Small Town Guy

By moc.loa@5252ztupsaw

Published on Apr 2, 2007


This is pure fiction and in no way represents any person or persons living or dead. If you are under age or you don't wish to view gay material, please exit this page now. This is a story that contains graphic displays of gay sex acts if you are disturbed by this or by harsh language which may occur as part of the story, please exit now.

This is the sole possession and copyright of the author, me. In no shape or form is this story to be reproduced or copied without my express written consent. So much for the disclaimer and legal stuff, here is my story.

Please feel free to email me with comments and/or suggestions.

We headed make to my place with the dildo, lube and movie from the adult sex store. I still could not get over how easily Corey just bought these items, like it was nothing.

"Dude that place is so awesome," Corey said, "They are so cool in there."

"You've been there before?"

"Yeah dude, a couple of times. Hell it is no big deal."

"At least not for you it ain't but I was so freakin embarrassed," I said.

"Dude fuckin' chill. It was no big deal. So what if they knew we are gay? They sure as hell don't mind taking our money."

"I don't know. It was just a little creepy to me. I ain't ever been to a full fledged porno store before."

"Jeff, I can see where that might freak you out a little. I was scared to death my first time, but hell I am kinda used to it now," Corey said. We pulled up to my place and carried in HIS stuff. I was still not sure what to make of that place and all.

I reached in the frig and grabbed us a beer a piece. Corey was busy taking the cellophane wrapper off the movie he had bought.

"Have you ever seen a porno movie before, Jeff?" Corey asked.

"Yeah at a friend's house a few times, just not a gay one. I hope it is as good as straight porn."

"Trust me dude it is." Corey took the beer and took a big swig of it. "You want to watch it nude with me."

"Sure Corey, I think it would be so hot and maybe a little romantic if we did watch it in the buff," I winked at Corey.

"Oh hell yeah!" Corey said and then starting undressing there in the living room. I was out of my clothes, too. I admit it was hot sitting on the small couch naked with Corey. The movie started out kind of slow but at least the guys looked pretty hot to me. I think Corey wanted to show me some different maneuvers to try on him or something since I was a newbie at gay sex. I was hard as a rock as I watched these hot dudes fucked without a condom. I was starting to wonder what his true intentions were but figured he purchased the hottest title he could find. It was nice to kiss him while the scenes changed. It was about the same shit but the guys fucked in different positions. I give Corey one thing the guys were hot and young unlike in the ones I saw over at my friend's house where it was always some thirty-something year old man banging a chesty hot babe. I will say straight porns had a little more talking in the sex scenes than the one were watching.

"Dude this is fucking tight, huh?"

"Yeah, it is," I watched while they again went at it again without using a condom. "What does bareback mean exactly, Corey?"

"Dude it's fucking without a condom."

"Oh I see. I guess I should have figured it out since not one single guy wore a condom in the sex scenes, yet. That looks pretty hot," I saw Corey now slightly stroking his dick. He then reached over and was doing the same to me. I then reached down and stroked his meat as we continued to watch the movie.

"Corey, I have seen enough this. I wouldn't mind a little of the real shit, now," I eyed Corey with the sexiest look I knew.

"I was thinking the same thing. This has got me so hot and horny," Corey then turned off the movie and we kissed. We headed back to my bedroom where it was a lot more comfortable. Corey brought the lube and dildo with him. I just figured he wanted me to use it in his ass. We then 69ed just like we saw some of those guys do in the movie. Neither of us lasted very long and both shoot our loads. We then kissed with the smell of cum still lingering in the room.

Corey then grabbed the dildo. He said, "Jeff, I know what you are going to say..."

"Fuck no, dude!" I pushed Corey away slightly.

"Just try it. You might actually enjoy..."

"Oh hell no Corey, no way are you sticking that big son of bitch in my ass. It will not fit," I said.

"Trust me it will..." Corey said but again I cut him off before he got any further ideas.

"Oh no, fuck no." I did not want that thing in my ass. Corey opened the lube and greased that big dildo up. "Let me stick in your ass."

"Dude, I don't give a fuck. I just thought you might want to try it once. Please, Jeff." Corey pleaded with me while he held the dildo in his hand.

"Fuck! Alright then, Corey!" I said giving in but not really too thrilled with the idea just yet. "You better take that bitch out if I say so." I still wasn't sure what to expect.

