Smells of Summer

By A S

Published on Nov 29, 2018


Disclaimer: This story is completely made up, and any references to real life people are purely coincidental. It also contains sexual acts between minors. If this kind of content is illegal for your age or the place you live, stop reading now.


Chapter 1

Ryan rode up to his bi-level house at the end of the cul-de-sac on his bike, breaking fast and throwing his bike down in the front yard. He bounced up the sidewalk steps and pulled open the screen door, slipping off his shoes at the door and throwing his backpack on top of the shoes. He walked up the stairs and over to slump into the couch, turning on the TV and stretching out. Like usual, it had been a long, boring ass day at school. But now, school was out for the summer, he was finally done with seventh grade, and he could do whatever he wanted.

He scratched his junk through his basketball shorts and, as all boys do, he smelled his fingers. He chuckled at the smell. He kicked ass in basketball during recess, but it had been a hot day and all the boys worked up a bit of a sweat. He got a naughty thought in his head, and his dick started to swell. He kicked off his shorts and boxers and peeled his tank top off, throwing them in a pile at the other end of the couch. No chance his parents would be home till later. He walked, 5 inch hard, uncut dick swinging, towards his backpack. He fished around the pockets and pulled out his phone, not minding the clear view any neighbors could have of his boyhood. He unlocked his phone and typed out a message to Timmy.

"Hey, you free? Come over." While he waited for an answer, he went and made himself a bowl of cereal. His phone buzzed and his cock hardened a little more.

"Yeah, I'll be there in five minutes." Ryan smiled and leaned against the kitchen counter, eating his cereal. Not long later, he heard the clatter of a bike on the driveway and the screen door opening.

"Hey, Ryan?" A voice called.

"Upstairs, Timmy." Ryan called back.

"I told you, call me Tim." Tim pouted, his puffy lips making him look babyish. He had sort of ginger/brunette hair, cut short, and blue eyes. He was on Ryan's basketball team, one year younger, and noticeably less developed. He also had a sheen of sweat on him, darkening the clothes under his arms and near his crotch. Before Ryan could respond, Timmy said, "Jeez, smells like a locker room in here!" his eyes got large as he noticed Ryan's nudity.

"Thought you liked that, queer!" Ryan said and laughed around a mouthful of cereal. He thrust his hips lightly to make his dick and balls bounce. Timmy unconsciously licked his lips. His eyes followed his prize as Ryan walked over to the couch and slumped down, legs splayed, still eating. "Well, get to it dude, it's been a long day!"

Timmy walked over, as usual seemingly in a trance, to drop to his knees in between Ryan's legs. He leaned forward and buried his face in Ryan's crotch, sniffing the smell of a sweaty boy. In return, his own dick swelled, pushing up against his underwear. Timmy stuck his tongue out, licking from the bottom of Ryan's recently-grown balls, up his shaft, to his head barely poking out of his foreskin. Timmy put his mouth over Ryan's tip, slowly working down, swirling his tongue, until his nose rested in the wispy pubes at the base of Ryan's dick.

"Fuck man, you were born for this!" Ryan chuckled, setting his empty bowl down on the coffee table and running one hand through Timmy's hair and pushing his head down, putting the other hand behind his head. He ground his crotch up into Timmy's warm mouth. Both boys breathing picked up quickly, Ryan starting to moan louder and thrust harder into Timmy's welcoming mouth. "Ugh, fuck dude I'm gonna shoot soon!" Timmy looked up at Ryan questioningly. "Fuck you, queer, it's been a while since I've blown a load." Ryan chuckled and started to quickly fuck into Timmy's mouth, gagging the smaller boy occasionally. Ryan grunted and held Timmy's head down onto his dick, shooting his first load of the day down the kid's throat. Timmy gagged but Ryan held his head down anyway, until his orgasm completely subsided, then he let go, Timmy popping off to gasp for breath, licking his lips. After a few breaths, diving in to clean up his favorite dick.

