Slutty X Men

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on Apr 12, 2005


Disclaimer: This story contains (or will contain in the next chapters) consenting gay sex, and even when there is no hardcore sex described the plot and story will generally be about gay or gay-friendly characters, so if you're not interested in those kind of stuff you should stop reading now. The story is a complete piece of fiction and doesn't imply anything about the sexuality of the bunch of merry mutants, whose copyright belongs to Marvel and Fox (for the movie version)

This is a story set in the X-men Movies Universe (aka Movieverse). However, I might use X-Men characters that hadn't been seen in the movies, but only in the comics. If you haven't read the comics there's no need to worry about not understanding stuff, since I will re-introduce those characters and won't use traits that they had on the comics. The story is about a new bunch of mutants in the Xavier Institute and their crazy and horny adventures, but the real X-Men will also be used a lot. I intend to write this story in soap-opera style but there won't necessarily be angsty and all about sad and tragic events, since I'm mostly oriented at writing comedy. I mean, there already many stories about new, gay mutants that join the X-Men here in Nifty Archives and I liked them all, but they also inspired me to write a similar kind of story with a whole new, less serious perspective!

The story is set a couple of months after the events in X2, so Jean Grey is dead, Nightcrawler's in the team, etc. It will be narrated from the main character's point of view. The POV might change in later chapters if I think it's necessary for the plot to unfold. The main character in this story is Dave, a new student at the mansion with the ability to transform his hands and legs into melle weapons, like swords, bludgeons and such stuff. A description of him is being made in this chapter. He's soon going to experience a thrilling, weird, unsettling and incredibly sexy adventure against a mighty evil mutant whon't be revealed yet. :-)

Any comments, criticism and suggestions about new subplots and characters are absolutely welcomed! Just e-mail me at: or You can also tell me what you didn't like in my story and would like prefer to change. Also, tell me if there is some certain X-Man that you would like to see participating in horny situations, I'm always open to suggestions!

SLUTTY X-MEN Chapter 2: To Peep Or Not To Peep?

I was hanging out with Lola and Monique at our favourite hiding place; a small balcony at the very back of the Institute, that was attached to a room that nobody used. The balcony had a terrific view to the woods that were lying behind the mansion, so we had secretly placed a small round table and chairs (pretty much like those of a small traditional French cafeteria) and used it our secret headquarters or something. The fact that, for some mysterious reason, nobody ever approached the deserted room to which the balcony belonged to, was making our little hiding place perfect for gossiping and talking about boys...!

"I still don't get why did I even agree with you guys to create this 'hiding place'... " Lola commented while using airquotes for the last words. "I'm not an old lady with bungie-boobs yet, but neither am I a silly, boy-babbling teenager like the two of you...! What's the point of even having a 'hiding place' when I'm old enough to buy you some alcohol at the closest gay bar and hook you up with the best man-beef this side of the States...!"

"Yeah, like I would get hooked up in a gay bar...! Helloooooooooooooo? I'm a woman, Lola dear, apparently not a very popular choice for any self-respecting gay man." Well, Monique always had a thing for correcting logical flaws in the sentences of others.

"Plus, we're not even teenagers!" I added. "We're well above 19 by now. Just because we're 'students' in this Institute, it doesn't mean we're on a High School age. And the hiding place isn't a teens-who-want-to-feel-independent thing, we simply liked it as an idea! "

"Okay. Well, I wasn't going to get you at that gay bar anyway. You would only make an ass of yourselves in front of my buddies there. And there are enough opportunities to get yourself some beefcake even in this very School."

"Opportunities? What opportunities?" I jumped. I wasn't aware of any gay mutants around the school. Well, statistically there had to be some, I mean, 10% of the population are supposed to be homosexuals, so since there were a few hundrends of mutants who lived and studied or teached here, there should be at least 20 gay guys for me to spend a few very entertaining years while learning to harness my mutant abilities here. But there's no doubt that most of them would be too weird, or too young (I'm nineteen, they could be sixteen and get me in jail), or too pervy, or they could be the lying sicko stalker from Hell (yeah, that happens too!), or they might have thorns all over their body due to their mutation...which would leave me to the limited choice of ONE guy, at my age, normal, sweet, handsome, horn-free and above all, GAY.