Corey then put me on my stomach and spread my legs. He gently lubricated my tight hole and stuck his boney finger in there. I admit that did feel awesome when he hit my prostrate. He worked in a few more but I was not relaxed one bit.

Corey then grabbed the dildo and tried to push it in but my ass automatically rejected it. "Dammit, Jeff, relax. Push out with your ass like you are taking a shit."

"Okay, Corey. This shit better not hurt." I was doing my best after he fingered my ass a little and tried to loosen me up. I then felt the dildo slip in. "Take it out! Fuck Corey, hell that fucking hurt!"

Corey pulled it. I was breathing hard and started to sweat. "Fuck I don't see how the fuck you take a dick, dude." I said. Corey just laughed.

Again he pushed it in. I screamed but took it. I was tense so Corey tried to relax me by gently stroking my inner thigh. I tried breathing deeply but there still was this fucking dildo up my ass. It felt like a huge pole in me. Oh shit, that must be how it feels when I fuck a dude with my big dick. Damn Mike and Corey are so tough dudes. I then felt him slide it deeper and deeper. Oh fuck, it still hurt as I screamed and panted. I was now determined to take this dildo no matter how much it hurt. It was going to take some getting used to. Then I felt my ass actually expanding to take that big dildo. Corey slowly started working in and out my ass. It wasn't real bad. I started relaxing a little bit and the pain dissipated.

Corey leaned over and kissed me with that dildo was still in my ass. "You ready for a real dick now?"

"Fuck yeah, Corey. I want you in me." I said. I couldn't believe what I just said, but I guess this was his plan all along to fuck me. He took the dildo out of my ass. Whew! Now for the real thing.

Corey grabbed a condom and lubed it up good. He then stuck his nice dick at my ass while I was now on my back with my legs spread. My ass was throbbing still and waited for the moment of truth. I looked at him and he kissed me. He then spread my ass cheeks as wide as he could. I then felt his cock head slip past my sphincter ring and into to my ass. I actually had a real dick in my ass for the first time.

"Oh fuck Corey!" I screamed when his dick entered my hole for the first time.

"Oh Jeff, this is too fucking hot!" Corey said while I moaned and grunted as he continued to go deeper and deeper in my ass. You know his dick wasn't as thick as that damn dildo. He let me adjust to his dick for just a second. It wasn't as bad as I had thought it might have been. I had always wondered what the fascination was with anal sex and know I knew first hand.

Corey then leaned over and kissed me. I had always loved kissing girls when I was in them and now knew what that felt like. I then felt him pick up the pace just a little.

"Oh fuck me Corey. This is fucking hot!" I said then grabbed his skinny hot ass.

"Fuck yeah! I popped your fucking cherry, huh?"

"Oh fuck yeah!"

Damn he did pop my cherry but at least it was with a guy I truly now cared for. After I had adjusted to his dick, I actually didn't mind his dick fucking me. Matter-of-fact I sort of liked it and could tell what pleasure Corey received with him inside me. I was still moaning and grunting. I loved seeing Corey's thin body when he plunged into my ass. We kissed again while he fucked me a little harder. I was in totally lust and ecstasy now with my hands exploring his boney back. I loved the feel of his hot dick in me. Corey reached down and started to jerk my soft dick. You know I wasn't hard from him fucking me but he was hitting a great spot. He was massaging my prostrate while he now fucked me. I was in another world now as my new lover continued to feed me his dick.

Corey then pulled out of me and shot another load on my fairly ripped abs. He continued to jack me off until I shot my second load that ran down my hand.

"Corey, I mean it. I really do love you now."

"Shit Jeff, I do too. I could tell you loved me when you let me fuck your ass."

We kissed and made out passionately as lovers. I still couldn't believe I just let some dude fuck me. You know it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I guess that dildo loosened me up a little. I now really wanted him to live with me but I didn't tell him as I wanted to sleep on it for a night and see if that might change my mind. My feeling and passion for Corey ran deep in me just like his hot dick did that night. I could not believe that I had fallen for a guy the way I had Corey. I wanted to share my life with him for as long as he would let me. I now fully admitted to myself that I was bi if not leaning towards being gay. I was okay with that fact seeing how the other gay guys around me had adjusted quite well to that life.

