Small Town Guy

By moc.loa@5252ztupsaw

Published on Apr 13, 2007


This is pure fiction and in no way represents any person or persons living or dead. If you are under age or you don't wish to view gay material, please exit this page now. This is a story that contains graphic displays of gay sex acts if you are disturbed by this or by harsh language which may occur as part of the story, please exit now.

This is the sole possession and copyright of the author, me. In no shape or form is this story to be reproduced or copied without my express written consent.

Please feel free to email me with comments and/or suggestions.

I opened my eyes the next morning Tuesday the 4th of July to see Corey with his cute ass while he slept on his stomach. I looked at the clock and saw it was close to 9 so I drug my naked body out of bed. I loved the fact that every morning would be like this, seeing his hot body when I woke. I let him sleep a while. I still had to be honest and open with my family and friends about my new life, but truly dreaded telling them and would try to delay it as long as possible.

I put on my boxers and did my crushes and push ups in the living room. It was the least I could do if I wanted to keep the body that I was starting to be really proud of. I felt a kiss on my back and then turned to see Corey there. I was stunned to see his burn was actually turning a little brown and didn't look as though it would peel.

We hit the shower together. I could not resist fucking Corey there after we both sported raging hardons. That was bad ass despite being a little cramped. The water felt so good while Corey took my cock deep in his hot ass. I realized then how incredibly hot it was to have sex with someone in the confines of a shower. He loved it when I filled his ass up with my cum then he shot onto the tub. I hated to get out of the shower. I am sure he was glad to see my spontaneous reaction since I just fucked him without him asking. That made it so hot. We toweled off and then grabbed a bite to eat.

Corey asked then if I minded if we went back to the mall for a little while. I agreed to go along since he wanted to stay out of the sun a little more. I was pissed when I saw the shorts that I really liked were now on sale. Corey begged me to get another pair as he grabbed one too. I relented and got one. He wanted some new boxers and we found some that were also on sale at American Eagle. Corey then was on me again as he bought me 3 pairs that he thought would look good on me. I came back with way more than I ever intended to buy since I just wanted to look. Corey came to the mall to buy and did sway me to get more than I wanted.

We headed home to our apartment. Corey was the type that liked to wear what he had bought immediately. He then changed into some of his new shorts and boxers. We were just sitting on the couch together when I heard a knock.

"Hey we missed ya'll today." Mike said when I answered the door and saw him and Barry there together.

"Oh come on in. We just went to the mall. Corey wanted to stay out of the sun." I said while Mike and Barry came in.

"Oh we just stopped by to see if ya'll were still up for some fireworks tonight at the river." Barry said.

"Yeah dude, we are going if you two don't mind." Corey said.

"Cool, I guess we will see you then around 7. We can grab a bite to eat then head over there." Mike said.

"Ya'll can hang around if you want and have a beer with us." I said.

"Dude, I can't resist a good cold beer." Barry said. I handed him and Mike one out of the frig. I grabbed Corey another one while Corey and I just sat in the floor and let Mike and Barry have the couch.

"So how is it working out so far?" Mike said to me and Corey.

"Awesome dude." Corey said.

"That's good to hear. Steve called last night and said he was moving out this weekend to go live with his girl." Mike said.

"Yeah, I am thinking about taking his place." Barry said.

"That's cool." I said. "It is working out great so far with us like Corey said."

"Barry has got to see what he can do to get out of his lease over at his place and then we will see." Mike said.

We continued to talk for a little while. I will admit that Barry was hot as hell though I would never say so in front of Corey since I wasn't sure how he would take it. Mike and Barry left around 5 and said they would see us in a couple of hours.

"Fuck dude, I hope you don't mind me say this but damn Barry is fucking hot." Corey said.

"I totally agree. It is cool. I was thinking the same thing, Corey."

"I hope you won't get pissed if I said that. Don't get me wrong you are fucking hot as fuck too."

"I know what you mean. You are fucking fine ass to me, Corey." I said then kissed Corey.

We headed over to Mike's a few minutes early after we got dressed. Mike answered the door. I could hear the shower running and knew it was Barry. Mike had to move the box of condoms off the couch, Corey and I just smiled.

"Sorry for the mess." Mike said.

"Hey, no problems dude." Corey said.

Mike continued to talk to us as Barry finished getting ready. I then saw the door open to the bedroom.

