Snowboard Fuck

By John Johnson

Published on Jan 2, 2006



My name is Ted. I'm 6' and 183 lbs. I workout and got a flat stomach going, with nice arms, nice chest, and very nice ass. Anyway, I have been gay all my life and like to lay low in high school cause I don't want anyone getting the wiser. This was about my first time. Snowboarding was one of my favorite sports. I went pretty often with the same people. We went to any of the mountains in the area. This weekend I went with 4 other kids than me. There was Justin, Dave, Travis, and Alex. They were all hot; c'mon they snowboard. Those two things go hand in hand. But the one I really liked was Alex.

He was only a little shorter than me, probably 5'7" - 5'8" and nicely built too. He played baseball and kept his body in good shape. I'm guessing around 180-185 lbs. He of course had everything really sculpted. He was one of those guys where all of his muscles showed through his clothing. Example -- when he wore shorts you saw the shape of his ass perfectly. Every time I talked to him I got a semi. This wasn't only because he was hot, but I felt like he had something for me as well. I caught him looking at me differently, he'd tend to talk to me more than the other guys, and I truthfully just felt something.

It was Friday and we were set to leave right after school. I was driving Alex; Justin, Dave, and Travis went in Travis' car. It was pretty hot out so I just wore some under armour covered by a t-shirt. Alex was wearing hoodie. There was no need for jackets. The way up, Alex and I talked about random shit. Music, movies, tricks we were gonna work on -- anything was up for conversation. We arrived at the mountain about 90 minutes after we left and boarded till 9:00. We had so much fun. We hung out in the trick park for a bit then eventually got into a snowball fight. It was definitely a good day. We walked back to the car laughing all the way. Alex and I threw our boards on the top of my car and put or shit in the trunk. I hated having the back seat cluttered with equipment. We left the others to go home. We drove again talking about whatever again with the radio quietly filling up the background. Half the time I wasn't paying attention to what Alex was talking about. He looked so cute with his sweaty/messy hair and smile.

It was always bugging me if he was gay or not, and I needed to know - one because I liked him and two because I was horny and needed to fuck someone. Whacking off on the weekends was just not enough. As we neared home, I said to him

"Do you really want to go home? It still feels early to me and I just don't see the point."

"Yea, I know what you mean. But where can we go?" I sat there for a moment trying to think this one through. I didn't want to go to my place or his because chances were both of our parents were home. I needed some place private. I thought of parking lots that wouldn't be checked out by the police. The one next to our school football field probably wouldn't be checked out. It is kind of hidden by the school and a fence and far away from any main road, so we'd be ok.

"What about the school foot ball field. We'll just chill in the parking lot for a bit until we can think of something better to do."

"That's not a bad idea," Alex replied. I drove past the snow-covered field through the dark of night. It was so nice out with the stars showing themselves. I pulled into one of the many open spots and let the engine run but cut the lights.

"That way no one will see us. Let's get in the back seat and relax," I said to him. Alex and I got out of the car and went into the back seat. It was a little more intimate because nothing was separating us. Both of us relaxed looking to the sky.

"Can you pick out any of the constellations?" I asked.

"Nope, I never really could see em."

"I can only tell you one -- Orion. It's actually pretty easy to see."

"Really? You see it now?"

"Yea, come over here and I'll show you it." Alex leaned over to me putting his face near mine while looking out the window. I lifted up his handed guiding it to Orion's belt.

"You see those three stars?"

"Yea," Alex replied.

"Ok, that's Orion's Belt. Now you see the rest of the stars surrounding it?" I guided his hand so it traced the corners.

"That's the rest of Orion. It makes a man with a bow in hand." Alex turns his head toward me and smiles.

"That's pretty kool," he says in a quiet voice. That is when I realize the moment has arrived where I need to do it now or never. I lean my head in with his body pressed up against mine and I touch my lips to his. For the first quarter of a second it is the gentlest kiss ever lay on another man, but I needed to be more aggressive. I open my mouth leaning harder into his lips and attempt to drive my tongue into his mouth. At first his lips are tight, but once he realizes what I am trying to do his mouth opens and my tongue drills into his. For about a minute we're aggressively attacking each other's mouths. I finally pull away for moment so I can breath. I look down at Alex whose laying on my shoulder and say,

"Fuck man, I've been wanting to do that for so long."

"Yea, I know what you mean."

