Small Town Slave Boys

Published on Aug 10, 2023


Small Town Slave Boys Chapter 18

Small Town Slave Boys

I welcome feedback from readers, in fact I thrive on it. It's really the only payment authors on NIFTY receive for their efforts. If you enjoy the story, please take a moment to drop me an email and let me know. Comments from my readers drive my creativity.

This story is a reboot of the original Small Town Slave Boy story.

This story will be found in the gay/authoritarian subcategory. It's tangentially connected to the College Magic Series, but there are no supernatural elements.

Dylan Morgan is the son of a homophobic minister named Craig Morgan. He was one of four children in the Morgan household, not including their cousin Kieran who came to stay with the family when he lost his parents at the age of 12. This story tells of his life and how he became a slave to his best friend Kurt Groth.

The plural Boys refers to the fact that Dylan's uncle Cory is also slave to Kurt's father Roger.

This story is mostly told from Dylan's point of view, but occasionally the point of view shifts to another character. The text will always tell you when there has been a shift in POV.

There will be scenes of dominance and submission, as well as some bondage and domination, and a little light masochism, but this is not a story of objectification, and it's not a one-sided story. It's a love story with D/s and BDSM elements.

There will be some non-consensual scenes in later chapters, non-consensual in the sense that the main characters will choose to engage in some activities to avoid being outed too early, but the activities between the principal characters are consensual.

For those who appreciate this kind of story read on; others be forewarned.

This story is fantasy. In the real-world consent is not only important, but also sexy.

Please remember that NIFTY is a free site that provides an invaluable resource for men like us. Please consider donating to help ensure that site remains available for everyone.

You can contact me at

Author's Notes

●       If you want to be informed of new stories, send me an email, and ask to be put on the notification list. I'll send a notification. Everyone will be on the bcc line so your email address will not show to other members.

●       I have created a google group for people who want to get more information about my stories in that format. Only I can view the member list, so data should be secure. If a reader sends a question my way, I will post the answer to that group after removing any information about the reader. It's a good way to get more background information if you want.

●       While this storyline is designed to stand alone, you may have a better idea about some of the background if you read My Roommate the Alchemist and Alchemy and Songcraft, since Kieran Morgan is a character in both story lines. This story stands alone, however. When these characters interact with the characters in College Magic, the entire scene pertaining to this story will be included here.

●       My editor is Robbear ( He not only edited this story but provided a lot of insight and suggestions that made the story better.

Links to My Stories

College Magic Cycle

●       My Roommate the Alchemist (Concluded)

●       Wishcraft (Concluded)

●       Alchemy and Songcraft

●       Magery

●       Elf Master

●       The Pack

●       Tales of Severan

Other Stories

·        Small Town Slave Boys

·        Jack and the Giant

·        Sacred Submissives

·        Bellus Cinaedus

·        Guardian Angel

·        Eros in Arcadia

·        Nivean and the Dvergar

·        Desert Heat

·        Constituent Services

·        The Dancing Princes 

Small Town Slave Boys Chapter 18


It was Saturday, and I was spending the night at Patty O'Rourke's house. I'd always been a little jealous of him and his family. His dad was a lawyer and his mom was a manager of some kind at the bank. They had more money than anyone I knew, maybe even more than the Groths. They lived in a house that I'd always thought looked like a castle. It had an octagonal thing on the front that looked like a tower. It even had its own pointed roof, separate from the rest of the three story red brick house. It had a viney plant growing up the front of the tower and a broad porch that wrapped around the front of the house and the side opposite the tower. Their garage was big enough to hold four cars.

All that space and there were only five of them: Patty, his older brother Ian, his parents, and his grandmother. They didn't even clean their own house. They had a maid who lived on the third floor. I knew that Dad hated the O'Rourkes. He hated them because they had money. He hated them because they were Catholic. And he hated them because Patty's mother, Helen, had once been a member of his church before converting and marrying Charles O'Rourke. She'd called my dad a hateful bigot once in the supermarket in front of everyone and she'd convinced some of her friends to follow her to the Catholic church she attended. And with her and her friends gone, the Groths were the only wealthy members left in his congregation.

When Patty and I had arrived at his house, he'd made me a ham and cheese sandwich for a snack and brought me cold coke. He'd grabbed a small salad with chicken breast on it and a glass of water with a lemon slice for himself.

"You don't eat much, do you?" I asked.

He leaned forward and whispered quietly, "My master wants me to eat a bottom diet. Lots of leafy greens, not too much fat or sugar. It makes it easier for me to keep myself clean."

"Does this master of yours fuck you?" I asked.

He grimaced. "Shh. You have to whisper. I don't think my parents know. I mean, they know that I'm gay. It's hard to hide that, but I don't think they'd be happy to know that my master has been fucking me for four years."

Shit! I thought. This boy had gotten fucked for the first time when he was only ten years old. I wondered again who this master of his was. It was completely fucked up, in my mind, for someone to be doing sex things with a kid that young... unless it was another kid, I suppose. I was disturbed, but also weirdly impressed at the same time. Sex is everything to me, so why not get into it as soon as possible?!

Patty swallowed a mouthful of salad and then continued in the same whisper. "Of course, he lives out of town now, so the only action my butt sees is... my dildo."

He'd mouthed the last two words instead of saying them aloud. And he waggled his eyebrows when he did. He was so damned cute. I couldn't help but smile at him. He scooted his chair over and put his hand on my thigh while he ate. Without me even asking he said, "If my master says it's okay, I'll let you fuck me tonight. I know how to make you feel good."

We finished our snack and then went upstairs to his room. I hadn't been up there for a few years, not since we'd stopped hanging out together. I looked around and grew jealous again. He had a full size bed instead of a twin like mine, a large shelf unit that had twenty five cubed sections in it, some of which had drawers, others doors, and the remainder were filled with books and toys that he'd obviously decided to keep, mostly Lego models that he'd left assembled. He had the Millennium Falcon and the Imperial Walker. Both of those sets cost hundreds of dollars. He also had a television with a Nintendo, an Xbox, and a PlayStation hooked up to it. His desk had a copy of every text book we were using this year in school, and an amazing Alienware laptop.

This was what being rich was like. Having anything and everything you could ever wish for. Not having to put up with hand-me-downs or thrift store finds. Not having to convince yourself that going without and feeling ignored were building character and preparing you for the real world. The only thing we had was a more modern house than the O'Rourke's, but his room was so much bigger than mine even though his house was older. He pulled me over to the bean bag chairs in front of the television. "Do you want to watch a movie or play video games?"

What I wanted was to throw him down on the floor and fuck him hard until my jealousy went away, but I didn't want to attract any attention in the middle of the day. I decided on video games. We played Call of Duty together for a while until he died in the game, then he switched it over so I could play online and he scooted over between my legs and looked up at me.

"Can I please suck your cock, sir?"

"Here? Isn't someone home?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Only grandma and Mrs. Knowles, our housekeeper, are home, and no one comes in my room without knocking and waiting for me to give them permission. Mom and Dad say that privacy is important. Well, Mrs. Knowles comes in sometimes, but she doesn't care."

He looked up into my eyes and smiled. "She's seen me sucking dick before. She just tells me not to make a mess."

What the fuck! This was some weird ass shit he was saying. His housekeeper had caught him sucking dick in this room and she kept it a secret? I wondered if his parents knew. My mind was racing with this new information. I didn't really pay attention to Patty until the third time he said, "Please, sir."

I shook my head. "Sure, Patty. Go ahead and suck my dick."

He lay down flat on the floor in front of me and pulled my pants and underwear down. I'd been hard since Patty and I had gotten here, so my cock sprang to attention immediately. Now that we weren't rushed in the school bathroom, he took his time, kissing up and down my shaft, then licking it for several wonderful minutes.

