
Published on Dec 14, 2014


A Year In The Life

Home For The Holidays Part 1

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

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Sunday, the next morning, Pete and I woke up early. We snuggled in bed for a few, I reached around and felt the base of the butt plug I had left there last night. I gave it a nudge, I felt him smile. "It feels good. I think your training helped." We took a shower together, mainly to rinse, I didn't want to lose the essence we developed last night. In the shower I removed the butt plug, and I noticed some of my load escaped, to go down the drain.

It was decided that the two of us should go wake the other couple, and make a hearty breakfast. We walked to Pete's house in a light snow. When we got there Pete started breakfast while I looked for signs of life. I started at the logical place, Pete's bedroom. There on the top of the covers were my two snoozing friends. Our furry furnace Charlie was spooning Angelo.

I got behind them, fully clothed, and started spooning Charlie. My tongue and hands explored what they could reach of the two of them. It didn't take long until I was hard, so I unzipped and slid my dick into Charlie's sweating butt. Charlie woke up, enjoyed the attention, and slowly followed suit by entering Angelo. We had a good languid rhythm going. I knew I would be happy with this type of wake up routine any day of the year.

We had no plans to end, until Pete appeared at the door. "Damn Kyle, I told you to wake them up, not knock them up. Breakfast is on the table fellas I expect you down there pronto." I tucked my dick back into my pants and went downstairs. After a quick piss, Charlie and Angelo joined us, neither bothering to dress.

Coffee bacon and eggs hit the spot. We decided on a menu for Wednesday. Charlie and I would be in charge of the antipasti. Angelo would do one of his Aunt's specialties for the primo, pasta with freshly made Vodka sauce, and Pete was in charge of the secondo, porchetta, a seasoned pork roast that is very popular locally.

After Charlie and Angelo left, Pete asked me to stay around. "You started my ass training last night, your turn buddy. Time to hit the weights." We spent the first day getting used to the weights. Well we did that, and also exercised wearing nothing but jock straps. It was hard, literally, to focus on the weights, but we got a base level for my training.

The next few days were uneventful. Invitations were confirmed and plans finalized. Pete and I worked out together, knowing that Wednesday would be a party day. Even though we were the only people on our road, Pete and I lit our houses at sundown, and turned off the lights at bedtime. I Forgot to turn them off Monday night, and when I left for work Tuesday morning I was too lazy, so I left them on. On Tuesday our mailman left me a note in the mail box.

"I love your display, especially the rainbow Trevi Fountain. Jeff"

Tuesday night we were over at Pete's going over the plans. Usually our road was quiet, but we saw about a half dozen cars in the matter of an hours time. They seemed to slow down as they were driving by, and then they would drive past, only to circle back . Maybe word was getting out about our lights, I had no other explanation.

Wednesday arrived quickly. For a party planned at the last minute I felt good about where we were. I left work early and made a trip into West Duluth to the little Italian grocery store. I bought a wide variety of Italian cheeses and meats. They gave me tips on how to present them, and what goes with what. They even allowed me to sample, By the time I left I knew we had antipasti nailed down.

I got home and Charlie was already there with Stan. Much to my surprise the two of them had prepared risotto balls. I never figured either of them to be gourmet cooks but these cheesy balls looked and smelled great. I had to sample them so I tried one in the marinara sauce that was bubbling on the stove. They were perfection. It turned out that Stan had some at a friends house, and he convinced the friends wife to help him make them.

While I talked with Stan, Charlie went to his room to change for the party. Stan mentioned how proud he was of Charlie and his sobriety so I showed him my office and the calendar. We talked quickly about the rest of the Tuesday night group. It seems that a few of them were expressing remorse over how they treated Charlie and Stan was sure with time they all might come around.

Charlie snuck up on us in the office. We both turned and were surprised. In place of his typical work pants and flannel shirt he was wearing a handsome navy shirt with rich gray slacks. He had also trimmed his beard. Everything complimented his sparkling ice blue eyes. I felt a jolt in my crotch. I adjusted myself discretely since Stan was in the room, but even he noticed. "Gee Charlie you clean up nicely. You'll make some guy a lucky man one day."

