Slutty X Men

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on Nov 24, 2005


Disclaimer: This story is mostly about gay relationships, and it contains lots of steamy gay sex! If graphic descriptions of homosexual sex are not your thing, then what the hell are you doing in a gay site in the first place? And how did you go through seven chapters without noticing the graphic gay sex anyway!??! The characters in this story usually have unprotected sex, but they're fictional characters...and mutants are immune to HIV anyway (according to the X-Men comics!). But you guys should know better, right? ALWAYS use a condom! :-) The X-Men, Movieverse or Comicverse, all belong to Marvel, Stan Lee and Fox. Most of them are not gay in the real comics or movies, but that doesn't apply for this story.

Author's Notes: I'm SO SO VERY SORRY for taking all those months to update! I don't intend to stop writing this story because I love it too much, but too much weird shit had been going on with my life lately and I yet have to sort them out...! It's hard to write a funny and smutty story if other things are dominating your mind at the time...! So I'm making up for the delay with an extra big chapter and a couple of COMPLETELY GRATITUOUS sex scenes in it! :-) Also, I'm fleshing out a great part of Dave's past and revealing lots of things about the mysterious infiltrator, but not nearly enough to take the mystery away! :-P Special thanks to Phoenix, because he prompted me to write most of this chapter in one go! I was catching up on the last chapters of his story "Say you love me", in the High School section, when I saw his nod to me. That got me motivated to finish this damn chapter and finally update the damn story! Also, kudos to Yinn, who has mysterously dissapeared lately! Where have you been buddy? Yinn has drawn some VERY nice sketches of the charaters and I would like to share them with the readers. Just ask me via email ( and I'll send them to you! Also, just in case I get writer's block again after posting this chapter, please make sure to email me your opinions...! That always gives me motivation, because it makes me feel likes someone oute there is really waiting for the updates! Many thanks to the guys that emailed me all those months, asking for new chapters! I hope you like this one darlings!

P.S. Please pardon any typos in this one. I can't open my Word thingy and correct possible mistakes. :-)

Any comments, criticism and suggestions about new subplots and characters are absolutely welcomed! Just e-mail me at:

SLUTTY X-MEN Chapter 8 : The Trip!

Scott Summers hurriedly stripped out of his spandex uniform and crawled up onto the bed with his big, veiny cock leading the way. The sight before him was something that nobody in this world or another had the privilege of seeing before, and it was highly improbable that it would be seen again under normal circumstances.

Wolverine was on all fours on the bed, his smooth butt exposed for Scott to see, and his hairy legs and tufts of hair peeking through his buttcrack were making the contrast between smoothness and hairyness all the more distinct and arousing. It was obviously the first time that Big Bad Wolverine was assuming that position for anybody, because under normal circumstances Logan would never allow another man to look at his butthole, not to mention DARE to think about fucking him.

Logan used to be the all-studly, all-manly butch top, and he would slash your eyes out if your ever questioned that ultimate manliness of his. He would plunge your bowels out and make them a neclace if you even suggested that he dipped his humongous cock in anything else than female mouth, ass and pussy, because he was gruff like that. Yet, strangely enough, he was involved into gay sex when a strange force put him in a sex craze and made him fuck the brains out of another man, Cyclops, to be more precise. When they came back to their senses there was an initial akwardness, but eventually they both knew what they needed to do. They had gotten involuntarily into gay sex, but they found out that they liked it. They also realised that all the past hostility between them was a result of the deeply hidden sexual tension between them. It turns out that Jean was never the real issue.

So they became lovers. Secret ones, to be precise, because finding out that the two greatest male role models in the school were dating each other would certainly make the students take their authority somewhat less seriously. And the mystery of the mysterious gay incidents - which had turned into a blossoming romance for the two of them, but was messing up with other unsuspecting victims- had yet to be solved, so they had to wait for that to resolve before they took the next step and reveal themselves to their friends and students.

The obvious thing is that, even when he was with a man, Logan still wanted to be the dominating top who was always on control, not that Scott's well fucked asshole had any objections with that. But, after many days and even more savage rammings of his ass, Scott wondered what it would be like to see a sworn top like Logan be the submissive one for once and have his cherry plucked. It wasn't that Logan was afraid that it would make him seem emasculated; after all, Scott had shot loads and loads of his thick creamy jism down Wolverine's throat, but it just seemed that he couldn't talk him into bottoming for him.

But now he had made it. That bet he had talked Logan into making had turned out fruitful and now the great Wolverine was spread out like a cheap whore in front of his eyes, ready and willing to take another man's cock into his ass and being reduced to a welcoming receptacle for flowing cum.

Cyclops gazed again at his lover. His beautiful muscled ass was only a few inviting inches from his grasp. It was a marvelous thing, all smooth and rounded with the tell-tale red marks where Logan was slapping his own cheeks as he waited for Scott to come closer and claim what he had just earned.

Licking his lips, and throwing caution out the window, Scott planted his hairy-knuckled hands to either side of those creamy melons, pulled them aside, and dove face-first into his feral boyfriend's musky crack. With his face pressed tightly against the matress, Logan managed an audible moan, instantly followed by a growl, his chunky, impeccable body visibly shuddering, when his lover's tongue came out and lapped at his virgin pucker.

With his face buried between those tight melon-shaped cheeks, Cyclops feasted on Wolverine's pretty pink hole, savouring the musky and tangy taste. He swirled his tongue around the sweaty, fluttering ass lips---making them nicely wet with his tender, loving spit---and probed at the forbidden bull's eye where no man's tongue had accessed before. Logan's fat cock was pulsing up against his abs, thick pre-cum freely flowing from his piss-slit and making a mess on the bedspread.

The horny X-Men leader finally managed to breach the tight ass ring and plunged his fat, wet tongue inside of his moaning teammate. Reveling in the tangy ass juices that were bathing his tongue, he proceeded to soak Wolverine's insides in spit and searched ever deeper for that love button which would ultimately send his -virgin to these kind of feelings- lover over the edge. Logan, both shocked and delighted by his boyfriend's lewd attentions and the exiteness of the newly discovered things he could now sense, was snorting and slobbering all over four of his fingers, which he had inserted into his mouth to keep his lips busy and prevent himself from starting to curse like a dirty bottom slut that begged to get stuffed up the ass.

With Logan's tasty ass hole sufficiently soaked, Scott came up for air and crawled in closer to the creamy pink butt laid out in front of him,w hile his hand reached for a small fruit basket taht was conveniently placed by the bed. His hand came back holding a fresh cherry, and he proceeded to insert the cherry into Logan's virgin butthole. He plunged the whole cherry into Logan's hole and pushed it further up the slick love-tunnel with his pinky finger.

"Now, push! Use your ass muscles to get that thing out, or else I'm going to put my cock in and force it further down! Then it will never come up and it will stay forever into your butt!" he commanded his bottom boy, talking to him for the first time since this session began.

Logan pushed, and then pushed again, and you could see his brows clinging to each other as his face was distorted into an expression that betrayed great effort. The cherry finally came out with a loud "plop!" and Scott caught it with his teeth before he closed his lips around it and started muching on it.

"Mmmm, yummy! I guess that, every time we reminisce this day, we'll both know that I took your cherry in more than one ways!" He chuckled.

"Shut up and fuck me already!" Logan broke the promise to himself to not beg, as he took his fingers off his mouth. "I need you to fill me with that cock! I want to feel like the bottom whore I never was! I got a healing factor, baby, I can take it however you serve it! And I'm guessing that I'm gonna like it as hard and savage as it gets!" He ended up smirking as he looked over his shoulder and saw the amazed expression on his lover's face.

Spitting into the palm of his hand, Scott he greased his mighty eight inches and hefted it up to the wrinkled entrance of Logan's wet and hairy fuck hole. Grasping his lover's powerful hips he pushed against him and, in one savage thrust, drove his prick home.

