Snow On the Mountain

Published on Oct 27, 1999


Snow on the Mountain - Part One

By Bald Hairy Man

This is an adult story for adults only.

My client needed me to visit the job site for an emergency, and against my better judgement I drove two hours across the mountains to meet with him. I knew a winter storm was coming from the west, but guessed that I would be back home by the time it arrived.

I had forgotten that the weather in the valley was much cooler that in the tidewater area and by the time I reached the job moderate snow was falling. No one was at the site. I called the client, and was told he had gone home because of the storm.

Winter storms in Virginia are treacherous. Typically there are more problems with local drivers who don't deal with the snow or sleet than the snow itself. I dreaded the trip back but got on the interstate and drove east toward Richmond over the Blue Ridge.

The storm got worse every mile I went, and as I began to climb over Afton Mountain the situation deteriorated precipitously, with heavy snow, strong wind and near zero visibility. I reached the summit when troopers closed the road to the east. They told me that the road was closed behind me too, so I was stuck. I turned into one of the motels at the top of the mountain and got a room, the last room available in the motel.

I called my office and told them what had happened and told them to get home before the snow hit. Then I went to the restaurant to have an overdue lunch. I was vile outside. The ten yards between the motel and the restaurant was an ordeal, and I realized I was stuck for the duration of the storm.

I stopped in the lobby and asked the desk clerk about the weather forecast. He was rude and told me to look at the weather channel in my bedroom, then he told a man trying to get a room that none were available. The man was middle aged, bearded and big, not tall not fat. He was in insulated work clothes and I assumed he did outdoor work. The desk clerk was being as rude as he could manage. No there is no room, no you can't stay in the lobby, maybe the restaurant would let you in.

I was pissed at the desk manager and as the man turned to leave, I said. "I have an extra bed in my room, if you don't mind sharing."

Under the quilted hood and a hat, with two layers of plaid flannel peaking out a face looked relieved. He had a white-blond beard, blue eyes and a relieved expression. "Would you? It would be a lifesaver. That storm is a killer."

"The bed is empty." I said.

"I have two guys in the truck with me, could they sleep on the floor?" He asked.

Oh shit, I thought, what have I gotten myself into. I was going to say no, but I caught the desk clerk looking at me with a smirk, and I would have rather been robbed and murdered by a gang of gypsies that give that asshole satisfaction. "Sure, bring them in, I wouldn't leave a dog out in a storm like this." I said in a loud voice. "I am in room 207."

"That will be an extra charge!" the desk clerk called, and the bearded man pulled out a wad of bills and payed it.

He introduced himself as Bill Williams, the construction superintendent of a job in Staunton, and the two men were his lead carpenters. I told him I was Max.

I told him was going to the room, and he said he would get his stuff and be there shortly. About ten minutes later he arrived with his two men in tow, and some stuff, coolers, and what looked like tool boxes. I began to worry about my gypsy murder scenario. One of the men was about six feet two with a foot long beard, the other was smaller, thin and had the look of a man who had made many bad choices in his life, and they all showed.

Bill introduced his men as Skeeter, the guy with the beard, and Jimmy, the thin guy. "I am sorry but I brought in some of our tools. "The power saws are new and I figure we may need the chains saws to get out of here. If they get too cold they won't start." he explained.

Being in a room with three red necks and a chain saw was not what I looked forward too, but there was no way to avoid it now. I turned on the television and found the weather channel. There was snow from cental Virginia to Indiana. It was going to be a long stay.

The room was cool, and Bill suggested that I turn the heat up. "If we loose electricity it with give us more time to cool off before it gets cold. I had only my overcoat and suit. When Bill and his men began taking their clothes off they had enough on for six men, Overalls, vests, quilted shirts, shirts and long johns.

The men got down to long johns, and hung their clothes up to dry, they apparently had been working in water. Skeeter's pants were soaked up to his knees, and his sox were soaked. Bill told him to get in the shower and spend some time warming up.

