Sniffing Brother in Law

By Glenn Freemen

Published on Jun 23, 2003


Adult tory contains oral sex between two married guys. Owned by the writer Glenn Freemen,

My wife, her sister, and we two in-law husbands were best friends for a long time. During the whole dating process, dances, parties and holidays -- we were always together. I know in many families, the in-laws don't always see eye-to-eye, but in this case, we all clicked. Now this doesn't mean we were always a foursome; in fact, most of the time, we weren't. They had a lot of close friends they also hung out with, but we were always included in the invitation.

Gary and I would go out for a drink or two on occasion, just to ease the stress of our workweek, or to compare the similarities in being married to sisters. However, sometimes-good things come to an end, at least temporarily. One Friday night they had us over for dinner and announced they were moving across the country to Vancouver for a 2 year, special project. We were devastated for the loss of our close relationship, but understood why they were doing it. My wife would also be losing her daily phone conversation that occurred every day after work with her sister.

At the end of the evening, we hugged closely, Gary and I closer than ever before. We pressed our bodies together so the usual chest-to-chest hug was thrown out the window. Chests, pelvis and thighs pressed hugged tightly. We truly did love each other -- unspoken in word, but evident in body language -- that evening at least.

The following summer, we visited Vancouver for a two week holiday, much of it spent sight-seeing, and sailing to the different islands around Vancouver, but as far as day-to-day contact throughout the year, Gary and I stuck to short emails, and a couple of phone calls. The two sisters talked every week.

Finally, the two-year point was up and they were moving back to town. Their house had been rented out for two years and they were coming back home. The morning we came over to help them with their return move, we were overjoyed. We worked throughout the day, ordered in a feast and finally sat back to relax with the rest of the gang that came to help out. Since they had a pool, Gary suggested we all go for a swim, but the women didn't have an interest in it, and actually, it was at that point the rest of the group decided it might be time to leave. However, Gary and I decided to go for a nude swim, and ran stripping our clothes off, diving in the pool.

We swam, we relaxed and we drank while we swam together, naked in their pool. Gary decided to hoist himself up and sit at the side of the pool, and I swam over, remaining close by, but in the water. In order to continue the conversation, my body was close to his; actually, close to his legs with my head generally bobbing up and down in the water a foot and a half from his crotch.

As I bobbed up and down in the water half-listening to his conversation, I found myself noticing the length of his flaccid penis, how it hung down over his hairy bag; the muscular things covered lightly in black hair, matching the soaked black hair on his head.

He caught me looking at him and laughing, asked me if I was getting a good view from down there. I looked at his great smile and made some sarcastic comment about his body and his dick. He jumped in the water, and we began an underwater wrestle, struggling to get out of arm holds, leg holds and even a hold where he held my neck tight between his thighs. The only way out was grabbing his balls so he would open up and let me out for a breath of air above water. But one tough grab of his bag didn't do it, I had to pull and tug for a few seconds before he unclamped his thighs from my head.

When I got home that night, I lay in bed thinking about Gary and the fact that I had grabbed his bag -- what it felt like -- that he didn't really flinch at first -- and that it felt kind of liberating to have my hand on my best friend's balls.

It was a week later when the wives decided to go out together on the Friday night, and Gary invited me to his place to catch up and perhaps play some cards or watch a flick. My wife and I drove over to their place, where her sister was waiting for her, but her husband was just driving in from a late appointment. He apologized for being late, and we walked into his house together. He kicked off his shoes, loosened his tie, went to the fridge and tossed me a beer, then opened one for himself. We both plopped down on the couch together, feet up on the table while he spilled his guts about the rotten sales appointment he had just been involved with.

When he finished his tale, he took a swig of beer then wrapped his arm around my neck pulling me towards him and said, "But that's why I'm happy my best bud's here, so I can forget about all that shit and have a great night"! Then he leg me go, but because of that move, we had moved closer on the couch and our feet were almost touching on the coffee table. God, it felt good to be that close to him. He had a killer smile, and was a good-looking guy, with thick black hair. We were both similar sizes -- about 6 ft -- 180 pounds, except I sandy-brown haired guy. I had a light covering of hair on my whole body while he had a little chest hair, but a thick bush and hairy legs, which I seemed to have focused on the pool a week earlier.

"So man, what do you want on your pizza -- my treat!" he smiled.

"Loaded -- just put everything on it -- I'll eat anything, you know that", I replied.

"Anything?" he said grabbing his dick through his pants, laughing.

"Hey man, I've never eaten one of those so I don't have a clue if I'd like it on a pizza or not. Dick a pube pizza -- I don't think so", I smirked.

"Well, you haven't tasted mine man -- you might change your mind" he laughed. It was just banter, or so I thought. He sat back down beside me and while taking a swig of his beer he said in a disgruntled voice -- half whispering ... "Actually, neither has your sister-in-law".

