Small Town Guy

By moc.loa@5252ztupsaw

Published on Apr 7, 2007


This is pure fiction and in no way represents any person or persons living or dead. If you are under age or you don't wish to view gay material, please exit this page now. This is a story that contains graphic displays of gay sex acts if you are disturbed by this or by harsh language which may occur as part of the story, please exit now.

This is the sole possession and copyright of the author, me. In no shape or form is this story to be reproduced or copied without my express written consent. So much for the disclaimer and legal stuff. Please remember always practice safe sex. This is only fiction.

Please feel free to email me with comments and/or suggestions.

Corey was up before me the next morning Sunday. I heard him rummaging around the kitchen looking for something. I got up and I could see his bare ass bent over looking for something under the sink.

"Where the fuck do you keep the cleaning supplies, Jeff?" Corey said.

"Oh, I moved over to the closet in the hall." I said.

"I was just going to start cleaning up the kitchen and mop this nasty ass floor." Corey said.

"Thanks, since you are doing that I will grab the bathroom." I said and I headed there. After we did a little cleaning, we grabbed some cereal.

"Damn, Jeff, you don't even have a microwave. How I am going to live?" Corey said as we ate together.

"I just haven't gotten around to that yet. I will get one."

"You bet your ass we will get one when we go buy groceries today."

"Alright, if you insist." I said while we finished eating and took a shower again together. We had gotten used to the small size by now, plus we both enjoyed each other's bodies. We dressed and headed off to Wal-Mart together. It was fun buying a few things with Corey knowing that it was ours to share. We found a microwave that was on clearance and decided that would fill our meager needs.

After we got home and put all our stuff away and hooked up the microwave, we headed off to the pool together. I saw Mike and who I figured was his boyfriend now. Corey and I sat our towels on the chair and I didn't pay much attention to them at the time.

After sitting there for about 20 minutes, I saw Mike walking our way. I wondered what he was up too.

"Jeff I apologize to you for the way I acted this week towards you. I am such an ass. So this is your boyfriend, huh?" Mike asked, looking at Corey.

"It's alright. I am over it now. This is my boyfriend and roommate, Corey." I shot Mike a stare.

"Hi I am Corey. Nice to meet you." Corey shaking Mike's hand.

"So ya'll live together now,huh? That was quick." Mike said.

"Yeah, I figured what the hell. Who is that guy with you if you don't mind me asking?" I said.

"Oh I guess he is now my boyfriend. That is Barry. You guys need to stop by sometime and we can hang out." Mike said. "Jeff, again I am sorry for the way I have acted towards you."

"That's cool. We will do that." I said.

"Hey, we are cooking out tonight if you two hotties want to come over. Just bring what you are drinking is all that I ask. We are just having some hamburgers with some other guys." Mike said.

"We might just do that." I said.

"Cool. We will probably start cooking I guess around 7 or so. Ya'll come on over. It will be fun. I guess I might see you then. I just thought I better clear the air between us." Mike said.

"Thanks, I appreciate that." I said. Mike then went back over and lounged with his new boyfriend, Barry.

Corey said after Mike was gone, "Dude that was cool of him."

"Yeah, I guess he realized how wrong he was. That was pretty freaking cool for him to invite us over," I said. Then Corey and I decided to jump in the pool and cool off. Mike and Barry joined us and we talked in the shallow end for a little while. Barry looked like Mike's type since he had those All-American good looks with dark hair that he highlighted. He sported a nice tan with a pearly white smile. I admit Mike did a great job of picking out a guy being he was so cute, I must say. He seemed to have a very outgoing personality and he and Corey seemed to hit it off pretty well.

Corey and I headed back to our apartment. Corey peeled off his board shorts. I just laughed as I saw that he was pretty red from the sun. I was now sporting a nice tan line around my waist as I could tell when we undressed. I reached over to kiss Corey and could feel the heat coming off his body.

"Fuck Jeff, I hate getting sunburned." Corey said.

