Small Kansas College

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Apr 26, 2002



Chapter 1

Morgan had talked with the county sheriff and had found out that he wouldn't list his mother as missing because of the way she had left the house. He also told Morgan that statistics showed that many disappearing people who lived east of the Mississippi went to New York; those west of the Mississippi went to California. If Morgan didn't have anything to go on the sheriff didn't want to put out a missing persons bulletin.

I had sent Morgan to my attorney and he told Morgan that his mother could be charged with child abandonment because of Andrew; she might or might not be traceable through her Social Security number if she were to be employed somewhere. The attorney also searched property records and found out that Morgan and Andrew, as well as his mother, were listed as owners of the property, which gave Morgan the right to rent it and, after seven years he could declare his mother dead and sell the house. Andrew and I helped Morgan with getting the house ready to rent.

Even though Morgan and Gare were now occupying two rooms, I didn't charge Morgan any rent, which we debated about, but, in the end, I won. I moved them out of the room with the one-way mirror and into two adjacent rooms and had Little John cut in a connecting door.

The fall term began at the college. I looked over the boys that the College's Dean of Men referred to me and, of course, chose those I wanted in the rooms adjacent to mine.

It was really turning out to be fun having so many college students around. They all had very little modesty as far as being fully clothed outside their rooms. Maggie loved having young men around the house again. One of the young men I selected for the one of the adjacent rooms with the mirrors was named Michael Allen - both rooms were available for students, as Gare and Morgan had moved into adjacent rooms that had a connecting door cut between them. Michael was in his junior year. He was masculine and had well developed pecs and arms, then slimmed down from there - flat stomach, long, lean legs. He had a fair completion, light brown hair, blue eyes and full lips. Watching him through the mirror made me think I had been too hasty in choosing him - he seemed such a quiet, shy person, maybe somewhat of a loner. The one time I caught him on the bed jacking off - he had his mid section raised completely off the bed and he was fisting his dick like crazy. That sort of assured me I had made a good choice.

His dick, by the way, was my favorite kind. Cut, large head, and one of those shafts that were completely smooth - no veins - just a long tube of beautiful cock flesh - fair like his body. The head was neither helmet nor mushroom but somewhere in between and flared out beyond the circumference of the shaft.

Chapter 2 - Campus Security Officers Ring the Door Bell One Night.

Monday is a quiet night with Morgan and I had just undressed and slipped on a robe to go get a book I had left in the Music Room. I liked to read there during the day as the light was good and it is a quiet part of the house. I had just retrieved the book when the front door bell rang, which was unusual. All of the students used the doors in the addition and the front door of the original house was always locked. It had little or no traffic in the evening. I opened the door to find two campus policemen holding up Michael. Another young man was standing aside and slightly to the rear of the security officers.

Are you Jerome Blair?


Then, one of the officers asked the young man to explain. He said his name was Tom Fairchild; he was an acquaintance, but was not a close friend, of Michael's.

He was walking back to his dorm from the library and had found Michael sitting on the grass beside the walk. At about the same time the campus patrol had driven by and seen the two of them and stopped to investigate.

One of the officers then interrupted and explained that Michael had been drinking and might have taken something stronger than alcohol as well. Drugs were just starting to be a problem on the campus and they should take him down town to the city police station but when they found out from Tom where he lived they thought they would bend the rules a little and bring him home.

I told them I really appreciated that and asked if they could carry him to his room as it was in the addition to the house and on the second floor - there was no way I could manage him. When we got him upstairs we frisked him and he had no key, so I just told them to put him in my room (I had a spare key to all the rooms but the prospect of Michael in my room all night was just too exciting to turn down). The two officers not only propped him up on the bed but also undressed him. He had on a jacket, pants, shirt, socks and shoes, (absolutely no underwear). When they laid him down on the bed he had only his white sweat socks on. They covered him and started to leave, but I stopped them.

From a drawer in a built in cabinet I found rent money clipped to a deposit slip that I had not taken to the bank. I pulled off ten $20.00 bills and held out $100 to each of them. They said they couldn't accept it. I asked why not?

