Small Kansas College

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Jun 16, 2002


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Chapter 1 - The new guys at the dorm

Morgan and I had been so busy with the KSU party at the cabin we had almost forgotten about the new guys in the rooms with the one-way mirrors. Talk about forgetting! Did I mention that I had told Morgan about those mirrors? Anyway one was a really young kid, beautiful face, fair-skinned and almost skinny. He had a healthy head of black hair and a beautiful, thick, pubic bush, too. His cock looked boyish, too. It was about 4 inches, slim but with a nice crown. He lived about a hundred miles away, still in Kansas. His name was Devon.

The other guy was from Louisiana. I was sure he must be a Creole (a person of mixed blood from French and Black parentage. His looks were beyond belief, as were every Creole man or woman I had ever seen. Morgan and I spied on him a lot. He played a lot of music, liked to parade or dance around his room naked and sometimes wore twelve, or so, strings of brightly colored glass beads around his neck. He beat his meat a lot and sometimes sat on a long dildo while he was doing it. He had a lot of meat to jack on. He looked to be longer but not quite as fat as Morgan in the cock department.

One night, while watching him, Morgan told me to grab a six-pack and we'd go see if we could join him. When he answered the door, Morgan said that we heard his music and wondered if he'd like to share a six-pack. He opened the door wide, after one beer he asked if we happened to have any rum and cola. Morgan fetched Coke from our room and I went down to the Study. I knew there was an unopened bottle in the liquor cabinet that I had hadn't thought of in ages, since I never drank it.

His name was Jamie. Morgan asked about the beads and Jamie told him they were standard issue at Mardi Gras Time in New Orleans. He was so enthusiastic in telling us about it and recommended we both go sometime - guys and gals, both dressed with minimum clothing, or no clothing some times - people who had second floor balconies facing the streets and how they would throw you beads if you showed them your dick - guys circling around two guys to shield the view when one of them was getting a blow job - how if you flashed a big dick to the people on a balcony they'd invite you to the party. It all sounded completely wild beyond belief. After a couple of rum-and-colas Jamie told us to get naked as we were making him feel self-conscious (guess Morgan and I had been staring a little too hard). When we shucked our clothes, Jamie rummaged in one of his drawers, found some more glass beads and hung a mass of them around both of our necks and added to the collection around his neck.

Along with the beads he pulled several packs of colored photographs out of the drawer and passed them around as he explained them, pointed out some friends and told us their names. The photographs certainly collaborated everything he had said, even to the cock sucking, even with girls watching on and girls with naked boobs getting them fondled by guys. I think we were all getting a little erect.

After a couple more rum-and-colas (by the way, Jamie was pouring them, not me) and another trip was made to the fridge for more beer, we were more than just a little erect. We were noticeably erect. With cocks like we were all blessed with that is just a little bit difficult to not notice.

It was now Jamie's turn to stare and stare he did. He put the photos away and when he returned to the bed where we had been sitting together he didn't sit down; instead he took my cock in his left hand and Morgan's in his right and gave them both an exploration. Then he apologized.

What are you apologizing for?

I didn't ask, maybe you guys aren't into that sort of thing.

What sort of thing are you talking about?

You know, man sex.

We know, why don't you just play with them some more. You seemed to like doing it?

I do, thanks man!

We all played around together for a while. Meantime each of us had another drink and Jamie really wasn't holding his too well. So, Morgan, never shy, while holding Jamie's dick with one hand, stuck a finger on the other hand up his ass. Jamie didn't even flinch.

Morgan told me to sit on the floor with my back against the bed; told Jamie to lean over and brace his arms on the bed so I could suck his cock for him. When we got to going with the cocksucking, Morgan slowly slipped it to his asshole. He was going wild. I don't know if he'd ever been in the center of a three-way, but he sure as hell was enjoying this one.

Well, we started something. Jamie looked us up every time we neglected him too long.

We were just a little timid in approaching Devon. He seemed so young and so innocent. Then, one Saturday night Morgan was sick in bed and had been for two days. He had the flu. I spent the evening watching TV and reading. About 11 o'clock I decided to go to the steam bath. By the door, I saw a robe on one of the hooks and some flip-flops on the floor beneath the robe. Knowing someone was in the steam room, I thought I would see what happened if I used Morgan's trick of wearing the towel around my neck instead of around my waist.

It was Devon and he was sitting opposite the door on the first tier - Morgan's spot. I sat by the door and pulled my feet up on the bench like Devon was doing. For a change, he was quite chatty. Looking at his cute little cock, I involuntarily began erecting. He noticed and sprung a boner, too.