"Get outta here", I quipped. Really?"

"Really" he shrugged. We still fuck, and I eat her out a lot, but she doesn't like sucking me."

"That's unbelievable because it's the same with me -- exactly! I mean she might lick the tip a little to get me hard, but she won't suck me off".

"Oh well", Gary said, "at least we're still getting sex and that's a good thing".

He got up and ordered the pizza and then excused himself to change into something more comfortable. When he walked back in the room, he was wearing a comfortable t-shirt, and old jogging shorts, obviously with no underwear on. His dick was swinging away while he walked. "Fuck, nothing like getting real comfortable" he said. "Terri (his wife) doesn't like me wearing these, so I always wear them when she's not around" he smiled.

"Yeah, I've got a pair like that too, but it's got a hole in the crotch and she really hates me wearing them. When I'm alone, I wear them -- or nothing".

"Same here. I like walking around buck naked, or at least with my t-shirt on when she's not around. It feels freeing -- and, you know -- comfortable".

"My roommate and I in college hung out naked a lot in the room -- was never a big deal. Well, not all day, but you know sometimes, studying, or after a shower, we just didn't bother getting dressed right away. So yeah, I know what you mean. There was an awkward silence for a moment, where we both took a few gulps of beer.

We spent some time making a good salad, made a few appetizers for the night and talked some more. After the pizza had arrived we plopped down on the couch watched "Friends" and piled up our plates.

Gary had his hands behind his head with his eyes closed and a very contented look on his face. In a bold move, I reached over and smacked his stomach, "feels good, doesn't it". He didn't move, and just replied with a "mmm-mmm".

In that moment, the phone beside Gary rang. It was my wife who made some joke - I presumed - as Gary was laughing, but then she wanted to speak to me. At first, Gary started to hand the phone to me, but his devilish grin showed he had an alternative plan. His thick forearm held the receiver right beside the outline of his cock, which was now, protruding from his shorts. "Phone's for you -- if you can reach it" he said with his grin larger than ever.

I tried to grab the phone from him, yelling that I'd be there in a minute, when I finally conceded. My face went down to his crotch, with my nose in his bush and lips resting on his penis trying to talk into the phone.

"What took you so long" she yelled.

"Oh Gary was just being a jerk and wouldn't give me the phone" I said to her with my nose breathing in the man smell from his pubes. Gary pulled the shorts up further letting his balls out along with the rest of his nice thick dick gently brushing it against my cheek.

"Listen hon, Terri and I are going to go back to our place tonight after the show. We have so much to catch up on, so you and Gary can have the night to do what you want and we're going to be up all night talking. Don't expect us until noon tomorrow. Is that okay"?

"Not a problem -- I don't think - looking up at Gary -- Girls are going to sleep at my place tonight; okay if I hang out here for tonight?" He nodded his head and grabbed the phone, "okay by me. You girls behave now -- g'night".

He hung up the phone and burst out laughing. "Hey, you said you never tasted one before, I just thought I'd give you a little appetizer". I jumped on him and we wrestled each other onto the floor letting go when I started getting a hardon.

We sat back down on the couch and continued eating our pizza, this time, a little further apart than before.

"So." he said.

"So what?" I asked.

"So, did you like it down there?"

"You mean, did I like that you forced my face in your crotch" I socked him on the arm.

"Yeah -- did it smell okay and stuff"?

I just stared at him for a couple of minutes while he had his huge grin on. I grinned back at him interested in knowing where this conversation was heading.

I looked in front of me, and while I sipped my beer I said, "yeah it was okay -- not too weird actually, although I didn't really breath deeply or anything.

"Cool" he said.

We watched TV for awhile when he said, "So, do you think you might want to try to take a good whiff for a little longer? I mean, you said you haven't had one in your mouth before, so if you want to try it -- on me -- it's okay."

"So, have you ever...sucked one before?" I asked, without looking at him.

"Yeah, once with my cousin -- I think I was 17 or 18 -- really quick".

There was silence again when I admitted I had jerked off with my cousin a few times and had just thought about putting his cock in my mouth once but it had never happened.

"Well look, if you wanna try it, you know where to find it. We'll just watch a movie and you can sniff it,lick it, play with it or suck on it and if you don't like it, you can stop, okay". He still wasn't looking at me. We were both a little nervous.

"I'll think about it" I said, looking over at his face and smiling. Then I looked down at his crotch, reached over grabbed his shorts covered cock and shook it for sec then left my hand resting on it "I guess if there's any guy I'm going to try it with, it might as well be my best bud. I looked back at his face, and he was smiling. We clinked our beer bottles and continued watching TV for a little while longer in silence.

"I have to piss" he said, and got up to go the washroom. When he returned, his shorts were in his hand and he was naked from the waist down. I couldn't keep my eyes of his soft cock jiggling away so when he reached the couch, I stopped him by touching him on his naked thigh. I looked up at him and told him I was ready to try it, and that if we weren't so close, I probably wouldn't be thinking of doing it.

