Small Town Slave Boys

Published on Nov 1, 2022


Small Town Slave Boys Chapter 9

Small Town Slave Boys Chapter 9

Small Town Slave Boys

This story is a reboot of the original Small Town Slave Boy story.

This story will be found in the gay/authoritarian subcategory. Despite being tangentially connected to the College Magic Series, there are no supernatural elements in this story.

Dylan Morgan is the son of a homophobic minister named Craig Morgan. He is one of four children in the Morgan household, not including their cousin Kieran who came to stay with the family when he lost his parents at the age of 12. This story tells of his life and how he became a slave to his best friend Kurt Groth.

The plural Boys refers to the fact that Dylan's uncle Cory is also slave to Kurt's father Roger.

This story is mostly told from Dylan's point of view, but occasionally the point of view shifts to another character. The text will always tell you when there has been a shift in POV.

There will be scenes of dominance and submission, as well as some bondage and domination, and a little light masochism, but this is not a story of objectification, and it's not a one-sided story. It's a love story with D/s and BDSM elements.

There will be some non-consensual scenes in later chapters, non-consensual in the sense that the main characters will choose to engage in some activities to avoid being outed too early, but the activities between the principal characters are consensual.

For those who appreciate this kind of story read on; others be forewarned.

This story is fantasy. In the real-world consent is not only important, but also sexy.

Please remember that NIFTY is a free site that provides an invaluable resource for men like us. Please consider donating to help ensure that site remains available for everyone.

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Author's Notes

·        If you want to be informed of new stories, send me an email, and ask to be put on the notification list. I'll send a notification. Everyone will be on the bcc line so your email address will not show to other members. NOTE THAT SOMETIMES GOOGLE WILL NOT ALLOW BULK EMAIL AND THAT SOMETIMES BULK EMAIL WILL END UP IN YOUR SPAM FOLDER OR TRASH.

·        I have created a google group for people who want to get more information about my stories in that format. Only I can view the member list, so data should be secure. If a reader sends a question my way, I will post the answer to that group after removing any information about the reader. It's a good way to get more background information if you want.

·        While this storyline is designed to stand alone, you may have a better idea about some of the background if you read My Roommate the Alchemist and Alchemy and Songcraft, since Kieran Morgan is a character in both story lines. This story stands alone, however. When these characters interact with the characters in College Magic, the entire scene pertaining to this story will be included here.

·        This chapter contains less sex than previous chapters. There was a lot a story building that had to happen in this chapter. Now that Dylan's school routine has been outlined, it will be easier to see where trouble can arise. There are three potential trouble spots that have been introduced over the last two chapters that can interfere with Dylan and Kurt's life.

Links to My Stories

College Magic Cycle

· My Roommate the Alchemist

· Wishcraft

· Alchemy and Songcraft

· Magery

· Elf Master

· The Pack

Other Stories

· Small Town Slave Boys

· Jack and the Giant

· Sacred Submissives

· Bellus Cinaedus

· Guardian Angel

· Eros in Arcadia

· Nivean and the Dvergar

· Desert Heat

· Constituent Services


Coming back home on Sunday Night felt like awakening from a dream and finding yourself back in your painful old life. When Kurt had first brought me home from church on Sunday, Mom was acting weird. She had seemed to give us permission to do whatever it was we did when she wasn't around, but she didn't seem happy about it. I couldn't tell if she was sad or angry. After she went upstairs, I accompanied Kurt to the door, and he gave me one more magical kiss before leaving me. I felt lost and alone, and I had a strangely painful sensation inside me like I'd just been kicked in the stomach.

I didn't have anything else to do, so I carried all my bags upstairs and started putting my stuff away. After two weeks at the Groth house, I had a lot of stuff to put back in my drawers. Tommy and Dad came home a few hours later. I was still in my room, trying not to listen as Mom and Dad started yelling at each other in the sitting room up the hall when Tommy came into my room without knocking and shut the door.

"Hello, faggot," he said. "It's been a lot less gay without you here for the last two weeks."

"Shut up and get out of my room, Tommy," I said.

He sneered at me and then he slapped me in the mouth hard enough to send me falling back onto my bed. "Don't take that tone with me, faggot!" he snarled. "I don't care what you do at your boyfriend's house, but here you're going to respect your betters, or I'll beat the shit out of you every day until you learn."

A jolt of fear ran through me. Dylan was two years younger than me. He would turn sixteen in November, a little more than a month before I turned eighteen, but over the last year he'd grown taller than me. And he knew how to fight. He'd always been mean, but he'd taken a backseat to Donny until now. I realized that he could beat me up and no one would do anything about it. Mom would yell at him and tell him to leave me alone, but he would ignore her. And dad would probably blame me for being too weak to defend myself.

Tommy grabbed my ankle and pulled me off the bed onto the floor. Then he dropped on top of me, pinning me to the hardwood. "Apologize for disrespecting me, faggot!" he said. His voice contained not a single drop of compassion.

I shook my head and said, "No."

Dylan slapped my face. I could feel his handprint stinging on my skin, but he wasn't done. He slapped the other side of my face and then repeated it. "I'll stop when you apologize to me," he said.

True to his word, he continued slapping my face until I couldn't take it anymore. I knew that if I submitted to him, I'd be placing myself in his power. I didn't want to do it, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop him from hitting me, and no matter how much I bucked and twisted beneath him I couldn't knock him off me. I started crying.

"I'm sorry, Tommy," I sobbed. "I'm sorry. Please stop hitting me."

He paused, then drew his hand back for another blow. I winced, but he just patted my face roughly and smiled. It wasn't a pleasant smile. He was letting me know that he knew what I had done, that I had submitted to him and that nothing would be the same.

"Donny told me that I was going to have to keep you in line now that he was gone. He made me promise to take charge. The thing is that I always thought he was too easy on you. Neither of us can stop you from being a little faggot, but I'm going to make sure that you know your place around here. I can't change Dad's mind about you cleaning the church, but you're going to be busy here at home. I've decided that you're going to be doing all my chores. Do you understand me, faggot?" he demanded.

I nodded, but he slapped me again. "Say it, faggot!" he said.

"I understand you, Tommy," I said. "I'll do all your chores around the house."

"That will do for a start," he said. "But when we're alone, I want you to start calling me `sir'," he said.

"Yes sir," I agreed.

This year was looking worse for me than last year was. Could Donny have been restraining Tommy's cruelty? That was a sobering thought.

Donny and Dad had never gotten along, but they'd blown up at each other this summer, just two weeks before I went to the Groth's house. He'd come in loudly after midnight one night, completely stoned. Dad had yelled at him that he would follow his rules so long as he was under his roof, so Donnie had left. He'd come back the next day to get his stuff.

