Smooth Matt

By sean k

Published on Mar 3, 2016



I think at some point in your life you've met somebody like Matt. Matt was good looking, funny, smart and good at just about everything: sports, school, he had it all and it appeared to me he was quite the ladies' man. He had shaggy dirty blonde hair in the kind of mop/skater type cut that was popular in the mid-2000s. Matt was more of an acquaintance than a friend; a friend of a friend type deal where I would only hang out with him in group setting and in fact didn't even know his last name. He was almost too perfect, that sometimes I felt so jealous, I guess, that I almost didn't like him. But he was funny and kind so it didn't really matter, he would also treat me as another one of his friends.

I guess it all started one day in early spring where about ten to twelve of us guy friends where playing basketball in the gym. We were playing shirts vs skins and Matt was on the other team, the skins. We had just finished the third game, just kind of standing around and for some reason I found myself staring at his gorgeous body. He was thin and lean, pale with just a slight tan maybe. Not very muscular but well defined and glistening with sweat. And what really drove me crazy was he had not a bit of hair on his body. Now, I had been with a few girls through high school and even college but was always kind of curious and attracted to some guys. Late at night if I had some privacy I would sometimes check out some gay porn. I was only interested in looking at twinks though. The young, smooth, thin, hairless ones. And damn if Matt wasn't a model twink, the kind I would fantasize about. So anyway, I realized I was staring at his chest and lower torso, following the V from his waist to about halfway down where his shorts started. Maybe even drooling. When I realized, I quickly tried to look away, but not before catching his eye. I felt myself blush from embarrassment but he gave me a quick wink and a smirk before turning his attention away.

I thought about that moment and of course his body endlessly for the next few days. Everything would change the next weekend though. That weekend happened to be Easter weekend, which did not coincide with spring break that year. I lived with one roommate in a duplex just off campus and he and most of my friends were going home for the weekend. I had decided to just hang around for the weekend, and since I was not 21 and not really into frat parties, figured on just staying in and watching college basketball. And of course looking forward to the privacy that would allow me to jump on the internet and jerk off to some twinks.

So early Friday night I went to the local Sheets to get a sub and drink for dinner. While I was there, I saw Matt. It was the first time since the basketball game, so when I spotted him first I considered ducking out before he saw me. Instead, I decided to just order my sandwich and play it cool. I was standing around waiting when he approached me.

"Hey Mike, how's it going?" He said with a smile. He was wearing plaid shorts, a long sleeve button up and skate shoes. Perfect as always. I smiled back and gave him a fist bump.

"You staying around for the weekend? What you up to?" He said quickly. I was kind of taken aback, not really knowing if he was making polite conversation or if he really wanted to know. We had never hung out one-on-one so I just figured he was being polite.

"Oh probably just will watch some basketball and work on a few papers, I guess," I said, lying. I was pretty good about getting my work done on time and in fact didn't really have much to do. I guess I said it to just sound busy and not some loser who would just be alone all weekend.

"Yeah man I love watching basketball, maybe I'll stop by. You live over on Pine with Jason right? He went home didn't he?" Matt said, revealing that he knew where I lived which surprised me because he had never been to my place and I had no clue where he lived.

I smiled back. "Sure that'd be cool. Yeah he went home for the weekend."

Again, I was skeptical, thinking he was just trying to be friendly.

I soon got my food and headed back to my house to eat and watch the games. I would alternately glance out the window and admonish myself for expecting Matt to come over. But about 90 minutes later, I heard footsteps on the porch and a knock on the door. It was him!I opened the door and there he stood with a 12-pack of beer in his hand. He came in, threw the beer in the fridge and walked back out to the couch with two in his hand. He handed me one and plopped down next to me. We spent the next few hours watching the game and throwing back beers, both getting pretty buzzed. Eventually the conversation turned to girls and sex and porn.

"You shave Mike?" He asked, out of the blue enough that I thought he was talking about facial shaving. I told him yeah, once or twice a week, rubbing my chin with my hand.

Matt laughed. "No dude, I mean down there," he said motioning toward my crotch.

"Uh, no," I said, confused a little bit.

"Oh you really should. Get rid of all that hair, pubes, balls, ass. Makes everything more sensitive. And looks much better.

"Matt got up to leave, which startled me. Did I do something wrong?"

I gotta get going. But you should, seriously. You'll be glad you did," he said with a sly smile.

