Small Town Steam Bath

By Mark Pennington

Published on Feb 26, 2003



What follows is a mostly true story. As always, if you're under age or offended by homo-erotic stories, what are you doing here at Nifty?

I grew up in a fairly small town in Washington State. I knew I was bi-sexual as early as junior high, but didn't act on it until late in high school. You see, where I grew up, they beat queers as a sport. I'd had one homo-sexual relationship when I was in high-school and that ended with my old-man beating the crap out of me and my joining the Navy to get away from him. I never got it on with anyone I served with. I was always afraid I would get caught and then either receive a blanket party (you're tied up in a blanket while people beat on you) or I'd get thrown out. This was long before "Don't ask, don't tell." So instead, I stayed mainly straight and only explored my bi side when it was safe. Times like the occasional trip to a video arcade that had glory holes or on liberty at an x-rated theatre. I finally got out of both the Navy and a terrible marriage in '83 and headed back to my hometown. My old-man had mellowed out and seemed to have forgotten ever having found out about his son enjoying the occasional cock. I got a decent job and an occasional girlfriend. Life was ok, but there was something missing. I wasn't afraid of getting beat up anymore. I just didn't know where to look to find guys who liked what I liked. Most of the taverns in town were filled with loggers and other woodworkers. Occasional trips to Seattle to the video arcades and x-rated theaters there kept me from going crazy, but I really needed something closer. It was one such trip to Seattle that provided the inspiration I needed. I satisfied the immediate needs with a willing stranger in a video booth when, on the way out, I decided to pick up a magazine or two for those cold, wet nights at home. I don't remember the name of the magazine, but there was a nice long photo spread of a couple of hot guys in a sauna. A light went off in my mind as I remembered that there was a steam bath back home! I drove home that evening happy in the knowledge that I would be able to find the companionship I craved closer to home. I worked the next 10 days without a break. While I could have gone to the steam baths after work, I didn't want to be too tired to enjoy myself. Besides, I wanted to maximize the probability of meeting someone. I figured that there would be a better chance of someone else being there on a weekend. The next Saturday, I made it down to the steam baths in the mid afternoon. The clerk was fairly friendly but I didn't want to risk being too friendly in response. As a first timer, he read the rules to me, the usual stuff about showering before going in, wear flip-flops to prevent athletes foot, etc. He then asked me if I wanted a private room or if the public baths were ok. When I optioned for the public baths, he showed a bit of a smirk and tossed me my towel and locker key. So much for friendly. Upon reaching the locker room, I quickly stripped down and shoved my clothes in the locker. I showered using the liquid soap provided, wrapped the towel around my waist and entered the steam room. I'd taken steam baths before so I was used to the heat. The lighting was dim, so it took me a minute or two for my eyes to adjust. As I sat on a lower bench, I noticed that I was not alone. My heart raced a bit as I looked over at my companion. He was a few years older than me but in decent shape. He was sitting on his towel with one hand casually in his lap, partially covering his jewels. I greeted him and he returned the greeting. He seemed content to remain silent so I didn't speak further. I didn't want to stare in case he wasn't there for the same reason I was. But every time I looked up at him, he was looking at me. I decided to casually open my towel and spread my legs a bit to give him a show. I'm not well hung by anybody's imagination, but I was starting to get hard. I looked over and he was casually stroking his semi-hard cock. It was a nice one, too. About 7 inches, cut and he seemed totally hairless. I gave my rod a couple of tugs, looking right at him as I did. That was all the signal he needed, he stood up and walked over towards me. His cock was even with my face so I did the natural thing and took it into my mouth. I moaned, he moaned. It was obvious we both needed this. I quickly sucked him to full hardness. I let his cock fall out of my mouth long enough to lick and suck on his hairless balls. He then pulled me to my feet and kissed me deeply. He rubbed our slippery bodies together as we kissed. All of a sudden, I really wanted him in my ass. I figured the saliva and sweat