The things Donny had said to Dad were unforgiveable. No matter how bad he made me feel, I would never have called him a "self-righteous son of a bitch" or a "sick, twisted, perverted old fuck". I hadn't seen him since, and Dad blew up at anyone who even mentioned his name. There was a good chance we wouldn't see him again. We hardly ever saw Elizabeth after she got married and moved out.

"Just don't forget it, and I won't have to hit you. I may do it anyway, but I won't have to," he said.

Then he left my room. Mom and Dad were still yelling at each other, so they hadn't heard anything. I shut my door and sat on my bed to check my email. The school had sent an email to my school email address with a copy of my schedule. My student view account allowed me to look at class supply lists and stuff.

An email from the 504 coordinator welcomed me back to school and contained a code I could use to access electronic versions of all my books. This was nice because I could get my iPad to read them for me. I had a modification that let me use my iPad in class to take notes. Because of my dyslexia, I was on a Career Training path. I had barely passed several different CTE courses over the last two years, and I'd been signed up for two more this year, but they were at the end of the day. My counselor was recommending that I pursue a work study position. Luckily that would be easy enough. I was going to be working at Groth automotive. I could easily get Mom to sign the papers necessary.

No one had ever expected me to be on the college honors path like Kurt or Kieran had been. I would have chosen cooking classes, but I knew Dad would object. I was getting to be pretty good at cooking under Steven tutelage. In fact, I thought I was better than him at some things. The real question was what did I want?

I had no idea. All I wanted to do was take care of Kurt. It's why I wanted to be his slave. I wanted to clean his house, do his laundry, cook his meals, and take care of him sexually. I wanted to be his house boy. There was no CTE path for that. Everyone said I had no ambition, but I did. Wasn't being the best houseboy possible a goal? I would do anything to reach achieve that ambition.

When the fighting stopped in the sewing room, I ventured inside and saw Mom sitting in her easy chair with her head down. It was obvious that she and Dad had been fighting. Sewing stuff had been thrown around the room and a pair of scissors had been thrust into the wooden table.

"Mom?" I asked quietly. "Is there anything I can do to help get dinner ready?"

She looked up and shook her head. "Your father is going to order pizza," she sighed. "You go down and have some. I'm going to stay up here. I can't be near your father tonight."

"Sure Mom," I said.

I went downstairs, hoping for the best, but expecting the worse. Tommy was watching ESPN and Dad was in his office with the door shut. I headed for the kitchen, but Tommy called me over. I was afraid not to do what he said.

"Go get the plates and cups ready. Once the pizza gets here, you'll be serving Dad and me, and no whining. If you give me any shit, I'll make you pay for it later," he said.

"Yes sir," I mumbled.

The kitchen was a mess, so I started cleaning it. Our kitchen was always a mess. I had put all the dishes from Mom, Dad and Tommy's breakfast in the dishwasher and I was putting the skillets in the sink to soak when the doorbell rang. Tommy's voice rang out from the other room, "Pizza's here, Dylan. Go get the door."

I grabbed the boxes and took them into the kitchen. Dad always ordered the combination pizza because he thought we should eat more vegetables, but he always ended up picking them off. Tommy followed Dad's model. Mom was the only one who ate the whole slice. Well, I did, but I always went into the bathroom and threw up afterwards. Sausage and pepperoni were really fattening. I used to pick them off, but Dad always called me sissy and made me eat them anyway.

While I was preparing the plates, Tommy walked in and said, "I'm going to do you a favor, faggot. Go ahead and pull all the meat off your pizza and put it on my plate. You can put the veggies off mine onto yours. That way you won't go into the bathroom and throw up after dinner, like the bulimic little faggot you are."

He saw the shocked look on my face and said, "Yeah, I know all about it. I also know you've been shaving your legs and your micro dick. I found the trimmings from the first time, and I've tracked the number of razors you're going through. Don't worry. I won't say a word to Dad about it, not so long as you stay an obedient little faggot. If he doesn't know, he won't send you to conversion camp."

I didn't deny any of it. What good would it do? He knew everything. I felt sick to my stomach. Did he know about me and Kurt? I started hyperventilating and shaking. Tommy slapped my face until I broke down and cried. Somewhere along the way, I had started breathing normally.

"Calm the fuck down, faggot. God damn! Does Kurt know what a fag you are? How can he stand to be around you? Who are you shaving your pussy for? Just think how quickly Kurt would drop you as a friend if he knew the truth about you."

He didn't seem to know. He jumped from insult to insult. I tried to ignore him and pick all the meat off my pizza and the veggies off his. I piled the meat from my one slice onto Tommy's two slices, and then put all the veggies from his onto mine. When I was done, I put two slices on a plate and poured a glass of coke.

"Who are those for?" Tommy asked.

"I'm taking some pizza up to Mom. She doesn't feel like coming down," I replied.

"When did you become such a momma's boy? It was always Kieran trying to suck up to her when he lived here. Are you trying to take his place?" he teased.

"No sir," I said. "It's just that she's not feeling well."

I took the plate and the coke up to Mom. She was still sitting there. She must have had another bottle of whisky hidden in the room somewhere because she had another drink in her hand. She looked up when I came in to hand her the food.

She put a hand on my arm and said, "You're a good boy, Dylan. I probably should have told you that more often."

Damn right! I thought. I couldn't remember her ever telling me that in my life. Maybe things would have been better if she had. Maybe I would have been nicer to her. Maybe ... maybe she should have said a few nice words to Kieran too. He had tried to make her life easier, but she'd treated him like crap.

I decided to let it go. I said, "It's okay."

"No, it's not, Dylan," she slurred. "I know that I'm a cold bitch, but I could have worked a little harder. I drove Elizabeth away because she was too much like me, and I treated you like shit because you ... because I knew you were special, and it brought back too many painful memories. Don't forget that Dylan. You're special. Watch out for ... just watch out for anyone who wants to hurt you."

It must have been the whisky that made her do it. She pulled me down and hugged me. Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek. She looked older than her forty-four years. I thought she looked old enough to be Cory's mother, and then I remembered him telling me that she had been like a mother to him. It was all clear to me. She hated her life, and she hated Dad. It wasn't me she hated. It was everything else.

"Go down and eat now, Josh," she said. "I'll be alright, and I want to be alone."

