
By RedDirt Writer

Published on Nov 10, 2012



All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


The absolute silence was only punctuated by the slowly swirling snow, until the single digit powder compressed under Jake's snowshoe. He looked up into the encroaching twilight and shook his head to see the sky already blanketed with points of starlight. Jake knew a crystal clear night was just a precursor to a bitterly cold morning. He guessed it would be well below zero if a storm didn't slide in during the night. Jake refocused on the silhouette of the small cabin before him as he steadily snowshoed to it. Just as the metal teeth of his shoes clicked against the porch, a monstrous shape erupted from the tree line and ran at him full bore. The animal leaped from several feet away, hitting Jake full in the chest, knocking his muscular body to the porch.

"Damn it, Kody! Get off me!"

Jake grabbed the huge Husky by the neck ruff and tugged him to the side. Climbing to his feet, he quickly brushed the powder from his clothes. Pulling off a glove, Jake reached above the door, searching for the key he kept there. Eventually his chilling fingertips found the frigid piece of metal and retrieved it from his hiding spot. Quickly slipping his hand back into the warm glove, he spent several minutes fighting the aging lock before it finally gave way. As Jake pushed the door open, Kody rushed past him into the dark room.

"Crazy dog," muttered Jake as he released his snowshoes and cleared them of snow, leaving them propped against the wall as he closed the door.

Jake made his way to the table on the side of the tiny room and wiggled his arms out of the backpack he was wearing. They had been at the cabin for several days now, Jake had to make the several mile hike to his SUV so he could drive to town and restock supplies. Since he was limited to the amount he could carry, Jake tended to go out several times a week. His civilization-weakened body had complained about the new demands, but the soreness was lessening with each trip.

Leaving his pack on the table, Jake moved to the only heat source for the cabin, a small two-burner wood stove. Opening the stove, Jake reached in with the poker and stirred the coals. He smiled as the small red embers came into view, a faint wisp of smoke curled from the ashes. Reaching into the tinderbox, he pulled out a handful of tinder, and laid it gently on the coals. Leaning in close, he gently blew until the small pile burst into flames. Jake spent the next few minutes carefully feeding the flames pine needles, then gradually larger twigs, until he had a small fire going.

As he carefully laid in the first piece of kindling, he couldn't help but think back over the last five years, and the fact that the pain of losing his husband had never really lessened. Each year as the horrific anniversary came again; Jake left his modest home and escaped to the wilderness for a few weeks. As he fed the hungry fire, he recalled the wonderful times he and Scott had over their decade plus relationship. A slight smile crept across his face as he recalled how he teased Scott about his slightly receding hairline, and how valiantly he tried to hide it, until he had gotten tired of the teasing one summer and had cut off all his hair. What Scott hadn't foreseen was how sexy Jake thought he was with buzzed hair.

A sharp crack from the burning wood brought Jake back to the present. Looking around the tiny room, he saw some of the small tokens of Scott he had brought to the cabin over the years since his death. Only happy memories, Jake had no problem bringing up the horror and soul rending sadness of the accident. His only consolation was the knowledge that, according to the investigator, Scott probably never saw the drunk driver who t-boned his car. The trial that followed was a blur to Jake, the pain of his loss put everything in a haze for him.

His colleagues at the university somehow seemed shocked that he grieved like he did, as if it were somehow less painful because their relationship was between two men. Oddly enough the person who was the most support, was a quiet man that Jake had never really gotten to know that well before, but he had lost his wife years before to breast cancer. He seemed to fully understand that love was love and the pain wasn't a contest to see who hurt the most. Jake had spent many hours with Keith talking about their spouses, and the knowledge that someone else understood did help.

But Jake coped most days now. It was just around the anniversary of Scott's death that he needed a break from life. So this tiny cabin he had built after Scott's death had become the place that kept him sane.

Jake shook his head at himself as he lit the small sliver of kindling he was using as a taper. With flame burning brightly from its tip, he quickly lit a small kerosene lamp beside the bed. Checking to make certain everything was in place, he closed the door to the stove. The small space warmed quickly, and Jake was soon stripping off his layers of clothing. Eventually he was down to his union suit, and lay on the bed to enjoy one of his few acknowledgments to the digital age, his eBook reader. Jake had finally relented and purchased it, not to be one of the in crowd, but because of the weight it saved in his backpack. It could store a week of reading material with very little weight. That, combined with Kody's warm body across his feet, soon had Jake feeling very warm and relaxed.

Kody perked up suddenly, staring in the direction of the door. Jake listened carefully, trying to see or hear what had the dog's attention. Just as he was about to settle back to read, thinking a passing owl or other small animal must have caught Kody's attention, a frantic pounding erupted from his door.

"Oh god! Please! I'm freezing, please let me in."

"Hang on! Hang on! I'm comin'," yelled Jake.

Grabbing his pants he quickly pulled them on and then shuffled across the few feet of floor to reach the door. Yanking it open he found a tall young man standing at his door, shivering and covered with snow. As Jake tried to work out how this youngster had managed to find him, he realized the kid was standing in the driving snow in only a t-shirt, jeans and athletic shoes.

"Come on! Get in here!" said Jake as he frantically beckoned him into the cabin.

Jake tugged the young man into the cabin when he didn't move. Slamming the door shut, he turned to see that the kid had slumped onto the bed. His body was wracked with shivers as he sat on the bed, his lips blue from the cold. Jake grabbed his hands and started rubbing them, realizing that they are almost frostbitten. The young man was incoherent except for the whimpers of pain as feeling returned to his hands. Jake pressed a hand against his chest and laid him on the bed.

Jake cracked the ice from the kid's shoes, finally getting them off. Minutes crept by as he fought to get the socks off his wet, frozen feet. Finally managing to peel them away, he saw gray-white flesh, a sure sign of frostbite. Jake was becoming frantic as he realized the severity of the exposure. Even in what felt like a warm room to Jake, the kid was shivering violently, his speech incoherent. Jake only knew one way to get his body temperature back to normal, but he wasn't really sure he could handle that kind of intimate contact with another man. Letting out a long sigh, he decided there wasn't really a choice, if he didn't warm this young man up he wasn't going to survive.

Lifting the kid's slender frame, Jake quickly undressed him, trying to be as clinical and quick as he could. Soon his ice-coated clothing was draped around the room. As the kid lay curled on the bed, his slender body and pale, smooth skin made him look even younger than Jake's initial impression. Putting his misgivings behind him, Jake banked the stove then tugged the blankets over the kid. But watching for a few moments Jake could see he was still shivering violently. With a deep sigh, Jake stripped quickly and crawled into the bed behind the freezing young man. Quickly pulling the multiple layers of blankets and quilts over them, Jake braced himself and spooned his naked body against the nude kid now sharing his bed.

Raising his head, he saw Kody watching them closely with an inquisitive look on his face. "Come on, Kody. Climb on top and help me get him warm." The large Husky moved to the side of the bed, looked to Jake for confirmation, then climbed on their feet and lay down.

A gasp slipped between Jake's lips as he enfolded the freezing stranger. The icy cold of his skin shocked Jake's body, sending the message that it desperately wanted away from the frigid boy, but Jake held the kid tightly while his system valiantly tried to warm them both. The minutes seemed to creep by, while the increases in temperature seemed tiny. But after long minutes of worry, Jake felt his charge relax beside him and a few minutes later slip into the deep breathing of normal slumber.

Finally able to relax, Jake stayed spooned against him to make sure he remained warm. As he drifted off to sleep, he realized distantly that he had missed the smell of a man surrounding him since he'd lost Scott. Lifting himself from the bed for a moment, Jake blew out the lamp then snuggled back against his guest.


