Small Kansas College

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Apr 19, 2002


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Chapter 1 - A 13 Year Old for the summer.

Soon after Morgan had arrived home one evening, he came over to my room - nothing unusual about that.

Jere, before we start anything, can I ask you a favor. I got a call from my mom. She wants to go to Europe and wants me to take my young brother, Gare, for the summer. Would you consider that?

How old is he?


Jeez, that's kinda young.

I know but he'll be no trouble or I'll take the little cocksucker to task.

Morgan! What a way to talk about your young brother.

It's the truth though. We have a small house and we have slept together for years. Ever since he turned eleven he's had me waking up at least once a week pestering me.

You didn't let him do anything, did you?

No I just turn over on my stomach. I know what he wants, though. That's why I call him a cocksucker.

I don't know how my mother can afford Europe. She probably has a boyfriend who's footing the bill in addition to being her escort.

You're terrible!

Morgan's mother delivered Gare within the week and hastily left. I didn't even meet her but Morgan relayed her thanks. Maggie took an instant liking to Gare and was soon feeding him breakfast and lunch and spending a good part of her time chatting with him.

Maggie kept telling me: His name is Gareth, you know. Gareth and Morgan are both Welch names. He likes to have me talk to him about Wales. I can't tell you how much fun it is to have a youngster around the house again.

Gareth's presence didn't slow down Morgan's sex drive even a little bit, but we now made sure my door was locked while he was fucking his "pussy boy".

In one of the conversations between Maggie and myself, she tried to mitigate my attitude of my father. She told me things I didn't know: He had paid for St. Joseph's Catholic Church and there was no denying it was a beautiful, small scale replica of a French Gothic Cathedral, far and way the most impressive Catholic Church in Kansas including Kansas City, Topeka and Wichita.

The church spire was the tallest structure in town (grain elevators excluded).

He also gave the money for St. Mary's Hospital. I had to admit her information was enlightening but it did little, if anything, to change my attitude.

One day Maggie came up to my room and told me to look out the window. There were two boys frolicking around the top row of the college stadium. I realized one of them was Gare. I ran across the street and told them to get down from there and immediately. (So you aren't misled by the word "stadium", it is not a huge structure.) It was a small town thing, not very high and with a small seating capacity. The college didn't have a football team but it did have soccer team.) Never the less the boys shouldn't have been over there.

You won't tell Morgan, will you?

This time - no. The next time - yes.

Maggie met us at the curb and gave them a lecture, and then they raced up the stairs to Morgan's room. I knew the other kid, I guessed him to be a couple of years older than Gare. I knew him only because his parents belonged to St. Joseph's and his name was Andrew. After awhile, I looked through the bathroom mirror and couldn't see them; I switched to my closet mirror. Pants down and shoes off they were on the bed 69ing each other like crazy. Despite the age difference, Gare out-cocked him. In fact I marveled at his size - guess he took after Morgan. I got so hot watching them that I fished out my cock, jacked on it and had a good cum.

Chapter 2 - Little John Fucks Up and has to Marry a College Student.

One evening Little John phones and asks me to meet him at the bar in our only decent hotel. He was nervous about something, I could tell and hoped to hell it had nothing to do with Morgan.

Drink one - we engaged in small talk. Drink two - he turned serious. Jere, I have something to tell you. I got a girl pregnant about two months ago and we're going to get married. The first time I ever fucked a girl and this happens. It was really so unexpected I didn't have any protection. I never carry the things on me anyway.

When does this happen.

A week from next Saturday. It will be a small, private wedding, so it didn't take a lot of pre-planning and scheduling. Carrie is a Catholic, so there was no marriage counseling involved. Will you be my best man? A cousin of Carries is to be the bridesmaid.

I am honored Little John and you know I'd do anything for you.

Jere, I want you to know our relationship will not be affected. We've just been doing it for too long. No way could I give it up.

The wedding party consisted of Little John's parents, Carrie's parents Mr. and Mrs. Coury, and her brother Phillip, plus a couple of both parent's long-standing friends.

The Mass was simple and followed by a luncheon at the country club.

Previously Little John had told me that the bridesmaid wanted to stay in their newly rented apartment, as he and Carrie were leaving after the luncheon on their honeymoon. The rest of the party would stay at his parents' house. Would I mind putting Phillip up?

Phillip and I had visited together quite a bit at the reception. I told him how to find the house, where to park and where to enter in the event he arrived late. He was so fucking good looking that when he smiled you could hardly resist reaching down and unzipping his pants - tasseled blonde hair, bright blue eyes and a killer smile.

He arrived quite early. We had a couple of drinks in the Study and retired about 9:30 PM. I put him in the room with the one-way mirrors on the other side my room from Morgan. I peeked after we left the study - he showered, pissed, watched television for a while and went to bed, all without putting on underwear or pajamas. He had told me he was going to Kansas State University and this was his second year on the track team, which explained his hard, lean muscles, especially in his legs. His cock was nice, probably 6 or 7 inches, depending on how much he erected. He left quite early Sunday morning. I didn't hear him leave, but he had slid a nice "Thank You" note under my door. My reason for introducing Phillip into the story is that he re-enters later on.

Chapter 3 - Morgan and Gare become permanent.

About a week after the wedding, Morgan and Gare left one Saturday to go home. They wanted to pick up Morgan's computer and Andrew's computer games. In a few hours the telephone rang. It was Morgan and he was so upset I couldn't make sense of what he has saying. After he calmed down a little I listened to what he had to tell me, but I will clean up the language a little bit in relating it.

When he and Gare got home, the yard was dying from the heat, the house was locked, and they had let themselves in with Morgan's key to find that the house was totally vacant.

