Slutty Whore Willingly Taken

By Kai Anderson

Published on Nov 18, 2020




This story is a fantasy, yet it is based on things I've done in the past.


I hesitated.

I looked into that cold small plumber's van and wondered, if I got in, would I end up in a shallow grave somewhere never to be found again. I didn't know three of these guys, and the only think I knew about John was he could be a mean bastard. They had just raped and humiliated me, and now I was standing barefoot and naked in on the street deciding whether I'd have to try to walk two hours home naked, or whether I was going to go with these guys.

I looked at John, trying to read his mind and intentions, and he simply stared back at me, waiting for my decision. I glanced at the light skinned Black guy who had just raped me and dragged me by the hair to the van, and he was pointing to the van and encouraging me to get in.

I looked up at the windows of the tenement blocks above me, some with light on. I looked down the street, over the parked vehicles, and saw a few vehicles with headlights still on driving towards us. I'd never be able to get all the way home, naked and barefoot before it got light, and I'd be certain to be spotted and arrested.

Two guys on the sidewalk suddenly appeared chatting to each other as they were walking. Both glanced at us, looked away momentarily, then one of them looked back and clearly saw me standing naked between the four guys. He looked directly into my eyes, then down to my hands hiding my erect cock, then back up to my face. He nudged his friend who also turned to see me. Both stared at me for a few moments, then shaking their heads from side to side, the turned and continued walking.

I dropped my head, looked at the van, and took a step towards it.

"Fuck yeah," one of them said, the dark-skinned guy, I think.

I had to crouch to step into the van, and as I took a few steps in, two of them followed me in, grabbed me, and forced me down on my stomach onto the cold metal floor of the van. Pulling my wrists behind me, they were quickly bound with duct tape. A bag of some sort was pulled over my head, which only allowed light in from the opening. I heard and felt the two guys who bound my wrists work their way out of the van, and the back doors slam closed, just as the front doors were opened and the vehicle bounced as they got in to the seats in front. The engine started, music on the radio started, and the engine roared as it drove off.

I was shaking as I lay on the cold metal floor, naked and hooded. Was I actually cold, or was it nerves about what I had agreed to and willingly walked into? What awaited me at the end of this drive? Where were we going?

I could hear them talking, but over the noise of the engine and the radio, I couldn't make out much of what was being said. Occasionally the vehicle would turn a wide bend and I would physically slide and roll to one side of the van or the other. I tried to stabilize my position by using my bare feet against the sides of the van. I realized I was really thirsty, my head was beginning to pound, and I was shivering from the cold. I hoped the drive would be short. It was not.

In my still drunken state, despite my fears and concerns about where I was going and what would happen when I got there, I still dozed off a few times and totally lost all sense of how long I had been lying naked on the floor of the van. I was awakened from another nap by the vehicle suddenly bumping and bouncing in almost every direction it seemed. This went of for quite a long time before the van finally came to a halt and I heard the engine and radio shut off at the same time. They were still talking, but for some reason I really couldn't understand what they were saying.

They left the van, slamming the front doors, and a few moments later I heard the back doors being opened and saw the light flooding in under the opening in my hood. Grabbing my ankles, they pulled me backwards, out of the back doors and onto my feet. The ground was really cold, and a gust of really cold wind blew over my naked flesh, causing me to shiver involuntarily. I also felt what I thought was rain drops hitting my flesh, but once the hood was pulled off I realized it was snowing pretty heavily, and I was standing barefoot in about an inch of snow on the ground.

As they closed the back doors, I looked around and only saw trees, long fields of grass stretching into the distance. There was a rough stone wall on either side of the driveway we'd clearly driven up as I could see the tire tracks leading back down the driveway for about a quarter of a mile in the distance.

A slap on my left ass cheek brought me back to the moment, back to my nakedness, back to the four strangers I had actually agreed to be kidnapped by. I turned to my left to see the blond guy smiling crookedly at me, clearly the person who had slapped me. Just as I turned to him, John who was standing next to him reached up and grabbed a handful of my hair -- which was fast becoming the preferred method of physically controlling me.