Logan moaned like a bitch in heat as he felt his anal entrance sufficiently stuffed for the first time in his life. Cyclops ripped right into the other man's shitchute, slamming into Wolverine's guts with powerful, manly strokes, getting revenge for all the savage stuffings his own ass had experienced.

"Take it! Take it you dirty slut! You filthy whore! How do you like that cock up your slutty ass, huh? You just can't get enough, can you?" a berserk Cyclops grunted as he got a piece of what he'd been wanting for weeks.

He pumped his groin even more forcefully into Logan's asshole, his hips slapping against Wolverine's previously untouched ass. Logan moved one arm under his body, wrapped long and strong fingers around his stiff, throbbing monster and began shagging himself to the beat of the the fucking he was treated to.

Scott pulled his bloated meat out until the mushroom head was distending Logan's swollen ass lips and drove it back in again. His thick pubic bush ground against that smooth, pretty ass and his huge, dangling balls slapped up against his boyfriend's soft rump. He continually penetrated the stud-turned-to-slut with amazing ease, sinking in as deeply as possible and feeling the glorious warmth of Logan's belly wash over his sensitive glans. Logan had grown into it and was currently gripping at his lover's invading cock with the insides of his rectum, making the fuck nice and tight. Scott drove harder---drove faster--- but that apparently wasn't enough for an insatiable Logan;

"Harder! Harder!" he begged as he felt his lover's body shifting over him.

Scott was pounding away at Logan so eagerly that the feral mutant had to fight to keep his balance on the bed. Leaning over his newly penetrated boyfriend, Cyclops pressed his smooth, rippled body into the curve of Logan's sweaty back and wrapped his arms around the man's hairy torso, fucking him like some sort of dog. His hands traveled all over the manly and defined hairy chest and toyed with Logan's hardened nipples as his lips left small wet kisses along the nape of his neck.

A studly, sex-on-legs type of guy like Logan. Who would ever have thought that he'd turn to be such a comfortable bottom whore? Scott rode his ass hard, making the muscled and hairy piece of hunk grunt, groan and swear like the little sex pig he was.

He drilled his big meat down to the farthest depths of Logan's smooth, slick channel, appreciating the way the man shivered when he was completely cock-stuffed. His fuckstrokes were measured and deliberate, his loins slamming into Logan with each ass-stretching thrust. It felt so damned good in his lover's newly dicovered asshole that he wanted to go on fucking him forever.

Logan, entranced from being fucked into humiliation, was shouting out cries of lust as he bucked his ass up against the man's savage onslaught, feeling the hard cock head pounding away into his guts and nearly taking the wind right out of his dripping fuckhole.

Logan was the first to lose his nut. When Scott plowed his prostate once too often, his raging hard-on exploded, shooting gobs of thick cum all over the crumpled bedspread below him, as his torso grinded against it and got his hairy belly smeared with cum that made the hair cling to the milky skin in wetness.

"OH, DADDY! OH FUCK YEAH, DADDY!" Logan shouted over and over as the taller but overall lankier man continued to slam into him throughout the orgasm and even after he had been spent.

"Holy shit, Logan, look at all that fuckin' cum! Wait a minute... did you just call me 'daddy'?" Scott exclaimed as he took in the hotness from Logan's reaction and especially the words he used at the moment of truth.

Realising that a man like Wolverine just called him "daddy", Scott could take it no more. His well-trained, virile body that was forged in the heat of battle began to tremble, a sudden exhilarating rush consumed him and with an almost pained moan his thick veiny dick started blowing its load deep inside Logan's bowels.

As Scott unloaded his scum into his rapidly pulsing asshole, Logan found out how the slightly stingy feeling of having cum shot up his ass felt like for the first time.

Exhausted as he was from the brutal power fuck he had just treated Logan to, Scott gave an approving slap on Logan's butt as he unlodged his meaty tool from the well-pistoned asshole.

"You're a good fuck, slut. Now make me some coffee". He said as he collapsed on the bed, right beside Logan.

"Ha! You don't think this is over, do you Scottie-boy?" Logan laughed satanically.

"Um...what do you mean, baby? Didn't you like that cock up your virgin ass?" a dumbfounded Cyclops asked, half-sleepily.

"I did. Of course I did, baby" Logan responded as he leaned over and stole a kiss from Summers' gorgeous mouth, finding out that his mouth tasted like cherry. "It's just that...I'm not all that tired from the fucking. I can take two or three more loads with ease. And you will have to provide it, babe" he explained, as he teased one of Scott's exposed nipples and took it into his mouth.

"Oh, God." Scott groaned playfully. "I created a monster!"

An obviously suspicious figure made itself present in a very shadowy corner of the gardens at the Xavier Institute. The unknown person, conveniently covered by the darkness and shadows so that the readers won't know who exactly it is before the right time comes, walked slowly around, looking around as if they were expecting someone to be already there.

"Are you here? Don't tell me I came earlier again!" they whispered into the dark void of the night.

"Of course I'm already here. You should feel lucky, for I didn't have to wait for long, although I really hate to walk into these muddy grounds with my brand new Manolo Blahniks. You better explain yourself for why this appointment was so urgent that we couldn't wait for tommorow morning..."

"Look, it's simple, boss. Cyclops' class is leaving for their seven-day road trip tonight. That means we won't have that meddlesome gay boy interfering with your Master Plan for a whole week!"

"I know that, you stupid git! It's not as if I wasn't present when they won that Danger Room battle that allowed them to take this week off! Please tell me you didn't drag me here to state the obvious."

"What I mean is, since David Darrington won't be meddling with us for the few next days, we can accelerate our plan and take what we came here for! It's a chance we cannot lose!"

"Not a bad idea. It's about time that all that gay fucking came to an end. I already saw what I had to see, and I already came to the neccesary conclusions...not to mention that I also came, generally speaking!"

"So, it's time to take the next step, right?"

"Yeah. Somebody has to keep an eye on our bunch of merry, road-trippin' mutants, though. They can still pose a threat, no matter how far they will be. And I won't be the one keeping an eye on them, because I have to stay here and take care of things...not to mention that if my meddlesome brother saw me, my plans would all come to an abrupt end! Not to mention that they're going to Miami, and you know we can't afford them finding out what our liaison in Miami had been doing..."

"Keeping an eye on them...well, that can be taken care of. We should be going now, boss."

"No! I'll go first. You wait here for five minutes or so and then go straight back at the mansion. We can't risk being seen together."

"Alright then. Just remember, boss...from tommorow morning, this mansion will be at your absolute mercy!"

"I already know that, darling. My plan wouldn't be so impeccable if I hadn't calculated every single detail of it already." Zazelle stated, as she stepped out of the shadowy bushes and into the light, before putting the hood that accompanied her thick black robe on...

"Time to cause some more gay havoc, baby!" she whispered to herself, and walked away with her Manolos making little splish-splash noises in the muddy ground...

"People who need people....ARE THE LUCKIEST PEOPLEEEEEE IIIIIN THE WOOOORLD!!!" we both sang as Lola kept driving the merry car full of mutants towards Miami, Florida.

What did you expect? The majority of the people in the car are gay and/or tranvestite, so the karaoke machine that Lola "borrowed" from Storm in order to keep practising for the singing contest even during vacation was conveniently tuned to "Best of Barbra Streisand".

So, Lola was on the driver's seat, and right next to her, on the passenger's seat, was Frank, looking out of the window and angsting...I don't know if he was sad because he had to put up with the Barbra worship, or it was just because his sweetheart wannabe, Monique, had chosen to stay at the mansion and take some time to herself instead of joining us on the trip to the nice beaches of Florida.

"My powers told me what you're thinking Dave. The answer is: BOTH!" he grumbled from the front seat without even turning to look at me.

Oh well. Maybe he was a little mad at me. Or jealous. You see, when Monique (who had been mysteriously bitchy those last weeks) pulled a Greta Garbo on us and said that "she wanted to be alone", I jumped at the chance to fill her spot with Bobby, my own sweetheart. So, there's a good reason for Frank to be mad at me; his sweetheart didn't join him on the trip and instead, I got mine to tag along (who wasn't supposed to join in the first place)!

