Small Town Slave Boys

Published on Jun 12, 2022


Small Town Slave Boys Chapter 2

Small Town Slave Boy Reboot

This story is a reboot of the original Small Town Slave Boy story.

This story will be found in the gay/authoritarian subcategory. Despite being tangentially connected to the College Magic Series, there are no supernatural elements in this story.

Dylan Morgan is the son of a homophobic minister named Craig Morgan. He is one of four children in the Morgan household, not including their cousin Kieran who came to stay with the family when he lost his parents at the age of 12. This story tells of his life and how he became a slave to his best friend Kurt Groth. He has a sister Elizabeth who is seven years older than him, a brother Donald who is four years older than him and another brother Thomas who is two years younger than him. His cousin Kieran is one year older than him.

Dylan is a small boy and will grow to be a small man. He is a cute kid, but he's skinny and lacks any sense of self-worth. He also has a small penis, which is a source of embarrassment for him. Unlike his brothers and his sister, he is gay. Much of his trauma and lack of self-esteem come from the fact that his authoritarian father made it clear from his words and his actions that he hated gay people and thought they were tools of Satan.

This story is mostly told from Dylan's point of view, but occasionally the point of view shift to another character. The text will always tell you when there has been a shift in POV.

There will be scenes of dominance and submission, as well as some bondage and domination, and a little light masochism, but this is not a story of objectification, and it's not a one-sided story. It's a love story with D/s and BDSM elements.

There will be some non-consensual scenes in later chapters, non-consensual in the sense that the main characters will choose to engage in some activities to avoid being outed too early, but the activities between the principal characters are consensual.

For those who appreciate this kind of story read on; others be forewarned.

This story is fantasy. In the real-world consent is not only important, but also sexy.

Please remember that NIFTY is a free site that provides an invaluable resource for men like us. Please consider donating to help ensure that site remains available for everyone.

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Author's Notes

·        If you want to be informed of new stories, send me an email, and ask to be put on the notification list. I'll send a notification. Everyone will be on the bcc line so your email address will not show to other members.

·        I have created a google group for people who want to get more information about my stories in that format. Only I can view the member list, so data should be secure. If a reader sends a question my way, I will post the answer to that group after removing any information about the reader. It's a good way to get more background information if you want.

·        While this storyline is designed to mostly stand alone, you may have a better idea about some of the background if you read The Alchemist and Alchemy and Songcraft, since Kieran Morgan is a principal character in both story lines. This story stands alone, however. When the these characters interact with the characters in College Magic, the entire scene pertaining to this story will be included here.

·        My Stories

o   College Magic

o   Jack and the Giant

o   Sacred Submissives

o   Bellus Cinaedus

o   Guardian Angel

Small Town Slave Boy Chapter 2 (Sophomore and Junior Year)


The summer of my sophomore year was the last time we went to the lake house before graduation. I'd looked forward to it all summer, especially after I heard that Greg wouldn't be joining us. I knew that Steven had asked to Kieran to join us, but he wouldn't. He was going to spend the time working. He'd started working at the church doing clean up. He spent a lot of time there and rode his bike back and forth.

We took two cars. Steven rode with Mr. Groth is his car, and I rode with Kurt in his car. When we got there and took all the stuff into the house, Mr. Groth told us to get everything set up while he checked on something. As soon as we were alone, Steven looked at me and said, "What are you waiting for? Get to work unpacking the food. I'm going for a swim."

I started unpacking, and Kurt sat down to watch me. "What did you do to piss Steven off?"

"I don't know, Master," I replied while I was putting food away.

"Shh! What the hell, Dylan?" he asked. "Dad's gone, but Steven is still here."

I put all the hamburgers in the refrigerator and replied, "Steven knows about the Roman slave game. He's known for a while."

"Shit!" he said shaking his head.

"He doesn't care, Master," I said. "He told me as much."

None of us saw Steven come out in his speedo until he said, "I don't care. Dylan can fantasize about being your slave all he wants. Use him to make your life easier. It's what he deserves."

"What the hell, Steven," Kurt exclaimed. "Why are you so pissed off at Dylan?"

Steven leaned back against the wall and asked, "What did you do to Kieran?"

"Nothing," I said.

"Then why did he tell me that he would rather hang out with your dad all day at the church than spend two weeks in at the lake with you?" he demanded.

I was in shock. I knew that Kieran was made at me, but I hadn't known that Steven was going to ask him to the lake house. I'd fucked up bad. Steven was staring daggers at me. He knew it was my fault. I turned red and stared at the ground.

"I'm sorry, Steven," I said. "I didn't know. I ... I said some things that I immediately regretted, but he wouldn't talk to me."

Steven's mouth looked angry, but his eyes looked sad. "I ... I spent all year working on Kieran, trying to get him to open up to me. I had convinced Dad to take the small bedroom, so I could share the big bedroom with Kieran. I ... Dammit, Dylan, you fucked me over this time! If I could have been able to get him here, away from your fucking worthless piece of shit dad, I know he would have ... I would have been happy with a single fucking kiss, Dylan. But now he's more closed off than he was before. I may never get him to come out of his shell again."

"I didn't mean it Steven," I sobbed great ragged sobs.

And then I told him the whole story about that afternoon. By the time I'd finished, Steven had gone from anger with me to anger with Donnie.

"Shit!" he yelled. "Of course, it wasn't you. It was your brother and he's just the same as your dad. I'm going to kick your brother's ass. I don't know how, but I'm going to find some way to do it."

He gave me a hug and said, "It isn't your fault, Dylan. You weren't evil, just not thinking. I can't hold it against you. But I may never have another chance. Fuck it! I'm going swimming, but I don't want company right now."

When he left, Kurt shook his head and said, "You fucked him over, Dylan. He'll forgive you because that's who he is, but ... you know he's got a thing for your cousin, right?"

