
By Mike Daryl Ormond

Published on Dec 6, 2006


Chapter 6: Coffee & Biscotti

SMOKE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- by Mike Daryl Ormond

11:46 am

The reception from the mobile phone was breaking.

"I had no idea." I said looking at Bailey through the glass from outside the coffee shop.

"Now you know." Bailey replied as he stared back at me.

My mobile phone beeped twice as it powered off. I replaced my phone into the front pocket of my jeans and shivered.

It was growing dark outside. And it started to snow.

9:12 am (about 2 hours earlier)

The buzzer went off. I was still in bed and heard Duncan answering it.

"Who is it?!" I shouted from inside the bedroom.

I got no reply.

"Who is it?!" I shouted again. This time with my head above the pillow I was nudging.

"Would you pipe down!" Duncan appeared on the doorway. "It's that kid from the University you were helping out... Bailey."

"Bailey?" I said questioningly.

"Yeah. Do you have plans with him today?"

"Nothing that I know of."

"Well.. We'll find out soon enough. He's coming up." Duncan sipped a bit more of the coffee he had.

"Would you put something on!" I eyed Duncan's boxers. "And.. are those my new boxers?"

"Technically.." He quickly interjected. "...they are mine now. Given that you still haven't given me any presents for my birthday."

There was a knock on the front door and a familiar voice in the hallway.

"Get in here!" I implored as I brushed Duncan to the side and quickly put on the bathrobe from behind the bedroom door.

"Mike?" Bailey spoke from behind the front door. I rushed to open it that I forgot to unlatch the chain.

"Hey Bailey." I moved back a bit as the door rebounded from being caught on the latch. I unlatched it and opened the door completely losing my chain of thought. "Sorry. What was I saying?"

"Hey Mike... uhm.. sorry for barging on you this early but..." Bailey hesitated. "Uhm.. can I come in?"

"Yeah.. sure.." I scratched my head as I let Bailey in the apartment. "Sorry. It's kind of messy here today. I had some company over and.."


"Yeah.. Duncan." I looked at the closed bedroom door wondering what Duncan was doing at that very moment. I saw that Bailey was still standing up. "Why don't you join me for breakfast?" I ushered Bailey to the dining area and opened the refrigerator door. I had nothing to offer. "On second thought, why don't we just have some coffee?"


"Now where did I put those filters..." I turned my back to him.

"Mike..." His voice was louder now. "I.. I think I'm gay."

"Ahh.. here they are. Do you want regualar or decaf?"

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

I paused. My eyebrows furrowed. "Decaf?" I said sheepishly. Bailey came close to me. I still had that unknowing look. I lowered the coffee pot I had on my hand and he looked straight to my eyes. "What?" I asked becoming increasingly worried.

Bailey looked around. And then he kissed me.

It was warm and soft. And as soon as it was given it was swiftly taken away.

I dropped the tea pot.

A loud crash could be heard throughout the apartment.

"Mikey?" Duncan spoke from within the bedroom. "Was that you?"

I did not respond. I was still in disbelief. Bailey, the college guy that I mentor on Applied Numerical Methods, kissed me. "Mikey?!"

Bailey has always been the boy next door to me. The one that always needs saving. His boyish look and boyish smile always seemed... boyish to me.


But now... Bailey seems different.

Duncan opened the bedroom door in one swift swing and hurried across the living room. "What the fuck happened?"

"I better go." Bailey looked at me but I could no longer look back. I faced away. Bailey left quietly. Duncan followed and closed the fron door.

"What the fuck haappened!?" Duncan repeated.

I sat down on a dining chair. I tried to find the words to explain what happened. I exhaled hard and looked straight at Duncan. "He kissed me."

"What do you mean kissed you?"

"I think Bailey might be gay."

"Bailey?" Duncan paused. "No... really?"

"I'm going back to bed." I walked back into the bedroom, laid back on the bed and stared into the ceiling.

"Dude. He kissed you?" Duncan chuckled. "That's fucked up?"

I closed my eyes.

There was a knock on the front door. Ducan let Andrea in the apartment.

"Was that Bailey I saw running down the stairs?" Andrea asked Ducnan looking weirdly concerned as she handed him Artee.

Duncan did not answer.

Andrea came in the bedroom and closed the door - leaving Duncan and Artee outside in the living room.

"Let me guess." Andrea crossed her arms as she stood in front of the bed. "He told you."

"Huh?!" I looked at her questioningly. Damn. "Why in the world am I always the last to know?!"

"The kid was afraid to tell you. I knew he saw you more than just a tutor."

"And how did you know that?"

"Remember the time he stayed here for the night?"

"Yeah. It was raining hard. And he already missed the last train back."

"I was here. I live a block away from him and I had a car. I could have dropped him off. I knew that. He knew that. Do you remember when you went to Costa Rica?"

"Yes. I let him stay here for the week. I was expecting some packages and I did not want to pick them up again downtown."

"I came by a day after you left and he was wearing the same shirt you are wearing right now."

"And you knew he was gay. Just because he borrowed a shirt?"

"No, I knew he was gay because I asked him."



"During our date?"

"No. Earlier before I went to the salon I passed by Baker street. I saw him there working behind counter of the new Starbucks corner Easton."


"I ordered Latte and he suggested a biscotti to go with that. I said no to the biscotti but yes to the cinamon swirl and asked for it to be heated. He offered to bring it to my table and we chit-chatted for a few minutes." Andrea sat down on the edge of the bed and started digging into her purse. "I asked how's the pay there. He said it was so-so. I asked if they have the new portfolio calendar out for next year. He said.."

"Will you get to it already?"

Andrea brought out a stick of cigarette and a lighter from her purse. "I asked him if he fancies you?" Andrea lighted her cigarette.

"You're killing me...!"

"He did not answer." Andrea puffed out a plum of smoke that she quickly fanned away with her hand.

I sat still for a second then stood up from the bed. "I've got to go."

Andrea stood up as well and watched me get dressed. "Honey, you are just going to mess up that kid's brain." Andrea stuffed her cigarrette into the plant I had on my workdesk. "What will you tell him when you get there?"

I looked at Angela as I put on my scarf. "He kissed me. I've got to go."


Chapter 7: The Stained Sofa

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