We had about an hour before people were to arrive. Charlie and Stan went outside to plug in all of the lights, and I finalized prep of our antipasti. Since we were starting dinner at my place, we had to stray from the tradition of antipasti being served at the dinner table. I had heard that Angelo's aunt Connie was a stickler for this, but she would have to deal with it. Having 12 people for a sit-down dinner at my house was a stretch, so we would get individual dishes in the kitchen and eat in the living room.

We had the table ready with about 15 minutes to spare Brent, Gino, Roger and Sarah were the first to arrive. Sarah brought a gorgeous evergreen centerpiece, and she helped me find room for it on the table. "You guys have the most "Unique" lights, you have to tell me about them." Gino, Roger and I brought her outside for the quick tour, and Roger recreated his dance for Sarah. Sarah laughed as we pointed out all of the features. She was a warm beautiful woman, and I could see why she was Brent's best friend.

Angelo and Connie arrived during the tour. Connie was an oversized personality trapped in a petite body. "Ciao Bella" Gino said. "Welcome to our Italy to America evening."

"Ciao, Buena Sera" Connie said. Her enunciation was precise "But excuse me" she said "your version of Italy is a little confused. David should be north of Bacchus who should be closer to the Trevi Fountain. Everyone should come with me and learn the real Italy." She laughed, letting us know she was pulling our legs. Just then Pete and Barry arrived, soon to be followed by our waiter Justin.

We went back inside. Charlie was the gentleman and took everyone's coats. I showed them the living room, explained our portion of the night and looked right at Connie when I said "We are taking liberties with Italian tradition and not serving antipasti at the table. Mangia, eat up!"

Soon everyone had a plate of various meats, cheeses, olives and risotto balls. Charlie took wine orders and filled glasses looking dapper in his new duds. Connie was all smiles sampling the food. "These risotto balls are almost as good as mine, and the marinara... whoever made this finally made it right. People here use too much sugar."

Stan piped up, "I used carrots to sweeten the sauce." Connie perked up, you could tell there was a connection. I had noticed Stan glance at her earlier.

Connie was wearing a festive Italian knit sweater which showed off her petite body. She wore numerous rings and bracelets which sparkled in the light as she talked with her hands. "Finally someone who get's it. This tastes like Italy."

With her stamp of approval we enjoyed the antipasti. Stan took over for Charlie, filling wine glasses and spent some extra time with Connie. I sat with Sarah and Brent, getting to know Sarah a bit more. We were talking about the house and upcoming remodel so I gave them the tour. Brent had considered becoming an architect, thus he looked at the house differently. Between the two of them I had more ideas for the main floor.

When we got back to the living room the dynamic was spirited. They had played a game of musical chairs, and Justin found himself between Pete and Charlie, Stan was talking to Connie, and Gino was talking about old Duluth days with Barry and Roger.

I really hadn't had a chance to meet Barry yet, so I perched myself on the arm of the sofa and joined the conversation. I wouldn't say that Barry let himself go, but he was no longer Barry "The Bod". Talking to him I started to see the attraction however. He was about Pete's age and the character lines in his face made him more handsome in my mind at least. As we talked his face lit up reminiscing about the old days of wrestling in our little burg. I was drawn in by his looks and personality, I finally figured out his allure.

Meanwhile Pete and Charlie had Justin smoldering over in the corner, not that I blame him. I had a soft spot for shorter men. I called them nipple height, just right sized for them to be nibbling away at my pecs. Justin's redheaded flat top was afire in the light of the Christmas Tree, his goatee framed his sexy mouth.

I found myself in the odd situation of seeing a man I love, being turned on by another man. Strangely I felt closer to Pete, I could see what he saw in Justin, and I knew why Justin might find Pete sexy. Our circle of friends was growing and yet becoming more intimate.

It was getting close to the time where we should be heading to Pete's. Charlie and I went into the kitchen to clear the table and pack away the minimal leftovers we had. When we were done Roger stepped to the middle of the living room and clinked his glass. "I have called in some favors, mostly while on my knees, and have arranged for special transportation to the next course on our menu." Everyone including our straight friends laughed at Roger, he could get away with jokes like that.