So, right then, I was sitting on the middle of the backseat, right between Bobby and Gerry, who had both fallen asleep on each of my shoulders. Talk about an uncomfortable position!

I looked at the guys as they rested their unconscious bodies on mine. They both looked so adorable! My boyfriend and my protegee. Gerry was snoring lightly (that big, cute nose of his was bound to have some disadvantages!) and his sleeping face was forming a heart-melting smile. Who knows what his dream was about... Bobby, on the other hand, was drooling a little on my brand new t-shirt! I felt tempted to wake him up and make him put that spit of his in other, more entertaining uses, but the presence of Gerry in the backseat (and his definite unwillingness to paricipate in gay threeways!) prevented me from doing it. I guess I would have to wait.


"She works hard for the money So hard for it honey She works hard for the money So you better treat her right...!"

The trip was going on and on and on... So we had a quick stop at a fast-food restaurant for a bite and a chance for Lola to rest a little. Gerry and Frank ate obscene amounts of junk food (well, all expenses were paid in advance from our beloved teacher Mr.Summers so we didn't feel sorry about the money spent!) and I got to drag Bobby in the toilet and put him to use his spit in that way I was talking about earlier....! Plus, in the proccess of that quickie, I took revenge for his drooling on my favourite t-shirt by messing his own T-shirt with my own "bodily fluids"...

So, we ended up on the car again, each one of us regenerated in different ways (food, sex or plain old relaxation), and also switched places... I sat next to our dearest drag driver and joined her into imitating Donna Summer during her gayest hits, while Frank joined Bobby and Gerry in the back, but he had Gerry sit between him and Bobby.

No, he didn't avoid sitting next to Bobby because he was mad at him for taking Monique's place in the trip...

...he just knew (from his ever-useful powers) that Bobby was a bad person to sit next to, when it came to road trips... see, Bobby was prone to getting dizzy (and possibly) puking during long-distance trips!

"Hey, Bobby, there's some mayo on your shirt! You sure are a messy eater, man!" Gerry noticed, as he scooped up some of the white creamy substance and slurped it down with alarming naivety.

Frank winced, as his powers had apparently informed him what that substance was.

I pretended to be oblivious to the incident as I resumed singing, trying not to smirk devilishly.


Ohhh, after a VERY very long journey, after having to endure Bobby's road sickness and Frank's angst, after the endless hours of karaoke singing that resulted in soar throats, we were finally there!

Miami, city of the sun, the beaches, the tanned babes in thongs (and I don't mean the female ones!), was lying ahead of us, like a hot slutty guy with his legs open, waiting to help ourselves on him and have all the fun we could in his welcoming loins...

All of us were extremely excited, because no matter how fun the road trip had been, we all knew that the REAL vacation was about to begin right now!

However, once we had to enter our 5-star hotel in Miami (and the suite that we rented with Cyclops' generous contribution- I bet he earned something very good out of that bet, to be so generous with us!) and carry all the luggage ourselves, we suddenly felt like we missed our dear Monique and her telekinetic powers (that she would have oh-so-easily carried our stuff for us), who had been left behind at the mansion due to her terribly bad mood.

But once we entered the lobby, the hotel's security approached us and prevented us from getting closer to a pretty terrified receptionist.

"I'm sorry, kids, but muties are not allowed in a 5-star hotel like this. We have VIP customers who can be very apalled knowing that a mutant with dangerous potential is staying in the next suite." the taller and hunkier of the security guys told us.

"Why, sir, do I look like a mutant to you?" I batted my eyes charmingly at see, I have a thing for men in uniform and my instinct takes control of me in a slutty way every time I see one.

"Hey!" Bobby exclaimed as he tactfully pinched my arm. Note to self: never flirt with others when your boyfriend is present...even when there are uniforms involved.

"Look, I don't know what the rest of you are supposed to be, but don't tell me that your blue friend over there is like that because of excessive bruising, cause I'm not gonna believe you..." the security guy retorted, oblivious to the fact that he was the main reason that I woulnd't get any from Bobby tonight.

We all turned around to look at Frank. Of course! Frank's pale blue complexion hadn't gone unnoticed in the restaurants we lunched at on the way to Miami, but we all supposed that a classy 5-star hotel like this wouldn't mind accomodating a VERY WELL paying customer, even if his skin was a little bluer that usual... I felt boiling blood raising to my brain and lushed out at the innocent uniformed hunk.

"Excuse me. You think our friend is dangerous, just because his skin is blue? Believe me, he's not dangerous AT ALL!"

Lola chimed in: "In fact, the rest of us are FAR MORE dangerous than he is! All he can do is KNOW about stuff he's not suposed to! Otherwise, he's just a wee little blue fella!"

"Excuse me!" Frank protested. "I AM dangerous! And I'm not 'wee' or 'little' at ALL! I'm so dangerous I can make you wish you were never born!"

"Is that a threat, young man?" The security hunk asked, giving Frank a harsh look.

"Ummm. No. Not at all." Frank gulped, then tried looking inconspicuous. He even started whistling.

In the meanwhile, Gerry was standing further away from us, not really participating at our little argument, talking to some teenage girl that was obviously hitting on him.

"Hello. My name is Lisa."


"Are you new in town?"


"Cool! I'm also a tourist here. My mom let me have this trip as a birthday present instead of having a nosejob, like most of my friends did. But since she believes I'm too young to travel alone, she had my brother keep an eye of me! How much does this suck?"


"So, how do you like Miami? It's like, soooooooo kewl! Me and my friends can hang out on the beach aaaall day, and, once, we even saw Britney Spears' second cousin who once starred in her first video-clip! That was awsome!"


"I really like your voice"


"So...your friend is blue...?"

I looked back at my own ongoing conversation and found out that Bobby was trying to look threatening to the security guy, probably antagonizing him for my attention. How sweet. How pointless.

"So, I bet you're all muties, right? At least, the old lady with the lots of make-up looks like one..." the security man said, trying to accuse us all of ill-proven mutation and get rid of us as soon as possible.

"I don't know if I should kiss him for calling me a 'lady' or kill him for calling me 'old'..." Lola whispered under gritted teeth.

"Look, mister," Bobby intervened, "just get your supervisor in here and we'll take care of things peacefully. I bet he doesn't have a non-mutant policy in this hotel and there will be no problem. We already paid for the penthouse suite in your damn hotel and we're not going to leave just because you have color issues!" he added, as I watched in astonishment my Bobby turn into a passionate man with well-rounded arguments, eager to fight (in a politically correct way) for our lawful right to stay in a cushy penthouse suite that we paid with other people's money! "We're definately NOT going back after all these long hours on the road!" he turned to me. He seemed hellbent to make all the time we had in Miami.

"Actually, the hotel's manager is in the lobby right now. I can call him and have him sort this mess out." the hunky guy said and then I watched his ass move under the fabric of his uniform as he walked away to reach his supervisor.

In the meanwhile, I resumed Gerry's "thrilling" conversation with the barely legal little bitch that obviously had developed a crush on him.

"I bet you'd look good even if your skin was blue. Not that your normal skin isn't gorgeous, of course."


"You're cute when you have that 'my-mind-is-drifting-off-to-space' look on your face, you know..."


"Are your eyes really that green-honey shade of colour or you're wearing coloured eye-contacts?"


"....Uuuuurm....did I mention that my name's Lisa?"

Taking my attention of that impossible romance, I saw the security guy returning with a 20-something, chubby yet expensively costumed guy behind him.

"Hello. I'm Grant Pecker, the manager of this resort. May I inquire what the problem is?" he said, politely but with a cold, typical tone in his voice.

