
By Mike Daryl Ormond

Published on May 16, 2007


SMOKE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- by Mike Daryl Ormond

Chapter 9: Secret Santa

"We're home?" I murmured under the hood of the sweater.

"Yeah." Bailey turned off the engine to my 02 Audi TT and looked up the apartment building. "We're home."

I sat unmoving for a good minute before Bailey spoke again.

"I'll carry your things. I'll come back for you and..."

"I'm ok." I interrupted. "I think can walk up."

I knew Bailey wanted to protest. I watched him as he began unloading the clothes I had brought to the hostipal. A slight breeze carried fresh snow from the trees along the sidewalk down to where we were parked. I opened the door and felt the bitting cold under my skin.

I felt Bailey's eyes on my back as walked up the short steps.

It was the day before Christmas and our mailman who held open the double doors for as I went in the lobby was especially cheerful today. I forced myself to give a quick smile and a 'thank you' as he left.

I stood in front of the elevator watching Bailey do his best carrying 2 gym bags and a small plant. I smiled as he almost slipped on top of the stairs.

'Ding!' And the elevator openend. I turned to make my way torwards it. But I then stopped.

"I..." Duncan frowned as he saw me. "This is the last of my stuff."

He had in his arms the box of survey results he had lying on my living room.

"I was going to give Andrea my copy of the key but..." He reached into his jeans. "Here you go."

He had his hand outstreched with the key in front of me. I was stunned and unresponsive. He decided to put the key into the front pocket of my sweater and stepped back as he saw Bailey come in through the doors.

"Duncan. I.." I started to say something not knowing what to do.

"I'm double parked." He said quickly looking out. "I better go."

"Wait." I called as he went out but never looked back. I said the same thing and got the same response when he stormed out of the hospital room 2 days ago. When I told him I was gay.

"Are you ok?" Bailey asked as he joined me.

I looked out then into the empty elevator car. "Yeah. I'm ok."

I lied.

As I opened my apartment, I immediately saw the recliners where my sofa should have been. There was a card on top one of them.

"Where do want these?" Bailey asked as he followed me into the living room.

I quickly snatched the card and hid it from view. "In my room. That is the door to the right."

I walked straight into the kitchen and stared at the envelope. It had Duncan's writing on it. It said, 'Mike'.

I called Bailey from the kitchen. "Hey! I think I'm out of coffee. Do you mind heading downstairs to get some?"

"Sure." I heard him say from the living room.

I waited for the apartment door to close.


It's weird writing to you like this. Sorry about the sofa. The cleaners did a bad job on it so I made a deal with them with these recliners. I hope you're not angry.

I'm sorry about the way I acted in the hospital. I should have been more understanding. I am your best friend. I just never knew I guess. I never knew.

I was worried sick about you with the accident and all. I guess I just felt betrayed that you were never honest with me when we've known each other for so long.

I dropped in today to pick up my stuff. I forgot all about the survey box I had in your living room and just remembered when I saw it as I was closing the door. I ended up staying for more than an hour after that.

I read what you wrote. It all made sense then. I understood why you never told me.

I don't want to lose you Mike but I'm not sure if I can really be there for you. I don't know what else to say.

Merry X-mas and I'll see you around.

P.S. Artee misses you.


I sat down on the floor staring at the space between the dining area and a wall.

Bailey found me in the same position when he came back from the store. He looked at what I had on my hand and then closed his eyes.

He set down the coffee on the dining table and then left.


Chapter 10: Spring Cleaning

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Next: Chapter 10

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