Small Town Guy

By moc.loa@5252ztupsaw

Published on Mar 14, 2007


This is pure fiction and in no way represent any person or persons living or dead. If you are under age, don't not wish to view gay material or happen on this site by chance, please exit this page now.

This is a story that contains graphic displays of gay sex acts if you are disturbed by this or by harsh language which may occur as part of the story, please exit now.

This is the sole possession and copyright of the author, me. In no shape or form is this story to be reproduced or copied without my express written consent.

So much for the disclaimer and legal stuff, here is my story.

Please feel free to email me with comments and/or suggestions.

I was so glad to finally be out of my small town in western Tennessee. You see I finally made the bold move after 4 years of hell there and made the leap to give it a go here in Memphis or should I say a suburb of Memphis. I am still enough, 22 years old to make something out of myself. It was not happening back at my hometown. I packed up my stuff and what little money I had and headed off to the big city. I had saved enough money to make it a few months in case the right job didn't come along. I drove around the better part of a day getting a general feel for the area I wanted to live in.

I stopped at a few of the new apartment complexes in the ritzy neighborhoods of East Memphis, but they were a little out of my price range. I stayed in a motel as I continued to search. The next day I stumbled on a remodeled complex that seemed perfect for me. I made the plunge and decided to take a small one bedroom place. You see all my stuff fit into the back of my pick-up including a queen size mattress a small couch and a nice TV that my folks let me have.

I was glad to finally have settled on a place as I moved my sparse furnishing into my new place. I had brought all my clothes and my personal stuff like my computer and toiletries too. I grabbed a local paper as I finally had all my stuff inside. I circled a few possibilities that seemed interesting as I knew I didn't qualify for a very high paying job. I just wanted to start out small and make my way up the ladder as I had always been a hard worker back home.

Freedom felt so good the first night as I just lay on the couch and tried to watch some TV. It really sucked that it sat on the floor the first night but I would survive. I headed down to the local grocery store which was just around the corner and grabbed a 12 pack of beer. I still get carded everywhere as most think I look 17 or 18. I popped the top off the beer bottle as I enjoyed whatever I could find on the tube.

The next day, I was off to seek employment, being it was Monday. I applied at a few places but got the standard response of we'll get back to you' or you are just not what are looking for'. I wasn't discouraged as I headed back to my new place and stopped by to get a few things at Wal-Mart that I could see that I desperately needed.

Pretty much the same response the next day at the first two places I applied at. I still had high hopes of finding a decent job despite the rejections that filled my world. I saw a nearby manufacturing plant that said they were hiring. I stumbled through a short interview with a nice looking lady. I just figured it was just another rejection so I braced myself for the obvious.

"Mr. Paris, I think we might be able to use a hard worker like yourself here that is if you can pass a simple drug test that we administer." The lady said.

"When do I start, ma'am?" I asked.

"Well tomorrow. We have a short test that we do with our own testing." She said.

"Okay where do I go to take this test?" I asked.

"Oh here. All I need is a hair sample and it should do, unless something appears." She said. I just reached up and pulled 3 hairs out of my head and handed them to her. "I will be right back. This should take about 10 minutes or so."

I sat as I was a little nervous but knew I hadn't done drugs since I got out of high school and then it was only a little pot. I did drink but hell everyone drinks, at least I thought so.

She came back as I sat nervously in my chair. She smiled, "You look clean to me. Come back tomorrow and I will have some paperwork for you to fill out and you can start the next day. Mind you, we will have to train you a week or so, but I am sure you can handle it."

"Thank you, ma'am. I appreciate the chance you have given me." I said as she handed me a few brochures on the retirement plan and the other offerings such as medical and dental benefits that the large corporation offered. I headed back to my truck and just threw the papers in my seat. I skimmed through them a little but all that shit seemed so foreign to me.

I grabbed a great Bar-b-que pork sandwich on the way back to my place. Man, was it good and dripping of some fire sauce. I grabbed a beer to enjoy with my sandwich. I then decided to check out the pool area and see what the complex offered. There were only a few people there as I grabbed a chair and took off my shirt to catch some much needed rays. I was about sleep as I lay there relaxing in the early June sun. I did notice a few more people came to the pool. I didn't know anyone yet so I just kept to myself.

"Care if we sit here?" A young guy about my age asked.

"No go right ahead." I said as there were plenty of chairs around.

"You must be new here. Oh I am Mike and this is Steve." Mike said as he pulled off his tank top.

"Yeah I just moved in over the weekend. It is nice to meet you, I am Jeff." I said as I looked at the two laying next to me.