"Lean back and let me take care of you for a bit." Alex leans back against the corner between door and the seat. His legs are up on the seat now. I get on top of him kissing him. I loved feeling his body touching mine; especially the way the warmth just came off of him. I pulled back and lifted his sweatshirt over his head and threw it up front. He was only wearing a tank top. Alex put his hand to the bottom of my shirt and lifts it up a little revealing my 6-pack. He rubs his left hand slow up and down each ripple. The tingle from his fingers makes me want to fuck him so bad. I take over and pull my shirt over my head and throw it up front too. I lean back down on top of him driving my tongue into his mouth. He digs his fingers into my pant's waistline pulling my waist into his. I feel my hard-on rubbing against my pants and I feel his through mine. I slowly gyrate up and down causing him to moan. I hear him unbutton and then unzip my pants. I pull back and unbutton his pants and push his underwear down. His meat pops up slapping his tank top covered stomach. I smile and say,

"I go first. You just enjoy." He smiles back showing his cute white smile. I bring my face down to his dick. It's about 6 and half inches. I put my cheek to the base of it and slowly slide it up basking in the strength and warmth radiating off of it. I look into Alex's eyes and notice how sexy he looks from the angle. His perfectly flat stomach leads up to his broad chest then to his cute face. I refocus my attention to the thing that I know will get him off. I stick out my tongue and touch it the base of his dick. I drag my tongue along the length of it causing Alex to gasp. I hear him breath in. I go back to the base continuing this like a child with a big lollipop.

"Fuck man, that feels so beautiful," he says slowly squirming under the pleasure. I decide to take it to the next step. I bring my lips to the head and slowly take the whole thing in and bring it to the back of my throat. I was only to get 3 inches in, but I was willing to work on it. I lifted of for a moment and said,

"Don't force me I want it all in, just give time."

"Dude, don't worry about that. Take all the time you need." I put it back into my mouth and touch to my throat. I open my throat as much as I can as to lean it in. I begin to feel the moment where I feel like I will gag and stop. I hold it there until the feeling becomes "normal." I then pull up not taking his cock out of my mouth and use my tongue to play with the head. I hear him moan a bit and then go for another try. I push it in deep opening my throat wide until I feel like I will gag. Again I stop until I feel "normal." I keep doing this over and over watching his eyes roll up and his smile scream "yes." I slowly get in more and more. I'm up to about 4 and half inches of his meat when he says,

"Ted, I'm gonna cum soon if you keep going." I pull it out and respond,

"Well then I guess it's my turn." I pull his pants down just far enough to reveal his tightly sculpted ass. I then reach for my pants and pull my dick out. I now have my left foot on the floor and my left leg kneeling onto the seat.

"Wow, that's pretty nice," Alex lets out. I glance down. It was somewhere between 7 and 7 and a half inches. I honestly didn't remember, however I have measured it.

"You better get ready for it cause I've been waiting for your ass for so long." His eyes light up a bit. I lean up past the space between the front two seats and pop open the glove compartment. I grab this bottle of ky that I have in the car just in case this happens. I drop some onto my dick and message it into my dick. It already feels nice. I push his legs up over my shoulders and drop some into his ass message the outside of his hole.

"You want me to prep you with my finger?" I ask him.

"You kidding me? Fuck it, just skip it and fuck me." Fuck I was so hot for him at that moment. He still hasn't moved from slightly leaning up against the door and the corner of the seat. I lean in so that I'm not upright in front of him but instead have my chest almost parallel with his. I touch my hard and hurting meat to his hole. I feel his exposed ass about to be filled by me. I push in and slowly try to enter. As my head begins to enter all I can feel is the extreme tightness of his probably virgin ass.

"Fuck, your so tight. You gotta relax," I say.

"I know, just go slow." His glistening cock lay hard up against his stomach. It was still wet from when my mouth was on it.

My head enters fully and I feel it. I feel the pleasure all centered on my cock. I want more so I keep going. As my shaft disappears into him, nothing but pleasure fills me. I feel this tight, wet, and warm cavity enclosing my dick on every side. Fuck, it feels so nice. My patch hits his ass and I get sucked back into reality. I look at Alex's face and it's a mix of pain and pleasure.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yea." I hold my 7 plus inches inside him and admire his body. Every portion of him is defined. His skin is also incredibly smooth. I can also see his hard nipples through the tank top. His arms are gripping the sides of the seat; one at the headrest and the other under the edge of the seat he lays on. Since he's pulling on the headrest a bit, he's pulling his body a little into the air causing his muscles to flex -- the ones on his arms, chest, and abs.

