Small Kansas College

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Aug 1, 2002


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Morgan really had changed since his escapade in Los Angeles. We became inseparable. He wouldn't go out of town unless I went with him. The realization that he was gay seemed to make him more amorous and constantly in need of sex. Of course, I didn't mind that at all. To the contrary, I reveled in having him the minimum of once or twice every day, sometimes oftener.

When summer rolled around, I informed the students who planned on returning, as well as the college, that I no longer desired to provide dormitory facilities. Little John closed off the two one-way mirrors. I felt and Maggie did too that Gare needed a quieter, more home like environment. He moved into my old bedroom and Morgan and I moved into Matt and Mike's old room, in the main part of the house. The only downside to this was that it left a lot of vacant space for which we had no apparent need.

The problem was quickly solved several days after my notice to the college. They approached me asking if they could rent the upstairs to the addition and use it for counseling offices. That seemed an appropriate use and put the space to a good use.

Jamie (from Louisiana) was the most upset of all the guys living in the dorm. I told him that he could come visit Morgan and I anytime he wanted, as I knew all three of us enjoyed our encounters. In fact, he convinced Morgan and I to go with him to New Orleans for the next Mardi Gras, almost nine months away. So I immediately secured airline and hotel reservations for the three of us.

It is getting ahead of my story, but the experience was unbelievable. What a wild time it was dressed only in very tight shorts (at Jamie's suggestion) we wandered the streets watching guys getting fucked or sucked right on the streets, in view of people on the balconies, surrounded by a wall of people, many of whom were taking pictures - cameras pointed downward to exclude people's faces. We received a lot of invitations to balcony parties and would make an appearance but there was just too much to see and do besides getting stoned in broad daylight. It was really something to see a boy and girl who were obviously together looking up at a balcony and the guy fishing out his cock in front of the girl to please the balcony audience.

Most of all, though, were the bars with their male strippers and packed with customers. The strippers all wore either the scantiest of cover or none at all. Guys handed them money or stuck it somewhere in their scant clothing. The strippers had no reservations about squatting on the bar in front of a customer and allowing him to feel his dick, sometime even letting a customer blow him.

Back home, things continued smoothly. The college was very pleased that the new chapel won a national architectural award. Even the business area and the new housing development were well underway.

On one of the evenings that Maggie prepared dinner, I broached the subject of buying a house in the new development for Morgan and I and one for Maggie and Frank and explained that I was looking forward to the day when they might want to retire. The shit really hit the fan. Everyone, including Gare, dumped cold water on that idea immediately. I didn't say much, but it made me realized all of them had as strong or possibly a stronger attachment to the house than I did. As far as Gare was concerned, I sensed that it had become his first real home.

One afternoon, I returned from down town and noticed a Colorado car, with an Enterprise Car Rental sticker, parked at the front door. I thought it was unusual; I parked beside the car and entered the front door. Maggie appeared in the Living Room from the Music Room and said I had company. When I entered the Music Room a man I didn't recognize was sitting in one chair and another, person was sitting in a chair that was backed to the door, so I couldn't see who it was. As I entered, he stood and turned to face me.

Oh my God! It's Matt or Mike, which is it?

I've been away too long Jere, you could tell us apart when you were younger. Any way it's Mike. We fell into each other's arms for a tearful reunion. When I gained my composure, I noticed Maggie had evidently had a good cry, too, before I came home.

I've tried so many times to find you via the Internet with absolutely no luck.

My partner (pointing to the other man who had risen from his chair and offered his hand) Brian Adams and I live in Honolulu.

Partner, you mean business partner?

No I mean partner as in Morgan Townsend and you. You're not the only one that turned out gay.

Where and how is Matt?

Jere, I haven't a clue. We were together for a while in California, then we moved to Hawaii, together. There he got the notion he wanted to join the priesthood - the order that takes care of lepers in Hawaii. I flipped at that idea. Instead he moved back to the states with the intention of becoming a Trappist Monk. I haven't seen nor heard from him since.

Frankly, Jere, and I don't mean it as derogatory but Matt became a real loner. I worried about him a lot. He had a lot of guilt over leaving home and some of the stuff he and I did when we were in high school and college. All I can say is that wherever and whatever he is doing, I pray that he is happy. Like you, I looked for him on the Internet with no success, whatever.

Maggie told them, before I got home that mom and dad had both died and the circumstances surrounding their deaths. We put it on the agenda for me to take them to the cemetery so Mike could see their graves.

You're going to stay a while, aren't you? Please say yes. I think I'd die if you didn't. By the way, why haven't you ever made contact? You must have realized we hadn't moved; you didn't even know but that mom and dad were still living.

Believe me, Jere; it took some guts to make contact, even at this late date. You're right I didn't know about mom and dad being gone. It was the fact that dad was still alive that kept me apart. I was told never to come back. I guess you knew or maybe guessed that. To have seen mom for a few minutes and then have dad tell me I was not welcome - well I don't think I could have taken that. I chanced it because I thought you might still be here, maybe married and maybe living in your own house.