"Ok," I replied, still confused and very disappointed he was leaving.

"I'll come over tomorrow around 5 if you want to hang again?" He said as he stepped through the door and closed it behind him as I sat stunned on the couch.

I stayed frozen on the couch for a while, trying to process and make sense of what had happened. I wasn't really sure, but thought I should take his advice.

So I went to the bathroom and pulled out my electric trimmer and a razor and without thinking just started shaving. Now I wasn't really all that hairy to begin with, but I did have a trail of hair from my naval down to the patch of pubes above my dick. I even got all the hair on my sac, which was pretty difficult and even got between my ass cheeks. After I was done, I felt all over my body, and he was right. It felt so good, so clean. By this time I was horny as hell and knew I had to jerk it. I got up a nice lather of lotion and went to town on my cock with one hand while feeling my balls and sliding down to my ass with the other hand. It didn't take me long and I'll never forget the explosion. I think I covered the entire bathroom with cum, just crumpling to the ground when I was done.

I slept most of the next day, Saturday, trying to overcome the slight hangover and not really sure what to expect next. I spent most of the afternoon lying around and playing with myself. I couldn't believe how good it felt to be completely smooth down there. I was also very anxious about Matt and whether he would actually return like he said or if he was just messing with me, or even just drunk and didn't mean what he said. At around 4:30 or so I decided to walk to the local convenience store to kill time and maybe even see if I would run into Matt at some point. I grabbed a drink and some chips and walked back to my house, convincing myself he wouldn't show up and at least I could now have some time to myself to finally look at some twinks and enjoy another unbelievable jerk off session. I turned the corner and there he was, sitting on the porch with two six packs, already drinking one.

"Hey there he is," Matt said with his beautiful smile. "I thought you bailed on me."

My heart started pounding with nerves and excitement. I somehow stuttered out an explanation about grabbing a snack or something. I let him inside and we sat down on the couch again, Matt handing me a beer just like the night before. Not long after, Matt suggested we order a pizza and we chilled and drank for awhile after. As the games started to wind down for the night, Matt looked over at me as he pulled something from his pocket.

"I got us a little surprise," he said as presented to me a blunt.

"Cool!" I said excitedly, maybe a little over-the-top. I was feeling a mixture of excitement and disappointment as I was hoping for something else. I wasn't really sure what, but I was hoping he would at least bring up the shaving comment from the night before. But after all this time, I was beginning to think it wouldn't even come up. I had a hard-on all night while we sat there, just thinking about what could happen. Finally he stood up to drop the last bit of the blunt into an empty beer. "So did you take my advice about shaving yourself?" He asked, shaking the beer around to put out the roach.

I laughed nervously as my excitement and nerves came roaring back. "Yeah I did," I said. "And you were right, it feels amazing."

Matt chuckled and without a word walked down the hall to the bathroom. I heard him in there pissing and just thought to myself that he was probably laughing at me for being gullible or something. I heard the toilet flush and waited for him to come out and make fun of me. Instead I heard the water come on in the shower. After a few seconds he appeared in the hallway just outside the bathroom.

"Come here," he said, motioning me with his hand.

I stood up, trying to conceal my boner by putting my hand in my pocket and slipping my hard cock up under the waistband of my jeans.

My room was directly across the hall from the bathroom and I followed him through the door as he flipped on the lights. He quickly kicked off his shoes and took his shirt off, revealing that mouth-watering torso I kept thinking about.

"You're into this right? I saw you checking me out the other day," he said as he removed his socks and belt.

"Uh, yeah, I..." I was a wreck. "I mean I've never..." but he just motioned me to take off my shirt.

I followed suit and took off my shirt, shoes and socks as he got down to his boxers. I could see that he also had a boner as he reached for the button on my jeans. My jeans fell to the ground as I just stared as his perfect, near-naked body in front of me.

"So let's see it," he said, dropping his boxers in one graceful swoop. His cock was as perfect as I imagined. Cut, hairless and about the same length as mine, which was 7 inches. His was maybe slightly thicker than mine, but very comparable with the same smooth pubic area and big, smooth balls. I dropped my boxers as he took a look, and seemed happy as he smiled and motioned me toward the running shower.