Charlie and Stan got everyone's coats, Stan made sure he put Connie's on, while Charlie helped Sarah with hers. "Such gentlemen, it's a shame they play for the other team isn't it Sarah?"

"Don`t worry Connie, I play for yours" Stan replied. He lightly put his hand on Connie's waist as he escorted her outside.

When we got outside we were surprised by two horse drawn sleighs. The drivers had Victorian top coats and hats, and the horses were adorned with greenery. The twelve of us fit snuggly in the two sleighs. It was a short ride, but they took their time. The snow was lightly falling, adding to the seasonal ambience.

As we made our way to Pete's we started to see a few cars checking out our lights. Stan, Connie and Angelo were in the front seat of our sleigh. The petite Connie was huddled close to Stan. I was tightly placed between Pete and Barry, I wasn't complaining. Pete had his right arm around me holding me close, and suddenly I felt Barry's hand on my knee. The night had interesting possibilities.

All too soon we were at Pete's. His house and lights looked almost elegant in the soft snowfall. He opened the front door and welcomed us into his warm home. We quickly gravitated to the table, which he somehow had manipulated so it could seat twelve. Stan kept tending to the spark that has started between him and Connie, by being the consummate gentleman and seating her. The rest settled down, picking seats near new friends.

Angelo started the pasta and sauce in the kitchen. It was Aunt Connie's recipe, so he was on the spot. Connie took the chance to tell us about the traditional Italian meal. "First you have antipasti, served at the table. Kyle took liberties with that tradition, but I forgive him. Next you have primo, or the first course, usually a pasta or soup. Then comes secondo, the main dish which is a meat dish. Angie promises me they are following the traditions, and I see that Pete has the wine on the table. I have a feeling we are in for a treat tonight."

Angelo spoke up from the kitchen. "I have learned one thing in life, Don't try to serve Connie Italian food that isn't authentic. I learned that lesson once, and that was enough."

"Italians can see a topless woman on the beach, and not bat an eye, but serve them inauthentic food, and call it Italian, and you'll have hell to pay. Here's to real Italian Food, Salute!" Connie raised her glass in toast to her friends.

"Salute" everyone replied as glasses were clinked.

Shortly Angelo had finished and sauced the pasta. He brought two large bowls to the table and informed us we were eating family style. Connie visibly approved, and everyone passed the bowls, filling their plates. "Mangia." he said and everyone sampled their pasta.

Angelo was hesitant, waiting for Connie's appraisal. "Perfecto" she said, followed by a rapid fire string of Italian. She was talking with her hands, rings, bracelets and her fork almost became a deadly weapon as she gesticulated and talked.

"Roughly translated Connie said that her no- longer-little nephew has made his aunt fucking proud." Angelo said. We all became quiet, even Connie, while we tasted the pasta. It had a fresh, yet complex flavor. "My aunt has taught me that not all sauces have to be simmering on the stove for hours to be tasty." We all were tasting the evidence of that.

While Pete prepared the secondo, we topped off wine glasses and chatted around the table. "So tell me about the nude beaches" Stan said. I noticed he perked up earlier when she mentioned topless beaches.

"American's are so puritanical when it comes to sex" Connie said "We have to lighten up. They're just breasts, all women have them."

"But some are created more equal than others" Stan replied.

"So are Penises, but the difference is Men think with their penises, women don't think with their breasts." Connie said.

"Hear Hear," Sarah said. "I am still single because I make the mistake of falling for the guy who thinks with one head, and not the other. Hopefully some day I will find the guy who knows how to use both heads equally."

"When you find him, hold onto him" Brent said looking over to Gino.

"My boys, aren't they the sweetest?" Connie said. "What kind of guys are you falling for Sarah? Maybe you need to convert one of Brent or Gino's friends.

"That is a waste of time. Sarah said. "Brent and I have a former co-worker who plays it straight, but both of us know whose team he plays for. Brent told me he saw our friend getting a blow job at the bar a few months back. One of our naïve co-workers overheard the tail end of the story and wanted to know the rest of the details. Brent cleaned up the story for our friend Jen, he told her our friend was getting "serviced" by the bar. Jen didn't get it, thought service was expected in a bar, so Brent drew her a picture."