"Dude you said you wanted to get some sun and I say you did."

"You got any shit to put on it?"

"No. Looks like your ass is going to have to suffer." I laughed at Corey but felt sorry for him suffer. "Hey let me call Mike and see if he has any shit you can put on it."

I called Mike since he was still at the pool. He said he thought he did and I could meet him at his place in like 5 minutes. I just grabbed some shorts and some sandals while Corey just stood in the floor still naked and looked very uncomfortable.

I waited like 10 minutes and headed over. Mike and Barry were there waiting on me in the apartment. I stepped inside while Mike looked for some aloe.

"Dude, I am sorry I called you and your boy white trash. He is fucking cool as shit." Mike stood there after finding a big bottle of aloe vera gel.

"I knew you were pissed. It is cool now." I said.

"Jeff, I still can't believe he is living with you now."

"Honestly Mike, I still can't either. I guess we will see how it goes." I said taking the aloe and heading back.

Corey was just sitting on the edge of the couch. I handed the bottle to him and started to laugh when he would jump as he applied the aloe.

"Put some on my back, Jeff."

"Okay." I grabbed the bottle and slowly started rubbing it in.

"Fuck that shit is cold," Corey said. I could see and feel just how burned he was.

"That should do you." I said after finishing applying the aloe to his burned back.

Corey grabbed some boxers then we watched TV together. I didn't dare get close to him or he would scream. I did enjoy teasing him like I was going to touch him. I could tell Corey was in a little pain but the aloe really seemed to help.

We then got dressed, grabbed a 12 pack of beer and headed over to Mike's apartment. Mike's friends were already there as we introduced ourselves to each other. Both Phil and Sammy, Mike's friends weren't near as hot as Barry since both were a little overweight. Sammy had a nice beer gut going but they were both very friendly.

"Damn, Jeff, I can see Corey has done your ass some good already. You look nice in those shorts and tight t-shirt, dude." Mike said to me.

"Thanks, he picked them out for me," I said. I had on a muscle t-shirt and some cool shorts that Corey made sure I sagged a little.

"Mike, he was clueless when it comes to buying clothes," Corey grabbing a beer.

"Tell me about it." Mike said, grilling the hamburgers while the rest of us drank and talked.

"Damn Corey, you got burned today." Barry said.

"Fuck yeah dude, look at my stomach how red it is." Corey said he lifted up his shirt to show his fire red stomach and back.

"I bet that shit hurts." Barry said.

"Dude I like those tatts. Where you get those?" Phil said. "I got one on my back."

"Oh the place down near downtown." Corey said as he now took off his shirt since he was hurting just a little bit.

"Cool Corey, I am dying to get one," Barry said. "I will get with you later and you can give me the address."

I really enjoyed hanging out with Mike and his friends. They were very nice and seemed like good guys. Corey was not the youngest I found out as Phil was 19 while Barry was 21 as was Sammy. Mike was all sweaty and pulled off his shirt as did Barry and I since it was rather hot in Mike's place. I know the other two were a little ashamed of their bodies while they kept their shirts on. I had nothing to be ashamed of neither did Mike, Barry or Corey.

Mike served up the hamburgers while we sat on the couch eating them while Steve, Mike's roommate, was gone with his girl for the holiday. Mike was a great host and really seemed to be enjoying himself. Barry, Mike's boyfriend, was by far the coolest one there and I will say Mike has good taste in guys.

After eating, Mike pulled out a game for us to play while we continued to down the brews. We paired up as couples as we played "Scattergories". It was a lot of fun and I could tell Phil and Sammy had been together for a while as they beat both of us soundly. We then decided to go in just groups of three, separating each couple. That was much fairer and they saw just how competitive I was. I hated losing no matter what the game was.

We stopped playing since we were all pretty lit. We then gathered in the living room and continued to bullshit. I was glad Corey and I could just walk home. Corey and I left around 12 as I guess Phil and Sammy were staying at Mike's place for the night. I had a great time and really think Corey did too. It was nice of Mike to invite us over. It was sort of cool knowing we were all gay, I guess I could start calling myself that now, and enjoyed each other's company.

