
By Shannon Christophe

Published on Feb 28, 2021


Random scenes with little to no setup. All consenting, all legal, just roleplay, etc. etc. etc.

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  1. Stephanie knelt on the floor. Her chin rested on the back of her hand, which was propped on the edge of the mattress beside her husband Ben. She dragged a long red fingernail across his abdomen, watching it twitch. He could do little else, since his hands were tied behind him. Long strips of duct tape wrapped around his ankles and thighs in a modified crab tie, forcing his legs to remain bent.

Ben had put on his favorite bra and panties, a lavender set with tiny bows on the front of each. He had expertly done his makeup to match, all in cool colors except for his lipstick, which was a deep red gloss.

Michael stood at the foot of the bed, already undressed. He was shorter and thinner than Ben, but his cock was longer by a couple of inches, and a little bit thicker. Said organ was sticking straight out, and Michael leered at the bound man in front of him. He reached out and slowly forced Ben's legs apart.

"Let's get a look at you, Doll," he said. He must have liked what he saw, because his hard-on was getting bigger, and he stroked it in anticipation. Ben's spreading legs revealed his own erection, and the tip of his cock was just peeking out from the top of his panties.

Stephanie stroked Ben's satin covered cock with her fingernails, amused by the shivers it elicited from her husband. She looked up at Michael.

"Looks like she really wants it," she said. Michael grinned. She turned back to her husband. "Is that right, slut? You want Michael to make you his girl?" Ben nodded. "Use your words, you whore."

"Oh please give me that beautiful hard cock, Michael," Ben said earnestly. "Fuck my face. Ravage my ass. However you want it, fast or slow. Just do it, please! I can't wait any longer. Make me your cum dumpster!"

Michael pushed his cock up against Ben's, rubbing up and down. The restrained man whimpered with need.

Stephanie pulled the panties to the side, exposing Ben's raging erection. She ran a finger around his asshole, delighted by the reactions she was getting. "When Michael is through with you, cunt, I'm going to fuck you, too," she promised. She licked him from his asshole to the tip of his cock, slapped his thigh, and stood up. She walked behind Michael, reaching around to grab his cock and guide it into Ben's ass as Michael held his legs apart. When both men were moaning and gasping, she walked over to the dresser and pulled out her strap-on. As she adjusted the fit, she watched the two men play their roles. It made her incredibly horny.

"Hurry up and finish, bitches," she said. "I've decided I'm gonna fuck both of you."

  1. Amber stood at one end of the low table, looking at the man lying on it. He wore a blindfold, a white bra and a pair of basic brown pantyhose. He was new to the femdom scene, and she was teaching him in stages. His feet were bound with a short length of rope, and a vibrator buzzed in his ass. He had an erection, but he hadn't cum.

She checked the clock on the wall, then reached under her skirt and pulled off her panties, tossing them onto a nearby chair. "Fifteen minutes, sissy," she said. "A new record."

"Yes, ma'am thank you ma'am."

"I suppose you want your reward now."

"Only at your will, ma'am."

"Excellent. You learn quickly."

"Thank you, ma'am."

She leaned over and grabbed the rope restraining his ankles, using it as leverage to rock his ass upwards a little bit. She moved forward until she was directly above his head.

Holding on to the rope with one hand, she raised her skirt with the other.

"You have three minutes to pretend you're a man again. Understand me?"

"Yes, ma'am thank you ma'am."

She lowered her cunt onto his face, grinding against him, and he licked her sweet snatch for all he was worth.

  1. Mr. Parks, Kevin's boss, sat in the green recliner, drumming his fingers on the arm. He was in his sixties, but still in great shape. His thick blonde hair was slowly fading into silver, highlighting his pale blue eyes. His sharp cheekbones lent shape to his broad face, and he had a proud nose and full lips over a strong cleft chin. He was very much the epitome of the powerful businessman, and Kevin had excitedly joined the company a year ago, hoping to learn at the wealthy man's feet.

Which he had. But in a much different way than he'd expected.

Kevin adjusted the pink teddy, straightening the strap that had twisted at his shoulder. He bent down to even up his stockings and pull the elastic of the crotchless lingerie a little bit wider so it wouldn't chafe. He straightened up for a last look, checking his hair and makeup before turning off the light and leaving the room.

"Ah, there you are," Mr. Parks said. "I wondered where you'd gotten to." He'd made himself comfortable, taking off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt. A blue power tie was loose around his neck and rested against his undershirt.

"Just wanted to look pretty for you, sir." Kevin forced a happy tone to his voice.

"And you succeeded. Come over here."

Kevin went to stand in front of the older man, but was pointed to the side. "There. Kneel down." Kevin followed the instructions.

Mr. Parks looked at his watch. "Unfortunately," he said, "I have a late supper with one of our suppliers, so I won't be able to stay long." He reached out and stroked Kevin's cheek. "Long enough, though." He winked.