"I love your cock, sir. It's really big and even thicker for its length than most guys," he said.

Then he wrapped his lips around it and swallowed the whole thing without choking. His eyes were saying that he really enjoyed what he was doing. He started humming, sending the most amazing waves of intense pleasure vibrating through my cock. I lay back and started a new game while his talented mouth sent shivers through my body.

His attention never wavered, which is more than I could say for my game playing. I kept making stupid mistakes and my character kept getting hit by enemy fire. And that song he was singing was running through my mind. I knew the tune, but I couldn't place it.

I should have felt guilty playing a video game while Patty was sucking my dick, but it had been his idea and he was bobbing his head in time to the music and playing with my heavy balls while he focused all his attention on the job at hand. When I looked down at him, his eyes sparkled up at me like he was enjoying himself even more than I was.

The warm wetness of his mouth, the feeling of his tongue teasing the head of my cock and rubbing the sensitive underside of my frenulum made my dick tingle like electricity was running through it. I tossed the video game controller to one side and leaned back in the beanbag. My on screen character was getting riddled with bullets, but I didn't care. My cock exploded and sprayed the back of Patty's throat with load after load of my spunk, and that boy swallowed it all. When I was spent, he sucked even harder so he could get the last drops out.

Then he pulled off my cock and kissed it on the head. He stared up at me and said, "Thank you, sir, for giving me your cum. You taste so manly and so strong. I look forward to the next time you let me suck your cock."

I couldn't believe this guy. He not only knew how to suck cock even better than Dylan, but he made me feel good just for letting him suck my cock. It was like I was the one doing him a favor. If I were gay, I think I'd be in love with this boy.

I pulled him up next to me and held him in my arms while he snuggled against me, pressing his face into my armpit. We lay like that, taking occasional breaks to kiss, until Mrs. Knowles knocked to announce dinner.

Dinner with the O'Rourkes was different from Dinner at my house. First, everyone smiled and said hello. Mr. O'Rourke gave me a firm handshake and said, "We're pleased that you're joining us tonight, Tommy. I know that you and Patrick will have a good time."

If only he knew how good a time we were going to have! I thought. I replied, "Thank you, Mr. O'Rourke. I'm looking forward to it."

Mrs. O'Rourke didn't shake my hand. She pulled me into a soft motherly embrace, or at least what I had always imagined one would feel like. My mother was bonier than Mrs. O'Rourke, and she hadn't hugged me since I was little. Even then, her arms had never felt this comforting.

"I'm glad to see that you and Patty are getting along again." She sounded like she meant it.

Mr. O'Rourke began dinner with a prayer, but, unlike my dad, he didn't sound like he was preaching or chanting it. "We thank you, Lord, for the food before us, for those who work so hard to grow it, for our family and friends, especially for bringing Tommy and Patrick back together again. Amen"

He gave me a wink when he said that last phrase. "I hope I didn't embarrass you, Tommy. But you and Patrick used to be close and then you drew apart. He's been talking about this sleepover for the last couple of days and I wanted to let you know how happy we are that you're becoming friends again."

He squeezed Patty's shoulder when he said that. And then enigmatically he added, "Most of Patrick's friends are like him. School can be a tough place for sensitive and artistic boys. I'm glad he has a friend like you there."

I'd heard more genuinely supportive things directed toward me this evening than I had in years from my own parents. And what did he mean by that last part? Images flashed in my mind of Patty being slammed into lockers, images of him eating alone in the cafeteria, his friends all in the other lunch group, the look on his face when I'd first sat down next to him, the tears that had come to his eyes when he thought I was going to hurt him in the bathroom. It occurred to me that Mr. O'Rourke was asking me to protect his son at school. Did he know that Patty was a fag and that he was targeted by bullies?

I'd already decided to protect Dylan. Now Patty belonged to me as well. There was no way I was going to let him get hurt. What the fuck? Was I becoming The Fag Protector? Would people think I was one too? Then I gave an inward chuckle. No, they wouldn't. And even if they dared, I'd already put my dad on his ass. I wasn't really afraid of them. I was big for my age, and Donny had been teaching me to box since I was little.

I put my arm around Patty's shoulders and looked directly into Mr. O'Rourke's eyes. "Don't worry. Patty is my friend and I take care of what's mine."

It was Mrs. O'Rourke who spoke next. She was smiling, but she had a dangerous glint in her eye, like she was fiercer than her short stature and motherly appearance would suggest. "I'm so glad to hear that, Tommy. Patty has had a hard time this year now that Ian and Lucas have gone to college."

Ian was Patty's older brother and Lucas was the son of the housekeeper, Mrs. Knowles. He'd lived with his mother in the apartment over the garage for as long as I'd known them. He was a year older than Ian, but he waited a year to go to college so they could go together. Ian was on the football team and no one had messed with Patty while he was still at the school.

She paused, like she was unsure whether to say more, but then she added, "And I've heard through the grapevine that you did a good job protecting your brother Dylan from his worst bully."

Her smile told me that she knew what I'd done. Furthermore, she knew how my dad treated Dylan. Did everyone in town know? Fuck! If they knew, if all the adults in town knew, why didn't anyone do anything about it? Why did it have to wait for me, a fifteen year old, to put a stop to it?

I fumed inside for a while but managed to keep smiling on the outside. Thankfully, the rest of dinner was less serious. Conversation was lighter. It centered on amusing things that had happened at work for both Mr. and Mrs. O'Rourke. Neither of them sneered or laughed at the misfortune of others. They just laughed about little things. Mrs. O'Rourke told a story about her boss at the bank wearing a pair of mismatched socks and suddenly realizing it during a meeting, getting distracted and messing up the serious talking to he was trying to give the tellers. And Mr. O'Rourke recalled events about how the opposing counsel in court had accidentally argued against his own client and then had to ask the judge to strike his own statements from the record. Apparently there was no objection and everyone in the courtroom had laughed, but the lawyer was able to go back and make his proper argument.

After dinner, Mr. O'Rourke pulled me aside and said, "We're going to leave you two alone for the rest of the night to do whatever you boys get up to when we're not around. But Tommy... hm... you have a bit of a reputation for being unkind to boys who are different. It sounds to me like you're turning a new leaf. Patrick isn't like me. I was the star quarterback when I was in high school, and I played at college as well, although I was never the starter on the team. But, no matter how different he may be, I love him very much and I would not want you to be the guy who hurt him in any way."

There was no way I could take that as anything but a threat. He'd never raised his voice, but I took him very seriously. He smiled and patted my back. "That's why I'm glad that you're Patty's friend again. I can't be there at school to protect him."

I climbed the stairs to join Patty in his room. He was wearing a bathrobe with fox ears on the hood that came down to the middle of his thighs. He was pretty cute, with his red-brown hair hanging in waves down to his collar, and his brown eyes. His mouth was kind of small for his face, especially considering what he could fit in there, and his chin came to a point. He grabbed a toilet bag and said, "I want to go get cleaned up for later. Why don't you play video games or something until I get back."

I lifted his robe up in the back so I could grab his butt. I ran one index finger along his crack. "Shave your crack while you're in there."

He opened the toilet bag and held up two tubes of Nads hair remover, one specifically marked for the genitals. "You sound like... um... my boyfriend. He sent these to me and gave me the same orders!"

"I would love to meet this guy," I said with a smile.

He grinned ear back at me. "You're going to. Well, you're going to meet him online. He won't let you fuck me unless he talks to you first."

I kissed him. I don't know why I did. He was supposed to be my little bitch. He was supposed to suck my dick, get fucked and that was it. I was kissing him and getting all lovey-dovey. It made me feel gay, like Patty was my boyfriend instead of just a boy I was using to get off. I almost wanted to feel angry or disgusted, but when he flashed me that happy smile of his, I kissed him again. And then again. And... about five minutes later, I finally swatted his ass again and said, "Go clean your ass and get rid of that hair. And then I may just decide to play with your ass a little bit before I fuck it."