Officers, I am not bribing you, I'm not asking anything in return. It is just a thank you offering. They took the money and thanked me. Then, the older office handed me his card and said to give it to Michael, he wanted Michael to come to the campus security office so he could talk to him.

He explained that he wanted to give Michael a warning lecture. I asked when he wanted Michael to appear. He responded to make it Wednesday when Michael was through with his afternoon classes and, laughingly, added that Michael might sleep most of tomorrow away.

I told Tom to stay with Michael and I would see the officers out.

I hadn't closed the door to the room when I left. That and the carpeted hallway made my entry back into the room rather unobvious, I guess, as Tom had removed the bed covers from Michael and was looking at him as he jacked himself off.

He looked up, saw me and tried to stuff his erection into his fly as best he could.

Oh, Mr. Blair, I am so sorry.

Tom, you must be sorry that I caught you. What you were doing was very understandable and needs no apology. Are you gay?

Yes, but barely so. I know I am but haven't done anything with anyone yet.

Guess you are attracted to Michael?

God, who wouldn't be?

I agree, but he is so shy. He's difficult to get to know.

Please don't tell him Mr. Blair.

I promise, if you stop calling me Mr. Blair and call me Jere.

I motioned for Tom to come into the sitting area and patted the sofa indicating that I wanted him to sit down beside me.

Tom, I won't tell Michael anything except how you helped him out tonight when he was in need of help. But, watching what you were doing, and how I interrupted must have left you feeling very unsatisfied, I have a question. Do you want to get off?

I didn't expect what he did next; he pulled his still erect cock out of his still unzipped fly and said: Oh yes!

Leave your cock alone (a 4 inch beautiful little thing that was fat for its length) and get undressed. While he stripped I ran into the bathroom and brought back an adjustable cock ring and told Tom to put it on.

What is it? I opened my robe and showed him the one I had on and how it snapped in place.

Have you ever fantasized about doing something with Michael?

God, yes!

What is your wildest fantasy about him, Tom?

I have often jacked off thinking what it would be like to suck his cock. Why are you asking me this kind of stuff?

Well, you heard what the officers said about his sleeping until late tomorrow. True or not, his headlights are out for a while. I know what its like to be aroused and unsatisfied. Why don't you satisfy yourself with him while he's vulnerable?

That wouldn't be nice.

No it wouldn't be but it depends how much you would like to live your fantasy.

How would I do it?

Suck his dick.

Do you really think I could do that?

Why not? I led him back into the sleeping area and said if we both leaned over Michael and put our hands under one side of his back we could probably turned him over onto his side and his dick would be close to the edge of the bed. Michael cooperated and his balls as well as his cock were hanging in front of his legs.

Michael, I did this once to a friend that was drunk. You can probably get him halfway erect, but I doubt you will be able to make him shoot. If you go for this idea I think you will find there is a lot of pleasure to be had sucking even a semi-erect cock. Is that OK with you?

Oh yea!

Let's whisper. If you just hold his cock I think it will erect somewhat, particularly if you squeeze it every so often. I'll leave you alone with him so you won't get embarrassed with my watching.

In about half an hour Tom came into the sitting area. His dick was so damned hard - it must have been painful.

Did you have fun?

That was unbelievable.

Did you make him cum?


You didn't cum either, did you?


I closed my book, opened my robe and exposed my 7-inch erection.

Neither did I.

Tom didn't need to be guided to the next step. He dropped to his knees in front of me; I reached down and removed his cock ring. He had had a taste of sucking cock, now he saw a totally erect one ready for the taking - not one that was just semi erect.

He took about half of it and I told him to try to take it all. As he took it deeper into his throat he started jacking himself. What he lacked in experience he made up for with his eagerness. I warned him I was about to cum. He didn't pull off. I unloaded my cock juice into his mouth and as soon as I did that he spewed his load on the carpet and laid his head in my lap. He didn't move so I started caressing his head.

Although Tom enjoyed what he had done with Michael, I felt somewhat of a bastard. I had led Tom into testing the waters for me before I started in on Michael. As soon as Tom left, I cleaned his cum off the carpet, locked the door and turned off all but one lamp in the Sitting Area - a table lamp with an opaque black shade that reflected light only up and down; with the 3-way switch on low that light was not very bright. I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to have a long session of cock worship looking at that dick I had only seen from afar - through the one-way mirrors to Michael's room.

