Smallville Series

By J Jones

Published on Mar 8, 2014


This is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, and am I in no way admonishing or encouraging anything with this fictional work. Read only with pure pleasure in mind. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to


I am an avid Smallville fan and have dissected each episode in each season and continuously have identified homosexual undertones between the male characters on Smallville specifically between Lex/Clark, Clark/Green Arrow, and Arrow/Lex. This is my interpretation of how that could have played out in a gay friendly, sexually liberated society.

Bug Boy

Lana was hanging out with her boyfriend Whitney at the Smallville Farmer's Market. Every weekend, local farmers and jewelry makers and other types of small businesses bring their goods to an empty field near Main Street in Smallville. Lana's Aunt, Nellie (Nell), a local florist would bring several bouquets of flowers to sell. Jonathan and Martha Kent, Clark's parents, sold corn and potatoes, and other fresh goods. Clark was helping his Dad unload a truck. For a second, Clark and Lana's eyes locked and they smiled. Clark was wearing a plain white t-shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His strong arms were muscular and tan. Lana felt the insides of her thighs become moist as she squeezed Whitney's hand tight.

"Are you okay babe?" he asked.

"I'm fine," she said, noticeably flustered.

"I'm going to talk to my buddies for a minute. Are you gonna be okay for a bit?" he asked.

"Sure, go ahead," she said with an easy smile. Having Whitney disappear for a while would give Lana the chance to talk to Clark. As she made her way over to the Kent table, she was stopped by Greg Arkin.

"Lana, how are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm fine, Greg. How are you?" said Lana politely.

"Okay. You look nice today. When are you going to let me take you out on a date?" he asked.

"I have a boyfriend Greg. You know, Whitney, who I've been seeing for three years," said Lana.

"That's temporary," said Greg.

"Lana, can I borrow you for a minute? I have a dilemma and I need your advice on something," said Clark.

"Uh sure Clark. Greg if you'll excuse me," she said as Clark casually slid his arm around Lana and led her over to his Dad's truck.

"Your welcome," said Clark with a smile.

"For what?" asked Lana knowing exactly what Clark just did.

"I know that look anywhere," said Clark.

"And what look might that be?" asked Lana being coy.

"The look of a damsel in distress," said Clark.

Lana had not seen this confident side of Clark before. Secretly it was making her very uncomfortable in her panties. "Is that what you think of me? A damsel who always needs saving?"

"No, but is it wrong to want to swoop in and save someone you luh...uh care about?" asked Clark.

"Of course not. What's with Greg anyway? Why does he act like that. I remember we were all really good friends back in elementary school," said Lana.

"People change. His Mom was kind of tough on him. She was crazy strict. She used to yell at me and Pete and make us take our shoes off in her house. He's weird but honestly can you blame him for wanting to be near you," said Clark.

"Who are you and what have you done with Clark Kent?" asked Lana with a smile. They were standing very close to each other and Clark's hand was dangerously close to the left side of her breast.

"Maybe something is in the air. Hey where is that green necklace of yours? Still haven't gotten it back from Whitney?" asked Clark.

"No and I need to ask him about it. I don't know what I would do if something happened to it," said Lana.

"Right. That's the one your Aunt gave you after the meteor shower right? I bet you miss your parents a lot" asked Clark.

"All the time. I wonder who I look more like; my Mom or my Dad. I think about my Dad and the funny looks he used to give me to make me laugh. I wonder who will walk down the aisle with me when I get married. It's really hard sometimes but I know they are always with me," said Lana.

"I'm sure they would be proud of the woman you are becoming. And I think you are sure to win Homecoming Queen at the dance this weekend," said Clark.

"You always know exactly what to say. And its so easy to talk to you. Why is that?" asked Lana.

"Lana, we've known each other since we were like five years old. That's got to count for something," said Clark.

"It does but we have never talked as much as we have lately. I kind of like it. And why don't you have a girlfriend?" asked Lana.

Clark looked deep into Lana's eyes. "I guess I just haven't found the right girl yet."

"Lana," someone yelled.

