Slutty X Men

By Dimitris Nikolopoulos

Published on Jul 3, 2009


Disclaimer: The X-Men are not mine! They belong to Marvel! Please don't sue me Marvel...! I don't have any money anyway. As for the unprotected sex... this is just a story, and mutants can't get AIDS anyway! Always use condoms in real life, they protect you from STD's and getting pregnant up the butt!

This story is hella gay, with gay sex, glitter, divas and drama queens everywhere. But I guess, if you guys had a problem with that or reading such a story is illegal for your country and age, you wouldn't be browsing in Nifty in the first place!

Any comments, criticism and suggestions about new subplots and characters are absolutely welcomed! Just e-mail me at:


Chapter 12:

Wrapping Up

Emma Frost got up from her chair and slammed her hand on her office. "Donna Summers is going to do WHAT?!?"

"Sue our bubbly, toned asses." I chimed in, getting evil looks from everyone else in the room... my aunt Emma, Donna Summers, her lawyer She-Hulk, Cyclops and Wolverine.

"And exactly what are the charges?" Emma Frost asked again, collecting herself and sitting back on her comfy chair.

"Copyright Infringement, Miss Frost. The X-Men recently used my client's image on one of their missions, not to mention that they broadcasted one of her songs without any kind of consent from her side. That's why Mrs.Summers wants to exercise her right to sue the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning for quite a large amount of money."

"Nothing I couldn't afford, I'm sure." Emma laughed sarcastically. "You really think you can hurt the mutant cause this way? I am one of the ten wealthiest people in the Western Hemisphere, Miss Walters. I can buy your client ten times over and have her sing in my bathroom when my guests are using the bidet, darling!"

Donna Summers ogled her eyes with disgust. "You heard that, Jennifer? That's a RACIST comment!" she then turned to Emma. "I'm suing you for that, too, young lady!"

"Please, Mrs. Summers." Emma scoffed. "I know for a fact that your lawsuit on Mystique's singing won't even go to court. It would be like suing someone for singing a song of yours in the bathroom, or in a karaoke party. On the other hand, your lawsuit on Mystique assuming your image might go to court but won't stand a single chance by the time it's over. I know that for a fact, because I have borrowed many psyches from lawyers in my old, naughty times... We can easily prove that this action was necessary to be taken in order to save an innocent life, and that will make you look like an old hag whose time has passed and is desperate to draw attention from the media..."

"How DARE YOU! You plastic bitch! That's another lawsuit coming! I DEMAND to be respected...!!!" Donna Summers seemed to be extremely pissed off. In fact, she was turning red with rage... and suddenly her clenched fists were glwoing red and seemed about to explode... when, abruptly, red beams of extreme heat began shooting out of her fists and flying randomly in the room, threatening to kill all of us!

"Watch it! Donna Summers is outta control!" I heard someone behind me scream. Suddenly, a naked Gerry (who must have been invisible and peeping on us) materialised out of nowhere and tackled me into the floor, saving me from a beam which was about to take my head off. .

She-Hulk and Wolverine weren't equally lucky. Massive beams hit them right on the chest, throwing Wolverine through the wall and the huge, green lawyer outta the window. Thankfully, I was pretty sure both of them could handle it. I wasn't so sure about Cyclops and my aunt Emma.

The majority of the beams were heading towards Emma and I was pretty sure my mom was going to be an only child from now on, but strangely enough my aunt turned into a living diamond lady and all the beams bounced off grafecully.

Cyclops wasn't so lucky. A small beam that bounced off of Emma then rikocheted into the mirror behind him and ended up burning his butt. I don't blame the disco diva, though, it was pretty obvious that she was as surprised about this burst of power as we were."Ouch! What the--" he tried to yell, only to be cut off by Emma. Having again turned normal, she produced a mental wave of calmness around the room, sending us all into nirvana. Donna Summers' fists immediately stopped glwoing as she slumped on a chair, semi-conscious. Cyclops landed on his butt without even saying one word, while Gerry had somehow ended up on top of me, with my face buried in his butt, which was daring me to tear the g-string between those glorious globes with my teeth!

"This is no time for awkward boners, my darling nephew" my aunt spoke into my head, as she implanted in my mind mental images which showed my grandmother stripping off to have a shower and posing like a pin-up girl. My upcoming boner instantly faded away. Probably forever!

