Slutty X Men

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on Jul 2, 2005


Disclaimer: This story contains GAY SEX. I don't want to cram my point in your mouths, but all the sex in this story is GAY SEX! If you are straight and GAY SEX isn't your thing, then maybe you shouldn't be in this GAY SITE which contains TONS OF GAY SEX in the first place! And if you think that this GAY DISCLAIMER is a little over the top for you, then read my normal disclaimers in the previous chapters! Because this one repeats the words GAY SEX lots and lots of times in it, so many times that it gets quite annoying.... :P The X-Men, Movieverse or Comicverse, all belong to Marvel, Stan Lee and Fox (but in their versions there is no GAY SEX involved, of course!)

This is not necessarily a "sex in every chapter" story, because I'm more interested in developing the plot and the characters than cramming it full with sex scenes. BUT, it is a story named "Slutty X-Men", so there's no need to worry that the characters will be behaving like nuns. It's not a "sex in every chapter" story, but it can be a "sex in every OTHER chapter" story. :P

Any comments, criticism and suggestions about new subplots and characters are absolutely welcomed! Just e-mail me at: or You can also tell me what you didn't like in my story and would prefer to change. Also, tell me if there is some certain X-Man that you would like to see participating in horny situations, I'm always open to suggestions!

Notes: The song used and modified in this chapter is Marilyn Monroe's legendary "My Heart Belongs To Daddy"...!

P.S: I'm sorry for taking so long to update, but I had been busy with my exams and the theatrical play I was participating these last days! I've also been through some of the happiest days of my life, and as you should know a happy man always makes for a bad and uninspired writer!!! :-P Well, I'm back to being a little miserable now, so I was able to write this new chapter! Hope you enjoy! :-)

SLUTTY X-MEN Chapter 6: My Heart Belongs To...Bobby!

After a really exhausting make out session that took all afternoon, I ended up relaxing with Bobby on the TV room's couch, watching an old movie with Marilyn Monroe and Yves Modane...

I can't say I had really talked with Bobby after the second that he leaned to kiss me for the first time. The hours after that kiss were a continuous series of kisses, hickeys, tongue-sucking, lip-biting, body fondling, and general displays of inappropriate behavior for the kind of well-behaving, non-provoking students that Bobby and I (well, just Bobby!) were supposed to be! When we ended up making out on the TV Room's couch, all the other students that were around soon left the room in panic and scattered in all the corners of the Institute, making sure that the news about the brand new gay couple in the school would be spread around.

Marylin Monroe was having one of her most memorable music moments on screen at the moment, and as Bobby kept watching, I imagined myself being in the shoes of Marylin and doing the same number, only changing the lyrics in something more matching for a young homosexual man that had just witnessed his lasting crush on the Iceman being finally (and unexpectedly!) reciprocated...

In my imagination, I was the one that was spinning around on a big pole, clad in some skimpy retro clothes and being raised in the air by the well-muscled arms of my dancers...!

"While hanging out, late night at town, I may flirt with boys as a hobby But when I do, I don't follow through Cause my heart belongs to Bobby!

When the morning comes, and my window panes Look out at the poolboy's fine body I just adore, to watch him some more But... my heart belongs to Bobby!

Yes, my heart belongs to Bobby! So I simply can't be had Yes, my heart belongs to Bobby! Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba Real Baaaad!

So I want to warn you cutie Though your ass looks inviting like hell That my heart belongs to Bobby Cause my Bobby, he treats it so weeeeeeeell!"

Bobby averted his eyes from the screen and let his baby blues meet with mine, waking me up from my musical daydreaming. I responded by looking at him as adorably as I could (believe me, it wasn't a hard thing to do!)

I contemplated if my feelings right now could be true enough to last for a very long time...was I in love with Bobby? Was he just a childish crush to me, and all that I was feeling at the moment was just pure, simple excitement because my crush turned out to also have feelings for me? Did it even matter if this was going to last forever? We were young, the whole point was to have fun and rejoice the feelings we had for one another, whatever they turned out to be.