"You knew?" I asked, "and you don't care that he's ... a ... I mean that he's gay?"

Kurt chuckled. "No dude. I don't care. He's my brother; why would that matter to me?"

I shrugged. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to just say it. I'm gay too! But I didn't. I was too embarrassed, and if I admitted it, I'd have to admit that I was into him, and I didn't think that would go over well. It was one thing for his brother to be gay, but another thing for the guy who followed him around all the time and called him master.

He seemed to be waiting for something, but then he let it go. "Unpack all the supplies and put them away. Then put our clothes away. I'm going to go talk to Steven."

I started putting everything away. It was going to take some time to get it done, working by myself.


I didn't have to walk far to find Steven. He wasn't swimming alone, and he hadn't walked all the way to the public swimming area across the lake. He was sitting at the edge of the fishing pier that was in front of the house. I went up and sat next to him.

"I said I didn't want company," he said.

"I'm not company; I'm your brother," I replied. "And I want to talk to you."

He shrugged. He was at least three inches taller than me, even though I was one of the tallest sophomores (or soon to be juniors) at the school.

"Are you still mad at Dylan?" I asked.

"Yes!" he exclaimed. "I may not get this chance again, Kurt. I've been working at it too long to get Kieran to open up even a little bit. He's withdrawing into his shell again."

"You don't even know that he's gay, Bro," I said, trying to be reasonable. "You just think he is. I mean everyone thinks he is, but that doesn't make it true."

"I know," he said, shaking his head. "I want him more than I've wanted anyone else. If I weren't so upset, I would have asked Damian to come. I know he's into me, but I don't like him the way I like Kieran."

I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Bro. I'm really sorry. I wish there was something I could do."

"I know," he replied. "But there isn't. Did Dylan tell you that he's gay?"

"I thought he was going to," I said. "But he didn't. It's not like he's not obvious. He looks and acts just like his uncle."

"You should fuck him," Steven said, "or at least get a blowjob. He'd do it, you know."

"And you know why I won't," I said. "He's in love with me. I love him, but I don't know whether I'm in love with him. He's so needy. If I let him give me a blowjob, he's mine and I don't know if I want him like that. I like Alicia a lot. I'm not gay like you. I'm bi like Dad."

"I know," he said. "Alicia's hot if you're into that, but you know she'll never give you what you want."

"And you know what I want?" I asked.

"I'm your brother," he said, "and I know everything about you. I can read you like a book. You don't want a girlfriend or a boyfriend. You want a slave, someone who will do whatever you tell them and be grateful for it."

"It's a fantasy, Bro," I said. "No one gets to live like that."

Steven was silent for several minutes. Then he said, "Dad does."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What exactly do you think is the relationship between Dad and Cory," he asked. "I guess I should say Alan when Dylan's around. Do you think Dad pays Cory to clean our house or to cook meals for us? Have you ever seen him wear anything other than that black tee shirt and those jeans shorts? I mean he has jeans for the winter, but it's always a black tee shirt and some kind of jeans."

"He wears trousers, a tie and a jacket at the dealership," I said.

"Yes. Always gray trousers, a plain black tie, and a gray jacket," Steven replied. "Haven't you noticed how he calls Dad sir all the time. Bro, Cory is Dad's slave, or he may as well be."

"Maybe," I admitted, a lot of separate images coming together in my brain, "but it's scary to think of having that much power over another person, despite the fantasy."

Steven laughed. "You already have that power over Dylan, Bro. If you told him to bend down and kiss your ass, he'd do it in a heartbeat. He'd do it in the gym during an assembly."

"I know," I said.


I finished unpacking the food and drinks, and then mine and Dylan's clothes. It looked like the place needed a good sweeping, so I grabbed the broom and started doing the work. Then I grabbed a cloth and started washing down the counters and the table. Then I dusted the mantle over the fireplace and all the shelves in the living room.

It took a couple of hours to get everything done and I was taking a break on the couch. My brain was spinning from too much new information. Steve was gay. I'd sort of figured that one out already, but Kurt already knew and didn't care. Did Mr. Groth know? Did he care? I was pondering these questions when exhaustion caught up to me and I fell asleep on the couch.


I'd never left the boys unattended at the lake house before, but I felt that Steven was old enough to look after them for a few hours even when they were away from home. I'd allowed the hatemongering pastor Craig Morgan and that bitch of wife of his to interfere with my pleasure long enough. They had four children. The oldest, Elizabeth, had been a wild one when she was a teenager. From the stories I'd heard every boy who wanted her had had her before she graduated. Eventually she'd gotten pregnant and had to get married to that oaf Jerry Jepps who managed the Farm and Feed Store. After five years of marriage, she had three children, despite being only 23 years old. If the rumors were true, the kids all had different fathers.

The second child was Donald Morgan, or Donnie as he was more popularly known. He was nineteen now, still living at home and doing nothing with his life. He worked at the convenience store for minimum wage and spent most of his money on dope. Everyone knew he was worthless. He'd tried to out Steven a few times, before my oldest boy was ready to come out. I had wanted to take care of it, but Steve said that he could handle Donnie Morgan, and so far he'd done a good job.

I'd asked my oldest if he wanted to come out. Our town was small and conservative, and I knew there would be a backlash against him. But I wanted him to know that I would support him no matter what. He told me that he wanted to wait until he graduated and wouldn't have to deal with the high school boys. Still, I knew that he was sexually active. I'd had the talk with him and had made sure he understood all the dangers. I trusted him, but worried about guys like Donnie Morgan.

Of course, Steven had to allow himself to become obsessed with Craig Morgan's nephew, the quiet and withdrawn Kieran. That boy was prettier than any girl in town, but he was deeply closeted in his own mind. Everyone knew, or at least they suspected, that Kieran was gay, but he was outwardly asexual. I'd tried to push Steven to let go of his obsession and see other guys. His compromise had been to hook up with other gay boys, but he never let them get too close because he was holding out hope that he could form a relationship with Kieran.

