Small Town Slave Boys

Published on Jun 12, 2022


Small Town Slave Boys Chapter 1

Small Town Slave Boy Reboot

This story is a reboot of the original Small Town Slave Boy story.

This story will be found in the gay/authoritarian subcategory. Despite being tangentially connected to the College Magic Series, there are no supernatural elements in this story.

Dylan Morgan is the son of a homophobic minister named Craig Morgan. He is one of four children in the Morgan household, not including their cousin Kieran who came to stay with the family when he lost his parents at the age of 12. This story tells of his life and how he became a slave to his best friend Kurt Groth. He has a sister Elizabeth who is seven years older than him, a brother Donald who is four years older than him and another brother Thomas who is two years younger than him. His cousin Kieran is one year older than him.

Dylan is a small boy and will grow to be a small man. He is a cute kid, but he's skinny and lacks any sense of self-worth. He also has a small penis, which is a source of embarrassment for him. Unlike his brothers and his sister, he is gay. Much of his trauma and lack of self-esteem come from the fact that his authoritarian father made it clear from his words and his actions that he hated gay people and thought they were tools of Satan.

This story is mostly told from Dylan's point of view, but occasionally the point of view shift to another character. The text will always tell you when there has been a shift in POV.

There will be scenes of dominance and submission, as well as some bondage and domination, and a little light masochism, but this is not a story of objectification, and it's not a one-sided story. It's a love story with D/s and BDSM elements.

There will he some non-consensual scenes in later chapters, non-consensual in the sense that the main characters will choose to engage in some activities to avoid being outed too early, but the activities between the principal characters are consensual.

For those who appreciate this kind of story read on; others be forewarned.

This story is fantasy. In the real-world consent is not only important, but also sexy.

Please remember that NIFTY is a free site that provides an invaluable resource for men like us. Please consider donating to help ensure that site remains available for everyone.

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Author's Notes

·        If you want to be informed of new stories, send me an email, and ask to be put on the notification list. I'll send a notification. Everyone will be on the bcc line so your email address will not show to other members.

·        I have created a google group for people who want to get more information about my stories in that format. Only I can view the member list, so data should be secure. If a reader sends a question my way, I will post the answer to that group after removing any information about the reader. It's a good way to get more background information if you want.

·        While this storyline is designed to mostly stand alone, you may have a better idea about some of the background if you read The Alchemist and Alchemy and Songcraft, since Kieran Morgan is a principal character in both story lines. This story stands alone, however. When these characters interact with the characters in College Magic, the entire scene pertaining to this story will be included here.

·        My Stories

o   College Magic

o   Jack and the Giant

o   Sacred Submissives

o   Bellus Cinaedus

o   Guardian Angel

Chapter One (Middle School and High School)


I had been homeschooled until my sixth-grade year. That was the year that my mom sent all of us to school. Maybe it was because my sister Elizabeth had just gotten married and my brother Donnie was starting high school, but I was enrolled in 6th grade and my younger brother was enrolled in 4th grade in the small town we lived in. Donnie had to take a bus to the high school in another town. Our town had only 2000 people living in it, and it didn't have a high school. It did have a school that went from kindergarten to 8th grade. Our new school had students from a lot of farms and other small towns, so the school was bigger than you would expect for such a small town.

I knew nothing about normal school procedures, and I would quickly find out that I was behind in most subjects because my mom hadn't been a very good teacher. It didn't take long for my teachers to decide that I was too dumb to learn, and I would have believed that too except for Kurt Groth. For whatever reason, the office gave me a schedule that was identical to his and asked him to show me around. It may have been because he was an A student and was also very popular.

There was no reason we should have become friends. He was popular and I was an outsider. He was athletic and I was clumsy and weak. He was popular and I had no friends aside from him. His dad was the cool dad who always came to the school and did things with the class, and my dad was the pastor who was always telling people they were sinful and bound for hell. (It was that kind of church. I've since found out that not all churches are like that.)

Kurt took me under his wing and made school bearable for me. He was also the reason I began to catch up with the other kids in my education. At recess, I followed him around and tried to do what he wanted to do. I was terrible at sports, but he would make the other kids let me play. I didn't like them telling me how much I sucked, so I usually just hung around watching, or chasing the balls when they were thrown or kicked out of the field.

The best thing about being Kurt's friend was that I was allowed to go to his house on a lot of weekends and sleep over. His house was so different from mine. His dad was cool, maybe to make up for the fact that his wife had died when his sons were little. He bought take-out food a lot on the weekends, and he never yelled at his sons. He seemed fond of me and sometimes he would teach me things, like how to throw a football or how to dribble a ball. When we played two-on-two basketball Mr. Groth was always my partner. We usually won, but that was because he was so good. My dad liked Mr. Groth as much as he liked anyone. Mr. Groth brought his sons to church every Sunday and he always paid his promised tithes to the church. And since Roget Groth was the wealthiest man in town, owning an automobile dealership (Groth Automotives), a farm equipment dealership (Groth Farm Equipment) and several pieces of property, his tithes meant a lot to the church.

One of the strange things about being at the Groth house is that Mr. Groth often brought in a young man to do the cleaning on the weekends. He was blond like me, and had blue eyes like me, but he was an adult in his twenties. He was friendly with me and sometimes he would let me talk to him while he worked in the house. We never talked about anything of consequence, but he would talk about whatever comic books, video games or whatever I was interested in at the time. He always called everyone sir, not just Mr. Groth, but the kids as well, even me. He also made a lot of meals and put them in the freezer for the Groth's to eat during the week.

My best times with the Groths came in the last two weeks of summer every year. Mr. Groth owned a vacation house on one of the lakes in the state that was surrounded by trees. We could go fishing, we could swim, and we could explore the woods. Alan would come with us to the lake house. He kept that house clean and cooked meals for us. All three of us boys stayed in one room. Alan stayed in the small bedroom that had an adjoining door with Mr. Groth's bedroom. We were told that it had been a nursery before he bought the house.