But the real question was...what was the deal with Bobby? He looked perfectly straight the other day, when he still was with his girlfriend, and right now he was inches away from sucking my face again... Was there any chance that the mysterious figure behind all the gay fucking incidents was also responsible for Bobby's sudden gayness? But no. The unknown figure was the cause for seemingly straight mutants to start fucking each other, and there was no sex involved in the deal with me and Bobby yet. Unless, of course, Bobby was the phantom lover that popped my cherry the other night. He must have been the one. My mysterious lover invaded my room and bed the very same night that Rogue broke up with Bobby, practically pushing him to pursue a relationship with someone he could actually touch...and have sex with. It must have been Bobby then! He probably woke up earlier than me in the morning and went off to bring me breakfast in bed or something, but when he came back I had already woken up and left the room, searching for the man who took my anal virginity without knowing that he was looking for me at the same time too! He kept looking for me but I never stayed in one place, so he finally bumped onto me right after I sucked Peter's cock and sampled his thick Russian cum.

What a fool I had been! There was no reason to even try asking Bobby if he was my phantom lover!

"A penny for your thoughts, babe." He whispered to me as he closed in. And now what? I couldn't repeat to him the entire trail of thoughts that was taking over my mind the previous few seconds...!

"I love you", I said instead, looking at him through hazy eyes. Hey, it was the easy way out! And it could be true as well!

"Oh really?" He smiled, before leaning to kiss me again. We curled our arms around each other and suddenly Bobby tackled me down, covered my lips with his, thrust his tongue into my mouth and pressed his entire body on top of mine.

I could feel Bobby's erection pressing against my crotch, and that drove me mad. I grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled him closer in order to devour his mouth, as he began bucking his hips against mine. Our cocks were beginning to harden underneath our clothing, and we were soon about to do something very naughty and inappropriate for such a public place as the TV room.

cough cough! a manly yet unnerving voice thundered behind us.

We both shot up from our almost pornographic stance and we settled ot a sitting position. Bobby even snatched a magazine from a nearby stool and pretended that he was reading it, although the magazine was named "Modern Bride and the Perfect Wedding" and he held it upside-down.

I slowly turned my head around and saw that Wolverine was standing behind us, his hands on his hips, but yet he was trying to act cool and even amused at the sight of two boys (with one of them having a girlfriend until the very previous day) making out in the most public point of the mansion, where everyone was able to attend the sight.

"You boys ain't exactly the epitome of discreetness, are ya?" he said in a tone that stood somewhere between teasing and scolding. "Do you intend to take this to a more secluded place or you want me to charge tickets for whoever walks into this room from now on?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I fluttered my eyes and smiled sheepishly.

"Look, it's okay for two boys to kiss in public, it's even okay for them to smooch and make out in public, but you guys were ready to take this to another level. This is not the right place for this, not to mention that a Golden Girls marathon is on in any minute now and I....uuuh, someone might want to watch it! Your sexing session surely makes it hard for the average watcher to focus on the show when you're around, you know."

"Yeah, I know" I responded cheekily. " At least you were discreet enough to do the deed behind the unlocked doors of that office, right Mr.Logan?" I added, winking at him threateningly.

"Huh? What deed? What office?" Bobby turned around to face me, obviously oblivious to the gay fucking incidents that were happening on the mansion these days.

"Never mind." Wolverine interrupted. "And what do you think you're doing, anyway?" he turned his attention to Bobby. "I thought you were straight. Do you have any idea of what Rogue will think once the word that you were making out with a guy - a friend of hers, nonetheless- gets to her?" He said.

A violent mental image of a demented Rogue, holding a big motherfucking chainsaw and chasing the little man-slut that stole her man around the mansion popped up into my mind, but I pushed it away instantly, reminding to myself that she was the one who broke up with Bobby in the first place and allowed this to happen. If my relationship with Bobby turned out to be a lasting one, I imagined that Rogue and me would spend our afternoons sipping coffee and discussing the main weaknesses and little idiosyncrasies of her ex and my current boyfriend.

"What made you think that I was straight, Mr. Logan?" Bobby asked.

"Well the last time I checked out you had a girlfriend. A girlfriend who is like a daughter to me and finding out that you deliberately hurt her would make me very, very angry." he responded, his voice dragging down the last few words, making his whole sentence a very strong warning. It seemed the perfect time for me to jump back into the chit-chat.

"Well Mr.Summers used to have a girlfiend too, but he didn't look that straight the last time I saw him taking it up the ass" I chimed in, adopting a fake, angelic expression on my face.