"Well, we paid in advance for your penthouse suite but your gorillas won't even let us check in! Just because one of us is blue!" Bobby complained, knowing that a well-paying customer is always right. A little metres away, Gerry was being unwillingly fondled by that underage slut, who obviously didn't have anything else to say and decided to start acting, grabbing his hands and holding them like they were the Holy Grail or something!

"Gentlemen" Mr. Pecker retorted, "our hotel doesn't have any policy against mutants. And I'm certain that a mutant who can afford our most ridiculously overpriced...I mean, prestigious... suite, certainly has greater things to do than harass our other customers."

Lola started cheering and punching Frank lightly on the shoulder, as Bobby's face beamed with triumph. We were gonna stay in a suite, baby! All expenses on our dear teacher's account!

"However", Mr.Pecker cleared his throat to get our attention again, "I still have to ask you to leave this hotel."

"Wha-huh?!?" Bobby exclaimed with astoundment, as Lola and Frank looked upon the manager with the Spanish Inquisition in their eyes.

"What do you mean, we have to leave anyway?" I asked, trying to be polite and not turn my hands into a fencing sword and slash my initials on the manager's butt.

"You blue friend is okay, but your OTHER friend is currently HITTING on my kid sister...! You! Yeah, I'm talking to you! Get your filthy hands off Lisa! My mom didn't send her under my protection to have her seduced by some euro-trash tourist!" he started yelling, turning our attention to poor Gerry, who was trying not to get snogged by the hormone-crazy little tramp. Turns out that the hotel's manager was her older brother. That explains how she could walk around into that lobby dressed like a white-trash bubblegum hoe.

Gerry finally stopped being polite and pushed the tramp off him, then he hid behind Lola, trying to look casual and not embarassed...

"You all have thirty seconds to walk out of my hotel, or else I'm calling the police! Shame on you for attempting to molest a blossoming flower like Lisa! Come here baby..." Pecker cooed to his sister, who walked into his arms and hugged him, but behind his shoulder she was still checking Gerry out, as she chewed her bubblegum with an indifferent expression on her face.

"You have no right to do this to us!" Bobby protested yet again, aimlessly this time.

"But of course I do. Now, scram, before I call the police and tell them that some muties walked in here looking for trouble."

"What about our money? We want our money back!" Frank complained, and his move was the most logical we could make. If we were kicked out of that place, we could at least use the money from our pre-paid suite to check in somewhere else! It's not like we came in Miami loaded with money of our own... The majority of our expenses was the money Mr.Summers sent to the hotel and between hanging out on the beach and hanging out on our cushy suite, we didn't plan to do anything else that would cost us any money.

"Your money will be returned straight to the bank account from which they arrived here. We don't convert to cash in here. Go bother someone in your bank. I bet there are not girls young enough for your kind there." Pecker responded as he had an army of security men gently kick us out.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed once we were deserted on the street, as I realised that we had no place to live and practically no money to rent a room somewhere else. The hotel would send Cyclops' money straight back to his bank account so there was no way we could get our hands on them, and there was no way I would call him and listen to him chuckle as I begged him to send us more money...

"I'm sorry guys... I know that Small Pecker used Gerry as an excuse to kick us out, but we wouldn't have been stopped in the first place if it wasn't for me... Maybe I should have stayed back at the mansion and keep some company to Monique." Frank said with remorse, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You don't have to apologise for being born blue, darling." Lola instantly turned on the cheer-machine. "Although it's a blessing that you don't have to worry about your tan or about getting a sunburn..." she added. "You know, I'm kinda jealous. I wish I were blue too."

"Nice try, Lola." Frank smiled bitterly. "But if you were blue you wouldn't be able to put all that make-up on that makes you pass for a real girl."

"But, honey, I AM a real girl!" Lola chuckled, instead of taking those last words as an insult.

"Ok guys, nobody has to apologise... We never even considered to leave Frank behind due to his skin color, and we should actually feel proud about it... also, Gerry is definately not to blame for being an unwilling slut-magnet." I intervened, winking at Gerry, who in turn smiled and tried to hide his blush. "However, we have to make it by ourselves, or else we have to cancel this whole thing and go back to the mansion..." I proposed...

"NO WAY! We are definately not going back to the mansion so soon! We came here to have fun and we can do it without the damn money!" Bobby protested with surprising passion.

"What do you care, anyway?" Frank asked. "You're the only one in the party who didn't actually earn his participation in this trip...and I'm not saying this to offend you, but consequently it should make little difference for you if we stayed here or returned to the mansion."

I saw Bobby's eyes flaring up a little, but his face instantly returned to a less agitated expression. "I'm just saying it because I feel for you earned these few days off and you shouldn't let go of them so easily."

"Bobby's right. He have to find another way to stay here. But we're NOT going back before we give it our best shot! Now...we never intended to stay all day at the hotel anyway, right guys? It was just a place to sleep in." I reasoned, starting to build a plan in my mind...

"Says YOU!" Lola intervened. Personally, I was about to spend the whole day in the hotel, chilling in my suite, sunbathing by the luxurious pool of the hotel, while drinking champagne and eating chaviar that our dear teacher Mrs.Summers would pay for. Now it's all gone!" she added melodramatically.

"We can still spend the whole day on the beach. It's free, anyway." Gerry suggested, ignoring what Lola had just stated. We all knew she was exaggerating.

"Gerry's right!" I said. "We can bathe, sunbathe and have fun at the beach, and there's no doubt there's some cheap canteen around for the food factor. We spend all the whole day at the beach, our only problem is where we spend the night."

"There's some specific part of the beach where camping's allowed." Frank informed us, though I didn't know if that knowledge came naturally of my his mutant power.

"Great! Lola has an inflatable camping tent and three sleeping bags stashed in the car!" Bobby mentioned.

"But...but...they're pink!" Frank shivered. "I'm NOT sleeping in a pink sleeping bang, under a pink tent!"

"Don't worry honey, nobody's going to make fun of you. After all, orange is now the new "gay" color!" Lola tried to cheer him up in her own twisted way.

"Okay, some of us are going to camp on the beach. (Although I wonder what Lola was doing with a camping tent in her car if she was so eager to spend all day in a cushy hotel. Anyway!) Three down, two to go!" I said.

"I claim the tent! It's my tent, after all. Which two of you handsome younglings will share the tent with me?" Lola smiled, looking at Gerry and Bobby.

"Well, since Frank is so grouchy about having to sleep in a piink tent, I say we spare him the misery! Me and Bobby should sleep in the tent! We're both gay, so we don't mind being surrounded by pink." I teased. I honestly didn't intend to kick Gerry and Frank out, but my jokes worked against me as Frank decided to take it personally and play it the sneaky way...

"Well my powers tell me otherwise." He exclaimed. "Dave certainly has a better, alternative place to sleep in, but for some reason he never mentioned it when we decided to come to Miami. Did you guys know that Dave's parents live in Miami? His old home is right down that street."

The whole party looked at me inquiringly.

"Is that true, Dave?" Lola was the first to break the silence.

"Um....ok. It's true." I admitted.

"Why didn't you mention it?" Gerry asked.

"I didn't really see the point, as we were supposed to spend the vacation together. What did you guys expect me to do, leave you at the hotel and stay with my mom and dad?" I apologised, although that wasn't the whole truth. The truth was that I was never comfortable around my parents and I wasn't really looking forward to see them again. They thought I was attending some kind of special college for fuck's sake, not to mention that they thought I was a ladies man. I didn't think I was ready to go back home and start lying to their faces again, but now it seemed like I had to.

"Well it doesn't matter now, sweetie. I bet your mom and dad will be happily surprised to see you. And I bet they won't mind if you bring a "friend" along." Lola assured me as she looked suggestively at Bobby.

"Great! So, Bobby and Dave are going to sleep to the latter's home, and we get the tent!" Gerry cheered, oblivious that I was silently worried about how the whole situation would turn up. I really had to bring my boyfriend home to my parents and pretend that he was just a buddy from college? I suddenly found myself hoping to sleep on some bench with a newspaper for covers...but Bobby surely deserved better.