Oh, Hell. I wish there was a way to change my current mutant power and trade my weapon-shifting limbs with a innate super-gaydar.

"Hey, Davey-boy! Wake up! You were drifting away again!" Monique snapped me off my trail of thoughts. It seemed that I was missing very crucial parts of the conversation.

"So, you were saying...?" I said, trying to hide my embarrassment. I could be really absent-minded sometimes.

"Look, you're a handsome fella. Lots and lots of our female mutant classmates undress you with their eyes every day. You must have noticed a couple of guys doing that too, right?" she continued. "I mean, a guy like you, with your cute button nose, your pouty lips, those ocean blue eyes, your sexy goatee..."

"Not to mention the hair. C'mon, people! He's got a black goatee and eyebrows and dyed blonde hair! Can't you see how gay he is?" Lola interrrupted.

"Lola, could you please shout a little louder? There's a plumber working at the basement, five floors lower than us who might not have heard you." I sarcastically commented.

" had your eyebrow pierced! How can they not tell that you're gay?" she said with mock irritation.

"Well, maybe it's because the 6'2 tall drag queen with the pink and fluorescent green nightgown and stilleto high heels I'm hanging out with somehow averts all the attention of their gaydar." I shot back with a smirk.

But she was right. I don't look like your average mutant-but-not-mutilated guy. I'm actually a black-haired guy, but I had my hair dyed bright blonde that really strikes out in comparison to my coal-black eyebrows and goatee. My left eyerbrow is pierced. I had it done the day I was to arrive at the Institute, and my expression of pain when I was greeting everyone in the mansion really put them off. It sure was one funny day! But with all these and some aspects of my behaviour, some of the gay guys (if there were any around here) should have been able to tell by now and try to hit on me or something. But noooo. Nobody cared to ask poor little Davie out. Did they think I was already attached to someone? Or did I look like an asexual creature? Or maybe...!

Oh my god...!

"I know what the problem is!" I shouted, suddenly surprised at my insight. "It's YOU, Lola! They probably know I'm gay, but since I'm hanging out with you so much they must believe I'm your bitch or something! So they don't make any moves because they're afraid of your righteous fury...!" I said, pointing my finger rudely at my tranvestite buddy.

"You wish, pretty-boy! But I'm looking for a MAN... Being with you would be like robbing a cradle! Plus, everybody knows I have a thing for Wolverine." she said teasingly, and then started flipping through the pages of her newest fashion magazine. Lola really was something. If I didn't like my men to look all manly and hairy, I might have made a move on her.

"Well, Lola sweetie, NEWSFLASH! Everyone has a crush on Wolverine." Monique interfered. It was a little surprising to hear these words from her lips. Monique was the perfect embodiement of the "Classy bitch" cliche. Straight and long black hair, a French nose (well, she was French , so that was pretty appropriate), opal black eyes and gorgeous lips, she looked like a model straight out of the pages of the fashion magazines she and Lola used to suck every word out of. But her telekinesis skills made her something more special than a bitchy daddy's little girl. She asked her (insanely rich) family to send her somewhere she could use her gifts to the maximum and they really had no problem giving her over to Professor Xavier, as long as she would promise that she would also attend a normal college as soon as she was over with her mutant training. It was really good to see that her parents loved her no matter what she turned out to be. I wasn't sure if I could say the same about my on parents. But that's another story...

"Dave! We're bloody talking to you! Don't you agree that Wolverine is a real hot piece of ass? Those hairy pecs, that bulky body, that fire in his eyes... Oh and that attitude...! I think he's hands down the sexiest creature on these grounds..." Lola said, bringing me back from the clouds.

"I don't know...Wolverine is sexy and all, but he's too 'sugar-daddy'-like for me...I mean, what's with you women and older guys?" I responded.

"I knew it!! You like Cyclops!" she shot with a smile of excitement.

