
Published on Feb 27, 2015


A Year In The Life

Y2K Wrestling Part 6

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

Pete had to think about my question. When did he become such a cum slut? His initial answer was to hug me tighter, kiss more passionately. He then pulled back, and looked deep into my eyes. "Kyle, I've learned more about myself in the last two months than in all my previous years thanks to you."

"C'mon." He pulled my robe off me, threw it on one of the dining chairs, then did the same to his. He led me naked to the living room. Pete sprawled on the sofa, his open arms created a tempting target for my tired body.

I landed right where I needed to be. My head rested on his hairy chest, his strong arms wrapped around me. I felt his heartbeat as he tapped out our personal Morse Code, 1-4-3. I looked up into his eyes as he said "This is all I need right now." I couldn't argue with that.

His arms would flex holding me. The morning was distilled down to just the sound of his heart, our quiet breathing and the all encompassing embrace. Nothing needed to be said, and I don't think either of us were aware when sleep overtook us.

My rumbling stomach broke the spell. "Time to feed the jackals" Pete said.

Reluctantly he let go of me then walked to the kitchen. I watched his ass every step of the way then laughed. "Bacon better not be on the menu if that is the way you are cooking." He smiled at me over his shoulder, then reached into a top drawer for an apron.

I joined him in the kitchen starting the coffee while he rooted around the fridge. Between our nap and the loving escapade with Barry, we had wasted most of the morning. "Still breakfast time?" Pete asked.

I nodded, "Always in this household." I sat down to watch my man as he started to cook. For all of the fun I have had with others in the last few months, he was the man that tripped all of my triggers. My "quiet" vacation was jam packed with activity, yet this was my favorite moment.

"It's about time we had "us" time" Pete said. He quickly made eggs, bacon and fried potatoes, then set a plate in front of me. He placed his plate down, then pulled a chair close. We were face to face at the table, our legs touching. Who knew breakfast could be such a sensual experience. At one point a bit of yolk dripped onto my beard. Pete quickly lapped it up with his tongue. "Damn I love licking that beard of yours hubby."

By the end of our late breakfast we were both members of the clean plate and clean beard club. We made no attempt to get dressed as we faced the rest of the day. I ran downstairs to grab the workout clothes we left there during our earlier romp with Barry and I found my phone. I noticed a missed phone call from our friend Brent, so I called him back.

Brent and Gino wanted us to join them for dinner at our favorite diner. Pete agreed, reluctantly I think.

We spent the afternoon cleaning in preparation for the photo shoot. The Wall Of Shame, workout room and upstairs living room were the focus of our endeavors. It didn't take long to ensure they were photo-op ready. We lazily spent the rest of the afternoon snuggling upstairs until it was time to get dressed and meet "the boys" at the diner.

We ordered, a burger and fries for Pete, spicy Thai pasta for me, huevos rancheros for Brent and Gino ordered a local specialty, the pasty which is a meat and vegetable turnover. For someone who reluctantly agreed to dinner, Pete totally enjoyed hmself. Our relationship had advanced since he saw Gino and Brent the last time. Pete wanted to delve into the open relationship we had been forming, and saw Brent and Gino as mentors. "How do you guys do it?" Pete wondered.

Gino thought for a bit while taking a bite of his pasty. "Trust, honesty, and knowing that the love is there." Gino replied. "You cannot underestimate the importance of this. I have seen how you two are around each other, I know the love exists. Just keep nurturing it."

Pete gave me a look, one I knew. "Is it that obvious?" He took a bite of his burger, chewed it as he contemplated, then looked me directly in my eyes. "I do love you Kyle. I've never felt this way before, but I will do everything I need to do to make it work." Then he simply grabbed a fry and put it in his mouth, chewing it while still captivating my eyes.

That simple moment, a man doing one of life's basics, heightened my libido exponentially. He then winked, licked his lips, mouthed the words "later' and smiled. I didn't need him to say anything else, his eyes said everything.

Brent spoke up. "Hell yeah it's obvious, you two can read each other, and I bet pretty soon you will be finishing each others sentences."