"Um, that's Whitney. He's probably looking for me. I hope we can talk again sometime soon," said Lana. She gave Clark an innocent kiss on the cheek.

"You just made my day," said Clark. "Don't forget to ask your boyfriend about that necklace. I know how important it is to you." Clark smiled to himself. He knew Whitney had no clue where the necklace was after he and his friends left Clark half naked out in that corn field. Lex returned the necklace to Clark in a lead box but Clark was hesitant to return it. He didn't want to win Lana by default and more importantly, he couldn't physically handle the necklace without making himself sick which would be really hard to explain to the woman he loves.

Greg Arkin was hanging out in a tree waiting for Whitney's truck to roll by after dropping off Lana. Greg was an ordinary shy, nerdy kid with no friends, bad acne, bad eyes, and a bad back. After puberty hit and his friends all got into other things, bugs became his best best friends. He kept tons of them in fish tanks and other containers. His mother wished he had a more social habit but since it seemed harmless she didn't object to him turning his room into a bug palace. Since her husband had died so suddenly years ago, the only thing that kept Greg active and engaged was his love of all types of creatures. He brought home spiders for pets, grasshoppers, centipedes, slugs and anything else he found out in the woods. His father built him a treehouse on the back part of their property and he stayed out there constantly with his notebooks and pencil journaling and making notes. When he was young, his mother thought it was cute, but now that he was older, she wished he would go out and meet people. She would give anything to have him come home and tell her that he had a girlfriend.

That was all a month ago before his mother made the mistake of going into his room and looking through his things. She had been concerned for some time and wanted to just see what he was up to. She did not like what she saw. She found a stack of videos of Lana Lang that Greg had taken including footage inside her bedroom. The idea of her son stalking in the shadows and spying on a young girl like a disgusting pervert made her blood boil. When Greg came home, she let him have it. She admitted that she was responsible for allowing his obsession with bugs (and other things) go too far but that things would change immediately. First, he would have to get rid of all of his bugs and second, she was going to enroll him in a military academy. She hoped that would give him the discipline that he obviously needed. There was screaming, yelling, and crying, but in the end, Greg conceded. He knew he had no say in the decision so he slowly packed up his car and headed out to the woods to set all of his bugs free. What he didn't know was that the bugs had been living in soil poisoned by meteor rocks. Most of them had an uncommon bright green glow. After a chance crash into a tree, the bugs and insects were freed and Greg was bitten over and over again. When he woke up, he was lying naked in a tree. After the attack, Greg gained super strength, speed, vision, and other heightened senses, traits he had inherited from all of the different species from his rare collection. He had changed physically as well. His skin cleared, he no longer needed glasses and the curve in his spine had straightened out. He was about 5'10, 160 with brown hair that he liked to keep slicked back away from his face. His eyes were steel blue and after the metamorphosis he looked more like a runway model. People at school quickly noticed and he lied and attributed it to modern medicine. He was no longer Bug Boy, now he was just known as Greg. He lost his obsession for bugs and insects, but he did not lose his obsession for Lana Lang. He had watched for years, knew her entire schedule, her friends, her whole world. He knew that Whitney was a big part of her world and that if he could take the Quarterback out of the equation, then that would give him a clear path right to the girl of his dreams.

Greg heard the truck and saw Whitney making his way down Route 22. He jumped from the tree and landed on the hood of Whitney's truck. Whitney braked hard, swerved off the road, down a short hill and into a tree. Since Whitney was not wearing a seat belt, he was thrown out the windshield from the force of the crash. He was now lying in the grass with cuts from the glass all over his arms and legs. Greg seized on the opportunity and picked up Whitney like he was a wet kitten and threw him ten feet. Whitney hit the ground with a thud. He was conscious and tried desperately to get away from Greg.

"Why are you doing this to me?" asked Whitney with a whimper.

"What's the matter tough guy? Is the Quarterback scared?" asked Greg.

"What do you want?" asked Whitney.

"I heard what you did to Clark out in the field. Is that how it works with you? Too scared to face a guy man to man in a fair fight. You have to get your minions to do your dirty work. There's nothing I hate more than a punk. You don't deserve her," said Greg.

