Slutty X Men

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on May 5, 2005


Disclaimer: This story contains consenting gay sex, and even when there is no hardcore sex described the plot and story will generally be about gay or gay-friendly characters, so if you're not interested in those kind of stuff you should stop reading now. The story is a complete piece of fiction and doesn't imply anything about the sexuality of the bunch of merry mutants, whose copyright belongs to Marvel, Stan Lee and Fox (for the movie version)

This is a story set in the X-men Movies Universe (aka Movieverse). However, I might use X-Men characters that hadn't been seen in the movies, but only in the comics. (and there's this whole bunch of mutants I created myself!) If you haven't read the comics there's no need to worry about not understanding stuff, since I will re-introduce those characters and won't use traits that they had on the comics. The story is about a new bunch of mutants in the Xavier Institute and their crazy and horny adventures, but the real X-Men will also be used a lot. I intend to write this story in soap-opera style but there won't necessarily be angsty and all about sad and tragic events, since I'm mostly oriented at writing comedy. I mean, there already many stories about new, gay mutants that join the X-Men here in Nifty Archives and I liked them all, but they also inspired me to write a similar kind of story with a whole new, less serious perspective!

The story is set a couple of months after the events in X2, so Jean Grey is dead, Nightcrawler's in the team, etc. It will be narrated from the main character's point of view. The POV might change in later chapters if I think it's necessary for the plot to unfold. The main character in this story is Dave, a new student at the mansion with the ability to transform his hands and legs into melee weapons, like swords, axes, maces and such stuff. He's going to experience a thrilling, weird, unsettling and incredibly sexy adventure against a mighty evil mutant who won't be revealed yet. :-)

Any comments, criticism and suggestions about new subplots and characters are absolutely welcomed! Just e-mail me at: or You can also tell me what you didn't like in my story and would prefer to change. Also, tell me if there is some certain X-Man that you would like to see participating in horny situations, I'm always open to suggestions!

Notes: This chapter establishes a mystery theme on the whole story...don't worry, it won't last for ever, and the revelations that will eventually come will certainly pay you off!

SLUTTY X-MEN Chapter 4: Whodunit?

I walked in the corridors of the mansion and tried to think of what to do. When I woke up this morning, I had the sweetest feeling in my soul, like the one that you have after a pleasant dream, or the morning after a passionate session of hot monkey sex.

Then I found out that the reality was a combination of the two. Somebody fucked my sweet little asshole and I thought I was dreaming!

Now I had to find out who did this and make him pay...

...well, no, actually I needed to find him and make him fuck me a little more!

I thought of all the possibilities and factors that could help me find the person who fucked me quickly. I could always ask Frank, and maybe his random knowledge thingy would point me to the direction of the nice fat cock that broke my cherry the night before.

But I didn't really want to involve Frank in the search for the gay man that had gay sex with me and made me more gay than what I already was, because Frank was a little too straight for all that gayness and the gay mental images could freak him out! Not to mention the teasing I would get from him, Lola and Monique if the knowledge that I lost my virginity to someone I couldn't remember having sex with ever got out!

No, I had to find another way, one which wouldn't include any of my closest buddies knowing.

Well, the answer was so obvious that I almost smacked myself for not thinking of it in the first place!

The Professor! He's the greatest telepath in the world. Even when he's trying not to pick our thoughts up (he's such a decent person, God bless him!), he still can't help knowing some basic things about his students without asking. I'm pretty sure he knew I was gay from the very first moment he saw me, and his incredible toleration and understanding to all of his students ensured me that he wouldn't have any problem being informed about my wet-dream-that-wasn't-a-dream-after-all.

I was sure that he would want to discover the man that walks around at night and breaks into his students' assholes, especially if I told him that my romantic and sexual happiness depended on finding that man!

I was already by the door to Professor Xavier's office, so I just opened it and walked in without knocking...why knock when the telepath inside has probably sensed my presence a couple of minutes ago?

What I found inside took me by surprise. Mr. Summers and Wolverine were in the Professor's office, but the professor was nowhere in sight. It looked like I had just interrupted them from a very grave discussion.

"Cripes, kid, don't you ever knock?" said Logan, probably indicating at the last time I peeked into a room without knocking...tee-he he!