We both tried, without success, to avoid looking, but it was obvious - for one thing the chat was tapering off. We couldn't keep our minds on hard cocks and chatting at the same time.

To my utter amazement, Devon made the first move and got right between my legs with his face and starting sucking on the head of my cock. I fondled his hair and that seemed to reassure or encourage him. Anyway he took off like he was hungry for cock. It must have been a long time since he'd had one to suck. I held off as long as I could so he could have a good go at it. Finally he started masturbating himself as he sucked but I pulled his hand away and said:

When you're finished with me, that one is mine.

Finally my cock gave up its juice to his hot mouth. He stood up and it seemed I had no more than started than he began uttering guttural sounds and his juice became mine.

Jamie and Devon gave us something to look forward for the school year.

Little John and I had another meeting and he confessed that the real reason his dad didn't want Morgan involved was that to offer him a high paying position was stepping of the toes of a man who had worked for them for twenty years and was a valued employee. I didn't know him but John agreed that he could not handle business development. I told him I had seen an ad in the paper a few days ago offering three- quarters of a section of land adjacent to both the railroad and the highway up to the Interstate. I said we should buy it, use it to develop an office/industrial park, get a good metal building franchise, not that we had to use metal buildings except when a prospect demanded one and make the employee that he was concerned about manager of the metal building franchise and development of the park, at the same pay as Morgan would receive.

Well, that solved Little John's problem and unknowingly a bigger one, too. I haven't told you much about David Long, the local architect. I had loaned him money to buy and restore an old, architecturally worthy building on Kansas Street that ran from the depot up to, and beyond, Third Street the main street of town. He used half the building for his office and his wife, Anna, a talented potter, used the other half for a show room. The upstairs was converted into two, large, contemporary apartments. The depot was actually being worked on. All of this inspired Devon to present a new scheme to the Chamber of commerce which made an outdoor mall of the business area, connected to a restored historic district running down Kansas Street to the depot. It required property being bought on the both sides of Second Street so covered parking could be build at street level and an enclosed mall could be built above the parking structure and over Second Street.

So he approached the Chamber again and they held a special meeting in the high school auditorium. Devon had extensive plans and perspective drawings, generated on his computer and projected onto a large screen.

Everyone was impressed except for one hold out who questioned me about my motives. John Killian, Sr. then stood up and said:

I don't believe Jerome Blair's motives need discussion or examination. His father provided the money to build the hospital, an indisputable community asset; Jerome has given the new buildings under construction at the college as a gift to the college. He is starting an industrial park to attract new business and it could be used to relocate a lot of the old wholesale, auto body repair shops, that sort of thing along Second Street.

Jerome is underwriting loans to both The Methodist and Presbyterian churches for extensive renovation. David Long is working on those plans at the present time. David also is in process of designing a new residential community for Jerome. If Jerome is making money somewhere along the line, he is doing nothing more than any member of the Chamber is trying to do. Jerome's main interest, though, is this community, to breathe new life into it. I will tell you that all he is doing will benefit every person in this town.

He got a hearty round of applause and I thanked him after the meeting.

John, Morgan and I all read display ads in the Sunday editions of the Kansas City Star and Denver Post. Then, Morgan had the brilliant idea to subscribe to the Sunday editions of the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times for their Business Sections.

Chapter 2 - Bad Times.

The first week in January, we noticed in the LA paper, an electronics firm in Los Angles (Epic Electronics - they made computer components) that was seeking a site for relocation. We made a phone call and Morgan went out there to talk to them.

It was my turn to have the flu.

He left on a Wednesday, he appointment was on Thursday and he planned on being home Friday or Saturday, depending upon available airline reservations. Friday came, no Morgan, the same on Saturday and Sunday. Monday I checked the hotel he was staying at. He had checked out Friday morning. I was frantic, Maggie was frantic and poor Gare - he was so upset that my heart ached for him. Over and over he kept saying. He's left me, just like my mom left me. He was sleeping with me and I was trying to help him with his studies. The remainder of his time was spent with Maggie. As much as I loved Morgan I would have liked to kill him right now.

I couldn't deal with David or John so I asked John to cover for me. He came to the house one night and told me how sorry he was. I finally got over hoping Morgan would come back. I knew he hadn't died or been injured in an accident and accepted the fact that he had just ditched us.

After a while, I found messages that Morgan had left on the phone when I was away. I never returned them and he finally stopped calling. He got the message that I wasn't talking to him any more. (But, God, he'll never know how much I wanted to talk to him.)

