Small Kansas College

By Joseph Farrin

Published on May 4, 2002


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Chapter 1 - Dinner with John and Little John.

Sunday morning, right after Morgan left for work and before he could get to the office, I called the office and, luckily, Little John was already there.

Hi Jere, what's up?

Nothing after last night and it might be a couple of days before I get it up.

Guess you had more fun when you got home.

You're clairvoyant, Little John. But what's up is I want to meet with you Monday, I would like you come to dinner in the evening. Bring Carrie and John and Alice (John's wife). Can you do that?

Sure, is something wrong?

No I just want to talk about the ramifications of my 49% ownership in Horizons Construction.

He sort of hesitated and then said: Well we will take two cars so the girls can go home after dinner. I'll ring my dad right away. What time?

5:00 to 6:00, so we can have a couple of cocktails before we eat. (Morgan uses Monday evening for homework and this was sort of behind his back.)

Well, he surprised me that he was able to come on such short notice. Now I had to decide what to bring up in the meeting. I scurried around the house to find Maggie and told her what I had sprung on the Killians and was now springing on her. She loved the idea of having guests. She took me into the Living Room and showed me that one, locked cabinet was actually a liquor cabinet when you opened the top and the doors and showed me where the key was hidden. She told me she would fill the built-in ice bin with cubes. Next she led me into the dining room and asked how many people there would be and I told her 5 including myself. So she told me she would not put any extension leafs in the table, I would sit at the end nearest the kitchen and she showed me something that I had no idea existed - a button, on the floor in front of the chair where she asked me to sit and explained that stepping on it sounded a bell in the kitchen that signified that I wanted dinner served, something was needed during the meal, it was time to serve the next course, and so on.

One of you farm tenants brought me two pheasants and two ducks yesterday. They are wonderful when roasted together. The pheasant is moister and the duck has less of a wild taste. Would that be OK?

It sounds perfect.

The Killians arrived. Carrie had never been in the house before. Alice and John had not seen it after Little John had worked on it carrying out the Interior Designer's re-do. The house was a lot brighter, airier, colorful but still in keeping with it's original design. Everyone was complimentary. The meal was excellent, white wine with the foul and a sweet desert wine with Queen Anne Cherries marinated in Kirshwasser as the final course.

After the girls left and the three of us went to the Study, I poured each a brandy and started the conversation.

John, what would happen if I were to withdraw from the Horizon Construction Partnership, per the partnership agreement and asked for a pay of?

God, Jerome, you're not thinking of doing that, are you?

No I just want to know what the result would be.

I would have to negotiate a payoff over a number of years. Our bonding capacity and borrowing capacity would be severely diminished. It could mean the end of the firm. In this regard, Jerome, I want to add that the firm is profitable. Your dad never wanted to incorporate because he didn't want to pay corporation taxes plus personal income taxes. Being a partnership, both you and I and our personal assets are all up for grabs should the firm go broke.

I saw Little John looking at me and I sensed he wanted me to ease up on the old man, so I promptly changed the tone of the discussion.

Well, I guess I didn't introduce what I really wanted to talk about in the right way, so let me start over.

I have always liked the name of the firm - Horizon Builders. But I remember a Harvard professor saying that every thing in the world was either growing or dying. I think we need to expand our horizons. I think we have been static for a number of years.

But, before I switch the conversation entirely, I want to say that I respect my father much more in death that I did in life. I know almost nothing about his and my mother's background, why he immigrated, settled in Boston, why he married my mother, why they came to Kansas. I don't know if he was wealthy in England, or if he parlayed my mother's money into a fortune. But, when I learned what his net worth was it was unbelievable, even frightening. The only way I could cope with it for six months was to pretend it didn't exist. Then I realized I was being stupid and that I better cope with it - for one thing it multiplied like rabbits. And, I realized that money was power and could be used for good purposes.

I know, too, that father loved this town but confused his generosity with buying his way into heaven with a mini-cathedral and a Catholic hospital. I guess the fact that it is the only town I know has made me fond of it, too. And, I don't think the town is static, I think it is dying.

John said he agreed - ever since the Interstate was construction 10 miles away.

I want to tell you what I am thinking about. I came about the idea remembering an article I once read about some large manufacturing concern that was located in a small town in Indiana. The firm started propositioning banks, churches, schools and local government agencies with the idea that when they undertook a building program the firm would pay the architectural fees if they selected the architect. Today the town is well known, if fact it is sort of an architectural shrine.