"I'm sorry..." I apologized nonchalantly, "I need to talk with the Professor."

"Well he's not here, as you can tell. I'm sorry, Dave, but you can't talk to him." Cyclops said with a stern expression. He probably didn't like the fact that I barged in uninvited either.

" you know when will he be back? I really have to talk with him."

"You can't just come in and talk to Chuck whenever you like it, kid." Logan interfered.

"What? Should I make an appointment or something? This is Professor Xavier we're talking about, not the Queen of England! He's supposed to be there for us students!" I complained, not forgetting to raise an eyebrow for a defiance effect. It's always good to show the teachers around here that you're not their little bitch or something.

"Look, Dave, we're not trying to get rid of you, but...could you get out of here?" Cyclops said apologetically. "The Professor won't be back anytime soon. And Mr. Logan and me have a very serious conversation going on, a conversation of administrative level."

"Oh my God, this is about the Professor, isn't it?" I said with concern. "That's why he's not here...! That's why you guys are here and making decisions instead of him! What happened to him?"

Both Cyclops and Wolverine stared at me with cold features on their they were trying to hide something.

"God, I hate 'em when they're smart." whispered Logan.

"Look, Dave...the Professor is not in the mansion. He's gone away and we don't know exactly when he'll be back." Mr. Summers explained.

"Where did he go, on vacation? Why did he leave without informing the school bulletin first?" I inquired. This was getting quirky.

"He had to leave urgently...His...His sister is sick, and he's gone to visit her at the hospital. Yeah. That's why he left! " Cyclops added, then looked at Wolverine silently, like he was waiting for a confirmation.

I glared at him. Then I glared at Wolverine, raising my eyebrow again to piss him of a little. Then I glared back at Cyclops and said with the coldest voice I could summon:

"The Professor doesn't have a sister. I have checked his entire biography on the web."

"God, I hate'em when they're curious" Cyclops whispered to himself.

"Jesus Christ, Summers! You're the worst liar I have EVER met!" Logan shot at him. "Maybe we should tell him the truth", he added.

Mr. Summers contemplated it a bit, torn between his shame for being proved a liar and his sense of duty. "No. We cant just tell him! He'll raise panic in the whole mansion! And why did he need to talk to the professor in the first place? What need is so grave and urgent that this particular student should know and the others shouldn't?"

"I really really need a telepath's help! He's the only one that can find the man who...the man who..." I paused. Telling them that I needed to find the man who gave me the greatest orgasm ever would sound ridiculous and not at all a reason dramatic enough to make them tell where Xavier was.

"The man who...what? What happened to you, David?" Mr. Summers asked with concern.

I took my most dramatic expression and tried to force myself to cry as I pretended to tremble while saying the next few words...

"Last night...last night...somebody broke into my room and raped me." I sniffled. Well, according to the law, having sexual intercourse with an asleep person was considered rape, so I wasn't lying...!

"He's lying" Wolverine said calmly and smirked at Cyclops, who did a trouble-take at the sudden rash of all the contriving information. "He's lying, Summers. I can smell it on him. The kid is a big, fat liar. Well, actually, a young, well-muscled liar, but still a liar. He most certainly wasn't raped.", he said, snickering a litle.

Poop. There goes my last chance for an Academy Award. I wondered if he could also smell the scent of my phantom lover on me. Maybe if I hadn't been in such a hurry to take a shower this morning...

"Look, Dave. I don't know what's the matter with you, but you proved yourself a bit unworthy. We can't trust you with the knowledge about Professor Xavier's whereabouts." Cyclops resulted. "Could you please leave us?"

That was when I was enlightened. I still had a trick up my sleeve to play.

"Leave you? You mean, leave you two alone? So that you can get it on with each other again, only this time on the boss' office? Kinky, I know." I said with a big evil grin and a matching raised eyebrow. The ball was again on my field. Or court. Or whatever.

Cyclops gasped at the extent of the things I already knew. snikt! Wolverine popped his claws out, angry at my audacity to reveal the things I knew.