Maggie and Frank alternated with me in taking Gare for counseling with a doctor in Salina. I don't know what the doctor and Gare talked about. I wasn't going to judge any results for a while, but would seek another course if it became apparent he wasn't helping Gare.

Things grew worse. I missed the bastard so much. I tossed and turned in bed at night until about 5 o'clock in the morning and ended up trying to cope with the following day on three hours of sleep. I was getting snappy with Gare, Maggie and even some of the students.

Then, one day in mid February, I went down to the Kitchen to tell Maggie not to expect me for dinner this evening. No way could I have anticipated her retort.

Jerome Blair, I want you out of here for a week or so. You're practically a basket case and you're spreading your ugly mood all over this house - the students, Frank and me and especially Gare. When your mother died you took off for Europe. You are now going on a 10-day Caribbean cruise.

I don't want to, Maggie. I don't think it would solve anything.

Now you listen to me Jerome Blair. I never thought you could be so unforgiving. You're getting to be like your father, in that respect. Morgan left right after the Christmas-New Year Holidays. Do you know more men disappear from home in early January than at any other time of the year? It's like they can't cope with the Holidays, suddenly they feel trapped in their current situation, whatever. Frank did the same thing years ago but I forgave him because I realized I couldn't live without him. Think about that Mr. Blair.

Too, I don't give a damn what you want - you're going. I have the plane and ship reservations and you're going. You can be at the Kansas City airport to catch an 8 AM flight to Ft. Lauderdale on Monday or Frank can drive you; take your choice. Besides wanting to get rid of you, another reason you're going is that I've paid for it.

I was stunned; she shoved the ticket folder into my hand, turned me toward the door and told me to get out of her kitchen. I didn't even dawn on me that I had walked right into a well-laid trap.


The ship left Ft. Lauderdale at 5 PM and we would be 2 days at sea and then island hop on the way back. I was exhausted from scurrying around getting ready, leaving at the wee hours of the morning to get to Kansas City and the flight to Florida. When I got on the ship and the steward had delivered my bags to my cabin, I just went to bed and, for all practical purposes, died for 12 hours. Before breakfast, I walked the decks and oriented myself with the ship before eating breakfast. Before going back to the cabin, I shopped the mall and bought some slacks, shorts and sport shirts to wear while I was on the cruise - more appropriate than what I had brought from home. Then it was back to the cabin, unpacking and hanging things in the closet. The cabin was lovely; it must have cost Maggie a wad. I felt bad about that. It had a queen-sized bed and sliding doors opening onto a private balcony. It was almost time for lunch, but I guessed that it might be a decent time to get hold of Maggie on the phone. I told her the ship was lovely as was the sea air, I was enjoying it, thanks, how's Gare? Finally, I took a shower before I put on some of my new purchases for lunch. In the shower I suddenly got an erection, I don't know why but I hadn't as much as jacked off since Morgan disappeared. Guess the good nights sleep and the relaxed morning put me in the mood. So, I ended up masturbating in the shower.

I had just closed the cabin door when a steward introduced himself to me as Peter and said he was my steward, call him anytime I wanted anything. I told him I had just made some clothing purchases, if I went back into the room and gave them to him could he get them pressed for me? Peter was both cute looking and sexy looking. We got into a conversation. To my surprise he told me that there were a lot of gay stewards, waiters, bartenders and entertainers on the ship if I was interested, if not a lot of female employees too. If I was interested just note their nametag and let him know. I found that interesting. (I guessed that was the way they made some extra money.)

The lunch menu, like at breakfast offered a wide selection of choices, all a la carte, and made you feel indecisive, but I noted everyone else was having the same problem. (In the back of my mind I seemed to remember that you should eat lightly at sea as overeating could promote seasickness. Who ever prepared the menus didn't seem to give a damn about that.) I indulged for the rest of the cruise as everyone else did, too.)

The pool was top deck, crowded as hell and brilliantly sunny. I had no tan whatsoever, so I pulled a deck chair over into a spot that had a little shade and in so doing joined two older men, who introduced themselves as Dr. Paul Bradley and Dr. Allen Murray from Baltimore. We talked quite a bit, I bought us a round of gin and tonics and as it developed they were gay. After they bought a round of drinks, they told me they practiced family medicine together and lived together on an old farm about 30 miles south of Baltimore. I enjoyed talking to them immensely and when it came time to leave we said we'd keep our eyes peeled for each other.