I remembered Kieran's father Kenneth. He was a couple of years younger than me, and everyone knew he was gay as well. In the end, he'd ended up married to a woman no one had heard of from another town, named Deirdre Ramsey, and they had one child. Kenneth had been an obedient husband, allowing his wife to make all the decisions for him, which had made him the butt of many jokes around town. He'd been a nice guy, and almost as good-looking as his son, but he was also withdrawn and quiet like his only child. He'd been that way in school as well.

Then there was Dylan. He was the same age as Kurt and the two of them had been friends since 6th grade. The boy was cute, a tiny little thing with pale blond hair and blue-green eyes, with fair skin that had only a hint of freckles. I liked the boy, but he was damnably unambitious. His grades were low, really low, and I couldn't tell whether he was dumb or just lazy. He had improved once Kurt and Steven had started tutoring him, but he was still a C student. My boys knew that Cs were not acceptable grades in our house. And he didn't do anything but follow Kurt around like a lost puppy. The boy was in love with Kurt, and I suspected that Kurt was in love with him too. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. He was cute and attentive and would do anything for Kurt, but I felt like he'd be nothing but a weight around Kurt's neck, dragging him down. I could never say anything, not in front of the boys and not in front of Cory.

The last Morgan boy, Tommy, I didn't know very well. He seems like an arrogant and cocky little shit who was following in his oldest brother's footsteps. Given his father, he was probably as damaged as the rest.

I pulled up outside the apartment building and went inside. I had a key, so I just let myself in instead of knocking. Cory's bags were packed, and he was kneeling on the floor with his legs spread and his back straight. His hands were behind his head and his eyes were downcast. He was wearing a pair of baby blue 70s style booty shorts and his gold chain necklace with the small plaque that read, Cory Groth property of Roger Groth. I'd legally changed his name five years ago as a birthday present.

I reached down and touched his hair. I kept it short and spiky on top with a medium fade on the sides. At 29, he was still a young-looking guy, and it made my cock painfully hard to think he was all mine. This year, I'd decided to take him to the lake. I had to rent another cabin, even though I owned one already. I could leave the boys alone and visit Cory all I wanted. Once Kurt turned 18, I would bring Cory home to live with me full time. I was done hiding him. I wasn't embarrassed, but I hadn't wanted to expose the boys to my aberrant lifestyle – not the gay part, but the part where I was a dominant with a submissive slave at my beck and call.

"Are you ready to go to the lake, boy?" I asked. I tried to keep my voice cool and demanding, but I knew that my affection for my boy could be heard behind the words. It had mattered to me when I was younger, but I didn't care anymore.

"Yes Master," he replied. I could see that he was hard. Even though his penis was small, his shorts were small enough to make his erection obvious.

"Get up boy," I said, holding out my hand.

He took it and I pulled him up into my embrace. He was seven inches shorter than me, perfect in my mind. I turned his face up and kissed him. He was as pretty as his nephew, prettier because he was all mine. I slid a finger into his tight shorts and rubbed his hairless hole. The nice thing about these shorts was that they didn't need underwear. My finger pressed inside him. He was already lubed and ready to go.

Cory's hand touched my erection through my pants. "Can I suck your cock, Master?" he begged.

"Do you need it?" I teased, pushing further inside him.

"Yes Master!" he cried as he pushed his butt back onto my finger. "I need you."

"Show me," I said.

Cory pulled his shorts off. His four inches were hard, red, and throbbing. His balls were swollen from lack of release. It had been too long since I'd taken him. He knelt in display position again and reached up to undo my pants. He pulled my pants down so he could reach my cock. It was twice as long as his and much bigger around. He kissed the head and then licked it. He was moaning in pleasure and his penis was leaking precum. He was a good boy. I knew that he hadn't touched his penis in a sexual way. When he'd first come to me, I'd kept him in a chastity cage because he couldn't stop masturbating. After a couple of years, he learned. He'd only broken the rules twice in the last five years and both times had earned him a return to the cage. Now he knew better. His orgasms came only from me.

Cory stretched his mouth wide and swallowed all eight inches of my cock down his throat. He'd started off as a terrible but enthusiastic cocksucker, but nine years of experience had made him an expert. He could caress my cock with his throat muscles and milk me that way, and his talented tongue could tickle my balls while I was lodged in his throat. I ran my hands through his hair and moaned.

When I'd first taken Cory as my slave, I'd been too arrogant, too unsure of my own dominance, to tell him that I loved him. For three years I'd denied it myself. Then for another three I'd said in my own mind. I'd thought it would spoil him if he heard me tell him that I loved him. But I'd been wrong. When I finally told him three years ago, he'd become even more devoted to me. He'd cried off and on for weeks, and I felt terrible about it. He assured me that they weren't tears of sadness or pain, but tears of joy.

"Do you want me to cum down your throat, in your mouth or inside your sexy butt," I asked him. Giving him choices instead of commands made me authoritative, not authoritarian. And it made my boy a better slave.

He pulled off my cock and licked his lips. There were a few tears in the corners of his eyes because he had allowed himself to choke a little on my cock.

"I love the taste of your cum, but I need you inside me, Master. I want to feel you taking me."

I dropped my pants completely and picked him up. He wrapped his legs around my waist. He knew what was coming and I knew that this was his favorite was to be taken. It was why I worked out so much, so I could hold him while I fucked his ass.

I moved toward the counter so I could get inside him without dropping him. He was a small guy, but he still weighed about 150 pounds. That was my fault. He'd been as skinny as his nephew, but I'd had him bulk up a little. I played with his hole, but he was already relaxed. After nine years, he'd learned to relax his sphincter when he wanted to get fucked right away. I lined up my cock and slid inside him. He gasped and threw his head back. Either he enjoyed this a lot, or he was a damn fine actor. I didn't question it; I just accepted that he was enjoying himself.