"Yes. I'm a peeping Dave, Mr. Summers. That was quite a hot little show the other day. Don't worry, I'm also gay, so I'm not going to judge you or something. Oh, by the way, Mr. Logan was aware of my presence all the time. He's quite the exhibitionist." I flashed an innocent smile.

"Why, you..." mumbled Logan, but he controlled himself and withdrew his adamantium claws. He had to deal with Cyclops angry glare now, so he couldn't bother with me.

"Listen, I know that you guys are shocked and all, but since I was secretive enough to keep your fucking sessions a secret, I can also do the same with the knowledge of whatever happened to the Professor."

They both knitted their eyebrows as they contemplated my arguments. Mr. Summers was already recovering from the shock my revelations had caused.

"Please, pretty please with sugar and cherries on top? Tell me the truth. I'm a trustworthy person. You can trust me. T-R-U-S-T." I flashed a Colgate smile.

That was when Storm walked in and saw the three of us standing there, looking at each other and not talking.

"Dave, what's the matter? What do you want here?" she asked.

"Miss Munroe..." I said, summoning my fake tears again. I was quite the actor! "That thing that was keeping all the teachers has to do with the Professor, doesn't it? Please tell me, what happened to him?" I sniffled.

"We can't tell him...!" Storm stated, looking over at Cyclops and Wolverine and looking for a confirmation on what she just said. "Can we?"

Cyclops and Logan looked at each other, torn between telling me and not telling me.

I shot them an evil look that went unnoticed from Storm, clearly letting them know that if I wasn't going to know the Professor's whereabouts, I was eager to glue thousands of announcements of their secret relationship on the mansion's walls.

They both grinned at me innocently, then Cyclops adopted his most serious expression and talked to Storm with all ominous forwardness:

"He have to tell him about the professor. The poor boy was raped last night and needs to find who did it...!"

********************************************************************************** A FEW MINUTES LATER...

I walked towards the cafeteria and tried to prevent my shock from making my knees shake.

The professor was in a coma, and Dr.McCoy was taking care of him in a special secret room in the school's infirmary.

Miss Munroe believes that Professor Xavier was poisoned, as they found traces of a powerful toxic substance in a cup of hot chocolate he had been drinking a few minutes before falling in the coma.

Logan and Storm were snooping around the place all day, looking for possible suspects or infiltrators.

Cyclops had taken administrative control with secrecy. No students should know what happened, because the infiltrator might one of them, plus the teachers didn't want to raise panic in the school.

Nightcrawler had replaced the Professor in his classes so he practically had no spare time to assist the others in any other way.

And me...well, I just had to keep my mouth shut and keep an eye for any suspicious activity. There was a big chance that the poisoning wasn't just an attempt for revenge from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, but also a way to knock out the only telepath so that the other members can attack the school at any time and attend to a greater plan. Maybe they poisoned the Professor in order to cover the presence of an infiltrator in the mansion...Xavier was the only telepath powerful enough to locate an infiltrator, so he had to get out of the way!

Obviously, they had much graver things to attend to than finding out who made love...eeer, raped me the night before.

But maybe they were already helping me.

Maybe the man who fucked me and the guy that poisoned Xavier were the same person. Maybe the man that could give me the greatest sexual satisfaction was an evil murderer from the Brotherhood of Magneto and, once he was discovered, I would have to declare my never-ending love for him and turn against the X-Men.

I imagined Bobby's old buddy, Pyro (I had seen quite a few pictures of him and he was a dish!) sucking on my engorged cock with those luscious, made-for-cocksucking lips of his. Coating my entire shaft with his spit while caressing the opening of his asshole with his own lighter...

...then I replaced Pyro's image with that of Toad. I imagined him digging into my ass with his humongous tongue, sending me to sexual paradise with his freakish rimming talents. Weird but horny!

Then I inevitably imagined Magneto ramming into my boy pussy and taking my anal virginity with his experienced dick.

Ew! Ewwwwww! Wrinkly old man! YUCK!!!

Thankfully, that last mental image prevented my cock from tenting my pants, because I had just walked into the cafeteria and saw Lola sitting in the most central table, eating her banana split and moaning in pleasure while doing that. Having the entire cafeteria seeing me sporting an erection would be kinda awkward, although it could get me some groupies...!