Justin woke slowly in luxurious heat, feeling oddly safe and protected. He refused to open his eyes and destroy the feeling of contentment that he hadn't felt in years. He had vague memories of the driving snow and bitter cold last night, and finally seeing a light in the distance. He had almost given up, his feet numb as he struggled for each step as he stumbled to the door of the tiny cabin. After that everything was a blur of white cold, followed by the intense relief of warmth.

Justin moved slightly, and everything came into focus. He could feel the heat of the person behind him and heard a sigh from his feet that he somehow knew was a dog. The warm body spooned behind him was bringing out more feelings of intimacy than Justin could deal with. The prickles of hair against his bare back let him know it was a man, and his body was already beginning to respond to the intimacy. Justin desperately looked around the tiny room, trying to figure out of what he was going to do. As he was working out options, he felt the person behind him stirring.

"Get down, Kody," he heard in a deep bass voice that then with a question directed at Justin. "Morning. How are you feeling?"

Justin shrugged, and then realized he needed to actually speak. Taking a quick inventory of his body he realized, other than a little tenderness in his toes, he was fine. Actually he was more than fine, his erection was rock hard and jutting from his crotch.

"I'm ok, thanks for letting me in. I'm afraid I don't remember much of it," said Justin softly.

A deep rumbling chuckle rose beside his ear, sending a chill down his entire body. "Well, sorry about stripping you down and putting us together in our birthday suits. It was the only way I knew to get you warm. You had a pretty bad case of hypothermia, you might have some frostbite on your toes too."

The blankets behind Justin started to rustle and suddenly a thickly muscled thigh was across his hips. Justin could feel the weight shift as the stranger hoisted himself out of the bed. Justin looked up and almost gasped as a hard-as-rock, bubble butt walked away from him. His eyes were locked on the lightly haired ass cheeks. As the owner's back was turned toward him, a wet lick across his face brought Justin eye to eye with the cabin owner's large, very hairy dog.

Justin reached out and ruffled his fur and smiled. "Hey boy, what's your name? You kept the old toes pretty warm last night."

"His name's Kody, and I'm Jake. What's yours?"

Justin sat up, hoping to hide his rampant erection, pulled the blankets and quilts around him until only his face was showing. As his surroundings began to register, he realized the room was not exactly warm, so he was glad he had stayed burrowed in the covers. As he looked out at Jake, he saw the big man pulling on a set of white thermals that covered him from neck to ankles. There was also a cheery fire going in the small wood-burning heater, Justin could already feel an increase in temperature for the minuscule room. Catching Jake's eye, he realized that he still hadn't given his name.

"I'm Justin. Sorry, I was zoning a little. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you saving me last night."

Jake walked across the room, pulled a 5-gallon bucket from a cabinet, and as Justin watched he fished his thick uncut penis out and proceeded to urinate into the bucket. Justin's mouth fell open as he watched Jake pull back a long foreskin and take care of his morning piss so blatantly. Suddenly he realized that he needed to pee urgently too, looking around he realized the bucket was the bathroom. The turgid state of his cock certainly wasn't going to make this situation any easier. As he was starting to panic about getting out of this without acknowledging his . . . problem, he realized Jake was dressing.

"I'll fix us some breakfast, but since we don't have electricity, I keep the stuff that needs to be frozen in a little box outside. I'll be a few minutes so if you need to take care of your morning . . . ritual. That bucket is my bathroom, just cover up whatever you do with fresh sawdust and put it back in the closet," explained Jake as he want out the door.

Justin breathed a sigh of relief and quickly threw his feet over the side of the bed and onto the wooden floor. As he put weight on them, pain lanced through his feet, confirming a problem with his toes, but his full bladder convinced him to cover the few feet to the bucket, which he did with careful steps. Spreading his legs wide, Justin desperately willed his hard cock to soften enough to urinate. Finally the cold of the room did what he couldn't through resolve alone achieve, and his dick deflated enough to at least point it at the bucket. With a sigh of relief, the thick hard stream of urine burst from his penis and hit the middle of the sawdust filled bucket. He stood there for several minutes as a seemingly never-ending stream continued to surge from him. As the final drops fell into the bucket, he heard a rumbling chuckle behind him.

"Whoever fills the bucket has to take it out and dump it, just thought I'd warn you," said Jake softly.

Justin gave a yip of surprise at not having heard Jake come inside. He realized it must have just happened when the swirl of freezing air hit him and he dove for the bed and it's warm blankets.

Jake chuckled at the young mans antics, grabbed a small bag and poured a good amount of sawdust into the bucket. Putting everything back, he moved to a basin that Justin hadn't noticed before and washed up before starting to put together some breakfast. Justin realized that he was still naked and started looking around the room for his clothes.

"They're still wet. I don't think you want to try to put them back on right now. You're fine as you are as far as I'm concerned, or I can give you something of mine to wear if it would make you feel more comfortable," said Jake.

Justin started a little when he realized that Jake knew what he was looking for, but then settled back into the bed when he realized the big man didn't care. He thought for a few minutes and meekly asked, "Maybe a t-shirt would be good. If you've got one."

Jake left his food preparations and stepped over to dig through a small plastic box. After a few moments he straightened up and tossed a bundle of cloth to Justin. He caught it and quickly pulled the grey t-shirt over his head. It was big enough that Justin was swimming inside it, but at least it was long enough that it covered his groin if he had to get up.

Refocusing on his host, he studied Jake while he was busy cooking. Justin knew he was younger than Jake, but he didn't think it was by too much. Jake definitely had the advantage in size; he looked like an ex-college football player who hadn't let himself go to seed. His muscles were large, the biceps stretching the sleeves of his shirt showed that, without being too much. Justin was most entranced by his butt though. It had to be one of the nicest bubble butts he'd seen in a long time. Justin was definitely a butt man too, he loved guys with tight asses. Of course Justin knew Jake had to be straight, so this was all just jack-off material for later, much later.

Jake turned away from the wood stove he'd been cooking on with a steaming plate in each hand. Walking over, he handed one to Justin. Jake perched on the edge of the bed and ate slowly, while Justin practically inhaled the plate of food. With a smile, Jake took the empty plate from Justin's hand and handed him his own.

"Here, eat up. I've had plenty and you are still recovering. Let me take a look at your toes while you are finishing," said Jake.

Justin took the plate without any questions, or hesitation, and started eating his second breakfast. He gradually worked his toes out of the blankets, suddenly concerned that somehow Jake would know just from his toes that he was gay. He knew he couldn't survive the trip back to his vehicle right now, and since his own family had rejected him why would he expect some stranger to be more understanding. Justin flinched as the examination started, but Jake was very gentle. Focusing on the food, he emptied the plate before Jake was finished. Justin was relieved when he stopped since his touch was having the same effect on his dick as waking up next to Jake had earlier. Jake carefully tucked the blankets back around Justin's feet and stepped back.

"You were starting to get frostbite, it wouldn't have taken much more and you would have lost a toe or two. But I think you're going to be fine, you might have some blisters though so you need to stay off your feet for the next few days. You don't want to pop the blisters," explained Jake.

Justin wiggled his toes slowly, feeling a slight stiffness. "Ok, are you a doctor or something?" asked Justin.

Jake chuckled and shook his head. "No, I'm a microbiologist, but my partner was a nurse so I know a thing or two about first aid."

"Oh, well I'm glad she taught you some basic stuff. Otherwise I'll be in trouble," said Justin slowly.

"He," said Jake.

"Excuse me?" said Justin.

"You said 'she', my partner was a man. And he was a damn good nurse."

Justin sat frozen in place for several long minutes, his mind racing to put the pieces together. He finally realized that he'd been quiet an uncomfortably long time and Jake was waiting for his reply. Sudden completely at a loss for words, he blurted out the first thing on his mind.

"I'm gay!" said Justin.

Jake looked at him quietly, seeming to study him closely, shook his head and smiled. "Well, I guess we can stop worrying about offending each other because we're gay."

