Small Town Guy

By moc.loa@5252ztupsaw

Published on Mar 28, 2007


This is pure fiction and in no way represents any person or persons living or dead. If you are under age or you don't wish to view gay material, please exit this page now. This is a story that contains graphic displays of gay sex acts if you are disturbed by this or by harsh language which may occur as part of the story, please exit now.

This is the sole possession and copyright of the author, me. In no shape or form is this story to be reproduced or copied without my express written consent. So much for the disclaimer and legal stuff, here is my story.

Please feel free to email me with comments and/or suggestions.

I must admit waking up next to Corey was nice. Seeing his long blond hair while he was still asleep just made him look so nice to me. I liked seeing his thin body that was highlighted by his tatts, though I could never seeing myself defacing my body that way, at least not now. I could count almost all his ribs in his chest as he slept so peacefully. I just stared at him for a moment then turned my head to take in all his boy-like beauty, despite him being 20. I slowly pulled myself out of bed, hoping not to wake him. Since I needed to use the bathroom, I grabbed my boxers and put them on over my hard cock. I then grabbed a bite to eat from the little food I had in the kitchen.

Corey was finally awake around 10 or so. I heard him rummaging around in my room for just a minute. He came out still naked and found me sitting in the recliner. He saw him as he approached me. He landed the softest, sweetest kiss on my lips.

"That was for last night." Corey said.

I then got up and grabbed him. I landed a hot kiss on his lips while I grabbed his ass. "That was for last night, too." Our bodies rubbed together for a minute. For some reason he pushed off my boxers and they fell to the ground. Did he want sex again from me?

Corey grabbed my big dick with a tight squeeze as we continued to kiss and make out in the middle of my apartment. "This is the best fucker I ever had." Corey said. "If I am going to be nude, your ass is too."

"Fine with me," I said since I never have been ashamed of what my mom produced. It was a little strange at first but I could adjust to it.

"I can tell you like seeing me like this. I damn sure love seeing that big dick of yours as it hangs down between your legs." Corey said.

"I do like seeing you nude, I admit."

I then grabbed Corey something to eat. I hoped this was not a one night affair with Corey as I actually enjoyed being around him and all. He was fun to talk to now that Corey was his true self. I watched as he ate his breakfast. I just couldn't take my eyes of him for some reason.

After he finished eating, Corey said, "Jeff, you care if I stay the whole weekend with you?"

"Of course not, Corey."

"That's cool. Then, I am going to room home and grab up some clothes. I will back in say an hour or so." Corey then started to put on his clothes.

I watched as he got in his small truck and left. This gave me time to shower and do some dishes. I was busy the whole time he was gone. I watched TV in just my boxers and waited. An hour turned into two as now I wondered if I had scared Corey off. I had broken down his little barrier and hoped he would return. If he didn't, things sure would be a mess at work.

I then thought I heard a door slam and hoped it was Corey. I didn't want to appear too eager so I just stayed on the couch. Nothing though happened. I then heard anther one and this time there was a knock at the door. Sure enough it was Corey. He had an arm full of clothes when he came in the door. I then noticed his hair was a little shorter but it looked good on him, along with his shorts and polo shirt he wore.

"Sorry I took so long. My mom wanted to talk a minute. She is dying to meet you. Oh yeah, I stopped and got a haircut too. You like it?" Corey said.

"Yeah, it looks good on you."

"Thanks, Jeff. If you don't mind, I would like to go get my ears pierced. My mom gave me the money to have it done."

"That was cool of her."

"Yeah, she helps me out every now and then. She's cool that way as long as I stay out of trouble."

"How about your dad?"

"Oh he past away a few years ago. You see I was I guess what you call a mistake as my parents were in their 40's when I was born."

"Oh sorry about your dad."

"Thanks he was always sick when I was growing up. He was diabetic and I barely remember a time he wasn't sick."

"Who took you fishing and hunting then?"

"My older brother or my uncle would. You see the buck I killed last year. He was a big son of bitch."