So, it was back to the mall for suntan lotion and another nap before dinner.

I was getting lazy, I guess; anyway I was late getting to dinner and afterwards went immediately to the theater (not the movie theater but the one that had live, stage entertainment). The show was just starting and after standing at the back until my eyes adjusted to the darkness I thought I saw a vacant seat down the right aisle, near the front. I glanced at the guy sitting in the adjacent seat. It was Morgan!

I jumped up and ran back up the aisle, out of the theater and into a men's room across the hall that I had noticed when I was going in.

He was right behind me and caught me crying for all I was worth. He just let me alone for a while until I had calmed down a bit and then said.

Jere, reach into my left jacket pocket; I have a packet of Kleenex there.

As I turned I noticed his coat was hanging loose over his right arm, which was in a cast.

I took the pack of Kleenex and started crying again. He stood motionless and didn't say a thing until I had quieted down some again. Then he took one of the tissues from my hand and squeezed my nose with it. (I knew what he had meant to say, in a teasing manner, but he flubbed it and it came out all wrong.)

Here, Jere, let me hold your hose while you blow it.

I started to laugh, almost hysterically, while, at the same time shedding a few tears.

My uncontrollable laughing started him laughing in response to his hearing me even though he didn't know what he was a laughing about.

Jere, please stop, this hurts my broken ribs.

That sort of cooled me down a bit.

What are you laughing about?

What you said. You don't know, do you?

Clue me.

You said: "Here, Jere, let me hold your hole while you blow it."

Jere, what are you doing on the Dawn Princess?

Maggie paid for a cruise to get me out of the house for a while. What are you doing here?

Can we, please, go have a drink and I'll explain the whole story. Last night I found a small, real quiet sort of hideaway bar. Please.

I don't know, Morgan.

For old times sake if nothing else, Jere, please!

Are you alone?

Alone and terribly lonely, please, Jere, please!

We were almost to the bar he was leading me to when he started to cry. We had to stop at another men's room off the passageway and let him calm down. After a while, I asked him if he wanted me to hold his hose.

Yes, I really do.

The bar was small, quiet and dark. Only the bartender and two customers sitting at the bar were there. The bartender said

Good evening, gentlemen.

The two customers turned around - Dr. Bradley and Dr. Murray.

Hi Jere. The bartender's name is Jerry; join our threesome.

I introduced Morgan and apologized, saying we were old friends that had just met and wanted to sit at a table for a few minutes and then we'd join them.

Jerry said: Morgan, you're drinking scotch, double on the rocks; and you, Jere?

The same. We had only started our drinks when Paul Bradley came over with two more and said:

May I intrude with a bit of unsolicited advice that precedes modern medicine? It is obvious that you two are having troubles. Please go to bed together and sleep together all night. In the morning it will be impossible for you to be angry at one another.

With that, he walked back and sat down beside Dr. Murray and they talked quietly with Jerry.

I don't know where to begin, Jere.

Start with why you didn't come home.

I met a woman in the hotel bar, we were drinking, she took me up to her room and you can guess what happened.

Yes, and spare me the details.

We stayed together in her room for two days, not all the time, of course, but always half stoned.

She became more and more bossy and possessive of me, then she asked me to do something that made me realize I should never have gotten mixed up with her.

She asked me to eat her pussy. God Jere, believe me, I had never done anything like that. I figured it was something like sucking cock, so I started sticking my tongue in her cunt.

The realization of what I was doing, plus the smell of it was just too much.

I puked all over her. She kicked me out.

Why didn't you come home, then?

That is the one question I don't know the answer to; I was ashamed of what I had done, I realized I had left home for an invalid reason - thinking I was caged in, when you never caged me in, never questioned me, gave me all kinds of opportunities, even helped me care for Gare. Too, I failed you on the opportunity we had with Epic Electronics.

Don't be ashamed of that, Epic called me and we now have a signed agreement with them. They spoke highly of you and told me you had told them to call me personally because I would make things happen for them.

I'm so glad, Jere. I know you're angry, Jere. What can I do to earn your forgiveness?

Morgan, I'm not angry. I never have been angry. I've been hurt and I still feel that way.

Do you want me to leave the ship at our first port and I'll fly back to the states.

No, I do not. You are going to come home with me and stay. If you don't want to stay, you owe it to take Gare with you and leave. Gare is the one that is angry - angry and hurt. He is having counseling with a doctor in Salina. You played one filthy, dirty trick on that boy.

I know and God I'm so sorry. Believe me.

