Smithon Twins

By R S

Published on Feb 18, 2003


This story is complete Fiction. Any resemblance to previous story and or real life is purely coincidental and non-intentional.

Comments are welcome,

Part 1 Chapter 1: Beginning of camp

Characters are as follows: Bobby 12 and Hal 12 Smithon (twins) they are both about 4', lgt brn hair and the cutest bright green eyes and not a single hair on them except for on their head. Bobby has a cute dark "speedo tan" though Hal does not. Now that they just turned 12 they are just starting to find out about sex. Though Bobby has no clue or interest in sex, yet.... Hal for the last two years has gained a great interest in girls; well at least that is how he acts.

It has now come the day the boy's have to leave for summer camp. This year is different the twins are going to separate camps Hal is going to a basketball camp, and Bobby is going to a swimming camp. This is part one Hals Basketball camp. Check back for part 2etc.

First is Hals camp... "Bye mom, bye Bobby" I said as I was getting on the bus to take me to my Two week basketball camp. I have been waiting for this for months. To bad Bobby hates basketball. But we are both going where we want to.

Next thing Hal knows he has arrived at camp, and is now being put with room mates. This camp is mixed 5th through 10th grade. They are put four to a room one 9th or 10th grader and 3 of the 5th through 8th. Hal is put with one other 5th grader (Mike) an 8th grader (John) and one 10th grader (Will). And frank (20) I third year sports medicine major who is the basket-ball camp leader for the week.

"Alright now everybody listen up you all have your room-mates now proceed to the cafeteria and get you dinner" The leader (frank) said.

Well, after diner we headed to the gym for a basic physical just so we don?t hurt ourselves in the gym later.

The physical was fairly simple, we were told beforehand that we were going to be showering afterwards we were told if we wish, we could do the physical naked. I think they were more or less telling us, I did see that most of boys that had been here before took advantage of the offer. But once we all lined up for the physical we were told that we had to be down to at least our undies to make the physicals go quickly, we all complied but, I did not wear any underwear. Matter of fact I did not bring but one pair with me because they annoy me at camp for some reason. I decided to keep my pants on until I got there, but frank came by and told me I had to take the off immediately. So I took off my underwear revealing my 12yo boner. Frank did not say a word and kept walking.

It was my turn for my physical, so I went naked into the office where the doctor was waiting behind what looked to be a coaches desk set up as an exam table, so I hopped up as I was told, he did all the normal things, breathing.. Etc...

"Ok now stand up with your arms up in the air" said the doctor

"Why" I asked

He said he had to check me over and also do the hernia check, first he looked at my arms feeling them all over saying that I was well developed and that I did not have any muscle problems. Then he reached down took a gentle hold of my penis in his left hand, causing an instant hard on, and put two of his right fingers behind my two balls and told me to cough hard.

"COUGH!" I hacked

"Next" the doctor said

Then I went over to the other end of the gym where every one who was done with the physicals were waiting, and then waited for everyone else.

Once we were finished in the gym we headed to the showers, the showers were in three rooms, three groups of eight showers. Luckily there were only six rooms of boys showering there at a time, I guess there running us through in shifts. Well once we got in there Will my oldest roommate was already naked and was in the shower in a flash. I am not used to that as also were some of the other kids my age. I was standing there staring, forgetting that I was still naked, when mike, who actually was almost a year younger than me, asked if I could help get the knot out of his swim trunks so he could wear them in the shower. I tried to get it out but I could not. that is when I realized I forgot mine, just as I thought that I heard Will yell "don?t worry about the swim shorts were only showering anyway, hurry up" well once Mike heard that he started to pull down his underwear when I noticed he had a boner I am not sure why, But I reached out and poked it and said quietly "boner" he just smirked, well luckily I was not hard anymore well I guess I really don?t get hard allot yet.

So I headed to the shower. The showers are really close together three on each side and two on the end. The two older kids took the end showers I was in the corner across from Mike and next to Will. I started soap up when I noticed that Will was looking at Mike Will was hard though I did not believe they have any relation. But when I looked at the other older kid he was doing something with his dick, it looked like he was washing it but it also was hard as a rock. I then saw two of the eighth graders on my side start doing it too. Well I was finished so I went out and Mike came with me. We did not want to wait for them so I and mike went up to our assigned room #723 we have an hour to get settled then we have our guys? night meeting where we review what we will be doing tomorrow.

Well Will had brought a Nintendo and said we could use it so me and mike started playing just when we got started-

Mike asked me "do you know what those kids from the other room were doing in the shower?"

I said no.

Mike replied "it must be good because I?ve seen my older brother doing it allot".

Really? He let's you watch?

No, he doesn't let me watch, he locks himself in his room. But I can see him through a hole by the door that connects our rooms together. He sometimes does it every night. Mike told me

"Ouch doesn't it hurt" I asked

"Guess not" Mike said.