I dropped my robe on the floor and went into the Sleeping Area. Michael had not moved and Tom had not covered him up. I turned up the thermostat. I didn't want him to feel chilled.

The first thing I did was to sit on the floor and scoot my legs under the bed. My eyes were about a foot distance from his cock. I just looked at it, absorbing every beautiful, erotic detail and committing it to memory. Man, how I loved cocks! They were such beautiful, exciting things. To just look at one was a turn on for me. I wrapped my hand around it and it did get semi erect, as I had told Tom it would do. I squeezed my fingers around the root of the shaft and that made it even more erect and the cock head larger.

I took my hand off and watched it become flaccid.

Oh, I know, this sounds so trite. But, I had been watching him and wanting him so long that he had become a fantasy - especially his big cock head.

I was crazy; I was in worse shape than Tom. I had just unloaded a wad and didn't think I could cum, playing with Michael, even though I had a strong urge to do so. I sucked his cock knob into my mouth and then sucked the shaft in, too. How soundly can a guy sleep? Why didn't he wake up and say: God that feels so good!

Pleasing Michael was the missing factor in the equation and there was nothing I could do about that. He was in oblivion.

Suddenly, he rolled over on his back and put one of his hands over his cock.

I was so fucking nervous. I went into the Sitting Area and picked up a partial pack of cigarettes and a book of matches that Morgan had left there Sunday. I went into the bathroom, turned on the exhaust fan and smoked a cigarette.

When I returned to the bed, his hand was still covering his cock. I moved it away, squirted some lube over the top of his cock shaft and slowly jacked him. Even this was to no avail. I was getting nowhere except hornier. I replaced his bed covers, went out to the linen closet in the hall and got the sheets, blanket and pillow necessary to make myself a bed on the couch in the Sitting Area. I left the Bathroom light on and the door cracked, didn't turn off the lamp with the black shade and turned down the thermostat. I thought Michael might wake up and wonder where he was.

I don't know what time it was, but it was the wee hours after midnight when I heard Michael flush the toilet. I woke to see him coming toward me and calling my name.

Jere, why am I in your room.

The campus police brought you home and you evidently lost your room key. I had them put you in my bed.

Oh shit!

Don't worry. You aren't in any trouble. Go back to bed.

I don't want to take your bed while you sleep on the couch. Let me sleep on the couch.

Forget it!

Then you come sleep with me. It's a big bed and I'm cold anyway. (Holy shit! Did I hear him right?)

He crawled in and got into a position on his side. I spooned up against his back, wrapped an arm around him and sort of tucked my hand under his stomach. I guess he felt my erection against his back because he said:

You must have a really big cock.

I do.

He fell asleep and I followed soon thereafter.

Much later, in fact the first light of dawn was casting its weak light into the room, I woke up and realized I must have turned over on my back.

What brought me out of my sleep was the realization someone was sucking my cock. I rose up and remembered where I had gone to sleep. It was Michael - on his hands and knees. (He was gay after all.)

I didn't want to startle him by saying anything so I just reached out with the arm that was by my side, grabbed his erection and started jacking him off. We shot our love juice about the same time.

Michael said: Jere, you're gay.

And so are you. I tried sucking you off while you were sleeping but couldn't get the job done.

Lets go out and get some breakfast and you can try again.

We don't need to go out, put on a robe and we'll go down to the kitchen and I'll fix something. It's too early to expect Mrs. Ryan here yet.

Michael recovered far earlier that the Campus Security had predicted; he had lots of coffee, orange juice, scrambled eggs and bacon. We went back to the room, slept a few more hours and I woke him up by doing the same thing he had done to me. (His dick had recovered rapidly, too. Finally I felt satisfied.)

Michael even made his Tuesday classes, one at 2:00 and one at 3:15 PM.

The Asst. Dean of Men, Clinton Jones, called me and said Campus Security, in their daily report, had mentioned turning over Michael Allen to me and related the circumstances. I told Clinton that Michael had an appointment with Security tomorrow afternoon; I didn't want him to get into trouble so I was going to go with him. Clinton responded that I didn't need to attend; he would be at the meeting and see that everything went well. I told Clinton that Michael had told me he didn't have that much to drink but he had been taking an over-the-counter sinus medication and evidently had a reaction to drinking while taking the medicine.