Show it to Gare when we get home.

I signaled the bartender to come over and told him to give the doctors what they were drinking and pour another round for us, as we'd be sitting at the bar.

Dr. Murray inquired about Morgan's arm and ribs. I had forgotten to ask him what kind of an accident he had had. Morgan told them he had fallen off of a construction scaffold and hit some pallets when he landed.

We told them a part of our story and they told us Morgan need not go back to Los Angeles, his doctor in Kansas could take over treating him and remove his cast. They were really two swell guys. I hadn't met a lot of gay men but if they were all like them it made me proud to be gay.

When we were about to leave they told us how they both thought we were a great pair, really handsome and we should stay together. They kissed us both on our cheeks.

On the way to the elevator we returned to the men's room.

After all those drinks we both needed to piss. When we got inside, Morgan asked me to help him, as it was so awkward unzipping his pants and getting his cock out with his left hand. I did and ended up holding it while he pissed. Morgan asked me if I was going to let him sleep with him. The bastard. I had just felt his cock for the first time since he left and I was at maximum vulnerability and he damn well knew it

We went to my cabin and I completely undressed him, from his shoes up to his shirt, including underwear. He had to sleep on his left side and wanted a rolled-up pillow to rest his right arm on. That necessitated his facing the middle of the bed and the side I was sleeping on. Again he told me that he loved me and, with the aid of the alcohol, we both feel into a sleep mode without difficulty.

Like it so often happens, alcohol puts you to sleep but you also wake up early. I don't know what time it was but when I awoke, also facing the middle of the bed, my hand was wrapped around Morgan's semi erect cock. Shit! It wasn't even Morgan's fault but I knew that he was going to unravel me fast now that we were together.

I rolled over facing the doors to the balcony and watched it beginning to get light. The stateroom was evidently facing west as there was no direct sunlight coming into the room. Finally, I gave up and eased out of bed slowly, so as to not disturb Morgan. I went to the john and then picked up one of Morgan's cigarettes that I had placed on the dresser while emptying his pockets during the process of undressing him.

Naked, I went out onto the balcony carrying an ashtray. I really can't say I was thinking of anything in particular - I was just waking up. I didn't even hear Morgan until he handed me two bathrobes, one for him and one for me. I helped Morgan with his and then put mine on.

Thinking of going for a swim?

Me? I learned to swim in a pool and have never seen the ocean before? I don't even know which direction the nearest land is - not that I'd get there, anyway.

Well, did Dr. Bradley's cure work?

No. As I told you I wasn't angry, so I woke up the exact same way.

Jere, the first thing I noticed when you undressed last night was that you are still wearing my class ring. I'm glad your are. Can I add to what I told you last night?

OK, but it better be good.

That woman in L A made me realize I am no longer attracted to women. You don't need to worry about me, now. I am completely gay. Too, do you remember the time you confessed to me because you had sucked that kid's cock and, although you didn't say it in so many words, you were asking my forgiveness? I'll never forget that as long as I live. Jere, I want to confess to you right now, so badly, but I don't know how to do it.

Just say you're sorry and you want to be forgiven.

I'm sorry and I want to be forgiven.

This brings us to an awkward moment, Morgan. I can't forgive you in the same sense that God forgives someone when they ask forgiveness. Neither do I know that you have even committed a sin in God's eyes. Let it suffice to say that for my part I forgive you, I really do, and I hope that we have a happy life together from now on. And, thanks, Morgan for telling me, it means a lot to me.

Morgan couldn't get in the shower because of his cast, so I had him stand on a towel in front of the washbasin and I rinsed and wrung out a washrag, over and over, and washed his entire body, finishing with his most private parts. He was totally erect from start to finish. (So was I. More than totally - if that is possible.)

Jere, I don't think I have enough balance to fuck you, but, please, suck me off. I need you so bad. It has been so long.

I knew exactly how he felt. I took his manhood into my mouth and loved it orally, gently, until he climaxed.

As we were dressing, Morgan said:

Jere, do you notice something different?


What is it?

The engines have stopped. We're not moving. We must be docked in Barbados and it must be on the port side because we can't see it from the balcony. Isn't it funny how you get accustomed so fast to the hearing the engines. You accept them as being normal and when they stop you feel something is missing.

If anyone has stayed with me this long through this story, they surely know that I am about as perverted as they come. I absolutely loved it eating breakfast with Morgan, at a table with other people, especially when he asked me to cut his slice of ham into bite sized pieces, put some cream into his cup of coffee, butter his toast and do other little things that were awkward for him to do left handed. There was one teenage cunt, possibly from Miami, as she and her parents both looked as though they were of Hispanic origin. She was absolutely beautiful as was her mother.