"Ok well you want to get back to the ga?"

"Well you wanna try it" Mike blurted out

"Sure.... I guess" I stuttered even though I was thrilled at the idea

"Hold on let me get the lotion" he said

"Why?" I asked

"My brother always uses it so I though you would need it" he stated...

"Ok go ahead but hurry..."

Well then after chatting a bit on what to do we decided to get naked and lay on our respective bunks and together we would start...

"Ok one..... Two.... three...."-----

"HEY GUYS! How ya doing?" frank asks as he walks in the door... and before he can mention it is time for the night guys meeting, he sees mike and me naked and hard laying on our beds then he tells us it is time for the evening meeting and that we should hurry up and get ready.. And come out...

So we get dressed, kind of half assed though just sweatpants... so we head out to the meeting in the lobby. When we walk out a couple of people giggled then I realized I still had a boner... O crap I thought so I just put my hand down to try and hide it. It must have worked because then the meeting got started.

The meeting was about, who was who, ice breakers etc... But he also talked about where everyone was staying and to stay out of the vacant rooms around the corner down the hall he said they are used for other occasions and when there are more campers, other camps, and that they were off limits...

For some reason I guess it was due to the nature of the situation my boner would not go away. Though once the meeting was over Mike, who I was about to play w/myself with, ran up to me and said once everyone was in their rooms he wanted to go check out the vacant room(s). Of course I could not turn him down so we used the excuse we had to use the bathrooms and took our merry old time and after the cost was clear we walked to the rooms and we went into the first one, boy were they nice.

These rooms made ours look like a pig pen; they must have been special, though I did not know what for.

"Wanna try it now?" asked mike...

"What" I asked

Then I saw him drop his pants and I knew... so we locked to door and got naked and lay on the floor so not to disturb the pristine beds then



"Three"__ it was like we were starting a race...

Then we both started to stroke away at our aching tools that are in a dire need of release...

not knowing what I was doing, I nervously asked him if he could turn over and show me how, but what surprised me in stead of showing me he grabbed my tool and started stroking it for a little bit and said "like that" then went back to his. This was so exiting, both of us laying here on the floor naked with our wardrobe all over the room, mike was the first to go... of course he can cum yet but, it probably would of helped hi because he let out a yelp, once I heard that, I looked over then I blew too, now naked and spent we lay here and I am not sure why but we fell asleep...

"Wake UP!?

Oh crap I thought right as I woke up; luckily I was to find it was mike straddling my naked legs...

"What time is it?" I asked

"1 AM, luckily" mike said.... "But someone has stolen our clothes..."

"We?ll have to sneak back into our rooms"

"NAKED?!" I said

"I don?t think we have a choice." mike said with a sheepish grin.

After he said that we peeked out the door to see that it was empty, so we started back to our room, halfway down the hall we saw a room with it's lights on and the door was locked but the room next to it was open. We looked inside the room and the shelf with the TV on it was moved to the side revealing the back side of a window/mirror in the other room. And in the other room we saw our clothes on the chair all folded up and also, was Will the 10th grader from our room was in the bed and through the covers appeared to be doing something, the out of what seemed like nowhere comes frank the camp leader. Frank was completely naked and as hard as concrete, he was sculpted like a Greek statue, he only looked about 17.

Once frank approached the bed Will flipped off the covers and was also really hard, then Frank playfully hopped on the bed almost knocking off Will. You could tell they were talking about something and then frank bent down and put his mouth on wills tool.

You could see a definite change in Wills expression he looked to be in complete bliss. Frank bobbed up and down for a while and when you saw Wills face start to scrunch up Frank pulled off and said something then you saw will bend down and put his own mouth on his own tool, he made it look so easy. Shortly after will shot allover his own face while frank was watching and jacking his own tool. Right after will shot, Frank shot across the bed and hit Will, they both laughed.

Then they started to clean up when we decided to get back to our room... so we basically ran the whole way, thank God for carpet, here we were running full bore down the hall naked and trying not to laugh. We got back to our room to luckily find it dark and the door wide open, not understanding completely what we saw we went straight to bed.

"Time to get out of bed" Frank said as he poked his head in the door, going from room to room,

In our room we got dressed and headed down for breakfast and the morning meeting, kind of interesting that all of our clothing was back with our stuff...

Luckily Frank seemed in a really good mood today. At the meeting he told us that after the bulk of camp is over there will be a couple of things, anyone who was hurt has to go for a end of camp physical, and best of all is the final night, after the end of camp basketball game, is the feast and all night party/pool party.

Part 1 Chapter 2 : The final days of basketball camp

Most of camp went as normal, besides me falling and getting a bad bruise and spraining my wrist (which I am happy to say is better now).

Now down to the last 2 days of camp?