"Where the fuck are..." Barry then realized we were there, "Sorry dudes, but it is not like you never seen a naked guy before. Where are my boxer briefs, Mike?"

Corey and I both knew what Mike really saw in Barry since he looked so hot standing there naked with a nice cut dick hanging between his legs. I had him beat in that department but could tell he was pretty fucking hung.

"There are in the other room I think." Mike said.

"Oh yeah, they are." Barry said then went across and put them on and came right back out. "I will be ready in just a few minutes."

Mike then said, "He is fucking hot, huh?"

"Hell yeah Mike. He is hot." Corey said and I agreed.

We headed out to grab a bite while Jeff drove since he had a car we could all fit in. We made it down to the river and found that it was so crowded. After searching for a place to park and hiking to find a spot to sit, we all took off our shirts because it was so hot and humid still as the sun began to set. There were tons of people there and did see a lot more guys without their shirts including some who should have kept them on. We noticed people with beer and realized we should have brought a cooler.

The fireworks were nice and lasted around 45 minutes. We hiked back to the car and headed home. The traffic was awful getting out. We finally made it home.

"Thanks, we had fun." I said.

"Yeah, it was fun. I guess we will see you around." Barry said waving good bye to us.

Corey and I headed off to our apartment. It was around 11 or so when we hit the door. I held Corey close to me then kissed his lips and then his neck. I then made my way down and found his dick. It looked so beautiful. I looked up at Corey while he lay with his legs spread. I felt his cock enter my mouth as I slowly sucked it and jacked the base. Corey was breathing heavily while I sucked him. Then I kissed him. He did the same to me, sucking my now hard dick. His mouth was hot since he had learned to deep throat me. I loved it then when he licked my ass. I handed him the lube as he spread it on my ass and his dick.

He had to jerk it a little to bring it to its full erection of 7 wonderful inches. I eagerly awaited to feel him in me again.

"Oh fuck Corey that shit feels so good." I moaned, feeling his dick in me.

I loved his dick fucking me while I tried my best to work his dick. He smiled at me when he saw the effort I was making to have his dick fuck me so well. He then pinched my nipples as I moaned. He was now fucking me hard.

"Oh fuck!" I screamed while Corey continued to fuck me so hard with his hard hot dick, planted deep inside me.

"Fucking hot ass, Jeff!" Corey said. I could see him going in and out of me. He looked even hotter than the first time he fucked me. His hair was flopping around with each deep thrust into my ass. I was now enjoying to the fullest all the sex we were now having. Now, each hot sex filled night was such a joy and thrill to me since Corey was now my lover. I then felt his cum fill my ass after I exploded on my hot abs. He leaned over and planted the hot kiss on my lips with his dick still in me. His hot thin body felt awesome on top of me that night.

"Fuck, Jeff if this shit gets any hotter, I don't know what I am going to do."

"I know Corey." I said and then felt his now soft dick exit my fucked ass. I licked his cum off his dick and tasted my ass on his dick. It wasn't the most pleasant taste but I did it out of love for Corey. We hated to set the alarm that hot night. I loved feeling Corey's cum still in my ass when we finally fell asleep in each other's comforting and loving arms.

I woke the next morning and headed to the shower. Corey joined me there when I was about finished. It was hot to have him there and then we headed off to work. It took me a little while to get back in the groove at the plant but I was glad to see Corey's smiling face at lunch. I wanted to reach across the table and lay a big kiss on him but I didn't. You see we rarely left the plant to go grab lunch as we had just 45 minutes and there was not any place real handy to go get it. The afternoon seem to drag along until finally 4. I was glad that day was over. I think Corey was too since we didn't say much on the ride home.

We changed clothes when we got home. Corey and I both lay on the couch together in our boxers and took a nap. I guess we were both tired since we had sex until around 12 the previous night. Corey's cell phone woke us up at 6. It was his mom inviting us over for supper the next night. I could really tell she missed having Corey there with her.

Then just Barry came around after Corey was off the phone. He was just in his shorts.

"Where's Mike?" I said letting Barry in.

"Oh he's at work. I just stopped by to see what was up with you two. Damn ya'll just wake up?" Barry asked.

"Fuck yeah, dude. My mom woke us up calling." Corey said. "Want a beer?"

"Of course I do." Barry said. I handed him and Corey one.

"So you are moving in with Mike?" I said.

"Fuck I don't know. What do you think?" Barry said.