He pulled his robe closed and put a loose tie in his belt. Then he almost ran out of the room to get to the shower. I threw myself down on Patty's bed and adjusted my cock in my jeans. I wasn't sure what was going on. First it was Dylan. I'd kissed him and cuddled him after sex. And now I'd kissed and cuddled Patty even before fucking him.

I wasn't gay!

Or was I? Donny had said it was possible that I was gay. And he didn't make it sound like it was such a bad thing. In theory, I'd always been straight, but I'd never actually been with a girl. Looking at tits got me hard, but I was a fifteen year old and everything got me hard. The thing was, looking at girl's asses didn't get me as hard as looking at Dylan's or Patty's. The big muscular guys on the football team or the basketball team did nothing for me. It was just the little pretty guys. Did I get hard when Jamie knelt in front of me naked and sucked my cock? Hell, yes, I did! But looking at Patty in his shorts... or in that ridiculous robe with the fox ears made me spring instant wood.

Was I bi, like Donny? Maybe. I'd hated fags all my life because they were weak, but I wasn't weak. I was big and strong for my age, and I knew how to protect myself. Maybe it wasn't so bad that boys like Dylan and Patty were weak. Maybe they just needed guys like me to protect them. Don't guys protect their women? How was this different?

I was still trying to figure it out when Patty returned. He shut the door and crawled onto the bed. He straddled my crotch and rubbed his ass back and forth over my erection. Then he took hold of the hem of my tee shirt and pulled it up, exposing my belly. I resisted at first because I was embarrassed. I mean, I knew that I was thick around the middle and I also knew that it was natural for me. I was built like my grandpa Lundgren, and like my uncle Paul, Mom's older brother.

Patty was insistent however and pushed my tee shirt up farther, bending down to kiss my belly. I was surprised that his little cock was as hard as a steel rod. It was like he didn't care that I had a bit of a gut and that my body was rectangular, not vee shaped like Kurt or thin but muscular like Donny. I wanted to ask him about it. I'd seen him staring at the football players. How could he be excited by me?

Patty pressed his face between my pecs and his cock against my belly. "When we used to be close I kind of had a crush on you, Tommy. It hurt me a lot when you stopped talking to me at school."

I brushed that hood with the fox ears off his head and stroked his hair. "I didn't know you had a crush on me. Why? We were just kids."

He wrapped his arms around me and said, "You were my best friend. Everyone else made fun of me because my parents have money and I wasn't good at sports."

That surprised me. I hadn't really thought of him as my best friend. He was just a kid who used to follow me around and... Shit I felt guilty all of a sudden... he was a guy who shared his lunch with me and gave me comic books and always bought me the best birthday presents.

"I used to look up to my dad, before I realized how much of an asshole he is, and he hates your dad. I think it's because he's jealous. Oh, and he hates Catholics. I think he came between us."

I was lying. I'd gotten tired of him because he was such a teacher's pet... and he was a fag. I wanted to hang out with cooler kids. But it wasn't a complete lie. My dad did hate Patty's parents.

I blurted out, "I saw you staring at Kurt and Greg in the cafeteria. I know I'm strong, but I'm not built like those guys."

He looked up at me and shook his head. "I wasn't looking at Kurt or Greg. Quarterbacks and wide receivers don't do it for me. They look like gym bros. I was looking at Lenny and Scott. I like big burly guys. When you're a senior you'll be like that."

Damn! Little Patty liked linebackers. No wonder he didn't mind my thickness. Those guys were built like me, just bigger.

An alarm sounded on Patty's laptop. He jumped up and said, "We need to login to the videochat in five minutes."

Because there weren't two chairs for the desk, Patty put the laptop in front of the cabinet with the video game players on it and then we settled on the same beanbag chair. It wasn't until the videochat began when I realized that he was obviously naked under that robe. When the chat began, I was a little startled to see Patty's brother Ian and his best friend Lucas Knowles.

They chatted for a little while, catching up on family matters, while I just sat there next to Patty. I was bored because I had no idea who and what they were talking about. But in about ten minutes, the conversation turned to me.

Lucas looked at his cell phone and then said, "Mom says that she promised to keep an eye on you two so Charles and Helen can go to a friend's house over in Evansville. They're leaving now," he said.

Ian looked into the camera with a serious expression on his face. "So, you've been getting my baby brother to suck your dick, Tommy."

Lying would have done no good. I sat up straighter and shrugged. "I'm not going to deny it. He's a cute guy and he's willing."

Ian looked a lot like his brother, but he was taller and had broader shoulders than Patty ever would given his slight build. Lucas Knowles was a year older, much broader across the shoulders than Ian, with blond hair, a rectangular body, and a square jaw. I knew both of them, of course. I'd known them at school and I knew them from years ago when I used to spend time at the O'Rourke's house.

It was Lucas who spoke next. "Patty belongs to me. He shouldn't have let you use him without my permission, so he's going to have to be punished for that. But what about you? You touched my property."

Fuck this guy! I thought. Who does he think he is? I gave him a half smile. "Look. I'm not interested in power games with you. I didn't know you had any sort of claim on Patty when I took him under my wing. And as far as Patty goes, he's a little fag. It's his nature to get on his knees around dominant guys. If you punish him for being who he is, you're not taking very good care of him. And, since you're not here to take care of his needs and protect him, you should be paying me to do it for you."

Ian started laughing. "Damn, Tommy! You haven't changed a bit, you cocky little shit!" He turned to Lucas and said, "I told you that he wouldn't be easy to intimidate. He was stubborn as a kid and he is still stubborn as a freshman."

Lucas started chuckling as well. "Okay. I am not going to pay you, but you are going to pay me. Not in cash, but you are going to watch over Patty. You are going to make sure that no one hurts him. You can use him, if that's what he wants, but you'd better not hurt him."

Ian said, "Wait, wait, just wait a minute. If Patty gets out of line, you know, like he risks exposing himself to the assholes at school, you can spank him."

Lucas pointed at the screen and wagged a finger. "Patty! Pay attention. You may not engage in risky behavior so Tommy will spank you. I'm sure he'll be happy to warm your ass if you ask him to."

"Yes, Sir!" Patty replied.

Then he undid the belt on his robe and climbed on my lap with it hanging loose, only held up by his arms through the sleeves. I didn't know what to think about this guy. Here, behind the doors of his bedroom, Patty turned into a complete sex pot. He must really trust that no one was going to come in and interrupt him. He was pressing his smooth, naked butt against me and running his hands under my shirt.

Ian spoke again. "In all seriousness, you need to listen to me, both of you. Do not rub Mom and Dad's faces in the fact you're having sex. They'll ignore it if they can, but they won't like it. Not because they have a problem with Patty being gay, but because he's young. They have no idea what he gets up to."

I gave Lucas and Ian a questioning look. "He's young, but he's not as young as when you two introduced him to cocksucking. You are the two who taught him, right?"

Lucas shook his head. "No. We're the ones who found him sucking his friends' little dicks behind the classrooms at church. We had to take him in hand before he did something dangerous, like get exposed in front of the whole church."

Patty gave me an innocent look and said, "I'm incorrigible!"

I turned him over and smacked his ass three times in rapid succession. "And this is what I do to disobedient boys."

"He'll do," Lucas said.

We chatted about a few rules. They made a big deal out of condoms, but I didn't want to use one, so I told them I wasn't having sex with anyone else. They didn't need to know about Dylan, but I figured Dylan was being loyal to Kurt, so he was bound to be safe. Besides, I had to admit to myself that I may not be able to get my hands on Dylan for a while... Maybe not ever. I was comfortable at Donny's and I had no idea when Dylan was coming back to Mom and Dad's house.