I went back downstairs. Dad and Tommy were both in the living room eating pizza. I went into the kitchen and grabbed my slice. I knew that they would expect me to join them, so I did. I didn't like watching sports. Well, I liked watching football, but only when Kurt was playing. And I had liked watching the swim team and the diving team, especially when Steven and Kieran were diving. They both looked so good in their speedos. I glanced at the game on the television and thought, if only the players were tackling each other in speedos I could get into it.

I wasn't really into the game, so I didn't object when Tommy ordered me to fetch more slices for him and dad, or to refill their cups. I just wished that he would ask me instead of ordering me around. Still, I did what he said. I didn't want to risk his anger. And after dinner, I cleaned everything up. When Josh and Dad went to bed, I was still cleaning. After doing the dishes, I scrubbed the counters clean. By the time I got to bed, it was already midnight.

Going to school meant getting out of the house. Kurt had agreed to drive both Tommy and I to school, so we were ready before he got there. When we went out to get in the car, Tommy opened the front passenger door and started to get in.

Kurt laughed and said, "I don't think so, Tommy. The front seat is for upper classmen only. Sophomores sit in the back."

The look on Tommy's face told me how angry he was, but Kurt was right. I was his best friend, not Tommy. Kurt didn't like either of my brothers, and he wasn't afraid to show it.

The ride to school was a little uncomfortable. I kept wondering what Tommy would do to me in retaliation for Kurt humiliating him. But once we'd arrived at school, Tommy went to find his friends and I was able to put him out of my mind. But I was alone because Kurt and I had no classes in common. He was an honors student, and I was ... well I wasn't an honors student by any stretch of the imagination.

I left a request to talk to my counselor. The message I left said I had a job lined up and wanted to change my schedule to allow me to get work study credits. I mentioned that my mom didn't work and could come in during the day for a conference.

Luckily, Kurt and I had our lunch period in common. He texted me to meet him in the third-floor bathroom. I could hardly get there fast enough. I took the stall at the end of the row and waited patiently for my master. It didn't take him long to get there either. I heard him talking to someone and then he closed the door and came inside.

He grabbed me and swallowed my lips with his own. Then he threw his backpack on the floor. Mine was hanging from the hook on the back of the door. Without ceremony, he pulled my tee shirt off and stuck it in his backpack. Then he opened my jeans and pulled them down.

"We don't have a lot of time," he said. "So, let's get going."

I was wearing one of my sexy jocks he'd bought me, so I didn't need to stash my underwear. We did what we'd practiced at the church. He lubed his massive cock, and I lubed my ass. He'd even brought a baggie to hold the used lube packets so they wouldn't be found in the bathroom trash. Then he sat down, and I climbed over him, with my feet up so no one would see them beneath the stall.

There was no time for foreplay. I held his cock upright and he lifted me up and positioned me over it. He didn't loosen me up or stretch me at all. He just pulled me down onto him. It was more painful than the first time he'd fucked me, but we were both slippery enough to make it work. I couldn't help myself, I gasped from the mixture of pain and pleasure I felt.

I was terrified of getting caught, but that fear of imminent discovery made it that much more exciting for me. He held me there impaled on his cock, my asshole feeling like he'd punched me there. He held me until the pain relented a little. Then he started fucking me. I was whining and moaning. I tried to keep it low, but if anyone were in the room they would have heard me easily.

"That's it slave boy, take your master's cock," he said. "Ride me like the sexy little bitch you are."

"Yes master! Yes! Fuck me harder!" I whimpered.

The way his hands tightened on my hips told me how close he was to cumming. I was close too, but that didn't seem to matter to me. I was riding my master's cock, working to bring him to a satisfying orgasm and that was all that mattered to me. But Kurt had other ideas. His fingers grabbed my dicklet and squeezed it until I gasped, "Oh shit! I'm cumming, master!"

He smiled at me and said, "Do it you hot little slave boy. Cum in your jock. Your ass is making me feel so good. You're clamping down on me and ... Fuck! I'm cumming!"

And he did. I could feel his shaft throbbing inside me. I was shooting inside my jock. I barely registered the door opening, but Kurt heard it. He clamped his mouth over mine to stifle my cries of pleasure, just as I heard Greg's voice call out, "Hey Dave, how are you today?"

It was Kurt's close friend Greg, talking to another jock.

"Fucking great!" Dave replied. (I still couldn't put a face to the voice). "I just asked Ashley Martin to go out this weekend and she said yes."

They started talking about this girl I didn't know, discussing her tits and the how likely she was to put out on the first date. I sat there, impaled on my master's cock, the intensity of my orgasm giving way to a warm post-orgasmic glow. Kurt was stroking my back and bouncing his thighs slightly. He was still marking his claim to my bussy while he slowly started to deflate.

When the two of them finally left the bathroom, Kurt lifted me off his cock and said, "Wipes. In my backpack."

"Can't I just ... you know, suck you clean?" I asked.

"Not today. I want to see how long your morning douche lasted today," he replied.

I pulled the wipes out and cleaned him off slowly. Everything looked clean, but Kurt wasn't sure. Then he pulled my jock off and wiped me down, before putting the trash and my cum filled jock inside the baggie he had in his backpack.

"Start bringing a spare jock every day, just in case I get a chance to fuck you at lunch. You'll have to go commando the rest of the day." He was demanding, which I loved, but also sweet and considerate, which I appreciated a lot.

When we left the bathroom, Greg was waiting in the hall for us. He shook his head and said, "That was dangerous, Kurt. You could have been caught," he chided.

"That's why I asked to keep lookout," Kurt replied. "Everything worked out."

Greg gave him a look that said he was insane for taking such risks. Deep inside, I agreed with him, but the possibility of exposure had excited me even more than I thought it would. I didn't want him to stop fucking me at school. I wanted it as much as he did.

Finally, Greg relented and whispered, "Fine. Do what you want. You always do. But if I'm going to keep watch, you're going to have to let me see it some time. Does he always make that much noise?"

Kurt laughed and said, "You should hear him when we're not in public. The boy loves my cock. He can't get enough of it."

Hearing the two of them discuss me like that made my dicklet start swelling again. I got fully hard when Kurt replied, "Sure. You can watch us sometime, but you can't touch."

Greg whispered in an even lower tone of voice, "Do you remember when I shared Candice Blunt with you?"

Kurt stopped walking and replied, "Yes. What of it?"

"Well," Greg began, "you said that you would return the favor. Did you mean that?"

"Are you saying you want to fuck a guy? Specifically, are you saying you want to fuck my boy?" Kurt asked.

"Does it cross a line?" Greg asked. "I wasn't in love with Candice, but you are clearly in love with Dylan."

Kurt took a deep breath, and then said, "Let me think about it. I just never thought you would want to ... you know ... isn't it to gay for you?"