The cunt could hardy find her mouth with her eating utensils for staring at us and keeping us engaged in small talk. Morgan was as aware of her as I was, so he wasn't too surprised when, in her gaze, I slipped my hand nearest Morgan under the table and made very obvious motions that could be interpreted no other way than that I was rubbing my hand up and down either his leg or his cock.

Honesty, I thought, from her expression that she was going to choke. Morgan gave me the most angelic smile and then winked at me.

We went ashore right after breakfast. A line of various colored taxis was waiting just off the pier. We engaged one and asked the driver to take us for a tour of the island. The tour lasted until 1 PM then the driver took up back to Bridgeport, the capitol. We ate at a second story restaurant on an inlet to the harbor, or a river flowing into the harbor, it was hard to tell. We lucked out, guess the lunch crowd rush had ended, and were seated at a table by the window. We were waiting for our order to come when the girl from breakfast came up to the table, alone this time and on her way out.

Can I ask you guys a question?


Are you gay?

Yes, we both are and we are partners.

What a fucking waste! With that, she walked off.

We toured the business area on foot and passed the Parliament Buildings getting there. Neither of us spotted anything that we thought would make the right gifts for Gare, Maggie, Frank or others back home.

The taxi driver had told us the check out the duty-free store at the land end of the pier. Liquor was a real bargain. I had heard of Bell Scotch but had never tasted it. A clerk told me it was excellent, so I bought a case and lugged it aboard. We delivered the scotch to the cabin and went to the Purser's Office to get Morgan moved into my room (his by the way was a windowless room he was sharing with an older guy that was driving him nuts). There was a difference in price, of course, and he also was able to change Morgan's airline ticket to the same flight I was booked on for my trip home. Because Morgan had related how uncomfortable he was flying coach from L A, we had both our tickets upgraded to first class (more room for Morgan's arm). The Purser asked us if we were long time friends. We replied that we were.

He asked us to please wait a minute. He returned with a square like envelop with both our names on it. We opened it and it was an invitation to dine at the Captains Table the following evening. We opted for a drink at what we now called Jerry's Bar. The two doctors had beaten us there. I told Paul how surprised I was about the invitation. He said they had one delivered to their suite just before they went ashore. Evidently they missed us and they always deliver them personally.

Well, I can understand two doctors receiving an invitation, but ours is a puzzle.

Well, I'll explain it to you. This is a 10 - day cruise. The Captains table seats 10 plus the Captain.

That means 100 people will be invited, 50 of which are just a spouse or a close friend. >From the minute you and Morgan booked the cruise, the Princess Cruise Line started their investigation and, believe me, they make the FBI look like amateurs. When their investigation is complete, they select a combination of the most famous and most rich people aboard to dine with the Captain. So one of you is famous, or is among the 50 richest people aboard.

Morgan replied: You've been holding out on me, Jere.

Allen and Paul both started to say something at the same time. Paul dropped out and let Allen finish.

By the way, we were going to leave you a note on the way back to our room, but now we can tell you in person. We've met quite a few young gay guys to date and we're throwing an after dinner party in our suite. Say 9 PM. Suite A-5. Please do come. OK?

Sounds great. We'd love to.

We called Maggie and told her what she had probably been holding her breath to hear:

Morgan and I had "accidentally" run into each other. Morgan had switched cabins and we were now staying together. We have yet to get a steward and have his stuff brought up to mine. Saw our first port-of-call, Barbados, etc. Maggie sounded so flabbergasted, so surprised. What an actress!

We got Morgan moved. Our steward, Peter, went with him and located the steward for that room and then carried Morgan's luggage up.

With that accomplished and the expectation of partying tonight we decided to get in a nap. A spooned position was impossible, but we positioned ourselves so we were facing each other. I slept for a while but spent more time looking at Morgan than I slept. He really knocked out for way over an hour. I noticed, looking at him, that he had lost weight, the same as I had done. I also pondered how erotic it was seeing him naked while he was asleep and didn't know I was looking at him.

When he finally woke up he again began talking about how desperately he needed to fuck me and how frustrating it was not being able too. That started us on trying to figure out a plausible position. In bed seemed out. My standing up, hands braced against the wall was talked out when we realized his cast would get in the way being between us, and not too good on his ribs, either. Finally, only one course of action seemed feasible. I would help him lie down on the floor and to get back up again. He would lie on his back and I would straddle his legs and sit on his dick. We had never done it that way before, but it seemed we didn't have much choice right now and Morgan was really getting antsy.