There is not a better sight than waking up to next to a person you really care about and having deep feelings for. I knew right then and there I wanted every morning to be like this. I figured there would be a few bumps in the road along the way, but hell that is just part of it. I was now deeply in love with the guy that was lying next to me. Sure he had a few flaws, but don't we all. We could go hunting together, plus too he could pay half the rent. That was the best part. No who I am kidding, just being with him all the time would be the best part. He was very loving and I could sense he had the same feelings for me.

I then was starting cooking us breakfast. At least I could whip up some eggs and bacon. It did smell good. I then saw Corey get up and come to where I was cooking. Damn did he look especially hot as I saw the dick that was in my ass hanging so beautifully or was it just me with my afterglow still tainting my vision. I grabbed us a plate and sat it on the table.

"Get your stuff after we eat." I said to Corey.

"What you want me to leave? What was this shit last night that you loved me?" Corey said with a puzzled look upon his face.

I laughed, "No dumbass, I want you to move in with me."

Corey did the classic spit-take while he was drinking some orange juice, "Are you shitting me, dude?" I nodded no. "Let me think about that for a minute." Corey rubbed his chin like you would see in an old movie, "Nah, I like things the way they are."

I was stunned. He then said with a wide grin, "I was just fucking with you. Of course I would love to move in with you. Are you sure, Jeff?"

"Corey, there is nothing I want more now. I saw your hot body when I woke up and decided then that I wanted every morning to be just like that. I missed you so last week and love just being around you. I know it is a little fast but I just hate being away from you."

"Oh fuck dude, you won't be sorry. I promise. This is so fucking awesome, Jeff!" Corey said and hurried up eating his breakfast.

Corey then called his mom to tell her his good news. She was happy for Corey. He said he would be by later to get more stuff. I could see the joy in his cute face and especially his bright blue eyes.

"Corey, my damn ass is so sore." I said.

"Fuck yeah, dude, but wasn't it worth it?"

"Fuck it was Corey. I loved the fact that it was you who popped my cherry," I said as we kissed. Our hot naked bodies mixed as one while we shared a passionate embrace in the middle of the kitchen floor. I ran my hands through his long blond hair careful not to touch his recently pierced ears. His hands were up and down my back and grabbing my ass while we continued to make out. I had truly fallen head over heals in love with his guy despite never dreaming that I would or could feel this way towards a male.

We then dressed and headed out to Corey's place in my truck since it had a full size bed and I didn't know what he wanted to bring. His mom was waiting on us at the door. She grabbed Corey and kissed him.

"I am so happy for you Corey." His mom said.

"Thanks, mom. I am happy too. I never dreamed it would be so soon," Corey said.

"I know you young men will get along just fine. You look so cute together. Here I got you some stuff I don't need." His mom said as we followed her inside her house.

"Wow mom, thanks a lot. I sure we can use this stuff." Corey said, seeing it was some towels and other general things. Corey went down to his room and we loaded his TV, TV stand and a few more of his clothes. Corey seemed very happy as we hauled the stuff to my truck. He then brought out a box filled with some porn movies and more of his shit, as I liked to call it. Corey kissed his mom good bye as we headed off to unload his things.

We took his TV to the bedroom and hooked it up there along with a small TV stand that he had brought along.

"Dude, here is my first month's rent," Corey said.

"Thanks Corey." I said when he handed me it in cash.

"Dude the first thing we need to do is buy as fucking bed. That damn thing is so lumpy and I hate that it sits on the floor. I will just split the cost with you." Corey said.

"Fine with me. I am used to it, but I guess we can."

We headed out again and found a discount mattress store not too far from our place. We picked out a nice one with box springs and a bed frame that way it didn't set on the floor. It was comfy I must say but I was used to my old mattress. Corey was cool and shit when he said he was just helping out a friend since he let me pay for it all so we didn't appear so much as a couple. I was still going to getting used to us being a couple. We told them we would back to get it later and then headed to the mall.

Corey was bound and determined to increase my fashion style while decreasing my bank account. I let him pick out my clothes on the condition that they were on sale at Hollister and A&F. He did a good job since I finally had a few things that now fit me instead of being so loose since I lost an inch or two around my waist. I knew it was going to take some getting used to those tight muscle shirts that were so popular, but I will admit I liked how they looked on me. Some of them made me look down right skinny. Corey, of course, had to buy a few himself while we finished up our shopping.

