
Published on Apr 25, 2015


A Year In The Life

Ice Dreams, Part 2

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

Pete looked at me, he sensed my calm, but realized it was best we find Fred as soon as possible. While Pete got dressed, I let Angelo and Charlie listen to the messages.

The first message:

"Well Kyle, Omar did it, he dumped me. He wasn't even man enough to do it in person or over the phone. He sent me a fucking email. I finally meet a man I think I connect with and I can't even hold onto him for two weeks..." Click

The second message:

"Sorry, I know you are probably busy with Pete, but I could use a friend right now. I don't want to be a burden on Charlie and Angelo, I feel like a third wheel most of the time, so I'm heading to a place where I know I belong. Don't worry I won't do anything rash, I am just running out of time. Sorry, I mean batteries, Sorry. Damn I wish I could stop saying sorry... "Click.

"Why are you so calm Kyle? Didn't you hear what he said? He's fucking running out of time" Charlie was clearly agitated at me, and I couldn't blame him. "You were fucking your brains out while our friend was crying for help."

"Wait buddy, I am taking your advice and not beating myself up. When Pete gets down here we will calmly get in his truck and safely drive to the Thompson Hill rest stop. If my hunches are right, we will find Fred's truck idling in the far corner. Fred will be inside that truck, keeping himself warm while he thinks through this whole situation."

By this time Pete was downstairs and dressed, ready to drive. "Where to hubby?"

"Thompson Hill, I'm pretty sure we'll find him there." Pete looked at me quizzically. "I'll explain in the truck."

I went over my reasoning again. Fred promised he wouldn't do anything rash, but would be at the one place he belonged. The truck grew quiet as we got closer. The long approach to the scenic rest stop made it hard to see the entire parking area, but sure enough, there in the far corner was Fred's truck.

As I thought, Fred was behind the wheel, his chin resting on his chest as the truck was idling. For a second his stillness worried me, but he looked up as Pete pulled in next to him. From the next truck I could see that he had been crying. I thought I was so smart, sure of where I would find Fred, but I hadn't thought through what we would do when we found him.

I rolled down my window, he rolled down his "Need a friend?" I asked. He nodded, too choked up to reply. With encouragement from the guys, I opened my door then went around to Fred's passenger door. He leaned over to unlock it, I got in. I looked into his bloodshot eyes. I could tell they were bloodshot from crying, not booze, he was stone sober. "Sorry" I said. "I should have been there for you."

That got him. "Stop saying sorry! That is all I have said for the last couple of weeks. You can't come over now? Sorry Omar, You've got somewhere to go, Sorry Omar. We can't be seen there? Sorry Omar. Why wasn't it ever Sorry Fred?"

"Because he wasn't worth it Fred. He wasn't worth your time and the more I hear about him he probably wasn't worth our friendship." I looked at the gas gauge, it was running below the ¼ tank marker so I knew it was best we move on. Here, give me the keys, I'll drive you home.

We exchanged seats in the truck, the old bench seat making it easy for him to slide over while I went around to the drivers seat. I knocked on the window of Pete's Ram and told him to meet us at the house. I got into the old pick up and started it up again. I was a bit unsteady on the stick as we drove, the shift pattern and clutch were different than what I was used to. I slowly caught up to Pete as we were heading down the hill. The old brakes in the truck meant I almost caught him too quickly at the cut off to Grand Avenue.

"Why did I allow you to drive? You gotta nurse the old girl, treat her with respect." He caressed the dashboard to prove his point. "Omar wouldn't be caught dead in her. You are right, if the truck isn't good enough for him, he isn't good enough for me."

Fred started to smile, I could see it in the flashing lights of oncoming cars. I still have to figure out what to do with myself. I just about went into restroom to troll for dick, but I made a promise to you that I wouldn't do anything rash."

"Just like you have an AA sponsor in Gino, you can contact me if you think you are gonna slip up and head to the rest stop. I know we can't have sex if we do that, but you know you have a warm, clothed body to cuddle with."

"I'd like that Kyle, at least until I find my own Pete. The four of you guys got lucky didn't you?"

