
Published on Apr 18, 2015


A Year In The Life

Y2K Wrestling Part 7

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

An addendum. As an amateur author, sometimes these stories go on the back burner while real life intervenes. I want to keep the stories and the characters fresh and hopefully my mini vacation has helped with that goal. More stories to come and cum.

"An abusive relationship?" I took a moment to let it sink in, it still didn't make sense. If Pete was so concerned about his friend's violent past, why wasn't he concerned when he invited Rodney into our bed to fuck me?

"Kyle, I knew that I could control the situation in our little three way. Rodney also knew he wouldn't be long for this world if he even attempted to harm you." I can control what happens here with the three of us, but not what Rodney might do with to Justin elsewhere."

Barry put up his hand, quieting the two of us. "Like I said Pete, you don't know the whole story. You know that Rodney slapped up his girlfriend a few years after his wrestling career was over. I worked hard to keep it out of the news. Pete, Rodney got the help he needed. It was during that period when you wanted to keep your wrestling life in the past. But you lost out on your friends, you all but ignored us. Rodney dealt with his anger issues, and now couldn't hurt a fly."

"Barry's right." Rodney's voice startled me. I looked over my shoulder to see him in the dim light. "I was taking steroids to keep up with the younger men but the steroids put me on a collision course. A good friend helped me out." Rodney looked at Barry with emphasis. "I don't know where I would be without him, though sometimes I think I take that help for granted."

Pete got up and paced the floor.. He stopped, looked out the window, opened his mouth, hesitated, then finally found the words. "I think I owe you guys an apology" Pete said then cleared his throat. "Hell, I owe everyone an apology. I just realized I tried to orchestrate the whole evening with the climax being the midnight wrestling match. I was foolish to try and manipulate the actions of others when I cannot even control my own. Everything's off, forget the match Barry, drink away, everyone else can forget their rules since I can't follow my own."

Barry stood to look Pete in the eye. "No Sir, the match is still on. I was the one who suggested it and I am ready and willing to follow through on the bet. I have a good idea what is behind that tarp in the workout room. Guys, follow me." Barry walked boldly downstairs to the workout room then stood in front of the tarp. "Pete and are wrestling at midnight, one of us will win this" Barry pointed to his Championship Belt, "While the loser will be strapped in this." With a great flourish of strength Barry ripped down the tarp, revealing a leather sling. He then removed his Championship Belt and placed it on the sling.

The symbolic gesture was not lost on any of us. Pete had told me that he felt he was most manly doing one of two things. Wrestling a no holds barred match with a strong opponent, and being on either end of a masculine fuck with a worthy partner. Knowing I was the worthy partner who taught him how to be fucked like a man, cemented my love for him.

"Challenge accepted" Pete shouted as he locked eyes with Barry. "It will be no holds barred in the ring, and no holding back in the sling."

I chucked at the unintended rhyme. It was great to see a bit of their old wrestling personas surface which gave me an idea. "We need a pre-match face off between The Bod and The Mad Russian or I am calling the match off and fucking both of you."

Pete raised an eyebrow and growled "So this little pip squeak thinks he can tell Ivan what to do? Do you think Ivan would give this Russian Ass up to just anyone?" He snarled at me, staring me down, his heavy breath inches from my face. He then winked, kissed my cheek, and as Pete whispered "Don't tempt me hubby, this ass could use a good fucking and soon."

His attempted whisper was a failure and everyone started to laugh. Pete was having none of it. "Before you get any ideas Barry that I will be giving this ass up without a fight, understand there is only one man here worthy of it. My man Kyle has won it for a lifetime. You have a chance to win it for just one bout."

I kissed Pete. Everyone else in the room could have disappeared at that moment and for a few fleeting seconds they did. We were about an hour away from greeting a new year, decade and millennium, one I would be seeing in with my lover. I broke the kiss. "Guys, the trainer needs to talk to his wrestler. Have fun, there are drinks, food, the sauna and the glory hole, but the sling is off limits `til after the match."

I led him up to our bedroom. I stripped off my leather jacket, tight jeans, wrestling shorts and jock. "We don't have time for this" Pete protested.

"We aren't doing "this", I have a surprise for you." I walked over to the dresser, dug deep into my drawer, and pulled out a second pair of wrestling trunks that matched his own. I pulled them up over my naked legs, not bothering with a jockstrap. I posed the "Ivan" pose. "Just letting you know I am always in your corner."