Seeing her sitting there, while she was supposed to be at the picnic with the smaller students alerted my already suspicious mind...!

That moment a whole new thought crossed my mind...! Nobody had ever seen Lola out of her drag clothing...! Nobody had seen her when she woke up in the morning, nobody knew what she looked like under all those tons of cloths and make-up!

For all we knew, she could be one of Magneto's men, possibly Sabretooth...! Nobody had seen him for over a year, and that's about the amount of time that The Glitter Princess was living in the institute...!

...or, even worse, she could be Magneto himself!

Maybe that filthy old man somehow snatched Lola, locked her up in his headquarters and took her place as the resident drag queen of the mansion! That would be the perfect evil plan of infiltrating the mansion and the X-Men without anyone finding out! Of course there's also a guy named Xorn in the Institute, a Chinese guy who always wears a stupid helmet because he's supposed to have a star for a brain, so he could also be Magneto, but I think it's too obvious an identity to adopt... pretending that you're a mutant ninja drag queen is even more mischievous that pretending that you're a Chinese mutant who always wears a helmet on his head because he has a star for a brain!

Well, okay. I had made my final decision. I would search for my phantom lover, but at the same time I would also try to locate the infiltrator, because then we might be able to restore Professor Xavier from his coma and he would be able to find my dream lover for me! It was a win/win situation!

I had two mysterious cases to solve and I had one starting clue for each one of them. For the "infiltrator" case, I had a starting point in finding who Lola really was...she could turn out to be innocent, but it couldn't hurt to find out. As for the "phantom fucker" case, I had one very important clue: I knew what my mystery man's cum tasted like. I had licked the cum off the finger that I inserted in my well-fucked hole this morning, and I remembered the exact taste and texture. It was very creamy, and it tasted salty like fresh goat cheese. Now, if only I could taste the cum from every male resident in this mansion, I would certainly find out who my mystery lover was!

Full of suspicion and determination, I sat beside Lola and glared at her, as she innocently gulped down the molten ice cream in her banana split.

"Howdy Lola. Weren't you supposed to be at the picnic, like you promised Ororo you would?" I inquired with a dead calm voice.

"Davey dear. To tell you the truth, I'm not very fond of kiddies either. They have this awful tendency to sit on my lap and pull on my fake boobs, and in the end of the day I end up looking like an old woman whose boobs are hanging off like a pair of loose testicles."

I winced at her intricate analogy. I also checked her face (tactfully) for any yucky old man wrinkles that could betray her real identity as Magneto.

"So, I sent Gerry to go at my place. Frank and Monique were already in for the picnic, and since my best girlfriend Ororo couldn't come I had no real reason to tolerate the little brats. Plus, you know how children adore Gerry. I felt like I was making everyone a favor anyway", she added and then checked her nails to see if they needed another polishing.

That was a good explanation, but I was still suspicious. I checked if there was any whitish old man hair escaping her fabulous red Marge-Simpson-style wig. No sign of white hair. Maybe she wasn't Magneto after all.

Or maybe that's what she wanted me to think.

Having nothing more to say (I obviously wasn't cut out for a detective), I glanced around to see who else was present at the cafeteria. I could see hunky Peter sitting at the opposite side of the place, gulping down a lemon juice and stealing glances at our own table. He was wearing a pair of ass-hugging shorts and a worn-out wife beater.

"Colossus is looking our way. Maybe he's looking for a rematch of the intercourse you had last afternoon." I grinned at The Glitter Princess, trying to look as if I suspected nothing of her.

"Maybe he's not looking at me, but at you, for a change." she said indifferently. "It's not like we're in love or something, Davey darling. Ooooooh", she gasped slightly as something new crossed her mind, "maybe he has a crush on me! Or maybe he's just plain horny. I really don't mind, Dave. You can have him, I don't want any exclusiveness!" Her eyes gleamed evilly at her next words: "EVERYONE should be privileged to enjoy that prime Russian beefcake!"

"Gee, thanks Lola." I groaned.

"Hey, who's THAT little ethically-challenged woman, sitting over there? She looks like she's asking for an instant gang-bang!" she asked all of a sudden, pointing at another table.