"No, I don't like Cyclops either. He's too...conventionally handsome for me. He's just not my type. My taste in men is a little too unconventional for you girls."

"Too crappy you mean. Oh, give us a break, Dave! A gay man with bad taste in men? Must be an omen for the coming of the Apocalypse!" Monique snickered.

"Well, who do you like, then?" Lola asked with intrigue.

"Bobby Drake is a real cutie, since you asked." I said with a little remorse. I didn't actually want Lola to have that information. She was capable of trying to hook me up with any guy I might have mentioned.

"Bobby Drake? Oh you mean the Iceman guy who dates that girl who cannot be touched?" Monique intervened.

"You're right. He's adorable. Blondish hair, blue eyes, twinkish body. Hoobalicious!" my drag buddy mouthed as she gulped down the last drips of her Martini. "He's also gay." she added, making me choke on my coke.

"How can you know that?" I practically screamed at her, full of excitement and curiosity. By that moment, it was pretty obvious that I fancied the guy. Me and Bobby weren't the closest buddies, but I hanged out a lot with his girlfiend Rogue. Sometimes she gave me the impression that she was using me to make Bobby a little jealous.

"Well, helloooo? He's dating a girl he will never get to bed with. She's like, the perfect cover for every closet-case. He doesn't even have to smooch with her, but he still can pass as a normal, straight guy." she rambled.

"That could make sense...but has the idea that he might actually love the girl crossed your mind, Lola?" I tried to debate. He can't really be...available, can he?

"Could be true. But let's not forget that he's a 20-year old boy. Those kind of boys are usually more concentrated on the sex aspect of a relationship rather than the love one." she spoke, sounding like a true old and wise cynicist.

"I can't believe this" I said to myself. "Well, maybe we should ask old Frankie about all these...there's a 50% chance that he will know who's gay and who's straight in this school..."

"Yeah right", Monique said bitterly, "You know that Frank never shares his innate information unless it's absolutely necessary...or he wants to paly the little know-it-all as usual..." she was especially bitter when referring to Frank even when he wasn't around to be pissed by her comments...It was so obvious that she was mad about him!

"Where's Frank and Gerry anyway? Weren't they supposed to attend this little meeting as well?" Lola intervened.

"Frank is tutoring Gerry in English right now... Frankie said they were gonna use all they extra time they had to get Gerry to know more than the basics in the language..." I explained.

"Frank is tutoring someone in English? He hardly does his own homework!" Monique commented again.

"Well, of there's one student in this school that can answer most vocabulary-related questions with ease, that's our Frankie and his completely irritating random knowledge mutant ability!" I defended him.

"I can't see why Gerry would have to learn to speak decent English. There's nothing cuter than a handsome guy with a bad grammar and a foreign accent!" said Lola, finding me in complete agreement.

"Well, I know we're already less than expected, but I gotta go as well, my ladies. I have to make my usual call back home and reassure my parents that my boarding school classes are going well and what a great lawyer I'm gonna be once I finish this school and finally go to college." I excused myself, as I got up and walked over to the balcony doors.

"You still haven't told them you're mutant?" Monique asked in a complete shock. She just couldn't digest that not all parents are as open-minded as hers.

"I still haven't told them that I'm gay, why would I tell them that I'm also an enemy of the human species, a danger to the society at its' core?" I informed her.

"You're being a little over-dramatic and you know it" she winked at me as I walked inside the mansion.

"Maybe he should tell them that he's a gay and a mutant at the same time, then whichever aspect of him worries them would nullify the other one and he would have one less problem to deal with." Lola sarcastically commented. "Oh, will you look at these wonderful high-heels!" she pointed at one of her magazine's pages and motioned to Monique to come closer and look for herself.

I was walking by the quarters where the offices of every single teacher were, on my way to meeting Frank and Gerry and ask them if they wanted to join me at the cantine for something to snack on (thus giving them the excuse to stop the tutoring in English for the day). That was when I heard those strange grunting noises.