So I made up my mind. And decided to sacrifice myself for the well-vacationing of the others.

"Ok. I'll take Bobby and sleep at my folks' house. But we'll be there only at night! We're spending all day with you guys, okay?" I asked for reassurance. If I was only supposed to spend the night at my old home, then I could avoid all kinds of uncomfortable conversation with my folks and leave Bobby out of harm's way too.

"Sure buddy. We'll be hanging at the beach aaaaaall day, so it's not like you're going to miss us." Frank winked at me, after he had me busted and compromised to go live stay with my parents again. Oh, the look in his eye! I'm sure that the bastard knew all along that my parents live in Miami and he just waited until this revelation would be the most fruitful for him! I silently oathed revenge on him and worked out the details of my return to home in my mind.

Knock Knock.

"Andrew honey! Someone's at the door! Will you be a sweetheart and answer it?"

Knock. Knock.

"Andrew! Are you at the loo again? I'm busy in the kitchen!"

Knock. KNOCK.

"Will someone answer the BLOODY door or do I have to take care of everything for myself in here?!?"

Knock FUCKING knock.

"Okay! Okay! I'm coming! I hope it's not that bloody cosmetics merchant again!"

Cordelia Darrington approached the double door to her cosy home and opened it without checking through the peephole first. What she found behind it was pleasantly shocking to her; it wasn't any of these bloody merchants this time, but two young men. Me and Bobby, to be precise.

"Oh my God! ANDREW! Get your bloody hide over here! Our boy is back home and he has brought a friend along! Get the guest room ready!" My mother screamed behind her shoulder, as her welcoming-hostess instincts came to the surface prior to the maternal ones. Then she proceeded to grabbing me and planting kisses to every single inch of my face. I should have expected it, having in mind the fact that she hadn't seen me for months, but she still took me by surprise and I felt myself reddening in akwardness. "My baby's home! Oh, you'll never know how much we missed you! You never call, you never tell us any details about your life in that special school, you'd think that you've forgotten about your old man and woman!" she added, with a sad look in her eyes.

Bobby, right beside me, took hold of the moment and started chuckling, making fun of my embarrassing situation, but he soon paid for it bitterly when his turn to be kissed to death came. My mother grabbed him and gave him the kisses that she owed to me for all these months, and believe me there were a lot of them! That was pretty friendly of her, given al the years that I spent living with her and getting used to her classicaly British ways of communication with others. (sorry Brit boys and girls! :P) She never used to be so friendly to complete strangers! But I guess having your only son (and sole receiver of your more extrovert expressions) away for many months could do that to an old woman.

"Who's your friend, my darling boy?" she asked me, as she freed Bobby from her clutches.

"I'm Bobby Drake, very nice to meet you, ma'am" Bobby said as he extended his hand, only to be entangled in another set of old-lady kisses. His demeanor betrayed that he felt like he was meeting his mother-in-law for the first time. In a way, that's what he was supposed to be happening, but there no need to act that way around my parents...! They might suspect that my relationship with Bobby is more "friendly" than it should.

"It's nice to see that Dave is making friends in new enviroments, after all, he was so snobbish back in high school that he never had any close friends. I hope he doesn't constantly shove all that alpha-male personality of his down your throat." my mother remarked, in another one of those classic moments where she accidentaly attempts to embarrass her son. Bet she wouldn't be a real mother if she wasn't like that!

"Alpha-male personality?" Bobby tried to supress a giggle, and I pinched his shoulder tactfully to make sure that that giggle would be supressed. There were some things that Bobby should know about me and my parents but we had to get past them and up to my room first. Without seeming suspicious to them, of course.

"Son! It's so good to see you!" My dad's voice brought me out of my cryptic thoughts as he trapped me in a bear hug.

Behind my dad's shoulder, I could see Bobby's surprised (and a bit lustful) expression as he realised the great difference between my mom and my dad.

Now let me explain. My mom, Cordelia Frost, was the uptight and classy daughter of a British aristocrat (if such titles really have any matter in our days!), raised in perfect mannerism and cold snobbishness. After she hit a certain age where her father could sell her---uurm, excuse me, I meant get her married to someone wealthy and ambitious enough to want to marry into an aristocratic family and win the future title of a Count. But future Countess Cordelia was wise (or maybe bitter) enough to push aside all potential grooms and pursue a succesful career into psychology. Becoming a great psychanalyst (or shrink, if you wanna put it that way) and also a great asset to the occasional polife force as a wicked profiler. She made enough of her own money to be independent to her father, who was in the meanwhile going mad from his only daughter's refusal to find a wealthy man and marry her aristocratic title to the immense wallet of a worthy groom. My mom thought she had already done everything she could to piss of fher father. Until one day, while she was still at the tender age of 35, she attended the bachelor party of her American best friend Janet, who was about to have her third marriage with a multimillionaire playboy in Florida.

There, she fell head over heels for the 20-year-old male stripper.

Andrew "Andy" Darrington was a brunette, tan surferboy-wannabe who worked part-time as a stripper when the surf was down. He was the exact opposite of the mature English lady he met that night at "work", meaning that he was young, pretty, kinda dumb and willing for everything. I think that the reason my mother married him a week after Janet's wedding was mostly to piss off her father a little more, but she ended up loving her boytoy more than herself. She didn't mind when her old geeser of a father disowned her, because she wasn't exactly thrown in the streets from an economic point of view, and the only thing she lost was her aristocratic title, which wasn't very useful to her since she moved in with her hubby in Florida and became Mrs Andrew Darrington, spending her first years with him (and their nowborn son!) in a bungalow by the beach. Of course my mother wouldn't put up with living in a wooden hut for long, so we ended up in a cosy two-story Victorian style home in a suburban neighboorhood.

So, that was what impressed Bobby when he saw my dad. He realised that my classy yet average looking 54-year-old mother had a 39-year-old surfer husband who was still stripper-material, by the way! But WHO were we to judge her for robbing the cradle, after all? We were gay mutants, so we were a little higher on the prejudice table, lol.

Dad released me from his bear hug and proceeded to shake hands with Bobby. "I got the guest room ready for you. Wasn't much of a trouble, considering that Dave's mother cleans and changes sheets even in the unused rooms", he told him with a friendly chuckle.

I was about to tell them that Bobby wouldn't need the guest room and he could shuckle up in mine, but that might arouse their suspicions. Truth is, I knew that my uptight mother would never survive the news that her only son was too attracted to men to ever find a woman and give her grandchildren (her greatest obsession in life! If she likes kids so much, why didn't she have more than one children?), and my dad was too much of the athletic jock type to cope with a gay son well. I didn't intend to tell them, unless I found my own kind of independence first, so that I wouldn't have to worry about them throwing me out of the house, or even worse, having to live with a mother and father who don't love me for who I am but for whom I like to sleep with.

Having to grow up with a mother who mastered in Psychology, I knew that she would sooner or later easily find out by my behaviour that I was gay. I mean, psychanalysts like her know pretty much everything in the cliched ways of teen homosexuality, so If I had too many female friends, or was to much of a loner, she might suspect something.

So, as soon as I settled with the fact that I was gay, I started to adopt a wholly different persona to avert their attention. In highscool I approached Vivian, a pretty hot lesbian goth classmate and we made an agreement to cover for each other; so she posed as my on-and-off girlfriend up until the day that I had to go to Xavier's and we had to "break up" because of the distance. Every time I told my parents I would go out with Vivian, I was actually going out with one of my (vary scarse, to be honest) boyfriends. Of course my mom didn't approve of me dating a goth chick, but the psychologist in her noted that part of my life as "my subconscious rebellion every teenager makes against his parents".

On the other hand, I was participating in every single athletic event my school had planned out and I spent a lot of time in the gym to fit the persona of "the antisocial jock". My dad was pleased with that because he thought that I was following his steps, so I had no worries about him suspecting anything. My mom would have liked me to go for something more intellectual and classy (chess club anyone?), but hey, she fell in love with a dumb jock, why should she have a problem with her son being one too? I guess I reminded her too much of my father so she let it go.