"Who? Lana? That's what this is about?" asked Whitney as he tried to roll over on his side.

"You have something I want. See, in history I would challenge you for her hand. But in the animal world I would have to prove that I'm the dominant one. And the dominant one, well, get's the girl. Do you see how this works golden boy?" asked Greg.

"I don't know what you are talking about but please, leave me alone. I wont say anything to anyone I swear," said Whitney. He was hiding behind a tree nursing the bump on his head.

"Too much of a pussy to fight me are you?" asked Greg. He sneaked up behind Whitney and pushed him to the ground.

Whitney was helpless, on his knees looking up at Greg. He had a look of terror in his eyes because he had no clue what Greg was going to do to him.

"There's only one thing you do with a pussy Whitney Ford," said Greg with a smile. He slowly undid his belt and then threw it to the ground. Then, he slapped Whitney across the face so hard that it left a mark. The slap left a ringing in his ears. Whitney was in tears now realizing exactly what Greg was planning to do to him.

"Please don't man. Please....No...I'm not a fag. Don't," said Whitney.

"Who said anything about being a fag? We are two guys who want the same woman. The only way to solve this is to show which one of us is more of a man than the other," said Greg. He slapped Whitney again making the bruise across the quarterback's face brighter. "Now are you going to do this or do I have to get rough wit you. We can do it the easy way or the hard way. It's really simple."

Whitney, eyes full of tears accepted his fate. He kneeled in front of Greg like Lana had done to him. Greg unzipped his pants and slid them down to his knees along with his underwear. Greg's cock was easily 8 inches and very thick. He had never imagined in all of his 18 years that he would be sucking some guy's cock like a horny slut. The fact that it was an underclassmen and someone like Greg made it so much worse. He leaned forward and accepted the stiff cock in his mouth.

"That's it Quarterback. That's a good crow (referring to the team mascot for Smallville High). Bite my cock and I'll split your fucking head open. Got it pretty boy?" asked Greg.

Whitney nodded. It was hard to say anything with a massive cock in your mouth. Greg grabbed Whitney's blond hair from the back and forced his mouth down on his cock. Whitney choked and gargled spit as Greg's cock forced its way down the virgin throat. Greg laughed to himself at the sight of the tough leader of the Smallville Crows undefeated football team down on his knees sucking cock and begging like a girl not to be hurt. Greg pulled his still stiff cock out of Whitney's mouth. Whitney took the opportunity to catch his breath as he could still feel the pain in the back of his throat. He thought it was all over. 'It wasn't so bad' thought Whitney to himself. In fact he kind of liked it and his own 7 inch cock was rock hard and throbbing.

"You think that's it pretty boy? Not by a long shot. Strip," said Greg.


"You heard me Whitney. You should know by now that I'm not very patient. Or do you just like to play shy and coy like a school girl. Are you cock tease Whitney? Is that it?" asked Greg. He pushed Whitney to the ground and then flipped him over on his stomach. In seconds, he was on Whitney's back pulling down his jeans and underwear. "You didn't honestly think that I would violate your mouth and leave that virgin ass of your untouched, did you?"

"No, no, you can't. Stop. Get off me!" Whitney yelled.

"Yell all you want. I'll be finished with you before anyone reaches you. And think about it like this, do you really want someone to show up and catch you on your stomach with my fat cock up your ass even if they were going to save you?" asked Greg.

Whitney was immediately silent. Bug Boy was right! There was nothing he could do except try to make it as less uncomfortable as possible. Greg spit on his middle finger and jammed it into Whitney's ass. Whitney screamed from the pain. Greg stopped the assault on Whitney's ass for a minute and manuevered himself in front with his hard cock pointed straight at Whitney's mouth. Whitney was so grateful not to have a finger in his ass that he reciprocated by taking Greg's cock willingly. He attacked the cock more vigorously. His own cock, which had been hard the entire time, was now leaking pre-cum. Concentrating on the cock in his mouth distracted him from Greg sliding his finger back in Whitney's ass. Whitney tried to appear reluctant but the truth is he was enjoying being used like a whore. His cock was so hard that he had to re-position himself with his knees on the ground, which propped his ass up in the air and gave Greg a better view of his perfectly round bubble butt.