Morgan, all this planning and I don't have any lube.

Look in my toiletry case in my small bag

Suck on it before you lube it.

What the hell for? It's about to explode now. It couldn't get any bigger or any harder.

I know, but you don't have to suck too long, or too hard. Do it in for a little while. I straddled him and slowly lowered my asshole over his big cock. It was good for Morgan and good for me, except it certainly took a lot of work - something liked doing sit-up exercises.

The party was almost wall-to-wall people. Jerry had gotten someone to cover for him a few minutes and he was there for a short while, as well as Peter, the steward. Later on a good number of handsome, young men came in all at the same time. They were some of the entertainers from the floorshow. The party lasted quite late and got quiet raucous because it was a pour your own bar. A great number of guests approached Morgan and me to introduce themselves. If Morgan had told me the truth, I guess I didn't have to worry about women anymore, but I was going to have to start worrying about other guys, that was for sure.

The next morning the ship was anchored in a pale, sea green lagoon - so clear you could actually see the bottom and also fish swimming around. It was booked on the literary as the "Princess Lagoon". I think Princess Cruises had an agreement with someone that they were the only cruise line that could anchor there. The water was still, so there was not much trouble getting Morgan from the platform at the bottom of the ship's boarding stairs into a small boat, which took us to a long pier from which you walked to the island.

There was a large shack, open on all four sides that was used to cook hamburgers, hot dogs and serve beer - the food was free like the meals aboard ship. Like the bars aboard you used your room number to provide billing for drinks at the end of the cruise. We walked just a short way down the beach when about a dozen of the crowd from the party hailed us and motioned for us to join them. So far, so good, then Morgan looked a little further up the beach and saw people were renting rowboats. Morgan has a lot of kid left in him in that he has to try everything, so off we went up to the boat rental dock. Getting Morgan into the rowboat was a bit tougher than it was getting him into the boat that took us to the dock. With the help of several attendants we did manage, though. Now for the next problem - I didn't know shit about rowing and soon found out it took more skill than I had; the main problem being that if you don't know what you're doing the boat tends not to go in a straight line. Well we finally got further away from the island in the direction of the ship and that part of the beach where our gay friends were camped.

Then to complicate things further, Morgan starts teasing me to take my shorts off and also the swimsuit I had underneath.

What the fuck for?

I want to see your cock.

You've seen it a thousand times, why now?

I just want to see it in the sunshine. I bet it's beautiful with the sun shining on it.

He wouldn't give up, so I got the oars into the boat so I wouldn't loose one of the damn things, raised my butt off the seat and stripped off my shorts and swimsuit.

Being in a rowboat off an island in the middle of nowhere does not necessarily insure privacy, so I found out. I also found out that a man cannot slip his pants off without being somewhat obvious about it. About a hundred feet away in another boat a huge, woman with monstrous tits starts hollering at me. She was the biggest fucking bull dyke I had ever seen. Her companion was a tiny little blonde girl, younger by a number of years.

You're just the kind of filthy, dumb trash that gives the gay and lesbian community a bad name. These people didn't pay to take this cruise to have it spoiled by some asshole that does a strip within view of everyone.

Morgan flips her the finger.

Then she was angry.

She starts rowing toward us, and believe me, she could row that boat like I'd never learn to in a hundred years. Hollering more insults by the minute. By this time my boat was going around in circles. There was no way I was going to avoid her. The bitch was closing in fast.

Shit, Jere, everyone on the damn beach is looking at us.

A stranger saved us. A big, husky, older guy in a third boat hollers for us to stay where we were. He rows up to the dyke's boat, grabs the edge of it and starts talking to her. We couldn't hear what was being said, but, from her facial expressions, it was obvious she didn't like it. Then he came up to our boat and held on to the edge of it.

She won't bother you again, boys. I told her I was with the cruise line and she was harassing you. If she didn't stop, I would see that she was put off the boat at the next island.

Are you with the cruise line?

No, but she didn't question me.

Thanks, you saved our lives.

Not exactly, but I was afraid she'd tip you guys over and I saw the arm cast and knew that wouldn't be good. By the way, while I am somewhat blocking the view from the beach, you better get your shorts pulled back up. It you went ashore with the dick you've got and no shorts you'd be mobbed in seconds. See you later. Look for me, too. You can repay me by buying me a drink.

