
By Mike Daryl Ormond

Published on Jun 13, 2005


SMOKE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- by Mike Daryl Ormond

Chapter 4: Out of Sorts

9:54 am.

"Andrea! You are out of control! What the fuck were you thinking?!" I jumped on the phone the second I heard the Duncan turn on the shower in the adjacent bathroom.

"Mike! Calm down! We've eaten out together before. It wouldn't hurt if you bring flowers and maybe inviting me to your apartment after dinner just this once?" Andrea said in mock sympathy.

"I'm not kidding Andrea! I've told you how he gets when he finds out I'm seeing someone!" I yelled in desperation. "He follows me around in dates. He makes these plans for two. He's worse that my mother!"

"He's just excited Mike. He'll get over it."

"Are you kidding?! He's now thinking of publishing our case as the first success story for his brilliant email dating idea! He's already asked me polariods from our date!"

"If it will make you happy, I'll tell him the truth and blow the whole thing off. I'll tell him.. I'll tell him it was just a joke."

"Well it's to late for that now. He's already made reservations for our date tonight downtown. And.." I exhaled loudly.

"And what?"

"I already promised him I'll go out with you." I paused. "Uhmm.. Do you still have my camera from last night?"

"Who's out of control now?"

"I hate you."

"Love yah. See you tonight.. hot stuff." Andrea was giggling as she faded from the other end of the phone line.

I laid back on my bed, took the pillow beside me and buried my face under it.

"Mike!" Duncan called from the bathroom as the sound of water from the shower went out.

"What?!" I responded from under pillow.

"Mike?!" Duncan called louder.

"What?!" I took the pillow off my face and shouted back.

"Can you grab me a towel? I forgot to bring one when I got in."

I trod the length of my room to get to the bathroom with the towel in my hand. I was still disgruntled from the conversation I had with Andrea. I was not ready for what I saw. Duncan had his back on me. His silhouette was clearly defined from behind the shower curtain. He was flexing his muscular back, wiping off water from his shoulders with his hands. I was in a trance and was caught with my mouth open when he turned around.

"Mike? Are you ok? Who were you talking to on the phone?"

"I..." I stammered as I reached out to offer the towel. "It was.. ugh... Andrea."

"Really?!" Sounding really excited as he pulled back the shower curtain to reveal his god-like physique. My breathing deepened as I saw his flaccid cock swinging prominently as he toweled his meaty pecs. His cut cock looked about six inches soft from where I was standing which was just about a good meter. "Mike?! Are you sure you're ok."

"Ye..yeah..." I quickly turned around when Duncan got the towel. "I'm just... I'm just unsure of this date... you know..."

"Don't sweat it." He stepped out of the bath tub and faced me with the towel wrapped around his waist. "How could she not fall in love with this adorable face." Duncan gave my right cheeck a good pinch and walked out of the door.

I tried my best to settle myself as I got into the shower. The initial cold water as the shower heater slowly warmed up surely helped in snapping me back to reality. I sighed. At least Duncan's happy.

7:19 pm.

"Try not to laugh, ok?" I said under gritted teeth.

"What?" Andrea said as she sat on the table.

I looked around. I knew he was hiding somewhere. It was a busy night in the Olive Garden that night. I got to the place first and was immediately directed to our reserved table beside the front window. I knew this was part of the plan. I reached under the table cloth.

"Mike? What are you doing?" Andrea raised an eyebrow and moved back from her seat.

"I was supposed to give you these." I tried not to show my displeasure as I handed to Andrea the flowers bought Duncan earlier that evening.

"Oh Mikey.. You shouldn't have.." Andrea fluttered her eyelashes in feigned delight. "Don't these go with matching chocolates?"

"No, they dont! They are sold separately and... Urghh!!" I pouted as I reached again from underneath the table to hand Andrea the box of chocolates. "I was planning on keeping those for myself!"

"Don't worry sweatheart..." Andrea quickly stashed the box in her large handbag. ".. you'll have your share of honey tonight." Andrea smiled and gave me a wink.

