back.

I led him in, I think my silence said everything. He suggested we call it an early night. His tender side was on display as he walked me into our room. He coddled me in his arms, lightly kissing my cheek. His right hand caressed my back, slowly making its way down to my butt. A strong hand went into the back of my pants. His fingers traced the line of my crack, down to my hole, where his index finger thumped that butt plug one last time.

He pushed me back towards the bed, my calves barely touched the mattress when he softly whispered "lay down." He gently pushed me, I fell back onto the bed. He straddled me, looked me in my eyes. "This is how a man should treat you." Pete hovered above me, then slowly unbuttoned my shirt. "A man should love everything about his man, even the imperfections." He pushed the open shirt aside, then traced the line of my hernia scar.

He kissed down my chest, slowly moving down the bed as he went. His left hand kneaded my dick as it was still imprisoned in my jock and pants. He rubbed over it, treating it like a rolling pin, twisting it back and forth, all the while looking in my eyes. "A man meets strength, with strength." His right hand started to unbuckle my belt, then unbutton my fly. "A man takes his time taking what he needs."

Each button was unbuttoned slowly, purposefully. "Especially when A man has a man that is so worth working for. Raise that ass Kyle" I did as I was told, and Pete slid the jeans down my legs, leaving them puddled at my ankles. I was laying there, my shirt open, my hard dick tenting the jock strap that Pete wanted me to wear. "A man always completes his job."

Pete rose from the bed, and stood while he untied my shoes. He tugged them off with great care. "These look so hot I `t's a shame to remove them Kyle, but those pants will just get in the way."

"Who says they need to stay off babe?" I finally said, but I think he needed permission. He looked in my eyes, I saw a sparkle there. Had I found a new trigger for my hubby? He shucked my pants and threw them on the chair near the window. Credit cards and changed flew out of the pockets, we didn't care..

He gingerly put my shoes back on, leaving them untied, then crawled up the bed to my jock covered crotch. My dick was as hard as it ever had been. He tugged at the waistband of the strap, slipping the pouch down. My thickness slapped his cheek, leaving a glob of pre-cum there, he nudged it aside, then engulfed my dick in his warm mouth.

Words failed both of us as his throat became home to my dick. His cock was sliding against my ankles, his balls rested on my shoes. I let my toes wiggle in my shoes, then slid them between Pete's balls and his butt hole. The way he gurgled uhhhhhhn huhhhh and wiggled his ass back on my Converse let me know he was liking, hell loving this little sexcapade.

He swallowed my dick then backed off it, holding it up to the light, inspecting it while I nudged his balls with my toes. "Damn Kyle, why haven't we done this before? He said, then engulfed my dick again. I met every one of Pete's slurps with a nudge to his balls, or his hole. My other foot broke free and my heel prodded his ass-cheek, encouraging him to hump my ankle while he deep throated me.

Fuck that man inspired me like no other. He was bringing me close to cumming through his talented tongue and throat. His manly dick and ass were being prodded by my Chucks, something I had never thought of doing in all my years, and suddenly it was a major source of pleasure. All of this brought spasms to my butt hole, which was flexing holding in that butt plug, reminding me of all of that cum he put there earlier.

I think we hit overload as I slid my right shoe along his ass crack. His ass started to buck as his dick began to spurt all over my old shoes. That took me over the edge, so I soon joined him by dumping my scum into his mouth. I held his head down until the last dribbles of cum were suctioned from my dick.

He looked up at me, smiled, then opened his mouth to show me my honey. He quickly bridged the gap between our mouths, then shared my load in a breathless kiss. We hugged, wrestled on the bed for a couple of minutes, then he held me closely. He reached down. "This stays on" he said as he pulled the jock strap up over my still hard dick. "But we gotta lose this" he said as he nudged my butt plug one last time before slowly pulling it out.

He laid me on my side, and helped me remove my shirt. Then he slid down to remove my shoes. "Looks like I owe you some new sneakers" he said, holding up my cum covered Converse.

"Don't worry about them, they are almost legal age, just a few years younger than your friend Justin." I hope he didn't take it as a dig, after that passionate fun we just had. If he did, I didn't catch it. He just snuggled up close to me, pulled covers over our bodies, then held me tighter as we went off to dreamland.