Bill looked better and better the more he took off. He was muscular, barrel chested, and well built. I had expected them men to smell once they got out of their cocoon of clothes. I guessed that had been steaming inside for weeks. But I was surprised. The room was filled with the smell of damp clothes and sweat, but new sweat. The men were a lot rougher looking than they were.

As the heat rose, Bill unbuttoned his long johns exposing his chest , covered in a thick matt of hair. I took my shirt off and lay down on the bed. Skeeter emerged from the shower and dried himself off in the room. His body was hairy , but not as hairy as his beared suggested, he had a long, uncut and thick cock. He wasn't shy at all, and I realized that men with cocks that big didn't mind showing it. Jimmy went into the showered next.

When he emerged the room was really warm, and he and Skeeter sat nude on the bed watching television while their clothes dried. Bill showered. Jimmy had a thin coating of reddish blond hair on his chest and a long thin cock, cut. When Bill emerged, I almost stared. The muscles and hair were consistent from head to toe. He had a slight gut, but he was hard work strong, not health club strong. He had big balls, apricot sized and a short , thick uncut cock resting on the balls. I suspected that he had a beer can cock when erect.

It was six o'clock and I suggested that we have dinner. Bill said that heir clothes weren't dry yet, so I offered to get sandwiches. That hit the spot, and when I asked what they wanted, Bill told me to get whatever looked best, he and his guys weren't picky.

"Can you get some beer too?" Skeeter asked.

I said. "Sure. That does sound good." I bundled myself up and braved the storm. At the restaurant I ordered four hamburgers with all the fixings and four sandwiches. They said it would take about half and hour so I went to the lobby. The desk clerk was replaced by another man, older and more in control. His name tag identified him as Sheraton Hilton. I did a double take, and he said. "My parents had an odd sense of humor."

I spoke to him about the rude desk clerk. He seemed sympathetic in a not particularly sincere way but his eyebrows rose when I mentioned the extra charge for the room and that Bill paid in cash. "What room number is that again?" he asked.

"207, Max MacAfee is the name." I said. "Is there a problem?"

"Not for you. I think I may have a problem.", he said.

"What is our chance of having electricity through the storm?" I asked.

"As a matter of fact real good. We have a generator and a weeks supply of fuel. This place is designed for this sort of event." he answered. " The only problem is hot water. It's electric and the generator is not big enough to produce any appreciable amount. Take a shower when you can."

"I turned the heat up in case we lost it. No need to worry?" I asked.

"Not at all, but the place is double insulated so the heat may last for a long while. Don't turn the heat all the way off, we need heat in the pipes to keep everything from freezing." he added.

When I got back to the room, the food was welcome, but I had a feeling that I had perhaps interrupted something. I noticed that Skeeter and Bill's cocks were half erect, and wondered if I returned too soon. I said I needed of get some things from my car and went out in the storm again. I returned with two cases of beer and two jugs of red wine.

"I got this for an office party tomorrow. I guess that we might as well use it." I said.

"I have died and gone to heaven!" Skeeter said as he popped open a beer.

My knowledge of construction workers suggested that a case of beer might be a good ice breaker, and I was right. The burgers were great, real meat not prefabricated patties, the fries were home made. The beer was cold. The conversation became animated. I had lost all fear of a chain saw massacre by that time. The guys were normal, Bill was amiable with a great sense of humor, Skeeter had a dry, slightly twisted approach to life, Jimmy was quiet but laughed at all of the jokes.

I set the heat back to 68, but the room was hot and I stripped to my underwear. The other men were in portions of their long johns. Skeeter and Jimmy were in the tops with no bottoms. The bottoms were drying. And Bill had the top unbuttoned to below his navel. I told them about the hot water problem. After dinner and several beers I took a shower.

The water was hot and the water pressure was great. With the combination of the hot water and the beer I began to relax after a day of irritation and stress. After a while, I turned the water off and opened the curtain and dried myself off . I looked up and realized Bill was watching me. He was naked.