That sounds valid to me, Jere. How do you like Michael?

Very much, he is a nice young man.

I suppose you have gotten into his pants by now?

Not until last night.

I thought you were a fast operator.

I wasn't too sure that he was gay.

I should have told you. I decided he was about a month after school started. I ran an errand to the Science Building one morning and stopped to take a leak before returning to the office.

Michael was at a urinal, but not producing a stream. He had his hand on his cock, so I stood next to him and let mine flow without holding it. He looked over and immediately erected. I gave mine a good shake and a few strokes and left while he was still standing at the urinal. His erection was still in his hand, and he was still not pissing. His buttocks were jammed forward though and I felt for sure he was all ready to start jacking his meat.

Chapter 3 - I thought I had lost Morgan.

Tuesday evening, Morgan walked into the room. I asked him to shut the door.

Something wrong, Jere?

No, I have something to tell you.

We sat next to each other on the sofa, me resting my back on one arm and him leaning against the other arm so we could look at each other, and I told him about Michael.

Well, what the fuck do you want me to do about it; go out and screw some blonde in a red convertible so we can start on an even playing field and then keep score after that? Why don't you tell me how we'll determine the winner?

Morgan, you are making this hard for me.

No, Jere, Michael made it hard for you last night. If your feel guilty hurts why don't you just confess to your priest that you sucked a cock last night and are getting fucked in the ass at least three times a week by a stud with an 8-inch cock?

OK! OK! I'll try to answer you. When you confess to a priest you are really confessing to God, through the priest, and asking God for his forgiveness. I don't feel I offended God. He made me a homosexual, or at least made me one through my genes. I have been gay since the day I first discovered boys had penises and girls didn't.

I don't think I need ask God to forgive me for being gay. If he is all knowing, all merciful and all forgiving he understands without my telling a priest. That doesn't mean I don't go to confession and ask God's forgiveness for other sins.

You know, Jere, for a guy having a Masters' Degree from Harvard, you are really one dumb shit.

Thanks, that is exactly the response I needed.

You don't even know what your problem is. Well, I'll tell you what your problem is. You're in love with me. That's your problem.

I know it, Mrs. Ryan knows it and even Gare knows it. Gare told me he knew because your eyes sparkle when you look at me. Mrs. Ryan told me she knew because when you talk to me you have a different, kinder, gentler voice than when you talk to anyone else.

I also know you're in love with me because of the way you react to me when we are coupling sexually. Besides being in love with me your hotter for me than any bitch I've ever fucked around with.

Maybe I should buy myself a red convertible.

Now that's funny and it would be an improvement over those ancient age Buicks and It would be more fitting for a hot bitch to cruise around the campus looking for young dudes to suck on.

I don't do that. No, but you'd like to if you thought you could find one. You cocksuckers need dick just like babies need pacifiers. (He was close to the truth on that remark. Nothing was more comforting to me than sucking a cock.) I turned my head away so he wouldn't notice because I knew I was about to cry, but he noticed anyway. He moved closer to me and with one hand pulled my head back so I was looking at him. Oh God, Jere, what am I doing? I started out teasing you and now it has gone too far. Forgive me. That was mean of me. Now I realize you were confessing to me because you were asking me to forgive you. Believe me, I have. And all the while your loving me has turned into being in love with me, the same thing has been happening to me.

That's nice of you to say, even though I know you can't really mean it.

Oh but I do. You helped me clean and paint my house, wouldn't take rent because you knew I was tight at the moment. You had Mrs. Ryan feeding Andrew and me breakfast, packing my lunches and feeding Andrew lunch, eating supper here with you or taking us out to eat. Taking Andrew to the park, playing baseball, shooting hoops with him, taking him to the ranch and teaching him how to ride a horse, helping him with his homework. In short, Jere, you have made a better home for us than we ever had before. You have opened my eyes to the difference between love and being in love and the difference in having sex and needing sex because you're in love. You have made me see what loving another person really means. I just now realized that I'm also jealous of you.