Brent finished the story. "I had to tell her that being serviced was an euphemism for receiving a blow job. Jen blushed, but then had to find out how prevalent open sex was at the bars. We all laughed when she finally got the whole story, but the funniest thing was when Gino was at the store later on in the week. He saw Jen and said, "Can I get some service over here?""

Everyone laughed, especially Stan. "I gotta find a bar where I can get service like that" He said.

"No you don't, I don't need to lose anyone else to the other team.: Connie said.

The laughter around the table was honest and loving. It quieted down when Pete brought a platter with the porchetta to the table. "This is a true secondo" Connie said while she used her hands to waft the scent of the roast towards her nose. "It smells delizioso. The roast in fact looked succulent and tender. The herbs and seasonings embedded within added to the scent. Each carefully sliced piece looked juicy. It was truly done to perfection.

The platter was passed from friend, to friend. Again all eyes were on Connie as she sampled the roast. Her eyes rolled up in her head, she took another bite. You could tell she was savoring each morsel. "She's speechless" Angelo said. "Someone write this date down, I guess there really is a first for everything"

No one laughed louder or longer than Connie. When she finally quieted down she raised her glass and looked Pete in the eye. "Grazie, you have truly brought me back home to Italy. This is what it is all about, not that commercial crap. Spending time with family and friends, especially friends who become family Salute!"

"Salute!" We all replied.

All too soon Angelo and Pete offered some dolce and espresso. We all crowded around the fire and the tree sharing the warmth of our extended family. The parade of cars viewing our lights was slowing down. The night was coming to a close for some of us. Brent had to work the next day so he Sarah Gino and Roger left. Connie mentioned that she too had a busy day at the office the next day, and Angelo started to dress to take her home. "I don't live too far from you" Stan said. "I would be happy to drive you home."

That left Angelo, Justin, Barry, Charlie Pete and I to fend for ourselves. Pete pulled me aside and asked me to fire up the sauna while he cleared things away in the kitchen.

When Pete finished he cleared his throat. "Charlie is our designated driver, he can ferry anyone home, but I suggest you all stay and enjoy the comforts of my sauna." He looked Justin directly in the eyes "Especially you young man."

"I have no plans on leaving until I am kicked out. And even then I might fight back". Justin said,

"For the new guys, here are the rules. We sauna naked, but tonight we can't undress up here, too many gawkers looking at the lights might get an eyeful. We also cool down the traditional way. We have fresh snow out back to jump into, I expect everyone to follow suit. I do have robes to put on if you wish to take the party upstairs.

I knew from the beginning of the night that Pete was hot for Justin, hell I knew it on Saturday. I actually welcomed that development. It would be hot to see my man give the young redheaded bulldog a ride. I had my eyes and mind on Barry anyway. Barry had mellowed during the evening. His handsome features were highlighted by the fire. To use an old fashioned term, I guess I was smitten.

He walked with me downstairs. We undressed together, slowly. As layers of clothes were removed I saw the strength beneath the added pounds. He was hairier than I remembered, he must have shaved back in the day. He wasn't hung like Pete, something he pointed out off the bat. "I'm not as big as Pete, but I know what to do with it"

I hugged and kissed him, our dicks poking each other's bellies. "I have no doubt we will show each other a fun time" I said.

Meanwhile Pete and Justin were in a similar embrace. Pete immediately found the convenience of a guy who was nipple height as Justin chowed down on Pete' meaty pecs., I saw Pete flick his knuckles over the short hairs of Justin's flat top and imagined myself in the same situation. This shared intimacy of two couples ignited both to explore more. Barry and I grabbed each other's butt cheeks almost simultaneously. I think we were laying claim to who was going to top that night.

Pete's hands followed Justin's flat top as the shorter man slowly went down to his knees. He took all of Pete's nine thick inches into his mouth. His red goatee meshed with Pete's salt and pepper pubes. Pete ground his thickness into Justin's throat, only pulling out to offer him his balls. Justin welcomed the offering, taking one and then the other deep into his mouth. Pete's dick rubbed the side of Justin's face, it was pointed towards me and Barry. I saw a string of pre-cum descend towards the floor, finally breaking off.