"Wake up"

"Who is it?" I ask

"It is me"

And who do I see, but mike in his undies jumping on me.

"It is time to get ready for the final game" mike squealed

You see mike has gotten real caught up in the idea of the first and second year campers playing against all the others who have been here longer than two years. Kind of unfair if I do say so myself. Anyway back to the story?

"Yes I know mike" I moaned

"Well we better go warm up because we are having it early" mike said

We are having the game early to make room so the large number of kids who even got minorly hurt can get their, as frank said thorough final physical.

The game went as I expected the first and seconds lost, but not by too much.

While we were eating lunch they started calling kids for their physicals, but after you had it you went to the gym, but only after you had it. They said that was so we would not get anyone mixed up. Right?

"Hal Smithon report to the locker room"

So I walked to the locker room for my physical. There stood the same doctor that game me my one two weeks earlier.

"Good to see you again" He said

"Ok lets get started Hal, first take off your shoes and shirt and then come over to the table"

He had me lie down and he used the stethoscope to check my pulmonary (lung) function and also felt around my stomach for internal bleeding. And also checked my reflexes.

"Ok now stand up and take off your pants and undies, then we are almost done"

Then he put on rubber gloves and put some kind of goo on one hand.

"What is that for I asked?"

He told me it was something extra the camp's contract with him asked for, with that he asked me to bend over and relax, which I did, he said this might feel weird, then he pushed what I think was his pinky in my butt. That felt ok because my mother still takes Bobby and I's temperature that way. He then asked how it felt and I said good then he told me to relax and he slid another finger in and asked how it felt and I said well. The doctor then asked my age after I told him 12 he thought and said

"12 oh relax one more" the he put in a third finger and said how is that,

I said "Fine", and honestly it felt real good especially when he moved them in and out to add more.

"ok were done" he said while he put a green stamp on my hand, and sent me off to the gym he said we were tight on time so I was not to get dressed in the locker room but was supposed to go straight to the gym.

I walked in the door to the gym were the second I was entering my pants, shoes and shirt were taken by a older kid who I think was in his 5th yr here as a camper.

"Wow a green stamp, you get to keep your under?oops you don?t have any"

This kid explained to me that the boys with the green stamps could keep their undies, as a privilege but that I'd have to go naked because I did not have any. He also told me that the taking of the clothing from the final physicals started years ago as a prank and turned into kind of a tradition, and became camp wide once some of the campers became old enough to help and eventually run the camp. He said when frank got to his position he added the finger test to the doctors contract because some boys complained because it was not pleasant to get it from someone untrained, safety issue.

"What is your gold stamp for?" I asked

"It means I can take five fingers and that I am also 15, Hal you did good most kids your age only get yellow for two fingers." He said "you will find out later or later this summer why it matters

Now I am looking around and I see a gym full of young boys 12-16 and some day helpers that are 17-18(asst counselors) there are about 80 boys total about 30 or so were buck naked, and everyone was laying around on the wrestling mats waiting to get the word that the party has begun, for some reason this sight of naked boys lying all over the floor was very relaxing besides the boner I got. But I had to go to the bathroom so I snuck into the girls locker room which I thought was unused this week, and when I went in to use the bathroom, I was floored by what I saw was a fairly large group of boys rolling around on the floor jerking off and each other too. Then one looked up and saw my green stamp?

"Hey guys look a green stamp boy!" he yelled, and I noticed that it was, Will.

"He's from my room so start him off easily" Will said

"How about me" asked a small second year 6th grade camper named Jake

"Perfect" Will said

He sent the two of us off to what looked like a coach's office with the windows all around it, but hey looked like mirrors. Jake then took a hold of me and asked if I wanted his "finger test". So remembering how good it felt I said sure and he took out some of that goo and started spreading it on his kind small 4.5 inch rock hard tool.

"Your penis?!" I blurted

"Yeah, but it feels even better than the fingers" He said softly

I said ok then he bent me over on the empty padded floor and slipped his gooey tool into my hole which was still gooey from the doctor,

He slid right in, feeling like only two fingers then he started to move in and out all I could think of was the pleasure coming from my hole and tool and the really nice sliding noise it was making

He sped up and started to hold me and rub my tool with his gooey hand.

It felt so good I could not believe it, in and out; with every stroke he took I got chills up and down my spine.

Then he tensed up and started to shake a little and he moaned, which then sent me over the edge we than collapsed on the floor him still inside me, I was so relaxed I pissed a little on the floor then I felt him pee in my hole, it felt so good, before I knew it I fell asleep.

"Wake up HAL!" mike yelled jumping on me as normal

I thought and realized that frank must have put me to bed.

"Hal, I saw frank put you in bed last night, did you have fun" mike giggled

"You have no idea" I sighed

Right when I was reminiscing about last night it was time to go.

STAY TUNED for part 2 about bobby and more?.

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Next: Chapter 2

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