were all the lube we needed. I bent over for him and guided his cock to my hole. He gently but firmly turned me around. And told me he wanted me to jack him off while we kissed. He said that fucking was too dangerous. It could take too long to separate if someone came in. With that, he sat down beside me and had we kissed while I stroked his cock. He was a good kisser but somewhat hesitant to do more than hold my cock. He came quickly, into a washcloth he provided and left the steam room without more than a "Thanks, see you later." Needless to say, I was more than a little frustrated. However, I didn't follow him as I heard two showers start up as he left the steam room. Instead, I sat back on my bench and arranged myself so I could get a good look at whoever was coming in next. This guy was a little closer to my age. A bit on the overweight side, like I was. I actually preferred men that way. Less chance of an attitude. He squinted over at me and sat down fairly close. Right away, he started up with some chatter. "Hey, how's it going? My name's Mike. Haven't seen you before here." "I'm Mark. Nice to meet you, Mike." I shook his hand, holding it a bit long. "This is my first time here." "Cool, cool." Mike said. "I prefer to get a hot-tub room, but the guy wants the entire room rental if it's one person. So I try to find someone who wants to split the rent with me. You interested?" "I might be, Mike. What did you have in mind?" I asked. Without another word, Mike leaned over and took my cock in his mouth. He may not have been the best cocksucker I'd ever known, but he was sure enthusiastic! I considered just letting him suck me off and then leaving, but he seemed nice and it could work out to be a regular occurrence. I stopped him before I could cum and agreed to split the rental of the hot tub with him. We showered and dressed and went out to the front desk. A new clerk was on duty there. This one was more interested in watching some old movie than who was in which room. All he cared was telling us that we had 90 minutes. We got our stuff and went into the tub room. It was clean, at least. There were the kinds of waterproof pads you'll find at pools on the raised sides of the tub. Handy if you wanted to lay there with someone. Mike and I stripped and climbed into the tub. The water felt so good, I was almost content to just relax there. Almost. "So, where were we, Mike?" I asked. "I don't know, why don't we start over and figure it out from there?" He replied. We started making out. His kisses were very gentle. His tongue was soft and firm at the same time. He kept his hands in constant motion, first on my ass, then rubbing my cock and balls, then on my chest. All the while kissing and kissing and more kissing. We got out of the tub and laid down on one of the mats. We kissed some more as we stroked each other. Mike's cock was fairly small, about 4 inches but quite thick. His balls were huge, though. Soon, we 69ing each other. I quickly found that Mike loved to have his balls sucked. Mike learned that I liked it when he went slower on my cock. I sucked Mike until he came. It was an average size load and I swallowed it. This drove him wild and he doubled his efforts to make me cum. It wasn't long before I did, shooting a load that coated his throat. He gagged a little at the volume but swallowed as well. Afterwards, we sat in the tub together and exchanged information. Mike was married and very much closeted. Once a week or so, he would tell his wife that he was going to play golf and end up here after shooting a quick 9 holes. I gave him my number in case he ever wanted to get together during the week. Since we still had about half of our 90 minutes left, we were in no hurry to leave. We started kissing again and soon were in full embrace. I asked him if he would let me fuck him and he told me he hadn't done that before but he would love to do it with me. I got some of the liquid soap from the shower and lubed his asshole up well. Mike really seemed to enjoy that. Then he grabbed his ankles and asked me to be gentle. I entered him slowly and with lots of encouragement. Soon, I was buried inside him. As I said before, I'm not very well hung, but I seemed to be large enough to stimulate Mike's prostrate. It wasn't long before he shot a load onto our chests. I soon followed. We showered and dressed and left the steam bath. Mike called me several times over the next couple of years and we would often get together at my apartment until I got remarried and moved away. Now I live near Seattle and occasionally make my way to the men's baths there. Once in a while, Mike and I arrange to meet, for old time's sake.

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