Mr. Groth never drank alcohol when were at the lake, even if he did sometimes have a beer when I was there on the weekend. I thought it was funny that my dad spent a lot of time talking about the evils of drunkenness, but he drank a lot more than Mr. Groth. I'd seen him drunk many times, and my mother as well.

I liked being with the Groth's more than I liked being home. The Groths didn't call each other names and pick on each other all the time. At home my younger brother Thomas, who was always almost as tall as me and was much stronger, would start fights and beat me up. I didn't dare complain about it because Dad would always tell me to toughen up and stop being a sissy. And Donnie always called me names like Runt¸ Squirt and Faggot. At the Groths' house no one called me names. I got stuck with a lot of the chores, but I didn't mind so long as it made Mr. Groth happy. And it only seemed right because he was so nice to me.

Seventh grade was almost the same as sixth, except that Kurt and I only had a couple of classes together. My grades began to slip again because I couldn't work in class with Kurt. I'd always been a little scatter brained and my dad didn't like it. He told me that I was stupid and lazy and that I wouldn't have a future at all if I didn't learn to focus. But it wasn't my fault that I had a hard time reading. I got the letters of the words mixed up a lot and if I read for too long I got headaches. Math was just as bad. Sometimes I got the digits mixed up in the middle of a large number. Mom always told me that she hadn't done very well in school either. Dad said that I was dumb like my mother.

Weekends at the Groths' house continued to be the highlight of my life. Two things happened to make this year worse than sixth grade. I seldom talked with my parents about anything, but I mentioned something funny that Alan had told me about a dog he'd had as child. I hadn't realized that I'd been talking about him a lot. But this story made my mom start asking questions about Alan. She wanted to know what he looked like and asked me about other things he'd told me. I didn't see any harm in it, so I answered her questions. She seemed to get mad at me and stormed out of the room. I heard her and dad yelling in the garage and then I wasn't allowed to go over to the Groths' house anymore.

It was two months before they let me go back, and I noticed that Alan wasn't there. When I asked about it, Steven and Kurt said that Alan wasn't allowed to be there when I was there. They said that my parents didn't like him. Steven said that it was my fault that they had extra chores to do because Alan wasn't there much in the evenings and now they had to do most of the chores that he had done. I promised to help them with the extra chores, and they agreed wholeheartedly. Steven said that I should do them all when I was there because it was my fault that Alan wasn't around. It didn't seem fair to me, but I wanted to please both Kurt and Steven and I agreed. Mr. Groth never blamed me, but I could tell that he was upset that Alan wasn't there.

The second thing brought even more chaos into the house. I had an aunt and uncle whom we seldom saw. Dad said it was because they thought they were too good to spend time with us. On the Friday after Thanksgiving, they were killed in an automobile collision on the highway while Christmas shopping. A week later, my cousin Kieran came to live with us. We'd rarely seen him before he moved in with us. He was an only child and my parents said that he was `spoiled'. When he came to live with us, I couldn't tell whether he was a boy or a girl. He had long curly red hair and ice blue eyes. I thought he was the prettiest thing I'd ever seen. And he was also the saddest.

He moved into Elizabeth's old room. My mom was upset because she had been planning for more than a year to turn it into a sewing room (not that she did any sewing), and Thomas and I were upset because we would still be sharing a room and our cousin would have his own. Dad and Donnie were of one mind on Kieran (which was strange because they usually argued about everything). Both thought that Kieran looked like a fag. Donnie said it under his voice. Dad never did, but you could read it on his face.

I wanted to try and cheer Kieran up, but he spent his time in his room, and we could hear him crying. I'll give it to dad this time, he gave Kieran a whole week before he started lecturing him. Be a man, damn it! Not a sniveling little faggot. Dad's yelling didn't make Kieran stop crying. It made him do it quietly in his closet with the door closed. Given what I know now, it was ironic that dad was literally forcing Kieran to hide himself in the closet. Whenever I tried to talk to Kieran, to try and make him feel better, Donnie and Thomas would ask me if Kieran was my new boyfriend. They kept up the pressure until I couldn't take it anymore. I started picking on our cousin as well, hoping against hope that they would leave me alone.

You may wonder why Donnie felt a need to bully a kid so much younger than him who had just lost his parents, and why he felt a need to enlist his younger brothers in the torment. It may have been because we all resented Kieran. He got good grades. He always did what he was told and never complained about it. He barely cried when dad took him to the barber and had him cut off all his long curls. He had his own room; Thomas and I didn't. Mom and dad never praised him that I could hear, but they constantly reminded us that we weren't as well behaved as Kieran was. We all believed that Kieran was an extra burden that cost our family money and kept us from doing nice things. That wasn't true for many reasons. Most importantly, we'd never done anything nice as family before he moved in with us.

Kieran tried to spend most of his time doing something outside the house. He joined the swim team. He joined the track team. He spent hours alone with a sketch pad. He seemed to want as little to do with us as he could get away with. In time, I gave up trying, at least until I realized that I was gay. Everyone thought Kieran was gay. It would have been nice to talk to him, but he hated me. To be fair, he seldom talked to anyone. I heard Mom one time telling Dad that Kieran has always been a strange child.

Other than the fact that I was now working on all the extra chores Steven and Kurt had been assigned every time I came to stay for the weekend, I continued to come over. I wanted to be with Kurt even if it meant doing extra work. The strange thing was that I did everything I could to get out of chores at home, but I liked doing Kurt's chores and Steven's chores.

The other big change for me in the seventh-grade year was that I was beginning to dream about Kurt. Sometimes about Kurt and Steven, but mostly just about Kurt. The dreams weren't necessarily erotic. I would find myself doing things for them. Sometimes I would be working, and they would be tossing the football around. Sometimes I would be cleaning, sometimes I would be waiting on them and sometimes we would be wrestling on the ground. They always won.

That summer when we went to the lake house, we spent a lot of time in the public areas around the lake. Mr. Groth had decided to give me the chores to do, since he'd noticed that I always did them even when he gave them to Steven and Kurt. I kept the cabin clean, and I helped Mr. Groth when he cooked food. He told me that I was a good kid and that I deserved more than I got.