"How many points?"

"He was classified as a 9-point but had a couple of the points broken off. What is the biggest one you killed?"

"When I was in high school, I got an 8-point. I really love quail hunting. I could just do it on our land back home." I said. I really liked the fact that Corey enjoyed hunting and all even if he was gay. I could see myself with someone like this more than someone like Mike, who was a little more open about his homosexuality.

"Dude, that is so cool. You want to go with me to get my ears done?"

"Sure, let me grab a shirt." I then went to pick out a shirt out of my closet to wear with him.

"Jeff, you want to get yours done while we are there?"

"Corey, I think I will wait on that."

"That's cool then." Corey got in his truck. His truck was a little cleaner than mine. We headed out to a tattoo and piercing place in town. It seemed nice enough but the people who worked there sure displayed a lot of tatts. It sort of freaked me out a little at first but they seemed friendly as one guy had to show me his full back that he got done here recently. I was amazed at the art work and could tell it must have taken a while. Corey hoped in the chair as a girl prepped his ears.

"That sure was fast," I said. Corey had to show me his new earrings, which were just little balls.

"Yeah it only takes a minute, dude. It didn't hurt at all."

"That's cool, but I still am going to wait." I was a terrified of needles but didn't really want Corey to know.

"Okay. You ready?"

"Yeah, that place was kind of cool," I said. We hopped back in Corey's truck to head out.

"They are the best in town and the cleanest. Come here at night and they are fucking swamped." Corey said, driving back to my place.

"You going to keep the balls in?" I asked.

"No, I am going to get some cool hoops later once it heals. It shouldn't take but maybe a month or so before I can change them out."

"Wow, I didn't realize it took that long."

"I didn't either but that is what she told me."

Corey and I were back home in no time. I noticed then that he had brought quite a few clothes since he grabbed them up and piled them in my bedroom floor. I guess he planned on changing clothes a lot.

"Dude, it is fucking hot in here. You ever turn down the AC." Corey said and then came out without a shirt.

"Not if I can help it. Dude, my ass is broke. I don't have a lot of money just to throw away. I will agree it is warm in here." I said as I came out of my shirt. "You want to go lay out a little bit by the pool?"

"Sure, my ass could sure stand a little sun." Corey said while we both got undressed. He brought a hot pair of shorts and put them on. I just had my regular cheap swimming shorts that I had got at Wal-Mart since the chlorine would bleach them out anyway.

"Dude, you need a pair of these." Corey said.

"What are they?"

"Board shorts, dude. Surely you know what they are."

"Oh, that's what those things are. I saw them online and didn't really know what they were for. I didn't know you could swim in them." I said. I guess I needed a little more fashion sense but back home it was just the cheapest things you could find or some cut-offs if we went down to the river to swim. I guess I was a little ignorant to some of the clothes that guys now wore. I still didn't understand why someone would buy a pair of jeans with holes in them. I had some but those were my work jeans and I usually would cut those off for the summer.

We headed back and saw Mike and Steve there too. I pulled up a chair near them as Corey and I sat next to them.

"Hey Jeff, how is it going?" Mike asked.

"Good and you?" I said.

"Good, Who did you bring with you?"

"Oh this is Corey, the guy I work with."

"Hi," Corey said as he leaned up.

"Cool, I am Mike and this is Steve," Mike said while Steve just waved.

I held my breath for just a second wondering if Mike was going to ask if I was banging Corey. He didn't as he put back on his headphones and listened to some music. Corey lathered on the sunscreen but I forewent it that day. I will admit it was hot, but it was almost July and it does get hot and humid here in Memphis.

All of us did jump in a few times just to cool off since the pool seemed to fill up with the residents of my complex. It was mostly little kids with a parent or two or some older people who come to get out of their apartments. We were about the only four people there our age, except for a young couple who came down at the end. We hung around for a few hours before heading back to the apartment.

We then showered but not together. I could tell then Corey was getting a little more comfortable around me since he came out still stark naked.