"Up the ass!?!" Bobby mouthed, astounded at what he just heard. "Mr.Summers!?!? By whom?"

"I'm not sure..." I lied, looking at Logan provocatively, daring him to interfere again. "It was very dark, and I couldn't see clearly who the fucker was..." I could be such a manipulative prick sometimes...but I certainly loved it!

"You know what?" Logan said, exasperating. "I think I'm gonna use the TV in Nightcrawler's room instead of this one. Just promise me that you'll behave yourselves as long as you're in a public place...okay?"

"Okey dokey" I said with my happy-go-lucky voice. "We're gonna be as innocent as two cute fluffy bunnies." I added.

"But...bunnies are always horny and can't keep themselves off each other!" Bobby realised as soon as Logan had walked out the door.

"Exactly" I confirmed as I tackled him on the couch and leaned in to kiss him.

As our tongues wrestled, I felt another presence in the room with us. What the Hell, was this frickin' mansion full of voyeurs or something?

I stood on a sitting position and saw that filthy slut, Zazelle, sitting on a dark corner at the other side of the room, trying to be silent.

"Well, hello there!" I said sarcastically, as she abruptly stood up and her huge fake boobs bounced up and down like volleyballs. She was wearing another skanky X-uniform, with another double X bra thingy supporting her huge boobs, but this time it was of a leather black colour and her high-heeled thigh-level boots looked wilder than ever!

"Hello boys...I hope I'm not bothering you much, but there's nothing that turns me on more than watching two queer guys getting it on together! Gotta love me some boy-on-boy action!" she said, totally shameless of her antics.

"Well, you ARE bothering us, now that you mentioned it. Who said that we like to have somebody watching us make out? Maybe we don't feel like being a show for everyone to watch." I said with all the spite I could summon.

"You don't want others to watch...? Then why are you guys doing it in the most public and busy room in the mansion?" she responded with a question.

"Good point." Bobby whispered in my ear, a little ashamed that a little dirty slut provided a good argument against us.

Before Zazelle could tease us about how she outsmarted us (and I doubt that I could really live with that!), Lola entered the room and provided a very nice distraction, changing automatically the subject...

"Darlings! Here you are! Word got to me that you finally realised that you were made for each other!" She mouthed as she walked in and approached us, and then she proceeded to congratulate us by kissing me and Bobby on the cheeks.

Suddenly, she realised that another woman was with us in the room. She locked eyes with Zazelle and from the sudden silence you could tell that it was instant hate for the two of them!

"Nice to meet you. I'm Zazelle, the sexiest woman in this mansion." she introduced herself, taking the most commanding posture she could assume and extending a hand casually.

Lola just scoffed. "The pleasure's ALL mine", she said as she shook hands with her new enemy, making sure to tone every single word in her phrase, as if she was telling a joke. "It's nice to see that I'm not the only girl with fake boobs in this place." she added, making Zazelle wince and break her grip on Lola's hand.

They locked eyes again and from the silent tension you could tell that they were trying to mentally squash each other brains through their ears, although none of them had mental powers (now that I think about it, we still didn't know what Zazelle's mutant powers was...bah, it probably was something like crashing the enemy's heads with her huge plastic boobs.)

"So, Lola, the sun has almost set...shouldn't the guys be back from their pic nic trip yet?" I tried to change the subject.

"Oh yeah, they just got home, and you should expect them to walk through this door any second now...that's why I came here, to make sure that they wouldn't walk in any inaproppriate activity between two very specific boys that have just become an item." she explained, then resumed to her eye wrestling with the slutty bimbo that stood a few feet away from her.

"Then I guess I should be going. If your friend Gerry walks in here there will be a very uncomfortable silence between us and I don't want to spoil your and your new boyfriend's mood. Queer boys are so cute when they're all horny!!" Zazelle said as she assumed a sexy pose and walked out of the room in a catwalk manner.

"You and Gerry? Uncomfortable silence? Why? What happened last night between you guys? Hey, come back here you little ho'! I'm talking to you!" I screamed at Zazelle as she hastily left the room. I was dying to know how things went between her and Gerry when I left them alone together the other night, and since Gerry wasn't around for me to ask, that dirty slutbag was the next best thing. So, it appeared that that night didn't go well for the two of them... I wondered if sweet little Gerry was too anxious and didn't manage to get it up for her...or maybe he came too fast and she didn't enjoy it...or maybe...ohhhh the possibilities! My gossip-ey little mind would have blown up from the desperation to find out what happened, if Monique, Frank and Gerry hadn't walked in right then and there.