Seeing it from a more liberated perspective, now that I had my own life at Xavier's, all these things I did to hide myself deep in the closet back then seemed very funny and very very unethical. But the truth was that I didn't have anyone trustworthy enough to come out to, and with the exception of Vivian, who was a fun person to be with and she was very much like me, having the same problems but a little more attitude to cope with them, I was pretty much a loner. I mean, I liked working out with the guys at the gym, but I didn't like that those hot jocks wanted to hang out with me afterwards and talk about chicks, pussy and muscle-adding chemicals. That was nothing to worry about though, because all I talked to them about was my freaky goth girlfriend and as soon as they met her too, they made sure to slowly push me out of their clique. Thanks Viv, for taking care of another problem for me! :-)

So, there it goes, the life I left behind, ladies and gentlemen! I love my parents, sure, but I love them too much to make them upset over unimportant matters like my tendency to suck dick!

"Alright honey, just walk your friend to the guest room and make sure you accustom yourself to your old room too, and once you're all set come downstairs and we'll catch up over a cup of tea!" the hostess in my mother talked again. "There's something serious we need to talk about too..."

As we walked up the stairs, I noticed that my mother was holding hands with my dad, to make sure that he wouldn't come upstairs with us. I bet my unexpected arrival had made her so happy that she had to express all that hidden positive energy in other smooching with her young and sexy husband! And I bet there would be some making out between me and Bobby as we got to my room!

While settling Bobby's stuff in the guest room, I gave him a quick update on my life as a teenager...told him about my fake alpha-male jock persona and my "girlfriend", so that nothing wrong would slip out of his mouth while talking to my dad or (especially!) my mom... Bobby just chuckled in his well-known cheeky way, reminding me that he also had a "beard" before going steady with me. Of course! Rogue! I should have known that Bobby would understand.

Afterwards, we went to my room. I felt weird entering again the room I spent all my childhood and teenage years, and my mother was definately cleaning it every week because it had the eerie feeling that it was exactly the same way I left it all those months ago!

"Oh my god! You watched crap like 'Smackdown'?" Bobby commented, pointing at the huge John Cena poster over my bed. "And John Cena, of all people? A wrestling rapper? PLEASE!"

"Do I need to remind you of my jock persona, Popsicle? As a self-respecting jock-wannabe I had to have a muscled role model to complete my image! And, between us, it was the only way that I could have a semi-naked sweat-dripping muscled stud on my walls without my parents suspecting anything "queer"..." I laughed. Who was HE to talk about me like that, anyway? He had a pair of Vanilla Ice boxers, for bloody sake!

"So, where did you hide all the evidence of your gayness, then? The Village People albums...? Gloria Gaynor's lps...?" he teased, as he started searching around my drawers.

I was never a person that would let a tease like that get away...! I tackled Bobby on the ground and we started wrestling playfully.

Of course, I had ulterior motives from the very begginings of my action, after all, a playful jab about Gloria Gaynor wasn't fight-worthy by itself! I had realised that I needed to exorcise all the ghosts of innocent childhood from that room and what better way there was, than a quickie with my new boyfriend that would "baptise" the room in a new era of mutant gayness?

Ok, my philosophical motives certainly don't seem tangible enough for you...let's just say I was really really horny, and I wanted Bobby right then and there.

The wrestling session soon had more friction and moaning than it should have, my grotch would "accidentaly" rub all over Bobby's own grotch, and soon we both had erections that rubbed on each other and made hickeys to one another. Bobby was certainly easy-going like that! Guess my mother wasn't intimidating enough to make him restrict himself from doing anything queer in this house.

Within minutes, Bobby was bending over on my bed with one of my old teddy bears as a support-cushion for his belly and his naked ass begging for me to plunge something hot and fleshy into it! And who was I to say no?

I just spat on my cock, then spat on his hole, and slicked both of them with my fingers.

'Ooooh I like that.' he whispered as my finger teased his little puckering hole.

It was all I needed to hear. I bent over and buried my face between his sexy thighs. A funky boy scent filled my nostrils and burned directly into my lust receptors. I was like a madman as my tongue plunged into his sweaty crack while I pulled his fleshy, smooth cheeks apart. I tongued greedily around his rosebud pucker before plunging in and causing him to put his hands on his mouth and stiffle his own groans.

I felt a warm mouth close around my cock and I just about jumped out of my skin. My sensitive cockhead was getting the tongue bathing of its life as Bobby slowly worked his tongue all around the shaft and as deep into the slit as he could get. And all the while he was playing with my hairy balls, alternating gently tugging them with crushing them quite firmly, but not in a painful way.

I briefly wondered if anyone could walk in into us but I didn't care. I had the intention of fucking him the very moment we walked into this room so I had carefully locked tha door, making this quickie as safe as possible for my cover. Why shouldn't I have fun with my boyfriend, while Lola and the boys were burning under the sun in some stupid beach?

I had Bobby's ass so spit slicked now that when I pushed my index finger against his ring guard it met no resistance and I slid all the way home. The feel of that tight, hot wet ass around my finger made me want the real thing. I worked another finger into his ass, prying him loose and tried to hold off popping my load in Bobby's mouth. It wasn't an easy thing to do, the way he was sucking my happy dick.

I pulled away from him and he turned over on his belly again, then I knelt over him and whispered in his ear.

"I'm gonna fuck you till my cock comes outta your mouth" I said, and Bobby moaned in slutty approval.

I got into position and was not surprised at all at how easily I slid into him. I pulled all the way out and plunged in again. Judging by the sounds that escaped his throat it was exactly what he wanted and I repeated this over and over until my belly hurt. He rose onto his knees and I was now able to see his pale, juicy ass as I plunged in and out of his silken depths.

He had a little silky patch of blonde, almost invisible hair where butt met back that grew darker as it slid into the steamy crack of his sexy ass. Every now and then he would clench his ring tight around my cock, and each time that happened I had to grit my teeth and fight against blowing my wad.

Bobby was jerking on his own joy stick now and I could tell he was pretty close. It was time to give in to my own pleasure. He begged me to fuck harder and faster and I was happy to give him what he wanted.

The only sound now was the slippery plunging of my hard cock in and out of his warm, wet tunnel. I could feel my body grow rigid as my feet began to tingle. I knew that my orgasm was on the way and warned my sexy brown-haired lover.

As I was silently ('cause my parents were on the same building, hehe!) fucking Bobby's sweet ass, I heard footsteps behind the door. The person behind it tried to open the door, but I saw the handle just swinging up and down with no result, since I was careful ebough to lock the door before seducing Bobby.

I went completely silent and covered Bobby's mouth with my hand, my cock still buried into his butt as I heard my mother's voice coming behind the door. "Boys? Your tea is ready! David, please come downstairs as soon as possible! Me and your father have something very serious to tell you. Why did you boys had the door locked anyway? What are you doing in there?" she asked in a nosy way.

"We're having hot and sweaty gay sex, mom" I answered with the most dead serious voice I could master.

I heard giggles behind the door. "I never understood that weird sense of humor you have, David. Well, make sure you join us in the tea room in a couple of minutes" she added and then I heard footsteps as she went at the end of the corridor and then downstairs.

Seconds later I released Bobby's mouth and he groaned out loud as he spontaneously creamed off on my bed, without touching his cock.

"You little bitch!" I exclaimed with a devious grin. "You like the thrill of almost being discoverer, don't you?" I complemented, as the added grip of his ass on my dick made my floodgates open and I spunked off deep inside his juicy hole. I collapsed on top of him with my cock still buried deep in his ass.

"So, how come you decided to visit your old man and woman all of the sudden, Dave? You weren't exactly keeping in touch with us since you left, and your poor old mother could have died from her misery." Dad asked inquiringly, as we sat by the small table and sipped our first drops of tea.

