Small Town Guy

By moc.loa@5252ztupsaw

Published on Mar 31, 2007


This is pure fiction and in no way represents any person or persons living or dead. If you are under age or you don't wish to view gay material, please exit this page now. This is a story that contains graphic displays of gay sex acts if you are disturbed by this or by harsh language which may occur as part of the story, please exit now.

This is the sole possession and copyright of the author, me. In no shape or form is this story to be reproduced or copied without my express written consent. So much for the disclaimer and legal stuff, here is my story.

Please feel free to email me with comments and/or suggestions.

The next morning I felt Corey leave my arms and get up as he woke me. He was just going to the bathroom and came back to lie back down with me. I saw that I was awake.

"Good morning, stud," Corey then kissed me. His lips felt so good that morning.

We continued a little morning make out session both sporting our healthy morning wood. It wasn't long before my long dick was back up in his ass. Now that was a hell of way to start a morning but damn was good. I entered Corey hot ass as we lay side by side with his leg up on mine to allow easy access to his fuck hole. We mostly just kissed the whole time I was fucking him. I liked this different position Corey was in. I saw his load fly out his dick and land on my sheets as I was still in him. I pulled out and covered his abs with my morning load. I then lay on top of him as we made out more, smearing my load between us.

"Fucking hot ass way to start the day, huh?" I said.

"Oh fuck yeah! I could get used to this." Corey said.

"I could too."

"Awesome dude, why don't I just move in with you?" Corey said.

I then looked at Corey hoping not to break his sweet heart and said, "Corey, it is not that I don't really love you. I am just not quite ready for that step just yet."

"Oh well, I thought I could at least ask. There is no harm in that is there?"

"No, maybe in a little while we can if our relationship continues to grow. I would love to live with you but let us get to know each other a little better before we do something we both regret."

"Jeff I totally understand. I would like to move in with you but you are right. I think we should wait until we are both ready to that big jump. I guess I am moving a little fast on your ass."

"Thanks for understanding, Corey. I appreciate that." I said as I was relieved he didn't push the issue any further. At least we both now knew where each other stood. "It will be nice someday to have someone share the rent with me and I hope like hell it is you."

"I do too. I have always wanted to live with my boyfriend. I just never have found one until I meet you that I thought I could truly enjoy living with and be happy."

"It might happen down the road. I am just now getting into this gay lover stuff. I kind of want to take it slow, at least for a while. Don't get me wrong, I do love you."

"I love you too, Jeff." Corey said as I petted him with a soft touch. "I guess I better head home then."

"Why are going?"

"Well I figured you had had enough of me for the weekend."

"Corey, you can go if you want. I figured we could sleep together again tonight and ride together to work tomorrow."

"Cool. I did bring my work clothes just in case. You read my mind. I just didn't want to overstay my welcome."

With that Corey and I showered together for the first time. It was cramped as hell but neither of us minded at all. I might it was nice and had done it some with girls in the past. Wet kisses in the shower are so hot. Neither of us put on clothes until we went back to do my laundry and go to the grocery store. Corey was cool and insisted on paying for some of my groceries, since he ate some. I did grab 2 24 packs of beer in case I didn't make it back as the Fourth of July holiday was Tuesday after next.

We restarted the movie from the night before. It turned out to be pretty good once we paid attention. We were both cuddled up next to each other on the couch. We decided to forego the other one since it was near nine and work was the next day. We wanted plenty of time to play in bed.

Corey rode my big dick that night as I loved seeing his skinny ass going up and down on my rigid dick. He then turned around where we could kiss while I continued to fuck his sweet hot ass. I was really getting into to this gay sex and loved it now. I got bold and let Corey give me what he called a facial. I was a little freaked out about at first but took his load as it covered my face. He did get a little on my lips which wasn't too bad. He downed my load that night again and swapped a little bit of it with me as we made out. It was tough going to sleep that night with my lover curled up next to me as with both knew we better get some sleep as 5:45 came awful early.

Boy did it ever come too early. Corey and I quickly showered and headed off to work and ate on the run. I didn't care if any of my co-workers saw us getting out together since I could just say we rode together and leave it at that. It was none of their business what we did in our free time away from the plant. Corey and I ate lunch together and it was all we could do to keep from being affection with each other but we both knew if we were to work together that was how it was going to be.

Corey and I changed out of our work clothes and went to lay by the pool. It was just us and a few other people that day. After relaxing by the pool, I got Corey to join me in doing my crunches and push-ups. He didn't make it very long as I was beginning to built up my stamina at least in doing those.

"Well, Jeff, I guess I better head home." Corey said.

"Okay, Corey. I loved being with you. Dude, just planning on staying with me all next weekend until Tuesday since we are off Monday and Tuesday for the 4th, unless you got plans."