He moved closer and swayed back and forth a little brushing my face with his penis, leaning in a little closer so my nose was surrounded by his bush. It tickled a little and to be quite honest, when I've been in dressing rooms, guy's dicks have been almost that close to my face, depending on the size of the dressing room we'd be in playing hockey.

"Hey man, if this works out, we might have another favorite sport besides hockey and soccer"! I pushed him down on the couch and punched his arm. "So how did we ever get from eating pizza to me sucking your cock"?

Gary slinked down on the couch, holding his penis, "Now doesn't this look like a pretty good snack -- convenient -- always ready. Just think of it as dessert.

I slinked down beside him, our hairy legs against each other and grabbed his dick and he reached over and rested his hand on the bulge in my pants. "So how big do you get anyway"? I asked.

"Well why don't you pump it a bit and find out".

"Tell you what, now I'm going to take a piss and get another beer. You pump it and I'll be back expecting to see it hard as a rock when I get back". I wagged his dick a little and got up to head to the can. When I got back, he was at full mast, legs spread wide and he looked fantastic. "Holy fuck" I yelled, that's huge...and you expect me to get that in my mouth"? He stroked it a few more times.

"It's all ready for you -- whenever you are". He smiled putting his hands behind his head and spread his legs as wide as he could. I walked to the fridge and grabbed another beer strolling back and stood in front of him. My cock was semi-hard by now, and the thought of giving my first blowjob was beginning to excite me. I knelt down between his legs, using his knees for balance.

"Okay man, here we be nice...and don't cum in my mouth unless I say it's okay". I said.

"Whatever Stu, I'll ask you first...just take your's been a long time since I've had my dick sucked".

I moved in and grabbed the base of his cock. It felt completely comfortable being in between this guy's legs. I've known him for years, we've been best friends, I've seen him naked swimming and in the dressing rooms for, I'd just be tasting a part of his body. I bent forward and put my nose on his bag, stuck out my tongue and licked it. I rubbed my nose over his hairy balls and breathed in deeply.

"You smell great, Gary" I whispered looking up and smiling at him. Then, I looked at his cock, took a deep breath, and put the head in my mouth and slowly slid down the shaft as far as I could go. My fingers ran through his pubes and I dove down again, starting to bob up and down, the way I thought I'd like to be sucked.

Gary's eyes were closed and he had a beautiful, content smile on his face. I lifted myself off of him. "So buddy, everything okay?"

"It feels great, Stu. Are you okay? (I smiled) Just keep doing what you're doing".

I reached under his legs and grabbed his hairy cheeks giving myself a good grip while I went to work on him. Suddenly, I felt his hands on my head, stroking my hair with slight pressure pushing me down toward his cock. I had to take a good look at what I was doing. There I was between his legs, working on his dick -- I couldn't quite believe it, but I thought I would work it through until the end. His cock had a smooth texture, and it didn't have much of a taste the musky smell from his pubes and his nuts was driving me crazy. I started to caress his bag, being gentle as I massaged each ball with a separate hand, sucking his dick as best I could. It was incredible. He held the sides of my head tighter and started a long slow thrust into my mouth.

"Fuck Stu, this is incredible. I've just got to fuck your face a little. Let me know if it's okay." He held me tight and went to work. I let him shove his cock as far down my throat as I could take it, and then all the way out. The action was actually letting me work on getting a little more of him down my throat each time he thrust into me. I looked up and paused for a moment still holding him in my mouth. I was between my best bud's -- my brother-in-law's hairy muscular legs; looking up at his t-shirt, his arms behind his head with his thick pit-hair exposed, and the most beautiful smile looking down on me. I couldn't quite believe it.

"Oh man, I've missed this and Stu, you're doing great". He started to fuck my face a little harder and I seemed to be managing to get him all the way down my throat. When my nose was buried in his pubes the smell was incredible.

" I can't stand it, I've gotta cum -- and I want to cum in your mouth" he writhed.

Slipping his dick from my mouth I said,"Gary, this is great -- I don't want it to end yet -- can you hold off a little longer"? then gobbled him up again.

"Fuck -- we have all night Stu -- this'll be blowjob #1. It's cumming...". The moment he said it, I felt the first spurt of semen in my mouth. The shock of it made me withdraw, but only for a second as I watched the second spurt fly out and hit my face. Down I went and swallowed the rest of it, spurt after spurt, and finally, just a slow pump of cum. I still had my pants on and was pressing my hard dick up against his leg while I was sucking him ferociously, and then began to spurt my semen in my underwear. I was soaked.

When he was done and his beautiful cock had gone limp in my mouth, I rested my head on his stomach while he extended his legs fully with his heels touching the floor. My chest rested on his penis, and his hands stroked my hair and back.