The boss reached down and unbuttoned his pants, pulling down the zipper and spreading the fabric wide. He reached into his boxers and pulled out his big cock. Eight inches long and very thick, it always left the younger man's ass and jaw sore, but he was a peon, hardly better than an intern. His feelings didn't matter.

"Grab it, little girl," the CEO ordered, and Kevin shuffled forward on his knees and wrapped his fingers around the base of his boss' rock hard erection. His painted nails shone against the pale skin.

"Closer," the older man directed, and Kevin leaned in, feeling the heat from the cock in his hand. He hesitated.

Which was exactly the wrong thing to do. Mr. Parks raised his hand and forcefully pushed Kevin down onto his hard-on, completely filling his mouth.

"You've forgotten your place, bitch," he snarled at the younger man. "If you want to continue on as my employee, you better give me a good blowjob. And make it sloppy. I want you spitting and choking even before I come all over that pretty face." He had both hands on Kevin's head now, and was raising his hips as he pushed down, forcing more of his dick into Kevin's mouth. His smile was cruel.

Saliva poured out of Kevin's mouth, running down the cock he was servicing. He knew that tears were streaking his mascara, too. That would only make the older man go harder. He loved watching Kevin cry while he used him as a cheap fuck toy.

It wasn't very long (it only felt like forever) before Kevin felt the swelling that signified an oncoming orgasm. Mr. Parks yanked him back by his hair and sprayed cum all over Kevin's face, adding to the streaked mascara and smeared lipstick.

"God DAMN, that was a good one. You're learning, girl." He patted Kevin's head. "Now help me get cleaned up and dressed."

As Mr. Parks was putting on his jacket, he looked at Kevin. "We'll see you in my office bright and early tomorrow, slut. And bring a pillow. I want you under my desk for the 9 AM conference call."

"I look forward to it, sir!" Kevin managed a smile and a chirpy inflection.

"That's because you're a weak little girl who can only serve her betters. I may introduce you to the board." He slapped Kevin's ass with a laugh and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

  1. Valerie stepped back and inspected her work. Todd stood before her, completely made over. His shoulder length brown wig framed a narrow face and long nose. Blue eyeshadow and a light blush added some contouring. He had on a white blouse and black skirt -- your basic secretary look -- with black stockings and heels. The breast forms inside the shiny black bra under the blouse gave him enviable curves.

Pretty damn good, she thought to herself.

She took him by the arm, leading him down the hall towards their bedroom. The door was closed, but before he opened it, she stopped him.

"Oh, I forgot the jewelry. Just stand right there and I'll get it." She stepped back down the hall, returning quickly. There was a pause, and Todd heard some rattling.

"Got tangled up. Hang on," she said.

Suddenly, Todd felt something close around each ankle. He looked down, astonished to find handcuffs locking his legs together. He drew a breath to ask Val what was going on, but she slapped a large piece of packing tape over his mouth.

Before Todd could recover his wits, she pulled his arms back, cuffing them together as well. Wide leather bands were wrapped around his legs just above the knees and buckled together, then the cuffs on his ankles removed. Valerie ripped open the top of the blouse, sending buttons flying, and pulled the fabric down onto Todd's arms. That and the cuffs on his wrists made his chest stick out. Lastly, she undid the zipper at the side of the skirt and let it fall to the ground, exposing the lacy black panties Todd wore.

"MUCH better," she said, brushing hair out of her eyes. She reached around him and gripped his cock, sliding the cool nylon up and down until his panties tented in front.

She stretched her hand out and twisted the knob, pushing the door open.

"Knock knock!" she called.

Todd's eyes grew wide as Val maneuvered him into the room. Several men and women he'd never seen before looked him up and down appraisingly. A camera in the corner blinked as it recorded the scene.

"Here he is, ladies and gentlemen," Valerie said, "just as I promised. Shall we start the bidding at ten thousand?"

  1. Mark looked up as Jeff entered the room.

The two boys could not have been more different. Mark was a scrawny computer geek with glasses, acne, and a collection of comic books in protective sleeves. Jeff, on the other hand, worked out every day, had perfect eyesight and clear skin, and a collection of underwear from his conquests in his glove compartment.

That last one was the reason Jeff was here in this room.

Jeff had taken Heather to the local makeout point, a small lot off of the road overlooking the city. His was usually the only car in the lot on Tuesday nights, but another was there that evening. He didn't give it a second thought, concentrating instead on Heather's very full cheerleader sweater. He parked and turned off the engine. Before long, the pretty brunette was enthusiastically pistoning up and down on his cock, her huge tits bouncing all over the place. Jeff planned to add her bra to his collection.

Later on that evening, his phone chimed. A new email. He dropped onto his bed and opened the app. The subject line read "Motivation" and the first line of the message was a link to a video. He thumbed the link, bolting upright when the video started. It was a recording of him fucking Heather earlier that evening. He quickly scanned the rest of the email.