Finally, it was Donna Summers who broke the silence. "Lordy. THAT was one unexpected development!" she said, staring into the void.

"So, Donna Summers is a mutant." I said. After witnessing such a shocking revelation, all the people who were present had locked ourselves in one of the conference rooms, trying to come up with a solution to all this.

"Any of you lets this leak to the media, and my client's suing you all for defamation." She Hulk threatened. She was a little more pissed off than usual, since that beam earlier had burnt off her blouse and bra and thrown her into the yard so that all the students could see her giant green mammaries. She was currently borrowing one of our curtains and using it as a top.

"Good to know. I'll telepathically inform all the tabloids I own back in Britain. A fraction of the money I'll make from the breaking news will be enough to repay your client." Emma smiled sarcastically and put her index fingers to her temples, pretending to concentrate so that she'd make her threat substantial.

"NO! Please don't do this to me, Miss Frost, I know I haven't exactly been kind to you, but doing such a thing would destroy my career!" the disco diva pleaded.

"What career?" Gerry scoffed, turning all heads to him.

"Don't be mean, Gerry dear, it really doesn't suit your nature." I smiled to him, making him blush.

"Actually, since Mrs.Summers' powers just manifested, and since this Institute is an all ages school for mutants..." Cyclops started forming an idea...

"You must be kiddin' me..." Logan gave him the evil eye.

"On the contrary, I don't believe that's a laughable idea." Emma interrupted. "Making Donna Summers a student here could help both parties."

"That's exactly what I meant to say!" Cyclops smiled - which was kinda rare for him. "We get to not be sued in any way whatsoever, she gets to learn to control her powers and therefore have the choice not to reveal her mutation to the public."

"It's a win/win situation!" I exclaimed enthousiastically.

Donna Summers shot a sideways look to her lawyer, who nodded in consent. "Fine. But only if I get the fast learner's course, I don't exactly have years to spend in training, as you'd understand..." she finally said.

"Then it's settled!" Cyclops got up from his seat. "Now all you have to do is get tested by our resident scientist so that we find out exactly what your mutant power is and how it affects things..."

As Scott Summers walked to the door to unlock it, we all realised something; the beam that hit his behind earlier had burnt away the back of his pants, and his bubble butt was hanging out for everyone to see. I guess the air conditioning was very subtle, because otherwise he would have felt some chill in his butt and realised his condition...

As we all stared at the heart-shaped birthmark on his right buttock (something that I didn't notice when I peeped on him getting fucked by Wolverine that fateful day), Cyclops unlocked the door and turned around to face us, only to realise that most of us were looking at him. I think that I might have had some drool trickling down my chin, too.

"Is something wrong?" Cyke asked with concern. We all assumed some incredibly innocent (and incredibly fake) smiles and answered "no" in unison. I'm sure he'd realise what was wrong by the time he got back to his room and tried to change cloths, but that awkward moment was something that the rest of us had dodged.

Strangely enough, I noticed that Donna Summers wasn't scandalised or drooling at having seen Cyclops' ass. In fact, she looked like she had seen a ghost! She promptly got up from her seat and followed Cyke to Beast's lab, obviously shaken up and without saying a single word.

Right behind me, I heard She Hulk getting up from her seat and approaching Wolverine. "So, Logan, before I leave this place, how about re-enacting that wild night we had on Baghdad that one time?"

Woah, she really was straightforward! Sure, slutty too, but... good for her!

Wolverine walked over to her sexily, sucking some smoke from his cigar. He brought his face very close to hers (quite a feat, due to the height difference!) and said with a husky voice: "Sorry darling. I'm sorta gay now." Then he up and left.

"Hope it wasn't my fault... I wouldn't stand it if it happened again!" I heard her whispering to herself.

I was sitting on the large, comfy sofa in the TV room, eating some pot pies, watching reruns of South Park and contemplating how to solve the mystery of my phantom lover without humiliating myself to my friends and teachers. Zazelle wasn't going to spill, so I had to find another way.

First thing that came to my mind was to "convince" my aunt Emma to search in Zazelle's head for the answers I needed. Sure, it wasn't exactly ethical, but what Zazelle was doing wasn't ethical either, and, bottom line, since when did Emma Frost gave a flying fuck about ethics?

My only problem with this was, did I really want to let Emma know I was gay? I know she wouldn't mind (and she probably knew already, after my boner incident earlier that day), but letting her know while my actual parents didn't know wasn't fair to them and could provoke unwanted complications... plus, my initial plan was to find out who my mysterious lover was without letting ANYBODY know. Getting help from aunt Emma kinda made that point moot.