I want to go that one further. I talked with Clinton Jones about the college's needs. They don't have the money to rebuilt the dorm that was burned down, the library is too small and somewhat of a disgrace, the chapel looks like an army barracks that they stuck a steeple on. I am willing to pay for these needs. The college is not a public school, so Horizons gets the construction contract and I select the architect. But the deal is no go if they balk at my selection, which will be a nationally known firm that specializes in contemporary architecture. I think this is where we should start.

On down the line, I want you to talk to the Superintendent of Schools about their building needs. I want them convinced that design/build is the way to go, even if we aren't currently into that. Again, a famous name architect that I will pay to prepare dazzling presentations to accompany our proposal. Churches - I will pay design fees and underwrite financing, which is their biggest problem to undertaking a building program.

Downtown. I want you to talk to the Chamber of Commerce, build a 6 block long dome structure over Main Street, convert it into a mall and get a couple of anchor stores to come in on the deal. I know this is a difficult task, but I am willing to finance it, including surrounding land acquisition for parking structures, etc. and remodeling of existing buildings. I envision a merchant organization that will eventually pay back the loan.

Housing - I like the young Architect who has just located here. I have land contiguous to the city limits. Lets get him started on a new housing development behind the campus so it will be ready when the mall gets underway.

Little John volunteered that he thought the ideas were fantastic.

John said it was quite a vision and he would need some time to think about it.

I responded that it was not a vision, it was a plan for action and I expected a timely response. (This put him on notice that I was not just full of talk - I expected not only a timely response but a proposal for quick action.)

I was proud of myself; I had spoken quietly, presented my ideas professionally and in a friendly way.

I decided on a nightcap after they left and before I had finished it Little John called.

Jere, I didn't know you had it in you. On the way home dad said you surprised the hell out of him - you were smarter and tougher than your old man.

Well, if he doesn't do some basic legwork and call another meeting within a month he might find out just how tough I am.

Oh, he will, believe me. And, Jere, I think your ideas are absolutely fantastic. I could only add one thing.

What's that?

Talk with the doctors on staff at the hospital. Find out what is needed in the way of more doctors, not competitors, but specialists that would give the hospital a kick in the ass.

Great. Lets thrash that out at the next meeting.

I went upstairs and opened the door to Morgan's room (mine too, as far as that goes, now that I was sleeping with him and, likewise, my room was also his). He was still pouring over his books. He asked me where I'd been and I told him and explained why.

I need you Morgan.

Don't say that. You don't need to. We belong to each other. If you want to do something, just start something.

I went over to his desk, bent over him and kissed his cheek, reached down and groped his cock through his pants.

How do you need me?


Go get undressed and come back.

Jere, I'm so tired, but, at the same time, I don't want to give up our romp in bed. Let's just do something else for now and save the real thing for later when we both wake up snuggled together all warm and erected. It's so good, so sexy when we do it that way.

He dropped his shorts and kicked them out of the way. He pushed me against the wall and we began hugging and kissing. He put my hand around his erected manhood and he took hold of mine. He began masturbating me and it was obvious he wanted me to do the same to him. He had never jacked me off before and I found it totally arousing. All the time we were masturbating each other we never broke our French kissing. We climaxed almost simultaneously as he pushed against my body and our hot cum mingled together as both of us pumped it out onto our stomachs.

Oh God, Jere! We are finding new ways all the time to make love and every new way is just as exciting as the rest of the things we've already done. I didn't realize there were so many ways for men to make love to each other. More and more we are beginning to meld together closer and closer. I think we are becoming more like one all the time, if that makes any sense.

I feel the same way.

That was really an intense climax for me and we didn't even do poppers. When I shot I felt like I was going to turn my ball sax inside out and shoot my balls out the end of my dick. Wait here and I'll go get a hot washcloth and clean us up.

We had no sooner gone to bed and turned the lights out than Moran wrapped me in his arms and said:

Jere, I am getting so worried lately.


I graduate in June and Little John hasn't said anything about keeping me on.

I don't want to hang around here and impose on you if I have nothing to do. At the same time, I don't think I could leave you; I just couldn't bear to do it. I don't think Gare could either.

I'm sure Little John has just neglected to talk to you, or maybe he's working out an offer to make to you. Don't worry about it. I couldn't bear to have you leave me. Before that happened I'd just go away with you.

Would you really do that for me?

I'd do anything for you. And, by the way, I had an intense climax, too. I didn't think something as simple as masturbation could be so great. I love you, Morgan.

I'm glad you do. I love you back.

Chapter 2 - Two Kansas State University Students Come for the Weekend.