I was getting overheated, but was finally able to croak out "We should join Charlie and Angelo in the sauna before it is too late to do so" We broke away from each other and slowly entered the sauna. Charlie had the cat bird seat, on the top bench, stretched out, his back against the cedar planked wall. Angelo was between his legs, feasting on the thickness that was pointed towards the ceiling. Angelo's butt had already developed a nice sheen of sweat. Both men were as tempting as hell, I could easily have joined that duo, but I had someone new to explore.

I grabbed a spot on the tier one step down from the top. Barry quickly joined me, and we were once again kissing, getting to know each other with our strong hands. I soon found the muscle that lurked underneath his added pounds. I realized there was a body builder hiding there somewhere, every muscle was hard, but none harder than the iron pipe between his legs. "Do I have Viagra to thank for this?" I asked while stroking his five inches.

"My only Viagra is the man who I am kissing, and going to fuck... soon." The urgency in his voice I couldn't deny. Here was a man who I had hoped to fuck, but I knew then and there that I needed him to fuck me.

With Pete and Justin in the sauna, it was a foregone conclusion who was getting fucked. Justin went to the top bench, the opposite end from Charlie. He sat his ass down, scooting it so it barely remained on the bench spread his legs and rested his back against the wall. Pete stepped between his legs, bent over and started kissing Justin. His hands found Justin's flat top once again. I could tell something about it drove Pete over the edge.

Justin was a bulldog. Sitting there sprawled on the sauna tier, his copper body shimmering with sauna sweat he looked like a stocky drill instructor. Pete almost read my mind as he assaulted Justin's body with his tongue and hands. He did everything I would have done if I had the chance. He nibbled down his throat, leaving a trail of spit and sweat. He went from one pit to the other, inhaling as much of Justin's man scent as possible. Pete found the best angle to gnaw at Justin's nipples, then marked a trail down to his cock, balls and ass. He remembered my rimming techniques as he lavished Justin's crack with his tongue. Justin lifted his left leg, giving me a better view of my man's tongue as it plumbed the depths of Justin's hole

I was really getting into watching this up close and personal invasion, when I heard a grunt from the corner. I saw that Angelo had once again lowered himself onto Charlie's thickness. Angelo's dick was bobbing as he was sitting there, bull nuts, to butt. He finally leveraged his legs to start raising and lowering himself on Charlie's thickness.

The sensations around us were not lost on Barry. "I gotta get me some of my own" he said as he flipped me over. "Yeah, I have been needing an ass like this for a long while" There were no preliminaries, I am not sure I needed any. His five inches found my hole, and lost themselves in it in a matter of seconds. He was true to his word, and gave me the ride of my life. Barry's knob found my prostate almost immediate and started massaging it. He gyrated his dick in, screwing my butt and opening it completely. I usually like to look into a man's eyes when he goes over the edge, but neither of us had a chance. Soon my dick was spraying the next tier, while his was painting my insides.

I was lost in the intimacy of our own fuck. When I snapped out of it, I realized that Pete had Justin's knees over his shoulders while Charlie was still deeply lodged in Angelo's butt. Barry and I went down to ground level to cheer them on. Our cheers were not that original, just variations on "oh yeahhh and FUCK yeah" but soon we rewarded with four smiling, grunting, cumming friends.

We all let our pulse rates return to normal in the heat of the sauna. Charlie was the first with enough energy to jump in the snow. Soon everyone felt the shock of the snow. We showered slowly. The robes were laid out and we found our way to the living room and the fire place. Pete turned off all the lights except the Christmas tree. The parade of cars from earlier tonight had vanished. We all sprawled on the couch, sharing the touch of each others flesh.

Soon it was time for sleep. On my suggestion we changed the pairings. Angelo slept with Barry, Justin, with Charlie, and I ended up with Pete. I felt his embrace, and knew I didn't need anything else. My friends had truly become my family.

Next: Chapter 12: Home for the Holidays 2 3

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