Ian and Lucas wanted to watch us fuck the first time, so Patty set everything up. He put his laptop on the desk and adjusted the webcam until it had a good view of the bed. Then he pulled the pillows down to the middle of the bed and covered them with a towel and put the bottle of lube on the mattress within easy reach. He shrugged the robe off and tossed it aside. "How do you want me, Sir? On my back, on my belly, or on my hands and knees?"

I pulled my tee shirt off and then kicked off my pants. My hard cock was pressing against the front of my boxers. Only a single little button kept it from escaping its confines. I yanked them down and climbed on the bed to kneel next to him. Even with both of us on our knees on the mattress, he was small next to me. I grabbed him and pulled him tight against me, crushing his lips. He went limp in my arms, allowing me to squeeze him tighter.

I bit his lip, hard enough to make him gasp, but not hard enough to leave a mark. "I'm going to fuck you on your back, so I can see your eyes when I shove my dick inside you."

He moved my hand to his butt and batted his eyelashes at me. "Please play with my butt, Sir. You promised."

I squeezed his ass and then ran a finger along his crack. I rubbed his little hole until he moaned. Then I pushed him back onto the mattress. "Roll over on your belly and hand me that lube," I demanded.

He wasted no time following my orders. He positioned himself over the pillows so his ass was raised. It was round, soft, and smooth. It was... unbelievably sexy. What the fuck was I saying? I mean, I couldn't deny that on a skinny boy like Patty, a guy's round butt was just as exciting as a girl's. I'd seen Patty's butt when it was covered in his tight pants and, like Dylan, his ass was better looking even than the girls on the cheerleading team. Uncovered, it was... fucking amazing.

I ran my hands over his ass, squeezing those soft mounds, and catching peeks of his pink hole whenever I pulled them apart. I bent down and kissed both his white cheeks, sliding my lips across his smooth skin. I hesitated, about to take a step that would be so fucking gay that there was no coming back from it. My breath was coming fast and I was sweating. I swallowed hard and then pulled his cheeks apart so I could plant a firm kiss right on that pretty pink pucker of his.

I closed my eyes and stuck out my tongue and ran it along his crack. I'd wanted to do this with Dylan, but I'd been afraid to take that step. So many thoughts were rushing through my mind about how wrong this should be; sinful, evil, perverted, bad. But I'd done it now. I was an ass licker. But I'd watched a lot of porn. It was straight porn, but the guys in those stories would lick and kiss a pussy before fucking it.

Patty whined, "That feels so good, Sir. Please... eat my pussy."

My last shred of resistance melted. Patty called it his pussy, and in a way it was. I dove in and thrust my tongue against his hole. I'd been afraid of what I would taste, but there was none of the nastiness I'd feared. It shouldn't have surprised me. Dylan kept his ass clean, and Patty had just cleaned his for me... for me!

Fuck it! If I was going to do it, I wasn't going to be a pussy about it. I chuckled inwardly at that. It was all about the pussy and I was all in. I paused and said, "It's not a pussy, Patty. It's your ass. You cleaned it up for me, and I'm going to eat it because it's mine and I can eat it if I want to."

It was weird that this declaration made me feel less wishy-washy. I felt stronger and more masculine when I acknowledged that I wanted to do it and more or less demanded it as my right. And fuck pretending it was a pussy. Patty wasn't a girl. He was a cute little fag boy and he was the one I wanted to be with right now. I didn't care what anyone thought, especially that nagging voice inside me that I now recognized as my dad's. I wanted this boy. I was going to eat his ass. I was going to fuck him. And fuck anyone who had a problem with it. And if that made me gay, who the fuck cared. Not me.

I pressed my face back into his crack and thrust my tongue inside him. He was warm and smooth, and his hole squeezed against my tongue. I swabbed the inside of his ass and made him squirm. I had no idea what I was doing, but every time he squealed, I knew I was doing something right, and I did it again. I was shocked when his hole stopped resisting me. It grew loose and just allowed me free rein like it had decided that it liked what I was doing.

I sat back on my knees and grabbed the lube. My dick was painfully hard and it was already slimy from all the precum I'd been leaking, but it had to wait. I drizzled lube onto his hole and thrust my finger inside him. He was loose enough that I risked a second in only a minute. I had no idea how much lube I needed. Dylan had always taken care of it himself. So I kept adding more lube as I fingered him. I added a third finger and continued until he was dripping.

I pulled my fingers out and patted his thigh. "Turn over now."

Patty was happy to comply. He positioned his butt over the pillows and spread his legs. His little dick was as hard and slimy as mine. I almost kissed it, but that was a step too far for me at this time. Maybe later. Not yet.

I put some lube on my dick to make sure everything was slippery enough. Then I rubbed the head of my cock against his hole. That was a mistake. The sensation nearly drove me over to the edge. I had to pull back and count to ten. When that didn't work, I counted to one hundred whilst rubbing and fingering his hole. Then I prepared to enter him again. This time I just lined up my cock and pressed forward. I slid inside his silky warmth. He offered me no resistance, but he was still plenty tight.

"Fuck! Your ass feels amazing, Patty," I groaned.

He arched his back and cried out, "Your cock is stretching me so good, Sir. Fuck me. Fuck me, hard!"

Who was I to argue with a request like that? I pulled out and then thrust back inside him. When I did it the second time, Patty relaxed his ass muscles as I pushed inside and then tightened them when I was pulling out. He could do things with his ass that Dylan didn't even know existed. Or maybe Dylan just didn't care to show me everything he knew. Either way, Patty was making my cock feel all kinds of good things.

"Oh, I am going to fuck you hard. And then, when I'm done, I'm going to rest for a few minutes and do it all again," I declared.

Patty laughed and wrapped his legs around my waist. "You're such a stud, Sir!"

I pounded him harder and faster. "You'd better believe it, Patty. And I am going to show you just how much of a stud I am."

He groaned and precum spurted out of his cock. I leaned down to whisper in his ear. "I'm fifteen, going on sixteen. You will be surprised how many times I can cum in one night."

He let out a whimper and replied, "I... can't wait... to... find... out!"

Tingling sensations were running up and down my cock. My heart was pounding and I was dripping with sweat. I grabbed his hips so I could pound him even harder. His whimpers turned into high pitched whining. "UHN... UNH... UHN... I'M CUMMING, SIR! I... AAAAARRRRGH!"

His tight hole gripped my dick like it was trying to squeeze it flat. I called out, "TAKE MY FUCKING JIZZ, YOU SEXY LITTLE FAGGOT! I'M GOING TO FUCK YOU RIGHT THROUGH THE MATTRESS!"

And I thrust as deep as I could inside him and gripped his hips even harder. I hosed the inside of his ass with my cum. And when I was done, I left my cock inside him and started kissing his cute little mouth. I never lost my erection completely. I just dropped down to semi-hardness. We made out until I hardened completely again. Then I started fucking him for the second time.

It took longer, but I fucked him to second orgasm. We went three more times that night, although the last two came after a couple hours rest. Ian and Lucas had enjoyed themselves until the end of the third round. At one point they'd even begun masturbating each other.

"That was hot boys," Lucas said.

And Ian chimed in. "Make sure to take care of my baby brother, Tommy. Don't hurt him, and don't let anyone else hurt him either."

After that, we said goodbye and logged out of the chat. Patty and I finished the last two rounds alone.

We put shorts and tee shirts on when we were done and went to sleep in Patty's bed. If anyone did look in on us, they wouldn't see anything more suspicious than two teens sleeping in one bed, the larger one with his arms around the smaller one. It would look like we were really fond of one another, maybe even boyfriends, but there was no sign of last night's sexcapades anywhere to be seen.