Brent was right, our silent communication was our strongest. Those moments of quiet, the embraces, the sparkle in his eyes told us more about each other than words ever could.

We spent the rest of our time at the diner talking about the photo shoot that was planned the next day. Brent had the day off and offered to help. He had worked as a photo stylist previously in the Twin Cities. "Your place will be perfect if they want to represent the 70's. I can think of a few spots that would be great."

We left the diner that night filled and satisfied. The waitress suggested pie, but Pete waved it off. "I couldn't possibly eat another bite." We grabbed the check, Brent and Gino offered a generous tip and we left saying our goodbyes until the next day.

At home we took a relaxing sauna, then quietly made our way up to the master bedroom. Again, words weren't needed as my naked man pulled me down on top of him. We kissed and wrestled on the bed. He then pinned my arms behind me as he straddled my waist. I could see the hunger in his eyes, they reflected my own. "I lied earlier Kyle when I said I could not eat another bite, and my guess is you feel the same way. I hope this is filling." He then inched forward and rested his uncut dick on my tongue. In one simple move he leaned forward while my tongue skinned back his foreskin and his dick found it's way to my throat.

We filled our hunger that night. As much fun as we had playing with others, nothing could match what pleasure we could find in each other. We fell asleep arms entwined, then woke the next morning with my dick snuggled in his hairy ass crack. I slowly stroked his hairy chest as we woke. I whispered in his ear "My sexy wrestler is going to make me proud today."

I slid my dick along his ass crack, he backed up then thought better of it. "Later Kyle, we have other priorities this morning." Then as if on cue we heard pounding on the door. "Damn, who the fuck is that at this early hour?"

"I have this" I said as I got up and threw on a robe, tying it in an attempt to hide my boner. I ran downstairs as whoever it was kept pounding. "Hold yer horses, I'm almost there." I opened the door to our handsome friend Barry. He stood there looking dapper with a shirt and tie peering out underneath his winter coat.

"Stop staring and let me in, it's frigid out here."

I caught a blast of the cold and could tell we were experiencing below zero temps. I quickly stood aside and let him in. He had a small duffle bag over his shoulder and his championship belt under the other arm. I gave him a quick kiss then offered to help him with his bag.

"I know what bag you want to help me with, but I need my energy for the photo shoot." He smiled at his joke as I did at the memory of the previous day shaving my friend, then fucking him while my hubby gave him a world class blowjob.

"Why so early buddy? The photo shoot doesn't take place til mid morning."

"Blame your task master of a partner. I now get up early no matter what, and since I was up I thought I would see if you guys need help."

"We got it under control Barry" Pete's voice startled me. "But we can have a light breakfast, then a quick sauna to tighten the skin." Pete hadn't even bothered to put on a robe. FUCK he looked so strong standing there naked. My man, pushing close to sixty, would shame bodies a third his age. He was top dog and claiming his territory that morning. A championship belt was worthless in this bout.

"You just want to get me naked to take advantage of me, I know how you guys work" Barry joked

A stern glance from Pete was all Barry needed to realize his friend was serious. "No one takes advantage of anyone in this house. If I need that ass of yours, all I have to do is beat you fairly. Which shouldn't be too tough to do."

"We're on, let's schedule a match. Three rounds, the winner get's the losers ass" Barry challenged his friend.

"You're on, New Years Eve, here. It will be a title I would be proud to win." Pete walked, no strutted to the kitchen, opened the drawer and pulled out an apron. "Now about that breakfast I promised you."

The morning did follow according to Pete's plan, a tasty breakfast, relaxing sauna, then Pete and Barry got dressed in preparation for the photo shoot. Giorgio, AKA the Roamin' Roman, Rodney and Omar soon showed up and I suggested they change in the office/guest room.

Brent arrived next, followed closely by the newspaper's reporter and photographer. Duluth often reminds me of a slightly larger small-town. That was in full effect as Brent realized that the photographer Chris was the son of a coworker. Having that in common, they scouted the house for possible locations.