I turned around, trying to be as unnoticeable as I could. The woman Lola was pointing at turned out to be that little slut from the last night, Zazelle. Who knows what she might have done to poor innocent Gerry the other night! She had also ordered a banana split and she was sucking on the banana provocatively, pretending it was a yellow cock or something...! She was looking around to see if anyone was paying attention to her antics, then she abruptly took the whole banana in her mouth with one move and started munching on it.

Impressive, I thought. Maybe I should ask her to teach me how to do that.

Then another thought came up to me. Zazelle was also new here. Maybe she was the infiltrator...but if I was Magneto I wouldn't hire a stupid fake-boobed slut to do my evil chores. She's too much of a show-off, and infiltrating a mansion full of mutants requires discreetness... Plus, I certainly don't think she could be smart enough to spike Xavier's chocolate...!

The strange silence from my part didn't alert Lola at all. She just opened her Louis Vutton bag and pulled out a pack of Havana cigars. She brought it to her mouth and as she searched for her lighter in her bag, she turned her head around and stared at Colossus with innuendo...!

Peter's face suddenly blushed like a lobster! He finished his juice with one single gulp and got up to leave the cafeteria...

I looked back at Lola, intrigued at what had just occurred. "What was that?"


"When Piotr saw you with that cigar, he blushed and left the room! What's the matter?"

She giggled. "Reversed Monica Gate, darling, reverse Monica Gate."

"Huh?" I exclaimed. Lola was sure being cryptic today.

"Darling. You see this cigar I am about to smoke?"


"You see all these other cigars in this bag?" she asked, showing me a dozen of other similar cigars.

"I see them."

"Guess where all these cigars had been."

"Havana?" I guessed, making her giggle again.

"You're a young, innocent, gay boy, my dear. I meant a dark and sweaty place." she explained, and brought the tip of her cigar to my nose. "Smell this."

The tip of the cigar had the unmistakable musky smell of male ass. "OH MY GOD!" I squeaked, before trying to suppress my incoming laughter. "All those cigars have been inside Peter's ass?" I whispered hysterically. I think everyone in the room heard my supposed "whisper".

"Well, last night, a thought crossed my mind. "What if this turns out to be a one-night-stand and I never get to feel this body up again?" So, I decided to make some souvenirs for me. There you go. Reverse Monica Gate!" she concluded.

I was trying not to laugh out loud, but than another idea crossed my mind. Peter apparently had sex with Lola only the day before, so if there was one person able to tell me what Lola looked like under all the cross-dressing and the make-up, it was him! I had to talk to him.

"Lola, I've gotta go."

"You're following Peter? Way to go, darling! Take this with you, as a token of my wishing-good-luck to you." she laughed, and tossed me her cigar. I slipped it in my pocket and ran after Peter, gesturing her goodbye.

After exiting the cafeteria, Piotr wasn't walking so quickly anymore, so it was easy to follow him around the Institute. Finally, he got out and I followed him into the beautiful gardens of the mansion.

He ended up on a very remote part of the gardens, and in the end I followed him behind a series of large bushes that provided something like a hiding place behind them.

Just as I got through the bushes and got to the other side, I saw that Colossus was expecting me. His large, bulky frame was casting a shadow over me and his eyes were clouded with lust. He had a very strange expression on his face, like he was a zombie or something. Under his sweaty wife-beater, his huge erect man-nipples were clearly visible.

"What took you so long?" He mouthed, as he lunged at me, ripping my T-Shirt into shreds with one swift move and grabbing my face to bring our mouths together.

Hey, maybe this was the perfect chance to take a nice sample of cum, for my "Phantom Lover" case!!


Cumming Next: From Russia With Cum!

Mwahahahahaha!! I finished the chapter just at the beginning of the sex scene! I'm so evil!!! You guys can e-mail me and tell me what an evil bastard I am at: !!!

So...this is the chapter where the mystery begins and Davey wants to play cumrag-detective! Who's the mysterious fucker? Who's the impostor? Who the hell is under all that make-up that Lola puts on?? Keep reading and you might find out! lol! Please read and review...send me your opinion! I'm such a feedback whore! Don't you wanna be my pimps?

Next: Chapter 5

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