Slutty X Men

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on May 12, 2005


Disclaimer: This story contains GAY SEX. I don't want to cram my point in your mouths, but all the sex in this story is GAY SEX! If you are straight and GAY SEX isn't your thing, then maybe you shouldn't be in this GAY SITE which contains TONS OF GAY SEX in the first place! And if you think that this GAY DISCLAIMER is a little over the top for you, then read my normal disclaimers in the previous chapters! Because this one repeats the words GAY SEX lots and lots of times in it, so many times that it gets annoying.... :P The X-Men, Movieverse or Comicverse, all belong to Marvel, Stan Lee and Fox (but in their versions there is no GAY SEX involved, of course!)

This is not necessarily a "sex in every chapter" story, because I'm more interested in developing the plot and the characters than cramming it full with sex scenes. BUT, it is a story named "Slutty X-Men",so there's no need to worry that the characters will be behaving like nuns. It's not a "sex in every chapter" story, but it can be a "sex in every OTHER chapter" story. :P

Any comments, criticism and suggestions about new subplots and characters are absolutely welcomed! Just e-mail me at: or You can also tell me what you didn't like in my story and would prefer to change. Also, tell me if there is some certain X-Man that you would like to see participating in horny situations, I'm always open to suggestions!

Previously in "Slutty X-Men"...! Dave is a relatively new student in Xavier's school for mutant youngsters. his best friends are Frank, Gerry, Monique and Lola, a fabulous but also mysterious drag queen! He's currently searching for the mysterious man who gave him the best shag in his life (while he thought he was only dreaming!). In the meanwhile, somebody infiltrated the mansion and poisoned Professor Xavier (who is now in a coma), and one by one, the "straight" mutants in the mansion begin to develop a taste for cock! First Cyclops and Wolverine, now Colossus! Who's behind all these? Will Dave manage to solve the mystery or wil he get (literally) fucked?

SLUTTY X-MEN Chapter 5: The Cum-Drinking Detective!

Mmmmmm. Mmmmm....


Peter's mouth had the flavour of a fresh lemon. I broke our violent kiss and looked right into his eyes. They were dark blue and shrouded with passion. He wasn't quite behaving himself, he was more like a lust zombie. It felt like something had possesed him ,something was controlling him and making him throw himself at me. I saw his thick black eyebrows meeting each other from all the need in his system and his white teeth biting lightly at his fat lips. His cheeks were red from all the raw passion and arousal.

He looked at me with a blank expression and pulled off his wife-beater, exposing his hairy armpits and huge, smooth pecs to me. His nipples were big and stuck out like erasers from the tip of a pencil.

"I want you now." he spoke, and it felt like someone else was talking through him. I knew that this wasn't right, that I was taking avantage of him in some sense...I had to stop this thing right now!

I thought about the possible consequenses and how immoral it would be to take advantage of someone who probably wasn't himself at the time. Then I looked down at his grotch and saw an enormous bulge, trying to rip through Peter's shorts and come out to play.

"Screw morality!" I thought to myself and reached for Peter's man nipples, who practically begged to be twisted and sucked...

The truth was that I was feeling a little dazed myself, like I didn't have total control of my powers.... It didn't matter cause I had to find out what his cum tasted like anyway, for my little "investigation".

Colossus put both his hands on my shoulders, pushing me to my knees, with my face just at the level of his grotch. He undid the buttons of his jeans and pulled out his hardening dick, revealing to me that he was going commando that day. His Russian cock was an impressive 8 plus inches. He straddled my face and shoved his babymaker in my mouth, making me take it all inside with one shove.

His dick was nice and smooth, with a couple of thick sexy veins tracing along the length of his shaft. I traced my tongue around the small head. He tasted good. I pulled down his shorts completely down to his ankles and began to slurp down his yummy cock. I reached up and cupped his beautiful fuzzy balls. They were fairly big and the sack was hairy, providing a nice contrast to his smooth and hairless thighs.. I released his monster dick, which had now grown to its full 11 inches, and began to suck both his pretty balls into my mouth. I licked at the furry sack lavishing them with saliva. Peter began to moan like a dying thing, then he grabbed my hair with his left hand to make sure my mouth wouldn't let go of his balls. I sucked them deep into my mouth, attempting to swallow them. Peter went crazy and started gyrating his hips in my face.

"That's it, suck my balls like the good little bitch that you are, pussy boy. Then coat my cock with your spit and make it nice and slippery, because I'm going to fuck your cute little ass with it." He mumbled as he scooped some sweat from his enormous, muscled chest and tweaked his nipple.