"Woah man, I already came, settle your gay ass down." Ryan laughed, pushing Timmy with his foot on the kid's shoulder. "I'll see you later, ok? Gotta take a shower. I know you love it, but I wreak." Ryan laughed loudly, Timmy giggled quietly.

"Ok, text me." Timmy said, getting up and walking down the stairs. Ryan muttered something non-committal at his back, stomping over to the shower. He turned it to high heat, letting the bathroom steam up. He turned on his Bluetooth speaker and turned on some punk rock, getting in the shower and lathered his short, brown hair with soap. He soaped up his firm, developing pecs and tight abs. he paid careful attention to his source of pride: his wispy arm pit hairs and pubes, and of course his growing cock, just starting to shoot cum. He soaped up his ass crack, shivering slightly as his finger crossed his hairless hole. Like many boys his age (but unbeknownst to them), Ryan had tried fingering himself before. It felt good, and when he came it was awesome, but that kinda shit was for guys like Timmy. He turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, drying himself off with a towel then hanging it up. He walked out to the living room, picking up his phone to text John.

"Hey dude! Wanna come over? Still gotta finish Warpath 8." Luckily john lived right next door, so in no time he heard the screen door slam.

"Duuuuuuude!" he called out.

"Duuuuuuude!" John called back. He thumped up the stairs. "Jesus dude, why are you always naked?" John laughed.

"Cause it's hot as hell! If I'm gonna sweat my ass off anyway, no way I'm putting clothes on if I don't have to. Speaking of, you smell. Haven't showered yet?" Ryan laughed and John shrugged. "Feel free to join me." Ryan gestured at his nudity and John shrugged again and started throwing off clothes, leaving them where they lie and giving Ryan a view of his body. All boys check each other out, it's part of puberty, right? John was athletic like Ryan, both the same age, but John was built wider than Ryan, with bigger, more defined muscles. John also had, to Ryan's jealousy, a 6 inch cock when fully hard. At least John didn't have pubes yet. The boys sat together, laughing and talking back and forth as they concentrated on their game. As they played, both boys dicks started to harden.

"Bruh, are you getting hard being naked with a dude?" Ryan pointed at John's dick and laughed. John looked down, blushing slightly, then looked at Ryan.

"Fuck you, man! You're so hard you look about to burst!" They both laughed.

"Hey man, found a new video you might like, wanna watch?" Ryan asked, pausing the game.

"Hell yeah! What's it called?" John asked, putting down his controller and looking excitedly at Ryan.

"It's a little freaky, it's called `Bound Bimbos 4'. It's got a lot of bondage." Ryan said with a wink.

"Woah." John gasped. "I've never seen bondage."

"It's great! Come on." Ryan hopped to his feet, grabbed each of them a beer from the refrigerator, and the two nude boys ran downstairs to Ryan's room in the basement. Ryan closed the door and turned the lights off behind them, sending them into pitch blackness. The pair stumbled around in the dark until Ryan turned on his TV and the boys sat down on the bed, cracked open their beers, and stared transfixed at the screen. Ryan opened his phone and opened the bookmark he made, casting his phone to the TV. The screen cut right to the action, with a woman tied up in ropes all around her, hanging from the ceiling, as two hung, muscular dudes spit roasted her.

"Holy fuck!" John whispered, stroking his fully hard dick.

"Right?" Ryan joined in, and for a while the two boys jerked off quietly, only the sound of their breathing and the moaning on the TV could be heard in the dark room.

"Fuck man, we need a girl like her! Totally slutty, and loving those dicks!" John whispered.

"Well, we do have someone we can use." Ryan said mischievously.


"Sam." Ryan confirmed, pulling out his phone to text Sam.

"Get over here. Me and John are hanging out." Right as he hit send, he got a message back. "Ok." Ryan smirked at John, barely visible in the light of the TV, and showed him his phone.

"Nice, better hold off on cumming then." John said. Ryan nodded, and the boys edged themselves in silence. Occasionally, one would get close and have to stop jerking for a couple minutes. They downed two beers each by the time they heard a muffled `Ryan?'

