
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Jul 16, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Snaked Part One

"Ladies and gentlemen, with less than three minutes left in the game we are pleased to announce that Ryan Johnson, Quarterback for the Northside Hawks has been named Most Valuable Player of the game. Congratulations", the stadium speaker blared during the brief timeout. "This is the fourth time this season this bright scholar and all around athletic has been chosen as MVP. This young man has a great deal of promise, now on with the game with the Hawks leading 41 to 13."

OK I had it all; College Scouts were a buzz around me, Senior Class President, Homecoming King, President of the Honor Society and the dream that many girls took to sleep each night. Mom and Dad were proud of me, yeah I had it all. Then I got "Snaked".

"Hey Ryan are you coming to the kegger tonight", Billy Carson, my main Running Back asked?

"Yeah Darlene is going to be there and we all know what happens when she gets drunk", laughed Jarvis Owens, Fullback.

"Believe me guys I want to, but I've got to get up very early, I'm helping the Cub Scout troop I mentor set up their carnival", I answered sadly.

"Ryan you are just too nice, you can never say no", Tommy Bishop, the Center added.

"Yeah but remember Darlene can never say no either", Billy added and we all laughed.

I finished dressing and the Coach stopped me to talk about the game. I had to be polite, but he went on and on until we heard some thunder, it gave me my chance to tell him I needed to go. Everyone else had bolted out of the locker room heading for the party. I was expected to be the good guy, the responsible one. I didn't mind, I was used to it. I headed to my car; it was just beginning to rain, so I ran the last few yards.

"Hey, Ryan, hey Johnson, wait, wait up please." I was getting soaked, but turned to see who was calling me. It was Snake Wilkins.

I didn't know him well; I think he had been in a few of my classes during high school. I knew he lived not far from me, but we were in two different worlds.

I looked back he was slow, not due to girth or deficiencies, but because he chose to be. The fact that it was raining didn't seem to bother him, I however was getting soaked, and contemplated just getting in the car and driving away. I should have, but I couldn't, you know, "duty".

"Hey, I'm getting wet, what do you want?" I yelled through the building storm.

He actually seemed to hustle, a little, "Hey Ryan, how about a ride"? He asked like it was just a normal request.

Snake Wilkins and the MVP? I shook the notion off that I was above him, or better somehow and said in my kindest voice, "Sure get in."

Snake Wilkins was my neighbor, my classmate, our families worshiped together, his sister sang in the choir with me and my mother. His father did business with my dad, but I didn't know Snake, I can't really remember ever speaking to him other than small talk and yet here he was dripping, soaking, and frankly smelling up my car.

"I'm not going to the party, so is there somewhere else I can drop you? It's been a long day, with the game and all so I really need to get home." I explained.

"Yeah, home would be good", he said.

"Did you like the game?" I asked, just hoping to continue our small talk existence.

"I think you could have used the screen pass more often and your running game wasn't very good tonight", was his answer.

I bit my lip, the radio kept time with the windshield wipers, and I thought just a few more miles and I can drop this load.

I gave another effort at small talk. "So why do they call you Snake anyway", I asked?

A couple reasons, but it started when I was a little boy, I was always bringing home injured animals to nurse back to health. One day I brought home a snake and kept it in my room", he answered.

"In a tank right", I offered?

"No, just in the room and so every time it got away, my mom would yell, "Snake" and I'd come running. The name just caught on."

"So you like animals", I said?

"I like nature", he replied.

The wind picked up and water smashed against the tires as I rounded the curve I heard a thump and then from Snake. "Oh my God".

Suddenly the passenger car door opened and Snake was gone.

I pulled to the right as safely as I could in the rain and in a hurry. I jumped from the car and ran back looking along the ditch, water running in the street and down my face, the wind blowing and lighting like strobe lights crossed the sky, I wasn't sure where he was, what if I had killed him. Why did this happen to me? I'm the MVP after all; nothing is supposed to go wrong for me. I shook off the sudden ego attack and doubled my efforts to fine Snake. There, was that him in the mud?

A hand rose and in it was a turtle. From the mud and in the rain a body appeared, covered from head to toe in mud, it was Snake.

"What the hell did you do that for"? No that wasn't me asking the question, it was Snake.

"What? You jumped from the car", I said a little pissed off.

"I had to save the damn turtle, you jerk, you hit him and didn't even stop", he yelled.

"I did stop after you jumped from the car, hey is that blood, are you alright", I worried?

"Am I alright? No, I bleeding, covered in mud and holding a dead turtle, you dickhead", he yelled.

Before I could say a word Snaked dropped face first back into the mud. Had he died? Would anyone know I had killed him? Stop that, MVP's don't think like that.

I dragged him back up and as I did I lost my balance and we both ended up flat back in the mud. Now totally covered in muck, I pulled him to the car. He was breathing and bleeding just a little from his head. He seemed to come to enough to look at his dead turtle like it was an academy award or something and then in an instant, he just threw it back into the ditch.

"Take me to your place, I need to get cleaned up and stop this bleeding", he instructed.

"Shouldn't I get you to the hospital or your house?" I offered.

"Do you want everyone to know what you've done, he asked?