"It looks like I have plans now. It was so hot. Thanks for letting me stay," Corey said then we passionately kissed. He then got in his truck to drive home. I stared at him for a minute and then went back inside.

I now ate something and watched the other movie we rented. I drove the movie back to the place around 9 to avoid a late charge. In all honesty, I missed having Corey here with me. If nothing else, I told myself he was great company. I could still smell his scent when I lie in bed that night. I pounded my meat with thoughts of Corey in my head. Girls now seemed the furthest thing from my mind since I was totally immersed in Corey.

The next day after getting home, I went to workout at the exercise room there at my complex. I was getting in better shape and wanted to keep it that way as long as I could. I could tell I had lost some weight as my jeans and shorts seemed really loose now. I was watching TV when I heard a knock. I was hoping it was Corey, but it was Mike.

I immediately knew what his intentions were and I for one was having none of it that night. We sat down and watched a little TV together for a while.

"Man, I sure would like to get with you tonight again." Mike said.

"Fuck off, Mike."

"Wow, Jeff. You don't want a little quickie or just a hot blowjob."

"Fuck dude, I got a boyfriend now." I said. There I said it, I guess Corey was now my boyfriend whether I liked or not.

"Oh that piece of white trash I saw you with."

"Dude, he is not white trash for your information!" I was mad as hell now at his insinuation and not really knowing Corey.

"Whatever, Jeff. He looks like it though with those tatts and that long bushy hair."

"Fuck you, Mike. All you are is a fucking man whore."

"Shit I never heard you complain. Fuck you then, Jeff. You are just like him, nothing but white fucking trash." Mike said got up and started to the door.

It was all I could do not to lay this dude out on the floor and beat the living shit of his ass. "Fuck you, bitch. It is cool if you want to be friends, but I am not some toy you can just come over and have your way with. Got that!"

"See you then. Don't come calling my ass when he dumps you then. You fucking dick!" Mike slammed the door, ringing the walls.

I was still furious after Mike left. I quickly downed a beer to ease my nerves since I was now shaking. The nerve of him to call me and Corey white trash, he was a good one to talk. Just because he worked at Hollister's or wherever in the mall, gives him no right to judge other people solely on the basis of looks and then practically demand I have sex with him. I was grateful that he broke me in but other than that he was way out of place thinking he could just come over and we have sex.

I had to call Corey if nothing else to blow off a little steam. He could tell I was furious as I told him what just happened. He of course had to tell me a story that was similar to mine but I didn't care whether it was true or not. I loved hearing his voice. I told him to just come over Thursday night and stay and we could see what it was like living together temporarily. Corey loved the idea as he said he missed being with me. I told him the same as I did miss having him around.

Work was still going well as I looked forward to the paycheck or what they called a paycheck at the end of the week. I actually enjoyed working at the plant despite having a quite mundane job. I guess that comes with factory work. I did enjoy seeing Corey and now wished I would have told him today but I could wait one more day.

I went to my mailbox and found a few bills and a big white envelope with just my address and no return address in the corner. I didn't check my mail that often since there wasn't much there. I tucked the mail under my arm and headed back to my apartment. I opened the bills and put them aside. I was curious what was in the other envelope as I figured it was some sales brochure or maybe so apartment complex news.

I found a handwritten letter then two photos came tumbling out. I picked up the two photos and saw a cute little kid and another one with the same kid and a woman knelt down by side him. I then proceeded to read the hand-written letter. It read: "Dear Jeff, I hope this letter finds you well. Please accept my sincere apology for running away from you the way I did. I have enclosed a picture of me and Dillon, your son maybe."

I then looked at the picture and tears flooded my eyes. Finally, there was something about my son. Tears were rolling down my eyes. I kept reading. It continued: "Dillon is now three and has been asking me about his daddy. Here in lies my dilemma. I am not 100% sure who his father is. I think it maybe you but not certain. You see Jeff, I was having sex with other guys while we were dating. I am sorry for that fact now, but there is nothing I can do about it now. I was scared so I ran as off to Nashville to have the baby and just get away for the whole situation. Dillon is a very bright kid and I know you would love him. I am requesting that you please submit to a DNA test. I am not doing this to get money from you in the form of child support, if nothing else I am doing it for Dillon's sake and my sanity. My parents are going to pay for it so please call me and I can possibly set something up. Yours truly, Stacy. PS Your brother gave me your address."

I continued to look at the pictures. He sure was a cute little feller and all. Man, had Stacy put on some weight too. I didn't even recognize her. I called the number and Stacy answered the phone. I could hear Dillon in the background playing while we talked. I agreed to the test and see gave me a place in Memphis that I could have it done. She was very apologetic the whole time. I wanted to say hi to Dillon on the phone if nothing else. I heard this sweet innocent `hi' come over my phone. I started to cry hoping that it was my son that I had fathered. She also asked that I not tell anyone about this since she didn't want further embarrassment by asking all three of us to get tested. I hung up after a nice conversation after all these years. I hoped now that Dillon was mine as I grabbed the picture and held it to my heart.