I begin to pull out and feel the friction against my dick. I have never felt anything this good or this tight. I'm almost out and I stop. Alex's expression shows he's waiting for my next move. I go back in, this time it's easier but still very tough. I enter in again and Alex's face distorts. He is so sexy like that. I pull out and go in again. I keep doing this slowly building speed. Alex starts to grunt, probably from both the pain and the pleasure. Every time I pump him, I go fully in then almost completely out. It feels so good his ass messaging my dick.

"Man, you like this? You like my cock?"

"Yea, fuck^Å fuck^Å. me harder^Å" he manages to get out. That was all I needed to hear. I start pumping my dick and full thrusts now. Every time I enter it is with full force and then pull out gently. Alex's mouth is open slightly with him grunting "Uh^ÅUh^ÅUh^ÅUh" to every fuck. I barely notice but I was doing it too. The pleasure was so strong that I had to make the noise. Mine was probably just as loud if not louder.

My chest was only really only a foot away from his and I wanted his mouth too. My mouth rushes down onto his viciously kissing him as I ram my cock into him. I catch a grunt into my mouth as push my tongue in. I continue kissing him and fucking him for a good thirty seconds before I stop kissing him. I pull my lips off of his so our faces are only 7 inches apart. His eyes seem to open in slowly motion revealing his cute brown eyes. We stare at each other while my dick is shoved into his hole. His eyes scan my body as my head hovers above his. I some how forget about the fucking and we're lost in each other's beauty. I feel the tingle in my dick and it brings me back.

"Alex, I'm gonna shoot."

"Yea, cum in my ass. I want it all there." I wanted to fill his ass so badly. I start really fucking his hole now as hard and deep as I can. His moans grow louder as mine do. Near climax, I grab onto his dick and start squeezing and jerking. I shove my cock in one last time holding it in as far as it can go. I shoot load after load into his ass. I feel my dick being surrounded with my own warm cum. While shooting my load, I lose the energy to jerk Alex but instead just squeeze his as hard as I can. He lifts his head toward me and his abs tighten. I feel his hole close hard around my dick. Cum launches from his dick all over his shirt and some hits his face and hair. One load goes as far as the window behind him. After the moment dies down, I say to him,

"That was impressive."

"I never knew I could shoot so much." We both laugh and I put my head to his lips kissing him softly. There is still cum on his chin and cheeks so I use my tongue to lap it up. I kiss him so more putting it back in his mouth.

"I'm sorry bout your window man," He apologizes.

"Don't worry, I think it looks nice." We laugh again. I pull my dick slowly out and lay on top of him with my head on his cum covered tank top.

"Was that your first?" I ask him


"You like it?"

"It was probably the best fuck I'm ever gonna have. You?"

"Yea and it was probably the best ass I'm ever going to have." After a moment,

"Dude, wait a minute." He pushes me off pulls the shirt over his head revealing an incredibly smooth and built physique. I lay my head back down.

"Thanks." I almost fell asleep on his chest like that but I realized we were kind of on public property still (school football field parking lot) and had to move so no one would see us. I lifted my head up toward Alex and said,

"Dude, we should go soon. It's late and we might be seen. But I just wanted to say, that was awesome."

"Ha, yea it was. You know, for a moment there you were fucking me pretty hard. My ass is going to be raw for a at least a day."

"I've wanted that for so long, I wasn't gonna hold back. Plus I didn't hear you say stop." We both laughed. I sat up and zipped up my snowboard pant and threw on just the t-shirt this time -- no point for the under armour too. Using his wife beater, Alex cleaned the cum off the window and what was left on him. He threw on his sweatshirt.

I dropped him off at his house. He said as he was leaving raising the cum rag with one hand,

"I'm going to have to save this for memory." We shared one last short kiss that night and I drove home. We fucked nearly every day after that until college.

The End.

Ok. This one is better I think -- less grammatical shit I screwed up on the last couple of times. Sorry bout not continuing "loosening-up-the-tight-end" -- maybe I'll come back to that. There is also "helping-the-hottest-guy-in-school" Again -- emails welcome, even though I prob won't respond. I still read em. Anyway enjoy.

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