"No, let's get you to my place and we'll figure something out there", I suggested.

My car was filled with mud and water draining from both Snake and I. I pulled into the driveway with my lights off, the house was dark. Mom and Dad had been at the game, but they always came home and hit the bed. I helped Snake out of his seat looking back at my car wondering if the interior and leather seats would ever be the same.

I almost carried him to outside the back porch and before we started up the steps he pulled back and said, "I don't want to make a mess in your house; we'll leave our stuff here."

"Maybe we should just wipe off some of the mud", I suggested.

"Do you want everyone to ask a lot of questions in the morning", he demanded?

"No, no." In the morning, I thought, was he spending the night?

The mud had caked on our clothes and it took us both to peel our shirts off each other. His shoes hit the ground and water splashed up against my jeans. I pushed the wet fabric down and away from my legs as Snake leaned back against the house.

"Aren't you getting undressed", I wondered out load?

"You'll have to help me, my body is stiff from when you threw me from your car", he said.

"You jumped", I reminded him.

"Whatever", he replied.

Just in my boxers and soaked to the skin, I pulled at each button of Snake's button fly jeans; they went down and away from his skinny legs. His body was in full display and showed a firm thin frame. His skin glisten in the rain, other than a fine fuzz glued to his calves and matted under his arms, he was hairless wearing nothing but his boxers.

Mud was everywhere on both of us, Snake moved off the wall and in the dark of the storm pulled my boxers off of me. He leaned down and yanked them and my socks off my feet and picked up the garden hose.

The shock of the cold water surprised me and I almost fell forward onto him. Snake pushed me back and spayed me from head to toe. His hands pushed the mud away as he glided down my chest and before I knew it, he had my privates in his hand. I said, "Woo!"

"I sure hope it's just the cold water, I'd hate to think of going through life with such a small dick", he seemed to be talking to no one.

He flipped me around and the hose shoot up my butt. I pulled away and said, "What the hell are you doing"?

"You've got mud up your ass do you want it to dry there", he demanded?

"No" I replied.

"Good either do I, so here, get me clean too."

Handing me the hose, I stood spaying him down, not knowing what to do, Snaked grabbed my arm and moved it around so that the water splashed against him. Once he figured I had the message, he let go. I did my best to copy his efforts and moved my hand over his body eliminating dirt along the way. In the dark his boxers fell with the weight of the water It was dark, I know I've mentioned that, but I want everyone to understand I couldn't see where my hand was going and for a minute, I thought I had found another part of the hose. I pulled my hand back as if I touched a live wire.

"That's the other reason they call me Snake", he said softly.

He turned around and backed into the hose as the water cleaned his rear he said,

"You could be a little more helpful considering this is entirely your fault."

"This is my fault?" I questioned, he took it as an admission.

"Good, I'm glad you see it that way and let's hope that poor turtle isn't part of the endangered species act. I'm not sure I could save you from all those environmental nuts we have around here", he worried.

"Can we get inside, I'm getting cold", he said moving past me.

I followed him into my house. Once we entered the porch I found a towel and began to dry off until he quietly asked,

"Didn't I say I was cold?"

"Oh yeah, sorry, here", I handed him the towel.

Once dry, Snake handed me back a very damp towel and I did my best to dry off as well.

"Which bedroom is ours", he asked heading towards the hall?

I ran to catch up and whispered, "First on the right, don't wake my folks."

It was weird I thought, here I was walking naked down my hall doing my best to keep up with the naked guy ahead of me. I made myself a note to try and get control, after all I am the... Oh hell, you know that already.

The door closed behind us quietly, the light went on and he turned; now facing me.

I think it's just a natural thing, sometimes you just get hard. At this age it happens for no reason and not necessarily because I was looking at a really nice dick.

He smiled and said, "Good, that thing does get to a descent size, I was worried about you."

I looked down and it was looking up, he took the two steps forward that divided us and before I knew it he had a hold on my dick and was moving up and down along the shaft.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Not moving away, but speaking firmly.

"You do jerk off don't you", his eyebrows went up?

"Well yeah?, I said sheepishly, "But why are you doing it?"

"Hey Ryan its just natural, the Dolphins do it to each other all the time", he informed me.

"The Miami Dolphins jerk each other off", I inquired?

Snake laughed and said, "Well if they did, it might improve their game, but I was talking about the Dolphins in the sea."

"Fish jerk each other, how do they do that", I questioned?

"Dolphins aren't fish, their mammals just like us and I'll bet you could do a lot if you had a bottlenose too."

"Oh my", I considered that, and went up on my toes as he pulled me to a new length.

"Maybe we should lie on the bed before you fall." At that Snake pushed me back and I collapsed on my bed.

His motion intensified and I began to complain, when his left hand went to my chest and pinched my nipple really hard. The first sensation was pain, and then I exploded all over both of us. My cum went everywhere and I heard him laugh.

"Well I guess that works. I thought a little tweak would make the difference. How'd it feel", he asked?

I was breathing rapidly, my dick was overly sensitive, my body was sticky and hot and the word "good" came out before I realized what I had said.

"OK, it's your turn", he spoke while rolling over onto his back.

I froze.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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