In two strong strides Pete was face to face, then quickly hugging me. "However misguided I am, everything I do is for you Kyle. Nothing pains me more than seeing that I have hurt you." His kisses ended the petty jealousies I felt earlier. I knew from the strength of his embrace that he was going to win the match.

He broke the kiss. "It's showtime Kyle." Pete walked to the closet and found a few props from back in the day. A robe, fur hat and wrestling boots completed the look. He donned them, looking more imposing than ever, then found a full length military style jacket for me. I pulled it on, then stood with him in front of the mirror. "We are the ultimate team Kyle, they don't stand a chance."

I saw the reflected strength. My chest puffed involuntarily as my stature grew. His hand rested on my hip, pulling me tight. "We are a team, you must never let me forget that. But now it is time to win that Championship"

We strutted downstairs, our theme music playing in our heads. The group was lively in the rec.-room, oblivious to our arrival until they heard the sound of Pete's wrestling boots slapping against the slate flooring. Everyone's eyes looked up as Pete and I stood there. In his Ivan voice Pete barked out "Presenting the world's newest tag team "The Ultimate Lovers"

We posed, snarled and growled for our friends. We were greeted by laughter, cheers and even a few boos from our buddies. Barry rose to the challenge. "If you two are the Ultimate Lovers, I feel sorry for the men of this world. After I am done wiping the mat with Ivan your wrestling names will be the Ultimate Losers, and Barry the Bod will be known as Barry The Rod.

"Well Barry" I said, staring him in the face. "Pete will throw you around the mat so much you'll look less like a wrestler and more like a Russian Gymnast. If you're looking for a name, I'll suggest Olga, Olga Fokycelf."

Everyone laughed at my joke. Even Barry and Pete broke character as they almost doubled over laughing "God I love this man" Pete said as he started to hug me. "He wants me to give him a boner by playing up my Ivan character, then he draws ole Pete out by making me laugh." He pulled me tight, and rubbed his knuckles over my head. "Gonna win this match for you hubby and if we win we'll tag team his ass if Barry is okay with it."

"You're on" Barry responded. "But I get someone in my corner, who'll that be?"

"That'd be me" Rodney said in his deep Midnight voice. He stood beside his old wrestling foe Barry. "You'd better win this buddy `cuz I'd love to see my chocolate dick in Pete's lily-white hairy ass."

I got the old school face off I wanted, and somehow I was part of it. The fifteen year old in me was reveling at being a part of this private spectacle, while the 43 year old was leaking dick juice all over his silk wrestling trunks. However maybe it was the other way around. Had these men tapped into the libido of me as a 15 year old? Always hard, always horny, always leaking. Three icons of my youth considered me an equal. Fuck... how did this happen to me?

I quickly decided to stop wondering and just take control of the situation. New found confidence had me barking out orders. "Charlie, Angelo, get the whistle and the stopwatch. Brent and Gino, you two are in our corner, Fred and Omar are with Barry and Rodney. We got about ten minutes `til midnight, let's get this show on the road."

"Hey what about me?" Justin interrupted.

"You are in charge of the towels" I replied, thinking on the fly. "You can wipe the guys down as needed during and after the match. I have a feeling that is right up your alley."

Justin quickly grabbed a stack. I noticed he was already relishing his new role and his naked dick was plumping up as he contemplated wiping sweat and body fluids from the four of us. Fred was quick to notice. "Hey Justin, looks like you are providing your own handy towel hook"

Justin was fully boned by this time and dropped a towel on his upwardly angled dick to demonstrate. "Yep, I think you are right" he said.

I took a look at my watch. In the hubbub to get the match ready we were quickly zeroing in on the new millennium. I went into the next room and turned up the radio so we would have official timing. Prince's 1999 was playing and suddenly we all joined in. "Two thousand zero zero, party over oops out of time. So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999."

The demeanor in the room had changed from the seriousness of earlier in the evening. Everyone was singing and dancing. For the first time ever I saw Pete dance. His moves on the dance floor paled in comparison to his moves in the ring. How could someone so athletic and coordinated while wrestling be so awkward and lacking in rhythm on the dance floor? I didn't care,, I grabbed my man and started to dance closely to him.

"Kyle, I just realized this is the first time I have ever danced with a man. I am glad you are the man." He pulled me in, I did my best bumping and grinding with him. He held onto me as the song started to fade. We kissed, caressing each other. The two of us were totally in the zone as the song ended and the radio station started the countdown. Everyone else joined in shouting along. Frankly by the time they hit five, the rooms focus narrowed to where it was only the two of us. I barely heard the shouts of Happy New Year as Pete held me at the small of my back and kissed me tenderly.