We then went back to the mattress store and loaded up our new mattress set that was queen size, too like my old one. I tied it down and hoped it would not fall out on the drive home. Corey showed me a way that was not as crowded as we headed off. We got home and took the old mattress to the dumpster at the apartment complex. We then painstakingly carried in our new bed. The frame took some assembly but thank goodness Corey had some tools in his truck. In no time the bed was set up and then put on some sheets Corey's mom gave us.

Reality was starting to set in now that Corey was my boyfriend and that he now was living with me. In less than a month I went from curious about gay sex and all to living with a hot guy. Oh well, I was truly enjoying myself at the moment. I hoped that it was a decision that I would not regret it. I then looked at Corey while he was trying on his new clothes and then realized he was the main reason for my sudden change in lifestyle since he looked so fucking hot in his new stuff. He insisted that I put on some of my new shit to go celebrate our new life together. I put on the shirt and my shorts that Corey had picked out for me. Corey reached over and told me to sag them just a little like he was doing. It was different since I had seen a few other guys doing it and knew it looked good on them.

Corey looked at me after I was through dressing, "Damn Jeff, you are fucking hot ass. You know that?"

"Fuck Corey, you are too. Thanks for moving in with me," I then kissed Corey right on the lips, showing him my appreciation for changing me and moving in with me.

Corey wanted to treat me to one of his favorite places in town. I will admit they had good food as I ordered just what Corey, did a nice big steak. It tasted good but I forewent the beer not to rub it in Corey's face. I could not wait until he turned 21 which was at the end of July, this month.

After eating and grabbing Corey some smokes and me a can of Skoal, we headed to our place. Corey grabbed a beer but I hated drinking in bed but we wanted to lie in our new bed and watch TV together. We piled up in bed together after we undressed. Our first real night living together felt great, knowing that he would not be leaving any time soon.

Corey seemed very content while we watched TV together cuddled up in each other's arms. We kissed some as we seemed to get really used to it. We turned off the TV with Corey on top of me. We made out for a bit and shared our deepest thoughts with each other. I could have been perfectly happy falling asleep after that but Corey would have none of that.

Corey then started licking my tanned fit body paying particular attention to my nipples and my abs. He sucked each of my balls that hung low. He then slowly licked the length of my now hard 9 inch dick. That sent chills up my spine as his tongue worked my meat. He lovingly started sucking my dick as I massaged his shoulders. Our eyes meet as I saw a great majority of my dick deep in his mouth. All I could see was Corey with his nose in my pubes as the tongue worked me. He then kissed me.

I then gave Corey the same loving treatment. My arms were wrapped around his thin hot body as I sucked his 7 inch dick. I then spread his legs and did something I thought I would never do. I licked his ass. I was so thankful he was clean while I started tonguing my lover's ass. Corey was moaning since I did my damnedest to rim his ass.

Corey kissed me and asked, "Jeff, do you really love me?"

"Fuck yeah Corey as much as I have ever loved anyone."

"I want you to make love to me bareback then."

I agreed to show him my deep love for him. We then kissed for a minute. I then lubed up my cock and his ass. I then guided my bare hard cock into his ass. I had fucked Mike bare but this was totally different.

"Ummm" Corey moaned, feeling my raw dick in his ass. "Jeff, make love to me tonight."

We then kissed again. I proceeded to make passionate love to Corey that night as he requested. It was slow passionate without much of the rough pounding. I admit that it did fell awesome to feel his inner ass with my raw dick. The warmth of his ass was incredible that night. Our new bed was rocking with our movements of hot anal sex. Corey was working that ass on my dick that night like never before. It was so romantic and neither of us spoke much and just enjoyed the action and lust we had for one another. I told Corey I could feel that the moment he was waiting for was close. I then felt his ass clamp down on my hard dick that was waiting to explode in his hot ass.

"Oh fuck, Corey," I said, giving Corey a blast of my nut up his hot ass.

"Oh Jeff this is so fucking hot!" Corey said, and then exploded between us. "Please Jeff keep your cock in me."

I left my cock in him while we kissed and made out. I could feel my cum in his ass. I slowly exited his ass to see cum dripping from his fucked hole. I licked a little of the cum and ass juices and gave Corey a taste.

We shared a cigarette in bed after the hot love making. I admit Corey looked sexy smoking next to me. We continued making out and petting each other. I was totally smitten with Corey like never before. Corey fell asleep next to me with my arm draped over his thin body.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 8

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