The next day at work, I brought the number to the clinic and called them on my first break. They said I could stop by anytime before 5 since all they had to do was just draw a little blood was all. I told Corey about my dilemma and that he could come over after say 6. He said that was fine and hoped everything worked out. I headed straight to the clinic after work. I had to wait a few minutes before they drew blood. They told me I might know something in 3 weeks or so and they would mail the full results. My mind was racing as I drove home in the rush hour traffic. Man was I glad that I didn't have to do this everyday.

I was home now stressed out from the drive and the past 24 hours. I did my crunches and push-ups as I waited for 6 o'clock to arrive. Corey was finally there as he arrived with a small bag of like a toothbrush and other items and some clothes. I found a place for his clothes in a hall closet that I didn't use. Damn was Corey looking hot. I grabbed and kissed him like we hadn't seen each other in a long time. I then showed him the picture of Dillon that I now had posted on my refrigerator.

"Damn he is a cute kid. He sort of looks like you."

"Well I hope so."

"Was she on the birth control when she got pregnant?"

"Hell no. I always hated fucking her with a condom all the damn time. She kept telling me she didn't want to get pregnant. I'll be damned if she didn't."

"Maybe he is not yours. Maybe it slipped."

"I have been trying to remember. It did slip once but that would have been say 3 months before she conceived."

"I hope that pussy was good. Bet she wants some cash now, huh?"

"No, she said she is doing it for him as he has been asking where his dad was and she just wanted to find out."

"Dude, I have heard that shit before. A buddy of mine did the same thing. All she was out for was the cash."

"Who knows? Maybe he is not mine. I guess I will have to wait."

"Dude, I can tell. You really do want him to be yours, huh?"

"Yeah, I do Corey. If nothing else for my mom and dad to have a grandchild maybe they can see now and not wonder where he is. They are always hinting that I should find her."

"Cool. You might enjoy the little guy too if she lets him see you since you now turned on here."

"Yeah, I have thought of that too. I guess we will cross that bridge when we get there." I said as Corey and I headed off to rent a movie.

It felt so good to have Corey with me that night as we again cuddled and enjoyed each other's company for the night. He rented some boring ass movie that gave me the chance to pay more attention to him and his cute thin body than the movie.

After the movie we headed off to have sex in my bed. Corey was hot that night as well as he showed me how to rim an ass as I loved the feel of his tongue around my tight hole. I tried to do the same to his ass but mostly just kissed it and never really stuck my tongue in it like he did. Just the thought of my tongue in the same hole that shit came out of sort of freaked me out to say the least.

I entered his hole with Corey on his back. I actually liked this position better than the rest since I could look into his eyes as I fucked his ass. It felt so good to be back inside him. We were now growing accustomed to each other tendencies which allowed us to fuck in rhythm. Damn was he ever moaning that night as I feed him my big dick relentlessly. He couldn't seem to get enough of my big dick in his skinny ass but I had finally had to pull out and shoot my load. He took his time jacking his hot dick while I sucked and played with his hard nipples. I caught him by surprise when I bravely took his nut in my mouth. He loved it and could tell I was doing it to please him. We kissed a lot afterwards. You know when I was banging Stacy we never did this. She never stayed the night much and was usually gone after having sex. I love the fact that I now was sharing our affection for one another after sex.

The next day we both showered and made to work early as usual. It was Friday and finally another payday. I was thankful I paid the first 2 month's rent as I was getting a little something in my bank account. I smiled as Corey met me at my truck to go home for the 4 day weekend. It was cool that they let us off Monday too but Corey told me they were doing maintenance that day but we would get paid for it.

We made plans that night to go out and eat somewhere decent. We decided on a great bar-be-que place not too far from my apartment. I ate like a pig on those juicy ribs and great baked beans.

"Dude, let's stop here." Corey said as he pointed to an adult bookstore after we finished eating.

"I guess so. I have never been in one of these before." I said as I pulled in.

The place wasn't real crowded as my eyes were now wide as saucers when I saw all the variety of sexual items they stocked. I didn't know what half this stuff was or how you used them. Corey seemed liked he knew what he was doing as he cruised the aisles. He picked out a big dildo and big bottle of lube. He also found an intriguing gay porno movie that he said we could watch. I didn't need a porno to get me going but if that was what he wanted to spend his money on it was fine with me. The cashier just smiled at us when she rang up Corey's purchases. I was actually quite embarrassed. Corey seemed like it was no big deal to him.

To be continued... Thanks for all the emails. I hope you have enjoyed this story so far.

Next: Chapter 7

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