In the morning, I noticed that I'd been included in a text chat with Ian and Lucas. The message read, "Text us if you have any questions or you just want advice about being a good Dom. We can video chat any time."


I had to let Tommy know about Jamie. There was no way that I could hide it from him now that he was sleeping on my couch. And... I didn't really want to hide Jamie. I mean, I wasn't going to make an announcement or anything, but I wasn't ashamed of... whatever it was that we had. Last year, I'd had a different girl every few weeks, but that had changed. I'd gone longer before finding a new girl each time one got too clingy and I had to dump her. What was the point in rushing into anything when I had Jamie waiting at home willing to do whatever I wanted without asking for anything in return. The closest he'd come to asking was when he'd handed me the key to his chastity device. Even then, he hadn't asked in words.

When Tommy went to the O'Rourkes' house to spend the night, I decided that I would bring Jamie to my bed. Usually I went to his apartment when I wanted to get my rocks off. I hadn't wanted to let him get too comfortable in my apartment, but it occurred to me that I hadn't bothered with a girl in months. It should have disturbed me, but it didn't. Being with a girl had never been about being with a girl for me. Maybe I'm a narcissistic asshole, but it was always about me getting off. And I could do that with Jamie, and he seemed more than willing to make it all about me.

I picked up my phone so I could text him and demand he come over. I stared at the screen and began typing. Then I erased it. I put my phone away and decided to go and tell him in person.

His apartment was downstairs and over near the front parking lot. I didn't knock because I had my own key. I was surprised to find his place kind of a mess. He usually kept it very tidy. The whiteboard he kept in the living room was full of notations. #15, toilet not flushing. #21, kitchen sink leaking. #6, sliding door off hinges. The list went on. He was working hard to get all the repairs done, and it was technically my job. I took a picture of the board and then went to find him.

I tried apartment #15 first. Mr. Collins, a heavyset older man who was wearing just a sleeveless white undershirt and a pair of sweatpants opened the door. I could see straight through the living room into the dining room where Mrs. Collins sat at the table peeling potatoes. He gave me a stern look. "What do you want?"

I hated the kind of old person who used their age as an excuse to be a fucking asshole to everyone, but I bit back a sharp retort. "I'm just looking for the property manager. Has he been here?"

Mr. Collins narrowed his eyes and replied, "He came here and fixed our toilet. He's running all over the place today and doesn't have time to be bothered. If you have a problem, you should put it on the list and wait your turn like everyone else."

"Whatever! I'll find him."

I assumed he was working the list in order. I went upstairs and knocked on the door to apartment #21. Mrs. McFeeters opened the door. She was an attractive woman for her age, probably around forty or so. I seemed to recall that she was a teacher, but I couldn't remember what grade. I didn't remember her from high school, so she was probably in the lower grades.

"Hello," she said, keeping the door partially closed so she could close it if necessary.

"I'm just looking for Mr. Beck, the manager. Is he here?"

She nodded. After a brief hesitation, she opened the door and ushered me inside. "He's in the kitchen."

I walked in and saw him under the sink adjusting the bolt on the trap under the sink. I seldom saw him in clothes these days, but he was wearing jeans tonight. I couldn't see his chastity... well, I kind of saw it but it wasn't clear what it was. It made him look like he had a bigger cock than he did. I thought that was funny. Locking up his dick in a cage kept him from getting hard, but it made him look more endowed than he was.

I squatted down so I could see him. He started a little and then slid out. He glanced toward the archway to the dining area and kept his voice to a whisper. "I'm sorry, Sir. I have a lot of repairs to make this afternoon. I... I can't ignore them even if I would rather be doing... something else."

I shook my head and whispered back. "I wouldn't ask you to ignore it. I need the money from this job and I don't want your daddy to put someone else in here to manage the place."

I patted his thigh and said, "I'm going to help out. After all, it is my job. I've got the job list, so I'll hop to the next one. Text me when you're done, and I'll do the same. I assume we have to share the tools?"

He nodded and gave me a half-smile. "Sorry."

I backhanded his caged bulge lightly (okay, not lightly, but not too hard) and winked at him. "I'll make you pay for it later."

I went to check on Mrs. Billings' sliding door in apartment #6. I had no idea who thought it was a good idea to put sliding doors on an apartment in Indiana. They leak heat like crazy in the winter and they're constantly streaked with mud when it rains. Not only that, they also aren't very secure. The one in apartment #6 was off because its track had collected small pebbles. I had Mrs. Billings hand me a whisk broom and brushed all the stones out onto her floor. Then I lifted the door up and slid it back into the track. As easily as I had fixed it, I could have opened it from the outside. A little jiggling of the handle would cause the locking mechanism to fail and then the door could be removed. And since it wouldn't break the lock, the door could be put back and the homeowner would think they'd left it unlocked.

"There you go, Mrs. Billings. Good as new. Keep this track swept out and you won't have a problem like this again."

I visited three more apartments. I had to tighten the bolts on a garbage disposal, reattach a cabinet door, and then change the float mechanism in a toilet. Jamie was faster than me because he'd been doing it longer. When we'd finished, I followed him to his apartment.

He turned and looked at me. His face was apologetic. "It won't take me long to clean up this mess, Sir. Then I can make you some dinner and I'll massage your feet."

I have no idea what came over me. Maybe it was a moment of weakness. I patted his shoulder. "Just get cleaned up, then join me in my apartment. I'll order dinner."

I gave him a wicked smile, "But you'll be paying. Then we'll eat together before you massage my feet."

He seemed shocked. "Yes, Sir! I'll get cleaned up and be right there!"

I left him to go back to my apartment. He was there in thirty minutes; his hair still damp from the shower. I wanted a cheeseburger, so I pulled up Wendy's on the DoorDash app and we ordered dinner. I had a Baconator with fries and a coke. Jamie had an apple pecan salad. Of course he did. I already had his debit card on my account so I used it to pay.

Jamie fixed himself a glass of water and then asked, "Should I be naked, Sir?"

I chuckled. "Are you in my apartment, or yours?"

"Yes, Sir! Sorry, Sir!" he said.

Then he started undressing quickly. He was flustered and blushing. For some reason that made me smile. He really was handsome, better looking than me for sure. And I liked the way he looked. The fact that this handsome man had surrendered everything to me filled me with a sense of power that went straight to my cock, stiffening it. I'd never had this feeling with a woman. Even if I found a woman willing to do all the things for me that Jamie did, it wouldn't be the same. It was the fact that a man was surrendering everything to me, even control over his own cock, that sent that thrill through me.

A sudden realization came to me like a bolt of fucking lightning. I was no longer thinking of this thing with Jamie as temporary. I didn't want to let him go. I knew I couldn't keep him if he decided to move on, but for the first time I felt a sense of emptiness at the thought.

I looked down at him kneeling at my feet and said, "I'm going to paddle you for not stripping naked as soon as you came into the apartment."

His eyes were wide, not with fear, but with anticipation. "Yes, Sir."

When the food arrived, I sent Jamie to get it. "You can shield yourself behind the door when you get the food, but you can't lie to the delivery guy."

Jamie stood behind the door and peered around it. The delivery driver was a thick bodied guy with a medium length beard and a Colts cap. I made sure that I was visible from the doorway. The man glanced at me, fully dressed, and at Jamie, visibly bare from the waist up hiding behind the door. As he was leaving, he said, "Have fun, you guys."

Jamie was blushing even harder when he brought the food to the table.

It didn't seem to bother Jamie in the slightest to sit naked at the table and eat his salad while I was fully clothed. He used only half the vinaigrette. I pointed to the few slices of roasted chicken in his salad. "How do you stay fit and toned when you don't eat very much protein?"

He swallowed his chicken and said, "There's more protein than you think, sir. In addition to the chicken, there's pecans and blue cheese."

"Damn! Do you always eat healthy like this?" I asked.