Eighth grade came next. Kurt began to grow some muscle and he got tall. I was still the shrimp of the group. I didn't see Steven at school anymore. He and Kieran went to the high school with Donnie. Kurt and I remained close, but I noticed that he'd begun to attract a lot of the more popular kids as friends. I was still hanging around with him, but I was getting the impression that maybe I wasn't his best friend anymore. We still had the sleepovers. They weren't that often, but they happened often enough to keep me happy, usually once every 3-4 weeks. My grades were terrible again. I had begun to hate school and everything to do with it except for Kurt.

It was in eighth grade that I had my first erotic dream. I was at the lake house with Kurt. No one else was around. It was just the two of us. We finished swimming and went to sit on the deck. I noticed that there was only one chair and Kurt was in it. I sat on the floor at his feet and looked up at him. He seemed indifferent to me, like he was staring off into space. I took his foot and started to massage it. Then I kissed it. Kurt didn't acknowledge me at all, but when I finished one foot, he moved the other over to my lap and I massaged it as well.

I wouldn't have realized that it was an erotic dream (there was no sex in it) except that I came in my underwear while I was sleeping. When I showered in the morning, I took that underwear with me and washed them out. I masturbated again in the shower, thinking of sitting at Kurt's feet.

Kurt had always been fascinated with history, especially Ancient Rome. During our first sleepover of the school year, on the Labor Day weekend, our games changed. Kurt and I had just finished playing a video game in the basement family room when Kurt leaned back and said, "Go upstairs and get us some iced tea. And make me a sandwich while you're there."

I ran upstairs and prepared two iced teas and a ham and cheese sandwich. I didn't make myself one because I wasn't hungry. I never ate very much. But I'd made enough sandwiches for Kurt over the years to know exactly how he liked them. A little Dijon mustard, Swiss cheese, and a dill pickle on the side. I took it down to the basement and handed it to Kurt. He was looking at his iPad and he didn't bother to say thank you.

"Did you know that Ancient Romans had personal slaves who attended to all their needs?" he asked.

I shook my head and said, "No. They weren't just workers in the mines or the fields, or fighters in the arena?"

"Not at all," he said. "According to some sources, Romans often had closer relations with their slaves than with their families, or even their wives."

The idea was a little thrilling. My spine tingled with a jolt of pleasure. I wondered what it would be like to be a slave, not a slave working hard in the fields, but a slave waiting on his master. Maybe that master would be like a best friend, like Kurt.

Kurt broke the silence when he asked, "Do you want to try it this weekend?"

"Try what?" I asked.

"Well," He replied, "You're my best friend, so I was wondering if you wanted to pretend to be my slave this weekend. It's Saturday, so we have the rest of today. tomorrow – except at church, of course – and Monday. You can be my slave and I can be your master."

"I don't know, Kurt," I said. "Would you whip me if I didn't do what you said?"

"I won't have to," he replied, "because you will obey me."

"What do I have to do?" I asked.

"Wash the dishes, clean the house, do the laundry," he said. "The usual things you already do, although this time you'll be doing them because you're my slave. And when we're alone, you can call me master."

I wasn't sure what was in this game for me, but I could see that Kurt was excited by the idea and I liked to make him happy. "Why not?" I said. "It's just one weekend."

Nothing sexual happened that weekend, but Kurt didn't ask me to do anything. He just told me what to do and I did it. When we were alone, I called him master, but we kept it hidden from everyone else. If Mr. Groth noticed, he didn't say anything. And Steven was going through a phase where he was too cool to hang out with us kids.

When I went home Monday night, I masturbated furiously over the events of the weekend. And that was when I began to write my dreams of being with Kurt down in an online journal I kept hidden behind a google account I created for that purpose.

Eighth grade was better for me in school than seventh had been. My grades were better because Kurt was helping me with my homework more often. And when we were alone together, he would often order me to do things for him and I would whisper "Yes Master" before running to do them. By the end of the year, I was only seeing Kurt on the weekends about once a month, but we made the most of those weekends. We didn't play the Roman game every day during the weekend, but usually we played Saturdays. I couldn't tell who enjoyed the game more, me or Kurt. Sometimes I was allowed to go home with the Groths and return to my own home after dinner, but sometimes my parents made me go home with them after church.

I should also mention that eighth grade was the year that all the kids got Chromebooks for Christmas. My mom got an iPad, and my dad got a new laptop. The Chromebooks were used, but they worked. That's how I was able to start searching the internet for porn. I was especially interested in stories where one guy became the slave to another guy.

High School turned out to be a turning point in so many ways, some of them good, but many of them bad. I was riding the bus to school now, like Donnie did before he got a car. He wouldn't drive me, of course. He didn't want to have his little brother riding along with him all the time. We had to get up early to catch the bus to the next town to go to school and it took us more than an hour each way. Donnie could get to school in half an hour in his car. It was Kieran, me and the two Groth brothers on the bus. I sat with Kurt and Kieran sat with Steven. They were on the swimming team, the diving team and track and field together. Steven was as close as Kieran had to a friend.

Kurt and I had only one class together. He'd tested into Algebra, while I needed a year of Pre-Algebra. He was in the honors English class, and I was in the class where they stuck everyone who did poorly in school. He was in an AP science class, and I was in a basic science, the same with History. We didn't even have PE together. Our only class we had together was art. And art and PE were the only classes that I earned a B in. I failed the first quarter of English, Pre-Algebra and Science, and Dad beat me with a belt and grounded me for it, so I didn't think I'd see Kurt much in the second quarter.

But that was when Mr. Groth came to the rescue. He had one of his employees drive us to school in the morning in a minivan so all four of us could ride comfortably. My dad had to drop Kieran and me off at the Groth house in the morning, but he agreed because Kurt had promised to tutor me in my schoolwork at his house after school. He earned brownie points with my dad when he turned down an offer of payment, saying that he didn't earn enough money to tithe to the church, so he was donating his time to help a parishioner improve his grades. Mr. Groth drove me home every day when he left to pick up Kieran and Steven from their near daily practices.

