Smugglers Property

By bjjl

Published on Aug 13, 2013



Smugglers Property. By. BMAN

A few smart investments and careful planning allowed me to retire at 50. My business partner and me bought a sport fishing boat in Florida. We had planned to entertain the ladies and have a great time doing it. It was a 48 Flybridge, tow engines, three cabins and two heads. A beautiful boat, you could fit five aboard with no problems at all. Even a nice big game chair mounted on the stern. It was a great plan until my business partner got married and I was left alone with boat.

I decided to live on the boat so I moved the boat to a marina that allowed live a boards. It was much cheaper than an apartment and much quieter. My next problem was, I didn't realize there was that much up keep on a boat. I advertised for a part time hand to help with the maintenance. One afternoon a young man came by. He was probably in his twenties, dark skin probably of Latin decent.

"Mr. Taylor? I'm Arturo. I saw your ad for a deck hand." "Yes. It's only part time. Few day a week. Mostly for the engine room. I don't know anything about engines and such. Maintenance, oils changes, filter changes, thing like that." "I'm very knowledgeable in engines. Here is a list of people I have worked on their boats."

I took on board and showed him the door down to the engines. Arturo was smaller than me so he didn't have a problem fitting in the engine room. It was not made for taller men like me. "This is pretty clean already. Just a few spots here and there. I would have this so you could eat off it." I smiled at him. "I don't plan on doing that."

Two slip numbers he gave me were empty. I assumed there were gone out to sea. I checked with the marina repair shop. "Arturo? Yeah he's a pretty good mechanic. No problems with him. The only thing that might bother you is that he's gay." I laughed under my breath. "I don't think I'm his type. I don't see a problem in that."

I decided to hire Arturo and see how things would go. The only thing about Arturo was the fact he liked to go around naked. At first he said the engine room was very hot and it was better he worked in the nude. After the first couple weeks, I got use to it. It was a little uncomfortable for me, watching him walk around with his dick completely hard. That was most of the time. By uncomfortable, I mean sometimes I my own dick would get hard. I found it was better to take a walk when that happened.

Arturo came by one day with another man, I assumed his lover. He looked a bit older that Arturo, maybe late twenties or early thirties. Neat, clean very smart dressed. "Mr. Taylor. This is my friend Juan. He owned a clothing store in town." I shook his hand and invited them aboard. Arturo smiled. "No thanks. We're on our way to a movie. I'll see you Thursday. We need to talk about the barnacles on the hull."

Yes, the barnacles. The repair shop said they would have to dry dock the boat in order to scrape the hull. Arturo said he could do it in the water. Arturo was there bright and early Thursday morning. "We take the boat to a small island that has a sand bar. That way we can stand on the bottom. It is much easier that way."

All I heard was we! "What do you mean by we?" "I have a friend who knows how to do this. Even paying both him and me. I'll be much cheaper that the dry dock. All we need is about four dive tanks. I can bring them." There are hundreds of tiny islands around Florida, most of them uninhabited.

Arturo knew of one several hours away. It had a perfect sandbar to dock the boat on. We left early the next morning and reached the island around eight in the morning. Arturo and his friend Juan stripped off their clothes and slipped on the diving gear. The island was only about a mile across, so I decided to explore it while the guys were working on the boat.

I seen the remains of a dozen camp sites along the beach. Circles made with rocks, filled with burned wood ashes and empty beer cans. In all it was pretty uneventful. I walked back to the boat to see how Arturo and Juan were doing. They were still under the boat scraping. I decided to go below and take a nap. I was suddenly awaken by a black man with a rifle pointed at my head. I had no idea what the hell was going on.

"You have anything in you pockets?" "NO! I'm not armed! Please don't shoot!" The black man backed, still pointing the rifle at me. "Take off your clothes and throw'em over here!" I removed my shirt and shorts, which left me standing naked. I tossed them over to the man. He waved the rifle at me.

"Get on your knees! Put your hands behind your head!" I quickly did as he ordered. I was wondering where was Arturo and Juan? Had this man done something to them? The only thing he found in my shorts was my wallet, which he shoved into his pocket. He waved the rifle at me again. "Get up! Turn around!" The next thing I knew he had cuffed my hands behind my back.

He punched me in the gut with his fist. "Get your ass upstairs!" I stumbled up the stairs into the salon. I could hear some noise up on the deck. "What? What's going on here?" I received another hard punch to the gut from the black man.

"Shut your mouth!" The black man grabbed a roll of duct tape and quickly taped my mouth shut. He shoved me down in a chair, tying my feet to the legs of the chair. He turned and went up on deck. I sat naked in the chair for what seemed like a very long time. Suddenly Arturo appeared. He sat down beside me.

"Mr. Taylor. I'll bet you're wondering what is happening? It's quite simple. Me and my friends are smugglers. We borrow boats from time to time. To transport our cargo. We make a few loads from here to there and we're gone. We're just smugglers not killers. You just do what you're told and you'll be fine. Understand?" I nodded my head yes. Arturo placed his hand on my thigh. "Good. We'll be going in a few minutes."