"You're the first person I've told, well the first gay person, I'm not queer or anything, just gay, no one else knows, well but my family, but that didn't go well, but-"

Jake stopped him by putting his meaty hand over Justin's mouth. "It's ok, Justin. If you want to talk about it that's fine, but let it settle for a while. I'll answer any questions you have, but I haven't been with many men other than Scott. He was kinda the playboy in our relationship. Well before our relationship, otherwise I would have decked him," said Jake with a chuckle.

Justin nodded his agreement and then felt Jake's hand pull away from his face. Jake paused for a minute and then nodded when Justin maintained his silence.

"Ok, then lets talk about last night. What in the world were you doing driving around in that storm, and how did you find this cabin? I'm at least 2 miles from the nearest road, and it's almost impassible," said Jake.

Justin nodded and made an audible gulp. Considering his words carefully, he began to talk. "I ran off the road and the car was stuck in a ditch, and I guess I got lost trying to get into town. The snow was so deep, and I kept falling. I had almost given up when I saw the light in your window and dragged myself toward it."

Jake looked at Justin and folded his massive forearms in front of his chest. When Justin finally met his eyes, Jake cocked one eyebrow and looked at him again. "And? What the rest of the story? Why were you out at all?"

Justin dropped his eyes, staring at the floor and then letting out a deep breath. "I was kicked out of the house. My parents said I was an abomination and threw me out."

Jake hovered for a minute and then sat on the side of the bed. He hesitantly reached out and rubbed Justin's back. After a few minutes, Justin continued "I've been out at college for several years. I never had enough nerve to date anyone though. My parents are very strict Mormons, but I thought it would be ok, that they'd understand. And I'll be graduating in the spring, so I thought I'd come out over Christmas." Justin took a deep breath and his body shook. Jake tried to comfort him as best he could, but knew that he just needed to get the story out.

Justin shuddered slightly and continued his story. "They both started screaming at me. They said I was going to hell for having those thoughts. I tried to talk to them, tried to give them some of the literature from PFLAG, but that just made it worse. Dad grabbed a belt and started hitting me with it. Then they said I had to leave, that I couldn't stay in their house for one second longer. I guess I didn't move fast enough 'cause my Dad grabbed me and threw me out the front door in just the t-shirt and jeans I was wearing. I banged on the front door for a long time, but they turned off the lights. My brothers and sisters must have heard the argument too, because all of their bedrooms were dark. One of them threw me out a pair of shoes, but that was it. Eventually, I realized they really weren't going to let me back in, so I took my car and started back to school. The snow was blowing so hard I could barely see, and I guess I missed a turn and ended up in the ditch."

Jake tried to think of something to say. His own coming out had been years ago, and it had gone fairly well. His parents were very supportive. Scott's family had not accepted his announcement, and they never had reconciled before Scott was killed. As he was working through to something comforting to say, Kody walked over, stuck his nose in Justin's armpit, and inhaled deeply. Justin gave Jake a slightly horrified look, and Jake burst out laughing.

"Yeah, he does that sometime. I don't know if it's a greeting, a chemical test, or if he gets off on pits," said Jake.

Justin chuckled then reached over and scratched Kody under the chin. Kody let out a small whine of pleasure, and laid his head on the bed beside Justin. As the two of them got better acquainted, Jake cleaned up and stowed everything away. When he finished, he saw that Justin was yawning and his eyes looked like his lids were lead weighted.

"Justin, get some sleep. It's still snowing pretty hard out there so I'm just going to read for awhile anyway," Jake said, holding up his reader as proof of his activity.

Justin nodded and wiggled back into the blankets. His soft snores were soon proof of his exhaustion.


Jake had been quietly reading for the entire morning, but his stomach was starting to grumble and he knew Justin would wake up soon with a voracious appetite. Standing, he stretched, his back popping softly as his body resumed its full height. Walking over to a cooler he kept to one side, Jake quietly opened it and did a quick inventory of their food. Jake knew they would need supplies in a few days since there was no way Justin was going to be able to make the hike to the SUV until he had recovered. He'd already checked the weather forecast on his radio, and knew another big storm was coming in 48 hours from now, so he'd have to make a trip to town soon.

Pulling out some bratwurst, Jake started browning them. Grabbing a few other ready-to-eat items, Jake had shortly put together a decent lunch for the two of them. He walked over and gently shook Justin. When Justin's only response was an unhappy grunt, Jake shook him again. This time he got a groan of acknowledgment, and Justin sat up in the bed.

"I made lunch," said Jake.

At that announcement, Justin's stomach let out a loud growl and both men chuckled. Justin scooted to the edge of the bed, swung his legs over the edge and his feet to the floor. As he pushed himself into a standing position, pain shot through this lower body and he fell back onto the bed.

"Oh fuck!" said Justin through clenched teeth. Realizing what he had just said he reddened. "Sorry, that kind of slipped out."

Jake chuckled softly, "Don't sweat it. Sometime things slip out of my mouth too. Let me take a look at your feet."

Jake pulled over a chair and lifted the young man's feet to inspect them. As he looked over first one foot and then the other, the t-shirt slipped off Justin crotch, revealing his soft cock and tight ball sack. Jake tried to ignore the sight before him, but for the first time since losing Scott, he was feeling a physical attraction to someone. Snapping himself back to the task at hand, he pushed Justin back on the bed and shook his head.

"The blisters are fairly big, so you need to stay off them as much as possible. I'm afraid you're stuck in the bed for the next few days."

"Sorry, I know I'm ruining your vacation," said Justin, dropping his head.

"Nope. You're not ruining anything. I come up here because Scott was killed around Christmas. So I can avoid the memories in our house, I built this place the first Christmas after . . . after it happened. So Scott was never here, but there are a few things of his I've brought up over the past few years," said Jake.

"Well, I'm at least in the way. This cabin is, kinda cozy for two people," said Justin.

Jake chuckled and smirked a little at Justin. "Depends on how cozy the two people are."

Jake grabbed one of the filled plates and held it out to Justin. Taking it carefully, Justin was soon eating with relish. Jake smiled to himself, enjoying the youthful exuberance of his guest. As he watched Justin clean his plate, Jake was drawn to the slender young man in front of him. The t-shirt that he had loaned him was far too big, looking like a skirt on Justin, but it somehow fit the innocent charm of the youngster perfectly. Jake again got that comforting feeling that he had not felt for years. Jake had always recognized that Scott wouldn't want him to stop living because of his death, but Jake had been numb inside for so long that he had just accepted the fact that he would never find a person to be with again. Justin had him rethinking his assumptions of how his life would go. Jake suddenly realized what he was doing, and slammed down on his emotions. He refused to take part in any romantic daydreaming with a 20-something virgin. It just wasn't going to happen.

Jake was rather quickly brought out of his woolgathering by a wet lick across the back of his hand, followed quickly by a wet nose bouncing under it. Jake chuckled and reached down to scratch Kody behind the ears.

"Are you needing some attention, Kody? Is Justin getting all of Daddy's attention?" said Jake as he ruffled his Husky's thick fur.

"He's beautiful," said Justin.

"He's a pain in the behind is what he is. But he puts up with me and my moods, so I guess that makes us even." Jake looked around the room, noting a few things they would need if the two of them were spending a week at the cabin to give Justin time to heal. Having decided what staples they needed, he turned to check his backpack and started dressing for the trip. Without a thought, Jake sat on the edge of the bed to pull on his gaiters, with Justin scurrying to the opposite corner to stay out of his way.

Innocently, Jake reached over and grabbed Justin's bare shoulder and squeezed it. "Sorry, dude. I forget how big I am sometimes."

Justin smiled slightly and shook his head, "You look like a perfect size to me." Immediately realizing what he had said, Justin blushed crimson, and Jake chuckled slight at his discomfort. Without further comment, Jake finished dressing and was soon standing beside the door.