It won't work, Morgan. It would be a dream come true for me; for you I don't think it would last.

Why not?

Because, I'm older than you.

That's a lame brain thought. Some men like older women. Just say I like older men. Besides you're not quite two years older than I am. That's negligible.

He reached into his pocket and his hand came out holding something, which he grabbed my hand and deposited it into. It was his high school class ring attached to a gold chain.

Jere, the reason I came over here in the first place was to give this to you and to ask you to wear it until I could buy you a ring. To be honest, I am not yet ready to "come out", as you gays call it, or enter into a gay marriage, but the way things are going I wouldn't say it might not happen down the road. For now, if you agree to wear it, I want it to signify that we have entered into a serious, intimate, long-range friendship.

I dipped my head and he caught the meaning of my gesture, slipped the chain around my neck and kissed me.

That kiss is the only intimacy you're going to get until we go tell Gare what has happened and I get you between the sheets.

You mean you're going to tell Gare?

I already have in a way. Remember the day we found out our mom split on us and I told you Gare said we were all alone now and I responded that we weren't really alone because we had you as a brother and you loved us? Well, before I came over here to your room I told him that I was going to ask you to become more than a brother. He asked me what I meant and I told him that you would be sort of an extra close brother, so extra, so close that you and I would be sleeping together. I know he got my meaning.

What did he say?

First he asked if it meant you would take him to the ranch more often and second he wanted to know if we were going to sleep in your room tonight, or mine?

We had a few drinks to celebrate. Morgan made Gare turn off the TV in his room and go to bed. We slept in Morgan's room. It was quiet for a while until Morgan got up and checked to see if Gare was asleep. We whispered, fondled, kissed and Morgan pushed my head down, as he raised one leg, and told me to suck him. Too, my mind kept wandering over how wonderful it would be to have this man with me in bed every night. A male lover sleeping with me every night was more than I had ever dared to hope for - especially Morgan - even on the nights that there would be no coupling.

After Morgan checked on Gare and was assured that he was asleep, he opened the night table drawer, found the KY, lubed himself and me, turned off the bedside lamp and in the dark, still night of a small, college town in Kansas, Morgan pushed my legs up and took me in just the same way as he would take a woman. He left no doubt that he was staking his claim to me, just as he had let me stake my claim to him while I was sucking on his big cock. He was in need and his enjoyment was obvious.

When he climaxed I could feel his cock throbbing and his hot ball juice spurting out. The amount of juice his spasms poured into me were as though he hadn't had sex for a month but I knew he had given me a big load only three days ago.

(He had said he didn't want a gay marriage. He fucked like he both wanted and needed one, he wasn't what could be called macho, but he was very masculine. I guess he just needed time for the rest of him to catch up with his 8-inch cock and his gonads.) I hoped so.

Afterwards, dozing side by side, Morgan said: Jere, I want you to know this means no more Michael.

I understand. I won't need him again.

It also means no more women for me. But, I'm not against sex with other guys if we do it together. Are you all right with that idea?

Yes, but if any of them get ideas about you, that is the end of it. OK?


He turned onto his side, threw one arm over my rib cage and one leg over my pelvis and went to sleep. I stayed awake for several hours thinking of what had happened this evening, how I loved Morgan, how our first time having sex in the dark revealed how intimately I knew his body whether I could see it or not. Finally, I fell asleep and had the most peaceful rest I had ever had in my life. The only times I was aware of anything was when I shifted my sleeping position it would cause his hand to start exploring to determine just were I was.

Since college classes had resumed, Morgan only worked for Little John on the weekends - Saturdays on the job and Sundays helping Little John with paper work on job change orders, reports, material orders, that sort of thing. But he did have classes to attend. Anyway, I woke up quite early and was surprised to see Morgan, looking at me, his head resting on one arm.

Baby, I've got to hit the shower. I've been waiting for you to wake up.


I need you.


Yea, but just for a quick jack off before I go to class. I do it every morning but, from now on, I want you to do it for me.

He lubed himself and I started masturbating him - a more erotic, exciting experience than I could ever have imagined. It was the first time I had ever masturbated another man. Before he climaxed his reared up until his butt was clear of the bed. I knew when his cock was going to erupt and, still stroking, I put my mouth over it to catch its morning gift. Things seemed to progress from there; he was soon having me shower with him, hand him a towel, get his underwear out of his dresser.

