
By Mike Daryl Ormond

Published on Dec 7, 2006


SMOKE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- by Mike Daryl Ormond

Chapter 7: The Stained Sofa

10:52 am, Mike's Apartment

"Where is he going?" Duncan came into the bedroom carrying Artee as Mike went out the front door.

Andrea sidestepped around Duncan and got back into the living room. "You better keep an eye on that cat of yours. I caught him sneaking around the 3rd floor landing when I came up."

"He probably slipped out when Bailey came in." Duncan scratched Artee's head. "He might have smelled you coming."

"He he. Funny." Andrea clicked her shoes as she straightend her jacket. "I better be going too."

"What am I supposed to do here?

"Hmm... I know. You can pick up Mike's couch from the cleaners. I reminded him yesterday but I guess he never got around into doing it."

"How will I fit it in my car?"

Andrea held the front door for a second. "You'll think of something." She winked then closed the door.

Duncan sat on the recliner and took a deep breath. "I guess it's just you and me today Artee."

12:03 pm, Starbucks Baker corner Easton

"Can you tell him I'd really like to speak with him." I checked out the server's name on her plate. "Sarah, tell him it's Mike."

"Mike? As in 'the' Mike?" Sarah's jaw dropped. She then quickly called to an elderly woman behind the counter. "Denise, honey, guess who this is?!"

"Please." I looked around. Good thing it was a slow afternoon. The only other guy in the shop was tuned into his laptop though earphones. "I don't want to make things more complicated as it are."

"Sweetheart," Sarah raised a eyebrow while she picked up my unfinished scone. "This is way past complicated."

"What do you mean?" I asked but Sarah left the table. I watched her for second as she cleaned a side counter. Sarah was pretty. She was half black/half european and her skinned glowed like porcelain. She was also about 4 months pregant. I thought I was left ponder but she was then soon replaced by Denise.

"Oh my word!" Denise exclaimed as she held my face. "You sure are a looker! I better put my grandson to boarding school before you make him gay too!"

"What!" I yelled frantically. "You think I made Bailey gay?!"

"Hey, Joey!" Sarah yelled at the only other customer in the shop. "Don't you think Mike here is hot?"

Joey considered me for a second then turned back to Sarah. "I'd do him."

Sarah pouted teasingly two tables away and turned to me. "That says a lot considering that Joey here is straight."

"And how did she know that?" I asked Denise in a whisper.

"That's because he's her boyfriend."

12:57 pm, Saxonville Upholsteries

Duncan was still on the phone when he got in the small warehouse. "I found it. What was the color of th couch again?"

"It's raw sienna." Andrea placed emphasis to each word.

"Engish please." Duncan pleaded as patted away some snow on his hair.

"It's light brown, caveman." Andrea exhaled loadly though her nostrils on the phone.

"Got it. Thanks!" Duncan searched for the reciept through his pocket and looked out the window to check how Artee was doing. Artee seemed to have dozed off on the passenger seat on the way. Duncan could not see him from the warehouse fore window.

"Can I help you sir?" A young boy came up with a small log book and pen in his hand.

"Yes. I am here for a light brown couch for Mr. Michael Zimmerman."

The boy scanned his log book mumbling. "Light brown.. light brown..."

"It's actually raw sienna but..."

"Ah..." The boy excalimed. "Here it is! Come with me."

Duncan looked around the warehouse and saw a number of old furniture in various stages of wear. From beds to ottomans, dressers to rocking chairs. He also noticed how everything was clearly tagged and numbered.

"We had to make some changes to the couch sir." The boy spoke suddenly while they walked. "The stain could not be completely removed and it seemed to have seeped into the foam stuffing. And.. well.. you'll see it anyways."

Duncan saw that they were entering a row of couches. The colors were all neutral but he could not seem to spot Mike's.

"Here. Number 547G for Mr. Zimmerman." The boy pulled the tag from the couch and turned to Duncan. "I hope all is fine with you sir."

Duncan lowered his eyes to a re-upholsered couch that only had the frame of the old one but a body and a look very much different than the one before. It was yellow.

"I don't like it." Duncan left his mouth open for a second. "I.. I don't like it."

"Sir, it was a rare color in that material. And this material here is actually more updated to match the..."

"I said I don't like it." Duncan said impatiently while he looked around.

"We can buy a replacement sir but it would take months." The boy followed Duncan as he walked quickly down the aisle.

Duncan entered an area where they seem to keep refurbished furniture. He stopped and called the boy's attention.

"I want these." Duncan pointed.

"Sir?" The boy's voice crackled.

"This should cover the shipment." Duncan handed the boy a hundred bucks. "Have them delivered tonight."


Chapter 8: Changes

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Next: Chapter 8

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