We talked for just a minute as I found they lived in the building next to mine and had seen me come and go. It was nice to finally meet someone as the place sure was lonely. I didn't hang around too long as I gathered my shirt and headed off.

The next day I went back to the plant and spend a while filling out more papers than I thought was necessary. I didn't understand a lot of what the personnel manager told me except the fact that my hours were 7 to 4 Monday through Friday. I liked the pay as it was more than I ever got back home. I stopped by Wal-Mart again to buy some cool swimming shorts and a couple of beach towels. I want to go swimming as the water looked so inviting.

I made my way back to the pool as the temperature was rising each day as summer seemed to come a little early. I pulled up a chair next to Mike and took over my shirt to catch a few rays. Mike seemed to be a nice guy as we talked a little more.

"Jeff, what are you doing here so early?" Mike said.

"Oh I don't start my new job until tomorrow down at the plant. Where do you work, Mike?" I asked.

"I just work at the Galleria part time. I am going to University of Memphis. I will graduate next summer." Mike said.

"Nice. I never was smart enough to attend college." I said.

"Well it is not for everyone." Mike said.

We both then decided to jump in the pool and cool off a bit. We were pretty much alone in the pool as there were a few hot babes in their bikinis sunning on the side. That water did the trick as we exited the pool and toweled off. I could tell Mike stayed in shape as we walked back to our places. I did my best to stay in shape as I still had my old high school six pack working from my days on the football team.

You see, I never have been what you call sexually active for the past few years, but it still wasn't out of the picture now that I was out on my own. I am not a virgin by any stretch of the imagination as I lost it my junior year in high school to a cute girl. For some reason, I just have not been that interested in sex after a bad experience my first year out of high school when I knocked up my girlfriend. She moved away before my little boy was born and to this day have never seen him. Honestly I don't have a clue where they are right now. I did have a few drunken circle jerks with some buddies but as far as the gay shit went I was clueless.

I will say that Mike did have a nice looking body but nothing sexual. I, for some reason, started noticing guys and girls both.

Mike told me to stop by sometime as we headed to our respective apartments. I told him the same as we saw where each other lived when we entered the doors. I grabbed another beer and watched some TV as I wanted to get to bed early and make it in plenty of time to start the next day.

I was about 10 minutes early as I found my supervisor in the plant. I was to be under one of the older workers in the facility as he was to show the rather simple task that I was assigned. I was surprised just how easy it was and caught on very quickly. I actually enjoyed my first day of work as I headed back to my place. I waved at Steve as I got out of my truck and headed inside.

The next day was more of the same for me as I seemed to get in a little groove at the plant. Most of the people there were friendly which the case is more so in the South. I was one of the younger ones there now but they all treated well. I got my first paycheck despite only really working 2 days. They paid every other Friday so I knew the next one would be bigger and I could get a feel of how much I was raking in, so to speak.

With my small paycheck in my pocket I headed to a bank to open up an account as they told me at work I really need to have one so they could do what they called `direct deposit'. My supervisor had to explain to me what they was. I didn't like the idea of not getting a real check but knew that I had to get one after the first week.

I was home around 5 and headed back to the pool as there wasn't anything else to do. I found Mike again there as I pulled up a chair next to one of the few people I now knew in Memphis. We talked for a while there by the pool.

"You want to stop by and hang out a little while, Jeff?" Mike asked as we left.

"Sure, I ain't got shit else to do tonight." I said. "Let me just change and I will be right over."

I showered off a little and put on some shorts and a wife-beater tank top. I headed out the door. Mike answered in just his shorts as I got to see their nicer apartment, which was 2 bedroom. I could see that they had way more stuff than I did.

"Nice place, Mike. Where's Steve tonight?" I asked.

"Oh he is out with his girl tonight." Mike said. "What you drinking?"

"A Bud Lite if you got one." I said.

"Sure thing. I was hoping you would say that as that is the only beer we got." Mike said. "We do have some hard liquor if you want that later."

"Thanks, Mike." I said as he handed me a beer. I sat on the couch as he turned on their nice big TV. I was envious of all that they had in their place.

"What made you decide to up and move to the big city?" Mike asked.

"Dude, there wasn't shit back home. I was just tired of my job as it was just a dead ender. I just wanted to get out and see what was out there." I said as I drank the beer.

"I know what you mean. Steve and I were the same way as we both come from small towns in Mississippi. Dude, it fucking sucked there." Mike said.

"Tell me about it. You got a girl, Mike?" I asked.

"No dude. How about you?" Mike shot back at me.