The Spring Term had just ended and everyone had gone home for the summer; the phone rang one Friday afternoon and it was Phillip Coury. (I told you he would be back in the story. Phillip was the young brother of Little John's wife, Carrie. He came to the Wedding and stayed overnight in one of my dorm rooms - one adjacent to my suite.) He wanted to know if he could drive out and spend the weekend with me.

I told him I would really enjoy having him.

Then, he explained that his roommate had heard of his plans and wanted to come along, sort of an end-of-the-year weekend together before heading home for the summer.

Is that a problem, Jere?

None whatever. What time do you think you will arrive?

Hopefully about noon Saturday, we hope to get an early start.

What's your friend's name?

Tad Turner.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you again.

I called Maggie and she said she would have something ready for lunch.

Saturday morning Morgan telephoned me from work. Gare was spending the weekend with his friend Andrew and Morgan wanted to know if I could give him a ride.

He had forgotten to ask me.

What time?

About three in the afternoon tomorrow, Saturday.

Phillip and Tad were about an hour late. I put them in the some room Phillip was in before; it had a double bed. Maggie had a beautiful lunch, Papaya filled with the white meat of chicken (seasoned with something) and celery mixed with mayonnaise and sour cream, a banquette loaf of French bread, white wine and a selection of cheese and fruits for desert.

We lingered, talking after lunch and over coffee. Gare came up to the table with his gym bag all packed. I introduced him to Phillip and Tad.

Is it that time already, Gare?

Not quite but Andrew called and wants me to come early.

Do you guys want to come with me to deliver Gare to his weekend sleep over?

Tad said he would rather take a nap or relax by the pool. Phillip said sure.

We had no longer dumped Gare in front of Andrew's house and Andrew had ran out of the house to meet him, than Phillip began to explain the purpose of his visit.

Gare, I really liked you from the minute I met you. I really need to talk to someone I can confide in and trust.

Phil, there is a park with a lot of shade trees, picnic tables and benches about six blocks from here. Lets go there, OK?

Jere, are you gay?

I don't normally answer that question, but in your case, I will. Yes, I am.

I am glad. That makes it easier. I am so mixed up, so fucked up, that I am about out of my mind.

Over Tad?

How did you know?

Just a guess.

I love him. I wouldn't trade this past year of being his roommate for anything in the world. Yet, to tell you the truth, I am afraid of him. Not of him, but of initiating anything with him.

I can understand that. He looks so damn masculine that his appearance, alone, would foul up anyone's gaydar. Does he suspect that you love him?

I don't think so. At least, he has never initiated anything, either. I thought maybe you could help me.

(Before going on: Tad is of average height with neatly trimmed, black hair and brown eyes, has an olive completion and the hair sticking out the top of his polo shirt and on his fore arms indicate that he is one hairy dude. His facial features are masculine, even and near perfection. The sexiest part of his looks is his blue beard. He has an in-shape body, better described as trim rather than muscular.)

God, I wish I knew how. The only thing I know is if you will let me confide in Morgan; I have reservations for the country club this evening. Maybe a swim in the pool first, some drinks, the club and back home into the steam bath will lead to something. You haven't met Morgan, but you will like him. He is a beautiful person.

Phil began to cry.

You really love him, don't you?


Isn't it strange, I think straights go through much the same thing. But I think it is stronger with gays. I do know that emotional highs and lows are more severe with gays. God Phil, you're a mess. You're absolutely shaking. Stay sitting where you are. I'm going to maneuver in front of you and sit on the bench, facing the parking area.

Oh Jere, I am a mess. The only way I can get calmed down is to jack off. At least that always worked in the dorm but I have never been this bad before. He started to fish his dick out of his pants, but I moved quicker and displayed my hard cock in front of his face.

Suck it, Phil. Don't worry about my climaxing. Just nurse on it and have a good cock suck; just use it to calm yourself down. He sucked cock; he did begin to calm down (like Morgan said cock suckers need cock just like babies need pacifiers). I got hot and had to shoot. I didn't interrupt him. I guessed he would figure it out. He did and, to my surprise, swallowed and then wiped his lips off before putting his head into my crotch for a quiet spell, no words spoken between us.

I hope you and Morgan can work something out, Jere. I, honest to God, don't believe I can sleep in a double bed with Tad.

Believe me, we'll try and why don't you try to get a short nap. If you can't get to sleep, just lie quietly for a while.

By 5 o'clock Morgan bombed in with his usual, bubbly mood quickly filling the room. I took him next door (across the hall from his room, actually) and introduced him to Phil and Tad. He immediately suggested we go down to the pool and he would join us right after he showered. Phil and Tad remarked that they had no swimsuits, so Morgan disappeared for five seconds and returned with a small part of his large collection, in assorted colors, for them to choose from.