"Hello babies!!" Lola welcomed them, grabbing each of them from the shoulders and giving them air kisses right above their cheeks. "Did you guys have fun baby-sitting the younger residents of this school?"

"I strongly believe that King Herrod was a very misunderstood person." Monique groaned before she walked zombie-style towards the closest sofa and slumped on it with the force of a brick hitting the water. She hugged a big pillow, stuffed it under her head and drifter off to Dreamland...

Frank followed her in an equally sleepy manner and sat on the other side of the sofa, grabbing Monique's feet and putting them on his lap as he leaned against the arm of the sofa and tried to get some rest. "My powers tell me under a certain age...are so hyperenergetic because they... posess the uncanny and mystical ability of sucking the energy of the people around them and using it for their own purposes...zzzzzzz...."

All three of us (Bobby, Lola and me) stared at the remaining pic nicker, Gerry.

"You don't look as tired as the others, sweetie" Lola commented to him.

"Well eeeeeeeer, I only got to look after one kid...while Monique and Frank got to take care of the other thirty-six children." he grinned.

"Well I wouldn't blame you" I said, " you must have been too beat to chase after a bunch of kiddies after what happened last night, right?" I winked at him. This was the perfect chance to fish out information about what happened with Zazelle the other night.

"Huh? What do you mean? Ooooooh!" He finally said as his eyes lighted up. "You mean...last night?" He said cheekily as he winked back at me. His eyes had a very mischevious glimpse, so I guess maybe Zazelle was bluffing when she hinted that something went wrong with the two of them last night. That made me feel happy for Gerry, but more than a little gutted too because something new came up in my mind...if Gerry and Zazelle had hit it off good the night before, then that probably meant that I was slowly losing my adorable buddy to a dirty man-eating slut...

"Yeah," I finally said with a grin, shaking off my negative feelings, "It turns out that last night proved to be benevolent for the both of us."

"You bet it did!" Gerry flashed me a painfully cute smile. "Wait a minute...what does 'benevolent' mean?" he asked me as his face darkened with confusion.

Bobby and Lola started snickering behind me as I tried to explain. "I mean that since last night things went very well for the both of us. You hooked up with Zazelle" -while saying that I tried to supress my disgust- "and I finally found love in Bobby! We're officially a couple now!" I said sheepishly as I grabbed Bobby's hand and brought him a step forward.

Gerry didn't respond, he just stood there with a blank face.

Maybe he was trying to even out an unknown word or two from my last sentence, or maybe the news that I hooked up with my neverending - and seemingly straight- crush I was telling him about all the time those last weeks needed a couple of minutes from him to sink in.

He frowned a little, then he flashed me a smile of approvance. "I guess it was about time...I'm very happy for the two of you!" He said as he patted Bobby's shoulder.

"Well it was fun listening to all of you without saying anything myself all this time, but I guess it's about time that I steal the limelight from you guys again!" Lola interrupted. "My favourite gay bar in town is having this singing contest ina few weeks!"

"Really?!?" I turned to face her in astonishment. Singing was my secret passion, but ever since I realised I was a mutant I set aside all thoughts about a singing career. Plus, ever since I set foot in this mansion I never had the chance to practice anyway. I mean, there was a karaoke machine in the mansion somewhere, but Storm had confiscated it after the Professor gotten drunk one night and tried to perform Madonna's "Justify My Love" while doing a strip-tease on his wheelchair. The karaoke machine was lying somewhere in the attic now, where only Storm used it every time she wanted to cheer her plants up with a little singing.

Thinking about the Professor got me a little sad again. He was all alone now, lying in the Infirmary in a coma. If we didn't find soon who put him in that coma, he would never have the chance again to strip and sing while imitating Madonna.

Now that I think about it, that wasn's so bad!

"Dave! Snap out of it!!" Lola screamed at me, trying not to sound like a hysterical woman. "I was saying about the singing contest at 'Rectum', in a few weeks."

"Yeah, please go on", I said, trying to hide my blush...sometimes my mind drifted too faaaaaaaaar awaaaaaaaay.