I pulled his hairy balls out of my mouth, releasing them with a `pop'. "You're gonna fuck my ass?" I asked, a little panicked. The whole point was to make him come in my mouth. If that monstrous cock of his released his jism in my ass, it would go so deep that I would never be able to retrieve it and taste it.

"Of course I'm going to fuck your boy-pussy, you little cocksucker. I had my eyes on that gorgeous ass of yours ever since I saw it bulging your tight pair of jeans the first day you came in this place."

I pretended that I was obeying him and my tongue began slowly licking up and down his shaft as I contemplated how would I make him cum in my mouth and not anger him enough to make him snap my neck like a dry twig. He was obviously under the greater influence of something else, so there was a possibility that whoever was taking control of him could make him violent. Not that I didn't like violent fucks, eh eh.

I swallowed his shaft down to the root, until my pouty lips could kiss his pubes, then gently pulled his balls in my mouth too, my tongue raking down below them to the base of his scrotum. This drove him mad. He bucked, grabbed my head from both sides and fucked my face for all he was worth!

I was driving him so wild that my wet and talented mouth could as well make him forget about prying my asshole open with his thick cockhead... I swallowed his shaft and nuts, then opening my cumrag mouth wide enough to let his pumping shaft slide easily in and out my wet oral cavity. I let my tongue hang out so that on the down stroke of his thrusts, the balls would slide along its length flicking them as they passed over it. And digging the tip into his scrotum as his whole cock was digging down my throat. He kept moaning and grunting, mumbling curses in Russian as he kept pounding my willing throat with his engorged tool. Then I pulled at his ass cheeks and drove his dick all the way down. The tip of my tongue raked along the bottom side of his cock, along his balls, along the scrotum and finally digging at his ass ring. Peter screamed.

"By the White Wolf!. Oh shit I'm gonna shoot. Stop doing this NOW." He threatened as he grabbed my hair harder, indicating to me that I had better obey to him and release his cock. His hands had a strong hold on me but they were already trembling from the incoming climax. It was the perfect time to retrieve my secret weapon.

I pulled the cigar that Lola had earlier given me from my pocket and shoved it into Peter's gaping asshole. The sudden but familiar feeling of penetration took him over the top, and he forgot all about cumming in my boy pussy instead of my mouth.

His body tensed and he began to shoot. He slammed his hips against my face as he unloaded his thick creamy load down my throat. Several shots hit my gullet as I pulled up to savor the taste of his sweet manly cum. The taste was intoxicating but it was too sweet to be the same cum as the one that flooded my ass the night before.

"AAARRRGGHHH, SHHIIITTT!!!" He screamed as he shot his last drop of milky man juice on my puffy lips. I kept his softening dick in my mouth to drain him of his juice, stroking his smooth ass cheeks at the same time, trying to sooth him from whatever had gotten into him. He was holding my head, rubbing at the back of my neck, then he suddenly collapsed on the grass and let go of me, with my souvenir-cigar still lodged up his muscled ass.

I got up, straightened my T-shirt and licked my lips for the remaining cum there. My cock has hard like a brick wall inside the confines of my pants, but I had no time to jerk off and maybe unload on sleeping Peter's mouth (to take a small revenge on him for the hold he had on my hair earlier), because I thought I saw someone's shadow dissapearing at the other side of the bushes.

I thought this was a perfect opportunity to see who was behind all the uncalled for gay sex and started chasing the dark figure that was running away. I turned my hands into extra-pointy katanas and slashed my way through the bushes that were erlier between me, Pete and the stranger that was peeping on us and saw a dark hooded figure with a long black robe taking a turn at the far side of the path that snaked its way through Xavier's gardens.

I followed as quickly as I could, determined to find out who the man behind all this was.


Gerry was sitting beneath a tree, wearing a cute turtleneck that made him look even more adorable than usual and having a slightly less adorable five-year-old girl on his lap. On the huge, green valley full of flowers they were overlooking there was a whole legion of children who had just finished eating (it was a picnic, after all) and they wanted to have fun and games. Something that their only adult protectors, Monique and Frank, had't really seen coming. Now they were both running around the valley, trying to put the kids in a line, check on them or prevent them from doing something stupid and getting themselves hurt.

The little girl (named Vicky) giggled for no apparent reason and turned her head around to look at the guy holding her under the shadow of the big oak tree, as her golden locks flew on the air around her head. Her intense purple eyes (well, she was a cute, mutant little girl) stared intensively at the dark green eyes of the handsome man that protected her, as if she was expecting something from him.

"What?" he asked, taking a very concerned expression. He was clueless when it came to kids, he didn't know how to take care of their needs or how to behave to one, but for a strange reason the kiddies seemed to like him, so they got along well.

"Tell me a fairytale, Uncle Gelly." she demanded innocently and gave him a shiny baby grin, as she shoved him on the chest with her puny baby arm.