On the way down I grabbed some beer from the fridge in the garage and Morgan appeared right behind us.

While Phil and Tad were swimming I used the time to tell Morgan about Phil's problem and to remind him that he was Little John's brother-in-law - Carrie's brother.

Shit. Everyone in Kansas seems to be gay.

Maybe it is the company you are keeping.

OK, wiseass. Let me think about this. If I can evolve a plan I will tell you about it because it will probably need your involvement.

Phil got out of the pool and Morgan dived in. From what could be ascertained from where Phil and I were sitting, Tad and Morgan seemed to be in an animated conversation well spiced with laughter. They seemed to have connected with each other within a few minutes. The beer was being consumed fairly rapidly, so I decided that I should designate myself as the driver for the evening. Besides it was time for us to shower and get ready. I had made a reservation for 7:30 PM. I told Phil and Tad I hoped they had remembered to bring slacks and non-polo type shirts so they could meet the club's summer dress code.

Morgan pulled me into his room and explained that Tad had been homosexual for some time and knew the score but respected Phil and didn't want to lose his friendship. In fact he wasn't even sure Phil was gay. They're just two guys waiting to devour one another. All they need is a good shove. He then told me it would be quicker if we showered separately. We would only delay things if we got to fooling around.

Chapter 2 - The Country Club, Steam Bath and a Late Night Visitor.

We no sooner entered the bar than the bartender said they would be late seating us because they were having an extra-busy night.

We found a booth and had several drinks before we were seated. I limited myself to two, believing a steak dinner would negate two of the club's weak drinks so navigating home wouldn't be a problem.

The problem of the evening developed when we had been seated and I happened to spot Little John and Carrie walking toward our table. I told Phil, he said: Oh shit! I told him to let me handle it.

Carrie immediately began to question his presence in town. What are you doing in town? Why didn't you call me? I interrupted her to say Phil had just arrived an hour and a half ago, I was supposed to call her last night but had forgotten.

She bought the excuses but was still visibly angry.

Well, are you going to spend some time with me?

Sure Carrie. I'll call you in the morning. What would be the best time?

Anytime after 10:30.

Phil got up and gave her a kiss. They walked away from the table. Whew! Close call.

Nobody had even thought to introduce Tad.

I had avoided drinking because of driving home. Morgan decided to be a bigger handicap than if I had had six or seven drinks. The Buick's front seat was a bench seat. I had just backed out of the parking space and put the car into drive when he scoots over about as close as he could get, unzips my pants and fingers out my cock. I complained but he replied:

Why are you complaining? I know you like me to play with it. No way could it have escaped Phil and Tad, in the back seat, what he was doing.

The minute we arrived home, Morgan guided us into the steam bath then left to get a six- pack out of the fridge in the garage. Tad chose the top bench above where Morgan always sat and Phil sat beside him, above my usual place. Following their lead I laid my towel over my lap.

Morgan had downed more than a few drinks at the club. He made his entrance without even a towel over his shoulders, threw Tad a beer and leaned his back against the wall, legs spread, totally exposed and introduced a topic of conversation:

You know, I've been thinking.

Oh yea, since when?

Be nice for a change, Jere. I have a theory that God made a mistake when he created men. The penis is basically for procreation of the species. I can understand he had to make the process pleasurable, but the penis could have been of any shape that was capable of penetrating a vagina. And, they could have all been of standard issue since women really show little interest in them other than they get hard and they are used to fuck with. But, his mistake was that he made them attractive to men, too. He made them of various sizes and shapes and then added testicles as a further attraction, when they could have been located internally, instead of external and open to view.

Morgan, I have a question? Did you get this theory from one of Dr. Beiler's lectures in Bible 101 (a required course for all freshmen)?

No, I don't think Dr. Beiler has ever uttered the word cock or the word balls. There is a possibility he doesn't even have a cock.

You know what I think, Morgan? You're so full of bullshit I can't believe it.

Jere, you think you are so smart. Well I am going to prove my theory.

In one, quick movement he had the towels off our laps and pronounced: Theory proven.

It was proven. We all had erections. Phil was even fondling his.

We all laughed. It was the only response we could muster on such short notice.

Tad said: Let's go to Jere's room. (For some reason I suspected Tad was in on this whole thing with Morgan.)

When we got upstairs they told Phil and I to go to my room and wait for them. They went into Morgan's room.

They were taking so long that Phil and I had another drink.

What are they doing, Jere?

Who knows? I'm not absolutely sure I even want to know.