He nodded. "I can't give up cheese, but this is close enough to the bottom diet. I eat healthy to make sure I'm always... um... clean. Sorry to talk about toilet stuff while you're eating, Sir."

I laughed and shook my head. "Nothing ruins my appetite. And just for the record, I have no intention of switching to rabbit food even if we are going to be eating together."

He stopped for a moment and looked at me timidly. "Are we going to start eating together, Sir?"

Now my ears were burning. Talk about being uncomfortable. I didn't have conversations like this with anyone, guys or girls. I didn't really do relationships, but whatever this thing with Jamie was, it was the longest... situation... I'd ever had.

I cleared my throat. "Yes. We are going to start eating meals together. You're already cooking for me. I just think I'd like it if you sat down with me and had your meal at the same time."

"Yes, Sir. I would like that too," he said quietly.

I stared at him until he looked up at me. Then I smiled and shook my empty cup. "Of course, even if we're eating together, you're still going to be serving my needs. I'm empty. Go get me another Coke."

His face brightened as he grabbed my glass and said, "Yes, Sir."

I wondered if I'd made him uncomfortable changing the nature of our relationship. Had I gone too far, or too fast? He handed me my drink and took his seat again. I took a sip and then asked, "What are you thinking, Jamie?"

He paused and thought for a while before replying. "I want to spend more time with you, Sir. And I want to enjoy time like this, but I don't want to stop waiting on you and taking care of you, Sir. I like being your slave."

"Is that what you are? My slave?" I asked.

He moved over and knelt on the floor next to me. "Yes, Master. I am your slave. It's the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me, and I don't want that to change. It's... I'm... Serving a man like you is my fantasy. The fact that I get to do it for real instead just in my head is... it's overwhelming, Sir. I never thought I'd find a master who could fulfill that fantasy so perfectly. And then I found you, and you are so much more than I'd dreamed. You're demanding and... you're handsome. You're fit. You're strong. You have a big cock and you know how to use it. I just don't want that to end."

I smiled at him and nodded. "Good. I wouldn't have it any other way. I can be your master and you can be my bitch. If I decide I want to go out to a movie or a bar or anything, you can go with me and be my bitch in public."

I had a sudden desire to parade him around and show everyone he was mine. I'd been thinking about it. There was no way this thing was going to be a secret forever. If it was going to get out, I wanted to be in control of the narrative. I wanted to be out in front of it. I'd show him off whilst making sure everyone knew that I was still the same guy I'd always been. The guys could just suck it up and get jealous of the fact that I had more control over my bitch than they did over their girlfriends. And if they didn't like it, I could put one or two of them on their ass so they knew I hadn't gone soft.

"Thank you, Master," he replied.

Then he reached down and pulled my boot off my foot. He always took a whiff of my boots when he tended my feet and today was no exception. His penis swelled inside its cage but couldn't get hard. That didn't stop him from leaking precum like a dripping faucet. He pulled the other boot off and did the same thing.

"Do you like my feet, Jamie?"

He grinned and shook his head. "You don't like my feet?" I asked incredulously.

"No, Master. I love your feet!"

He pulled my right foot up and pressed it against his face. I used my left foot to bounce his caged cock. He spread his knees further to give me better access to his crotch. His scrotum was full and swollen. I'd have to do something about that. I didn't know if it was healthy for him to go so long without emptying his balls.

Jamie rubbed my smelly sock all over his face before pulling it off and kissing my feet. I loved it when he ran his tongue between my toes. And from the little moans he was making, he loved it as much as I did. And after he was done, he sucked each toe individually, then ran his tongue over the bottom of my foot before moving on to the other.

I pinched his nose with my left foot and his swollen scrotum with my right, not hard, but it made him squirm. I told him, "You can clean up the dinner mess afterward, but I need you in bed now."

"Yes, Master!" he exclaimed, jumping up to move to the bedroom.

I let out a sigh. His ass was fine. It wasn't wide and bouncy like a woman's ass. But It was also firm and round like a bubble and I could see the muscles move beneath the skin as he walked quickly out of the room. I caught up with him and smacked his ass, making him jump. I had the opportunity to swat him twice more before he climbed up onto the bed.

"Do you want me on my knees or on my back, Master?" he asked.

The Master was new today. It had been his idea, but damn if I didn't like it. I walked over to the wall and picked up the big wooden paddle I kept on a hook. It was apparently an old fraternity paddle. It was a long and broad piece of polished wood, three inches thick with holes drilled into it. Three Greek letters were burned into it, but I didn't really know what they were.

I swung it hard against my hand, making a loud CRACK. "On your knees, of course. I'm going to redden that sexy ass of yours before I fuck it. Do you remember why?"

"I forgot to strip naked as soon as I entered my apartment, Master. And I did it again when I walked into your apartment," he replied.

I rubbed the paddle against his ass. "That's right, Jamie. When I'm done you're going to start remembering the rules."

"Yes, Master," he said loudly.

I swung the paddle through the air, the holes causing a WHOOSH sound. It impacted his ass with an audible THWACK! He jumped forward and cried, "One, Master. Thank you. Please give me another!"

I could see the bright red mark left by the first strike. I rubbed it with my hand and felt the warmth. His caged dick was still dripping, so I knew he was enjoying it. I pulled his ass up higher and pressed his knees closer together, trapping his scrotum on the other side of his thighs. I loved the way his glutes bounced when I hit them, the way his cheeks reddened a little more with each strike, the way he jumped, the way his cock showed its excitement by dripping more copiously, the way he moaned, reveling in the way pain turned to pleasure in his body, and the sense of power when he surrendered himself to me so fully. But I found it fascinating that I had no desire to hurt him seriously.

It was more like I was helping him to test his limits. I pushed him to the boundary of what he claimed he wanted and then just a little further. I don't know who was prouder when he broke his new boundaries, him or me. It almost, and I do mean almost, made me wonder what it would feel like if our positions were reversed.

I gave him five more solid strokes at a slow pace so that three impacted loudly on each cheek. He counted out each one, thanked me, and asked for another. I took a break to rub my hands along his warm cheeks. They were a medium shade of red. I was trying not to cause ugly welts that would be long lasting or interfere with his job or his workouts. I did not want to do anything that got in the way of whatever exercises he did that made his ass stand out in that firm bubble.

"Are you ready for the remainder of your punishment?" I ask, running the paddle across his ass gently.

He stiffened his spine, which flexed the muscles in his thighs and tightened his glutes. Dammit! Now I'm soaking my jeans with precum.

"Yes, Master," he insisted.

His skin was already tender, so I could use less force for the same effect. I gave him twelve rapid swats, six on each cheek. I used about half strength, but his reaction was the same at the beginning of the set, but more extreme by the end. He barely had time to end one exclamation before the next began. By the time he said, "EIGHTEEN, MASTER! THANK YOU! PLEASE GIVE ME ANOTHER!", tears were streaming down his cheeks, and that pool of precum on the towel beneath him had turned milky. He was oozing cum as well. I took his swollen scrotum in my hand and squeezed his balls firmly. His caged cock leaked a steady stream, like I was forcing it out with each squeeze. I made sure to shield him with my hand, then I swung the paddle hard, landing it right across the center of those sexy glutes of his.


When he tried to jump forward, I held him still, using his balls as a handle. My hand was getting slimy. His ass was an extremely bright shade of red, but it didn't seem right to leave it at nineteen swats. I landed one more solid stroke.

"TWENTY MASTER! TH... THANK YOU! PLEASE... GIVE ME... ANOTHER!" he cried. It was clear to me that he'd had enough. He was almost sobbing.

I squeezed his balls tighter, making him groan. Then I leaned down and whispered in his ear. "No. I decide how many you get, and I'm cutting you off now."