:"You don't know the half of it" I said to Fred, and truthfully he didn't. I could only hope he would find someone as special as Pete, but I couldn't promise him it. I could promise him a place to stay as long as he needed it, and now I could offer him a job, working on my house. By the time we lurched into Pete's driveway we didn't solve any of the worlds problems, but we did our best to make him feel at ease.

Pete got out of his truck and handed the keys over to Charlie. "Bring it back in one piece and make sure the pies are hot." That was the one problem about our rural address in the middle of the city. You could never trust delivery pizza to find the place, it was easier to go pick it up. Pete had Charlie order three large pies on the way down the hill, and they should be ready by the time they got there.

We sat down at the table, I took my jacket off and draped it on the chair back. "Thanks for coming and getting me guys, you need anything from the fridge?"

"I could use a tall glass of water, but why don't you get Kyle a beer?" Pete said

He poured a glass of water from the pitcher in the fridge and opened a bottle for me. As he placed it down in front of me he leaned in. He quickly sniffed the air. "Whew, who just had sex? Is that what I interrupted? You two getting nasty? You dawgs. Wait, what am I saying, I am just jealous it wasn't me." Fred got up and poured a glass of water for himself, and then on the way back sniffed again. "I'm not kidding guys, go take a shower. You smell like the locker room at a porn studio."

"Maybe we should take a quick one Kyle, they won't be back for another 15 minutes."

I walked downstairs with Pete, grabbed a few towels, then joined him in the shower room. I didn't want to lose the essence of my hubby, so I agreed to a quick shower. We soaped each other down quickly but I knew I didn't want him to clean out the load he had left there. "Oh what we do for our friends: Pete said as he was rinsing my back. "I was expecting a quiet night alone, not a pizza party with the guys"

I turned around to hold him and looked into his eyes. "Yes but we wouldn't want it any other way."

He knew I was right. As we were toweling each other off, I heard the door slam upstairs. They were home already. I grabbed some shorts from the laundry room and threw them to Pete. We both threw on robes and headed up to the kitchen table.

Soon that table was the family hub that it had always been for us. Fred got out of his Omar induced funk and joined us in our usual back slapping and joking. The pizza's evaporated as did the Cokes and water. I was the only one to opt for beer, Angelo was on call that night with a possible snow storm the next morning so our family plow driver couldn't chance being plowed. Finally it was time for them to go. Charlie and Angelo grabbed their jackets, but Fred hesitated, looking at me. "Can I take you up on your offer tonight? I could use some companionship?"

"What offer?" Pete questioned.

"I made a pact that if he ever felt like he was losing will power and was going to jeopardize things by going to the rest stop again, I would help him out by snuggling with him."

"Well where does that leave me in the equation?" Pete wondered, not that I blamed him.

"Our bed is big enough, you can be snuggling me."

"You two can figure out the math, I need to go piss" Fred said.

Pete and I took the opportunity to talk it through. We agreed that our friend needed the intimacy, and as long as he didn't abuse it, my strange little plan just might work. We finally decided to snuggle on the sofa until our stomachs settled, then head down to the sauna for a quick steam before bedtime. Our little session on the sofa actually was very relaxing. The sauna time even more so. I am not sure how my dick didn't respond to the two hot men in the room, but I was able to make it through most of the sauna time without throwing a rod.

Pete and I were ready for bed, in fact we probably would have still been in bed but for the interruption earlier in the evening. Pete got up from his perch in the sauna, sweat clinging to his impressive chest. I thought back to that first night together, the snowstorm that brought us together, and I felt blood rush to my dick. Pete looked at Fred. "We're gonna shower, then head to bed. I'll shut this thing down, and you can join us when you're ready. Just wear something, can't be tempting my man."

"I think I will stay in here for a bit longer, clear my head" Fred said. I'll wear the shorts and t-shirt I had on. And you don't have to worry about Kyle, I don't think I'm his type."

"Oh you got a wrestler's body, he likes his wrestlers you know. Maybe it's a wrestler's body with some extra padding, but the body is under there somewhere buddy." Pete punched Fred's bicep and gave him a wink to let him know he was kidding." He then pulled me off the bench. I quickly wrapped a towel around my waist in an attempt to hide my growing erection.