It wasn't long before everyone was in their decades old wrestling personas. They posed almost efficiently, and the newspaper team got their desired photos quickly. Fred showed up to watch the proceedings, obviously proud of his new friend Omar. The reporter asked a few questions after the men dressed, to fill in their back story. I think Pete withdrew a bit at some of the personal questions, which I understood at the time. However the reporter caught the camaraderie that still existed among the men and suggested one last photo be taken of them in their street clothes.

As we said our goodbyes to our friends Pete floated the idea of an impromptu New Years Eve get-together. For as historic as the Y2K countdown was, only Giorgio had plans. Pete promised to email details to the men as his plan became clear.

The group shot of the men was the primary picture in the article when it ran the next day. Pete woke early, far before me to head into West Duluth to pick up extra copies. We looked it over as we sat having breakfast.

"Damn I am lucky, I have the most handsome of the bunch, and he makes a tasty breakfast too." Pete smiled at my comment. I noticed he was relieved that the article steered clear of personal details, only giving a brief history of each man's post wrestling career. One new picture of Barry and Pete was contrasted nicely with a vintage one. Even though Barry looked fine in the new picture, Pete was easily the better physical specimen.

"And your hubby is going to enjoy kicking his ass on New Years Eve." I knew Pete was thinking beyond the match. He was already thinking about the spoils of that match.

"Don't count your chickens before they wrestle." I knew I was mangling a cliché but I had to keep Pete real. "Barry really has stepped up his game and as much as I would love to see him being fucked by my man, the story could have another ending."

Pete reluctantly admitted as much. "I guess I have to keep on my toes, can't be too cocky." He then changed subjects. "Hey I have an idea, why don't we take out the snowshoes. It has warmed up enough and it's beautiful outside. Plus this old man needs to stay in top shape for New Years Eve."

We layered ourselves for the weather and then went down to the rec.-room to start our journey. There were trails leading from his back yard in the almost virgin snow. You could see deer tracks and those of rabbits and other animals in the woods. I was clumsy at first, not getting my feet on the snowshoes. Pete had to pick my sorry ass up out of the snow more than a couple times, but I soon got my footing.

He led me down to a creek bed that was long frozen over. "This will be roaring in spring, we need to check it out then." He pointed out the trees native to our properties, mainly the birch and sugar maple. We trampled a relatively wide path that went from his home down to mine. As we got closer to mine he suggested we stop at building that I was barely aware of. "I hope you don't mind, but I still have a key from when the Holmes family owned this place."

He opened the door and we went inside this smaller shack. Inside we found a pile of buckets and a contraption that I couldn't identify. It was tidy, if a bit dusty but Pete clued me in. "This is used to make maple syrup. The sap is collected from the trees on our properties and then boiled down to the end product here. It has been a while since it was used for that, but I was hoping we could revive that practice this spring."

I would do almost anything with this man, and this little bit of domesticity really connected with me. It would be a joint product of our land, our selves. We left the shack, trudged through the woods beyond my house down to the creek bed again, then circled around to head back. I was exhausted by the time I got home and gladly collapsed in his arms later on.

We revived enough for me to give him some internet lessons on his new computer. For as tech-phobic as Pete claimed to be, he quickly caught on. He suggested that I make dinner while he got the invitations out to our friends. I looked in the fridge, then started a simple pasta sauce.

Pete joined me in the kitchen an hour later. "I have most of them sent, but I smelled the sauce. Dinner must be almost ready." He kissed me on the neck as I stirred the sauce sending a shiver down my spine. The pasta was nearing al dente so I suggested he test it. He grabbed a fork from the drawer and sampled it. "Perfect!" he said . "Let's Eat."

I dished up the pasta and sauce while he poured two glasses of wine. We quietly ate at the table, our proximity meant words were not needed. It wasn't the awkward silence of a stale relationship, but the unspoken vibe of a growing one. Stolen glances at my man told me everything I needed to know, A sip of wine, a look from the corner of his eye, his Adam's Apple as it bobbed while chewing, these were all images I stored away.

He finished his plate, filled our glasses then said "Follow me, I have something to show you." I went with him to the office. He powered up his computer while we sipped some more wine. He had me sign onto my email account and I noticed an email from him.