It worked out much better and my grades started to improve, and Dad let me stay over at the Groth's every other weekend. On those weekends I did all the chores for both Steven and Kurt, but I only called Kurt master, and then only when no one else could hear. Kurt laughed it off, but I was getting serious about it. I had begun to write down my fantasies in my online journal. Since I'd started looking up porn on the internet, those fantasies had become more detailed. And I'd become a little reckless with my masturbation.

When I stayed over, Kurt and I slept downstairs in the basement family room, or in the bedroom that was off to the side. One night after Kurt had fallen asleep, I took one of his socks with me into the bathroom and masturbated while smelling it. I'd noticed that his scent had begun to drive me crazy with arousal. He'd gotten so much taller than me that I could smell his armpits whenever he put his arm around my shoulders, and my head grew faint every time he took his shoes off. I started to get careless. Once I'd taken a pair of his dirty underwear from his clothes hamper and slipped it into my backpack. I kept it at home for a few weeks, smelling it when I masturbated at night. Only when it had lost its scent did I sneak it back into his hamper. Since I was doing his laundry every other weekend, I found it easy to snag a new pair whenever I needed them.

Mr. Groth noticed that I was doing all the boys' chores for them, and he asked me about it one day.

"I started off doing Kurt's chores to repay him for helping me with my schoolwork, sir," I explained. "But then I figured it was easier to do Steven's chores as well since he was so busy with all the sports and stuff."

"And you don't mind doing Steven and Kurt's work for them?" he asked me.

I shook my head, "Not really, sir. It gives me something to do and I like ... um ... I like helping Kurt out."

I'd almost slipped up and said that I liked Kurt and that I liked making him happy. I was glad that I'd caught it. Mr. Groth had never shown a bigoted side in all the time I'd know him, but I didn't want him to realize that I was gay – yeah I'd figured that one out since girls did nothing for me – and not only gay, but in love with his son, my best friend, Kurt.

"You remind me of Alan," he said with a strange look and a smile on his face. "He likes to help me out too."

"How is Alan, sir?" I asked. "I'm sorry that he can't come clean your house for you when I'm here. I don't know why my parents don't want him around me."

Mr. Groth looked thoughtful for a moment, then he said, "Alan is doing just fine. He works for me at the auto-dealership, but he likes the extra tasks I give him. And it's not your fault that your aunt and uncle are unreasonable on this issue."

It was the first time that I'd ever heard Mr. Groth say anything negative about my parents, although Kurt had hinted around that his dad didn't agree with a lot of things my dad said in church.

"I'm going to be honest with you, Dylan, but you have to tell no one what I'm going to tell you," he said, in a low tone of voice.

"I promise, sir," I said.

"Your parents don't like Alan because he's gay," he said. "They're afraid that he'll rub off on you. That can't happen of course. You can't catch the gay from being around other gay men. And even if it did work that way, I doubt he could change you."

"Probably not sir," I said. "My father says that gays are damned to hell, but how do they know Alan?"

He smiled at me and said, "Your parents know Alan very well, but I can't tell you how they know him just yet. Maybe when you're older, or you need to know. But do you know what Jesus had to say about gay men?"

"That they're going to hell?" I said tentatively, like a question more than a statement.

"Nothing," he said. "Jesus lived in a time when there were plenty of gay men and women, and yet he said nothing about them one way or another. Men like your father read some of the letters written by men that say bad things about gays, but they forget none of those letters were written by Jesus. Either that, or they make an argument from the Old Testament, but none of that should matter. Jesus brought a new covenant and gave us only two laws to follow. But don't argue with your dad about it. He'll whip you with a belt and then he'll get mad at me for knowing the Bible better than he does."

"No sir," I promised conspiratorially. "I won't say anything to him."

I almost told him that I was gay. I had a feeling he would be okay with it, but I didn't. This town wasn't very open-minded about these things. I would probably have to hide it all my life. I was certainly never going to go away to college, not with my grades, so I was going to be stuck here forever.

But things changed a lot in the third quarter. The good news was that Steven's birthday was in March and he turned 16. He was only 10 months younger than Steven because he's been born premature and his mom had gotten pregnant again real fast after he was born. Now he was driving us to school in the morning, so my dad wasn't always mad about getting up to drive me to the Groth's house. Of course, that meant that Kurt and I had to do our schoolwork at school while we waited for Steven and Kieran to finish their practices. Mr. Groth got the coach to agree to let us use a classroom near his office. On days when they had to go to other schools for meets, we went with them, and that's when I discovered that I loved swimming. At least I loved the guys in their speedos. Kieran and Steven were the two best looking guys on the team, but the others looked good as well.

The worst thing that happened during the last semester of our freshman year was that Dylan started hanging out with Greg Delaney. I would sit and do my homework and watch the two of them throw the football around. Kurt still took time to come over and check on me, but I felt like I was being pushed aside as his best friend. Greg lived in the same town the high school was in, so at least I didn't have to put up with him on the weekends.

The other thing that happened was that my freshman year was the year that my brother Donnie got arrested at a party with a lot of underage drinking and pot. He got off with community service, but Dad cracked down on all of us. He became more interested in what we were doing, which was never a good thing. That was also the year that my mother yelled at Kieran for an hour over thinking he was better than everyone else in the family. She complained that he only got straight As in school to make the rest of us look bad, and that he was only participating in sports so he could rub her face in the trophies. It was obvious that she was drunk. And Dad was not happy when he got home. The two of them yelled at each other so loud that neighbors must have heard them.

The next day Dad told us that Mom wasn't feeling well and that she was going to take a break at a special resort. While she was gone, it was our job to take care of the house. He left Donnie in charge, which meant that Kieran and I ended doing most of the work because Tommy kept running to Donnie to tell on us for every little thing. I tried to talk to Kieran during these two weeks while Mom was away, hoping to apologize for bullying him since he moved in with us, but he didn't want to talk with me. He barely responded when spoken to. He did his chores and then disappeared into his room.

Donnie kept saying that Kieran was in his room masturbating to gay porn, but I knew that Kieran spent most of his time drawing. I'd seen some of his work and it was good. In any event, I was at least as much to blame as Kieran for our failure to connect. Whenever Donnie saw me talking to him, he'd call us fags and say we could go suck each other's cocks after we cleaned up the house. I started picking on Kieran again in hopes that Donnie would leave me alone, but it didn't work.