It was the sound of a sharp whistle that brought me back to earth. I came up for air and noticed that everyone was looking at us. "Kyle, Pete" Charlie barked out. "You'll have plenty of time for that later. I have strict orders from Ivan to start this match NOW."

We quickly got into our places. Charlie assumed the position as ref while Angelo winged it as ring announcer. "Tonight's match pits Ivan the Mad Russian and Kyle the Great Dane against Barry The Bod and Midnight."

Ivan assumed his pose while Barry preened and posed like a body builder. I did my best growl which elicited a quick "Looks like the Great Dane has distemper, maybe I oughta put him down" from Midnight.

"The only two going down tonight are the two of you, on this." I grabbed my crotch, cradling my hefty balls in emphasis. I spied Fred and Omar who both licked their lips at my gesture. "You two may get sloppy seconds if you play your cards right.

Ivan's voice boomed "We are going to dominate in the ring, and the sling. Barry, your ass is mine tonight."

Barry got in Ivan`s face. "It'll be my pleasure to top you in the ring and sling. This old dog with teach your young pup some new tricks. Maybe the two of us can fuck him like he needs to be fucked"

A loud whistle once again rang through the room. "Enough of this talk" Charlie roared. "Three rounds, three minutes each. No holds barred, the loser's holes bared. Tag him if you need your partner to take over."

It suddenly hit me, I was no longer posturing as a wrestler, I was possibly going to be in the ring, wrestling against an icon from my youth. Adrenaline ran through my veins as Charlie directed us to our positions.

I got into our corner as Ivan and Barry faced off to start the match. Charlie blew the whistle and the two started to circle each other, feinting moves trying to catch the other off guard. Ivan landed the first take down, catching Barry off guard with a lunge to his right thigh, upending him. Barry stumbled backwards, Ivan's full weight came down on him, pushing him into the mat.

I was totally caught up in the action. I started to move in time to the moves Ivan was using on Barry. All senses were heightened by what was happening on the mat. Ivan lifted Barry's right leg, getting leverage to push his shoulder into the mat. It reminded me of how I fucked Barry earlier in the week after shaving him, and made my wrestling shorts a bit tighter.

Charlie got close to the action, ready to count an early round take down, but Barry rallied and pushed Ivan off him just as Charlie was about to start. With agility Barry jumped up and started to circle his old foe. As Ivan passed me he fell out of character and winked at me "I got this babe" he whispered "Your old hubby's got this."

I got a whiff of his clean sweat and musk. I had a steel rod in my wrestling trunks as I watched my man circle his prey. Barry lunged quickly, hoping to take advantage of the momentary lack of focus, but Ivan came back and quickly turned the tables, scoring his second take down. "You fell into my trap Barry. It takes a lot of smarts to outfox the fox."

Once again Barry squirmed free. I didn't know at the time if Pete was going easy on him, allowing him to break free to make the match more interesting, but I had a hunch that might be the case. They faced off again, a little closer to the mat. Barry made a quick lunge to Ivan's ankles, throwing him to the mat and then turning him on his side trying to gain leverage. Ivan struggled for a minute then upended Barry and quickly got him in his "Hammering Headlock"

"Tag me, Tag me" Midnight yelled. "I got this buddy" he said hoping to take over.

Barry used his considerable strength to avoid a take down and grunted out "Gotta... do this... myself." He bucked up and pushed Ivan off him, then freed himself from the legs that were trying to hold him down. He jumped up and quickly piled into Ivan. Just as Ivan stumbled backwards, the whistle blew, signaling the end of round one.

Charlie and Angelo called the two men to the center of the ring after conferring with each other. "The winner of round one: Ivan the Mad Russian" Angelo proclaimed "Off to your corners."

Pete slumped down on the chair as Justin toweled him down. Brent offered water, half of which Pete dumped on himself. It was funny how Pete would jump in and out of his Ivan character. "Didja go easy on him Pete?" I questioned as I took the towel from Justin.

"A little at first babe" Pete croaked as I wiped down the sweat and water that shone on his skin. "But he has some moves, I can't take him for granted"

I looked to the other corner where Midnight was motivating his partner. "You're the Man, you're the Man. You can beat his lily white ass and if you need help, old Midnight is here."