Join me and select friends to say hello to a new millennium. Dress code: Jock and those sexy wrestling trunks at the maximum. No minimum.


I suggested I could help him set up an address book and teach him how to blind CC his friends, but he insisted he wanted each invitation to be personal. He stood over my shoulder as I looked at the computer screen. I looked up and back at him. I could sense something devious in mind, something unsaid in the invitation. Under promise and over deliver. I could tell that is what Pete planned for New Years Eve.

I left Pete to his planning. The snowshoeing from earlier in the day had me feeling muscles I hadn't in a while so I decided to take a sauna. I walked by the office. "Heading down for a steam, join me when you can." Pete barely acknowledge my offer and kept clicking away at the computer.

I fired up the sauna, then took a long shower to allow time for the sauna to heat up. It was strange showering alone, but I needed it. My mind was filled with everything that had happened in the last few months. This shower for instance had seen so much action, and yet I was here alone. I let the cascades wash away all the images, leaving only me, and the thoughts of my man.

I grabbed a towel, barely dried myself, then padded to the sauna. I was tired so I set the timer just in case I nodded off, then I plopped my ass down on the top tier in the far corner and took in the heat.

I relaxed completely as sleep took over. I wasn't sure when, but I soon felt Pete's strong back nestled against my chest.. He pulled my arms around him. "Perfect!" he said as he felt my embrace. "This is all I need."

It was all we needed for those few days before New Years Eve. The long promised "Just us" time had arrived and we made the best of it. Our vehicles only left the driveway twice. Once to get things for the party, and the second time to travel to Skyline Drive where we snowshoed the section that was not plowed in the winter.

We spent the rest of the time snuggling, eating, making love and most of all just being with each other. Even our alone time was special. There wasn't a need to fill the day for the sake of something to do. We were comfortable, but not complacent.

December 31st was a different thing entirely. With our previous shopping trip I was sure everything was set, but apprehension showed heavily on Pete's strong brow. He suddenly seemed agitated about his plans. I offered my assistance but he turned it down quickly. Hell, he even sent me away, told me to be scarce for a few hours, He had something up his sleeve, and I wasn't sure what.

I went home, well to my farmhouse just down the road. Pete's place actually was feeling like home and my own home felt foreign. I let myself in, and went up to my room. My bed was just like I left it almost two weeks ago. I collapsed on the comforter, and was out like a light within minutes.

The quiet was broken by hushed voices. I am not a sound sleeper, and their attempts at whispering were not successful. I barely got an eye open before Charlie and Angelo pounced on either side of me. The relaxed dress code of the house was in full effect as my naked friends started to tag team me with kisses and gropes.

"This isn't fair" Charlie said as he started to unbutton my shirt. It had been a while since I had played with my friends, and in reality I didn't see what we were doing as play. There was an underlying intimacy in our relationship and as their love grew, so did mine for them. While Charlie stripped me of my shirt, Angelo shucked my jeans and socks. We were all equally naked, sharing the closeness and love.

Angelo snuggled close to my neck, licking my ear. "So what does Pete have planned for us tonight?" he said in a low growl.

"Your guess is as good as mine" I chuckled as he drew a shiver from me. "I only know what my invitation said and what is on the menu. Everything else will be a surprise. What did your invite say, or are you sworn to secrecy?"

"I dont know any reason why I cant show you" Charlie interjected. "Mine was different than Angelo's and Fred's. Why don't we go look at it."

They led me to the office, I saw that Charlie set up his Christmas present of a computer next to my trusty old one. He pulled up his email account, then clicked on the one from Pete.


Join me at the house to welcome in a new millennium. You are in charge of the stop watch. Wear that onesie that Kyle bought ya for Christmas even if it is so tight that your balls fall out. Hell, wear it because your balls fall out. The big match starts at midnight, be prepared.

Arrive at 8 sharp.


"What is the deal with Pete calling a singlet a onesie? What kind of wrestler calls it that?" Angelo asked.