"Do you like what you see?" I asked.

"I sure do. Do you like what you see?" He asked.

"Oh yes! I had hoped I wasn't that obvious when I looked at you earlier." I said, noticing that his cock was enlarging a bit.

"I don't mind obvious. When you are naked it's hard for a guy to hide his interests." he said. "The boys and I are old friends, we didn't know if you would mind us playing a bit?" He was watching my cock rise to half staff.

"Can I join?" I asked. Bill came closer and touched my balls.

"We'd love it. The boys and I have been doing this a long time and are kinda free and easy. If anything happens that you don't like just say no."he whispered. "Have you had sex with men before?

"Don't worry, I am not a virgin."I said. He smiled. "I like sex, vanilla, but lots of vanilla is fine with me." we were both fully erect by this time.

"That sounds great to me." Bill said.

"How do we get the ball rolling?" I asked.

"Actually the ball has rolled a bit all ready." Bill said. "All we need to do is walk in the next room showing hard and nature will take its course."

I looked to the bathroom door and saw Skeeter and Jimmy at full erection.

"Skeeter! Get your sorry ass here and take care of out host!" Bill said laughing. Skeeter smiled, came in dropped to his knees and deep throated my cock.

"Let's get in the bedroom where we have some room to play." Bill said. He whispered to me, "Face fuck him, that beard is great on the balls." Skeeter obviously knew Bill's interests because he sat down on the floor with is head at the foot of the bed, and snagged me as I walked by. Skeeter was a great cocksucker, and his beard cushioned my balls. They were floating on a bed of hair.

Bill got on the bed and fed me his cock. It was still enshrouded in his thick foreskin. What I had thought was a short thick cock had just been his cock head. As I sucked the fucker just got bigger and bigger. It was maybe seven-eight inches long and thick. I was getting really excited and feeling cum bubbling up in my balls when Bill broke it off and said, "Lets cool down."

We all got on one bed and drank another beer. "Skeeter is quite a cock sucker, isn't he?" Bill said. I nodded trying to catch my breath. "For Jimmy and me, cock sucking is just an appetizer, Skeeter thinks it's the main course."

"Shit Billy, if cum made you drunk you'd be in A.A!" Skeeter said with a twinkle in his eye.

"I was just stating a fact, not an opinion." Bill said. "I want Max to understand the lay of the land. Now Max, Skeeter's a sucker, Jimmy's a fucker, I am a jack of all trades. I give and I take. What are your interests?"

"I seem to like it all, maybe more bottom than top. I've never been screwed by guys as big as you." I said, shocked at my directness. "Am I the only bottom here?" Apparently there was some anxiety in my voice because the guys laughed.

"Shit no!" Skeeter interjected. "We all bottom, even Jimmy!"

"What you talkin' 'bout boy!" Jimmy finally said something.

"I was thinking about that big electrician in Harrisonburg. Seems to me that someone in this room was taking it in the ass, and moaning something about seeing Jesus."

"I guess there was that ONE time." Jimmy conceded.

"I was also thinking about ..." Skeeter continued.

"Enough guys, we have some recreating to do!" Bill interjected. "Let me tell you a bit more about us, Max. Skeeter cums easy the first time, and without much warning. If you object to having a mouth full of jism, wait till his second or third time. Jimmy is slow to shoot, so if you get board easy, don't suck him, you'll be forever. Real nice if he's in you ass though. I cum easy the first time, but much slower after that."

"I you like it slow, try Billy his fourth of fifth pop. He did me a half hour once. His cream gets thicker as the night continues." Skeeter said confirming his interest in cum.

"I don't know if I can keep up with you guys. I've never been in this situation before." I said.

"Just let nature take its course. No need to rush. We usually need to get a quicky in the construction trailer or in the truck, so this is a treat." Bill said. Some guys shoot once and pack up their tools and go home."