"That is totally up to you." I said.

"Dude, don't get me wrong, the sex is fucking over the top with his dude, but I am just not sure he is the one just yet that I want to move in with." Barry said.

"Yeah, I know where you are coming from." I said.

"Dude, we just said fuck it and went for it. Not in those words exactly." Corey said. "His ass had to talk me into it first."

"Yeah right. You wanted to the first time I fucked you." I smiled at Corey.

"I know. Mike was like that too. He moves sort of fast. I wanted to take it slow and easy. That dude could fuck 24/7. I love a good hot fuck but shit not all the fucking time." Barry said.

"You think you both can be faithful to each other?" I said.

"I don't know, Jeff. I don't know if I am really to be with the same guy all the time." Barry said. "I guess I will have to decide that shit myself. I would love to be like you guys. Ya'll seem so happy together."

"We are right now but we are still in the honeymoon period if you know what I mean." I said.

"Yeah, I just was living with a guy this spring and I don't know if I want to jump right back in." Barry grabbed another beer.

"Dude, just tell his ass you want to wait. If he don't like it, fuck him. I bet there are a lot of guys who would jump at the chance to be with you." Corey said.

"I think I will do that. Shit, I got all sort of motherfuckers that want me." Barry laughed.

"Shit I don't blame them." I said.

"Dude, look at you two. Both you dudes are fucking hot as hell." Barry said.

"Thanks, we appreciate that." I said while we continued to talk. Barry was still there when Mike came to find Barry. Mike had a few shirts in his hand and threw us one each as he said he grabbed them as they were flawed according to the customers.

"Thanks, Mike." I said.

"No problem. I give them like $2 a piece as they have a little damage." Mike said while we looked at our Abercrombie shirts.

"Shit they look okay to me." Corey said.

"Here let me get you some cash." I said.

"Dude, don't worry about it. Hell I bet Barry drank up your damn beer to pay for it." Mike said.

"I did do that." Barry said. Then he and Mike left together to go to their apartment, leaving us alone for the night.

I guess Mike was good for something. He really didn't have to do that but both Corey and I really appreciated it. Corey looked damn good on him but had just a little hole at the bottom as did mine.

We then headed off to bed. I fucked Corey passionately that night as we did it side by side. He wanted to eat my nut that night so I let him. We were out before 10:30 that night.

The next day, I decided to let Corey go by himself to give us a little time away from each other. I thought it would be good for the both of us. I went and worked out with Barry that night. He was really a cool guy. I found he was working at an accountant's office near our place for his cousin. Mike was working again so we went our separate ways. Corey brought a big box of junk back with him and his digital camera and me a plate of his mom's fried chicken. It was nice to be without him for a few hours but I was sure glad to see him when he got home.

"Dude, my mom told me I could sell this shit on the internet and we could keep the funds." Corey said.

"Corey, no one will buy this shit." I said.

"Dude, they will eat this up. She picked up at a garage sale over the weekend." Corey pulled out some of the junk. I just shook my head wondering why anyone would ever want to buy this stuff.

Corey showed me how the auction site worked as we sorted through the stuff and put a few items up for auction. Corey seemed to know what he was doing as he and I wrote the descriptions after we took pictures of each item. I would be shocked if we got over $30 bucks for all 12 things in the pile.

The next day after work that Friday, Corey was anxious to see if we had any bids on the items. I grabbed us a beer and went to stand behind him while he checked the site.

"Fuck no way, dude!" I said, seeing that just one thing was up to $25 and still had 4 days left.

"See I told your ass we could sell this stuff." Corey said as I then saw what amounted to around $70 for the other 4 things.

"Damn these people are nuts. You think they will pay up at the end?" I asked.

"They better or they won't see this shit." Corey said as he checked his email. It was the typical junk just like was on my email.

"So what time we getting up in the morning?" I asked.

"I figure around 6 unless we are too fucking hammered." Corey said. "You like this, don't you?"

"Yeah it is cool." I said as Corey and I listed the other items he had got from his mother.

Barry came over for a little while to drink with us since Mike was again working. Mike came in and joined us after he got home for working. I really enjoyed their company then showed them our little venture. They stayed until around 11 that night. We made plans to go out with them again the next night. I think Corey enjoyed them as much as I did. Barry did tell us he was not going to fully move in yet and just see how things would progress.

To be continued...

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