"You'll stop calling me an old woman if you know what's good for you, Andrew" Mom said in a mock-hurt tone. "I could always leave you for someone younger and fitter than you"

"Yeah, like you'd ever do that", he answered with a loving smile as he reached for her hand.

"Don't be so harsh on Dave, Mr.Darrington" Bobby intervened, trying to cover for my small eagerness to answer my parents' calls all those months. "The classes and projects back at our special school are heavy and very demanding... Dave especially had a lot to catch up on to, considering that he was the latest addition to the school."

"So, what's your major specialty, Bobby?" my mother asked.

"Major specialty?" Bobby asked himself, eyeing me for answers.

"Yeah" Dad chimed in. "Dave was extremely good with chemicals and stuff, so the special school recruited him for advanced Science and Chemistry. It will be funny if he turns out a rocket scientist, after all the years he spent in the gym and the sports field."

"Oooooh, THAT major specialty." Bobby said semi-knowingly. The truth is that most of the students at Xavier's did more than the necessary mutant-power-related classes, because some of us had to justify the "special school" cover to our parents with degrees of advanced studies when we finished our time in the school. So, in addition to the Danger Room sessions, I had to study so many Chemistry and Science books that could make me better than most rocket scientists out there...As for Bobby...

" specialty is History of Art." Bobby said. Bobby was one of the young mutants whose parents knew about, so he only did the basic stuff. Hence his improbable answer.

"It would be interesting to know how the two of you became friends, since the subjects you're following probably have no common classes" My mom said. She thought she was clever, didn't she...

"Roomates" we simultaneously answered as we smiled to one another. Take that, Spanish Inquisition!

"So, Bobby, do you know if our son has a lady friend at that school of yours, because I'm betting he won't say a thing to us by himself..." she kept with her logically nosy (she was my mom, after all!) questions.

"Not that I know of." Bobby said as he raised his eyebrow playfully at me.

"Bobby already told you that my studies barely leave time for any kind of acquaintances, never mind a girlfriend! Why did you think that the only loser I could bring you home as a friend was my roomate?" I commented, teasing Bobby in the proccess. Now I couldn't tell them about Lola, Frank and Gerry. Not such a worry though, since my mother would invite my other friends to stay at my home (or at least meet them) if she found out about them and I doubt I could afford her finding out that one of my friends was blue and another was a drag queen!

"So you have no girlfriend then..." my dad repeated, looking at mom with a serious look, as if they were hiding something from me.

"That's a real pity." My mom said to herself. "If he had a new girlfriend, he would be easily over his last relationship, and what he's about to find out would be easier to handle..." she whispered to herself in psychologist-mode.

"MOM! Dad? What are you talking about? Does this have anything to do with the serious stuff you wanted me to talk about?" I asked, bewildered.

"Well, son, something happened just yesterday, and we tried reaching you at your school, but nobody would answer. We also called today a few times, but nada." dad started explaining.

"We were on our way here yesterday." Bobby said, looking at me.

"So you wouldn't find me anyway." I added. "But what do you mean, 'nobody would answer'? There's a multitude of staff at Xavier's working all day, someone was BOUND to answer the phone." I started worrying about the people back at the mansion. Maybe something bad had happened? Maybe the Brotherhood's infiltrator in the mansion or Magneto himself took the chance to act while we were away, looking forward to sunbathing and watergames?

"That doesn't matter now honey. It's too late. And you're here anyway. So there's no need to complain about the disfunctional running of your special school." my mom tried to calm me down, oblivious to the dangers that threated the mansion's well-being every day.

"Mom? I'm already worried and all you do is worry me some more! What the hell happened? Why did you call my school, trying to reach me?" I asked, sweat running down my sideburn.

"Honey we need you to be strong with this...Do you remember your ex-girlfriend, Vivian? Did you talk to her after going to that school? I know I always was harsh on her but gosh..." Mom put a hand over her mouth.

Of course I kept contact with Vivian! She was the only person close to me in my life before Xavier's, and I wasn't about to forget about her so easily! I called her cellphone every week and we chatted away all night. I told her about everything about my new friends and the fantastic stuff we did at Xavier's (of course Vivian knew I was a mutant), and she told me about all the fun she had with her whacked-out friends every night at the goth clubs she visited. Last time I talked to her was right after Bobby kissed me for the first time, and she was happy to know that my crush on him wasn't for nothing. But I have to admit that after that I forgot all about her, I even forgot to tell her that I would be back in town for a whole week and how she could visit me in the cushy suit we were about to stay. She was never my girlfriend, she was much more than that, the first friend I ever had and the only one for quite a long time. With my parents, I had to pretend that she was just a girlfriend and that I never contacted her after going away to Xavier's, but secretly I already prayed that nothing bad happened to her.

"Of course I remember Vivian! What happened to her? Mom? Dad?" I asked, alternating looks at each of them.

"Dave...we're sorry. Vivian died two nights ago."


I felt Bobby's hand on my back, trying to comfort me. But I don't think I could feel anything at the moment. I was numb, physically and mentally.

"What happened to her?" I asked in a monotone voice. I had to look strong with this, my parents didn't know how close I really was with Viv.

"We don't exactly know, but they say she was killed by muggers late at night, while walking back home after clubbing. They don't know who did it. We only found out about that yesterday, and tried to contact you because the funeral was this morning. You almost made it, although you didn't know." Dad explained. "We know how much she meant to you, being your first girlfriend and all..."

"Yeah...yeah. You know" I nodded, looking blankly at their direction. Trying to realise that maybe she wouldn't be dead if I had told her about my trip to Miami...she might have not gone out that night. But who am I kidding? We left for Florida the exact morning after winning the bet in the Danger Room. There was no time to call her for the heads-up, and I would have surprise-called her from our classy suite at that damn hotel. And even if I told her to wait for us, she would have gone clubbing, because she's one of those people who go out and party every single night.

The reason I was still feeling guilty was...because I left her here. When Xavier invited me to a life where I wouldn't need to hide, I went there without looking back.

No. No, no, the guilt trip is working, whatever I might think. Vivian was the one who said she would stop talking to me if I remained at Miami and refused the chance of a lifetime.

The self-imposed guilt soon gave way to anger. And rage. My parents hugged me, kissed me, told me comforting words I couldn't even give attention to and left me alone with Bobby to work it out.

"I need to see her" I whispered as soon as my parents left.

"You mean Vivian? You wanna go to the graveyard? Davey are you sure you're ready for this?" Bobby said comfortingly.

"It's not about being ready or not. Someone did this, and I know how to find them out. Call the others, tell them we won't enjoy our holidays at some gay bar tonight. Tell them to meet us at the graveyard. I'll go ask my mom for details, and directions to finding the grave." I ordered, the blank look not leaving my face.

I was afraid that if I moved even the slightest inch of my hard mask of a face, I would crumble down crying.

An hour later, Lola and the others finally found me and Bobby in the graveyard, sitting in front of the fresh and lonely grave of Vivian Anderson.

"It's about time, guys! The sun went down half an hour ago and it's getting dark in here! And Dave's behaviour is even eerier that the place! He's been sitting there since we came here, looking at the grave and not saying a damn word! Not showing a hint of emotion!" Bobby broke out, walking up to our friends.

"Well what would you do if your childhood friend was dead? Can't blame him." Gerry said as he walked over to me and gave me a huge warm hug that almost made me feel better.

"We're so sorry Davey! What can we do for you honey?" Lola said in a sweet voice as she approached me and Gerry, trying to join in the hug.

"Well, for starters, no group hugs," I said somewhat coldly as I stood up and patted Gerry, then disentangling myself from his arms. "We have to act. I'm hanging on you, Frank. What can you tell me?"

"Me? What?" Frank said, surprised that I turned to him first.

"Look at this grave!" I motioned to him. "You're supposed to know many random stuff you have no other way of knowing of. What can you tell me about the death of this girl?" I said, my decisive voice crumbling into pieces, and tears started to wet my cheeks. Gerry hugged me from behind again, and I was too weak to pretend I'm cold and numb, so I let him stay like that.