Another solution would be to have Cyclops let me look in all the security camera tapes of that night. This way I'd eventually find which ones were walking close to my room at night and narrow the suspect list down a little. Plus, Cyclops and Wolverine kinda knew about the phantom lover thing already, so that was helpful to me. On the other hand, when I told them I kinda lied to them and let them think I was raped instead of fucked into ecstasy, so if they get more involved with finding the mystery guy they'd kick his ass and I'd never get the chance to make him fuck me again...!!!

One of the older students, Kitty Pryde, appeared next to me. Or, more accurately, her head phased through the sofa and smiled at me. "Haaaay David! Gee, that pot pie looks mighty delicious! Can I have it?"

"No." I said, resuming my train of thought. Kitty was a very nice girl, but very irritating at times. Although her powers were like Gerry's intangibility, but a hundrend times better (she could actually control it perfectly and use it on several other people too) and she was a great computer whiz and had a black belt in karate, her personality wasn't as badass. She was one of those girls who would act all cute and kitten-y to make men bend over for them.

"Oh, pleaaaaaaase, Davey? This must be the only pot pie left in the mansion!" she noted with a singy song voice,

"I know. I was first in the kitchen and took them all" I smiled.

"And you ate them all? What the hell? Are you pregnant or something?"

"I just have a healthy appetite. I need food to build all those muscles!" I said, flexing my bicep for her to drool on.

"Stop teasing me with more things I cannot have!!!" she yelled. "Now GIVE ME THAT POT PIE!"

"NO KITTY! THIS IS MY POT PIE!" I screamed, and stuffed the whole thing in my mouth to make my point. Kitty just stormed out.

"BAD KITTY!" I yelled at her back. Then I resumed watching South Park, having decided what to do about my phantom lover situation. "Eric Cartman, you rule so fucking much" I said to the screen as I gulped down the pot pie.

Dead Girl looked at me with intense disbelief.

"You should start writing fiction, David Darrington" she told me with a scoff.

"You mean, you don't believe me?" I asked pleadingly.

"Why should I? Why the hell should I believe that a slut like you never had his ass tapped 'till a couple of weeks ago? That some guy you don't even recognise took your anal virginity and you thought it was all a dream?" she said in exasperation. Yeah, it might have been too much information to handle all at once.

"Because I want you to help me find him, Vivian!" I stated. "You're the only friend I have from so many years back and the only one I'm comfortable sharing this akward information with!"

"Ooooh NOW I get it. You want me to go beat Zazelle up and make her spill the beans about who she hypnotized into having sex with you? I'm sold! Count me in!"

"That's not the plan of action I had in mind...!" I tried to explain. "I was thinking something more along the lines of you helping me break into the security room and find the security tapes of that night... I have noticed a security camera in the hallway close to my room's door so there's a chance it might have picked up who entered my room around the time I got deflowered...!"

"That's not a bad idea... although I would have prefered a plan that involved me kicking ass..." I heard Vivian complain.

"What's the matter honey?" I asked with concern. "I can tell that something's not clicking lately..."

"Well," she said, "to make it nice and simple for you... my life got fucked royally. I used to be a somewhat normal girl, now I'm a dead person who turned out to be a mutant after death and I'm stuck here... I can't see my family, I'm living in a completely new place and I'm not sure I can adjust... I can't even be an emo anymore, like I used to be! The music I used to listen to doesn't seem so hardcore anymore, not after my life changed like this. I can't even pretend to cut myself up, it's gonna heal within seconds... and I can't obssess over death anymore, because not only am I already dead, but I'm also immortal! I have NOTHING to look forward to, other than eventually outliving everyone I love or remotely like and ending up an old, immortal, lonely wretch..."

"Whoa" I heard myself saying. "And I thought my problems were big...!" Indeed, obsessing over a nice fuck seemed kinda selfish when my oldest friend had such major existential issues...!

"...which is why I'd really appreciate the chance to kick some ass and let off some steam that way..." Vivian added.

" could get off all that steam sexually..." I said without thinking. Duh! My mind went to the sex issue once again!

"Why, Dave... are you coming on to me...?" Dead Girl walked up to me sexily, mock-flirting with me...