After a few minutes, I crawled up on the couch, spread my legs hard against his, smiling. We sat there exhausted for a few minutes when he looked over at me, put his hand towards me and said "Cocksucking buddies?"

I smiled, shook his hand to affirm his statement, "Cocksucking buddies -- just you and me though -- nobody else?"

"You and me. Best buds, brothers-in-law, and Cocksucking buddies -- just you and me. Now we just have to figure out how we can do this on a regular basis!"

We both got up to get another beer. The semen was soaking through my jeans and it was a little uncomfortable. He told me to take them off and he'd throw them and my boxers in the wash. I stripped off when he grabbed a dishtowel, handing it to me to wipe the goo off of my leg and my dick. He took them and left the room to load up the washing machine with a few other things. I had to pause and grin for a minute thinking of what I had just done.

When Gary returned, he put his arm around my shoulder asking me if everything was okay. I said, "Gary, we've been close friends for a long time. This was just like getting to know another part of you. I wasn't sure how your cock would feel in my mouth, but then I realized it was your big hairy dick I was sucking and it was okay".

"Yeah it was great looking down and seeing your lips around my cock and into my big black bush. Did you get any pubes in your mouth?"

"Oh yeah, I think I got a couple in here" pulling a few hairs from my mouth. Your bush smells good though- and my nose in your bag -- very cool! Next time I want to take some more time. It's very interesting being in that forbidden territory -- a guy between a guy's legs, but I don't felt okay with you".

"I'm glad you like my penis and yeah, let's find a more comfortable position where you can have full access for awhile...and you're okay swallowing my semen?"

"Yeah, I thought it was going to taste really gross, but it was all okay. You produce good jizz buddy"! We klinked our bottles and went back to the couch.

"So, how should we do this? This couch is pretty big. I can slouch down a little and lay across the couch and you can just snuggle up in between my legs here. I think there's enough room. Here, let's try it out." Our beers were set on the coffee table and I rubbed my hands eager for what was to come. Gary set himself up, propping himself up on a pillow, with one leg propped up on the back of the couch leaving enough room for me to crawl in between his legs which I did. This left me in a position, flat on my stomach, with a nice hairy feast in front of me. I suggested I needed a towel to put under my cock as I wouldn't want to leak or cum on his couch. He eased himself out of his position walked to the washroom and came back with a towel swingin'his dick. That killer smile of his just made me love him more! He bent over, I rolled to my side, he put the towel down and put my cock in his mouth for a minute...then he looked up at me and said "later". Then he jumped up on the

couch and repositioned himself easing his crotch into my face. "There you go, Stu. Now that I've cum once, you can take some more time to get to know me better".

Here I was -- a hairy cock feast before me. I grasped it at the base and slowly stroked it from top to bottom watching his balls stretch upwards as I pulled his skin. Then I moved in closer and got my nose under his balls and licked in that oh-so-sensitive area behind his bag and asshole. My nose was treated to a delicious aroma, and I savored it letting his cock drop on my face.

He started to brush in over my face, in my eyes, across my nose and through my hair while he was still semi-hard. "Gary, your cock smell makes me hard in a second. I don't know what kind of natural perfume your body's giving out here, but it makes me incredibly horny. Give me that cock, I want to take it all".

I licked the shaft from pubes to the tip, licking a tiny bit of precum which was oozing from his piss slit. I took a bit with my finger and offered him some.

"My favorite" his said and sucked it off my finger, but then kept sucking. It was extremely hot having my finger being sucked on while I sucked his penis. I let his cock slip out of my mouth and started licking his hairy inner thighs just to get a good taste from all of him. Then I decided to go down further, licking and kissing all the way down his leg until I got to his feet. I licked the top of his foot, sucked a couple of toes, and worked my way back up to heaven.

This time I plunged down on his cock and sucked for all it was worth. Gary grabbed my head and thrust upward so that my mouth completely engulfed his shaft and my lips were buried in his bush. "I think you like that, don't you?"

With his dick in my mouth, I couldn't talk much, but tried to say, "I love it". With that he began thrusting up hard and I grabbed his bag and started a nice gentle pull, and stroked behind his balls. He grabbed my head pushing down hard and started to scream.

"Fuck Stu -- you are incredible. Suck it, lick the head". I did as he said and in a minute, my mouth was filled again with his semen. This time, I didn't take him out of me and let his cum provide my after pizza snack.

"Wow, wow, wow...I want you with me all the time" he cracked. "You and my hairy dick are lifetime partners -- no question!"

We both dozed off for about 30 minutes and waking up realized we both had to piss out the beer we'd been drinking. We stumbled to the washroom, pissing into the toilet together. When we were done, he walked over to me and we hugged, hairy dick against hairy dick. "I'm glad we're family".

Next: Chapter 2

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