Then, one day he asked if I would mind doing his and Andrew's laundry. I was totally in love with Morgan and I didn't question anything he did or asked me to do.

Maybe he liked to be a user and maybe I liked to be used. It didn't matter, nothing mattered as long as he slept each night with an arm and a leg pinning me to the bed, as long as he used my body for his sexual gratification, as long as he contented me by offering me his cock to suck, to jack off and to enter my body with.

To take him to the country club on a Saturday night for a late dinner, to drink with him at the bar before dinner, to sit with him in the dining room, to watch the older, married women and their teenage daughters all stare at Morgan and I talking together and to have them come over to introduce themselves to us on their way out was worth a million fortunes. Both the mothers and the daughters were so excited and so obvious. Their intentions and their desires could not have been clearer if they had spotted the front of their dresses. They had no way of knowing how big his cock was, but that didn't matter. They didn't care if it was 12 inches or 3 inches they just lusted for it. They envisioned Morgan kissing them, fondling their breasts, eating their pussies and fucking them until they screamed. He was one handsome stud! But he was mine.

One Saturday night at the country club, while eating supper, the band was playing their regular program of slow tempo music and a few older couples were dancing together, mixed with even fewer young couples.

All of a sudden and untypical of them, the band switched to a really hot, fast tempo, currently popular number. The older couples slowly walked off the floor leaving about three young couples dancing.

Out of the blue, Morgan grabs my hand and pulls me onto the floor. He was wild, throwing me out, pulling me back, putting his arm around my waist, really showing off and really good at what he was doing. The other couples stopped dancing to watch and everyone was applauding us. At one point I about shit my pants - he did a Michael Jackson gesture and grabbed his package through his pants as he threw me away from him and looked right into my eyes.

The next number was slow. Little John and Carrie (now showing a little) and Little John's parents all came out onto the floor and we formed sort of a group, all moving together, holding hands. I was glad they did this as it erased a little of the shock effect from Morgan's performance by giving it a stamp of approval.

When Morgan and I returned to our table, I asked him what had possessed him?

He said he suddenly had the urge to dance.

Then he added that since the two of us seemed to be one of the main attractions at the club, what with everyone wondering what was between us, he just thought he would give them a little more to wonder about and, besides, he just wanted to dance with me because he loved me. (Was this the same guy who told me he wasn't ready to "come out - as we gays called it"?) Maybe he didn't realize he had just done a pretty good job of outing us both in the middle of a dance floor with a spotlight shining on us. But then, I could never anticipate what Morgan would do next - and this just made me love him all the more.

After we danced together, Little John, Carrie and Little John's parents retired to the bar with Morgan and me.

The bar was crowded and the waitresses were really rushed, so Little John and I went up to the bar to place drink orders for the group.

Holy shit, Jere, what's up with you and Morgan? When he grabbled his crotch dancing with you I damn near shot my load.

And I bet every old woman and young girl watching had an organism.

Are you two getting it on?

I unbuttoned a few top buttons of my shirt, looked around to be sure nobody was watching, and quickly flashed Morgan's ring at him.

That's his class ring isn't it? You lucky bastard, you two are getting it on together, aren't you?

I didn't answer but nodded my head to signal the affirmative.

Tell me about it and I mean all the hot, sexy details.

Later. Tell the bartender what we want Little John. I'll pay.

(The above is really the end of this Chapter but I want to briefly describe the guy in the second room with the mirror. He does not enter into the story like Michael, because he was such an ass, even though I did like to watch him through the bathroom mirror. He was actually very good looking, had a medium sized cock and when he squeezed his meat his cock head became large and shiny and looked quite red. Anyway, once or twice a week he would relieve himself by getting up on the bathroom counter, kneeling on it, touching his cock to the mirror, touching his lips to the mirror and flogging his dick like crazy until he shot his wad all over the mirror, which he would then lick clean. I didn't think he was as weird as much as I began to think that he was too much in love with himself to accept another person into his sex life - or something like that!

More to follow.

Next: Chapter 5

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