We started a shower in the next room. Pete was being very attentive, washing me down, rinsing away the layer of sauna sweat. A thick index finger poked around my hole, then went in to the knuckle. "I really filled your butt earlier Kyle, and if it weren't for our house guest I'd probably go for a second round. But you haven't cum yet." He grabbed my hard-on then went down to his knees. He looked me in my eyes "Gotta be quick" he said, then engulfed my dick to the root.

Again I had flashbacks of the first time he sucked dick. In this very shower room he swallowed my load, I was horny that time and quickly shot my scum. I was just as turned on now, but savored his new found talents. I think we shared one trait, there was nothing we couldn't do if we set out mind to it. In a few months Pete had become an expert cocksucker.

He was suctioning me with his tongue and mouth. I knew my pre-cum was flowing. He took his mouth off my dick for a second. "Mmmm yeah" he said "tasty" and then he swooped down on it. His mouth started pistoning on my prick, a thick finger found my hole and then went in, prodding my prostate.

I lost it, Pete got his reward. I held his head to dump five shots into his receptive mouth. He pulled off for a second and the sixth shot coated his beard. He looked up, "There, that oughta do ya." he said then took my dick back to the balls, cleaning it with his expert tongue. He stood, I saw his cum coated beard so I licked up what I could. We kissed, swapping spit and my load between us. After quickly rinsing off, we toweled and then headed upstairs.

Pete looked through his underwear drawer and found a pair of boxer briefs. "Here, put these on backwards in case I am inspired in the night. I will have easy access but it'll cage your hard-on from Fred's padded ass. I put them on like Pete suggested. They were a bit uncomfortable, but I could deal with it for a night, I added a t-shirt then got into bed.

Pete joined me, throwing his strong arms around me, a growing dick found it`s home in my asscrack, his bristly beard resting on my shoulder. We pulled up the comforter and slowly dozed off. I was partially aware when Fred joined us, but my arms pulled him in involuntarily. I was being insulated by two handsome blast furnaces, so I easily fell back asleep.

It was Two for Tuesday bar burgers at our favorite place. I decided to treat the crew since we were making great progress on the house. The main floor bathroom was done, as was a new side entrance to the wrap around porch. The office/library was framed in and ready for electrical, drywall and finish carpentry. I had checked out the old upstairs office and I still didn't know what to do with that space. The calendar above the desk was filled with deadlines, but there was still space for the numbers written in red and green.

Fred had recently joined Charlie in triple digit days of sobriety, another reason to celebrate. Both men were strong in their conviction, and comfortable celebrating at a bar. We had our share of built in designated drivers, though to be honest they were rarely needed.

The whole crew showed up, enough to pull two tables together. The adjoining table were Tuesday Night regulars, people we had come to know over the last few months. Most of them worked at Cirrus Aviation except for Micah, who was the son of one of the men. At twenty-three Micah was a young cubbish looking man, who had recently become my accountant.

Dinner was tasty, the burgers hit the spot. I kept my beer limit to two, as did most of the other drinkers. We talked about the house, how good it was looking, and plans for the second floor. Micah overheard us and said "You just talked business, you can write this off. Oh by the way, your taxes are almost done. It's looking good for you and the business. Mind if I join you?"

I gestured, he pulled his stool over to our table. Pete put his strong hand on my shoulder, tapped out 1-4-3 then in his deep voice whispered in my ear "Down boy." I was always obvious to Pete. I had never mentioned how this young man had turned me on. He was cute in a "gonna be a handsome man some day" sorta way. He still had his baby fat, but was starting to get more defined.

Then there was the nape of his neck. When he was between hair cuts two black angel wings of scruff grew there. One glance was all it took for me to chub up. It happened the first time I saw him, and every time since. I hesitated hiring him as my CPA but wanted to encourage him as he started out in his field. So far my confidence in him had paid off in streamlined billing for my clients.

