Small Kansas College

By Joseph Farrin

Published on May 10, 2002


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Chapter 1 - Waking up to Reality

People were talking and not so softly.

Morgan and I both said "Huh" at about the same time.

Morgan was on the side of the bed nearest the bathroom so he beat me there, but my need was as urgent as his, so we ended up together watching, with sleepy eyes, the yellow piss from our cocks splash into the toilet together and then we both brushed our teeth.

When we returned to the room, our morning woods barely pissed away, we tried to jump into bed and return to the arms of Morphius and to the arms of each other. It didn't work.

Tad's voice, congratulating us on being able to separate ourselves from our pretzel formation and run to the bathroom, plus the smell of bacon, eggs and coffee brought us to the reality of a new day, a sunny, Sunday morning, whether we were ready to cope with it, or not. We propped ourselves up, Tad and Phil plopped themselves on the lower half of the bed and placed two trays between us containing a thermos of coffee, 4 small, Cantaloupe halves, a plate of bacon, a plate of scrambled eggs, a plate of buttered toast, a pile of napkins and 4 spoons plus 4 cups.

Morgan's first words were: Will somebody please close the fucking window blinds? His second words were: Where are the plates and forks?

I don't think he had noticed but Tad and Phil were as naked and as blessed with morning erections as were we.

Phil explained to him that this was his and Tads first breakfast in bed and they wanted to have it with us. He held a piece of bacon while Tad nibbled on it. Morgan finally woke up all the way and said.

That's sexy. Feed me Jere and I'll feed you.

Only the Cantaloupe and the coffee did we try to manage as individuals. All the rest, including the scrambled eggs, we fed to each other. We began exaggerating our pleasures, licking each other's fingers, pointing to an erection and asking if that was desert. We all got into some silly stuff, yet it was a fun way to begin a new day. We were probably having more fun than any other four people having breakfast together in the whole state of Kansas.

Then my mind began blinking on and off and I said:

Phil, you're got to call your sister.

Shit, I forgot that. I don't want to sound cruel, but I wish I didn't have to.

Try to get out of going over to her and John's apartment. Tell her I want them to come to dinner about six o'clock. Tell her I want to take you guys out to the ranch.

We all eavesdropped on Phil's conversation and knew it went well even before he hung up the phone. As soon as he finished he held up a hand and gave us all a High-5. We got ourselves ready and went out to the ranch.

We parked by the barn, went in and I saddled four horses, opened a cabinet and changed my shoes for a pair of old, worn cowboy boots and put on a well worn hat. Morgan noticed but didn't say anything.

We were less than a quarter mile from the barn when Rodeo, the horse I had put Phil on, reared up then started off on a run. Something had spooked him. Luckily, we had been riding almost side-by-side and I gave my horse a good dig in her flanks and she took off after them. I gained on Phil and when I was, again, side-by-side I hollered:

Phil, get your feet out of the stirrups, lean over and grab me around the neck.

At the same time I grabbed him around the waist and when my horse stopped I slowly lowered him to the ground, and Rodeo was on his way back to the barn. I gave a big wave to Tad and Morgan, now petrified, to come over where we were and immediately took off after Rodeo. As I approached the barn I saw Billy Hanson now my partner in the ranch and ranch foreman, standing at the barn door.

I saw what happened Jere. You shouldn't have put that guy on Rodeo.

Why? He's always been so gentle.

That's because you know horses and Rodeo knows a city boy. Jere, if you're going back out take my keys with you. Turn around and ride the other way until you see a tiny creek and then turn south. Follow the creek and you'll find a cabin not too far down, sort of hidden in a grove of trees. This key will fit both entry doors.

What's this all about?

Come into the house after you get back and I'll tell you, it won't take long.

I mounted Rodeo and grabbed Sally's reins so she would follow. Phil could ride her.

Phil, I'm sorry. I've never had any trouble with the horse you were riding, but my foreman tells me he is tricky. Here, you take the horse I was riding, she's a mare, and her name is Sally.

Shit Jere, I still haven't decided if I'm going to piss my pants or not, let alone get on another horse.

Just get on. It's like a fender bender in a car accident. The fastest way to recover is to get behind the wheel and start driving again. Just use the reins, let the horse know you are the boss. Watch what I do and just do the same thing. I'll keep close to you.

Following Billy's directions we found a beautiful little cabin with lap siding painted a dark brown, covered porch front and back and a weathered, shingle roof.

The cabin was beautiful, the surrounding trees were beautiful and the solitude was beautiful. The whole thing was beautiful. It was also nice that the trees were thick enough and large enough that the grass didn't grow well around the front area of the cabin - not enough sunlight I guess. We tied the horses to the porch railing.

What's this, Jere?

It's mine, I think. I hope. I'm not quite sure but I've got the keys. Its no mountain cabin but it sure as hell is nice for Kansas.

The cabin turned out to be a treasure. The interior was finished in non-aromatic Cedar finished with a flat varnish. The floors were oak, the fireplace was field stone, the floor plan consisted of a kitchen, L shaped living and dining room, two bedrooms each with a bath, a separate storage shed and a propane tank at the rear of the cabin. Trusses of large, cut and dressed timbers supported the roof; the living room furniture was upholstered in red leather.

We all loved it and started dreaming about occupying it. Tad thought the trusses would be a great support for a leather sling. Every one thought the isolation opened all kinds of possibilities.

It looked like Billy had cleaned it once in a while and the furniture was all covered with white sheets. The four of us sat on the porch. After a while Morgan went into the cabin to take a leak. He came out with four glasses and a bottle of bourbon.