I could tell he was crying.

Do you want me to drive down and get you, Morgan?

No, but I'm not going to start back right away. I need to calm down and Gare is crying. We'll talk to a few neighbors to see what they can tell us. Give us about 3 hours to get back.

OK, I'll be anxious but waiting. And, Morgan, will you promise me something?


Don't go into one single bar. Don't bring a six-pack when driving back. Both of you eat something before you start home, OK? If that's too much to ask, you stay put and I'm coming to get you.

Thanks Jere, but I promise I won't do anything stupid.

Morgan - I love you.

God, Jere, if there was ever a time in my life that I needed loving it now.

Gare, too.

I'll tell him, Jere.

I found Maggie in the Living Room and told her what had happened. She joined me in being a nervous wreck.

Oh, Jere; those poor boys, what are they going to do?

Well, I think Morgan is going to soon find himself strapped for money. If it doesn't place an additional burden on you, or if your niece could work longer hours, would you agree to let them stay here?

Of course, Jere, and you are probably the only employer in the world that would have asked that question to an employee. So you will know I am sincere, I want them to stay every bit as much as you.

Thank you, Maggie.

Jere, I know it's not the right time to ask you, but are you Gay?

Yes I am, Maggie.

Isn't that strange, so were Michael and Matthew. Your dad hated puffs, as he called gay boys, yet all three of his sons were gay.

Did my mother know about us Maggie?

Yes, she did and she understood. She and I always thought that your father was as much at fault as anyone. He denied you boys his love and he was an absolute failure as far as a father figure.

That is the first time I have ever heard you speak derogatorily about him.

This is the first time this subject has come up. And, how about Morgan? I've seen how close you two have become in such a short time.

No, Maggie, Morgan is bi-sexual, if you know what that means?

I do. Do you like him?

Very much, Maggie.

I do, too Jere, but I don't want you to get hurt.

I won't, Maggie.

When will they be home? What can I fix for supper?

All I know is that Morgan and Gare will be more upset that we are. They will probably eat something, but I would make it a light supper. Get Frank over here to join us. They might need more than the two of us around.

Morgan and Gare arrived. Everyone hugged and kissed, and (luckily) there were not too many tears. Everyone except Gare had a couple of stiff drinks. Maggie's dinner was light but delicious. I told Morgan and Gare I wanted them to stay here. I would remodel anything necessary to give them more space - details could be worked out later. They agreed. Morgan said that even in the short time they had been here Gare had found more stability and happiness than he had ever known before.

Morgan and I went upstairs at 8:30. Morgan made Gare take a hot shower and gave him an Aspirin. They slept in my room, Gare in the middle, Morgan and I on each side, talking lowly, until he was asleep. Morgan felt the both of them needed some cuddling tonight. Then Morgan and I went down to the pool, we didn't turn on any lights but sat in the dark and talked. He smoked a couple of cigarettes. He wanted to rehash the whole day, I let him talk it out, thinking it might clear his mind, somewhat, and allow him to get some sleep.

After talking for about an hour about his day, Morgan suddenly asked if I knew when Little John and Carrie's baby was expected.

Not for a while. Little John just wanted to get Carrie out of college before she began to show. She probably won't deliver for some time.

Between you and me, Jere, I hope it looks like Little John if they have a boy.

Oh, Morgan, don't tell me you were fucking Carrie, too.

Barefooted, too.

Morgan, you really are a bastard.

That is a naughty word. I'm going to have to wash your mouth out with cum.

If there is a next time.

There will be, sweetheart.

Oh, first it's pussy boy, then bitch, now its sweetheart. What brought about the change?

Since I decided to give up girls for a trial run, I've grown very fond your baby soft buns and the way you fuck. When we can do it again depends on how Gare settles down the next few days.

Halfway back up the stairs to the room, Morgan grabbed me and kissed me. He put my hand on his crotch and I felt the hardness and heat of his cock through his jeans.

I can't wait to take you, Jere. I hope you want me, too.

I do, Morgan. I seem to need you all the time.

Jere, on the way home Gare remarked that he and I were now all alone.

I told him that was not true; I was going to ask you to be our brother.

He said he would like that and wanted to know if you would agree. I told him I knew you would.

I'd love that Morgan, except in bed.

Right. Don't worry I'll get you there. Just give me a few days.

When we got back into bed we sort of reached our arms atop the pillows and over Gare's head. Morgan grasped my arm above my elbow and I did the same to him.

God, how I loved him!

Gare was still pretty upset even though Maggie was showing him lots of tender loving care, but I guess Morgan couldn't quite wait things out.

Anyway, three days (nights) later, I woke up with him whispering in my ear and kissing my cheek. I had gone to sleep spread-eagled on my stomach.

What's wrong, Morgan?

Nothing, except I am going crazy to have you.

I was so sleepy I couldn't comprehend what he was saying and didn't answer him. But, I did feel him pushing his cock into my body. He did it slowly and he fucked me ever so slowly and gently. Suddenly he erupted and I felt his warm fluids pour from his cock.

Morgan that was wonderful for me.

Me too. It was because you were special, being so warm, so sleepy; but you didn't climax did you.


Do you want me to bring you to climax?

No. What time is it?

3 AM.

Can you spend an hour or two with me before going back to your room?


I'm going to turn on my side. Like down with your back to me and let me reach around and hold your cock until I go back to sleep.

We both fell asleep. It was so comforting, somehow, to have my hand wrapped around his cock while he slept. It had to be one of the most wonderful things in the world to just hold it.

More to follow

Next: Chapter 4

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