Corey and I weren't too drunk when we came home. We were just a little buzzed. I again applied the aloe to Corey's whole body since he seemed to enjoy it. We just swapped juicy blow jobs that night since Corey was still feeling the results of his day in the sun. I didn't mind at all that he and I didn't have anal sex that night since it was still very hot and quite passionate. I let Corey dictate how he slept that night. He just slept on his stomach and I did the same.

I was starting to get used to waking up each morning and seeing Corey lying beside me. It was nice to know he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. I was up early that Monday morning since we did the next two days off at work. I did my crunches and pushups while Corey slept. After that I threw in a nice dip as I relaxed sitting on the couch. I didn't dip Skoal a whole lot. Matter of fact Corey had never seen with a dip in. Corey woke as he came over to kiss me. He then saw that I was dipping.

"Fuck dude, no fucking way am I kissing you with a dip in your mouth." Corey said.

"At least, it doesn't stink up the apartment like your smoking does."

"You are right about that. That shit is so fucking nasty, dude. I don't see how you do it." Corey said.

"I guess you get used to it, like smoking." I said, then seeing Corey lit one up.

"Oh well I guess I will get used to it." Corey said.

I then spit out my dip,washed out my mouth and kissed him. We then got something to eat using our new microwave.

We spent the rest of the morning relaxing. I could see Corey's sun burn was getting better. I really wanted to go lay out some more but knew Corey wouldn't be up for it.

"Dude, I really want to go lay out today so more." I said.

"Well I guess we can go. I will just wear a shirt and sunscreen."

"Corey you don't have to go if you don't want to."

"I will. What else do I have to do?" Corey said. We then put on our board shorts and grabbed a towel. Mike and Barry were walking over the same time we did so we grabbed a chair next to each other. I hated that Corey couldn't enjoy the sun. Corey just laid there with his shirt on as me, Mike and Barry got to enjoy the day. I did have to laugh a little but kind of felt sorry for him. I didn't let it hamper my fun as we all enjoyed each other's company.

"I guess ya'll had fun last night." Barry said.

"Yeah it was fun." Corey said.

"Hey Barry and I are going to the river to catch the fireworks tomorrow night if ya'll want to go."

"Sure, sounds fine with me," I said.

"I have been there before. It is pretty cool," Corey said. I was afraid he would give us another one of his story but left it at that.

I didn't stay too long that day. It was nice to hang with Mike and Barry for a little while. Mike was actually very cool to me now. I hoped he would stay that way.

I could tell Corey was ready to get out the sun so we headed back to the apartment. As soon as we hit the door, Corey was out of his shirt.

"That wasn't so bad, Jeff," Corey said.

"You are such a sport. You really fucking hated it, didn't you?"

"Dude, you read me like a book. That was fucking torture. I was miserable when I felt the sun on my arms and face." Corey said as we laughed. Corey grabbed a beer and went to take a nap. I then headed to the exercise room for a little while Corey slept. I was sweaty when I came in and just lay beside Corey. He looked so cute there sleeping. After a little while I asleep next to him.

Corey was shocked to see me beside him when he got up. I felt Corey wake me shaking me. I didn't realize how long we were out since it was now dark outside. I hit the shower and realized I had gone to sleep all sweaty. Corey handed me a beer after I finished the shower. We sat and drank that night while we talked to each other. We were growing closer and closer as we talked about our lives. He confessed to being on verge of being a drug addict in high school as he told believable stories of many days he would go to school stoned. I had to admit that I too had a small taste of drugs but they never really got a hold of me like they did my younger brother, who was still dealing with that problem. I then told Corey I wasn't sure how I was going to break the new of my new life to my parents and younger brother. Corey assured me that it would not be as bad as I thought it would be. We ate a little bit, just a small salad while we talked. I was hoping he was right but knew that my dad would take it the hardest of the three. Then the image of Dylan popped into my head but I still wasn't sure he was mine yet.