I'd hated my life during freshman year, but sophomore year was even worse. Not only did I miss out on a two-week vacation at the Groth's lake house because my dad had found a bible camp he wanted us to do. He made Kieran, me and Tommy do it, and somehow Donnie ended up a counselor. It was a two-week anti-gay rally. Oh, they hated other things, too, but it was the gays and the abortionists that topped their list. The whole time, I kept thinking how much I hated the fact that I was there instead of hanging out with Kurt and his family. The worst thing was that I later found out that Greg Delaney went with them to the lake. I had so little in my life and it seemed like Greg was trying to take it all away from me.

The year got worse. That was the year that Kurt joined the football team. It was also the year that he started seeing girls. He went through six different girls in Sophomore year. I didn't think he did anything with them because I knew his dad well enough to know how he would react if one of his boys got a girl pregnant. My grades started slipping again. I was chosen for a special afterschool tutoring program. Steven still took us to school and still drove us home, but Kurt was busy with football practice and couldn't tutor me anymore.

The tutor was a nice young woman who was a student at the community college. After working with me for a while she called my dad and told him that he should have me checked for dyslexia. He said things to her that no pastor should ever say to anyone, let alone a young woman. He said that she was trying to say that I was special needs (he said it like it was the worst thing in the world) when I was just stupid and lazy. The only good thing to come from this incident was that my mother and I had a bonding moment. I explained to her how the letters sometimes made no sense on the page and how I sometimes mixed up the letters on a page and the numerals in a long number. She told me that she had the same problem and she stood up to Dad and took me to the doctor who sent us to a specialist who gave us paperwork necessary to get a 504 plan at school.

Suddenly I was allowed to use audio books in English class, and I was given access to an online textbook that could read the material to me. And I wrote papers using a voice to speech program and my grades improved. I still got Cs and a few Ds but I wasn't failing anymore. My counselor at school said that I wasn't stupid; I was just several years behind the other students due to my disability. My dad still claimed I was too stupid to get it right in school, but I was used to him running me down.

I was still going over to the Groth's house every other weekend, but now Greg was there on Saturdays for a few hours. He had a car, and he could come steal my best friend even on the weekends. I felt like Kurt and I were pulling apart. He was still friendly when we were together, and he tried to include me when we were with his new friends, but I always felt like a third wheel.

It was the Saturday after my 16th birthday, and I was at the Groth's house. I'd spent my birthday the day before having a birthday dinner with my family. My mom had dropped me off on the way to her "book club", which was really a time when she met with other unhappy church wives and drank wine and gossiped. When I'd gotten there, Kurt was out with his friend Greg. Steven let me in. I hadn't had a birthday party. I didn't really have friends apart from Kurt. And we'd made plans for me to come over and spend the weekend. It hurt me a little that he wasn't there, but I started in on the chores.

I was sitting in the upstairs bathroom, holding a toilet brush, and crying uncontrollably when Steven came into the room. I didn't see him until he took the brush out of my hands and sat down on the closed toilet. He was a high school senior, and I thought he was one of the best-looking guys I'd ever seen. He was 6 foot 4 inches tall and had a tight swimmer's body, lean with 190 pounds of muscle. And I'd seen him in a speedo, so I knew he looked good under his clothes. He seldom wore anything but shorts and muscle shirt unless he was going outside in the cold, leaving a lot of his light brown skin exposed. He always kept his body hair shaved even when it wasn't swimming or diving season. Donnie always sniggered and said that Steven was Kieran's boyfriend because they did so many sports together.

"What's wrong, Dylan?" he asked, putting a hand on my head.

"It's stupid, but Kurt was supposed to be here. We were supposed to spend time together this weekend because it was my birthday this last week and ... he's my ... my best friend," I said, choosing my words carefully.

"He's your only friend," Steven said. "And you're jealous because he's out with other friends."

I nodded. Steven always seemed calm and collected, even when Donnie was whispering behind his back. I remembered last year, Donnie's senior year, when Steven had turned on my oldest brother and calmly said, "Your problem, Donnie, is that you've spent four years at this school and you're such a fucking loser that no one will ever remember you were here. You're not smart enough to be in the honor society; you're too lazy be on a sports team; and the only thing you're known for is being a pathetic dopehead."

Donnie had lunged at him, but Steven sidestepped and pushed him into a locker. Several teachers had seen it and Donnie got suspended for three days. Steven was a golden boy at the school, an athlete, and a straight A scholar. And Kurt was growing up to be just like his brother. All the teachers and staff knew that Donnie was trouble.

"He's not your boyfriend," Steven said, "no matter how much you want him to be."

"I'm not ...," I replied, but Steven cut me off.

"... gay?" he said. "Of course, you are. It's obvious to everyone with eyes. You're in love with Kurt and you're upset because he isn't in love with you."

I wanted to argue with him, but I couldn't say the words. I didn't know how he knew, but he was right, and he wouldn't have said it, if he weren't sure. I started crying again. Steven sat there and waited for me to stop.

"I don't even know why he likes me," I admitted.

"Neither do I," Steven said. "I'm going to be brutally honest with you, now. You want Kurt's love, but you don't deserve it. You aren't good enough for my brother. You have no ambition. You don't do anything but follow him around waiting for him to use you as a doormat. You're out of shape. You're not fat because you hardly eat anything, but you have no muscle tone. If you want to have even a chance of getting my brother's attention, you'd better do something. You're 16 years old, and you still have time, but if you don't get off your ass, you'll end up no better than that fucking loser of a brother of yours."

I was still feeling sorry for myself, so I put my head down again and whispered, "When he finds out I'm gay, he'll hate me."

Steven laughed and said, "He may be disgusted that you're a pathetic faggot loser, but not that you're gay."

I looked up in shock. Steven had always been coolly friendly with me. He'd never said anything mean to me before. He'd told me that he was going to be brutal, and he hadn't been lying.