Greg smiled back and said, "Too gay? I don't even know what that means anymore. Seeing you, big macho stud that you are, kissing this guy, and hearing the noises he makes, like he's really into it, and then finding our that Steven has a boyfriend – I mean, Dude, that guy is no wimp – all this is new to me, and ... maybe it's not gay after all."

Kurt laughed and threw a comradely arm around Greg's shoulder. "Dude, fucking a guy, even a guy like Dylan who's prettier than any girl in this school, that's about as gay as it can get."

"Maybe none of that matters to me anymore," he said. "I'm not saying that I want to convert. I love tits and snatch, and I always will. It's just that I'm thinking I may never come across a less risky opportunity than this to find out what it's all about. But I don't want you to do it if it will make things weird or ruin our friendship."

Greg didn't ask me what I wanted. He asked my master, assuming rightfully that I would happily do whatever he said. Kurt gave me a look of concern then turned back to Greg and said, "Let me think about it, okay. I'm not promising anything."

"Sure, Dude," Greg replied. Then he went off to do his own thing. Kurt looked at me and asked, "What do you think, Dylan?"

Once again the use of my name meant that he was really interested in my thoughts. Greg was good looking. That much was certain. But I didn't love him. I loved Kurt. Still, Kurt was my master. "It's not up to me, Master," I replied truthfully. "It's up to you. You get to decide if another man can use me."

Kurt heaved a sigh and said, "I know that true, Dylan. I just need to know if it's something you want to do."

"Seriously, Master. I want to do it if you want me to do it. He's a good-looking guy and I think he's sexy, but I would never seek him out for sex because he's not you. If you want me to service your friend, I'll do it because I want to serve you and obey you. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, and I'll be happy to do it, but I'll be happy because I'm obeying you."

I was being honest, and I hoped he believed me. "It won't make you feel like I don't love you, will it, because I do love you," he said.

I shook my head and replied, "No Master. When I gave myself to you, I meant it. I love you, too, and I will do anything you ask me to do."

We walked in the general direction of my next class. We walked in silence for a few minutes before Kurt stopped me and said, "I think it would be hot watching Greg fuck you. It would drive home the nature of our relationship. You're mine, just like everything else I own, and if I want to lend you to someone else, I can. It gets me hot just thinking about it."

"Me too, Master," I whispered back at him.


The rest of the day went well. I was especially happy when a couple of guys started harassing me in the hall, calling me a "faggot" and pushing me around, and Greg came up to them and ordered them to back off. "Leave the boy alone!" he'd said. "He's one of our top fans, and you need to back off."

"Are you a fag too, Miller?" one of the guys taunted.

Greg gave him a look that said he could kill him on the spot, but then he just laughed in his face. To the other students in the hall he announced, "Did you hear this punk? He asks me, if I'm a fag just because I stopped him from bullying a smaller guy."

He turned back to my attacker and said, "What kind of a pathetic weakling must show how tough he is by harassing someone that much smaller than him? Are you asking if I'm gay because your tiny dick gets hard every time you look at me? For the record, I'm straight, but if I were gay, I wouldn't touch your ugly ass with your friend's tiny, shriveled dick."

All the other students started laughing, not at me, but at the bullies.

"Pencil dick!" one of the other students called out.

A girl laughed in their faces and said, "If anyone's a fag here, it isn't Greg Miller."

One by one, they pushed their way past the guy and went to class. I knew they couldn't give a shit about me. None of them had ever tried to stop guys like that in the halls, not once in my previous three years at this school. Kurt and Greg were two of the biggest football heroes at our school. These students just wanted to show Greg that they were on his side so they could get his approval, even for a few minutes.

I didn't care. Before he'd found out that I was his best friend's boyfriend, he wouldn't have said a thing. He would have been laughing at me while those two pushed me into lockers and knocked my books out of my hands. But now that he understood that I didn't threaten his status with Kurt, he was protecting me because Kurt was his friend and I belonged to Kurt.

I mumbled thanks. I didn't want to arouse the crowd's suspicions again and have them start wondering about Greg. And then it dawned on me. Greg was Kurt's best friend, but they were only friends. Kurt and I had nothing in common except for our history and a fascination with slavery. I wasn't Kurt's best friend, I was his lover, his boyfriend, his slave. Let Greg be his best friend. I was more than that. Greg wasn't interested in taking my place, and now he understood that I couldn't stand in his way. If Kurt were to marry me today, then it would be Greg who was standing next to him as his best man.

I got called out of my next class to go to my counselor's office. He'd already had a conversation by phone with my mom and with Mr. Groth's assistant Cory (my uncle) and they had confirmed that I was going to be working at Groth automotive. The counselor had already filled out change of schedule forms. I could get Mom to sign them tonight. Cory sent a scan of the employer forms with Mr. Groth's signature on them. Starting tomorrow, Mr. Groth would be sending someone to pick me up at 1:00 PM to take me to work.

I couldn't go to the Groth's house too long Monday night, since I had to go shopping for school supplies now that my teachers had handed out the official supply lists. Before dropping me off at home, Kurt took me to the auto dealership and my uncle Cory helped me fill out all the HR paperwork. I was required to work ten hours a week for my credits, but Mr. Groth had me down for 1:30 to 5:00 Monday through Friday, which meant I wouldn't be able to watch Kurt at football practice. He has also scheduled me for two hours of job training after school. Since Uncle Cory would be teaching me what I needed to know during work hours, this was an opportunity for me to do my schoolwork after dinner with Kurt or Steven helping me. That was a little more than 27 hours per week. He bumped the on-the-job training by 2.5 hours to bring me to a solid 30 hours a week, which let me have benefits like paid time off. He explained the schedule would allow me to spend more time at their house.

If I thought that my relationship with Mom was going to change after Sunday, I was wrong. When she was no longer drunk, she went back to the same cold indifference I'd grown up with. I had to admit that it hurt a little. Meanwhile, Dad was still distant and disdainful; he seldom said anything to me that didn't drip with scorn. I knew I was a disappointment to him, but I didn't care. He'd disappointed me my whole life. And Tommy continued to be domineering and cruel. Because of my new job, he was supposed to take out the trash, load and unload the dishwasher. He usually put them off until after our parents went to bed then made me do them instead.

The one difference I noticed was that my mom seemed to show up downstairs at unexpected times. There was something going on between her and Dad, something more than their usual bitter words and mutual avoidance. Once I was in Dad's study. He was yelling at me for a long list of my failures in school.