I wore sweats to the old farmhouse that Wednesday afternoon. Mike had asked me down to check out the progress, and when I walked through the new French doors I was slightly disappointed. The hallway was a mess, I didn't see the progress I wanted on the office, and no one was there in any capacity.

I walked to the old hall closet and found a broom and dust pan. I swept the hallway and the office, collecting nails, clipped wires, and other remodel trash as I went. I cleaned the hallway. Luckily the hardwood floors were covered with paper and tape because the nails and screws that were strewn about could have done some major damage to the 100 year old wood.

The office was set up with a temporary bench and work table, The elevations that Brent had sweated over were haphazardly strewn on the surface. I straightened them out, dusted off the table then went back to my sweeping. I finally got it to a point where I could use the dust pan to collect the trash. I bent over to take care of the last bit when I felt a presence in the room.

"Why do you do this to me? Why do you tempt me?

I turned around. Mike stood there, his work shirt unbuttoned, his large right mitt was rubbing the growing mound in his canvas work pants. The left hand absentmindedly reached under his shirt and twisted his right nipple.

He moved towards me, I heard the clink of his belt, then the sound of his zipper. I backed up, only to be caught off guard by the bench.. I stumbled back, landed flat on the bench, my right shoulder blade hit the table. There was going to be a bruise. How was I going to explain this to Pete? Fuck what was happening here?

Mike answered me by reaching in and hauling out his dick. "I've seen how you look at me. Kyle, you want this, and now you got me wanting this." He reached down and cupped my dick. My hard-on was all the evidence he needed to prove this point. Mike kicked my legs apart then stepped forward. He waved his thick dick at me. It wasnt as big as Petes hell, not even as big as mine, but it looked tasty My mouth opened involuntarily. "Yeah, ready to make it wet for me huh?"

I opened my mouth, be plugged it with his thickness. I was right, he was already oozing pre-cum and it was an appetizer meant for my tongue. All you could hear was muffled grunts as he slid past my tongue and wedged his cock into my throat, I sputtered for a minute, not ready for this intrusion. "Yeah get it wet, gonna be fun fucking that ass of yours." Mike slid it in and out of my mouth. I breathed in rhythm to his thrusts. I conjured up as much spit as I could, coating his dick on every movement.

It was getting shinier and more menacing every time he pulled it from my mouth. He would hold it, as if displaying it, taunting me with it. He held my head with his left hand, his dick with his right. "You've been teasing my buddy and I with that butt, it's time we get even." He held my head still as he slapped his cock against my face, My spit and his pre-cum were leaving marks on my cheeks. He looked down at me. "Want this?"

I gulped and nodded "yessss."

His dick slapped my face once again "My little buddy here wants to know if you want this. We are not convinced."

"YESSSSSS" I yelled. He slapped my face one more time with his "buddy" then plunged it into my waiting mouth. I wanted his "buddy" in my ass, so I slobbered all over it. My hole was spasming, anticipating the wild fuck it was about to receive.

We both knew I was ready. Hell I had been ready for this since the day we met months ago at the bar, I just didn't know Mike wanted it as much as I did. He looked down at me as he held the top of my head. He pulled his dick out of my hungry mouth. It shone with spit and pre-cum. A string of that slime broke from my mouth and dropped down to my heaving chest.

"Turn around, bend over, knees on the bench and elbows on the table." I did as told, he grabbed the waist of my sweats and yanked them down . My dick was pulled backwards, then slapped back onto my stomach. I felt his right hand on my ass cheek, his thumb moved towards my hole. "Yeah" he said as he thrust it in "You're ready for my little buddy."

He nudged my knees wider on the bench, lined up his dick and within seconds his "little buddy" was introduced to my prostate. It was almost magical how he fucked me. He got a rhythm going that matched the ass spasms I was feeling earlier.


"What the hell?" Pete said as he pulled out. I was startled out of my dream. As Pete left the room he said "I'll leave you to your dream man while I go get some sleep."

Next: Chapter 28: Valentines Day Surprise 2

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