God, I'm so sorry, Mike. We have wasted so much time being apart, but I do understand how you felt.

We moved their luggage up the mom and dad's old room. Maggie cooked a wonderful supper. Morgan and Gare took to both of them right away. They were both wonderful with Gare, especially since they had neither lived close to a teenager before. Gare and the two of them were great at teasing each other and loved to horse around, punching, wrestling - that sort of stuff. After we had all retired, Morgan and I heard Gare pounding on their door and the three of them were still going at it, wisecracking, chasing each from one room to the other.

Morgan said in a low voice: "Who in the hell can have sex with all that racket those three fucking teenagers are making?" He cracked me up.

A couple of days later Mike and Brian began looking around town and came home with the announcement that they intended moving back to the states and wanted to find a bar to buy, as that is what they had just sold in Honolulu.

They had made a deposit on Lucky's bar - a college hangout sort of between the main business district and the college. They wanted to know where to look for housing and I told them about the houses Devon had designed and Little John was selling. They loved them and bought one, paying cash. Evidently one or both of them had money. All of this was strictly spur of the moment decisions. They had no intentions of locating here until the saw the bar for sale.

That brought up the subject of the family inheritance and I told Mike I thought I should give him part of it. He would hear nothing of it, saying that he and Adam with comfortably well off.

After their liquor license transfer was complete and escrow had closed on the bar, they began an extensive remodeling. They also changed the name from "Lucky's" to "Get Lucky". I didn't attach any significance to the name until after they opened. The bar was beautiful. The exterior brick had been sandblasted; the adjacent parking lot had been paved and lighted. The interior plaster was stripped and the interior brick was also sandblasted.

All the fixtures, including the seating and the small kitchen were completely new. The bathrooms were relocated to the rear of the building, out of site of the main area and had tile floors and walls, good exhaust, new fixtures and stainless steel partitions. It was no cheap remodeling. It was a mystery to my, at first, why they had completely remodeled the basement as well and made two, legal exits out of it. I presumed maybe they had expansion plans for the future.

As it turned out the basement and the new name were related. Every week two numbers were posted at the back of the bar. Every person was given a ticket - a new one each week. One number was the lucky winner for the week and entitled the winner to free drinks for a week. The second number, also changed every week, was the 3 numeral code to punch in the electronic lock to the basement door adjacent to the rear exist (out of site of the bar and anyone using the Women's Toilet). It didn't take long for the college kids to catch on after Mike and Adam told a few guys the secret - the basement was an encounter room, very dim lighting near the floor level - just enough to prevent people from running into one another. It was clean, had a couple of vinyl covered mats in two corners, paper towel dispensers and trash receptacles. The place was kept immaculate.

In no time, it became a very popular attraction even in the afternoons, not to mention evenings - especially Fridays and Saturdays. Just for kicks (of course) Morgan and I liked to go down there once in a while to suck a few, teenage cocks to load up on young, nut oil or to fuck a few young, tight little asses that had just gotten into the pleasures of man sex.

We both developed quite a few regulars. Both Morgan and I had guys that would sit down by us at the bar or in a booth the minute we walked in. We'd drink together until one or the other got too horny for further delay and then we'd leave (with a discreet interval in between to ostensibly go to the toilet) but to end up together in the basement.

Mike and Adam had not only provided a great little hangout that was very profitable for them but they also provided a great place for the college students to get a little man sex just about any time they were really in need of some.

An unexpected development occurred in the business area remodeling; A man from Kansas City bought the hotel, changed to entrance to the side street, contracted with the mall developer for space in the mall parking structure for valet parking for the hotel and remodeled the area facing the mail street pedestrian mall into an elegant restaurant.

The hospital addition was also under construction. Little John and Morgan had developed a smooth working relationship so I stayed in the background unless Morgan asked me something. He still wouldn't go out of town without me, though

We began spending more weekends at the cabin, most always with Gare and one of his many friends. We still weren't certain about Gare but he seemed to be taking an interest in girls as well as boys. One thing for sure, he was well traveled. Morgan and I took him to Hawaii, Europe and back again to the Caribbean - sometime he wanted to take Andrew with him and we always agreed to that. It was fun seeing things through the eyes of teenagers.

As I look back, some but not all of my original objectives were accomplished as far as giving the town a new start in life. Funny though, the greatest satisfaction out of the whole deal was that with the new multi theater complex in the mall, the new restaurants and the multitude of new stores, the college students had many more opportunities for part time employment, which helped them and also benefited the college. I grew to like the college students, boys and girls, very much and not in the ways previously mentioned.

Of course, during the course of this story it was Morgan and Gare, then Mike and Brian that really made my life happy.

SORRY! I have been a long time writing this Part and it, as you may have guessed, ends the story. I hope you have enjoyed reading it. I have enjoyed writing it (even though I realize I am not to proficient at writing, but I am learning with each story).

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