"Down here!" Ryan yelled and both boys, slightly tipsy, giggled. They heard footsteps, then the door opened, letting in Sam. He was the same age as the other two, all twelve, but with less defined muscle than either. He had long, wavy brown hair and brown eyes. He also had a better ass than any girl in their grade, which is why the bigger boys chose him.

"Hey guys." Sam said as he started to take off his clothes. His hardening cock sprang free from his shorts as he pulled them down, revealing a 5 inch, uncut dick with a thick patch of pubes above, but barely any on his balls. Ryan felt a pang of jealousy at the thick bush Sam had, but that disappeared as the newcomer got onto the bed and started to suck Ryan off. Ryan moaned and watched as his friend got into position behind the bottom boy. John reached over to Ryan's nightstand and fumbled in the drawer for the lube he knew Ryan kept there. He poured a generous amount straight onto Sam's ass, who shivered at the cold wetness. John pushed one finger slowly into Sam, who moaned onto Ryan's dick.

"Damn Sammy, feels good when you moan on me!" Ryan said and the two tops shared a laugh. Ryan wrapped his legs around Sam's back, holding him while he fucked his mouth. Meanwhile, John had worked two fingers in, and Sam was getting adequately lose. John poured some lube onto his rock hard dick and lined it up with Sam's ass. Ryan got onto his knees, still thrusting into Sam's slutty mouth. John rammed his dick in with one thrust, causing Sam to gasp and yell out. Ryan shushed him by holding Sam's mouth onto his cock. The two boys thrust back and forth, filling the room with the sounds and smells of boy sex. As usual, the two tops locked eyes and began a game of rock-paper-scissors for who gets to cum in his ass first. Ryan won, laughing at the look of defeat in his friends face. They quickly switched, while Sammy hung his head and panted, his hard cock beading precum. Ryan spanked Sammy's big ass a couple times, getting a pleasing, high pitched moan from the bottom bitch. Ryan smirked as he shoved his cock balls deep into the tight ass in front of him. Immediately he was in heaven, the tight warm walls of Sammy's ass squeezing his dick. John picked up Sammy's moaning, dazed head and shoved his dick into the boy's mouth. The two tops picked up their thrusting. All three boys were moaning, the two tops low and deep, and the bottom high and loud as he got pummeled from both ends.

"I'm close!" Ryan grunted, picking up even more speed, until slamming home and moaning loudly as he dumped a small, boyish load into Sammy's ass. He sighed as he fell back, panting. John wasted no time, and came up behind Sammy, ramming his dick in balls deep as well. Again moans erupted, and Ryan laid back and enjoyed the view. He playfully spanked his John's ass a couple times, each time getting a distracted swat from John's hand. After a few minutes of rough, fast fucking, John breathily whispered "Fuuuuuck." Ryan knew what was coming. John stayed deep in Sammy, and Ryan saw his muscles tense (especially his ass), and his balls spasm as they emptied out a big load (bigger than Ryan's, the boys discovered earlier in one of their jerk off games), into the already used hole. After a minute or two, John pulled out and collapsed next to Ryan.

"You know what to do." Ryan said, and Sammy turned around and started cleaning off both boys dicks. He sucked Ryans balls, licked all around his shaft, and poked his tongue into his foreskin, collecting every trace of cum, then repeated the process with John. Once both boys were clean, Sammy shyly got off the bed, and started putting his clothes on without another word. Ryan got one last hard spank in, producing a high pitched yelp from Sammy. Sammy whispered a goodbye as he left.

"See ya later, faggot!" Ryan called and John laughed.

"Hey man, I'm gonna head home, it's almost dinner time. Text me if you wanna hang out later." John said, starting to leave, walking upstairs to get his clothes.

"Ok man." Ryan said through a yawn, then quickly dozed off to sleep.

To be continued.

Thank you for reading my newest story! It was a blast to write so I hope you enjoy it. As usual, please send any comments/questions/concerns/requests to my email, . If you have some spare change, seriously consider donating to as well, because websites cost money and the folks at nifty have been kind enough to provide their service for free!

Thank you again,


Next: Chapter 2

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