"I'll only be gone a few hours, I'll be back before nightfall. I just want to make sure we don't get stranded without food if a blizzard comes through. I'll leave Kody to keep you company, and you need your rest anyway."

"Ok," said Justin, "Just be careful."

Jake gave Justin a slightly sad smile, knowing the kid couldn't have known that was the same instructions Scott gave him each time he left the house. Turning quickly, Jake slipped on his snowshoes and headed out the door.


The snow had been deeper than he'd thought. Jake was glad he'd invested in a new pair of snowshoes at the beginning of the season, and that he was in shape for some rigorous snowshoeing. But he'd made it back to the SUV, easily dug it out and made it to town. It was a typical tiny up-north hamlet, but it had everything Jake needed.

He made a few passes up and down the aisles of the small mom & pop grocery store, trying to guess what Justin might like. Finally realizing he was acting like he was shopping for an important date, Jake laughed at himself and his constant habit of over planning. With that acknowledgment, he quickly finished his shopping and packed his purchases in the SUV.

As he headed out of town, he passed the small local pharmacy. Realizing he hadn't gotten anything for Justin's frostbite, he quickly wheeled into the snow-covered parking lot. Inside, he perused the aisles to find what he needed. Picking up the typical antibiotic creams and gels, Jake realized he had inadvertently ended up in the family planning section. Looking at the selection, he sighed at his foolish optimism that some young kid would be having the same fluttering for an old guy as Jake was having for him. But his preemptive nature soon won out and he grabbed a box of condoms from the shelf and tossed them in the basket along with a tube of lubricant. Shaking his head at himself and chuckling again, Jake figured these condoms would dry up before he used them, but he was prepared . . . just in case.


Justin woke up slowly, drifting in that wonderful place between sleep and awake. This day so far had been amazing, considering that he thought he was going to die last night, he couldn't believe his change of luck. Part of the reason Justin was still a virgin was just fear, he was afraid of falling for someone and finding out he was straight, but a bigger part was he'd found a lot of guys who he thought were cute, but never anyone who made his heart sing. The guys his age were more interested in drinking and screwing than anything else, and while Justin wasn't opposed to either of those, he wanted something more. He knew that Jake would never have feelings for a lanky kid like himself, but he could still fantasize. And the shoulder that Jake had grabbed was still tingling in delight from the touch.

Justin started as he felt something large jump on the bed beside him, immediately realizing it was Kody. The panting dog was sniffing across and through the bedding, until Justin was laughing and trying to push him away. The struggle continued for a few more minutes until Kody finally relented and jumped to the floor. Justin fought to sit back upright, and then looked at Kody's inquisitive face.

"Oh man! I really gotta pee!" said Justin.

Justin tossed the covers off and threw his feet over the edge of the bed. Carefully putting the majority of his weight on his heels, he gingerly walked across the small room and pulled out the bucket. Standing quietly, his strong stream arched into the bucket as he sighed in relief. Shaking the last drops from his dick, he quickly stored everything back where it belonged, and was slowly making his way back to the bed when Kody intercepted him. The dog looked at Justin, then stepped in and stuck his wet, cold nose right under Justin's balls.

"Holy shit! Don't do that!" squealed Justin as the cold shrunk his genitals.

Kody trotted off a foot or two and seemed to smirk at Justin as he struggled the last few feet to the bed. Just as Justin was covering himself, Kody erupted into a series of growls and barking that startled Justin.

"Shut up, Kody! You damn well know it's me!" came from outside the cabin as Jake stepped onto the small porch.

Justin pulled the coverings over and around him, making a warm cocoon against the cold that was about to invade his warm space. As he covered the last spot of exposed skin, the door popped open to a snow covered Jake who struggled to get into the door while Kody circled his feet feverishly. "Kody! Calm down, I'm here. Chill out." Turning to Justin, he smiled. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah, they're a lot better. I managed to use the bucket a few minutes ago and it wasn't too bad." Justin got a crooked smile, "Except Kody sticking his nose in my crotch."

Jake roared with laughter. "He does tend to do that a lot. When Scott was alive Kody drove him crazy sticking his nose under his nut sack anytime he found him naked." Jake turned and quickly tucked away the food that he'd gotten, leaving everything else in the backpack. He quickly pulled out two steaks and set them into a pan he'd been heating. Soon the tiny room was filled with the aroma of seared steak. Flipping the beef, he quickly filled two plates with a few items he had picked up. Soon the meat was cooked to the degree of doneness he wanted, and he carefully moved each steak to the already full plates.

Turning from the stove, Jake handed one of the plates to Justin then balanced himself on the edge of the bed. They both ate with single-minded focus and soon both plates were cleaned. Justin tried to sneak his plate to Kody for a final polishing, but when Jake snorted quietly at the noise, he knew he was busted. More importantly, when Jake's plate joined his, he knew it didn't matter.

Jake soon had the dishes cleaned and was preparing for night. To Justin it seemed as if the wind was blowing even harder, which Jake soon confirmed.

"There's another storm coming in tonight. The weather station said it could get to blizzard intensity. If it's that bad we might be stuck here for a few days, but I got plenty of food for us."

Justin nodded, not certain what to say since he was largely helpless in this situation. His clothes were dry, but unable to walk he hadn't even bothered to get to them and take off Jake's shirt. Actually, he was still very much enjoying the smell of Jake on the shirt as he wore it.

Once Jake had closed the shutters on the one window, he came back to the bed with a couple of magazines in one hand, and his reader in the other. He tossed the magazines to the bed beside Justin.

"I thought you might like something to read, so I grabbed a couple of magazines while I was out. There isn't much to do at night here except read," said Jake.

Justin nodded and snuggled down into the bed again, moving so there was ample light from the kerosene lamp. Jake stripped down to his underwear, and crawled in bed beside Justin. The evening passed quietly as the two of them read and occasionally shared something they found. As the wind picked up, howling around the small shelter, the warmth soon had Justin relaxed and sleepy. When he gave another massive yawn in less than a handful of minutes, Jake turned off his book.

"I think you're ready for some sleep, and I'm tired too. Lets get some shuteye," said Jake.

Justin nodded sleepily and handed the magazines to Jake. Wiggling down into the bed he soon found himself snuggled against Jake's warm body. Justin kept drifting off, only to be awakened by Jake moving again. After several times, Justin finally asked, "What's wrong?"

"Well, normally I don't sleep in anything," said Jake.

"So why are you wearing them tonight? I don't care, it isn't like we haven't slept together without clothes already," Justin said with a sleepy chuckle.

Without another word, Jake quickly stripped and tossed his underwear beside the bed. Wiggling back into the warm blankets he was soon nestled into the bed. Justin snuggled back against his warm backside, feeling very content. Jake smiled silently when he heard the soft snore coming from behind him, and quickly fell asleep feeling very content for the first time in a long time.


Jake woke the next morning feeling a vaguely familiar sensation on his butt as he drifted awake. After a few moments he recognized it as an urgently hard cock pressed between his butt cheeks. Enjoying the sensation that at one time had been very familiar; he relaxed and appreciated the feeling of long lost intimacy. But the feeling of satisfaction was fleeting when he awoke enough to realize that Justin was probably asleep, and didn't realize he was humping Jake's ass. Very softly he called out, "Justin?"

"Yeah?" came back the sleepy reply.

"Babe, your morning wood is a little busy . . ."

There was a brief pause, followed almost immediately by a loud squeak as Justin pulled his cock away from Jake.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry! Please! Oh god, I'm so so sorry. I was dreaming, and -"

Justin froze as he tried to collect his thoughts. Feeling very confused between his raging hormones and terrible guilt at what he'd done to Jake. Part of him was on the verge of tears, while another was furious at the situation that he was thrust into. His emotions were still warring as he felt the bed shift and Jake turned to look at him.