We talked briefly of my taxes, both the business and personal taxes looked good. When Micah heard the chatter about the house he wanted an update, since he hadn't been there for a while. Fred was especially proud. "You should see the plans for the office. The finish carpentry is all mine. But right now my favorite place is the porch, and the hot tub."

"Hot tub?" Micah raised an eyebrow. His eyebrows were in competition with those angel wings for his sexiest feature. His new beard helped give an air of masculinity to his almost cherubic face. "When and how do I get an invitation to this hot tub?"

"Stop by tonight. You can give us an overview of the taxes then we can check out the hot tub. One warning, it is clothing optional."

"As if I expected anything else. It isn't as if the neighbors could complain." Micah had me there, and boy did he have me, hook line and sinker.

The night at the bar ended with me paying the tab for the next table too. I had every reason to celebrate, and maybe the celebration would continue to home. Pete was more than aware of my thoughts. "Now I know why you always go home horny on bar night. My young pup has a thing for an even younger pup. D'ya think he's gonna give up that ass for you tonight?'

"It isn't ethical for me to play around with an employee."

"Technically he isn't an employee, he is more of a service." I don't know if Pete's logic worked, but I was horny. "I have the feeling he'd be more than happy to service you."

That was the clincher. Ethics flew out the window on those little angel wings. We got to my house, and went upstairs to the office. Charlie, Angelo and Fred started up the hot tub while we went over some details. Micah wasn't fully prepared, he didn't have any paperwork, but he presented an overview of my financial situation. In a nutshell things looked great, for me and my business.

"Remember that little idea you shared with me, I think we can make it work" Micah said.

"What idea, is this something I know about?" Pete questioned.

Micah looked to me for an answer, not wanting to betray confidences "Just something to help out a few friends, trust me, I have good reasons to keep this secret."

"Damn he used the t-word, trust. Remember this Micah, if you ever find that someone for you."

Just then the three amigos walked by the room, naked except for their towels. Angelo poked his head in. "The hot tub is all yours." He then walked into Charlie's room, one door closed. Fred wasn't going to need my snuggling time that night.

I looked at Micah "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

We led him downstairs, out the new doors to the side porch. Using the new steps that Fred expertly crafted, we exited the porch, then walked around back to the brick patio. The hot tub was bubbling on this warmish spring night. After a winter of sub zero weather and darkness, 50 degrees and sun were welcomed.

Pete and I quickly undressed, Micah was a bit slower, unsure of himself maybe. I caught a quick glimpse of his body before he entered the spa, nothing to be ashamed about. Pete pulled me to his side, he felt comfortable being intimate with Micah, something I didn't expect. If Micah was shocked, he didn't let on.

In fact to the contrary Micah opened up "I hope when I find my someone they are as loving as you two are."

"It takes two Micah, it takes two" Pete said. I felt his hard dick throb against my ass. "You just have to find someone open to the possibilities, and then work on it." With those words, Pete held me tight as he entered my butt with one long stroke.

"Unngh yeah" I said trying to mask what my ass was feeling "You gotta be ready for the give and take. Push back when needed, but hold on tight for the ride."

Pete's gyrations were subtle, barely making a ripple in the bubbling hot tub, but my ass could feel it. I was being fucked by a thick nine inch dick, my young CPA was inches away, unaware of what was going on under the surface.

We carried this on, undetected for a few minutes. Pete didn't really fuck me, he was just gently lodged deep in my hole. He would move every once in a while to let me know he was there, but we continued the conversation.

Out of nowhere Micah said "Guy's I've been wondering. What if the someone I am looking for is a guy?"

"Why do you say that?" Pete wondered as he held me tight, lodging that pole deeper in my ass.

"Because half an hour in a hot tub with you two men and I am like this." He stood revealing a nice six incher that curved up towards his stomach. "Hell I've been hard since I got in. You guys give me a boner clothed, and now I see how loving and intimate you are naked. Damn I want my own guy. At least I think I do. I wanna know how it feels like to kiss a man, I wanna know how it feels like to make love to a man, I wanna know how it feels like to be fucked by a man."

"You mean like this?" Pete lifted me up out of the tub as he continued to fuck me.