Once I was inside him, I put both hands under his firm buttocks and lifted him up. Then I started moving him up and down on my cock, like I was using his body as a fleshlight. He clamped down on my cock when I was pulling out and relaxed when I was sliding inside.

"Damn boy, your ass is the smoothest and softest thing I've ever fucked," I said.

Cory had his arms and legs wrapped tight around me and he was moaning. "Your cock is the best, Master. I feel so full and ... damn it! You're hitting my gay spot with every thrust. I'm ... I'm ... I'm cumming. I can't hold it Master. Please say its okay. Please say I can cum!"

I was tempted to order him to hold it, just to see if he could. If I had to spank him afterwards for disobeying me, we'd both enjoy it. But his little cock was too far gone, and his balls were so swollen that they looked ready to burst. I hadn't been able to fuck a load out of him for more than a week.

"Cum for me, slave boy," I said. "Cum for me now, or I'm going to ice your cock and lock it up for a month!"

Cory liked to be threatened. It made sex better for him. Hell, I'd been a vanilla sort of guy until Cory had brought out the inner master in me. If it hadn't been for him, we'd probably just be cuddling in front of the television in the evenings. His submissiveness had made me a master.

"Aaaah! Fuck me harder Master!" he shouted as he sprayed cum all over his chest and mine. His ass clamped hard on my cock and my knees buckled. I had to tighten my leg muscles to keep from falling. I pulled him close and crushed him to my chest. His firm little body felt so good against mine. I counted myself lucky to have such a lover, and the fact that he was my willing slave boy made me even luckier.

I backed to the couch and lay down with Cory still wrapped around me. He was whimpering and kissing my chest. He often cried after sex. I'd tried to get to the bottom of it, but he claimed that he was crying from joy. He'd had a terrible life before I found him, never accepted by his family, forced into gay conversion three times before the age of 18. When his parents kicked him out, he'd tried to take his own life and ended up in the hospital.

A counselor helped him find a job answering phones at Groth Automobiles and that was where I found him. It hadn't taken long before I took him under my wing. He was the one who'd pursued me sexually, in a needy and innocent way. I'd buried my own gay urges when I'd married Rosalind, but she'd been dead for a year. I'd never thought to find anyone who could replace her in my heart, but Cory did that before we ever started having sex.

He was the reason I started hating the Morgans and the Lundgrens. When I had changed Cory's last name legally to my own he cried for hours. Once Dylan and Kieran were no longer under Morgan's control, I intended to bring those homophobic sons bitches down.

Cory started licking the cum off my chest and abdomen. He looked up at me and asked, "Can I ask what you're thinking, Master?"

I sighed. "I'm just thinking how much I love you, boy, and how far I'm willing to go in order to protect you and take care of you."

He climbed up and kissed me with his cum flavored lips. "I love you, Master, and I feel safe when I'm with you. I trust you completely. You always protect me."

I kissed him back and fondled his bottom. His tight body was beautiful and fuckable. I never tired of touching him. He kept his skin hairless and smooth. I was bi so I had a lot of options when it came to romance and sex, but Cory was the best of all options merged as far as I was concerned. His body was tight and muscular like a man, but soft and hairless as well.

"Can I suck you again, Master, so I can taste the second load in my mouth?" he asked. His eyes pleaded even more persuasively than his mouth.

I ran a finger around his soft lips, and he sucked the tip inside. "I'm getting old, boy. But you eat my load if you can get another out in this short a time."

The thing about Cory is that he's very persistent. He licked and teased me until I grew hard again, then he sucked me and teased me with his tongue until he got me on the edge. It took him a long time, but he got me going and then I flooded his mouth with my second load of the day. The look on his face was one of pure happiness.

"Let's get cleaned up so we can go," I said.

He didn't move so I picked him up and carried him to the shower. He washed me first, from head to toe. His touch was sensual even with the washcloth. Then he washed himself. It was a sexy show when he was showering. I would have helped him, but I knew he liked to put on a show was for me. Cory always put me before his own needs, and I was still learning when I should let him, and when I should make sure he came first. Part of his pleasure was putting me first, taking care of his man, his master.

We got dressed and carried the bags down to the car. I planned to spend most of my time with Cory and let the boys have my own house to themselves. They were old enough and Cory and I deserved this time alone.

As we were driving to the lake, Cory and I were chatting.

"Master, how's Dylan doing?" he asked. "Has he come out yet?"

"Not yet," I replied. "You know what Craig and your sister are like. He may not be ready until he's an adult and can get out of their house."

"He is gay though. You see it as well as I do, don't you, Master?" he asked. "I only get to see him from a distance, and I never get to talk to him. He should have been my son, not Bethany's. She's hurting him, the same way she and my parents hurt me."

"I know, Cory; I know," I replied. "Legally, I can't do anything. At least being in the closet means he doesn't have to go to one of those camps. We must give him time, let him come to terms with who he is. If we try to help him now, we'll be accused of grooming him or recruiting him. You know that as well as I do. We need to let him do it on his own terms."

"He can run away and live with me, Master," Cory said. He was willing to risk arrest, the humiliation of a trial and imprisonment, but I wasn't.

I shook my head. "It wouldn't help, not when he's only 16. I will find a way to make sure he knows that his father's full of shit. I think Steven has already been talking to him on those lines."

After that, we talked about inconsequential things until we reached the lake. I'd rented a little house not too far from my lake house. I got Cory settled in and then I went back to check on the boys.