"I don't know what you mean," I said. "What's the difference?"

Steven shook his head and replied, "What a fucking mess you are. I don't blame you. I blame your father, that hate-filled piece of shit for ruining you and ... well never mind. He fucking ruined you and now I'm going to have to help you fix yourself so that you can be worthy for my brother because for some fucking reason he loves you."

"He loves me?" I asked, suddenly excited.

"Cool your heels there, boy!" he said with a smirk. "I didn't say that he is in love with you. I said he loves you. He talks about you all the time. You should see how jealous Greg gets when Kurt won't stop talking about how long you two have been friends. Last summer at the lake house, Greg got sick of hearing about all the times you were there with us."

I let his words sink in and slowly processed them. My mind was spinning from what he was saying. I didn't know what to say, but I finally I asked, "Did you say that you would help me to become worthy of your brother?"

He smiled. "I knew that you'd focus on that part. It's a big job, maybe an impossible job given how long you've gone doing nothing with your life, but yes. If you commit to becoming worthy, then I'll help you. If you give me any resistance, then I'm done. You're either in, or you're out."

"I'm in," I said. "Tell me what to do."

"First things first," he said, "tell me whether you want to be Kurt's boyfriend or his slave. I know all about your little Roman slave game you've been playing, and I've heard you whispering `master' when you thought you were quieter than you were. So, boyfriend or slave?"

"Both," I whispered.

Steven was smiling at me again. He said, "Good. The first step is knowing what you want. We'll start with the basics. I want you to call me `sir', just like you do our dad. I'll be 18 in a few months and an adult."

"Yes sir!" I said, getting into the role now that Steven was giving me some hope, however slim.

"And you're still going to do the chores around here on the weekends you're here," he explained. "And you're still going to get tutoring, but it's going to be by me and I'm going to apply some corporal punishment when you don't learn what I'm trying to teach you. That means that I'll tell you what to study when you're at home and you will memorize everything I tell you to memorize. And your grades will improve. I want to see you earning nothing less than a C on any quiz, exam, or paper by the end of the semester."

"Yes sir," I said, a little less sure about my chances.

"Don't worry," he said, "you can share all your papers with me before submitting them and I'll help you proofread them. And then there's your posture. I'm going to track every time I see you slouching like a slob and I'm going to beat your ass for it when I get a chance. And it's going to hurt."

I nodded my approval and Steven slapped my face. "When I tell you something or give you an order, you'll reply `yes sir'."

"Yes sir!" I said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"And you're going to start an exercise program of my design," he explained. "You're fucking weak and pathetic. That changes starting now."

"Yes sir," I replied. "And I want to thank you for your help. I didn't know you liked me enough to do this for me."

"I should hate you, Dylan. I should hate you as much as I hate your dad and your brother Donnie. I know what you've done to Kieran over the years. And ... I should hate you, but you're a much of victim as he is. Now get the rest of the chores done and meet me down in the basement."

"Yes sir," I replied.

And I realized that Steven Groth was in love with my cousin Kieran. I should have noticed it before. That's probably what Donnie had seen. I didn't think they were together. Kieran seemed asexual somehow, never showing interest in anyone, and he never spent the night with Steven the way I did with Kurt.

After I finished my chores, Steven made me give him my google passwords so he could get into my account and bookmark things for me to watch and to read. Then he showed me a beginning set of exercises to do and he put a schedule of different exercises for different days. He chose things I could do at home without any equipment.

Then he surprised me by taking me out to his car and giving me a driving lesson, just up and down the long lane in front of their house, but it was more than my dad was likely to do. He'd had time to do those things with Donnie, but I'd heard him tell my mom that Donnie could teach me. I didn't want to spend more time with my older brother than I had to, so I never asked him.

Afterward, I asked Steven. "How will I get Kurt to be my boyfriend if he's not gay, sir?"

Steven laughed and replied, "I said I'd help you improve yourself, so you have a chance to get what you want. I don't know if Kurt's gay or not, but he already loves you as a friend. If he's gay or bi, then you may have a chance, but there are no guarantees."

Kurt still hadn't come back by dinner time. Mr. Groth had bought a cake and he and Steven gave me birthday presents and wished me happy birthday.

Steven had bought me a book called Slavery in Ancient Rome. When I opened it, he said, "I know how much you and Kurt are into this subject. An envelope inside the book had a code to download the audio version."

Mr. Groth gave me a $50 gift card from Amazon. He didn't really know what I liked. To tell the truth, neither did I. And then there was another gift without a card. It was wrapped in red paper. Inside there was a new iPad. I looked at it and looked up Mr. Groth.

"It's from someone who needs to remain anonymous for now," he said. "I'm reluctant to say this, but we won't tell your parents where it came from. Let's tell them that you won it in the raffle at my dealership."

"Who ...?" I asked.

"I can't tell you," he said. "It's someone who cares for you, but can't ... I can't tell you who. I need you to accept that, Dylan."

"Yes sir," I said. "I can accept that."

Later that night, I was sleeping alone in the basement family room when I heard voices that woke me up. They were coming from the top of the stairs. I crept up to hear them. It was Steven and Kurt.

"I don't care what came up, Kurt. That was a shit thing to do to your best friend."

"Calm down, Bro, you'll wake him. I don't have a car and Greg couldn't take me home until now. When I can drive it will be different."

"Fuck that, Bro. You could have called me. I would have come and got you. You're better than this and you know it. Greg would've brought you home if you'd insisted. You know that and I know that, and Greg was being a piece of shit by purposefully coming between you and Dylan."

"You're right, Steve. I should have told Greg I had to be home. I'm going to bed now."

I crept back down the stairs and got into bed so I could pretend to be asleep.

The door opened, and heard Kurt say, "You're not Dad, you know."

Steven replied in a rough whisper, "And you should be glad that I'm talking to you instead of him. He was pissed, Bro. You'd better hope that all he does is ream your ass out after church tomorrow when Dylan is gone."

I was pretending to be asleep when Kurt came down the stairs and joined me in the family room. I was sleeping on one couch, and he was sleeping on the other. It was a long time before I heard him snoring. Then I went to sleep as well.