"No, it has been a few years myself." I said not really want to bother Mike with the details.

"That's cool." Mike said. We continued to talk about our small towns and about each other's life.

Later that night, after I had downed about 5 beers, I started to sense Mike was hiding something from me. He avoided all my questions on dating and girls and kept shooting back at me.

Finally as we were both buzzing a little, I got up some balls and asked, "Mike are you gay?"

"Why do you ask that shit, dude? Do I act gay? Are you?" Mike there again shot it right back in my face.

"No, dude. I got a kid out there somewhere I think." I said. "So are you?"

"You have a kid you know nothing about?" Mike said as he totally avoided my question.

"Yeah, I knocked up some bitch after high school. She left before he was born. All I ever found out was that it was a boy." I said.

"That must totally suck, dude. Never seeing a kid who brought into the world."

"It sucks big time dude. I don't have a damn clue where he is or even what the little feller looks like."

"Dude that is some shit."

"You ever fucked a girl before?" I said as he knew my answer.

"Yeah, when I was young and fucking stupid, I did a few times in high school. Dude, I am fucking gay now. Are you happy?"

"It is cool with me. You know you are the first gay guy I have ever really known. There was one or two back home but they were so gay that they were outcasts."

"Cool. Now you can say you know one gay guy."

"Yeah, dude." I said as I continued to drink. I did have to ask a few more questions and found Mike to be a little more open as he didn't dance around those after he finally came out to me.

The night continued to wear on and I become more and more drunk. Mike stopped drinking but I was fully hammered. I was just laid out on the couch by the end. Mike did his best to help me up as I had to take a leak so bad. I managed to not piss all over the place but fell over in the bathroom with my shorts and boxers at my knees. Damn did that hurt. Mike came running in the bathroom and saw me lying on the floor with my big dick hanging out.

"Damn, Jeff, you all right?"

"Fuck Mike, help me up. Shit that fucking hurt." I said as Mike grabbed under my arms. Thank goodness I was still rather small as he lifted me up.

"You want me to pull up your shorts?" Mike said.

"Yeah, I bet you will like that shit." I said drunkenly.

"Fuck you then. Pull them up yourself."

"Please Mike."

"Damn, see if I ever let you get this drunk at my place. I will say one thing for you..."

"What? I got a big fucking dick." I said as I cut him off.

"Yeah, you do."

"Dude, you can touch it if you want."

Mike then reached down and grabbed my manhood. I was too drunk to realize much but it did feel good. I pushed his head down to my dick then.

"I know you want to suck me off. Here's your chance."

Mike sat me on the toilet seat and showed me his talent, I think. My head was spinning so I really didn't know what was going on. I looked down and thought I saw Mike sucking all 9 inches that I had. Why was I fucking hard? Shit I guess it felt good.

Mike was bobbing up and down on my dick like no bitch had ever done, I think. I was too drunk to tell him I was nutting and gave him a mouth full of my white stuff.

"Fuck dude, fucking tell the next time you are going to cum." Mike said.

"Shit, did I cum?"

"Fuck yeah, all in my mouth."

"Sorry dude. Help me back to my place. I am about to fucking pass out."

Mike grabbed my shorts off the floor and did his best to get them back on me. He then dragged my drunken ass to my place and found my key. He practically threw me on the bed and left.

I woke to a whole new world the next day as I had to take a double check as to where I was or how the hell did I get here. I sat up in my bed but immediately lay back down as my head was throbbing like a drum. I still had on my shorts but no boxers. I just lay in my bed but the room was still spinning a little. I did manage to get up and take a shower. That helped a little bit as I went to lie back down after the shower.

I don't know how long I was out but I swore I heard my door bell ring. I grabbed some boxers and headed to the door. Mike was standing there with my boxers in his hand.

"Dude, where'd you get those?" I said.

"Your drunken ass left them. You remember anything about last night?" Mike asked.

"Not much. How the fuck I get home?"

"I drug your drunken ass here."

"Oh thanks, Mike. Shit I guess I was a little out of it."

"A little is putting it mildly. I did love sucking your dick last night though." Mike said as he smiled.

"What the fuck? You didn't give me a blowjob or I would have remembered that shit." I said.

"How you think I got these boxers?"

"No way. Shit I was drunk."

"Dude, you are hung like a horse."

I then realized he either saw me naked or did go down on me. I just stood there not knowing what to say. Damn, I can't believe I don't remember a blow job. I always remember shit like that at least.

Mike then left as I grabbed some pills hoping to help my pounding headache. I still could not get over that some guy blew me last night. I sort of wish I could remember that and hoped he was good.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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