When Steve and I went back into the lake house, I saw Dylan had put away everything and then had cleaned up. I saw him sleeping on the couch. He had a streak of dirt on his face, and I thought he looked like Cinderella, or Cinder-fella more like it. I watched him sleep until Steven came in and sat next to me.

He put his arm around me and whispered, "He's yours if you want him, you know. If you walk over there, snap your fingers, and point to the ground in front of you, he'll jump on your dick faster than you can blink an eye."

"I need to make sure its what I want," I replied. "I'm afraid to start anything too early and then feel like I'm trapped in it. I'm going to play it by ear and see what happens, but I think I need this next school year to decide whether I want to take him as my slave lover or to see where it goes with Alicia."

"You know where it goes with Alicia," he said. "You date her for the last two years of high school then you go your separate ways. She wants to go to go to nursing school and you're going away to college. She wants to move to the big city, Indianapolis, or Chicago, and you ... you're going to move back home and help Dad run the businesses."

"I thought you were going to run the businesses," I said. "I will if I must, but I don't like it that much. I've been working there every summer since I turned 15 and what I've learned is that I'd rather do something else. I'm thinking about photography or maybe accounting."

"Accounting?" I asked. "Where did that come from?"

"I don't know," he replied. "It's just something I've been thinking about. I'm not interested in cars and business; not like you are. We've been working together this summer, you and me, and I noticed that you really like talking to customers. You'd make a good salesman and a good manager someday. If I'm going to work in the business, it will have to be something behind the scenes. I could be the guy who keeps all the records. It would let me help with the business without dealing with annoying customers all day."

I looked over at Dylan sleeping so peacefully and I imagined him kneeling naked at my feet, wearing his collar and nothing else. No, not just the collar, but wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs. He'd do it. I know he would. But would he want to do it, or would he just do because he wanted to be near me. I had to test him. And that's when I started making plans. I wouldn't get another chance like this until we could be alone for a while, or at least away from his parents. Damn! I was going to have to lay plans for next summer. Then I'd give him a choice. If he chose to be mine, my slave, the way I've been fantasizing all summer, then I'd know for sure about him. And I had to be sure about me before I did.

I had to give Alicia a try. I needed to know if what I felt for her was love or just lust. I was going to go out with her, but I wasn't going to have sex with her. It wouldn't be fair to Dylan. Unless I was fucking them both, how could I be sure who I was really into? This wasn't going to be easy because it wasn't about just this year. I had to be sure because once I made a choice I wasn't going to be cheating on the one I chose, and I wasn't going to ask Dylan to wait any longer than this next year.

I woke him up with a hand on his shoulder. "Get cleaned up so we can get dinner together. We have a lot of work to do."

He sat up and yawned. I put a hand on his shoulder and said, "The place looks good. You did a good job."

He smiled at me, like it was a treat just to be recognized. He got up and jumped in the shower. A few minutes later, he was back and ready to work. I started helping with patting out the hamburger, but Dylan said, "Let me do it, Master."

He ran to the refrigerator and took out a cold coke. He poured it into a glass and added a twist of lime. He knew how I like it. He handed to me and said, "Relax Master. I want to serve you, just like in Ancient Rome."

I noticed the collar peeking out from under his tee shirt. He hadn't worn a turtle tee today. But if we were going to play the game, we were going to play it right. "Take off your shirt," I commanded, and he did.

"Run into the bedroom and put on a turtle tee if you hear Dad pull up," I said. "I don't want to explain the game to him."


I loved serving Kurt and Steve. I promised myself that they wouldn't have to do anything for the next two weeks. I was going to do it all. Mr. Groth came back at dinner time, but he left shortly afterward. He told us that he was going to be somewhere else at night and most of the day, but he would check on us daily and we could call or text him any time.

It was the best two weeks of my life. I didn't do as much at the lake as Kurt and Steven because I was always cleaning and picking up after the guys. I managed to get some swimming in because they insisted that I go with them to the public swimming area every day for a few hours. We would get in the rowboat and row over to the dock and lock up the boat. Then we'd swim for an hour or two before coming back. Kurt made me take the collar off before we went so no one would see it, but I still waited on them. I fetched drinks and hotdogs at the concession stand, and I cleaned up their mess. They didn't make me row the boat there or back because both were stronger than me.

We seldom saw Mr. Groth. He stopped coming by every day after the third day and texted instead. It gave us a lot of privacy. The guys would go fishing in the morning while I was making breakfast. I wasn't a great cook, but I could follow a recipe if I read it slowly a few times ahead of time and rewrite the instructions with bullet points. After breakfast, they would go outside for a while, maybe fishing and maybe just throwing the football back and forth. I would clean up after them. That's when I would take Kurt's underwear to the bathroom and smell it while masturbated.

Kurt's scent was most powerful in his underwear, especially since he was sweating in them all day while he was active outside. I closed my eyes and inhaled letting his powerful scent wash over me, and my cock sprang to a full erection. I'd smelled Steven's underwear and even Mr. Groth's when I was doing laundry at their house, but I liked the smell of Kurt's the best. It was like there was a straight shot between my nose and my cock.

I imagined myself kneeling before Kurt. I slowly peeled his underwear down and released his cock. It was big. I knew because I'd seen it. He was about twice my size. I reached a hand up and took hold of his large balls and stroked them. I pressed my face to his groin and licked his skin. The taste was the same as the scent. (I knew that because I often sucked the flavor out of his underwear).

In my dreams, I took his cock into my mouth and sucked him until he came. In my dreams I had no difficulty swallowing his cock, no matter how big it was. I suspected the reality would be different, but I didn't care. In my dreams I took it all. I imagined that I choked a little. That Kurt pulled out of my mouth and slapped me hard.

"Stupid fucking slave!" he said. "If you're going to suck my cock, you're going to do it right, bitch!"

"I'm trying, Master," I whined.

He slapped me again and I fell on my ass. "Get up and get back on my cock," he yelled.