"Ow...I don't know any stories." he explained, trying to pout and look sad so that the girl would understand and let him get away with not telling her a fairytale.

"Everyone has stories to tell. Can't you make one up? Please, Uncle Gelly, pleaseeeee...!" she pouted, knowing that this way she was blackmailing him instead of begging him.

"Uh, okay. I'll try", he stated, making the girl go "yippieee!" and nestle her head into his chest. He put his arms around her as he tried to think of a good story to tell...

"Um...once upon a time, there was a little boy that was born in an island, far far away from here. He had a strange, long name that we can't pronounce, and he grew up like all the other boys that lived in the same island, playing football on the narrow streets and sleeping in his small white house with the blue doors and windows. His daddy had dissapeared in a shipwreck when he was only a baby so he lived alone with his brother, his sister and his mother. But as he grew older, he discovered that he was nothing like the other boys of his age."

"He was born with both boy and girl parts? That's why he was different?" little Vicky asked through her older frend's arms.

Gerry chuckled. "No, Vicky, it wasn't like that. That little boy found that he could do things that the other boys couldn't do. He could do things that were like...magic. So he started reading magazines to find out what he really was and one day, he saw an article somewhere. In the article it said that there were other people like him that were also good with magic and could use his help. But in order to go and find those other people, who lived far, far away, he had to speak to his mother and tell her about how special he was."

The little girl was awed. "What did his mommy say?"

"She was frightened, and didn't want to hear about it. She left the house and went to buy some groceries, but the boy was young and scared, and he feared that she would call the police that puts magic people in prison. So he put a few things in his suitcase and fled his homeland, without even saying goodbye to his older brother and sister." the young man scooped a tiny tear from his beautiful emerald eyes. It appeared to the girl that this entirely made-up story had moved him.

"Wasn't he scared to be out there all alone?" Vicky pouted and grabbed Gerry's sleeve tighter.

"He was. But his... magic tricks helped him get a few money and buy a ticket to the big city. Once there, he saw another article about a warm-hearted old man who helped out magic people like him, so he found out his phone number and called him to ask for help. The old man sent immediately a big metal bird to pick him up and bring him on the outskirts of an even larger city...there lied a big castle where lots and lots of other magic people lived and learned more magic. There, he met a boy who could transform himself into swords and another one that was a walking Information Line and they became friends. They helped him learn their language as best as he could and he soon could talk without making a fool of himself too often. But what he really wanted was to find an understanding soulmate who would be with him forever and love him for his weaknesses... And one fine day, it appeared that he did find... "

"This is a cheap ass fairytale", the girl complained. "It has no climax, no set-up and it's a slight rip-off from Harry Potter."

Gerry chuckled and hugged the rude little girl tighter.. "You're right. This story is too dull to be made-up...! So, why don't you tell me something else? What do you want to be when you grow up? A nurse? A teacher? A super-hero?"

The girl grinned enthousiastically. "I want to be a pimp!" she said out loud.

"A...what?" the young man gasped. He didn't know what that word meant.

"A pimp. It's a profession where you can take advantage of good-looking people with no money or future, make money out of them and build up an empire of whorehouses and porn films!" she explained to the clueless older boy.

"Uhm, okay." he mumbled, but the truth was that he didn't get at all what she said.

Far from them, Frank and Monique were taking a little break from all the pintless and extremely tiring running around, as they collapsed on the ground next to a running stream in order to catch their breaths.

"If Lola had told us that the picnic wasn't just for the eating I would have never set my foot in this accursed field..." the French beauty mumbled to herself, but she purposedly did it on a high volume so that Frank beside her would be able to hear her complaint. "And you...! The whole point of you is to know things! Didn't you see this coming?" she asked him directly.

"I did" Frankie smirked, scooping the sweat from his forehead with his T-shirt and exposing a bit of his sexy blue tummy to his friend. "I just didn't mention it because I wanted to watch your boobs bouncing up and down while running after all these see, my powers told me that you neglected to put on you bra this morning!" he teased.

"You ASS!" Monique responded and punched his shoulder, trying to hide her laughter.

"Yeap. I got a nice one!" he joked as he turned over and slapped his ass seductively. It seemed that all this fresh air and exposure to the sun had turned the unrelieved tension between them into good-natured fun. Frank reached over and started untying his shoe laces...

"What are you doing, you overgrown bruise?" she asked in mock-horror.

"Those shoes are killing me. I have to take them off!" he explained nonchalantly.

"But you aren't even wearing socks! Do you even realise how much your feet are going to stink after all that running around?"

"I'm immune to my own smells. The problem is you, prissy lady!" he teased as he kicked off his shoes.