"What we going to do tonight other than the obvious?" Corey said.

"Dude, like I said my ass is broke. I guess we can just hang out here and watch whatever is on the tube."

"We can rent a movie. Where's your DVD player?"

"I don't have one. I am planning on getting one later."

"Dude those things are so cheap. You can get one for like $50."

"I know, Corey. I just haven't done it yet. I do want to get one though. I guess I will see after the next paycheck."

"That's cool. I understand," Corey said, "You are just starting out. Hey I think we got one at home we don't use. I can let you have that one." Corey said.

"That's cool dude. You sure you don't mind?"

"Fuck no. Here let me call my mom and ask her." Corey whipped out his cell. He called her and she said that was fine with her since they did have a new one. "Dude, she said it was fine. We can just run over to my house and get it right quick. We can stop off by the video store and rent a few movies."

"Sure, Corey," I said and we headed to Corey's house.

Corey lived in an older part of town about 15 minutes away. He had your basic ranch style 60's model home. He said he lived in the basement where he could come and go as he pleased. Corey took me inside his house and I did see that Corey was set up in the basement with a lot of cool stuff in his room. His room looked like his truck with everything in its place. I did meet his mom, who was an older overweight lady who looked like she had seen better days. She was very nice to me and even offered to cook us supper. We passed on the offer of a good home cooked since I don't think Corey was too interested in hanging around there much. We grabbed the DVD player and headed out.

"Thank you, ma'am. It was nice to meet you." I said to Corey's mom.

"Corey, you have a really nice boyfriend. Come back again sometime." His mom said. Did he tell her I was his boyfriend or was she just assuming that since she knew Corey was gay? I hoped the latter but I just brushed it off.

We headed back to my place after I did realize that Corey was a lot neater than his mom as the house was a virtual wreck except for Corey's little world. I still wondered what he had told her about me but I didn't bring it up as we drove. I got a membership at the video store which was close to my place. Corey was nice enough to pay for the 3 movies we rented.

Corey and I hooked up the DVD player to my TV. I was now set thanks to Corey. Corey again had his shirt off as did I. I will say that is was warm in my little place plus we both liked to hang out with a shirt.

"Jeff, you ever sell shit on the computer?" Corey asked.

"No why?"

"Oh I was just wondering." Corey said. "Dude there is some easy money to be had if you can get the right stuff."

"Dude what are you talking about?"

"Jeff, don't fucking tell me you don't know about EBay?"

"Yeah, I know what it is. I just never have taken the time to look at it much."

"Dude, I hit the yard sales around here some and find some cheap shit like toys and other good shit. Dude, last month I bought some little Star Wars toy for like $3 and sold it for like $150."

"No way dude."

"Yeah, maybe we can go sometime. You got to go early and to the better neighborhoods. It takes some searching but I have done pretty well in the past."

"Dude, I could use some extra cash. You will definitely have to show me."

"Yeah dude, people eat up all the Elvis shit we got here. I find that stuff all the time around here."

"Yeah, my mom has a little bit back when she was a kid."

"Dude, I can set you up and maybe make you some extra cash. It does come in handy."

We kicked back and put in the first movie since it was now dark outside. After we settled in and the movie started, I felt Corey put his arm around me. You know it was kind of nice sitting there with Corey. I just looked at him and he smiled at me. I lay my head on his shoulder as we watched the movie. He would occasionally kiss me during the slow part. I then started to come to the realization that I was deeply attracted to Corey and admit to myself that I was starting to have deep feelings towards him since we were now connecting. I never dreamed that I would become like this but I guess girls had jaded me so over the past few years. I wanted to be loved by anyone who would love me back even if that person did have a penis.

After the movie, we grabbed a little something to eat from my stash. I could tell Corey was hungry since I could hear his stomach growling while we cuddled on the couch. We both grabbed a beer and enjoyed a quick bite to stop the rumblings in our stomachs.