"I just thought maybe it's about time we find you a girlfriend. That would get your mind off things and prompt you to live your life instead of worrying about it."

"UN-life." she corrected me. "Good advice, Captain Obvious! Like I haven't been looking for a chick all the time I'm here. UGH! It's just so hard to find a super-lesbo in this place. On the other hand, the gay boys in here seem to be crawling from under the woodwork..."

"You just gave me an idea! We could beat Zazelle until she turns a hot girl lesbian for you!" I mock-proposed.

"Yeah, right... NOW you feel like beating up Zazelle!" she scoffed.

"Vivian!" we heard a voice calling from behind us. It turned out to be Frank, who was walking next to a strange girl. The girl had a uniform partially made out of fur, and a big furry squirrel-like tail came out from the back of her pants. Maybe she was European, I heard that some weird new fashion trends are popping out there lately. "Here's somebody I want you to meet. She's a new student here and she could use a guide around the mansion for her first day."

I was about to ask Frank why couldn't he show the new girl around himself, but then I noticed Vivian's face lighting up. "Nice to meet you. I'm Vivian..." she said, as she extended her hand to the new student. "My codename's Dead Girl."

"And I'm Dave!" I managed to squeak out as I noticed Vivian devouring the new girl with her eyes. She was cute, alright. Brown hair in a neat short bob haircut, brown eyes, weird but intriguing eye-liner around the eyes... she had a goofy but adorable style.

The new girl did a giddy little happy dance and grabbed Vivian's palm with both her hands, while she twirled her furry tail - who turned out to be REAL!- around mine! "My name's Doreen!" she said, flashing us a huge toothy smile that showed us her two front squirrel-like teeth. "My codename will be... Squirrel Girl!"

"You and Doreen have a lot in common, Vivian. Why don't you show her around right now, make sure she's filled in everything she needs to know about this place." Frank proposed, gently shoving Squirrel Girl on Vivian's arms.

"Right away, boss" Vivian said nonchalantly. Never mind the fact that she was also new to this place and didn't know shit yet! Just the other day, I saw her walking into the girls showers thinking it was the restaurant... or maybe she did that on purpose?

The girls walked away from us before I could say anything more. I turned to Frank and confronted him about what had just happened.

"Okay, this was bizzare on so many levels. Why did you just assign this girl to someone who doesn't really know how to show her around?" I asked.

"Foolish boy." he responded with a friendly laugh. "I just needed an excuse to introduce them to each other. By the end of the day, none of them will care about proper knowledge of their new surroundings."

"You mean you just wanted to hook them up? How did you know that Vivian would be into a furry girl? Or even that Squirrel Girl might be a lesbian?"

Frank looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "You're a real blonde, aren't you?"

"Oh! Right!" I exclaimed. "Your power lets you know stuff. All kinds of stuff. But wait... you said that by the end of the night they won't care about their new surroundings. How do you know whatever's gonna happen tonight?"

"Let's just say... my unstable new power-up... sometimes lets me know things about the future. I knew far more than simply if those girls liked each other. I'm just speeding things up." he said, then turned around to go.

"Wait! If you know all kinds of stuff, then do you also know about..." Too late. He had already left. As if he knew what I was about to ask, and didn't want to answer.

The next day, I was walking right outside the infirmary trying to find my friends when I heard moaning from inside. Perplexed, I stuck my ear on the door and listened closer, only to realise that the moans belonged to... Lola and Gerry?!?!


With a primal scream I barged into the infirmary screaming "Get your hands off him you backstabbing bitch!"... only to realise that I had just made an ass off myself.

Lola and Gerry were just standing besides a comatose Magneto (to whom Lola liked to sing lately), singing Donna Summers' "Love to Love You Baby" together.

"Have you gona daft, Davey-buns?" Lola asked. We were just singing... and why exactly would you have a problem if Gerry and I did the deed?" she raised an eyebrow, as if trying to bring out some deeply hidden truth.

"I...I..." I stuttered. "I knew you were just singing! But Gerry is supposed to do a duet with ME in the karaoke contest and you're stealing him from me!" I said, hoping that they'd believe me.

"It's not practice for the karaoke thing." Gerry mumbled. "It's just a one-time thing. You know, for fun..."

"No worries Gerry babe." Lola cut him off. "Get those microphones back the the karaoke machine in the end of the room, I'll keep singing in my own... no need to make our little diva feel threatened."