"Wolverine must be kicking someone's ass again!" I thought to myself and went looking for the source of all that grunting. After all, Wolverine was the only known mutant around here with an inclination to grunting.

I quickly found myself right outside Mr.Summers' office. "That's weird" I thought. "I remember all the stories about Miss Grey that Frank told us, but I believed that Cyclops and Wolverine were getting along very well lately.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked. The grunting behind it was getting heavier and heavier, making me devastatingly curious to see what the hell was happening in there.

I looked at the lock closely in order to find out what kind of lock it was, and it turned out to be one of those old ones, which needed one of those big and heavy keys in order to be unlocked.

I quickly transformed my index finger into a tiny, intricate stilleto, and shoved it into the keyhole, pushing it around to find the right angle, and eventually my intense battle with the keyhole turned out to be victorious...


The stilleto turned back into a pretty, not-so-manicured finger and I slowly opened it just a little, barely enough to have a peek of what was going on inside without being noticed.

What I saw inside surprised me so much that a vein on my left temple, just above my left ear, almost busted open!

I always thought that Logan and Scott Summers were getting along well, but not THAT well!

Wolverine was on his feet, leaning against the wall, his usually tight blue jeans were down to his ankles. Mr.Summers was on his knees, slurping on Wolverine's fat dick like it was the last popsicle on the planet! His left hand was resting on Wolverine's deliciously hairy thigh, and the other one was tugging on his hairy nuts with tenderness. No wonder why Logan was grunting so much!

"That's it. That's it. Suck it nice and slow, bitch. Work that cock!" he whispered to the man kneeling in front of him.

Cyclops freed Logan's cock from his mouth and held it close to him mouth, showering it with his hot, wet breath. "If I suck it...if I make it nice and slick...will you fuck my ass with it?" he said to the older man with slutty anticipation.

"I was gonna pound your ass anyway." the older man smirked. Now I could see what Lola and all those women saw in him...he really was hot, in this experienced, gruff, sugar daddy style that would make any younger man kneel before him, eager to suck his brains out through his monster cock. Mr.Summers smiled back at him and resumed sucking Logan's fat cock, faster than before, apparently producing more spit and slicking Logan's cock with it. Boy his ass surely was itching for that cock!

Logan suddenly put his hand on Mr. Summers's temple and interrupted the cock-sucking. "Take those glasses off. Keep your eyes closed for the rest of this...session." he told him and Cyclops obeyed, taking his ruby quartz visor thingy off and tossing it at the other side of the room. His eyes were shut tight now, one slip of his eyelids would be enough to put a hole through the wall and alert everyone in the mansion about their little male bonding there. The thought seemed to make both of them more excited.

It also made me more excited. Finding out that two of my hottest teachers were into other men, seeing them get their rocks off together, knowing what a little man-slut Mr. Summers made me real horny! I would have taken my cock out right then to jack off, but I was on a corridor where everyone passing by could see me. The fact that it was around three o'clock in the afternoon and most residents were having a midday siesta between the morning classes and whatever they planned to do at night was making my job easier because very few people would pass by at the time and see me peeking though the slit of the door at my teacher's office...

Wolverine grabbed Mr. Summers from both denim-clad asscheeks and raised him into his lap. He walked over to Mr.Summers' desk and pushed everything out of its' surface, too hasty to contemplate anything else other than sticking his big cock in his teammate's awaiting asshole. He made Cyclops lie on his belly on the surface of his own desk with his ass sticking out, and then...


...his long, menacing adamantium claws came out of his hands. He slipped his middle claw inside Mr.Summers' pants, and I could feel Cyclops squealing at the feeling of the cold metal claw against the sensitive skin of his ass. Then, with a single move, Wolverine pulled his arm upwards and slashed away the jeans that were between his cock and Cyclop's ass without even scratching the valuable treasure inside the jeans.

Boy that ass was damn hot!! The skin on it was spotless and smooth, the curve was perfect, the contrast between the pale buttocks and the tanned thighs and torso was making my cock suffocate in the confines of my boxer briefs and blue jeans. It was the perfect bubble butt, able to make the best gay bottom porn stars in the country green with envy.