"So the contest is men and drag only, no matter if they're gay, straight or bi. No women allowed on stage. The winner gets a heft amount of cash and a chance to participate in a breakthrough director's gay-themed musical film that will begin production in a couple of months..."

"Holy macaroni!!" I yelled in excitement. "I wanna be in that contest!" I said as I started hopping around in small circles like a happy puppy.

"Well, anyone can participate, no matter how experienced or talented he is. The talented ones will be sorted out during the competition, no auditions will be done to say who's good enough to participate. However, I'm sorry to inform you of that, Davey dear, but you have no chance of winning." Lola said in a nonchalant manner.

"And why is that?" I asked with suspicion in my voice. "Is Celine Dion going to participate in the contest and therefore the rest of us mortals have no chance of winning the contest?" I said ironically.

"No. I'm going to participate in the contest", Lola said as she stuck her chin upwards in a royal manner.

"Ooooooh that explains everything!" I smirked sarcastically. "Her Snotiness has already declared her participation in the contest, so the rest of us telentless hicks can stand aside."

"Exactly" she confirmed, her chin still up. She was obviously joking, of course. We all knew that Lola liked having competition, no matter that her drag nature made her much better at any kind of show bussiness than the rest of us combined.

"Well, I wish you good luck", I played along in our well-meant taunts, "you're definately gonna need it, girl!"

"I'll be upstairs, in my room." Gerry said soullessly. He looked pretty beat himself too, although he claimed that he was fresh compared to Frank and Monique, who were already semi-snoring on the couch they shared.

"I think I'll go get some covers for the almost-lovebirds sleeping on that couch", Lola announced as she escorted Gerry out of the room.

"Mmm, maybe we should take this somewhere more private too, don't you think, Bobby?" I told my boyfriend as I licked my lips suggestively.

"Oh, shut up, you horny bastard!" Bobby lauged as he playfully pushed me away. "I'm not putting up for you so easily, you know! You'll have to earn that body!" he said, as he run his hands up his torso to tease me a little more.

"Oh, you little cock-tease! You're all of the sudden a virginal maiden, huh?" I replied, as I embraced him and placed both my hands on his ass, dragging him closer to my body, almost grinding him against my conceiled hard-on. "Then what was last night for?" I asked with perfect logic in my voice.

"What last night?" He smirked.

"I know we didn't talk about this before, but it was you last night, right? The one who entered my room in the middle of the night and took my anal virginity? Don't tell me you don't remember either!" I reminded him.

He started laughing.

"Well, of course it was me! What do you think? You don't think you're hot enough to have two people having the hots for you at the same night, now, are you?" he teased, making me smile. "Who do you think you are, God's gift to gay men?"

"Well...if you got down and dirty with me the night before we became a couple, then why aren't you putting out now?" I asked, setting all jokes aside.

"Last night was a free preview, a demo, if you can put it that way." Bobby smirked evilly at me. "Now that you know what you can have, you'll try harder to earn it" he added, as he slapped my hands away from his firm ass cheeks.

"Sweet dreams, sweetie..." he smiled and winked at me as he seductively walked out of the room, maiking sure that his ass looked as inviting as humanly possible!

"Sweet dreams..." I whispered to myself. "And definately wet as well."

TO BE CONTINUED... Coming Next: Danger Room Rumble! Who's gonna get it (up the ass)?

Ok guys, there something else I could use your opinion with; I'm seriously thinking of having a silly (or more serious) musical scene in every chapter or two. Nothing big, just a song in every couple of chapters that would satisfy my hunger for having my characters dance and sing around for no apparent reason...! The imaginary scene where Dave replaces Marylin Monroe in his mind is a good example of what I'm thinking of...! Is it too weird or would you prefer this story to be kept in a non-musical manner? :-P Am I a freak for thinking of this? :-P E-mail me and tell me your opinion on this (and on the story in general as well!)...each e-mail will count as a vote for/against having a musical scene every now and then! Maybe I could even write a musical sex scene, in which the characters will sing while they're fucking!!! :-P If I see that the votes for and against the musical scenes are pretty even, then I'll still write musical scenes in the story but I'll make them pretty rare and write them only when they're really worth it, so that nobody will be bothered by the presence of abscence of them!!!

I'm waiting for your feedback darlings!!! :-) is the adress to go!!! :-)

Next: Chapter 7

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