"Calm down, Justin. You were asleep and dreaming. You're a young guy and I'm sure you have desires. I know I'm too old for you, so don't think anything of it," said Jake calmly.

"No," said Justin almost in a whisper.

"No?" said Jake.

"No, you are not too old for me. I thought I was too much of a kid for you."

Jake looked at him and smiled, "This sounds like the x-rated version of the old 'assume' joke." When Justin just got a confused look on his face, Jake just shook his head. "Never mind, but now the question is, what do you want to do? We're both wide awake so we don't have the 'I was asleep and didn't know' card anymore."

Justin looked deep into Jake's blue eyes, torn between terror and ecstasy. He was unable to decide, not knowing what to do now.

"We don't have to do anything. It's up to you," said Jake quietly as he stretched his arm, exposing the plentiful hair exploding from his armpit.

Justin inhaled the scent from Jake's pits, and sighed. Deciding this was what was fated; he finally whispered, "Can we kiss?"

Jake chuckled, then gently took Justin's face in his hands. Moving closer, he stopped a few inches from Justin's lips and inhaled deeply. The morning smells of the young man were surprisingly pleasant, awakening feelings in Jake that he'd thought had died with Scott. Refocusing on the young man he was holding, he studied Justin's face carefully. His dark hair and eyebrows, combined with his chiseled jaw and slight dimple were charming and sexy to Jake. His nose could only be described as pert, but his lips, Justin's lips were so very red and kissable. Closing the last inches, Jake pressed his lips against Justin's, and to his delight he found they were every bit as kissable as he'd imagined.

As they separated, Justin gasped for breath as he tried to recover from his first kiss with another man. The soft lips, the scratchy rough beard, the slight masculine smell, everything about it was perfect. The hot touch of Jake's lips on his own had surged through his system and his cock was again hard and throbbing. His mind was reeling as he realized Jake was waiting for him to speak. Unable to form an entire sentence he gasped out.

"More, please!"

Jake cupped his chin, running his thumb across Justin's dark morning scruff. Leaning back slightly, he pulled his t-shirt over Justin's head and dropped it to the floor. He leaned in again and kissed Justin. This time it wasn't a simple kiss, Jake let the heat he was feeling enter the kiss, their lips pressing hard against each other. Suddenly Justin opened his lips slightly and his tongue darted out to touch Jake's lips before escaping back to Justin's mouth. Jake took that as permission for more, and drove his tongue into Justin's mouth. Soon the two of them were kissing with intensity and passion that had Justin's head spinning. Suddenly he felt Jake's finger run down the middle of his chest. The touch left a trail of fire where it passed and Justin's passion rapidly reached the point of no return.

"No. Stop. Oh god," gasped out Justin.

Jake immediately jumped back. "Sorry, Justin. I didn't mean to go too far."

Justin started a twittering laugh, "No, it was amazing and I want to do more. But I was about to nut."

With a smile Jake spread his massive hand across Justin's chest and ran it up to his nipples. "That's fine. I'm sure you will recharge in no time." With that Jake leaned in and sucked one of Justin's nipples between his lips and licked it gently. His hand slid down Justin's quivering body, exposing its gorgeous length. As he flipped the last blanket from Justin's groin, his hard cock jumped into view, a thick strand of precum running from his slit to his pubic hair. Moving his hand back up Justin's body, Jake started rubbing his finger over Justin's hard nipples as their lips again found each other.

Their tongues were soon fighting for supremacy as Justin barreled toward a long overdue orgasm. His body began strong rippling contractions as he felt his cum race from his full balls. Trying to warn Jake, he managed only a grunt and gasp before the first strong shot exploded from his cock, leaving a line of white cum from his cheek, down his neck and across his smooth torso. Jake continued kissing him passionately as Justin's body thrashed under him leaving a crisscross of translucent cum covering Justin's torso. His orgasm buried him under new and amazing sensations as the overwhelming pleasure continued to roll over him. Eventually the last pulse erupted from his hard cock, leaving a pool of semen covering his groin. As his muscles released, Justin's body melted against the bed as he gasped for air. Jake touched him gently, slowly tracing patterns over his chest.

"Oh god, I've never come that hard. It was amazing," sighed Justin.

Jake leaned in and gave Justin another soft kiss. "Good, that's the best thing you could have said." Jake moved close to Justin and almost licked one of the many trails of cum over his face before he remembered this was not Scott lying under him. Grabbing the discarded t-shirt, Jake quickly wiped Justin clean.

Justin relaxed against Jake's large frame, feeling very content. Suddenly he realized only one of them had gotten off. "Hey! You didn't get your nut yet. I want to get you off too. Like you did me."

Jake let out another deep chuckle and rubbed his hand over Justin's exposed back. "I'm afraid I'm too old to get off on just nipple play and kissing, but it felt really good."

Justin twisted in Jake's arms until their faces were almost touching. Justin rubbed his smooth torso against Jake's hairy chest, loving the texture of Jake's curly hair against his skin. Justin ran his fingers down Jake's chest, tugging at his thick public hair. Jake let out a sigh as his achingly hard cock flexed from the stimulation. Justin looked up at Jake, who nodded his permission. With that acknowledgment, Justin's slender fingers slipped deeper into his dark bush, taking the base of his throbbing cock and caressing it slowly.

Justin fondled him seductively, feeling the slight corrugation of Jake's rock hard cock. His hand slowly teased its way up the length of Jake's thick cock until he reached the skin-covered tip. Justin smiled at the loose foreskin he had found and quickly buried his finger inside, running his finger through the accumulation of precum. Justin tugged and stroked Jake's foreskin for several minutes as he explored, enjoying the added dimension. Eventually he gripped it lightly and pulled back the long soft skin covering. Justin was fascinated as it slithered wetly down Jake's thick cock, revealing the dark head of his dick. Rubbing his finger over Jake's piss slit, Justin coated his finger with more precum. Mesmerized, Justin started to lean in to taste this glistening tower of manhood, when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's wait on oral, babe. Ok?" said Jake in deep tones.

Justin nodded, not sure if he'd made a misstep, or not. But then moving his head back to Jake's chest and he flicked his tongue over Jake's hard nipple as he slowly stroked his iron hard cock. Justin wanted more so badly, but he was trying to not rush Jake into anything, he realized that he was falling for the ruggedly handsome man. Soon he heard moans of pleasure as Jake's body tensed under him.

"Oh god! Oh god! Fuck! I'm coming!" said Jake through the moans.

Justin released Jake's nipple and tightened his grip as he jacked him. He wanted to watch this massive cock explode from his handling. Quickly Jake's moans escalated, then his hips flexed up and locked.

"Oh! Oh! Ahh! Fuck!" screamed Jake.

The first jet caught Justin across the cheek and he jerked back. He continued jerking the rapidly firing cock as Jake emptied his load. Numerous lines of thick white cum soon decorated Jake's chest as his cock shot again and again. Justin pulled the foreskin over the tip and held it tight as the last of Jake's orgasm ballooned it with semen. As the last ripple of orgasm passed through Jake's body, Justin released the skin and watched with fascination as it slowly opened, releasing the trapped cum to slowly drip off Jake's softening cock and into his thick bush. Running his hand across Jake's torso, he smeared the trails of cum over Jake's hairy body. Justin slowly touched and worked semen over Jake as he enjoyed the post-orgasm closeness of his first sexual experience. Jake simply watched and smiled, content to let Justin experience it however he wanted, knowing it would be a memory that would be with him forever.

Eventually Jake's chest hair was matted with jizz, and Justin looked up with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, I guess I just got lost in the moment," said Justin as his face reddened slightly.

Jake lifted his chin and kissed his lips gently. "You're fine. Whatever you want is ok with me. This is all new to you, so whatever you want to try, we'll try."

Justin smiled and nodded, "I want to try everything, but maybe not right now."