Frank stood over the fresh grave and put his hand on his chin, contemplating things.

"Do you know who did this?" I asked.


"Do you know why did this happen?"

"No, I'm sorry."

"Do you know if she suffered? Or...or...or was it quick and painless?" I said as I fell on my knees, openly weeping. Lola came and put her hands around me and Gerry.

"Then what...what the hell do you know?" I tried being angry at his uselesness but the pain in my throat wouldn't let me sound angry. "What use are your powers if you can't come up with a fucking clue? She...she died pointlessly, Frank! I have to make up somehow...find out who did this..."

"I have some kind of random information for you, but I don't know if it's really a clue..." he said and a spark of hope appeared in my eyes as I looked up at him.

"What? Pray tell me, Frank!"

"Well...there's no body in that grave."

"What? How could that...?" I asked, completely dumbfounded.

"Really. There's no dead body in that coffin. I'm sure Gerry can phase down there and confirm it for us."

"Something smells fishy here..and it's not the corpses" Lola commented.

"Gerry..." I looked in Gerry eyes pleadingly.

"But...I don't have my special g-string on! We just came from the beach, you know, and I still have my swimsuit on!" Gerry whined irritatingly, and even if it was a matter of life and death for Vivian I couldn't bring myself to slap him down like a bitch.

"Oh, don't worry, we'll look the other way, darling" Lola comforted him with a mischevious look in her eyes.

So, we all looked the other way and Gerry got completely naked and phased down to see if the coffin was empty. He came up seconds later, and we heard him spitting dirt out of his mouth.

"Please don't look yet...cough cough...let me get dressed first!" he pleaded.

Of course the matter was to important for us to wait, so we turned around and caught him putting his briefs on. Lola sighed, because we barely missed getting a glimpse of his family jewels.

"Okay, okay, stop looking at me like that. There's no body down there. Just an empty coffin." Gerry mouthed, wanting to get our attention off him.

"See? I told ya. My powers are never wrong." Frank smiled bitterly.

"Then why the hell did you put me down there to confirm you?" Gerry complained.

"So, there's a chance that she's alive, isn't it?" I asked Frank with newfound hope in my voice.

"I really don't think so Dave, sorry. But I know where they've taken her body. And it's certainly not for a good cause." Frank tried to compensate for the sure deadness of Vivian.

"Who are 'they'?" I asked.

"I don't know. But I know the exact adress, so we're soon going to find out." he responded.

"Snatching dead bodies is still illegal and disrespectful to the people that died and their families. I don't care if the people who stole her body are the same responsible for her death, but I'm going to find them...and I'm going to make them pay!" I said through gritted teeth. Finally all that rage had found a decent target to be unleashed onto.

"And right after finding Vivian's body and taking care of the people who stole it, we have to go immediately back to the mansion." I mentioned. "Something's wrong there. My parents were trying to reach me there since yesterday but nobody would answer the damn phone!"

"Oh God." Frank gasped. "Is that why Monique hasn't been answering my calls? I thought she was just being bitter over staying behind! We have to go check on her! Now!" he proposed.

"How come your powers didn't pick up anything about something not going well at the mansion? It might be nothing..." Bobby spoke up after keeping his mouth shut for a long time..

"I have to check on Monique! What if something happened to her?" Frank started panicking.

"Frank. We'll got back at the mansion. Right after we finish this. Since you know exactly where the body is, it won't take long, right?" I put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Ok...whatever you say. I trust you." Frank said, partly comforted from Bobby's remark that his powers would probably pick up if something was going on at the mansion.

Maybe I was just being selfish, maybe finding Vivian's body was more important to me than helping Monique and the others back at the mansion, and in some way Vivian was beyond help already, being dead and all. So, maybe it was illogical, patronising Frank like that, calming him down until my own quest to find Vivian's body was over, maybe I was using him.

But what could I do? I owed it to Viv. And it would be pretty bumb to make all that journey back to Wetchester while there was something to be done right here, in Miami.


Zazelle tried to make herself comfortable at her new office. She kicked the label that said "Professor Xavier" off the surface of the office, and rested her feet on it, although she had her pink thigh-level boots on. She didn't even mind that her high heels were damaging the woodwork.

Suddenly, a distant sound echoed. It was her cellphone, ringing in the slutty tone of Madonna's "Justify My Love".

"Oh damn, just as I was getting comfortable!" She grumbled to herself, but then an idea crossed her mind. "i don't have to get it myself!"

She put her fingers on her lips and whistled.

"Doggie! Doggie! Where the fuck are you, you stupid animal...? Go! Go! Go fetch Mama's phone!" She called out.

Seconds later, Wolverine entered the main office running on all fours like a dog, and Zazelle's pink leaher-clad cellphone was ringing "Justify my Love" on his mouth.

"Good Doggie. Gooooooooooooooooooood Doggie" Zazelle patted Logan's head as she removed the phone from his mouth, scooped some saliva off it with her pink handkerchief, and then promptly answered it.


"Hey, it's me" a female voice answered from the other side of the line.

"Well, HELLO! Of course I know it's you, it's not like anybody else knows the number to this phone. How are things in Florida?"

"Bad. Very Bad. Those stupid brats have found an unexpected lead to Sinister's labs here in Miami."

"WHAT? We can't afford them finding out what we're stashing there. As soon as they see what's over there, they're coming straight back to the mansion!" Zazelle's face reddened in frustration. With this recent development, her master plan was being put in harm's way.

"I can't prevent them from going in, we're already about to infiltrate Sinister's lab! Of course, they don't know ti's a lab, but they'll soon find out. And it's Sinister's fault anyway...he apparently got into some sneaky bussiness with corpses instead on focusing on the things we told him to do. I say we let him take the fall. He might get lucky and wipe out the whole threat of David Darrington and co. for us." The mysterious voice whispered.

"Okay. But what if they make it through him and came after me afterwards?" Zazelle inquired.

"Well, they're returning to the mansion anyway after the deal with Sinister's lab! That's the funny thing. If you were clever enough to answer the phones at the mansion's office's now they wouldn't have realised that something's fishy back at Xavier's!"

"Oh damn...! But I was too busy taking care of the people here to answer some stupid phone! I guess that's the downside of working all alone. No multi-tasking for me."

"Whatever you say Zazelle. I just called to inform you about that. They suspect that something's wrong at Xavier's, so pretty soon they'll be coming back there to check out...I'll keep you posted for the exact time of their arrival, but I wanted to warn you as early as possible so that you'll be ready to welcome them properly. I'll call you as soon as I find out what happened with Sinister."

"You do that. I'll be waiting here, arranging all the final touches...! It's a little lonely here right now after everything I've done and my stupid doggie isn't much of a company...! At least, getting myself ready for that gay boy's return will give me something to look forward to." Zazelle stated as she twirled a finger around a brown curle of her hair.

"I have to hung up on you now. They think I went to the public toilet, but they'll get suspicious if I get too late...! They can't wait to storm in that building and find out what's inside!"

"So, they still haven't suspcted a thing about having a traitor whithin their ranks...?" the slutty woman asked.

"No, of course not! I have to go if we want to keep it that way though. Goodbye." the mysterious voice said as they hung up.

"This is all too funny!" Zazelle said to her doggie as she threw the cellphone at a nearby couch. "I can't wait to see their faces when they find out what kind of fools they have been played for!" she added, and then started laughing incontrollably.


Coming Next:

Sinister! Return to the mansion! Final Showdown! Who the hell is the traitor!?!? How could a slutty hoe like Zazelle do all this? A brand new (in the story, not in comics) character! Lots of revelations and resolutions, and new directions for our characters! and last but not least... MORE gratituous sex!!!

ALL THESE in the next couple of chapters! Just tell me ( you liked the story and all I'll do is WRITE WRITE and WRITE! :-)

Next: Chapter 9

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