"Just a private joke between the two of us Angelo." It indeed was Pete's nickname for singlets. He knew from experience that they drove me wild, and the sight of Charlie in his would keep me on edge all evening.

The email for Angelo was personal to him too. Pete had individualized each invitation and the clues I saw created even more anticipation for the midnight match, I was sure that was going to be the one between Pete and Barry, but I was suddenly questioning it.

I caught a glimpse of the calendar in the office. The red numbers counting the days of Charlie's sobriety were joined by green ones for Fred. Charlie was well into his second month, and Fred had chalked up more than ten days. "Where is Fred?" I wondered.

"He is out with Omar somewhere. They will meet us at Pete's tonight." Charlie explained.

"How is that working out? They seemed to enjoy each other at Pete's last week, and Fred was there for part of the photo shoot."

"That's hard to read" Angelo answered. "They are great together, but I sense an uncomfortable undercurrent. Omar tends to leave without explanation. Something's not kosher there."

I didn't want to speculate. Fred had begun to mean so much to me and I was hoping he wasn't being used by Omar. I conveniently changed the subject. "So where were we before we started to check out email?"

"We were checking out our long lost roomie" Angelo said. "We have two hours before we have to get ready for this party. Your bed or ours?"

"Yours" I said then followed them into Charlie's room. We spent those hours snuggling, cuddling and kissing. While it wasn't overtly sexual, pecker tracks were evident as we finally broke away to get dressed. I laid there, watching my buddies get dressed.

Charlie pulled on his singlet. I know it was selfish of me, but he did look hot in the one-size-too-small garment. His thick dick and bull balls were barely contained, while the singlet's straps framed his hefty furred ball-gut.

Angelo got into his jock first. He then bent over to step into his wrestling trunks. It was a shame to cover that ample furry butt, however the tight trunks did their duty in highlighting his best feature.

Unfortunately we had to add a layer of clothing. I went across the hallway, pulled on my own jock and trunks, then stuffed them into the tightest pair of jeans I owned. Winter weather be damned, I decided to forego a shirt but grabbed a leather jacket and shoes, then joined my friends downstairs.

"Fuck" Angelo said. "Those workouts are paying off. How come I didn't notice how tight you were getting while we were rolling on the bed?"

I caught a glimpse of myself in the hall mirror. The open leather jacket and tight jeans were doing their best to highlight the progress I had made in the last few weeks. I was never the type to win a physique contest, but muscle slowly was replacing fat. I still had my love handles, but there was more definition. Fuck, Pete had rubbed off on me in the right way.

Charlie went outside and started his old Chevy, we joined him in the front seat, huddled together. The ride was short, and we were at Pete's front door quickly.

Pete let us in. The main level was dark except for some lights leading downstairs to the rec.-room. He stopped the three of us. "You two, strip down" he said to Angelo and Charlie. "Kyle... change in plans" he looked me up and down "stay that way, yeah, stay that way."

The subdued lighting highlighted each of us as we went downstairs. There was food and drink set up in the rec.-room. Lights were on in the shower and sauna, but the workout room had police caution tape across the doorway. Pete had music playing. We were celebrating the new millennium with music from the 70's.

Marching orders were given. I was to be door man, Angelo, the bartender and Charlie was in charge of the food. Pete took me aside to go over the specifics. Each man was to arrive at a specific time. He had an envelop with their name and time on it. If they arrived too early, I couldn't let them in. Too late meant consequences that were unnamed.

After the rundown Pete got close to whisper. "My man has never looked better. You almost make me wish I had never planned this party, but I'll make it up to you somehow." His tongue darted out to lightly flick on my earlobe. My dick responded by flexing in my tight jeans. "Hurry, go put a cock ring on, I want you hard the entire time."

I ran upstairs, snapped a leather band around my dick and balls, then stuffed them back into my jeans. I barely made it downstairs at 8:15 to hand out the first envelop. Barry was prompt. I handed him his envelop, told him where to lose his coat and then escorted him downstairs. Pete was sitting in the corner, nursing a beer when we returned.