We then went back to the couch to start the next movie. This time, I put my arm around Corey and held him close to me. I loved the feeling as our bodies touched side by side. I could not keep my eyes off him despite the movie going in full stride. I stood it long enough as I kissed him. Corey seemed to be the same way as we started making out there on the couch again. The movie played as just background noise as we let our hands explore each other's hot bodies. It wasn't long before we were both naked lying on top of each other. We were grinding our dicks together as we ignored the movie totally. Corey grabbed the remote and killed the TV.

Corey then proceeded in going down on my ever hardening dick. He looked up at me with his piercing blue eyes while he took my long dick in his mouth. I played with his hair being careful not to touch his recently pierced ears. All I could do was moan softly as Corey worked on my dick.

Corey then leaned up and kissed me. I could taste my dick that was just in his mouth as he bit my lip and had his tongue in my mouth. Corey was a hot kisser and I never had a girl that could kiss the way he did. I was completely turned on by his sexiness. I went down and massaged his now fully hard dick. I then licked a little precum off his nice head and then went full out sucking him.

"Oh fuck yeah, Jeff!" Corey softly moaned while he played with my short dark hair. "Dude that feels so fucking good."

I loved when he talked dirty to me as it was all the encouragement I needed. I actually now didn't mind sucking dick since I could tell the pleasure guys received from it. I still wasn't a pro but my gag reflex was getting better.

After I was down on Corey a few minutes, he pulled me up and kissed me again. It was just too hot.

"Let's go to the bedroom so you can fuck me!" Corey said as we headed straight to my bed. He got on his knees as I grabbed the lube and a condom.

"Eat my fucking ass out, dude!" Corey said.

"Corey, I'm not into the shit. Sorry!"

"I understand. Just finger my ass again before you plow my ass."

I did finger him good while Corey was in full out moaning mode. I slapped his ass a few times and then donned the condom.

Corey waited to feel my long dick back in his ass. He was on his hands and knees, since we were going to fuck doggie style that night. It still took a few tries as he tried to adjust to my sloppy entrance. I finally succeeded in getting it through his ass ring.

"Oh fuck yeah. Fuck me Jeff!"

"Corey, I fucking will!" I leaned over on his back and kept digging my dick deeper in his ass.

"Oh fuck!" Corey moaned but seemed to love my big 9 inch dick in his ass.

I did go to parts unknown in Corey's ass since I was fully balls deep in him. Man, did that shit ever feel good. I grabbed his hips and started nailing his ass slowly at first.

"Give me that big fucking cock. Harder. Fuck me like a bitch!"

I leaned down and nibbled on his neck before turning his head and laying a juicy kiss on his hot lips. I was grunting and panting as I continued to fuck his sweet little ass. Corey was groaning softly with each deep plunge into him. I did love fucking him and was determined to make it last. I then reached under him and started to jack off his dick. It took a minute for us to get in full rhythm, but when we did, was it ever hot.

"MMMMM" Corey shouted then "Keep fucking me!" since we were both so into each other and the moment. I then felt him release his load onto my bed. I pulled out of him slowly and could see his red asshole after I was out. It was hot. I slung the condom that had little feces on the end from my deep fucking him. Corey then started wailing away at my cock and took my hot creamy load on his chest. It was hot seeing my nut drip down his chest. I was tempted to lick it off him but he scoped it up and ate most of it. He gave me a small taste of my work.

We then just kissed and savored the moment.

"Damn Jeff you get better each time."

"I guess I will need to keep practicing more, huh?"

"Fuck yeah, this ass is always open to your big hot dick. Jeff, I love you."

"I love you too Corey." I said but the `L' word just came out. Honestly it had been forever since I told another person that and it felt good though I wasn't sure I was in love with him. That takes more than hot sex to be in love with someone but I seemed to be on my way.

We talked for a while and continued to kiss and pet each other's so sensuously. Corey was one hot sex partner and I loved him being with me. It was almost what you might classify as romantic when we slept curled up to one another that night.

To be continued...

Thanks for all the emails.

Next: Chapter 6

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