I knelt again and was crying when I took his cock into my mouth. And that's when I came, and the daydream ended. I scooped my cum off my chest and ate it. I liked the taste of my cum. I kept trying to find some on Kurt's clothes so I could taste his, but I hadn't been able to do it. I cleaned up and got ready to go swimming with the guys.


I'd gotten tired of watching Dylan making moon eyes at Kurt, not that I minded, it was just that I was horny as hell. I was swimming in the lake, mostly floating on my back when I saw the lifeguard looking at me. He was cute, with medium length reddish blond hair and fair skin. From a distance, he reminded me of Kieran. I stopped floating and stood in the water. It was about five feet deep, but I was 6 foot 4 and that meant that my shoulders and upper chest were exposed. I must have been looking at him for too long because I noticed that he was looking at me as well. He gave me a wave and then checked his watch. He held up five fingers and then nodded. I decided to swim over and meet him.

I climbed out of the water and approached the lifeguard's seat. The guy's eyes opened wide, and I could tell that he saw something he liked. I was glad that I was wearing my swim team speedo.

"Hey," I said. "It must be difficult sitting up there all day, watching people having fun in the water and not being able to get in yourself."

He looked down at me and smiled. He was handsome, but he wasn't pretty like Kieran. His eyes were more green than blue, and his face was rounder and he had freckles. But I wasn't going to let the lack of perfect cheekbones ruin my chances for a little fun.

"It is, but I get a break in a few minutes," he said. "Maybe we could get a coke or something."

"Or something," I replied. "I think I'm going to go into the showers and clean the lake water off. Maybe I'll see you there."

I winked at him and gave him a good look at my backside while I was walking away slowly. I knew that I looked good from behind. Lots of folks told me that. I rented a towel and went into the locker room. There were two hooks outside the stall, so I hung the towel on one and my swim team speedo on the other. I went inside, closed the curtain, and turned on the water. The curtain came down almost to the lip surrounding the shower.

In a couple of minutes, the lifeguard peeked his head inside. "Take your clothes off and join me," I said.

He looked around nervously and then pulled his shirt off. He wore his lifeguard shorts into the shower. I grabbed him and planted a rough kiss on his lips. He opened his mouth and let me take charge. That was fine with me. He was almost six feet tall, but that seemed short to me. Everyone I was with seemed short to me. He reached down and grabbed my cock. It was about seven inches, and he gave a groan when his fingers closed around it.

"What's your name, little man?" I asked him.

"Billy," he replied, "Billy Conway, and yours?"

"Steven Groth," I said, nibbling his neck. "Now let's get you naked."

He put his hands on mine when I tried to pull his shorts down. "Please don't," he begged. "Just let me suck your cock."

I knelt and yanked his trunks down, exposing his erection. It was about five inches, and I thought it was cute. Billy was blushing and looked like he was ready to cry.

"Hey," I said. "Do you want to know what's perfect about a cock like yours?"

He looked down at me and I took the whole thing in my mouth. Five inches was small, but it was within the average range. Somebody must have teased him about it in the past. His dick was thin enough that my tongue could swipe around it while it was in my mouth. He grabbed my shoulders and held on tight like he was going to fall over. I fondled his balls and slid a finger back to tease his hole. It was too tight to get into without lube, but he spread his legs, so I rubbed it and pressed on it.

"Damn that feels good," he said through gritted teeth. "No one ... has ... ever done this for me."

I sucked him hard and squeezed his balls. He threw his head back and whimpered. Then his cum flooded my mouth. I sucked it down greedily until he had nothing else to give me, then I stood up and planted a kiss right on his mouth. He took my tongue and my saliva like a man dying of thirst. I pushed on his shoulders, and he fell to his knees. He glanced up at me, but his eyes were glued to my cock.

"It's big, but it's not that scary," I said. "My kid brother and my dad are bigger than I am."

"Sorry sir," he said. Then he shook his head and said, "I mean, sorry."

What was it with little white boys falling all over themselves to get a taste of my dark meat? He began kissing the head of my cock. Unlike him, I was uncircumcised, and he didn't seem to know what to do with a foreskin. It didn't take him long to figure out. He stuck his tongue inside it and licked the tip, but when he put his hand on my cock and moved it, he noticed that the skin moved forward and backward. He pulled it back and my head popped out. He licked it and must have decided it was good because he took the whole head into his mouth and sucked on it.

"Can you take the whole thing in your mouth?" I asked.

He tried and gagged. Then he shook his head. "Take what you can," I said. "If we get a chance to do this again, I'll teach you to take the whole thing."

He swallowed the head and about another inch, but his hand closed over the shaft and started stroking, and his mouth was eager if not expert. Soon I was flooding his mouth with my seed. He was swallowing it as fast has he could. I took his head in my hands and held him there until I'd unloaded fully. Then I lifted him up and kissed him again. My fingers were running up and down his crack, stroking his hole.

"Did you say you wanted to do this again, sir," he asked.

"I do," I replied, "and I'm going to fuck you, but I don't have any condoms here."

"I don't know if I can do that, sir," he said. "Your cock is bigger than I expected."

"If you come to my lake house, we're going to do it again. And I am going to fuck you," said, spelling out my intentions. "If you show up, that means that you want me to put these entire 7 inches in your mouth, and inside your ass. Don't worry. I have condoms."

Then I made him repeat the address to the lake house until he got it right. I got out of the shower, dried off and put my wet speedo back on. He was sitting on the bench repeating the address. I knew that he'd show up.

"Well have dinner at six," I said. "You can show up for dinner or after dinner."

Then I left.


After swimming we went back to the lake house, and I took care of the guys' swim suites and then wrote up my fantasy from earlier in my secret online journal. I thought that I logged out of the secret account, but I later found out that I hadn't. I swept the floors and took out hotdogs for dinner. We were keeping it simple since it was just us guys. I didn't notice Steven with my iPad while I was getting food ready.