Of course he knew that I knew that he didn't really want anymore, but he played the game anyway. For both our sakes, I had to pretend that I was denying him something he wanted. It had to appear to be my decision... but did it have to appear to be motivated by pure selfishness?

I patted his ass gently. "I'm the... Dom (I struggled a little to make sure I got the terminology right) in this relationship, Jamie. And it's my decision how much you take at any given time. I'm cutting you off because it's my responsibility to know how much you need and how much you can take."

Jamie broke down and started crying. I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled him over so we were sitting next to one another. He kept crying against my shoulder. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He brought his sobbing under control. "I'm sorry, Master. I've been trying not to get emotional on you. I know that you don't do relationships. But... I've been waiting for someone to be a real Dom for me. I..."

He pressed his face against shoulder and sobbed quietly. "What, Jamie? If I'm your master, I'm ordering you to answer me."

He kept his head buried in my chest, but I could hear him mumbling. "I... I love you, Master."

I stroked his hair and then I turned his head so I could look directly into his eyes. "I've been involved with you longer than I ever have with anyone else before. And I haven't been tempted to fuck anyone else for months. I think this is a relationship whether I wanted it to be or not. And... it is way too early for me to say the L-word... but I can say that I may be beginning to have deeper feelings for you than I've had for anyone before. Bear with me. Wait to see if what I'm feeling is... what I think it may be."

I held his chin tight in my hand and then I kissed him. I'd never kissed him before. I'd kissed girls, but it hadn't been like this. He wrapped his strong arms around my chest. I crushed his lips with mine and thrust my tongue inside his mouth, claiming him as mine in a way that was new to me. He was stronger than any woman I'd been with, his lips were firmer, and his scent... he smelled like a man.

He'd showered after all the physical work this afternoon, but he'd also built up a good sweat from our recent exercise. I could smell the faint masculine muskiness of his body. And it smelled good. I'd always liked the way I smelled when I worked out. And Jamie's scent was heading straight for my dick. I was leaking almost as much as he was.

We kissed for several minutes, and I was free with my hands. I'd been wanting to stroke his body instead of just slapping him, no matter how much he loved it. The feel of those firm, well-toned muscles moving beneath his skin was incredibly arousing.

"You don't have to say anything, Master. Words aren't necessary," he said.

I hugged him tighter against me. "I'm going to burn out on the `Master talk', so I'm going to set some rules. When I give you orders or when we're having sex, I want you to call me `Master'. When we're around other people, or when I address you as Jamie, or when I talk to you with this tone of voice or put my hand gently on your shoulder, then you call me `Sir'."

"Yes, Sir," he replied. I could almost hear the capital S in his tone.

I kissed him again. (I decided that I liked kissing him – a lot!) Then I pushed him back onto the bed. "I'm going to fuck you on your back tonight."

He lay back and spread his legs. Then, with no prompting from me, he pulled his knees back and held them tight, exposing his hole. I'd never fucked him like this. I'd always taken him from behind. It was partially due to my complete lack of experience fucking dudes until I met him, and partially due to my aversion to looking at his face and lack of tits while fucking him. Tonight I wanted to try it, looking at his face, looking at his firm masculine pecs, with no way to pretend I wasn't fucking a guy.

I grabbed the lube and began rubbing it into his ass. It didn't take much because he'd lubed himself after his shower. But my cock was pretty big and I wanted his hole slippery enough for me to just slide inside without trouble. It helped that Jamie had some pretty impressive toys he used to stretch his hole. And, unknown to him, today I had one I was going to surprise him with. But he'd have to wait until I'd finished fucking him.

I lubed my cock and pressed it against his hole. Jamie didn't like it soft and gentle. Frankly neither did I. It was another reason why I preferred fucking him to fucking women. I pressed harder against him until the head of my cock popped inside. I loved that feeling, when his ass sucked me inside like my dick was its favorite treat and it couldn't get enough of it.

How had I ever resisted this? I'd never seen such a look of pure bliss on a lover's face. There was no doubt. Jamie loved the feeling of my cock inside him. When I was with chicks, they'd always made it seem like they were doing me a favor, but Jamie acted like I was the one who was doing him a favor.

"Do you like that, Slave Boy?"

He nodded and breathed heavily. "Yes, Master. I love it. Your cock is bigger than anyone I've ever been with before, and you really know what to do with it."

Before I'd stopped using condoms with Jamie, I'd made him show me a clean test for venereal diseases, and now he was monogamous with me. He had been for half a year, and I had only been with him for two months now. The realization that I could fuck him bare without fear of disease or pregnancy was yet another reason fucking him was better than fucking women.

I pulled back and then thrust inside him again. This time I managed to hit that spot that made him moan. And it happened again the second time. And the third. I chuckled. "I must be getting better at this."

Jamie moaned and panted. "Fuck yeah, Master. You get better every time. Of course, it's easier to hit my g-spot this way since it's on the same side of my rectum as my cock."

I took that as a challenge. If it was easier to find this way, I intended to stroke it every time. Jamie's ass always made my cock feel amazing. It was tight, warm, and moist, so long as he and I kept it lubed. I was already throbbing and tingling, but I knew I could hold out for a while.

I ran my hands up his thighs and then up his tight abs to his pecs. I rubbed his nipples, pinched them hard, and then twisted them. Jamie called out, "Do it, Master! Pinch them harder!"

I set up a rhythm where I pulled almost all the way out slowly, and then thrust back inside him quickly. I made sure to stroke his g-spot each time. His cock wasn't leaking any precum now. It was pure cum that was oozing out of him.

"Are you cumming just from me fucking you?" I asked.

"Yes, Master! Fuck the cum right out of me! Pound my ass! Smash my balls with your abs!" he shouted.

I leaned forward so I could press my abs against his balls and caged cock like he asked. It also gave me a chance to kiss his neck. I decided to mark him as mine, consequences be damned. I sucked hard and bit his neck with enough force to leave a bruise. I left a line of hickeys along his shoulder and then up the side of his neck.

Now that my body was pressing his legs back, Jamie let go of his knees and wrapped his arms around my neck. He kissed my neck. He was much gentler with me than I was with him. He kept moaning and saying, "Yes, yes, yes! Please, Master, please. Fuck me. Bite me. Mark me. I want everyone to know that I belong to you."

"You do, Slave Boy. You belong to me. I'll use you anyway and anyhow I want. I think I may even get my name tattooed on your body," I said.

"Fuck yes, Master. Do it. I want everyone to know."

Then his ass started clenching on my cock. He cried, "I'M CUMMING, MASTER! FUCK ME! THAT FEELS FUCKING AWESOME!"

Despite being muscular and fit, Jamie trembled in my arms. My balls tightened and my cock swelled. And then I exploded inside him, shooting six loads deep inside him. "TAKE MY LOAD, YOU FUCKING BITCH SLAVE! I'M GOING TO SEED YOU SO HARD THAT IT SHOOTS OUT YOUR MOUTH! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

I fell on top of him and panted hard for several minutes, before rolling off. For the first time while he was awake, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight against me. I brushed his sweaty hair back and kissed his forehead. Then I ran my finger across his lips. I let that same finger wander down and through the thick puddle of cum on his abs. "I was going to take your cage off and edge you for a while before giving you one of those ruined orgasms you love so much, but you came so much from me pounding your pussy that I don't think I have to do that now."

"No, Master, you don't. So long as you fuck me like that, I don't care if you ever take it off except for cleaning and shaving."

I scooped some of his cum off his belly and pushed it inside his mouth with my finger. He greedily sucked it clean. "You always ooze cum when I fuck you, but this is the first time this happened," I teased.

"I haven't been able to cum like this before, not this hard. It's not easy with sex toys and you're the only man I've ever given my key to, so I haven't gone this long without real release before," he explained.