"Are you sick! I'm not a lesbo!"

"Not from me! Asshole! From Duncan..." Andrea brought out a photocopy of a petition letter. "An old lady was handing out copies of this outside Duncan's apartment building. I passed by there on my way to the salon to drop his cat."

"You went the salon for tonight?!"

"Don't flatter yourself, sweetie! I hear there are cute waiters here and since I'm sure my date won't put out... ever, I'd rather come prepared. And don't you think..."

Andrea faded out as I read the petition letter. I tried to make sense how this would provide me with... well, honey. `Dear tenant... Last night... disturbance... apartment 402... troubling incident... could have endangered...'. Oh no! Duncan is being thrown out of his building! Wait...

"This is terrible!" I interrupted Andrea as she complained about missing that night's episode of The Apprentice. "This is all my fault! Smoke machine.. what the hell was I thinking!?

"Oh my god!" Andrea laughed then started giggling.

I went ballistic. "What's wrong with you!? Duncan's losing his apartment because of our party! Couldn't you be at least sorry?! Where the hell is he going to live?!"

"Uhmm... honey... why don't you ask him yourself?"


"Cute waiter... 3 o'clock..."

And there he was. Duncan... dressed as a waiter.

"Compliments of the manager" Duncan brought out a bottle of champagne. "Are you guys ready for appetizers?"

"What the hell?!" I gaped in disbelief.

Duncan leaned towards me and whispered. "I'm sorry, Sir. But I don't think that is something nice to say in front of the lady." Duncan then pulled back and smiled at Andrea.

"Geez! What are you even doing here?! Do you know you're being thrown out of your apartment?!" I popped as I watched Duncan filling my champagne glass with wine.

He again leaned towards me. "Would you calm down. I figured the place is overpriced anyways and I can always bunk with you. So no biggie..." He pulled back again. "Now... I'll be at my station anytime you guys are ready to order. Again, in case you missed it. My name is Duncan."

Duncan left the table not before giving me a quick wink and handgun gesture.

"Well... All that commotion sure made me hungry!" Andrea finally decided to speak up.

I was still locked on Duncan as he walked away.

Andrea noticed. "Baby... we can always skip dinner and go straight to dessert."

11:37 pm.

My apartment was freezing when I got home that night. I quickly adjusted the thermostat then slumped on the recliner I had in the living room. I miss my couch. It was always more comfortable to slump there. I lazily took off my shoes with my feet, took off my socks and unbuttoned the top 2 buttons of my shirt. I was beat. Who would have thought pretending to enjoy a date could be difficult.

I closed my eyes.

3:01 am

The doorbell rang.

I opened my eyes. Maybe it was in my dream.

The doorbell rang again.

Nope. Doorbell's real.

"Who is it!" I shouted from where I sat.

"It's me..."

I knew it was Duncan. "Me who?!"

Duncan didn't answer immediately. I stood up.

"Mikey... open the door please..."

There was a slight break in his voice - a slight nervousness. I ran too open the door and found Duncan standing there in jeans, trainers and a sweatshirt. His eyes were red. "Hey man. What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

He tried to look at me but looked away. He'd been crying.

He turned his back on me. I took as step forward.

All of a sudden, he faced me and grabbed my head with both of his hands and held my forehead against his ^Ö with his eyes looking straight at me.

"You... you lied to my Mikey!" Duncan shouted.

I could smell beer from his mouth.

He then released me and turned away from me again.

I was scared. I've never seen Duncan this angry.

He turned around again and faced me.

"Is this what you want, huh?" With that he took off his shirt and sweatshirt in one swift motion revealing his muscular upper body. "Is this what you want?!"

I then realized what has happened. He read my response to his survey.

It was my turn now to look away. What a crazy day.

"Look at me!" Duncan shouted again. "Is this what you want!?"

"Duncan..." I started. "I didn't mean to..."

Duncan moved towards me. Grabbed my head again. "Didn't mean to, what?!"


He then kissed me.


Chapter 5: What just happened?

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Next: Chapter 5

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