I heard the boat start and it began to slowly move away from the tiny island. Arturo, Juan and the black man stepped into the salon. Juan spoke up first. "Couple of hours we'll be at the drop." The black man spoke. "I been up since four this morning. I'm gonna sleep until we get there."

Juan looked over at me. "We need to make you useful." He untied my legs, pilled me up from the chair and removed the cuffs from my wrists. He left the tape over my mouth. "Get your ass in the galley and make some coffee and sandwiches for us!"

I moved about the galley, filling the coffee pot and turning it on. Getting sandwich meat and bread. It was one of those embarrassing moments I had no control over. My dick decided to swell up. I kept my back to everyone so they couldn't see my erection. I was sure it would go away soon, but I was not that lucky. Arturo opened the fridge.

"My, my. What's that I see?" He wrapped his fist around my hard dick. "Nice! All this running around naked has got you excited?" I wanted to shrink away. He held my balls in his hand. "Nice pelotas!"

They both laughed. Juan smiled at me. "Chupar polla?" They both laughed out loud again. Arturo pulled on my dick. "You know what he said?" I shook my head no. "If you suck cock!"

I shook my head again, no. Juan gave me a big smile. "A virgin! I like virgins. Is your ass a virgin too?" I didn't know how to respond so I just stood there. Arturo pulled my balls. "I think you are. Just an old rich white man who likes to order people around. Now you're smuggles property. You know what that is?" Again I didn't know how to respond, but my dick was beginning to shrink away.

Juan laughed. "Just like a white slave! Now bring me some coffee and one of those sandwiches!" I served Arturo and Juan their lunch and listened to the vulgar remarks they made. Juan removed the tape from my mouth. "Since you belong to us. I want you to respect us. You will answer to us. Si domar!"

I looked at Arturo. "It means yes master." Juan slapped my face. "Say it!" I quickly replied. "Si domar"

The forth man, who was driving the boat came into the salon. "I smelled coffee!" Juan slapped may ass. "Get some coffee for him right now!" "Si domar." All three of them laughed at me.

The man asked. "Who is this?" "Mr. Taylor. He owns the boat." Juan laughed again. "He owns the boat and we own him. That's funny." He slapped my ass again. "Don't you think?" "Si domar."

I added some coffee to Arturo's cup. "This is Hector. He's our navigator. He knows all these waters. Every island and channel." Hector took his coffee, a couple sandwiches and went back to the helm. That's when the black man came up from the bedroom and he was completely naked. I had a hard time taking my eyes off his huge dick. Even limp, it looked like it was six or seven inches long.

Juan shouted at me. "Make some more coffee!" I was filling the pot at the sink when the black man stepped up behind me. I felt his dick rubbing against my ass. "You got a nice hairy ass, white boi! Nice hairy mouth too! Got any room in there for a big black cock!"

That was when I understood what it really means to be smuggles property. All three of them forced me to give them oral sex. They cuffed my hands behind my back and made me kneel in front of the sofa. The three of them sat down on the sofa with their legs wide open and their dicks hard. I was passed from one to the other. Juan first, Arturo next and the black man last. His dick was the hardest in more ways than one. Very hard to get my mouth around. I almost choked to death several times on him.

I had never tasted male sperm until that day, and I never had another mans dick in my mouth before. I'm shameful to say, it was not as bad as I had imagined it would be. I'm also shameful to say that during all this, my own dick became painfully hard also. It was something I had a hard time dealing with, no pun intended. The black man stood up and rubbed his dripping dick all over my face.

"This white boi is damn good!" Juan put his hand under my chin and forced my head up. "Is that true? You're a good cock sucker? You like cock!? I swallowed some left over sperm. "Si domar." "You learn quickly. I like that in a white boi!"

They say one of the great things about humans is that they can learn to adapt quickly to any situation. I quickly adapted to being owned by four smugglers and their sexual desires. They said I gave new meaning to the word "Cock Pit" I was made to kneel and give oral sex to whoever was steering the boat.

As for the anal sex, there was plenty of that too. I think the most painful was the black man and his huge dick. They would tie me to the game chair on the stern with my ass outward. They would take turns sodomizing me and sometimes masturbating me. That was pleasurable and so was Arturo, who shared the bed with me. He was definitely gay as the man at the marina had told me. Arturo liked to get me hard and suck my dick dry.

I really didn't mind being masturbated, but I was always humiliating when I was ordered to do it in front of everyone. Listening to their whistles and vulgar remarks while ejaculating for them. It was all part of being owned by smugglers. A little after three weeks, we returned back to the marina. Arturo came down to the bedroom and untied me.

"We're done here. Time to move to another boat. Never press your luck with the Coast Guard. They see the same boat too many times. They get suspicious." He slid his hand up and down my dick.

"I'll see you later."


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