I wonder what Neal would do if he saw this. Do you think he and the rest of the football team would politely explain that you hurt his feelings when you fucked his girlfriend? Come to 1218 Fisher Street on Saturday morning. Go into the garage. You'll know what to do.

His mood the next few days at school could be summed up with "ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshit."

That Saturday, Jeff pulled into the driveway of 1218 Fisher Street. As he got out of the car, the garage door clattered upwards. He stepped inside cautiously, and the door rattled closed behind him. The garage was empty of everything except a box in the center of the floor. Jeff approached the box and removed the lid.

"You have got to be shitting me."

He stood up and turned the box over, dumping its contents onto the floor. A long brown wig, white headband, green cheerleader sweater, striped short cheerleader skirt, white panties, white garter belt with green stockings, and a large white bra.

A smaller box had also fallen out. It contained two large breast forms and a makeup kit.

Jeff took a minute for some serious self-pity, weighed potential consequences, then reached for the clothes.

The sweater left his midriff bare, and the skirt barely covered the tops of the stockings. The wig itched, too. He looked around and, having no other options, walked up to the door leading into the house. It led into a kitchen. A magnetic message board on the fridge instructed him to go to the room at the end of the hall. He followed the directions and came to a closed door. He took a breath and opened it.

Mark looked up as Jeff entered the room. He smiled. "Heather. So glad you came."

Jeff started to get a bad feeling.

Mark was at his desk, and he swiveled the chair around to face Jeff. "To answer your question, I was at the overlook recording a meteor shower. Now, I could give you a long explanation about cliques and bullies and lab rats never getting the popular girls, but you've seen the same movies I have, so we'll skip right to the good stuff.

"I had a great time Tuesday night." He paused. "And now you say..."

"What? I don't know."

"Look. It's simple. You're Heather. Heather is a slut. The premise is that she was out with me last Tuesday, not Jeff. Got it? Okay. Take two.

"I had a great time Tuesday night."

"Uh... yeah. Me, too."

"Let's do it again."

"Excuse me?"

"Come on. You know you want to."

"No. I really don't."

"But you're going to, anyway. Otherwise, I'll have to catch up on my email." The threat wasn't particularly subtle.

Jeff sighed. "What do you want to do?"

"Come closer and let me feel those big titties."

Jeff stepped forward. Mark reached up and started to squeeze the breast forms under the sweater.

"Mmmm. Nice. Turn around so I can check out that fine ass."

Jeff slowly turned, trying to keep Mark in view.

"Lift your skirt, babe," Mark said and Jeff did. "Oooh yeah. So firm. Now turn back around and step back."

Jeff moved back to his original place.

Mark snapped his fingers. "Oh, before I forget. Give me your panties."

"What? Why"

"Because I always keep a souvenir. Hand them over."

Jeff reluctantly pushed the panties down and stepped out of them. He picked them up and held them out to the other boy. Mark took them and tucked them into his pocket. He leered at Jeff. "Now get yourself off."

"Are you kidding?"

"What do you think?"

Jeff put his hand on his cock and slowly moved it up and down.

"I know you can do better than that. Come on, girl. Show me you love it."

Jeff moved a little more in earnest. To his horror, he was actually starting to get a hard-on.

"Yeah," Mark said, "just like that." He started rubbing his crotch. "Faster, bitch. I want to see the same kind of excitement you had Tuesday night."

Jeff held the skirt hem out of the way and worked his dick harder. He absolutely could not believe this was happening. That he was dressed like a cheerleader and jerking off in front of the biggest nerd in school.

Who was pulling out his own cock.

Which was huge.

Oh, shit.

Mark stroked his erection as he watched Jeff jerking off, enjoying the parade of emotions storming across the other boy's face. Eventually, Jeff rose up on his toes and shot stream after stream of hot cum all over the floor. He settled back, panting.

"You can clean that up later," Mark said. "For now, come suck my cock, whore."

Jeff slowly walked closer and knelt down in front of the scrawny kid he used to bully in elementary school. There was no point in refusing. Not with that video hanging over his head. He leaned over and took that big dick into his mouth, bobbing up and down and licking like he'd seen in so many pornos.

Mark reclined the chair back a bit and put his hand on the back of Jeff's neck, getting his throbbing erection deeper into the boy's mouth. "Such an obedient little cocksucker, aren't you?" he said. Jeff nodded as best he could. "You're so good at that. I'm already looking forward to next Saturday."

Jeff's eyes got wide, and Mark laughed. "What? You thought it was just for today? Oh no." He leaned forward and took Jeff by the chin, forcing him to look up at him. "You're mine now, slut. I have so. many. plans. for you." He leaned closer to whisper into Jeff's ear.

"I can't wait to fuck you. Heather."

If you enjoyed these stories, let me know! I love hearing from readers.

Next: Chapter 3

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