I guess I had been trying too hard to row correctly. Now unable to concentrate on it, I did a creditable job of getting us back to the pier.

The guys from the party really kidded us with all kinds of smart remarks. They had even been able to pick up some words when she was hollering at me and they saw Morgan flip her the finger. The question of why I had done it came up and I told them Morgan had pestered me into showing him my dick, because he wanted to see it with the sun shining on it. Some ass says "That's a good idea. I think we'd all like to see yours, and Morgan's, too." With that they pull our shorts and swimsuits down and then off. Another guy throws them into the lagoon. Morgan couldn't go in the water with his cast so I retrieved them, swished them in the water to get the sand off them and returned amid a lot of looking and laughter and I don't mean just from the gay crowd.

Morgan was as nonchalant as he was walking the halls of the dorm naked. I was nervous and embarrassed. And, to top things off, I had to put Morgan's on before I put my own on. After all that had happened, I decided to go all the way and reached into his swimsuit to adjust his cock so it looked comfortable in the pouch.

Our gay friends never did let it drop. They referred to me as "Sunshine" right up to the end of the cruise.

Dinner at the Captain's Table was an experience. He was a very gracious host and displayed sincerity in his interest in his guests. He was obviously very well educated, too. Other than that and the presence of the two doctors, I can't really say I enjoyed it. A few of the guests were a little too curious about Morgan and me, probably because we were the youngest of the group by quite a few years. The women asked some very pointed questions. Once Dr. Bradley intruded into the conversation in such an abrupt manner that the woman realized she had gone a little beyond the bounds of polite dinner conversation.

After dinner the two doctors, Morgan and I went to the floorshow (different every evening) and then had a nightcap at Jerry's Bar. We joked about the possibility that the cruise line had selected the guest list but had never passed the reasons for the selections down to the Captain. He seemed at ill at ease as some of the guests. Then we teased Paul Bradley, who had been seated adjacent to the Captain as whether he had or had not felt the Captain up, under the table.

Morgan and I were tired. These cruises are more exhausting than they are relaxing. There is just too much going on all the time. We undressed. Morgan went out onto the balcony to smoke a cigarette and I joined him. I don't know if the ship changed course, or what, but suddenly it was too cold so we went inside. Watching Morgan walk ahead of me to the bathroom I realized I had sort of forgotten how prominently his big dick was displayed even from the rear view. God he was beautiful. God I loved him. I held his dick while he pissed - I began to question if this was really necessary but I wasn't going ask him.

In bed, before going to sleep, talking quietly, I realized that it was much more than sex that attracted me to Morgan. I realized that somehow I felt contented, at peace when I was with him. I had no wants beyond being with him. He was all in the world that I really needed and wanted. I fell asleep holding his cock.

In St. Maarten, which has only one business street, 90 percent jewelry stores, we found Rolex watches (incredible fakes and very inexpensive) for every person we could think of that we wanted to bring a souvenir to. We bought ourselves each one, too, and mine lasted for over eight years with nothing more than a change of battery every few years. It was kind of a fun gift.

In St. Thomas, we didn't even follow the tourist throng. One of our gay friends had been there before and organized a trip to the Blue Beach, reputedly one of the most beautiful beaches in the world; nudity was optional.

Chapter 3 - Back Home Again

We stayed overnight at a motel near the Kansas City Airport and arrived home late afternoon, shortly after Gare had arrived home from school.

Evidently no one saw or heard us driving up and we found Gare, Maggie and Frank all in the Kitchen having an after-school snack. Maggie had told Gare that Morgan was coming back with me, but he, evidently, hadn't shown much of a reaction. When he saw his brother, the pushed his chair back and ran toward him, his arms swinging. Luckily I grabbed him and stopped him before he got to Morgan. He kept hollering, "I'm going to cut your fucking nuts off!"

By now Maggie and Frank were standing, too. Maggie said:

Gare, you stop that talk, right now, or I'm going to cut your nuts off and I have more knives than you do.

Those words coming from the ever-proper Maggie reduced everyone to stunned silence. I think even Maggie, even, was stunned when she realized what she had said and everyone began to laugh.

Gare approached Morgan, they kissed, they hugged and they cried and Morgan promised that he would never leave him again. It took a month for things to really get back to normal between the two of them. Morgan gave him a lot of attention during the day and slept with him at night. Meanwhile I saw little of Morgan, except when Gare was at school, but I understood.

By the way, everyone liked their "Rolex" watches and were amused with the number of comments they elicited.

More to follow.

Next: Chapter 9

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