"Holy SHIT" Micah said as Pete started to go to town on my ass. My dick was bobbing up and down as Pete pummeled me. "No time like the present" Micah said then bent over to suck my dick in.

For a novice he took it all. He looked up at me for approval I gave him a crooked smile and a throaty "Yeah, that's how it's done." I held on to his head, his coal black hair shone in the setting sunlight. I felt back to his angel wings. The mere touch of the nape of his neck and I spurted pre-cum onto his waiting tongue.

"Mmmm yeah" he said, savoring the taste. I pulled him off my dick and stood him up. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, I just need this" I turned him around, bent him over, and started to slobber all over his ass. There was a slight chlorine flavor there, but his butt tasted like a man.

"Oh yeah, I wondered what this would feel like. Fuck YEAH, your tongue feels so good. What's that? is that a finger? Yeah, open me up. Fuck me, FUCK ME."

Pete pulled out of me, then we maneuvered Micah to the side of the tub. We got him into a position where he could comfortably brace himself and I slid my dick up and down his furry crack.. Each black hair on that young ass was slicked down from the water, and seemed to point to his hole. I lined my dick up and slowly went in.. As I bottomed out a distinct "Unnngh" was hissed out through Micah's clenched teeth. I look over my shoulder to Pete and nodded. He entered my butt, thrust in, and pushed me farther into Micah's virgin hole, drawing another louder "Unnngh, FUCK YEAH"

"You're getting your cherry popped by the best Micah. Kyle is a great lover, He will be gentle and kind, but you will know you are being fucked by a man.. But at one point I will take control, and then you had better hold on for the ride, because it will be the ride of your life."

As per Pete's description I started out gently. Pete pulled a few inches out, so I would stroke into Micah, then back up on Pete. My moves were deliberate, a gentle nudging of Micah's prostate , then massaging Pete's prick with my sphincter as I moved back. I rested my weight on his back as I leaned closer to Micah's neck. "Yeah, been wanting to do this since the day I saw you at the bar." I licked along his angel wings, first one then the other. "Oh fuck yeah, just how I always imagined it." I could have continued like this, gently fucking this young man, but I could sense Pete getting close to the edge. I raised up, grabbed a hold of the two fur covered cheeks in front of me, and said "This is where Pete takes over.

"You're fucking right it is" Pete said, then slammed into me, forcing my cock right into Micah's prostate. We were like rutting animals, our grunts were forcefully loud as Pete's pace picked up. Each lunge forward from Pete meant that Micah was discovering a new part of his butt.

I forget who shot first, it was almost simultaneous. I do know that the first load in that virgin butt was a copious one. I pulled Micah up at the last minute so his spurts landed on the brickwork of the patio. It seemed like Pete was cumming for minutes as he filled my hole, then tapped out 1-4-3 (I Love You)

I felt Pete pull out of my ass I woke up I was confused, was the dream inspired by Pete's love making, or was it the other way around. I was also perplexed about Micah. We had briefly been introduced a few weeks ago, I only knew his name, nothing else. Would we really start a business relationship. Also I saw nothing that would give me a hint as to what was up with Fred. Maybe the previous dream was not prophetic at all. Maybe all of these dreams meant nothing.

The only thing I knew, was that if I analyzed this dream too much I wouldn't get anymore sleep. However I noticed the front of my shorts were drenched in cum, so I extricated myself from between these two men, went to the bathroom for a quick piss, then put on a new pair of shorts and joined the guys.

We didn't get the promised snow storm, instead a light dusting greeted Fred and I when we woke up the next morning. Pete was already up with a stack of sweats for Fred. "I don't know about Kyle's rules, but Pete's rules are if you spend the night with me in bed, you spend the morning working out." He threw the pile to Fred, "Get ready, we start running in ten minutes."

Fred got up to piss, Pete looked at me. "Strange dreams again? I could hear you mumbling something in your sleep."

"Very strange, and erotic, I am still not sure what it means, maybe a run will clear my head."

"I could tell they were erotic, I thought I had better fill you up before you raped our friend Fred."

Well one part of my dream had been answered, but many more were still a question mark.

Next: Chapter 25: Ice Dreams 3

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