"Everyone else on the council has a child in one of the honors core 40 programs at school, but not you. You're an embarrassment! You'd think that with all the time you spent over at the Groth house a little ambition would have rubbed off on you. Now that smug Roger fucking Groth is treating you like a little charity case. I know what he's doing. He's trying to make out that he's a better father than me because his boys are both successful. Steven was number one in his class last year. Even your faggot cousin Kieran graduated number three, but you'll be near the bottom because you've been fucking around since the day you got there," he yelled.

Mom opened the door and said, "I need Dylan to come out here and do something for me."

She sent me to carry some bags out of her sewing room. I knew that they contained old whisky bottles. As I was walking away, I heard her yelling at Dad, "I told you Craig that you were not to have Dylan alone in any room with the door closed!"

I didn't hang around to hear the rest of it. She'd closed the door and she had a talent for yelling in a low tone that you could only hear if you pressed your ear against the wood. Was Cory right? Did my mom think that Dad would try to do something with me like he had with Cory when I was a kid too young to remember it? Was she protecting me or was she just taking her anger out on Dad. I wanted to ask her, but I was afraid. She was just as likely to bite my head off as to give me an answer.

The week continued more or the less the same as Monday. I put up with Tommy's constant mocking and taunting before school, then had to wait until lunch to see Kurt since we had no classes together. We had risky sex in semi-public locations every day. Greg or Damian always stood watch, but I knew there was no way they could stop a staff member from coming in if they grew suspicious. People stopped harassing me in the hallways after the incident with Greg. I also noticed that more athletes were talking to me. It's not like we had long conversations, but they acknowledged me when they walked by, and sometimes Damian or Greg walked me to class. I did notice more of the swim team around where I could see them. I wondered if Damian was responsible. He and Greg both went out of his way to be nice to me.

At 1:00 PM, Steven showed up to drive me to the auto dealership on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday. On Thursdays and Fridays, it was Cory who showed up to drive me. My uncle oversaw me at work, and he didn't take it easy on me. He checked and double checked my work, and he took my on-the-job training seriously. There was a lot to learn.

He called me aside one day when I was slacking off and said, "You need to stay focused on your work when you're here, Dylan. I was the same way when I was your age. I had plans for my life, and none of them involved working. Once Roger and I started seeing each other, I got pretty entitled, but he put an end to that by spanking my ass hard and redirecting me. Whatever degree Kurt gets, he's probably coming back here to eventually take over this dealership. You can help him here just like I help Roger."

He knew what he was doing. By framing it as me serving Kurt and doing what he expected of me, he made me want to work hard. "How is it you understand me so well since Mom wouldn't let you hang around me when I was growing up?"

Cory smiled and said, "Roger kept me informed as best he could. He even showed me videos of you from time to time. Besides, you are kind of like a mini-me."

"Did you ever try to get to know my brothers?" I asked.

"I never had a chance," he admitted. I rarely saw any of you, although Donnie did come here to talk to me one day a few years ago."

"Did you two get to know each other?" I asked. Suddenly I was curious about my oldest brother. I didn't know much about him except that he liked to bully me. I usually avoided him like the plague.

Cory sighed and said, "He wasn't all that interested in getting to know me. He mainly asked me questions about your dad."

"Did he ask about you and Dad?" I asked.

Cory nodded and said, "Yes. That's what he seemed to want to know most. I wasn't going to say anything because I was reluctant to drag him into old drama, but ... well you know that Donnie can be charming when he wants to be, and he looks a lot like your dad did when he was younger, just with more freckles."

"Ew!" I said. "Did you have a thing for Dad when you were younger?"

Cory laughed and said, "Your dad is still a good-looking guy, Dylan. When he was younger, yeah. I thought he was hot. I first noticed him when I was a very horny twelve-year-old and he was in his twenties. I would have been all over him if I'd known what to do with him."

"Did you come on to him or lead him on when he was kissing you?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"Not a chance," Cory said. "He started paying me a lot of attention once I turned sixteen. I was flattered, but you must understand. I was closer to your mother than I was to anyone else. I told him that there was no chance that we would get together because he was my sister's husband and I loved her. But that didn't stop him. The time he got caught wasn't the first time he'd cornered me and started kissing me. It wasn't even the tenth. He did it all the time. I was so horny that I almost gave in a couple of times when he groped me just right."

He looked at me and chuckled, "Are you alright? Is that too much information?"

I was feeling a little sick to my stomach, but it wasn't because of him and Dad. It was because I remembered how Mom had made him stop giving me bare butt spankings when I turned twelve. And I remembered how he used to put me on his lap and whisper things in my ear, his breath tickling my neck, his bearded face rubbing against my cheek. Mom caught him one time and sent me out of the room. I used to be Dad's favorite. It was one of the reasons why Donnie had started bullying me so bad. But after that, he ignored me. I'd forgotten most of those details. He just yelled at me whenever he wasn't ignoring me.

I swallowed hard and said, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Sorry," Cory said, hugging me tight to his chest. "You're sure reacting differently than Donnie did. He just smiled throughout the story and seemed satisfied over something."


In the evenings, I did my homework with Steven's help. When Kurt tried to help me, we rarely got any work done. Mr. Groth wouldn't let the two of us make out until I was done with all my homework. But once Steven was satisfied with my work, Kurt and I would kiss and make out until dinner. After dinner we would go up to his room and have sex again. This time, it was slower, and Kurt would eat my butt before fucking me, and I could suck his dick clean.

And that's how my week went. Kurt would drive me home and I would do Tommy's chores and then go to bed. I regretted not doing the work at the Groth house before going home, but Cory was there every night for dinner, and he did all the cleaning while I was studying.


Monday I was a mess, and I couldn't respond to my discovery about Kieran on social media. I did go over to Damian's house and get final confirmation from his parents that he could go to Indianapolis with me over the three-day weekend. They were happy that I was still willing to go spend time with him now that I was a college student. Of course, I didn't tell them that I planned to fuck their precious boy all day every day for three days straight.

On Tuesday, I finally had the courage to text Kieran. Ever since I'd seen that phrase "In a Relationship with Jason Lee", I'd been wallowing in grief and jealousy. It may have been why I was so sharp with the guy I'd been crushing on all through high school.

Me: I saw your picture on FB. Are you openly gay now?

Kieran: I guess I am. Jason Lee is my man. I'm his boy.

Me: You don't sound gay. You sound like a faggot bitch. No offense intended. You're his boy_?_

I immediately regretted being such a dick. I had to get a handle on my emotions. I didn't really want to hurt Kieran, did I? Sure, it was hard for me to accept that Kieran was with someone else, but he came from a really homophobic household and he must be having a hard time coming out.