He followed me into the shower, grabbed my shoulders to face him and backed me up under the water. He grabbed the bottle of body gel and squirted a nice dab in his hand and rubbed them together to get a lather. He stepped forward and placed his hands on my chest and began to wash me as his dick came in contact with mine. I just stared at his rigid member as he slowly moved his hands lower to my dick. Eventually, he took my cock with both hands and gave my dick and balls a good washing. I was beginning to worry I might burst right then and there when he spun me around and told me to rinse off as I noticed him get one more squirt with the body wash.

"Bend over," he said, placing a hand on my back and pushing me down. He slipped a hand between my ass cheeks and began to rub my taint and asshole. I shuttered at how good it all felt. Finally, he stopped and told me it was his turn.

We switched places and I did the same as he did, rubbing his chest and working my way down to his hard cock and balls. I couldn't believe I was touching another guy like this, let alone him. I didn't want to stop rubbing his dick but also didn't want him to cum like I almost did. He turned around to rinse off and bent over for me, exposing his perfect ass. I reloaded with body wash and rubbed his taint and asshole like he did mine. After a few seconds, minutes, or hours (who knows?) he turned around and told me to grab a couple of towels. I did and we dried off, admiring his gorgeous naked body the entire time.

Completely dry, he led the way to my room and sat on the corner of the bed, dropping his towel on the floor next to him.

"Lay down," he said, motioning to his right where he had left room.

I crawled up on the bed and laid on my back as instructed. Matt turned and crawled toward me as his boner pointed right at me and I laid frozen, just wishing I could remember this forever. He made his way to my nipples and played with them for a minute with his tongue and teeth, licking his way down to my naval and past toward my eagerly awaiting, rock hard cock. He took his time licking up and down the shaft, running his tongue around the rim of my head. He eventually made his way down to my hairless balls, taking them in his mouth and just making me melt with pleasure. Then, unexpectedly, he pushed my legs back so my knees were on my chest and began to lick my asshole. It was a feeling unlike anything I'd ever felt before, or even imagined. After I don't know how long, he laid on his back next to me and said, "Your turn," with a sexy smirk.

I did not hesitate to follow his lead once again, and started by licking all over his nipples and chest, trying to be patient before getting to the prize. When I reached his cock, I grabbed it in my hand and admired it pulsing before me for a moment, before giving it a rigorous tongue bath. Just like he serviced my cock and balls, I did the same, running my tongue around his purple head before getting to his smooth hairless balls and taking each one in my mouth.

I was hesitant about the next part, but remembering how amazing I felt, I flipped his legs up and gazed at his tightly puckered asshole. It was of course hairless and slightly pink and just so clean looking, that I just drove right in, face first. I licked all over and even tried poking my tongue in his ass like he did. I heard him moan a few times, giving me the confidence I was doing it right. After a bit, I felt him start to put his legs down and I looked up at him as he flipped on his side, facing me.

"Give me your cock," he said, and I immediately knew what was next; the positioning that drove me crazy when looking at twink porn, 69.

I slid down a bit and he took my dick in his soft, warm mouth and I could not wait to do the same. We would both gag a little bit as we tried to take the entirety of each others' cocks in our mouth. We mimicked each others' movements as we swished our tongues around the heads of the cock and played with each others' ball and asshole with our free hands.

I was in heaven, living out what I had, up to this point, considered only a fantasy. I wanted to stay like that forever, our smooth, hairless bodies lined up in perfect symmetry, cock in each others' mouth. Finally, I knew I was getting to the point of no return, so I released his dick from my mouth and leaned back toward him. He stopped as well and looked back at me. "Ready?" he asked.

I nodded as he flipped over to lay next to me, shoulder to shoulder. He grabbed my cock with his left hand and I grabbed his with my right as we jerked each other for a few short moment before we came, almost simultaneously. The ejaculation rivaled the one I had the night before, with my cum shooting up to my face, maybe over my head, and all over my panting stomach. Matt came in globs too as we slowly withdrew our hands from each others' spent cocks. Matt grabbed the towel from the floor and cleaned himself up before turning to me and wiping off my face and stomach. He ran his hand up from the base of my cock to the head to get the last bit of cum and cleaning that up as well.

As he got dressed, he talked about how he told me I would be happy I shaved myself. We made a mutual pact to keep this between us and that we would do this again intermittently, to keep it exciting. We would meet up for similar fun about another dozen or so times over the next few years before we graduated. They were all just as sexually satisfying, but nothing could compare to that first time.

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