In the morning, it was Kurt who woke me up. "I know it's early, but we're having breakfast before church. Get up."

I got up and followed him to the dining room where there was platter of pancakes, a plate of bacon and a carafe of orange juice. "Happy birthday, Dylan," he said. "I made breakfast."

"Correction, I made breakfast," Steven said, "but Kurt did help a little."

We ate and then Kurt handed me a present and a card in an envelope. I opened the card first and saw that it read, Happy Birthday to my Best Friend. Inside it had a handwritten note that read, I'm sorry about last night. I will never let you down like that again. Happy birthday, Best Friend.

The card made so happy that I started to tear up. I didn't care what was inside the box after reading the card, but I opened it and saw that there were two passes to the movies, two gift certificates for minigolf and two gift certificates for the waterpark.

"You're hard to buy for, Dylan, because you don't seem to want to do much of anything except play video games and hang out, but I wanted to show you that I mean to make time for us to do some things together this year. It may have to wait for my birthday so I can drive us places, but you're my friend and I want to make time for you."

"Thank you," I said. "I love it!"

I didn't really care what we did. I just liked spending time with Kurt.

Steven told my dad that he was going to be tutoring me from now on, so I needed to be at their house every night until dinner time. He just shrugged and said that it was a waste of time, but he was free to waste it if he wanted to. Now that I knew how Steven felt about Kieran, I noticed how he looked at him, like he was looking for a sign, any kind of sign.

Kurt's birthday was exactly one month after mine, on January 18th. He had a big party in his backyard and had all his new friends over. I was there along with some other friends of his from middle school that he still saw. The party was catered and there were games set up, but none of them were games I was any good at. They were sports themed games where the object was to throw a football through a small hole, and to send a basketball through a hole not much bigger than the hole and demonstrate your strength by pulling on lever and making a weight rise on a pole.

Everyone brought gifts. Most of his friends gave him video games or gift cards, but I gave him a book on Roman history that I knew he didn't have. Everyone laughed at me and called me a nerd, but I knew that Kurt liked books. None of them knew him as well as I did, and I knew that he would probably buy books with their gift cards as well. No one could compete with the new car Kurt got for his birthday. His dad owned an auto dealership, so he got it for the dealer's price, but it was a seriously nice gift, a luxury SUV.

After everyone had gone home but me, Kurt and I went to the basement family and started to get ready for bed. I pulled out one more present and held it out to him tentatively. "I got you another present, master," I said. "I just wanted to make sure that we were alone when you opened it."

He took the small box. A smile played over his face when he heard the word "master". We hadn't really played the game in a long time, but it brought back fond memories for both of us. He opened it and pulled out a leather dog collar.

"I know it's stupid and we haven't played games like that in a while, but ...," I said.

Kurt interrupted me by saying, "Kneel before your master, slave."

I knelt before him, and he slipped the collar around my neck and fastened it. He played with the tag. It read, Slave Boy Dylan, if found return to Master Kurt Groth.

He asked me, "Do you still want to play the game, even though we're older now?"

"Yes master," I said, wishing that it was more than a game.

"We don't have time to play this weekend. It's late Saturday and we have church tomorrow. But I want you to wear it in two weeks when you're here for the weekend."

We got into our separate beds on the couches and went to sleep. I was wearing my collar and I waited until I heard Kurt start to snore. Then I masturbated while fingering the collar. It felt right. Of course, Kurt took it off me before we got dressed for church.

For the rest of that year, Kurt drove me to school and Steven tutored me after school, sometimes after his practices. Kieran would wait and draw while I was working or finish his own homework. I also began to follow Steven's exercise program. And it was working. I was becoming a little firmer, but I wasn't putting on any muscle. I didn't know it at the time, but Steven was giving me exercises that toned my muscles without putting on bulk. He'd also given me a lot of squats and other exercises to make my butt rounder and firmer.

I found out that Steven was serious about my studies. The first time I showed up and hadn't memorized the material he'd given me, Steven called me up to his room.

"Lean over my desk chair," he ordered.

"Yes sir," I said.

He showed me a wooden paddle with holes drilled into it. He smiled and said, "I told you what would happen if you didn't memorize the material I gave you, so now I'm going to give you ten hard swats."

Getting the paddle from Steven wasn't that bad. I used to get regular beatings from my dad with a belt, but I pretended that it hurt a lot and Steven was satisfied. But that convinced me that he was serious about my training. I rarely failed to complete any of the tasks he gave. And each time I did, he spanked me harder.

I spent more time with Kurt's new friends. I didn't like them much, but it was good to be able to be with Kurt. I spent a lot of time fetching things for all of them, and I took to wearing turtleneck tees so I could wear the collar under my shirt. I thought I looked better with the turtlenecks under a polo shirt even if the other guys thought it made me look gay or nerdy. Greg liked to boss me around a lot. I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I found it easier to do whatever he asked me to do. I know that they all thought I was weird, but I didn't care.

My grades did improve. In the second semester, I got no grade lower than a C. I earned nothing higher than a C, but I was happy. It was the best report card I'd ever gotten.

That summer I spent a lot of time hanging around with Kurt. I had to put up with his other friends, but I still had a chance to see him. However, that summer Kurt started dating Alicia Quintano. She was pretty and smart and athletic; and I hated her. I hated her with a passion. I was so prickly and angry that I undermined all the progress I'd made in trying to make up with Kieran.

During the year, Steven had tried to act as peacemaker between the two of us. He'd gotten us to the point where we were saying hello to one another and asking how the other was doing, but all that work was undone one day when I'd come home so Kurt could go out on a date. I was sulking in the living room because my brother Tommy, now an eighth grader, was in our room, probably masturbating. Donnie came home from work and saw me. He was pissed off as usual because he hated his job, but Dad made him work.

He threw his stuff down and said, "Hey fag, are you waiting by the window to see your boyfriend come home. Maybe after Kieran gets done sucking Stevie Groth's dick, you can suck his."

I tried to ignore him, but he wouldn't shut up. He continued, "Do the two of you suck Stevie's dick together? Or do you wait for the redheaded faggot to come home so you can follow him up to his room and blow him there?"