"Hey guys!" Jimmy interjected. "Stop talking about the electrician!"

Skeeter and Bill laughed, then Bill said, "We can take care of ourselves. Max, anything you can give, or take is just frosting on the cake."

"Cream in the coffee." Skeeter added. So there I was, naked with three complete strangers, discussing our plans for the night. Pre cum was dripping from Jimmy and my cocks, we were cut and our heads were exposed. There was a wet glistening in the puckered skin that hid Bill and Skeeter's cock heads. I had never been so excited in my life.

Bill put his arm around me and pushed me back in the bed. With surprising agility he straddled my head so his cock was easy to get to, then sucked my cock, a classic 69 position. He carefully licked my cock head licking around the edge then working into the slit. I did the same periodically deep throating his.

Bill began to spread his legs and Skeeter moved in to rim Bill's ass. I realized that Jimmy was doing the same to me, he was spreading my legs and his tongue was in my ass. I couldn't see much through Skeeter's thick beard, but I could taste Bill's reaction to it as he oozed more and more pre cum. Skeeter stopped riming and soon his cock was near my mouth. His skin was fully retracted and the big cock head was deep red-purple with pre cum dripping from the slit. I sucked it. Skeeter's cock was almost as big as Bill's and I was trying to service each. Bill had stopped sucking me.

Skeeter pulled back and I returned to Bill's cock. Then Skeeter positioned his cock at Bill's hole, and wham, it disappeared into Bill' rectum. Skeeter's hairy balls were all that was visible. Bill shot a squirt of pre cum as this happened. I was fascinated. I felt a pressure at my asshole, and wham , I was skewered on Jimmy's cock. I was completely painless, Jimmy was thin, but it was a shock to have my ass filled so quickly , no preliminaries. He was just poking his cock around in my ass seeing what felt good. Jimmy suddenly stopped and twitched several times. He must have cum in my ass.

"Good aim Jimmy." Bill said. "I think this puppy's going to pop. Maybe we should slow things down a bit." with that comment the three men pulled away.

I was real close. "Shit man, don't leave me this way, push me over the top!" I cried.

"Does anyone want to help this boy out?" Bill asked.

"Sure." Skeeter answered. And he lifted my legs, spread them wide and positioned his huge head at my hole. "Lets see if Jimmy boy has loosened you up." he popped his head through the hole and to the other side of the sphincter.

"God! That's good!" I moaned. He slid the entire cock in and began to pump slowly. I had never been fucked by a cock that big so all the sensations were new. I couldn't get my thoughts under control as wave after wave of sensation was generated in my ass.

"Damn, damn, damn!" Skeeter said. "I shot off." I'm sorry Max, I wanted to give you a longer ride." Skeeter pulled his cock out.

"Don't send a boy to do a man's job." Bill said as he got up and shoved his cock into my just vacated ass. He was pumping slow and easy. Three cocks in a few minutes was a new experience for me, each one bigger than the one before. I was stretched to the limit, but Bill's cock rammed my prostate every time he pumped in. I couldn't think or breathe.

"Max, are you ok? He asked. I nodded yes. "Skeeter, have I ever fucked a guy whose ass was lubricated by your cum before? Its real nice, slick and juicy." I twitched and contracted my rectum and Bill moaned with pleasure. "That was very nice Max, you can do that anytime you feel like it!"

"Skeeter, get over here and take this mans cum." Bill was still trying to give orders, but his cock was giving him other orders. Bill and I came together. He in my ass, me shooting into Skeeter's open mouth.

We all fell into a pile on the bed. "I don't know if I can keep this up, but this is incredible." I said.

"Max, as a long time fisherman, I can tell you that you are a keeper." Bill said.

"Hell, I wouldn't mind having you stuffed and on the wall, just to remind me of the last fifteen minutes." Skeeter said.

Then the phone rang.

End of part one.

Depending on the length of the storm this story may continue. If you have any comments, write me at

Next: Chapter 2

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