As Gerry walked away from us, Lola grabbed my chin and made me face her. "You're not convincing me, Davey. You DID believe we were fucking. But why would you be so upset about it?"

I was lost for words initially, but then I managed to blurt something out. "You guys are... friends! And friends should never fuck each other! It makes things complicated and hurtful!" I explained with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah" she said, half-convinced. "Except for that time when Frank sucked all of your cocks."

"That was under very special circumstances." I reasoned.

"Yeah, yeah." she wrapped up, as she saw Gerry walking back to us. "But let me just make it clear... if I found out that YOU ever fucked one of your friends, and it was worth it... I would congratulate you instead of being upset." she said looking meaningfully at Gerry. Just as he reached us, Lola started saying something completely unrelated so that he wouldnt realise we were talking about him. "Oh! Poor Magneto! Will he ever wake up from this coma? I'm betting he wasn't such a bad man as they say..." she said melodramatically and pecked Magneto on the forehead, making me cringe.

"I hope you're not developing a crush on an old, half-dead man... that would be fucking creepy." I stated.

"So, why were you looking for us?" Gerry asked.

"In fact, I was looking for YOU" I said and grabbed both his shoulders. "We need to practice our duet, buddy" I added, rubbing his shoulders a bit. "So stop wasting your talents on Lola and her coma fetish and come to my room."

"Still wasting your time on that stupid contest, losers?" We heard a voice from behind us. We turned to see that bitch Surge leaning on the door cockily. "There are more important things going on, and you didn't even notice..."

"And what would those important things be, Noriko?" Lola asked with mocking gentleness.

"The Headmistress just announced the line ups for this semester's teams. You're in for some big surprises, suckers!" she laughed, then walked away.

"Bitch" we said in unison. Then I saw Lola grab her pink glittery iPhone.

"Oh! There's a new update on the bulletin board but I didn't hear the notification earlier. There's a list with all the new teams..."

All three of us looked at Lola's iPhone and read the list carefully:

STORM Surge Jubilee Dust Pixie Psylocke

"So Noriko's still the leader in Storm's team. No wonder she's still so cocky." Lola commented.

WOLVERINE Iceman Rogue Wither Cannonball Armor

"Bobby made team leader in Logan's team? Must be some good karma after all the things he went through... the kidnapping, I mean!" I said.

EMMA FROST Monet Lady Mastermind Anole Hellion Northstar

"Ha! A team made up completely of bitches and prissy gays...! Priceless! Your auntie sure got herself a handful!" Lola laughed.

BEAST Wolfsbane Feral Thornn Vivisector Wolf Cub

"What is this, the Lupine Avengers?" Gerry raised an eyebrow. "All members of this team are wolf or cat-like Beast himself!"

NIGHTCRAWLER Colossus Kitty Pryde Siryn Sunspot Rictor

"Yeah. That will be akward. The teacher and the team leader fucked each other's brains out during Zazelle's reign. I hope this isn't a case of couch-casting." I rolled my eyes.

SAGE Madrox Gin Genie Squirrel Girl Big Bertha Lacuna

"What the...?" I don't even know what to say to this. I REALLY wanna see those guys compating on the League. Their powers are priceless." Lola said.

"What do you mean?" Gerry and I said in unison.

"Let me explain. Madrox can duplicate himself until he's an army of powerless men. Gin Genie is an alcoholic that can infect other people with her inebriation, Squirrel Girl has a big squirrel tail and can talk to squirrels, Big Bertha can turn obese and Lacuna... I don't know that one. But she must be equally lame."

"Said the ninja drag queen." Surge commented from the door. She must have returned without us realising.

"DON'T MAKE ME CUT A BITCH!" Lola yelled, showing Noriko her deadly slashing feather boa.

"Just cut to the chase, will you?" Noriko said in exasperation. Look at Cyclops' team."

We did accordingly.

CYCLOPS Melee Lola The Glitter Princess Stalker (Gerry) Dead Girl Donna Summers

"What the...?" "No FRICKIN' WAY!" "I don't wanna babysit an old woman! Even if she's a disco legend!" "Why US?" "And where the hell are Frank and Monique? They're not on our team, or anywhere in this stupid list!"

"I guess we have some explaining to do." Cyclops said, walking in the infirmary. Behind him, Noriko started cackling satanically and walked away. "I needed to have Donna Summers under my supervision... and I needed the star-studded Honorary X-Men team -that would be you guys- to show her the ropes."