The two of them entered, clad only in jockstraps. Tad stood right in front of Phil and said "I have a present for you. You can unwrap it now."

Under the jockstrap he was wearing a cock ring and tucked under the ring was a folded piece of paper. Phil opened it and it read: "DIRECTIONS. To use this product, cover with jockstrap and go directly to our room. Further directions will not be required. Sorry to be so long in realizing we have both wanted the same thing. WARNING. Pregnancy may be a side effect."

They didn't even say goodbye; they just left.

Where's my present, Morgan.

Pull the strap down and you'll find it.

I don't see one.

He lifted his cock and told me to look again. He had shaved his balls. In the dim lighting of the steam room I hadn't noticed.


Very much, does this mean you're gay?

Not quite, but almost. Go sit on the toilet Jere.

Why? You sure are on the wild side tonight.

I'm going to shave your pubes.

Oh no you're not.

Don't you trust me?

Not with a razor trying to shave my pubes after what I've seen you drink tonight.

I was one nervous little boy until he finished. No sooner had he cleaned me up with a wet, warm washcloth than we heard the doorbell on the poolside door buzz. If we had closed the bathroom and bedroom door we wouldn't have heard it. Mogran ran down the steps cussing about what asshole could be ringing the doorbell at this time of night.

Next I heard Morgan hollering up the stairs: Jere, come down here, some cop wants to talk with you. Wait a minute, Jere. He's campus security, not a cop.

I'm naked Morgan.

So am I. If he can't take indecency, he shouldn't be ringing our doorbell at an indecent hour.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and took one for Morgan to put on. I handed it to him and he promptly tossed it on a chair.

I recognized the security officer; he was the younger of the two that had brought Michael home several months ago. He asked if I remembered him and I replied that I did but I didn't remember their telling me their names. I asked him what he was doing here, as I had no summer term students in the house. He replied that he just wanted to thank me for the money I had given him. He works late hours, but had noticed lights on so thought he would give it a try. He introduced himself as Alex Wolf.

He was one hot looking "cop". Dirty blond hair, what you could see of it under his cap, slight of build and a package that even his dark blue uniform couldn't hide.

I don't know if his blue eyes were sexier than dark glasses would have been - either way he looked like someone I wouldn't mind tricking with. I offered him a drink - brandy, whiskey, gin or vodka - not much of a choice in mixes. He wanted a whiskey. I poured a stiff one and Morgan opened the fridge and dumped in some ice cubes. I had a scotch and soda; Morgan had a brandy and soda, which he seemed to have developed a taste for lately.

Alex remarked that his daddy drank bourbon and he had grown to like it.

Morgan got on his case right away. Are you a southerner?

Yes, Amarillo, Texas actually.

Do you mean "Daddy" as in father, or "Daddy" as in an older lover?

Morgan was a master at embarrassing people, me included, with off color remarks.

What do you mean?

I mean you didn't come here at this hour to thank Mr. Blair for something that happened months ago. You're half hard already. You came here sniffing for sex. And since there are no females living here, I can only assume the sniffing is for cock.

Do you want me to leave?

Alex, this is my friend, Morgan. You stay. He just a little blunt at times, but a nice guy never the less.

Yea, don't rush off. Lets sit down and finish our drinks. You can leave after you finish it if I'm wrong about your sniffing for cock. We'll have another one if I'm right.

We finished our drink and Alex said: I'll have another, please, make it the same.

Morgan and I sprouted erections as Alex began undressing in front of us. His cock was not quite as big as mine, but it looked enormous on him because he was of such slight build.

You have a big one, Alex, but I think you're a pussy boy - right or wrong? Alex didn't reply.

Morgan unplugged the desk lamp and sit it aside, moved my mail in-out box.

We've got company upstairs, Alex. We'll have to do it on the desk. It looks about the right height, anyway, if we stand up.

Morgan ran upstairs and returned with a tube of lube.

You go first Jere. Break him in for me because I'm going to fuck him hard. I've always wanted to fuck a cop and I might lose control in the process.

I always have been sort of slow and easy with a guy who I'm fucking - long easy strokes, that sort of thing.

Alex was enjoying it. His closed eyes and blissful expression revealed that. After a while he started to jack off but Morgan put a stop to that right away.

Morgan, true to his word, did just the opposite of what I had done.

He soon had Alex yelling "Oh yea, that's it, that's it!"

Alex shot without touching himself and a rope of cum poured out of his dick that landed partially on the desk and some spilled over onto the floor.

Morgan told him that since we now understood each other he was welcome to come again but make it an earlier hour or call that he was coming.

More to follow.

Next: Chapter 6

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