Kieran and I had gotten to the point where he'd allowed me into his room and showed me some of his drawings. And Donnie hadn't shut up about it since. Of course, Tommy joined in and claimed that I snuck out of our room at night to blow Kieran. I was so sick of it that I was ready to scream. I was just being friendly and all they did was make me suffer for it.

"Are you going to suck him here in the living room?" he demanded.

I'd had enough. I jumped up and shouted, "Shut up, Donnie! Just shut up! I'm not gay!"

Donnie grabbed the front of my shirt and slapped my face. "What did you say to me faggot?" he demanded.

He shook me and slapped me again. "Don't lie to me, faggot," he said. "Tell me that you're a faggot!"

He shook me again and I remembered that I was wearing the collar under my turtle tee. I grew terrified that he would discover it if he kept shaking me by the collar. "Fine!" I shouted. "If you won't stop beating on me until I say it, I'll say it, even though it's a lie. I'm a faggot."

Donnie was six inches taller than me and a lot heavier. I had no chance to get away from him, and he knew it.

"Do you like sucking Kieran's cock?" he demanded.

It was hopeless, so I said, "Yes, I like it."

"Do you like sucking Stevie Groth's cock?" he asked.

"Yes, I like it."

"Do you like sucking Kurt's little cock?"

"Yes, I like sucking Kurt's cock."

"Do you suck the dad's cock too, or are you waiting until your sleepover at the cabin?"

"I don't ..." I needed it to stop.

Donnie slapped me again. "Do. You. Like. Sucking. His. Cock. Or. Are. You. Waiting. For. Your. Sleepover. At. The. Cabin?"

"I like it," I cried.

Donnie tossed me down on the couch and said, "You're a disgusting little bitch. Don''t think that I didn't notice that you got hard when I was slapping you, faggot."

He smirked and went upstairs to his room. I was sobbing because he was right about some of the things he said. I was gay, and I did get hard when he was hitting me. And all that talk about sucking Kurt's dick hit too close to home. I would be sucking his cock every day he'd let me, but Mr. Groth was more like a dad to me than my own dad was. I would never dream of doing anything like that with him.

I was done crying, but I was still sulking when Kieran came in. He saw me and sat down next to me on the couch. He put his hand on my knee and asked, "Are you okay, Dylan? What happened?"

I was pissed off at Donnie, but I took it out on Kieran. "Get your faggot hands off me!" I yelled. "I'm not interested in sucking your dick. You can just go suck Steven's dick and leave me out of it."

Kieran was almost seven inches taller than me, but not as heavy as Donnie. Looking back, I wished he'd hit me. Instead, he looked like I'd kicked him. I was the only member of the family who'd been nice to him. He was usually withdrawn, but he'd opened up just enough to let me in, and I'd betrayed him. He didn't say anything. He just went up to his room and locked the door. He didn't come down for dinner either. When I tried to say "good morning" the next morning, he just ignored me while Tommy made smooching faces at me.

I had only one thing left to look forward to. I just hoped that Greg wouldn't join us at the lake house this summer.


·        Bethany Morgan. The mother of the Morgan kids and the wife of the pastor. She's a passive-aggressive woman and a homophobe. She's 44 at the start of the story.

·        Cory Lundgren. Bethany's youngest brother. He's short, blond, and blue-eyed, like Dylan. He stands 5 foot 7 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He's fourteen years younger than his sister. He was thrown out of the house for being gay when he was 18. He's 30 years old at the beginning of the story. Corwin Alan Lundgren. He works as Mr. Groth's assistant, but he's secretly his slave.

·        Craig Morgan. The pastor. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 160 pounds. He's thin and mean, with a sour expression. Although secretly gay, he married Bethany Lundgren to cover it up. He and his younger brother Kenneth Morgan (Kieran's father) never got along. He took Kieran in when his parents died. He's 45 at the start of the story.

·        Donald Morgan. The oldest Morgan son. He's 5 foot 11 inches tall and weighs 180 pounds. He's heavy-set but strong. He has dark red hair and a lot of freckles. He's mean-spirited and domineering, and he made his brother Dylan's life hard.

·        Dylan Morgan. The main character who is the middle son in the Growth household. At 17, he was 5 foot 5 inches tall and weighed 130 pounds. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He's submissive and has dreamed of being his best friend's slave since middle school.

·        Elizabeth Jepps. She's the only Morgan daughter. She's much like her mother. She's seven years older than Dylan. She got married at 18 to get out of the house. They rarely see her except at church. She's married to Jerry Jepps.

·        Jerry Jepps. He's the husband of Elizabeth Morgan-Jepps. He's six years older than his wife and thirteen years older than Dylan. He works as a manager at the Farm and Feed store.

·        Kurt Groth. He's the youngest Groth boy, only a few months younger than Dylan. His mother was black, so his skin is much darker than his father. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 175 pounds. He muscular but less bulky than his father. He has medium brown skin and black hair with tight curls. He wears it medium length on top with a low fade. He is bisexual, but he's in love with his best friend Dylan. He wants to dominate him totally and own him as a slave.

·        Roger Growth. Owner of Groth Automobiles, Groth Farm Equipment, and several properties around town. He's forty years old and has two sons, Steven, and Kurt. He stands 6 foot tall and weighs 200 pounds of solid muscle. He has light brown hair and fair skin. His wife died 10 years ago, and he's been Cory's master.

·        Steven Groth. The oldest of the two Groth boys. He stands 6 foot 4 inches tall and weighs 190 pounds. He has light brown skin and wavy black hair that he wears very short. He was a swimmer in high school and keeps his body shaved even after graduation. He has light amber eyes. He was in love with Kieran Morgan all through high school and he regrets not pressing Kieran to come out of the closet when they were in school together. He's a year older than Dylan and Kurt.

·        Thomas Morgan. The youngest Morgan son. He's two years younger than Dylan but he's about the same size. He has red hair and freckles. He joins in with his oldest brother teasing and tormenting Kieran and Dylan.

Next: Chapter 2

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