I could tell Corey's sunburn wasn't bothering him quite so bad. I felt as though I really knew Corey a lot better and there was a lasting connection between us.

Corey then led me into our bedroom. He lay on top of me as we kissed. I then was able to touch his back a little as we made out. I slightly kissed his upper body and then his thighs before moving on to his dick. I was growing more and more accustomed to having Corey's dick in my mouth. I loved pleasuring him.

We kissed again as both of us were sexually charged. He then used his tongue on my chest and abs before moving to my hard dick. He took it down his throat while I caressed his hair. I loved running my fingers through his hair while he was down on me. I then felt his boney finger in my ass. I moaned slightly. I looked then and saw him move to my ass. I spread my legs as far as I could while he ate out my ass. His tongue was bobbing in and out of my ass as he tongue fucked me. Shit did that felt so hot. His eyes were staring into to mine while I watched him.

"Can I fuck you raw tonight?" Corey said. "I want to make hot love to you just like you did to me the other night."

I did love him so much now and said, "Corey, I would love for you to."

I then saw him grab the lube and grease up my ass and his hard dick. My hole was throbbing in anticipation of what was to come. He lifted my ass up slightly while he lined up his greasy dick. I felt a poke but no insertion. I relaxed and then felt Corey's raw hot dick enter my ass again. It hurt slightly but I just moaned as Corey leaned over and kissed me.

"I love you, Jeff!" Corey worked his dick in me.

"OOOOOOOO" was all I could muster at the time while my ass was adjusting to getting fucked again.

"Your ass feels so good around my bare cock, Jeff. OOO FUCK YEAH," Corey said then he grabbed my ankles and threw them on his shoulders. He now started slowly but passionately fucking me. We moaned in unison with each deep thrust into my ass. I could see the love in his eyes while he made love to me.

"Oh fuck Corey that feels so fucking good. Fuck me!" I said, lusting after his cock that was buried deep in me. We continued to fuck missionary style while our bodies developed a sweet chemistry together. He would occasionally slap my ass and pinch my nipple while he drove his cock in me. He then lifted me up the best he could where I could ride his dick.

"Fucking ride me Jeff!" Corey said. Then I slid my ass slowly on his throbbing dick.

"Oh fuck!" I screamed, feeling his hips force his hot dick inside me deep. He then took my cock in his hand and started to jack me off. We were in great harmony that night as the bed rocked with our action.

"OOO, Corey, I am about to nut!" I said, feeling my balls tighten and then felt the release of my hot cum across his stomach. I didn't know if I was ready for him to cum inside me but then without warning felt that hottest, warmest sensation of my life. Corey moaned then leaned over and kissed me while he shot his load deep in me. It felt like it would end up in my gut. My ass was on fire while I continue to feel cum shooting into me. It felt so different and didn't know what to make of it at first. I could feel his dick deflate in me and his cum start to drip from my hole. Corey slowly exited me with most of his cum still in me. It was hot seeing his dick still covered in cum.

"That was hotter than fuck. I have never cum inside a guy before," Corey said.

"I loved it Corey. We are as one now it seems. I am so in love with you," I said as he kissed me. Corey then told me to go take a shit and the rest of his cum would come out. I did and saw his white remains in the toilet.

He grabbed me when I returned and we made out more passionately than ever.

"Jeff, I truly know how much you love me." Corey said.

"I feel the same way. Corey you are so wonderful. I am sure our days together will be filled with hot passionate sex and so much love."

"You are the best thing I have ever had happen in my life." Corey said.

We lay together still glowing after our passionate sex. Sure we had had more loving sex but this was still incredibly hot. I gave myself to Corey and he in return gave himself to me. The look in Corey's deep blue eyes was so incredible that night. I could tell I was the absolute love of his life now.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 9

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