We stopped nagging, taking in the compliment.

For two seconds. Then we started nagging again!

"Why such a special treatment to Donna Summers? Is it because she's a CELEBRITY?"

"No. Something else is the matter. But... I cannot tell you. It's personal."

"It's okay. We can tell them, dear!" Donna Summers said, as she walked in and kissed Cyclops in the cheek.

"ICK!!!" I yelled. "You're cheating on Wolverine with Donna Summers?!?!?! She could have been your GRANDMOTHER!"

Cyclops slapped his forehead in exasperation. "She... IS my grandmother. And thanks for outing me to her, by the way..."

We started looking each other awkwardly. "Wha...?"

"As if the common surname wasn't enough..." Donna started explaining, "I realised who he was when I saw his buttcheek the other day. Scottie has the trademarked Summers family heart-shaped birthmark on his butt! Just like ME!" She said, pulling up her skirt and showing us her right buttcheek. She DID have the same birthmark we noticed on Cyclops' bubbly cheeks the other day.

"Grandma!" Scott complained.

"Double Yikes!" Lola blurted out. "My virgin little eyes! I'm never gonna have breakfast that late again!"

"So Scottie here is my lost grandson. It turns out my son once had a sexy run-in with a woman who turned out to be Scotty's mom. But they never saw each other again and she died soon after giving birth to Scotty, so he ended up in an orphanage without me ever knowing about his existence." she said, a tear trickling down her cheek. "The very second I saw his butt, I called my agent and had her check the orphanage files. Then I called my children and asked them if they ever knew Scotty's mom... I revealed everything to him the second I was sure about this."

"Cyke, you're on a roll!" smiled Lola. "First you get yourself the hottest boyfriend ever, then you discover you're born from celebrity blood! Good to be you. "

"Her being my grandmother also explains how I got my mutant genes. Even our powers are similar in nature." he said with a repressed smile. God forbid Cyclops ever lets himself seen to tear up from happiness.

"It also explains why you're gay." Donna added.


"I'm a frickin' gay icon! Makes sense that my grandson would be gay and dating a muscle man, doesn't it?" she said hugging her gay grandson.

"Okay then. I'm in for helping Mrs.Summers out with her mutant powers, but what about Frank and Monique? Why aren't they in the same team with us?" I asked, concerned.

"They're not in the list at all, actually." Scott corrected me. "But it's not my place to tell. You'll have to ask Frank himself about that.

"Let's go do that, then."

Lola, Gerry and I finally found Frank in Monique's room. Monique was standing right outside, with a grim look on her face.


"He told me you'd come here eventually. Told me to wait for you." she said. She looked like she had been crying earlier.

"What is going on?" Gerry asked, hugging her. In our way, he had also taken his bunny, Fluffy, from his room, so now he was trying to hug Monique with a bunny in his arms.

"He said he wanted to explain. Go in, my friends, he's right inside."

We left Monique outside and went in, and what we saw was quite disconcerting. Frank was looking like crap, and he was lying on Monique's bed, he had gone all pale, as pale a blue guy can go anyway.

"FRANK! Are you alright?" I ran to him.

"I am...and I am not. It's not as bad as it looks right now... It comes and goes, like intense dizzy spells."

"What caused this?" Gerry said, wiping his incoming tears on his bunny. Lola wrapped her arms around him, conforting him.

"It's my recent power-up. It made my powers unstable. At times, I know almost everything, even things from the future. At other times, I know nothing. This is taking it's toll on me."

"Maybe you just need time to get adjusted to this... and then you'll simply know everything, without it coming and going." Lola tried to give him hope.

"I'm not sure if that would be a good thing. I only have one mind... if all the past,present and future knowledge in the world stores itself in my mind... will my brain be able to take it?"

"So you knew things from the future? Is this why you did what you did yesterday with Dead Girl and Squirrel Girl?" I realised.

"Yes. I'm trying to speed things up... wrap things up... help you guys with your problems before I go. However I can."

"Before you...go? You're leaving us?" Gerry now started crying, bless his heart.

"Don't cry, Gerry. It's for the greater good. There's a mutant woman named Layla Miller, and they say she already knows everything. She lives in Switzerland, so Monique is taking me there, in case Layla is able to help me out. Train me into making way for all the information, or into blocking out info until I need to know it, I don't know, whicever comes first. Before it's too late. But we have to leave quickly. In two days tops."