Logan stroked lightly Cyclops' exposed ass, making him shiver with passion. Then he spanked him a little, making me shiver too. I would have given an arm and a leg to be a finger on the hand that was spanking Mr.Summers' exquisite asscheeks. Mr.Summers started yelping from the surprise he felt when Wolverine started spanking him, but I could tell that he was really enjoying it, because he was facing right at my direction. He couldn't see me though, because his eyes were shut tight after his glasses had been taken by Wolverine. I could see him biting his lips and licking them as Logan kept spanking harder and harder.

Suddenly Logan stopped spanking him and instead used his hands to part Cyclops's cheeks and expose the pink little asshole between them. He abruptly buried his face in that amazing ass and started eating it with a vengeance. Wolverine was the luckiest man in the whole fucking world at that moment!

But Cyclops himself wasn't in a worse position. He was now breathing heavily, beads of sweat were trickling down his forehead and his mouth was kept open for him to breath more air, it seemed like it was begging for another cock. I was tempted to walk over there and stick my cock into that mouth, but I didn't really want to find out whether Wolverine felt like sharing or not. Who could guarantee that he wouldn't be pissed and slice my cock like fresh salami? Mmmmm salami...that reminded me that I still hadn't eaten anything since that morning.

Cyclops was now holding the edges of his desk for support and was pushing his ass towards the mouth that was tongue-fucking him. "Fuck me...I need your cock Logan...please..."

"Your wish is my little cumrag." murmured Logan through the asscheeks he was rimming. He gave one last kiss on the left cheek and then got up, placing his cock on the crevice of Cyclops's ass. His cock was huge and shiny, coated by the slick saliva from the earlier blowjob it was given. Still, Logan let a good portion of spit fall from his mouth right onto his cock and used his hand to apply the spit evenly all over his dick. Then, without warning, he lodged his thick dick in Cyclops' virgin man-pussy with one single move, while using his left hand to muffle Mr.Summers to make sure that none of his screams would be heard.

I couldn't believe my eyes! Having his hand over Cyclops' mouth, Logan started long-dicking him, slamming his cock in Mr.Summers' anal entrance with quick, strong and merciless moves. That was so hot that I could melt right then and there from the horniness!

But those thoughts soon escaped my head, because something equally surprising happened. As I looked up at the fucking teachers again, I realised that Logan was looking right at me while fucking the brains out of Mr.Summers. Cyclops started sucking on the fingers of the hand that was previously muffling him, and Logan was still focused on me while he kept slamming his cock home. He didn't seem angry that I was peeping on them though. He smirked and then winked at me with a sneaky expression on his face.

Of course! Wolverine could fucking smell my presence there from the very first moment! He was only pretending that he didn't see me so that I would alo get to enjoy the show! I was such a fool. But what should I do now that he let me know that he knew I was peeping on them?

I'm actually embarrased to admit this, but these thoughts made me have a little panic attack and close the door entirely, blocking my access to the fucking teachers. I thought that I had seen enough and ran away from there, remembering to pay a visit to Frank and Gerry who must have been still studying at the other side of the mansion. I didn't think I would have the courage to look Wolverine straight at the eyes for the next few, make that months!

But I surely was curious about the nature of Logan's and Cyclops' relationship... They used to be around each other in classes and stuff but they had never given me the impression that they was sexual tension between them... There was also the fact that Frank would have probably mentioned if either Cyclops or Wolverine was gay... I mean, he can never keep bombshells like these a secret from us! Especially his gay best buddy who's in a desperate need of getting laid with another guy!

This situation was suspicious and I really had to know what the hell was going on... I really had to know why Wolverine and Cyclops got it on with each other...

...what I couldn't possibly know was that someone else was watching me as I walked away from Mr.Summers' office, and that person certainly knew what was going on and was silently laughing at me...


Please guys, read and review! Send me your comments at and tell me your opinion on you want more sex on the story? More plot? Any specific mutants that should get fucked? Do you even like the characters I have created? :-)

Next: Chapter 3

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