Jake let out a belly laugh and nodded, "Not unless you're wanting to kill an old man. I don't have your stamina."

Justin kissed Jake's cheek and shook his head, "I'm sure you could be ready just as quick as I can."

Jake reached down and gripped Justin's already resurrected cock and squeezed its hard length in his hand while Justin sucked air between his teeth. "I don't think so, stud. You're already hard and ready for round two. But how about we get some breakfast and check those feet before we ravish each other again."

Justin smiled in agreement, ready to do whatever Jake wanted.


Having finished breakfast, Jake moved to check the condition of Justin's feet. He carefully inspected them, prodding at them in a few place and was pleased to find nothing particularly tender. Looking up he smiled at Justin.

"Looks like they're about healed. Wanna go out and get a little practice with the snowshoes?" said Jake.

Justin perked up at the idea he could leave the tiny cabin, even if it was only for a short walk. "Sure! That sounds great. I wouldn't mind getting out for a little bit."

Justin threw off the covers and swung his feet to the floor before he remembered that he was completely naked. He started blushing, then realized that there was very little that Jake hadn't already seen of his body, but he did need his clothes if they were going out.

"Umm, I need my jeans and stuff."

Jake chucked and pulled the dried clothing together and tossed it to Justin. "Don't worry about the shocks and shoes. I think we're about the same size so you can wear a pair of my wool socks and an old pair of hiking boots," said Jake.

Justin pulled on the clothing as Jake quickly retrieved the socks and shoes. As he sat them down, Jake realized that Justin still needed a coat, so he went rummaging. The only thing he found was an old wool coat of Scott's that Jake had brought to the cabin. That first Christmas after the accident, Jake had slept with it every night. He looked at it closely, thinking about its significance, and realized that it wasn't Scott, it was just a memory cue. But he still handled the coat gently as he set it beside Justin.

Soon they were both bundled against the cold, with several more borrowed items completing Justin's wardrobe. Jake helped him fasten the spare snowshoes onto his boots, and they headed out the door. Jake strode across the open space without a backward look, until he heard a soft gasp as Justin got the shoes tangled and fell face first into the powdery snow. Jake let out a soft laugh and turned back to help. Grabbing Justin's hand, Jake pulled him to his feet.

"Come on. It's pretty easy, but we'll practice in the yard for a few minutes before we had hit the trail," said Jake.

Justin nodded as he tried to wipe the snow from his face with the oversized mittens that Jake had given him. Once he was on his feet he watched as Jake gave him a lesson in using snowshoes, and Justin quickly caught onto the technique.

The next few hours were spent in relative quiet as Jake shared the sights of his part of the forest with Justin. They proceeded slowly; wanting to be sure Justin didn't over-tax himself. But Justin was in awe of the spectacular scenery and kept stopping Jake to see a new marvel that he had discovered. The winter sun was out and turned the world into a crystalline encased wonder for them both. Jake had walked this trail many times, but he was enjoying Justin's fresh wonder at the sights. When they reached the turn around point, Jake brushed the snow from the trunk of a fallen tree and motioned for Justin to sit beside him. They both gobbled down the trail mix that Jake had put together, with Justin eagerly looking at the world, and Jake looking at Justin.

"Justin?" said Jake.

Justin turned with a smile, "Yeah?"

"So how are you feeling about what happened this morning. If you want to talk about it or if you have any questions . . ." Jake trailed off.

Justin thought for a second, then smiled at Jake, "Can we do it again?"

Jake let out a chuckle, "Yes, if that's what you want. But if it made you feel bad, then don't think you have to do anything else."

Justin paused for a moment as he reflected. "No, I think what my parents did was wrong. If it weren't for you I would have died. I think this morning was wonderful. I've never felt so safe and cared for in my life."

"Ok, well I know I'm a lot older than you so I don't want you to feel like you have any kind of obligation to me," said Jake softly.

Justin shot him a dejected look and hung his head, "Ok . . ."

Jake's brows knitted together as he looked at the boy. Finally reaching down, he cupped Justin's chin in his palm and turned Justin to look at him. "Look Justin. I was just being realistic. I'm sure you'll want someone closer to your own age."

Justin finally looked up and met his eyes. "No, you are so incredibly sexy and I love how I feel when you touch me. No hipster, twenty-one year old is going to make me feel the same way. If you don't want to be with me I'll live, but I want to be with you more all the time."

Jake gave Justin a kiss and a gentle smile. Without another word, he split the rest of the food and started nibbling while they were studying the area. As the last morsel slid down his throat, Jake brushed his hands off on his pants and then stood. Looking over at Justin he grinned, "Wanna race?"


Jake was leaning against the post on the porch panting for breath. Justin had been more of a challenge than he'd expected in the race back to the house, and now he was trying to recover. Just as he turned to see if Justin had recovered, a snowball splattered against his jacket. Turning quickly, he saw Justin laughing as he raced around the cabin. Jake chased after him, only to be rewarded with another snowball to the forehead. A full out war quickly ensued that left Jake the clear and distinctive, loser.

As he lay gasping for air again, this time in a snow bank, he turned to Justin. "How in the hell are you making snowballs from powder! Mine are just falling the fuck apart!"

Justin reached down and grabbed a small handful of snow, and breathed into it. The combination of warm wet breath glued the particles together. Justin playfully tossed the little snowball at Jake.

"Well crap. Ok, well as soon as I can dig my way out of this snow, we can go clean up for dinner."

Justin offered Jake a hand then tugged the larger man to his feet. They slowly walked to the cabin feeling very connected. Opening the door, they stowed their snowshoes beside it then continued inside. While Justin stripped off his wet clothes, Jake grabbed another bucket and went back outside to pack it with icicles from the roof's edge. Coming back in he sat the bucket as close to the heater as he dare to let the ice melt. Stepping beside Justin, Jake was quickly stripped and was rustling through yet another storage area. Pulling out a washcloth he turned to Justin.

"Well, finish stripping. We need to clean up, we stink to the high heavens," said Jake with a smile. Justin quickly shed the last of his clothes and sat on the bed in the warm room, watching the hottest man he'd ever seen walk a few feet from him, completely nude and looking really sexy. He was focused completely on Jake's hairy bubble butt as he mixed the ice and hot water into a washbasin. Once he was satisfied with the temperature, he turned and looked at Justin.

"You want to clean up first?" asked Jake.

Justin spread his legs, exposing his continually hard cock and smiled. "Why don't you wash me, then I'll wash you."

Jake smiled at Justin's sudden forward behavior, but the idea of washing each other sounded really good to Jake. Walking between Justin's spread legs, he slowly and carefully started washing this new man in his life. While he explored and touched the sexy smooth college boy, who was mewing and writhing under him, Jake paid careful attention to Justin's nipples, stopping each time he thought Justin was getting close. The only dark side to his exploration was finding the bruised welts that still faintly crisscrossed his body from his fathers beating. Jake put his anger aside and refocused on the handsome youngster under his hands. Jake carefully ran the warm wet cloth over Justin's face and neck; then, he leaned in and kissed him softly.

"Turn over, babe. I need to get your backside," said Jake with a smile, looking forward to getting to explore this young man's ass. Justin slowly rolled over, moaning as he tried to ratchet his overloaded senses down. He groaned as he lay face down on the bed, feeling very safe, even in his exposed position. Justin sighed as the cloth began traveling over his back. The lower it got, the more he anticipated the first touch on his ass. He was involuntarily clenching and releasing his butt, eager for Jake's touch. Just as the cloth was about to slide over his ass cheeks, Jake stopped. Looking back with a moan of disappointment, he saw a smile on Jake's face as he carefully washed Justin's feet, checking them briefly before he moved to his ankles and began moving up his legs. As the warm cloth cleaned Justin's calves, a soft moan came from his throat. When Jake stroked across Justin's inner thighs, he had to wave Jake to stop before he came from the wonderful sensations.