"I understand. If it's the only thing that can help you, then you absolutely have to go. After all, it's our fault that you're into this predicament... you sacrificed yourseld to save the lot of us, and you took the power up that was meant for Zazelle." I said.

"Don't ever say that again. It's nobody's fault, these things just... happen. And don't worry about me, you guys... from the few things that I saw from the future... I'll probably end up okay. Now could I please have a moment with Dave?"

"Sure...we'll leave you alone." Lola said, taking Gerry out with her.

That way I didn't see something that might turn out important later. Right outside, Monique approached Lola and Gerry to talk to them apart from me.

"Frank made me promise to do this." she explained to them. "He told me to give you this, Gerry..." she said, giving Gerry the printed sheet music and lyrics of a specific song. "Keep doing your duets with Dave, but practice on this one too. He said it might come in handy."

Gerry let the bunny on Lola's arms and grabbed the piece of paper. He didn't really recognise the song.

"So, is this a "words from the future" thing? What did Frankie boy have in store for me?" Lola asked.

"Nothing. He said you're doing just fine and need no helping hand... Keep being the fabulous, gentle creature that you are, kicking ass at night and serenading comatose terrorists in the morning" smiled Monique.

"Well, that's quite the cop-out." Lola rolled her eyes.

Back inside, I was oblivious to what was going on with Monique. So I turned to Frank and asked him straight this time.

"You knew what I was gonna ask you yesterday, didn't you?"

"I did. You want to know who your phantom lover is."

"Yes! So, you know who it was?"

"I do."

"Pray tell..."

"But I cannot tell you"

"Wha...? That's a cop out! I'd hit you, if you weren't in pain and I wasn't extremely sad that you're leaving..."

"The thing is, Dave, that you have to make this discovery for yourself. Telling you beforehand would be the copout. And believe me, if I tell you know, it will really mess things up. It might derail your true destiny. You REALLY have to find out for yourself. One day you'll know what I mean..."

"So, why did you want me to be all alone with you, if you didn't intend to help me out?" I asked.

"I needed to give you this. THIS will help you out, in your time of need..." he handed me a sealed envelope. Some words were scribbled on the envelope. "To David Darrington."

"Don't open this until after you find out who your phantom lover is." he stated matter-of-factly. "You hear me?"

"What's stopping me from opening it right now and finding out who it was?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Maybe the fact that the letter DOESNT state who that person was?" Frank raised both eyebrows, beating my one eyebrow with a landslide. "Or maybe that other little thing... that your FRIEND, who MIGHT be DYING, is asking you not to?"

"Touche" I said, a little guilt in my voice, as I put the envelope in my pocket.

"I really mean it. Open it only when you're supposed to. It will really help you out." he smiled. "Now let me rest a little. I'm not leaving yet, so there's no need to treat me like a dying patient... I'll see you guys again before I leave."

"Okay Frank. Take care of yourself, okay?"


The same night, I found myself ouside Zazelle's cell. I had excused myself to take Gerry's bunny for a walk, and I somehow ended up there.

I sat outside the door and rested my back against it. I wasn't there to nag her about telling me who my phantom lover is... I was just thinking if she ever felt guilty about the things she did. I wondered if she found out what her attempts at power did to her brother, and if she had any regrets about treating him like she did and being the reason he got that power-up that might cost him his life eventually...

I wondered if she had any guilt at all, about the things she had done.

Suddenly, I could clearly hear someone sobbing from inside. I peeked inside from the keyhole to see what kind of horrible TV show they were now making her watch, that could have such a dire effect on her, but the TV was closed.

She was probably taking a break from all the mind torture at nights, so why was she sobbing like this?

Then it stroke me.

She DID know about her brother's predicament. And she DID feel bad about it.

Maybe there was hope for her after all...


Hi guys! Sorry for taking so long to update! I'm gonna have many new updates this summer, but I do need my feedback to keep me going! So don't hesitate to email me at and tell me your opinions! The series were ressurected mainly due to a couple of very uplifting e-mails I got recently, so thank you guys for giving me the strength to do this!

The next chapter will be guest-written by a very talented writer here in Nifty, her name is Clio Cazzimiei (check out her porn epics "UC Hollywood" and "Angel Season Six")! Then I'll be back with the phantom lover reveal in chapter 14, and Chapter 15 will be a musical special!!!

Next: Chapter 13

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