
By Rocky

Published on Nov 24, 2024


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The following morning, when I woke up, I could tell that Snowflake had been awake for a little while. He was still snuggled up into me with my arm over his chest. I freed my arm and reached down between his legs and played with his balls. He is so soft and smooth now! He squirmed and moaned. The cage was still securely in place. There was pre-cum oozing out of the forward slot. I teasingly wiggled the cage and went back to playing with his balls. With my other hand I caressed his chest and back. I scooted back and rolled up so I could cover him in kisses. He likes that so much. I kissed his nipples, gently bit his neck, and gave him a full passionate kiss on the mouth. I rolled him over and licked his belly button and down toward his encased cock. His moans and groans were getting more animate. I pushed his legs up over his head and kissed him behind his nutsack. From the nightstand, I retrieved the bottle of silicon waterproof lubricant and dripped some into his upturned hole. With my now reinforced morning woody, I smeared the lube into and around the hole. I rolled further over on top of him and pressed my cock head against his hole. Slowly it relaxed and I pushed into him very slowly. Once my cock head had entered him, I paused and with both hands gently stroked his thighs, the sides of his abdomen, and down his belly. When I felt him relax, I pressed in further. I went deep, pressing my balls against his ass cheeks. I rolled his balls around in my hands and fingered his groin crease. His moans got more guttural. I was losing my patience! I began to stroke in and out with increasing speed. I made sure to aim for his prostate each time in. He was grunting with every plunge. Soon I had to pay attention to my own feelings. I wanted to make this last but was losing the battle. I just held the deepest position and pumped him full of cum. His grunts had stopped, and he was panting and breathing hard. With him being so flexible, it was easy just to lay forward on top of him and bury my face in his neck. The hardness of his cock cage didn't immediately register as it pressed into my lower abdomen. I just hugged him and caressed him while I remained inside. "My little Snowflake you are wonderful. I just love you so much." "I love you too Sir. Thank you. That felt so precious having you give your gift so deeply into me. I hoped you would do it one day soon!" "Your cock must be ready to burst pressed into that cage. Let's get it out of there." "Yes, Sir! It is very tight. My cock would have enjoyed itself too. But I understand. I was a very naughty boy last night. I promise never to play with myself again. I understand I cannot cum without permission. PLEASE let's just stay like this for a while longer. PLEASE just keep loving me. PLEASE?" I know he must be hurting. His pleading eyes and softening breathing tells me he feels something even more important. Carefully I lower his legs to lay spread eagled on the bed. I stay in him and scoot back just a little so I'm not laying directly on the cage. I place my arms beside his abdomen and chest and just hug into him. I nibble on his ear. His tears are running down his cheeks and getting my face all wet. I don't mention it. Those tears are coming not from his eyes but from his heart.

After a while I gently break loose from him. I run my fingers down his eyelids indicating that he should just lay still. I place his arms across his chest and position his knees closer together. The key to the cage is in the top drawer of the nightstand. I carefully unlock him and slide the cage of the shaft of his cock. His cock is wrinkled with swollen areas where it has been protruding through the slots. I slowly and carefully undo the parts of the cock ring and remove everything. He has not cum. But he is slimy with pre-cum. With my tongue I softly lick away the slime. I lick around where the cock-ring had left marks. I also licked and gently stretched his cock out straight. It was shriveled and shrunken. I nudged at his balls with my nose and took his little cock into my mouth. I didn't want to cause him any more pain. With just a little suction and soft tongue action I massaged his cock. As expected, it didn't want to swell. I left it alone and kissed my Snowflake again on the mouth. "There, my little buddy. In just a little while he will be as good as new." "Thank you, Sir. I won't do that again. I have learned my lesson from the nicest man I know. It would be best if I just let you play with my cock and make it happy." "Let's get in the shower and let me clean both of us. Keep that cum inside though. It's yours to keep!" He smiles a sweet smile and mouths: "thank you" We enter the warm shower, hug and lather, lather and hug, kiss and rinse, caress and dry, dry and go eat breakfast.

Next: Chapter 13: At the Shoppe

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