Hey guys, look what I found. Sorry, no ice. The fridge is disconnected. There is water for you sissies if you need it. I went to the kitchen and added water to my drink (Bourbon was just not my favorite beverage).

Tad again brought up the idea of a sling. Ignorant of what a sling was, I asked him to explain it. He did and Morgan went on to say some rungs hung from a truss would be great, too. You could handcuff someone up to the rungs.

We batted ideas back and forth and finally agreed that a sling and hoops hung from the trusses, together with a few other things, would make a great setting for a gay sex orgy. Phil and Tad really wanted to try it and said they could round up a lot of Kansas State guys that would find the idea really hot. It required waiting until school was back in session and we tentatively agreed to the last week in September. I added that Morgan and I could stage an outdoor barbeque as a prelude to the event.

Just then Rodeo exposed his dick and took a healthy piss. We all laughed. Morgan said he guessed Rodeo didn't like our ideas. Then he dropped it all the way out and just let it hang there. None of them had seen a horse cock fully out of its sheath and everyone was more than slightly amazed at the size of it.

I was about ready to suggest we start back when Tad took Phil by the hand and disappeared into the house with him. We waited and it was obvious they were doing more than taking a last look. Morgan said he'd like to walk around a bit. We only walked 50 or 60 feet until we were fairly well hidden from the cabin by the trees.

Jere, want to do something.

My choice?



You don't think you're going to fuck me, do you?

I know better than to even ask.

As Morgan undressed, so did I.

I dropped to my knees in front of his big slab of man meat and told him to tease me, get me really hot.

What do you want me to do?

Before you get hard, rub it all over my face, eyes, ears, and lips. Whip me with it.

Jere, we left in a hurry this morning and didn't shower. I think I might be a little raunchy.

There's nothing more exciting than a big, raunchy dick. I also want you to talk dirty to me.

Take this you dirty little cocksucker. Don't you know it's not nice to suck on men's dicks?

After the cock lashing I was more aroused than I had ever been in my life and really made love to his now fully erect cock.

Take this you dirty little cocksucker, take the whole fucking thing.

Yuk, I've never seen such a filthy little bastard; I bet you even swallow cock juice. Don't you? Answer me.

I paused and said: Yes, I love it. Give it to me.

Not yet boy. I like my cocksuckers hot. You aren't ready for it. You've got to work it over a little more. I can't just give it to you. You've got to take it. Suck it baby, suck that cock. After a few more seconds, I did take it. Those big balls always seemed full.

Billy saw us coming and met us at the barn to help me unsaddle the horses and get them in their stalls. Then he took me aside rather than into the house.

That cabin is yours; I have no percentage of ownership in it. Read the partnership agreement between your dad and me. I know what your next question is going to be. So, here is the answer. Your dad had John Killian build it for him a long time ago. And now for the hard part, before you ask the hard questions, your dad and John Killian were the two biggest womanizers in Kansas. They used that cabin to screw women for a hundred miles around. Sorry, Jere. I just needed to get it off my chest. I like you Jere; I just felt it was time you knew. Even if you didn't know it, it bothers me that you are not using the place. It's a wonderful little hideaway.

Does Killian have any right of ownership in the cabin?

None whatever.

Does he have a key?

I don't know.

Well, Billy, I had to know sometime. Thanks, I guess.

Chapter 2 - Sunday Evening.

Dinner went well. Gare was back and had dinner with us then went up to his room. He was tired. Phil dominated the conversation telling Carrie and Little John about his horse riding adventure and the swell cabin we had found. He was quite wound up; he was full of enthusiasm, like a young boy would be.

In the course of conversation it came out that Phil and Tad were both from Wichita but didn't know each other until last September when they became roommates. They had to get home, as they both needed to find summer jobs.

I said: Little John, why don't you give the guys summer jobs?

Well, I'll think about it. (I took it he was not pleased at my suggestion.)

Carrie and Little John left early and Phil and Tad decided to stay over and leave Monday morning. Little John had told me, on the QT, that he and his dad were ready for another meeting. I responded that it was about damn time. I was about to call them to find out what, if anything, they had been doing.

So Morgan and I went to bed and fiddled around trying to get into another pretzel formation comfortable for both of us. I was almost asleep. A lot of fresh air always made me sleep well. All of a sudden, Morgan decided he wanted to talk.

Jere, I love you.

I hope you do.

More than ever, and what you did rescuing Phil was beyond belief. I couldn't believe it.

It wasn't that much of a deal, if you've been around horses all your life. Phil almost embarrassed me at the table talking about it.

It was a big deal, Jere. You can't tell me otherwise. If you hadn't told him to get his feet out of the stirrups and lifted him off that horse, he could have been dragged to death. Even Phil realizes that. You're a real man. I'm almost afraid to call you my pussy boy, and I'm surprised you ever let me call you that.

For your cock I'd do anything.

That's nice to know. How long have you been going out to the ranch?

Ever since I was in high school.

Do those chaps in the cupboard where you had your boots belong to you?


Will you wear them for me someday - without pants underneath, I mean.

Would that turn you on?


OK, sometime I'll take them out to the cabin.

How come you were going out to the ranch when you were a high school kid?

I sometimes helped with branding and castrating calves.

Castrating. That's absolutely disgusting.

But necessary and they are good to eat.

What? The testicles? I hope you're kidding me!

No. We can go out together sometime. Billy fries them and they are delicious.

You're making me sick. Go to sleep.

If you'll let me I will. I love you too, Morgan.

Well, I'm not too sure I love anyone who eats testicles.

Why not? You love a dirty little cocksucker who swallows cock juice.

More to follow.

Next: Chapter 7

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