"Oh no,no, you're gonna do something about those feet, cyan boy! I won't have them spoiling this beautiful day!" she said, but suddenly a subconscious telekinetic attack answered for herself. A force field of hers pushed Frank into the stream beside them, making him splash water all over the place when his tall lanky body made contact with the cold water!

"Why, you....!" he said as soon as he stood on his feet again (the water was only at the level of his thighs), and the cold water was making his wet shirt cling to his skin and his black nipples show through his clothing...He pulled a few wet strands of hair from his eyes and looked at a hysterical Monique...

"Well now we can consider your feet washed!" she managed to say between snorts.

Frank's mutant power was to know. What he knew at that moment was that he had to accept his fate and stop teasing his friend...she could kick his ass anytime his her telekinesis, and what his powers could do was only to tell him when she was in the mood for that...! He got out of the water, took off his shirt and trousers (revealing his enormous Care Bears boxers!) and lied on the grass, shivering as he tried to take as much sun as possible and dry himself out. "You'll pay for this, Monique Droillet", he mock-threatened through gritted (because of the cold, not the anger) teeth.

"Aaaaw, don't be mad at me...! I only did it by mistake! Here, you can have my coat" she said, although she didn't really want Frank to cover his body up...she never knew that the color blue could be so hot! And the Care Bears were a nice touch too, if not exactly classy...

As he hastily grabbed Monique's offering, Frank caught a glimpse at their sweet yet shy buddy, Gerry, who was sleeping on the root of an oak tree at the top of a distant hill and a little girl was laso sleeping on his arms. "Who's over there, hanging out with Gerry?" Frank wondered out loud, a little pissed that Gerry got to chill out and they got to deal with a massive crowd of high-on-sugar brats.

"Oh, it's Vicky, that little girl who never wants to play with the other kids...It seemed like Gerry kept her company...look at the two of them! I could just eat them up!" she swooned, and Frank got so jealous of her that he actually surprised himself.

Maybe Dave and Gerry were right when they said that he had the hots for that girl after all...!

I was chasing the robed figure for a couple of minutes now, and the chase wasn't giving me any progress yet. The stranger was still very ahead of me in running, and he just kept turning at the most unexpected paths running into the garden. I was beggining to lose my breath as I kept desperately running behind him. It turned out that all the extra practice hasn't given me any decent stamina when it came to running. Maybe because I was used to slash at my enemies with my sharp weapons and not run after them and sweat like a bitch in heat.

A few minutes later, the inevitable came; I lost him when he turned into a dead end made of thick bushes and flowers. I thought of searching a little around the place or slashing through these bushes as well, in order to see what could come out of it, but a familiar voice behind me interrupted my trail of thoughts.

"Hey! I was looking all over the mansion for you."

I turned around and saw Bobby Drake looking straight into my eyes. The sunlight was showering his hair, making it seem blonder than ever, and his hands were casually tucked into the loose pockets of his denim pants, showing that he has trying to hide some kind of akwardness.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, thankful that he didn't find me earlier, when I was sucking Peter's brains through his colossal cock. "I'm sorry I was so hard to find." I apologised, avoiding to explain what had I been up to the few previous hours. "What did you want me for? Is there anyway I can help?"

"Uh...Rogue broke up with me yesterday" he explained, looking down at his shoes, avoiding to look at me in the eyes. He looked more beautiful than ever.

"I didn't know about that..." I lied. "I'm very sorry about the two of you", I lied again, trying to sound compassionate, undersanding, yet casual and not overly caring. He was on the aftermath of an unexpected break-up and finding out that another boy was pining over him would only make him feel more confused.

"It's okay...the thing is," he explained, turning his head up to treat me with a view of the iceberg blue of his eyes, "that I saw the way you were looking at me the other day...and there were always rumours that you were"

"...So?" I asked nonchalantly, although inside I was somewhat terrified. I didn't like where he was taking this. Did he go looking for me only to tell me to piss off and stop checking him out, that he wasn't a perverted faggot like me and that I should keep my distance from him from now on? Did he came all the way down here to blow off some steam on the poor gay boy because his girlfriend broke up with him and he had nobody else to blame? If he was going to behave in any way like that, the crush I had for him would easily fade off and I would be able to get over him in no time.

Suddenly Bobby stepped closer to me and brought his lips onto mine, giving me a slow, sweet and tender kiss, and proving to me that my imagination was running wild and he was nothing like that.


Darlings! Please send me your reviews and feedback at: Tell me if you like the story and the direction I'm taking this. I'm such a feedback whore! You should do what's best for me and pimp me with your reviews, criticism and opinions! Tell me who your favourite character in the story is, so that I should know who should get the spotlight the most!

Next: Chapter 6

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