Kieran: If that make me a faggot bitch, I guess I am a faggot bitch.

Me: No offense, for real. I always thought you were gay. If I'd known for sure back in school, I would have made you suck my dick. I'd probably have been nice enough to suck you in return – if you were a good boy.

That much was true. I'd planned on turning him out on a camping trip that summer before our senior year. If I had, he'd probably be with me right now, his pouty lips wrapped around my dick. And there was no doubt that I would have sucked his dick in turn. Then I would have fucked him, and I would have taught him how to fuck me.

Kieran: Are you gay too?

Me: If sucking cock and fucking ass makes me gay, I guess the answer is yes.

Kieran: Please don't tell anyone that I'm gay. I don't want my uncle to find out yet.

Me: Everyone always thought you were gay in school, even though you tried to pretend you weren't.

That was harsh! I thought. It was true, but I was back to being a total dick. I had to reign it in. When he didn't respond in a minute or so, I decided to text him again.

Me: I'm glad you're out, even if you're not with me. Your man is super-hot. He'd better treat you right or I'll drive over there and rescue you. Keep in touch gay boy. I mean that.

Kieran: I will.

Me: I know it's too late now, but I had a crush on you in high school. Think about that. I'll text you later.

I wished that he was with someone ugly ... or at least someone who wasn't as hot as that fit Asian guy in the pictures. Seeing the two of them together made me feel sick. They were too close to the same size, though. Kieran was a gentle soul and an emotionally fragile boy who'd always seemed smaller than he was. He needed a guy like me who was big enough to hold him tight, to cuddle him, and to give him the comfort and protection he needed.

I followed Jason's Facebook page and found some of his relatives. I noticed that they owned a large company that sold naturopathic medicines. All their products were based on traditional Chinese medicine. According to the company website, it was a family-owned business worth several million dollars. Not only was Jason handsome and fit, but it also looked like he was rich. I was even more jealous than I had been. I could see that he was from Los Angeles. His grandparents on his father's side had immigrated from Taiwan when Jason's dad was a small child. It looked like his mother's family had been here longer. The Chinese branch of her family had been here since before the Chinese exclusion act, but her Cambodian family had immigrated during the Vietnam War. His Cambodian grandmother had married an American GI named Vincent Manzato.

His mother was a corporate lawyer with a very high-priced firm in LA. He had an older brother and an older sister, making him the baby of his family. He was about seven months older than Kieran and judging from the public pictures on Instagram account he had been openly gay for years. He had pictures of him celebrating the anniversary of the Obergefell decision when he was in high school. He had his arms around a handsome young man of mixed Asian and European ancestry. I spent some time looking at every reference to Jason Lee I could find on the internet.

Then I decided that I had to get my mind off Kieran, so I texted Damian and asked him to come over after swim practice. I felt like an ass. I was calling him over so he could help me get Kieran off my mind. I should have been calling him over because I liked him, and I just wanted to see him. I was still fucked up and had to get my head straight.

Dylan was coming home with Dad and Cory, so I had an hour or so before they got here, and Damian wasted no time. His face was so excited when he came in for a simple booty call that I felt like a piece of shit, but now that he was here, he would be more than disappointed if I didn't fuck him. I resolved to be a good guy and to keep my mind only on him while he was with me.

He was so tentative around me, like he wasn't sure of our relationship. Neither was I, but I made another resolution to figure it out. I hadn't had sex with anyone else since Kieran had left, so Damian and I were kind of exclusive right now.

I decided to put his fears to rest. I grabbed him and kissed him when he came through the door. I pushed him into the living room, never letting my lips leave his. Then I pushed him back onto one of the couches and fell on top of him. I was between his legs, and he obligingly wrapped them around my waist so that my cock was pressing into his ass.

I took a break from kissing him and said, "It's good to see you, Damian."

He laughed and said, "Hello to you too. I was surprised but happy to get your text this afternoon. I rushed over almost as soon as practice was over. I took the time to douche my ass first, though."

"Hmm, pretty and smart, you think of everything," I replied, kissing that dimple on his chin.

He was a very handsome guy, barely under six feet tall with dark blond hair and blue eyes. He had a tight swimmer's body and he kept it shaved. He'd even started shaving his cock, balls, and ass. I hadn't insisted, but I'd mentioned how good I thought it would look on him and he'd taken the hint.

I grabbed his polo shirt and pulled it over his head with one smooth motion, then bit his tiny nipples, making him moan loudly. He tried to suppress the noise, but I told him, "We're alone for about an hour, so scream all you want. I'm not going to be gentle."

"I was hoping you were going to say that! I want you to pound me hard!" he grinned. "I want you to make me scream so loud that the neighbors can hear us. I want to feel your seed shoot out of my mouth when you cum!"

"I'll see what I can do for you, but you may have an overinflated opinion of my sexual prowess," I responded with a chuckle.

"I don't think so, sir. You're a fucking sex beast," he said, reaching down to unbutton his shorts.

I grabbed the waist and pulled the zipper open with a ripping sound. Then I grabbed his shorts and underwear, pulled them off, and tossed them over my shoulder, leaving him naked with his cute cock bouncing. He was a little smaller than I was, but I knew that all of us Groth men were bigger than average. At eight inches, I was the smallest, followed by Dad at nine inches and Kurt at a little more than ten inches. Damian was between five and six inches. Kurt has a very cute little four and half inches. I suspected Cory was the same, but I'd never seen him naked.

"If you cleaned your butt, then I'm going to eat it before I fuck it because I'm a nice guy for a sexy beast," I announced.

Damian grabbed his knees and pulled them up to his chest, exposing his smooth rosebud to me. I was just about to kiss it when he said, "I said you were a sex beast not a sexy beast!" he said.

I started playfully spanking his ass while I asked, "Are you saying that I'm not a sexy beast?"

He was laughing at me, so I increased the force of my swats until his white butt turned red. "I give up!" he yelled. "You're a sexy sex beast, so you can stop brutalizing me now!"

"I can live with that," I replied, just before diving in and making love to his rosebud with my tongue.

It hadn't escaped my notice that Damian's cock had gotten harder not softer while I was beating his ass. What was it about the guys in my family that made other guys get submissive around us. So long as Damian just required a spanking from time to time, I'd be fine with it, but I wasn't into beating up my lovers.

Damian was at that point where he was getting whiny and needy. It didn't turn me off. I liked it when I guy let me know how much he needed me. He was running his hands through my short hair and yelling, "Damn you know what you're doing, Steven. If you keep that up I'm going to cum before you even get your dick inside me!"