Finally, Justin relaxed against the bed and signaled Jake to continue with a loud exaltation of air. As the cloth hit his lightly haired ass cheeks, Justin shuddered from the sensuous cleansing. Immediately Justin knew he wouldn't last. Trying every distraction technique he could think of, he lasted beyond Jake's big hands rubbing the cloth over his butt cheeks. But when a single cloth-wrapped finger slid down his ass crack, and over his butt hole, Justin lost control.

With a gasping squeal, Justin plunged headfirst into his orgasm, as he felt Jake press harder against his clenching hole, getting just the tip inside. His body contracted as the first wad of cum hit the bed. Unable to control himself, Justin was bucking under Jake's prodding fingers while his body exploded with the sensations of amazing sex. More quickly than he would have liked, his orgasm ended and Justin was lying in a puddle of his own cum, gasping for air.

Jake leaned down, kissed the nape of his neck and whispered in his ear. "You ready to wash me?"

Justin nodded weakly, but then rebounded at the thoughts of free rein to touch and explore this stunningly handsome man. Turning, he took the washcloth and rinsed it carefully before beginning. He started with Jake's face, carefully running it over his cheek while caressing it with his fingertips. As he washed around each ear, he ran his tongue along the outside edge and kissed the lobe. He moved down Jake's neck, lovingly washing the hollow on each side of his shoulders before leaning in to kiss his Adam's apple. As he moved down Jake's chest, Justin tried to remember every porn scene he'd watched, every erotic story he'd read, trying to make this experience memorable for Jake.

But as he lifted Jake's arms to wash the dense hair of his pits, Justin didn't need instructions. His primal instincts took over and his hands grabbed Jake's shoulder has he buried his face in the warm, masculine crevasse. He licked, sucked and bit in the deep recess until it was wet and dripping spit. Panting with desire, Justin moved to the other side and repeated his performance, perfecting some moves from what he had done seconds before.

Sighing as he refocused on his task, Justin carefully washed Jake's torso. The cloth skimmed over the hair covering his flat belly, then glided to his faint, but clearly defined, Adonis belt. Following the crease lower, Justin quickly found himself in the wiry pubes of his lover. Justin knelt before Jake and washed his balls with excruciating care, taking his now hard cock in his fist, he peeled back the long foreskin and carefully washed the head. By the time he had finished, Jake's cock was hard as a rock and leaking precum in a solid stream.

Justin moved to his thighs and enjoyed going over each millimeter of skin as he explored the hair covered muscles. Jake was panting with lust, his legs spread wide by the time Justin finished with them. Standing behind him, Justin pushed Jake onto the bed and chuckled.

"Time for me to clean this last bit, Jake. Damn, you are so fuck'n hot!" said Justin.

Jake smiled at the profanity that had slipped from Justin, but moved to the bed in a daydream of lust. Lying across it, Jake spread his legs as far as the space allowed, exposing his rosebud for Justin's examination.

Justin moved in closer and began working on what he thought was Jake's single most attractive feature, his ass. He carefully cleaned it; over and over again he wiped its melon shape with great care. Once he had finished with the lightly furred butt, Justin carefully cracked open his ass cheeks, seeing Jake's hairy trough and winking red hole. Pushing the damp cloth into his crack, he teased Jake the same way Jake had teased him, with the same result. Soon Jake was moaning and thrashing on the bed under him. Again the circumstances overwhelmed Justin and he was drawn to perform the one act he had never seen the appeal of, but he suddenly, desperately, wanted to rim Jake.

Justin dropped the cloth in the basin and again knelt behind Jake. Forcing his muscular ass cheeks apart, Justin tentatively leaned in and licked over his puckered hole. It had none of the unpleasantness that Justin had been concerned about. In fact, the act itself almost sent Jake through the roof, which was reason enough to repeat it. Soon the air was laden with pheromones and both men were gasping and pawing as lust overtook them. As Justin ate Jake's ass like a seasoned pro, Jake knew he finally wanted it again, needing it from his young lover, he needed to be fucked.

"Fuck me," whimpered Jake, "Please Justin. Take your fat cock and fuck me!"

Justin rocked back, unprepared for this turn of events. In his wildest fantasy he'd never imagined that he would ever fuck Jake. He was just too masculine, too much the quintessential top. But his bubble-butted wet dream was lying beneath him, begging to be nailed. Justin was trying to formulate words as Jake looked back and regained a little composure.

"It's ok if you don't want to, but god you have me so horny, babe. That rim job was amazing and I'd really love to be your first fuck," explained Jake.

Justin grinned and nodded. "Yeah, I'm so horny. I want a piece of your ass. But . . ."

Jake chuckled, "I bought supplies . . . in case something happened. And I'll tell you what to do. It's been a long time so you'll need to get me ready for your fat dick. Go look in the backpack, there are some condoms and lube."

Justin leaped up, grabbed the bag and quickly rifled through it and found what they needed. As he stepped back, Jake turned and took the condom box from him and removed one. Ripping it open, he unrolled it down the length of Justin's raging hard cock. Noticing Justin's flushed skin and heavy breathing, he knew that neither of them was going to last long, but it was going to be wonderful.

"Take the lube and coat my hole really well, then slowly push one finger inside me. Once that feels like it's loosening, add a second one. Eventually you'll get a third finger in and then I'll be loose enough. It might take a little while, like I said it's been years since I've had sex with anyone. Just take your time, and it'll be amazing for both of us," explained Jake.

Jake moved to his knees, presenting his ass for Justin to explore. His breath sucked in as Justin's finger slid over his hole, coating it with the slick gel. After a few passes, Justin slowly slid his finger into Jake, pushing with a steady pressure until it was completely buried inside. Jake was overwhelmed by the sensations, pressing his face into the bed as his ass was loosened for a fucking that he needed more and more with each passing second.

Justin carefully added a second finger, feeling the tightness of Jake's inner portal as he worked to stretch it. The heat and scents coming from Jake's ass were almost overpowering as Justin got him ready. As Jake relaxed, Justin slipped in a third finger and then slowly pushed them home.

"Oh god, Justin. That feels fucking wonderful. Fuck me, babe. I need your cock so bad, fuck me hard!"

Justin let his fingers slide out and stood mesmerized by Jake's dilating hole for several moments. Then he coated his latex encased cock with a thick layer of lube. Standing behind Jake, he ran the head up and down the trough of his ass, then pressed his swollen cockhead against Jake's hole. Leaning against it, Jake's gut slowly relaxed until Justin slipped inside. Feeling the constraint of the second portal, Justin repeated his performance and was soon pressing deep inside of Jake. As his dark pubes ground against Jake's butt, a huge groan erupted from Jake.

"Oh, god yes. Fuck me fuck me fuck me. Oh holy hell!" moaned Jake.

Justin pulled almost out, then slowly pushed back inside. The condom was helping him last, but Jake's hot, tight ass was proving too much. Knowing he wouldn't hold out much longer, he left any pretext of being an experienced lover and grabbed Jake's hips and started pounding him. Soon their grunts and moans were filling the room. So loud in fact that Kody groaned and covered his face with his tail.

Justin fucked Jake with all the force his slender body could muster, and Jake enjoyed it. But with a final slam, the crescendo hit Justin and his body started pumping the condom full of cream. He thrashed and tried to push back into Jake, but succeeded only in sending his body into convulsions from the sensations of lust. Soon Justin was spent, his third ejaculation of the day actually exhausting his reserves. With a final shudder, he collapsed across Jake's back.

Jake moved slowly, feeling Justin's cock gradually slipping from inside him. Turning under Justin, he soon had the youngster in his arms, kissing him tenderly.

"That was amazing, you were amazing. I almost came from you fucking me. Damn, it was so good, babe," whispered Jake.