In between bouts of me feeding him his own cum, we were able to hold a conversation. I said, "I can't really mark you with my name. Won't your dad get mad when he finds out you're gay?" I asked.

He shook his head. "He already knows. He isn't happy about it, but he's accepted it. I don't think I can tell him that I'm paying you and doing your job, or that I'm basically your slave. I doubt he'd tolerate that."

"How about if you tell him that you're my boyfriend?" I asked.

His eyes opened wide. "Really, Master?"

I slapped his face hard but with a smile on my lips so he'd know I was playing. "We're cuddling now, so `Sir' is correct."

"Yes, Sir. Can I really tell him that you're my boyfriend?"

I nodded. "I'm going to tell my friends that too. There's no way they're not going to find out about us eventually. I want to be the one to tell them. Of course, I'll tell them that you're my bitch and you'll always call me `Sir' around them."

He was positively beaming now. "Yes, Sir. That would be great."

I leaned back and rested one arm under my head. "And I'm going to tell my dad. I want to rub his smug face in the fact that I'm not afraid to be who I am while he's a degenerate old pervert who can only get his jollies sneaking pics of the underage boys in his congregation. The dumb fuck thought he'd erased the hard drive on the computer he asked me to sell for him, but I had my buddy Ralph restore more than enough to put him away forever if I decided to share it."

Jamie ran a hand through my chest hair with a nervous expression on his face. "Um... Sir? I can't really call you `Sir' in front of my dad. He'll figure things out."

I shrugged. "In front of your family, you can call me Don. Although, I think your brother Rick is more of a faggot than you are. If one of my friends decides to tame him, I'll show him just what a bitch you are."

He raised an eyebrow. "I don't think Rick is gay, Sir. He's married."

"So's my dad, and he's not just a fag; he's a perverted pedophile. You should have seen the way he used to watch my younger brother, Dylan. Of course, Dylan's as much of a fag bitch as you are. I was going to fuck him and take pictures to show Dad that I'd done what he'd only dreamed about, but now he's my brother Tommy's bitch."

We kept chatting until I was ready to fuck again. The second time, Jamie only oozed cum from his locked dicklet. The same with the third. After that, I showed him the present I'd gotten him. It was a butt plug, the kind with the narrow neck that was supposed to stay in. The website said that it could be worn for long periods of time without causing medical problems.

I worked it into his sloppy hole and said, "I want you to keep this inside you for a couple hours every time I fuck you. I want your ass to absorb all my sperm. I plan to pump so much of my seed into your ass and your mouth that soon you'll be made entirely of my semen."

Jamie snuggled against me, pressing his plugged ass back against my cock. "I like that idea, Sir. I like it a lot."

I wrapped my arms around him and held him while we fell asleep. Usually I woke up in the middle of the night holding him like this but fell back to sleep on my own side of the bed. But now, I wanted to establish my ownership of him by this display. Fuck it. I mean, that was true, but the real reason was that I liked the feel of his body against mine.


●       Bethany Morgan. The mother of the Morgan kids and the wife of the pastor. She's a passive-aggressive woman and a homophobe. She's 44 at the start of the story.

●       Brian Wilder. Damian's 23-year-old straight brother. He's a mechanic in the Groth Automotive Service Department. He accepts his younger brother's gayness and knows about Roger and Cory.

●       Cory Lundgren. Bethany's youngest brother. He's short, blond, and blue-eyed, like Dylan. He stands 5 foot 7 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He's fourteen years younger than his sister. He was thrown out of the house for being gay when he was 18. He's 30 years old at the beginning of the story. Corwin Alan Lundgren. He works as Mr. Groth's assistant, but he's secretly his slave.

●       Craig Morgan. The pastor. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 160 pounds. He's thin and mean, with a sour expression. Although secretly gay, he married Bethany Lundgren to cover it up. He and his younger brother Kenneth Morgan (Kieran's father) never got along. He took Kieran in when his parents died. He's 45 at the start of the story.

●       Damian Wilder. High school senior who is 17 at the beginning of the story. He's 6 foot tall, handsome, with a dark tan, green eyes with tiny flecks of gold, a snub nose, and a broad mouth. He's Steven's occasional lover who would like to be more. He's on the swim and diving teams.

●       Donald Morgan. The oldest Morgan son. He's 5 foot 11 inches tall and weighs 180 pounds. He's heavy-set but strong. He has dark red hair and a lot of freckles. But they look good on him. He's mean-spirited and domineering, and he made his brother Dylan's life hard.

●       Dylan Morgan. The middle son in the Growth household. At 17, he was 5 foot 5 inches tall and weighed 120 pounds. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He's submissive and has dreamed of being his best friend's slave since middle school.

●       Elizabeth Jepps. She's the only Morgan daughter. She's much like her mother. She's seven years older than Dylan. She got married at 18 to get out of the house. They rarely see her except at church. She's married to Jerry Jepps, six years her senior and the manager at the Farm and Feed store.

●       Edgar Williams. The sound and video technician at Pastor Morgan's church. He's 35 years old with brown hair. He is of average build.

●       Fred Nelson. A twenty-eight-year-old salesman at Groth automotive who seems very interested in Dylan (and Aaron).

●       Greg Miller. A blond athlete, a senior in high school. He's one of Kurt's closest friends. He plays on the football team with Kurt. He's tall, thick bodied with muscles, and strong. Dylan has always felt that Greg didn't like him and was trying to undermine his friendship with Kurt. He has a brother three years younger than him named Jonah.

●       Jamie Beck. 25 year old manager of an apartment complex. His dad owns the place but leaves Jamie to run it onsite as he owns multiple other rental properties. Jamie is a gay submissive who has surrendered himself to Donny Morgan. He's totally in love with him. He's a handsome, fit guy. Average height and weight, but well-toned from working out a lot. He has brown hair and brown eyes.

●       Josephine "Josie" Kurtz. A doctor who's in a relationship with Phyllis MacDonald.

●       Kurt Groth. He's the youngest Groth boy, only a few months younger than Dylan. His mother was black, so his skin is much darker than his father's. He stands 6 feet tall and weighs 175 pounds. He is muscular but less bulky than his father. He has medium brown skin and black hair with tight curls. He wears it medium length on top with a low fade. He is bisexual, but he's in love with his best friend Dylan. He wants to dominate him totally and own him as a slave.

●       Michael Wilder. 26-year-old brother of Damian. He is a teacher at the same high school Damian, Kurt and Dylan attend. He's straight and married, and he accepts his brother's gayness.

●       Patrick O'Rourke. A 14-year-old sophomore who turns 15 before the end of September. He's gay and has a mysterious boyfriend who lives out of town. Tommy Morgan decides to turn him into his bitch, but Patty is more than willing to play.

●       Phyllis MacDonald. A lawyer and friend of Roger Groth. She handles a lot of civil rights cases, including LGBTQIA+ cases. She's in a relationship with Josie Kurtz.

●       Roger Groth. Owner of Groth Automobiles, Groth Farm Equipment, and several properties around town. He's forty years old and has two sons, Steven, and Kurt. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 200 pounds of solid muscle. He has light brown hair and fair skin. His wife died 15 years ago, and he's been Cory's master for the last 12.

●       Steven Groth. The oldest of the two Groth boys. He stands 6 foot 4 inches tall and weighs 190 pounds. He has light brown skin and wavy black hair that he wears very short. He was a swimmer in high school and keeps his body shaved even after graduation. He has light amber eyes. He was in love with Kieran Morgan all through high school and he regrets not pressing Kieran to come out of the closet when they were in school together. He's a year older than Dylan and Kurt.

●       Thomas Morgan. The youngest Morgan son. He's two years younger than Dylan but he's about the same size. He has bright red hair, pale skin and a lot of freckles. He joins in with his oldest brother teasing and tormenting Kieran and Dylan.

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