His rosebud was almost ready. It was still twitching around my tongue as I aggressively probed his hole. Then, like magic, it relaxed and opened completely for me. He tasted clean, with just the right amount of muskiness to make my dick spurt a little. I kept licking him while I applied a generous coating of lube to my cock.

I leaned across him and kissed his soft lips. They tasted of cherries, so I knew he's put on some lip gloss before coming over. The more submissive he become, the more he let his effeminate side show, but so long as he didn't grow tits, I could deal with it.

I lined up my cock with his hole and pushed inside him, making him cry out little and grit his teeth. His dick was still throbbing, so I knew he was turned on by it. I moved my hands to his hip and pushed in all the way to my well-trimmed pubes.

"Daddy's home, boy," I growled at him. "And he's going to pound you until you cry."

"Fuck me Daddy!" he yelled. "Pound my pussy hard!"

"Is that what this hole is, boy? Is it a jock pussy that can't be happy unless it has a dick inside it?" I asked, slamming against him a couple of times.

"God yes! It's a jock pussy that isn't happy unless you're inside it. Your cock is the only one it wants, the only one it's ever had!" he squealed.

Fuck! I thought. Damian had known how to suck cock so well that I assumed he'd already lost his virginity.

It looked like I had been his first. I looked down at his face. He was a handsome guy. His face still bore the traces of boyishness that made him so appealing, but in a few years his features would be strong and handsome, not pretty and delicate like Kieran's would be, but a more masculine beauty. Right then he had a look of pure ecstasy written across features, but the look in his eyes was one of anxiety. I knew that he was always worried that he'd drive me away if he got too clingy.

I kissed him all over his face as I pounded him hard. He was moaning, "Yes! Please take me harder! I'm almost there!"

I reached down to stroke his dick, ready to push him over the edge so his ass could milk me dry, but he put his hand on my forearm and said, "Please, don't! I've stopped masturbating because Dylan told me how awesome it felt to cum just from getting fucked. I think I'm almost there."

I smiled down at him and said, "If it doesn't happen, you must promise to let me finish you off. I'm not into one sided shit. I want to make you feel good too, Damian. Besides, Dylan gets off because my brother has a giant mutant cock, and it gets about four inches inside his colon. I'm not that big."

"Oh God! You're big enough, Steven. You're a total stud and I ... am ... almost ... there!" he shouted.

Then he came all over himself, massive strings of cum shot from his dick and flew up to land on his chin. He'd let go of his legs and wrapped them around me and his hands were grabbing at my hips trying to pull me deeper inside him. He was like a junkie who needed to get that fix injected deep inside him. The sheer need I saw in his face and the feeling of his ass clamping down hard on my cock made me cum. I pulled his hips up and fell hard on top of him as hard as I could, driving him into the couch.

"That's it, Daddy! Give me your seed! Fill me with your babies!" he shouted.

He let out another high-pitched scream and I joined him with a deep throated growl. When I collapsed on top of him, I heard deep laughter coming from the doorway. We hadn't even heard them pull up, but Dad, Cory and Dylan were standing there watching us. Dylan looked flustered, like he didn't know what to say. Dad and Cory were laughing.

When Cory asked, "Will be joining us for dinner, Damian?" Dad just about lost it.

He was laughing so hard that he doubled over. He stammered, "But you boys will want to put pants on. We always dress for dinner here."

Damian was blushing as deep Dylan usually did. "I think I'm going to crawl under a rock," he said.

"They won't let you, babe," I said. "We got caught in an intimate moment right there in the living room. They'll eventually let us forget, but let's face it. It was funny and if it weren't us, we'd be laughing right along with them."

"I guess so," he said.

A faint smile played across his lips as he added, "Besides, it's kind of exciting that they saw us."

I threw his underwear at his head and said, "Bite your lip. It wasn't your dad who saw us fucking; it was mine."

"If it was my dad, you'd be running from the house naked while Dad loaded his shotgun," he chuckled.

I kissed him again and said, "Were you serious that I was your first?"

Damian shrugged and admitted, "Yes. You were the first to fuck me, and yours was the first cock I ever sucked. And I haven't been with anyone else since then."

"No!" I said. "That can't be true. You were too good a cocksucker for that to have been your first time."

He shrugged and pulled his shorts on. "What can I say? I'm a natural. Besides, I used a fake account to order a bid ass dildo from Amazon and practiced on it for a year. I didn't think I was ever going to find a real dick to suck at our school."

Damn! No wonder the boy was in love with me. I'd been his first. I remembered my first, a random college guy in a bathroom during a swim meet. He'd been nice enough, but I was glad that I'd taken Damian out to dinner and movie first and we'd done it in my bed.

"Why?" Damian asked.

"I ... um ... I thought it would be a hardship for you, but maybe not. I haven't been with anyone else in the last month or so, and I was wondering if you wanted us to be exclusive," I said.

"Are you asking me to go steady?" Damian asked with a smile. "Fuck you, dude. You didn't even give me your class ring."

I dragged him to his feet and up the stairs. We were both laughing all the way. I'd bought one of those class rings that I wore for about a minute, but I had to dig it out. I was born in December, so my ring was a blue topaz. It was on a chain already because that was where I kept it when I was diving. I held it up in front of his face and asked, "Damian, would you like to go steady with me?"

I meant it to be over the top and funny, but Damian's eyes were big, and they had grown a little moist. "I would love to wear your ring, Steven," he said. "I've never been with anyone else, and I don't want to ever be with anyone else. I promise to be faithful ..."

I put my finger on his lips and said, "Shh. I haven't been a very good boyfriend to you, but that's going to change."

I dropped the chain around his neck. He grabbed the ring and stared at it. I tucked it into his shirt and kissed him. "Now you're officially mine, and we're officially dating. We must keep it secret until the middle of October, but we'll know, and my family will know," I said.

He pulled it out and asked, "Can I wear it openly here at your house?"

He looked so unsure of himself, which made him look younger than he was. I put my arm around him and said, "Of course you can, but I want to promise me that you'll keep it hidden around others who don't need to know right now."

He nodded his head and wore it proudly down to dinner. Dad and Cory noticed immediately and gave him a hug. Kurt must have gotten home from football practice. He came in to see what the commotion was and gave Damian a hug as well. Then he hugged me and said, "It was the right thing to do, Bro."


"Come on Donnie, I'm your brother," I begged. "Can't your give me a break?"

I was trying to buy some pot. I knew that Donnie was selling the stuff, but he was being a dick. He wanted to charge me full price and he knew I didn't have a lot of money.