I was a little surprised when Steven's guest showed up for dinner. He was a guy named Billy Conway who bore a passing resemblance to my cousin Kieran. He didn't say anything about my collar, and I didn't say anything about the way Steven kept his hand on him during dinner. After dinner, Steven and Billy went to the master bedroom and turned some music on. It kept us from hearing any details, but Kurt and I knew what was happening in there.

When we went to bed that night, I pretended to be asleep. To my annoyance, Kurt didn't go to sleep immediately. I was lying on my side facing him with my eyes closed, but I could see just a little if I opened my eyes like slits. He tossed the sheet off and started to stroke his cock. I couldn't close my eyes. I needed to see this. He stroked it slowly and steadily, using one hand to play with his balls. His brown skin gleamed in the light from the curtained window and his cock look massive. He began to moan and to raise his hips a few inches off the bed. When he came, he caught it on his briefs, then he wiped the rest off his chest and put the cum filled briefs gently on top of the laundry hamper.

He put on a fresh pair of briefs and got into bed. He didn't snore, but soon he seemed to be asleep. I gave it a few minutes and then crept over to the hamper and took his slimy briefs from the top of the pile. I climbed back into bed and held them to my lips. I stuck out my tongue and tasted the sperm. It was still warm, and it tasted even better than I'd dreamed. I licked up all the globs of cum, then sucked the pouch until all the flavor was gone. I decided that night that if I could have only one food for the rest of my life, I wanted it to be Kurt's cum.

I slipped the briefs back into the hamper and went back to bed. It didn't take me long to fall asleep for real, so I didn't see Kurt get up and check the briefs, smile, and go back to bed. I had good dreams that night. And in the morning I got up cheerfully and started making breakfast.

Other than the fact that Steven's friend Billy was still here, bashful and sitting tenderly in his chair, breakfast was the same as it usually was. Steven drove Billy back to the swimming area after breakfast using Kurt's car, so Kurt and I were alone.

"I saw you last night," he said.

"Saw what, Master?" I asked pouring his coffee for him.

"I saw you sucking on my underwear," he said. "Is there something you want to say to me, Dylan."

I was speechless. I stood there with my ears burning from shame and fear. I was sure that this was the moment when I was going to lose my best friend. My eyes started tearing up and I was shaking. Kurt put his coffee down and came over to me.

He wrapped his arms around me and said, "I'm not mad at you. I just want you to talk to me."

"I'm sorry," I said, burying my face in his broad chest. "I didn't ... I mean ... I'm sorry."

Kurt hugged me tight and said, "I'm not mad, but I'm going to be unless you tell me what's going on with you."

I steadied my breathing. His arms around me helped with that. Then I said, "I'm gay, Kurt."

He started laughing. "No fucking shit, Dylan," he said. "I've known that for years. I was just waiting for you to tell me. Now let's sit down and talk."

We sat down at the table and Kurt said, "Why were you sucking on my underwear?"

I whispered, "Because I wanted to taste you."

"Did you like it," he asked.

"Yes Master, I did," I replied.

"No, Dylan," he said. "You can't call me master anymore, and you can't wear a collar with my name on it."

"Why not?" I asked, holding the collar in a tight grip.

"Because it's not a game for you, Dylan. It's real for you, and it's not real for me," he said. "It was always a game for me, and I don't want to play it anymore."

I started crying again. This was the worst thing that could happen. I was going to lose him, and I wouldn't have any friends at all, and I would be stuck in a house with people I hated. My life was over. Thoughts of ending it flashed before my eyes. I had nothing.

"Are you listening to me?" he asked.

I nodded and he continued, "I don't want to play the game anymore. If I give you the collar back, it will mean that it's for real. But you must give me time, and you must figure out what you really want. Because if I give you a collar and you take it, that means that we're not playing anymore, and that's a big fucking step. So, for the next year, you're going to keep coming over and cleaning our house. You're not going to wear the collar and you're not going to call me master. And you're not going to ask me about it. You're going to wait until I decide what I'm going to do. If you're serious about this thing, you need to get used to waiting for me to make the decisions."

"Yes sir," I said. "Can I call you sir when we're alone."

"You can call me sir when there's no one around but me and Steven. He's my brother and I don't hide things from him," he said.

The rest of the summer vacation was the hard, but junior year in school was the worst year ever. I still saw Kurt at school, but he wouldn't let me wait on him. I would hang around with him and his friends, but I was on the outside looking in. It was like I was there, but I didn't have a purpose. My grades continued to be Cs although I earned a couple of Bs. My test scores were still terrible, 25th percentile or less in every subject. I spent every other weekend over the Groth's house. Greg was still there Saturdays during the day, but now Kurt was letting me watch him when he masturbated and then he would throw his cum filled underwear at me and watch me suck them clean.

The worst part was watching Kurt and Alicia together at school. They were dating and everyone thought that they were a cute couple. Everyone but me that was. My heart felt sick every time I saw them together. But there were strange benefits as well.

One weekend when I was sleeping over and we had gone to the basement family room to go to bed, Kurt announced, "I've seen Alicia completely naked a few times now. It's only fair if I get to see you too. I want you to sleep naked, on top of the sheets from now on when you're here."

"Yes sir!" I said, as I pulled my boxer briefs off and laid down.

"And Alicia shaves her cunt, so I want you to shave. Everything below the nose. Do it before our next sleepover, and keep it shaved," he said.

"Yes sir!" I agreed. I had a raging erection and thought I would blow any minute.

"One last thing," he said, "if you're ready for it."

"Yes sir," I answered without hesitation. "I'm ready for anything."

"Alicia sucked my cock the other day," he said. "And I'm trying to give you a chance to do everything she's doing."