Pete had told me that he felt his most masculine, while in the ring or while having sex with someone worthy. I was seeing that this applied to his friends Barry and Rodney too. For men well into their Fifties, they looked to be at their peak. What the hell was I going to do when and if it came time for me to face off against them.

A sharp whistle blew all such thoughts out of my brain. "Round two gentlemen, may the best men win" Angelo said while Charlie held court in the middle of the ring. There was less posturing this round as Barry motored Ivan to the edge of the ring. He scored a quick take down but Ivan soon got the upper hand.

He was close to being counted out when Midnight yelled "Tag me buddy, tag me" Barry muscled his way over to the edge of the ring, then tagged his partner. As Barry rolled free, Midnight lunged at Ivan. The new energy in the ring caught Ivan off guard and Midnight easily scored a take down. While Midnight held him down Ivan hunched up against him, trying to push him off. "That lily white ass, that lily white ass. That's all I'm thinking about buddy, how I am gonna tap that lily white ass"

"You gotta win it" Pete said, slipping out of character. "The only man here worthy of it is Kyle" With all his strength Pete pushed Rodney off him. All the posturing was gone, the characters, the unwritten scripts were all history. Pete jumped to our corner, tagged me and quickly kissed me. "It's all you Kyle. Now go do it"

I really don't know where it came from, but I lunged towards Rodney, knocking him down. It was 98% adrenaline, 2% luck, but I had the upper hand. Pete coached me from the sidelines. The nature of our relationship meant he could communicate with me in short hand. Suddenly I knew just what to do. Rodney didn't know what hit him, and frankly I didn't either. Pure energy and love kicked into high gear, and I was pinning him out of sheer honor.

Charlie was caught off guard too. I am sure he thought that the friend he wrestled with on the bed earlier in the day, was just there taking his turn, but I had Rodney pinned and it took Pete to remind him what was going on. "Count him down Charlie, count him down"

Damn if I didn't pin Rodney, and he stayed pinned as Charlie finally started to count it out. Every ounce of strength I had was used to keep him down, and I barely had enough energy left to realize that I won, I fucking won.

Pete ran into the ring, picked me up, and bear hugged me as he arched his back, "You did it babe, I knew you could" He almost fell over lifting my 230 pounds off the mat in that tight bear hug. "We are the best team ever babe" he said as he put me down, and kissed my cheek.

"What the fuck happened. Who the hell are you?" Rodney said, still sitting on the mat slightly dazed.

"I'm part of the team that owns your ass, and your ass for the night." I said, pointing first at a dazed Rodney, and then a stunned Barry. I walked over to the sling, grabbed the Championship belt that was in it and pretended to try it on for size. "This is still yours" I said as I threw it to Barry.

"This is my prize" I grabbed Pete by the waist band of his wrestling trunks, and pulled him into a deep kiss. I had never felt this physical high ever before in my life.

"Feels good doesn't it" Pete said, sensing what I was feeling. "The buzz coursing through your body, all of your senses tingling. Whenever I felt like this I was ready to fuck, something, anything. Let's do this babe." I held him tighter as I felt his hard cock thrusting against mine. I pushed the waist band of trunks over his meaty hairy ass, and snapped the band on his jock. He responded by pushing my trunks down to my feet, leaving me bare-assed and hard. I thrust his jock and trunks to the floor, and we turned to look at our competitors.

"Who's first?" Pete barked There was a feral aspect to Pete and I at the moment as we stood there naked and throbbing.

"I lost it for us" Rodney said, almost shamefully . "I guess I am first in the sling, have at me Pete"

"Kyle won that honor Rodney" Pete intoned. "You are one lucky man, he can pop a cherry like no other."

The guys got closer, drinking in the action. Sensing some hesitance, Brent and Gino offered to help Rodney get into the sling. Justin helped him out by pulling Rodney's trunks and jock down, and off. "It's easier to get fucked when you're hard" Justin said as he started to nurse Rodney to life. Rodney went from zero to hard in about five seconds as Justin reluctantly pulled his mouth off the wrestler's tasty dick.

FUCK, Rodney looked so tempting waiting there in that sling. His asshole was contracting in the still air, sweat shone on his dark skin. My dick was leaking, the plump mushroom head coated in pre-cum. I stepped forward, looking deep into his eyes. He glanced down at my dick. While his own darker cock was almost two inches longer, mine rivaled his girth, and with the head, surpassed it. I started to push that slime coated head against his hole, he pushed back.

"I'm not ready, I'll need some lube" he warned.