"I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone else. I'll give you a discount if you suck my dick. No one get's a discount for nothing," he said with a smug smile.

"Fuck you, dick head!" I replied. "I'm not sucking your dick!"

"Good," he said. "It's a deal I always offer, but I don't want your ugly face bobbing on my dick anyway. Do you want the pot, or not?"

I pulled out my wallet and dug out the money he was asking for. I held it out and he said, "Wait a minute. I'll give you 25% off if you steal Dad's Viagra and bring it to me."

"Dad has Viagra?" I asked.

"He's been using it for years. When I saw it, he said it was for the stress of his job. He probably needs it so he can get hard enough to fuck Mom," he laughed.

"What do you need it for?" I asked.

He shrugged and said, "I can sell it. Do you want to get the discount or not?"

"Sure," I said. "Do you know where he keeps it?"

"In his bottom right desk drawer," he replied. "You'll have to use this key. I stole it a couple of years ago."

He handed me the key and added, "You'll be surprised at what else he keeps in that drawer."

"What?" I asked. My curiosity was killing me.

"He has a couple of porno mags in there," he replied with a knowing grin. "All of them have little skinny blond boys in them except for one with young redheaded boys."

I was in shock. Dad had gay porno mags? He had porno mags? Hadn't he heard of the internet?

"Are you telling me that Dad's gay? Has he been perving on us all these years?" I asked. I couldn't believe it. Dad was the most homophobic man I knew.

"Nah. Dad's not interested in you and me. He was perving on Kieran and Dylan. I think he's fucking Dylan. He always tries to get him alone, and ... well. I happen to know that we have an uncle, Mom's youngest brother, who looks just like an older version of Dylan. I also know that Dad was either fucking him or trying to fuck him back when you were just a toddler. I was eight so I can remember some of the yelling," he said.

"Wait. Did you say he was fucking Dylan?" I asked. "I thought Dad hated Dylan?"

"Nah. It's a cover. I've seen him staring at him when he thinks no one is looking. It's why he tries to keep him so close. It's why Mom watches him like a hawk. She knows he's a pervert. He already fucked her baby brother back when he was in high school. I can't blame Dad though. If I had a choice between fucking Dylan or fucking Mom, I'd choose Dylan too," he laughed.

"Dude, are you gay?" I asked.

He slapped me in the face and said, "Shut the fuck up with that gay shit. It's not gay to fuck a little faggot like Dylan or to make him suck your dick. It's only gay if he fucks you or you suck his dick."

"Did you do it? Did you make Dylan suck your dick?" I asked.

Suddenly I was intrigued. None of the girls I knew seemed willing. I wasn't gay, but Dylan was almost as pretty as a girl. My dick started to get hard thinking about him bobbing his blond head up and down on my cock.

"You don't have to ask a faggot like Dylan for permission," Donnie said. "He'll probably jump on the chance, but if he doesn't, just slap him around until he does. You're bigger than he is. If you do it, take a picture and share it with me. Damn, I may need to bring him over here one night."


·        Bethany Morgan. The mother of the Morgan kids and the wife of the pastor. She's a passive-aggressive woman and a homophobe. She's 44 at the start of the story.

·        Cory Lundgren. Bethany's youngest brother. He's short, blond, and blue-eyed, like Dylan. He stands 5 foot 7 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He's fourteen years younger than his sister. He was thrown out of the house for being gay when he was 18. He's 30 years old at the beginning of the story. Corwin Alan Lundgren. He works as Mr. Groth's assistant, but he's secretly his slave.

·        Craig Morgan. The pastor. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 160 pounds. He's thin and mean, with a sour expression. Although secretly gay, he married Bethany Lundgren to cover it up. He and his younger brother Kenneth Morgan (Kieran's father) never got along. He took Kieran in when his parents died. He's 45 at the start of the story.

·        Damian Wilder. High school senior who is 17 at the beginning of the story. He's 6 foot tall, handsome, with a dark tan, green eyes with tiny flecks of gold, a snub nose, and a broad mouth. He's Steven's occasional lover who would like to be more. He's on the swim and diving teams.

·        Donald Morgan. The oldest Morgan son. He's 5 foot 11 inches tall and weighs 180 pounds. He's heavy-set but strong. He has dark red hair and a lot of freckles. But they look good on him. He's mean-spirited and domineering, and he made his brother Dylan's life hard.

·        Dylan Morgan. The main character who is the middle son in the Growth household. At 17, he was 5 foot 5 inches tall and weighed 130 pounds. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He's submissive and has dreamed of being his best friend's slave since middle school.

·        Elizabeth Jepps. She's the only Morgan daughter. She's much like her mother. She's seven years older than Dylan. She got married at 18 to get out of the house. They rarely see her except at church. She's married to Jerry Jepps.

·        Edgar William. The sound and video technician at Pastor Morgan's church. He's 35 years old with brown hair. He has an average build.

·        Greg Miller. A blond athlete, a senior in high school. He's one of Kurt's closest friends. He plays on the football team with Kurt. He's tall, thick bodied with muscle, and strong. Dylan has always felt that Greg didn't like him and was trying to undermine his friendship with Kurt.

·        Jerry Jepps. He's the husband of Elizabeth Morgan-Jepps. He's six years older than his wife and thirteen years older than Dylan. He works as a manager at the Farm and Feed store.

·        Kurt Groth. He's the youngest Groth boy, only a few months younger than Dylan. His mother was black, so his skin is much darker than his father. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 175 pounds. He muscular but less bulky than his father. He has medium brown skin and black hair with tight curls. He wears it medium length on top with a low fade. He is bisexual, but he's in love with his best friend Dylan. He wants to dominate him totally and own him as a slave.

·        Roger Groth. Owner of Groth Automobiles, Groth Farm Equipment, and several properties around town. He's forty years old and has two sons, Steven, and Kurt. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 200 pounds of solid muscle. He has light brown hair and fair skin. His wife died 12 years ago, and he's been Cory's master almost as long.

·        Steven Groth. The oldest of the two Groth boys. He stands 6 foot 4 inches tall and weighs 190 pounds. He has light brown skin and wavy black hair that he wears very short. He was a swimmer in high school and keeps his body shaved even after graduation. He has light amber eyes. He was in love with Kieran Morgan all through high school and he regrets not pressing Kieran to come out of the closet when they were in school together. He's a year older than Dylan and Kurt.

·        Thomas Morgan. The youngest Morgan son. He's two years younger than Dylan but he's about the same size. He has bright red hair, pale skin and a lot of freckles. He joins in with his oldest brother teasing and tormenting Kieran and Dylan.

Next: Chapter 10

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