As per Pete's request Barry was wearing his wrestling trunks, and his decades old Championship Belt. Angelo was quick to offer him a drink. Pete cleared his throat "Check your envelop Barry."

He read it slowly, then turned to Angelo "One beer will be fine." He then turned to Pete and nodded, letting him know he understood the envelops contents.

I checked my watch, saw it was time for the next guest, so I went upstairs. Omar and Fred were on time. Each man was given their envelop. I encouraged them to read the contents then told them to undress and head downstairs.

Others arrived on time, everyone getting their envelop. Gino and Brent arrived, read their respective notes and stripped down to boxers. They went arm and arm down and sat on the sectional. Everyone overcame the initial timidity of being at a party of barely dressed men, and lack of clothing became an afterthought.

I was aware that each person was given specific instructions and I spent some time trying to figure out what their instructions were. Barry and Pete both nursed their beers. There was something in that clue, I wasn't sure what it was. Gino and Brent, ever the love birds, were inseparable all night. There wasn't a moment where one didn't have a hand or arm on their partner.

At nine, Omar and Fred started to walk through the room whispering in everyone's ears. They got to Gino and Brent, whispered and Gino spoke for the couple. "We are going to sit this one out." He nodded towards Fred who got the meaning.

When they got to me, Omar got close. "There is a glory hole set up in the workout room. We will open it in 30 minutes, hit me up if you want to use it." One piece of the puzzle was answered. That must be the reason for the police caution tape on the workout room door.

I didn't have "instructions" so I mingled with the guys. Rodney patted the arm of the sofa next to him, so I plopped my ass down. He pulled me close to him, whispered in my ear. "Looking hot buddy. I might just give my ass up to you, no wrestling involved. Wanna make Pete jealous?" He pulled me down onto his lap, I felt his dick throb through his wrestling trunks, against my butt. "Maybe we do have to wrestle after all" he said and then stuck his tongue in my ear.

If Pete was jealous, I couldn't tell. I really had no intentions of making him jealous, I was confident in our love. He merely smirked at us as I sat there on his friends lap.

We heard a loud knock at the door. All of the envelops had been given out so I couldn't guess who would still be arriving. Pete got up from the corner seat. "I'll get this, you stay.. Ummmm... seated" he said to me as he walked by.

Rodney kissed me boldly as Pete passed, running his hands through the hair on my chest. "Damn, if that didn't make him jealous, I don't know what could" Rodney said.

I wasn't sure why Rodney wanted to test our relationship but Pete was passing with flying colors. He even upped the ante returning downstairs with our ginger waiter Justin who entered completely naked. I of course was not counting the cock ring, which was our Christmas present to him. Pete slapped his ass. "Glad you could join us. Make yourself comfortable, if you need an example, look at Kyle and Rodney over there."

"I'll take this seat" Justin said, then placed his naked ass on the boxer clad laps of Gino and Brent. "Busy night at the steak house. I am glad my shift ended early while there were still big tippers out." He then squirmed for a moment on his friends laps. "Speaking of big tippers.."

"That's the spirit of the evening Justin" Pete said then looked at his watch. Omar, Fred, it's 9:30, don't you have an announcement?"

Fred rose, walked to the workout room door. "Guys, the glory hole is now open." He then ripped the caution tape from the door, and gestured for us to follow him.

Inside one corner of the room had a temporary plywood wall angled in the corner. There were two large holes bored out at the perfect height. It had been a while since I experienced the random, anonymous aspect of a glory hole. My already hard dick remembered those moments and pulsed in my pants leaving a generous wet spot of pre-cum.

That spot wasn't lost on Omar. He licked his lips and then said "Dibs"

"There is more than enough to share. Don't get greedy" I said.

I was so intent on the prospect of a glory hole, that I didn't notice the tarps hanging from the ceiling in the opposite corner of the room. This area was still covered in police caution tape so I knew that Pete had something else hidden there.

I looked at Pete quizzically. "That will be revealed at 11:30 and ready for midnight. And by midnight I mean the time, not the ex wrestler Rodney, though I am sure that could be worked out down the line."