"What's this Whitney Ford? You like having a fat cock invade your throat? Have I discovered perfect Whitney's dark secret?" asked Greg.

Whitney was silent, but the passionate sucking on Greg's cock told him that the idea turned him on. Whitney's eyes rolled back in his head as everything in his life disappeared and the only thing that was important at that moment was pleasing the large cock in front of him no matter what. He whimpered. Whitney Ford was totally defeated.

"Enough foreplay jock, turn around and assume the position. You play football so I know you the one. Ten hut," said Greg.

Obediently, Whitney stopped sucking, took his mouth off of Greg's cock, turned and laid face down in the grass. His ass was high in the air ready to be fucked. No more pretenses. No more objections. No more whining. He was ready to take like a man, or a woman, or whatever Greg wanted from him.

"I've played in your ass long enough don't you think Whitney?"

"Yes SIR," said Whitney

"Respectful. I like that. I knew you could be tamed. Now, I'm going to push my cock inside you and you are going to take it, got it?" asked Greg.

"Yes SIR," said Whitney.

"Good Boy," said Greg. He aimed his cock at Whitney's wet virgin hole and plunged balls deep. Whitney screamed but did not move a muscle. He pulled patches of grass with his hands to distract himself from the pain. It did not work. Whitney had been totally owned. "You know what I'm gonna do Whitney?"

"No SIR," said Whitney, in pain.

"I'm going to let you keep Lana. You can keep up the charade that you are the Ken and Barbie of Smallville. I will not say a word or rock the boat. I'll even be respectful of your relationship. But you know what I'm going to need from you?"

"No SIR," said Whitney.

"This ass and that throat of yours when I want it," said Greg.

The thought of being Greg's on call bitch was a total turn on to Whitney. His cock throbbed and he wanted to jerk off so bad but Greg had not told him he could and he didn't want to let on how much he liked being treated like a slut. What would Lana say if she could see her big strong boyfriend being used like this? What would his teammates say?

At that moment Clark was nearby behind a tree with his pants and his boxers down to his ankles. He was furiously stroking his cock as he watched Whitney get fucked in the woods. He should be elated, having this kind of ammunition could eliminate Whitney all together and leave Lana all to himself. But he wasn't elated, or mad, or thinking of ways to torture Whitney. At that very moment he was totally turned on. He had heard the crash with his super hearing and had gone to investigate. When he saw Whitney's car crashed in the ditch he was concerned. Then he heard the moaning and yelling from the woods and that's when he came upon the scene. Greg was really giving it to Whitney good and hard. He could hear Whitney's whimpering and could even hear the two boys' hearts racing like crazy.

"I'm close Whitney. Are you ready for this? I've popped your cherry, now I'm gonna spray your hot man cunt," said Greg as he increased the speed of his strokes as he fucked.

"Yes SIR! Do it!" said Whitney. He was totally into it and ready to feel Greg's cum fill his hole. Whitney wondered if Greg would empty a lot of seed in his ass. Whenever Whitney jacked off there was always a big load.

"Here it comes man, take it!" said Greg as he felt the first and second waves rush through his body. Greg had never fucked anyone before and he didn't masturbate so his climax was massive. There was so much semen that it forced Greg's cock out of Whitney's ass. He was still hard as the semen continued to shoot from his cock. It hit Whitney's back and face. Greg pushed himself back into Whitney's ass as he continued to cum. It seemed that it would never end. Whitney felt excess semen ooze out of his ass. Whitney pushed off the cock and turned to take it in his mouth. Greg was surprised at how eager Whitney was to suck his cock again. Cum was still oozing from Greg's cock, but at a slower pace now. Whitney sucked and swallowed like a champ. He fingered his ass and more cum oozed from his ass. This made him suck harder as he rubbed his own cock. In minutes he was shooting all over the ground. After his climax finally subsided completely, Greg pulled up his pants, grabbed his belt and then disappeared. Whitney lay there on the ground in the woods, naked, with cum dripping from his face and lips as well as from his ass.

Next: Chapter 11: Smallville 8

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