Before he could ask, I said, "I'll do it."

I walked over and knelt in front of him. He took his cock out and I took it in my hands. I'd watched him masturbating so I knew how big he was, and I knew he was uncircumcised, but I never held it in my hands before. I kissed it and licked the shaft. The I skinned back the foreskin and licked the sensitive area around the head. Kurt was moaning in satisfaction and running his hands through my hair. There was no way I could get that monster inside my mouth without scraping him with my teeth, so I worked just on the head and the first inch or so, but I used my hands to stroke his balls and to squeeze his shaft. When he came, I held the tip in my mouth and took it all straight from the source. It was warmer and tasted better this way.

Then I went to the couch so I could go to sleep. As I was settling down, Kurt said, "Sleep on your stomach with the lamp light on. I want to be able to see your butt whenever I wake up."

And that became the new normal for our sleepovers. I removed all my body hair with a liquid hair remover, and I kept it smooth. I'd mentioned to Steven that I hadn't been able to take all Kurt's cock in my mouth, so he ordered a 10-inch dildo for me to practice on. He also loaded a how-to video on anal douching to my google drive. I moved it to my private drive. Now I was practicing taking that dildo into my mouth and I was cleaning my butt whenever I knew that I was going to go to the Groths. I wanted to be ready, and it was good thing that I did.

In the third quarter of our junior year, things changed again. Kurt and I were preparing to go to bed when Kurt announced, "I haven't given you a fair test. Come over here."

I walked over to his couch naked and sat next to him. He took my chin in his hand and turned my head, then he leaned in and kissed me. I felt his tongue pressing against my lips, so I opened my mouth and let him in. We made out for a few minutes.

"I've been making out with Alicia for more than a year, and I haven't given you the opportunity to show me what you can do," he said.

Then he pulled me down on top of him and started kissing me again. I was as responsive as I could be, but I made sure to let him take control. He kissed me and let his hands roam over my smooth, hairless skin. He was playing with my butt. I felt him moving around beneath me and messing with something behind my back, then I felt something cool and slippery rubbing along my crack and then stroking my hole. I moaned when he pressed against me and slid his finger inside. Instinctively, I gripped his finger with my sphincter muscles.

We made out this way for about an hour before he decided we were done. My hole had suddenly relaxed and stopped giving him any resistance. He worked two then three fingers inside me. Occasionally, he brushed something inside me that sent a wave of pleasure rolling over my body. I was moaning and moving my butt to try and get his fingers deeper inside me.

Then he had me move to his cock and give him a blow job. I was getting better at it. I could take about half into my throat, but I always started choking whenever he hit the back of my throat. Still, I could tell when he was pleased with my progress.

From then on, we slept on the same couch.

I wanted to ask Kurt about the collar. I wanted to ask him what he was planning to do. I wanted to throw myself at his feet and call him master, but I didn't want to ruin what I had, whatever it was.


·        Bethany Morgan. The mother of the Morgan kids and the wife of the pastor. She's a passive-aggressive woman and a homophobe. She's 44 at the start of the story.

·        Cory Lundgren. Bethany's youngest brother. He's short, blond, and blue-eyed, like Dylan. He stands 5 foot 7 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He's fourteen years younger than his sister. He was thrown out of the house for being gay when he was 18. He's 30 years old at the beginning of the story. Corwin Alan Lundgren. He works as Mr. Groth's assistant, but he's secretly his slave.

·        Craig Morgan. The pastor. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 160 pounds. He's thin and mean, with a sour expression. Although secretly gay, he married Bethany Lundgren to cover it up. He and his younger brother Kenneth Morgan (Kieran's father) never got along. He took Kieran in when his parents died. He's 45 at the start of the story.

·        Donald Morgan. The oldest Morgan son. He's 5 foot 11 inches tall and weighs 180 pounds. He's heavy-set but strong. He has dark red hair and a lot of freckles. He's mean-spirited and domineering, and he made his brother Dylan's life hard.

·        Dylan Morgan. The main character who is the middle son in the Growth household. At 17, he was 5 foot 5 inches tall and weighed 130 pounds. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He's submissive and has dreamed of being his best friend's slave since middle school.

·        Elizabeth Jepps. She's the only Morgan daughter. She's much like her mother. She's seven years older than Dylan. She got married at 18 to get out of the house. They rarely see her except at church. She's married to Jerry Jepps.

·        Jerry Jepps. He's the husband of Elizabeth Morgan-Jepps. He's six years older than his wife and thirteen years older than Dylan. He works as a manager at the Farm and Feed store.

·        Kurt Groth. He's the youngest Groth boy, only a few months younger than Dylan. His mother was black, so his skin is much darker than his father. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 175 pounds. He muscular but less bulky than his father. He has medium brown skin and black hair with tight curls. He wears it medium length on top with a low fade. He is bisexual, but he's in love with his best friend Dylan. He wants to dominate him totally and own him as a slave.

·        Roger Growth. Owner of Groth Automobiles, Groth Farm Equipment, and several properties around town. He's forty years old and has two sons, Steven, and Kurt. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 200 pounds of solid muscle. He has light brown hair and fair skin. His wife died 10 years ago, and he's been Cory's master.

·        Steven Groth. The oldest of the two Groth boys. He stands 6 foot 4 inches tall and weighs 190 pounds. He has light brown skin and wavy black hair that he wears very short. He was a swimmer in high school and keeps his body shaved even after graduation. He has light amber eyes. He was in love with Kieran Morgan all through high school and he regrets not pressing Kieran to come out of the closet when they were in school together. He's a year older than Dylan and Kurt.

·        Thomas Morgan. The youngest Morgan son. He's two years younger than Dylan but he's about the same size. He has red hair and freckles. He joins in with his oldest brother teasing and tormenting Kieran and Dylan.

Next: Chapter 3

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