"Damn, now I don't know what to do" said Rodney. "Step up to the glory hole, or take what's behind the curtain. What the fuck kind of "Let's Make A Deal" are you playing here Pete?"

"I'm sure a man like you could make both happen, but understand you will not be the first to get the deal behind the curtain." Pete looked at his friends. The last few minutes caused the sexual tension in the room to ratchet up a few notches. Justin was standing there, his erection testing the size of the cock ring I had bought for him. Rodney simply dropped his wrestling trunks and stood there straining his jock to the max. As I predicted when I ordered it, the singlet worn by Charlie struggled to contain the beer can dick I was familiar with. His lover Angelo stood next to him, caressing his big round belly while Charlie's hand reached down to stroke his man's ass.

Brent and Gino weren't unaffected by the display of sexy men in the room. I did remember however that they had declined the whispered invitation of the glory hole. I guessed as Fred's sobriety sponsor, Gino needed to keep their relationship nonsexual. They were standing there, arm in arm, their boxers tenting out, when they turned to me. "Is the sauna ready? Getting too hot in here if you know what I mean." Gino said.

I nodded "Yes, let me get you some towels. I know you are familiar with the other rules of the sauna." I ushered them out of the workout room, they followed me still entwined. "Let me guess, Pete's rule for you is that the two of you have to be in constant contact."

Brent nodded. "We could have easily carried this out while shoving our dicks through the glory hole but there was a chance that Fred could have been the mouth there waiting for Gino. I think we will have some hot sweaty one on one time in the sauna unless you want to make it a threesome?"

"I'll have to decline. I guess I looked so hot in these pants and my jacket that this is what I will be wearing tonight. Pete's party, Pete's rules. We will play under my rules later on though."

That got me thinking. His party, his rules. So far those rules had created some sexual tension. Was he really so brilliant to manipulate the energy of the party like he did, or was that just an accidental side benefit. I liked to think of Pete as my partner, my equal, not my manipulator.

Before I over thought things I rejoined the guys in the workout room. In those few moments with Brent and Gino, the glory holes were already getting action. Rodney and Justin had their bodies plastered against the plywood wall. The short red head and tall black man were a study in contrasts as they stood there being serviced. They were almost nonchalant about it, carrying on a conversation, getting to know each other.

"How come I haven't seen you at Pete's before?" Rodney questioned, looking at the shorter red furball beside him. "Because I certainly would have remembered that ass."

"Why thanks. Ohhh, that was good" Justin said as he bucked his ass forward, thrusting further into the mouth on the other side of the hole. "Damn, this is the stuff I need, work at the steak house has been busy during the holidays. Good for tips, but lousy for hooking up."

The slurping and suctioning on the other side of the plywood wall made my dick impossibly harder. The two men humping that wall, their fine asses flexing as they did so, added to my hardness. I was entranced by the sounds and the sights, and slightly startled when a strong arm rested on my shoulder. "Enjoying the party so far?" Pete whispered in my ear. He looked down at my denim clad crotch. "I can see that you are. Damn hubby you just keep getting hotter every day."

"Pete, I am going to be on the edge all night. I hate to think about what secret you have behind the tarps."

His arm dropped from my shoulder to my ass. He grabbed a cheek, roughly handling it. "You'll find out in due time babe. Tonight is about our buds, later it will be about us." He then pulled me into a tight hug, kissing me, loving me. The sounds from behind the glory hole were our soundtrack as we kissed.

There was a slight break in the soundtrack as I heard Omar's distinct voice "Switch" The slurping stopped as the men shuffled to trade places behind the wall.

"FFFFUCKKKK" Rodney grunted out as a new throat was introduced to his thick dick.

"Yeah!" Justin said banging into the wall. The renewed sucking drew our attention as we went back to watching our friends being serviced. "Fuck they're good" Justin said to his new friend at the next hole.

Rodney looked at him "Kiss me already dammit" he said then leaned over. They were close enough to swap spit while still leaving their cocks available to the two cocksuckers behind the wall. From experience I knew Rodney was a passionate kisser and Justin was the beneficiary of that passion.. Fred and Omar meanwhile were creating such suction behind the wall that you would swear they were trying to swallow the men whole.