"I'll give you natural lube, pre-cum and spit." I slid my bloated head up and down his crack, spreading the dick lube as I went. I squeezed my dick and another dollop of pre-cum appeared, which I applied generously to his hole. Each gyration of my dick sent the knob a few centimeters in further. I looked into his eyes, he looked back and revealed the pain he was experiencing.

I pulled out slowly, then spat onto my fingers. I used one hand to pump his dick, while my index finger on the other hand started to enter his ass, spreading the pre-cum and spit. I noticed that his own dick was slowly producing dick honey, so I gathered that, and added it to the second finger that I thrust into his ass.

The combination of his oozing pre-cum, and the moans that were escaping from his mouth let me know he was ready. I spit onto my hand, coated my dick, and slowly thrust it in. One slow strong plunge and I was nuts to butt with Rodney.

His eyes rolled back as he gasped. "So this is what it feels like? Fuck I should have done this sooner."

I took that as a signal and slowly pulled out, only to slam back in. "I earned this ass, and I am claiming it" I said as I started to fuck him in earnest. I wasn't too subtle at first, banging away with abandon. Then I hit his prostate and from the moan and shiver he gave me I knew I found his magic button. "Yeah, you like this, your ass was made for fucking, aren't you glad I discovered it?"

"Fuck YEAH!" he yelled as I hit home. We both had given up stroking his dick, it was bobbing on it's own accord as I repetitively hit his magic button. Pre-cum was spraying off it as it bobbed, painting his stomach with tasty stripes.

Justin honed in on the dick honey, and started to lick it off Rodney's gut. "Feed him some of your own honey Justin. I have a feeling he needs it"

Justin stood, and despite his short stature, found a way to angle his dick down Rodney's gullet. Rodney enthusiastically engulfed his red headed friend. I was so turned on by the display between the two that I started to slow down. That is I slowed down until Rodney used his free hand to pull my ass back and force my dick deeper into him. I decided to pick up the pace again and started to slam his hole again. Brent and Gino both stood close stroking their dicks while I was fucking Rodney. "Let it fly guys, coat him with your jizz. I know he'll like it."

I could feel everyone getting closer, so I really went to town on Rodney's prostate, He started to stroke his dick, pre-cum flying off it. Brent reached the edge first, coating Rodney's furry chest with his jizz. This caused Gino to lose it as he oozed all over the wrestlers tight gut. Rodney's dick started to shoot cum out like a helicopter rotor, cum spiraling down on anyone in proximity.

As he came, Rodney clamped down on my dick, so in three quick short thrusts, I filled his ass with my cream. I could see that Rodney was swallowing, enjoying the sweetness that Justin filled him with on the other end.

I slowly pulled out, then noticing a trickle of cum, got on my knees to clean his hole. I slowly got up and made a trail through the various body fluids that painted his torso. By the time I got to his mouth, Rodney was relaxed and ready to swap the cum I had collected on the way.

We kissed, rolling the cum between our tongues. I came up for air. "I am so glad I won, your ass was made to be fucked."

"Who says you won? Maybe I lost on purpose?" Rodney countered.

"We both know the truth, We won, I am still not sure how. But you now know how good it feels to be fucked by a man"

"It's great isn't it?" I heard Pete's voice over my shoulder. "But now it is Barry's turn to find out how a real man fucks. Time for me to claim that championship belt."

Rodney reluctantly got out of the sling. He was a mess with sweat, spit and cum still clinging to his hairy torso. Justin and I led him to the shower room next door where I started two showers. I joined Justin in washing him down, then left the two of them to sort things out while I went back in the workout room.

Barry was in the sling, his legs strapped in. Pete was on his knees, thick fingers dancing around Barry's hole. "You're going to like this, I learned from the best." He looked over his shoulder at me and winked, then darted his tongue out to taste the sweat and pre-cum that was clinging to the hole in front of him.

From the moans of satisfaction I could tell that Barry was enjoying an expert rim job from Pete. My dick responded, fleshing out again. I crouched down and slobbered over Pete's cock, providing the lube Barry would need to accept the thickness. Pete stood and slowly entered his friend. I got up and watched Pete slowly move his friend in the sling back and forth on his well lube dick.

Pete's ass clenched as he started to fuck his friend. Yes, Pete's ass. That ass. The ass I had hungered for all these years was there in front of me. I did what any sane man would do in that situation. I spat on my dick for lube, lined it up, and went balls deep into my husband.

"Yes..." Pete groaned. "Now this is how you welcome in a New Year."

Next: Chapter 23: Ice Dreams 1

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