Justin looked up with a single tear rolling down his face. "Fuck me. Please."

Jake reached up and wiped the tear from his face. "Why the tears? What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong. It's just that I've never felt this cared about. I really want you to have my virginity."

"Have you ever . . . put anything up there?" said Jake.

Justin blushed a charming crimson. "Yeah, my fingers, a lot. And I ordered a couple of toys online too. I like it, but I want the real thing."

"I'd love that, Justin. We'll go at your speed, and we can stop anytime if you want to quit," said Jake as he caressed Justin's face.

With a smile Justin handed Jake a condom, the lube and crouched on the bed with his ass in the air.

Jake moved behind Justin on the bed, leaned forward and opened Justin's ass cheeks. Leaning in, he inhaled the odor of man sex and youth. He ran his hot tongue over Justin's exposed hole, eliciting a rumbling groan from Justin. Smiling to himself, he licked and tasted Justin's ass, driving the young man under him wild with desire. They progressed rapidly as Jake hardened his tongue and drove it into Jake's puckered ass.

"Oh shit! Motherfucker! Oh god damn, fuck me, fuck me, fuck my hot asshole," screamed Justin through a loud moan.

Smiling at Justin's sudden lapse into dirty sex talk, Jake dove in with an insatiable sexual appetite. He was soon tongue-fucking Justin with an intense passion, as the boy was lost in the heat of the moment. Deciding Justin was ready for the next step, Jake quickly put on the condom and coated it with lube. Reaching up, he spread Justin's ass cheeks, watched for a moment as saliva dripped down the hairs surrounding his ass, then squirted a healthy amount of slick gel over his puckered ass.

Jake followed it quickly with his thick finger that he buried deeply inside of Justin. When Justin's only response was an increase in volume and intensity of moans, Jake began a careful preparation for what was to come. His finger slid in and out of Justin, his butt slowly loosening until Jake was able to slide a second finger beside it. After several long delicious moments of fingering the hot boy ass in front of him, he applied more lube and slid in three fingers.

"Please, please Jake, Fuck me. God I need your hard fuck'n cock in me," begged Justin.

Jake kissed Justin's ass cheek as he let his fingers slip out of his cavity. Flipping on his back, he pulled Justin toward him and gave him a soft kiss. "You take it from here, babe. Get on top, that way you can control the speed."

Justin nodded comprehension, his body shaking from the stimulation Jake had already sent through his body. Crawling across the bed he was soon positioned over Jake's latex coated cock, with his own rigid cock jutting into the air between them. Justin reached back and found Jake's hot, throbbing cock and rubbed it over his hole. Unable to control the gasp that shot from his mouth, Justin started pressing down. His ass seemed to stretch forever, the pain mounted until the head slipped through his outer sphincter. The pain spiked as Jake's thick hard cock popped through, but it quickly receded and after a short period of time it became pleasurable. Willing himself to relax, Justin pushed down again, this time forcing the thick man cock through his inner gateway.

This time the searing pain took away Justin's breath. He fell forward, catching himself on Jake's broad chest. His breath was coming in ragged gasps as he tried to cope. Then he felt Jake's gentle touch over his body.

"It's ok, babe. Breathe and try to relax, the pain will get better in a few minutes," whispered Jake.

Justin focused on Jake's touch, his body relaxing as the pain slowly disappeared, to be slowly replaced with electric jolts that felt like mini-orgasms filling Justin's body. Time stopped as the two joined in their shared sexual pleasure. Eventually Justin pushed down again, this time it was pure pleasure. He'd never felt so full, and the sensations coursing through his body were like nothing he had ever experienced. Before he realized what he had done, Justin felt the curly hair surrounding Jake's cock rubbing against his ass. With a sigh, Justin leaned in and kissed Jake hard across the lips. Bracing himself against Jake's chest, he started grinding himself in small circles, relishing the electric sensations arising from his body.

"That's it, babe. Enjoy yourself. Just do whatever feels good. Damn, you have a tight ass. You feel amazing around my cock," said Jake softly.

Justin smiled down at his man, spreading his hands over Jake's chest, Justin lifted himself higher and then drove the thick cock deep into his gut. Quickly he lost himself in the pure sexual pleasure, riding Jake's cock like a wild thing. Jake tried to make it last, wanting Justin to find the pleasure he was seeking, but soon he was racing toward an orgasm. His muscular hips thrust up as he drove himself into Justin, meeting each of his bucks by driving his thick cock deeper inside.

Justin grabbed Jake's nipples and tugged on them as he ground his ass against Jake's crotch. The combination proved too much for Jake. Gripping Justin's hips, he flipped them over and started power fucking the young man. Justin let out a guttural scream of pleasure as Jake's cock rammed over his sweet spot again and again. With now both men racing to a climax, their bodies were responding in ways that Justin had never felt before. Just as he felt the first jet of cum squirt from his well-used cock, Justin felt Jake tense, filling the condom. The pleasure washed over them both, their bodies writhing on each other as their climaxes crested simultaneously.

Slowly they came down from their sexual highs, burying themselves in the blankets for warmth as they gently and lovingly kissed and touched each other.

"That was amazing," murmured Justin, "It was better than I ever imagined."

Jake kissed him softly and nodded, "It was amazing. I loved every second."

Without another word, the pair snuggled against each other, letting the room dim as the sun slowly slid out of sight.


Justin looked around the tiny room that had been his world for the past week. He and Jake had enjoyed each other's bodies in every way either of them could imagine, and it had all been amazing. Justin was saddened that it was coming to an end and they would be going their separate ways. But it had been an amazing time, and he wouldn't have changed a thing.

Grabbing the bag full of clothes that was serving as his suitcase, he stopped at the door and started putting on his snowshoes. Hearing nails on the wooden floor, he looked up in time for Kody to lick him from chin to eyebrow. Laughing he wiped his face dry then turned to Jake.

"I'm ready whenever you are, handsome," said Justin.

Jake looked over at the youngster and smiled. The time they had spent together the last week had been amazing. Feelings had been awakened in Jake that he thought had died with Scott. As he did his last round to close up the cabin for the season, he had one regret. He knew he would never know for sure, but Jake wished he knew that Scott approved. Scoffing at his silliness, he headed over to Justin, who was watching him from the open doorway.

With a slightly sad look on his face, Justin gave Jake a brave smile. "If you could help me get the car out that would be great. I know you have to get back, and I'll need to call a few friends and see if I can crash at their house until I find something."

Jake gave Justin a confused look, "Why?"

"Why what?" said Justin.

"Why do you need to find a place? I thought were you coming to live with me," said Jake.

A smile broke out on Justin's face, covering it from ear to ear. "Really! You want me to live with you! In your house!"

"Yes in my house, our house. I'm sure we'll have to work out a few things. But Justin, I've fallen in love with you."

Justin threw his arms around the handsome muscular man in front of him. "I love you too! I thought it was just me being a silly kid."

Jake held him tight and kissed him again. "If it is, we're both silly kids. Come on, let's get your car out and head home."

Justin raced out the door with Kody, joy settling into his system with an intensity he could never remember before. His emotions seemed contagious as Kody raced through the thigh deep snow in huge bounds. Looking back at the cabin, he watched Jake carefully lock up.

Staring at the tiny cabin, he realized for the first time that there was no window on this side. As Jake walked past him, he tried to work out the riddle of where the point of light came from that guided him the night he almost died. Jake paused to look at Justin.

"Everything ok?" asked Jake.

Justin turned to Jake with a smile, "Everything's perfect. I was just thinking too hard. I could have sworn the light from the lantern is what I followed to find the cabin that night in the storm."

Jake paused and let the handsome young man walk past him. Tilting his face to the sky, Jake mouthed a silent thanks, and quickly caught up with Justin.

With that the pair moved across the glistening snow and into their new life together.

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