Rodney broke the kiss as his ass started to quickly slam into the wall. His hand clung onto the top edge, fingers gripping the plywood to steady himself as his dick was sucked into the next dimension.

"F-f-f-ffffuck" Justin grunted as he slammed his fist into the wall. Pete must be a master carpenter in addition to electrician, for the wall to withstand the workout it was given. There was a crescendo of grunts, bucks, slurps and slams as each man got closer to filling the throat of the man who service them. "You're getting it" Justin said as his ass spasmed signaling the load he was dumping into a talented mouth.

"I'm right with you bud. Dammmmn they're good. TAKE IT." The plywood wall shook as Rodney shot, filling his friend with his tasty deposit.

They slowly withdrew their cocks. Hungry tongues still suctioned trying to get the men to stay there. Finally the satisfied dicks came out for air. Fred, I think it was, said "Snowball." You could hear the frenzied kissing behind the plywood as the men shared the juice they had expertly extracted.

Rodney pulled up his jock and kicked his wrestling trunks aside. It was a shame to see that black dick being tucked away, but the jock's straps framed his tasty ass. As per Pete's rules Justin stood there naked, his spit slicked dick framed by his copper short hairs. The remnants of spit and cum clung to his pubes and the cock ring which thrust his plump package forward.

They looked little weak kneed as they left the room arm in arm. Bartender Angelo stopped them. "You two look like you could use a drink, what'll you have?"

Rodney looked down at Justin. "Two beers?" Justin nodded "Two beers Angelo, we'll take them over on the sofa." They plopped themselves down, Rodney pulling the young redhead into a tight embrace. "Now they were talented, weren't they? I think I have been drained dry."

"We can test that later on" Justin interjected. "I bet you have something left for me"

"What? This old man? How can I keep up with a young hottie like you?" He then started to kiss Justin, pulling him tighter, caressing his body. Justin's dick sprung back to life. "Damn bud you youngsters. I think you went from zero to hard in three seconds."

In contrast to earlier when I was pulled boldly on Rodney's lap, this display of affection seemed to cause a bout of jealousy for Pete. He looked aside as the two kissed, almost hoping to change the subject. Charlie sat a plate of snacks in front of the black wrestler and redheaded waiter as Angelo returned with the beers. "Why don't you two go sample the glory holes" Pete said to Angelo and Charlie. "They should be done sucking face and ready for their next round of protein shakes. Barry can take care of us."

I sat on the floor between Pete's legs as Angelo and Charlie went into the workout room. Pete still seemed agitated for some reason so I slowly got up and sat on his lap. "What's up lover?" I asked in a low voice.

"It's just not right" he hoarsely whispered.

"What's just not right?" I questioned.

"Them! It's just not right" the tone in his voice startled me. He pushed me off his lap, left the chair and started up the steps, I followed him.

I finally caught up to him in the living room. "Now tell me what that was about?" I demanded. "Your friend can flirt with the man you love, and you don't raise an eyebrow. But he starts playing with a fuck buddy and you go off the deep end."

"Kyle, it's not like that. Rodney's old enough to be Justin's grandfather."

"So are you Pete, and I remember you throwing him an epic fuck. Did I get jealous? NO! But they're playing kissy face on the sofa downstairs and you go bat shit crazy. You have to check your jealousy because this isn't healthy for us."

"Kyle you don't know Rodney, I do. Let's just say it is not in Justin's best interest to hook up with him."

"So you allow this guy to tag team fuck me, but he isn't okay for your other boyfriend? What the fuck is wrong with this picture?'

"You don't understand" Pete said, then slumped down on the couch.

"You don't know the whole story Kyle." Barry's voice startled me. "And from the sounds of it, Pete doesn't either. Kyle, sit with your man." Barry motioned towards the sofa, I sat, slightly shaken. Barry looked towards me. "Kyle, Rodney used to be in an abusive relationship."

Next: Chapter 22: Y2k Wrestling 7

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