Pulling me by my hair past the side of the van, I noticed a number of dark, rough stone buildings with black slate roofs. One building clearly looked like a two-story house, while the others looked like more work buildings. Anticipating we were heading to the house, as John pulled me forward by my hair, the snow on the ground crunched as they walked, but my feet sank through it to find the rough and sharp rocks that made up the driveway below. As we approached the house, John suddenly turned right and pulled me through a gap in the wall, into a large field which had a stand of five large trees in the middle. Almost as soon as we passed the wall, into the field, John released my hair, but someone behind me pushed me really hard with a foot on my ass, causing me to stumble forward and trip falling face down into the deep snow. I tried to turn to prevent my face from landing hard on the ground, instinctively, so I landed slightly on my left side in the freezing cold snow.

"Unghhhhh," was the only sound I made as I landed, but the cold of the snow on my naked flesh quickly elicited a "fuck," from me also.

As I tried to roll onto my ass, so I could stand up out of the snow, the Black guy put his foot onto my upper chest and pushed me back into the snow. The three others started kicking snow up over me. I got a full face of snow which momentarily blinded me, with the snow getting into my eyes. I rolled onto my stomach to try to stop the snow from being kicked into my face, and I blinked furiously trying to clear my eyes. My breathing was short and rapid, as the cold snow all over my naked body now was making me shiver and convulse and flinch uncontrollably.

A hand grabbing a handful of my hair pulled my head and chest viciously up and out of the snow, and a hand slapped my face hard, the noise of the slap sounding like a gunshot in my head. I fell back into the deep snow and slaps landed all over my legs and ass and back. Trying to avoid the assault I rolled onto my back once again, to see John, the Blond guy, and the dark-skinned guy laughing and slapping at my naked, wet, and now red with the cold legs, abdomen, and chest. The hand from above me grabbed another handful of hair, and with a firm grip began dragging me through the snow, as the three other guys followed, laughing, and kicking snow at me.

I was dragged to the middle of the field where the trees stood, some fifty yards or so from the wall. As soon as we arrived under the large, old trees which had no leaves on them anymore, John asked for something from the Blond guy and I saw the roll of duct tape being passed to him. The Black guy who had been dragging me now sat down literally on my face, forcing the back of my head deep into the snow. With my hands still bound behind my back, I only had my legs to struggle, but hands quickly grabbed my legs and I felt the duct tape being quickly wrapped around my ankles.

"Get the rope," I heard someone say. "

"Hope you like the cold, bitch."

The Black guy sitting on my face was pulling, tugging, and twisting both my nipples which was excruciating, especially as they were so cold. He would then let them go and slap me really hard on each pec, before returning to tugging and twisting them.

As my ankles were finally bound, I was screaming in pain into the Black guys jeans as he was still sitting directly on my face. As soon as the Black guy got up off me, I was pulled up onto my feet. A rope noose was pulled down over my head and tightened around my neck.

"No, PLEASE, don't," I pleaded, suddenly petrified of what was about to happen next. "Please, don't."

I was shivering, my teeth were chattering together, and I was trying to figure a way out of this as the picked me up off the ground and put me on a smallish log that was mostly buried by the snow. This raised me about a foot off the ground, but the log was somewhat unstable as it was just sitting loose on the ground. The three in front of me were all smiling and laughing and enjoying this as they prepared to hang me, naked, in the middle of a snow storm, miles from anywhere.

"I don't want to do this anymore," I pleaded, "Please, PLEASE, let me go, PLEASE,"

I felt the rope around my throat tighten and pull me fully upright and up onto my toes, on the very unstable log. I almost lost my balance, but was steadied by cold hands from behind me on my hips.

"Don't fall off the log, bitch," the Black guys voice chided me. "You don't want to hang YOURSELF, do you?"

They all laughed and playfully mimicked someone being hung with their eyes bulging and their tongues hanging out of the side of their mouths.

"It's fucking freezing out here," John observed. "Let's go."

With that, the four of them all began walking back through the field toward the house, and away from me.

"WAIT," I shouted, "PLEASE,"

They briefly turned and laughed, but they kept walking away, until they disappeared into the house.

I was petrified of moving, and losing my balance, but I was also freezing and shivering from the cold. The trees provided no cover at all from the still falling snow which landed on my head and shoulders and just added to the overall misery. I gently tried to release my wrists from their duct-tape bindings, but there was absolutely no way I was going to do that. The noose around my neck was tight and high, keeping my head up and almost looking up at the falling snow in which I would probably die of hypothermia soon. My breathing was still very short and rapid, and I could see the plumes of white fog escaping me every time I breathed out. My head was pounding and I suddenly found myself crying. At first it was just a few tears, but the emotion quickly welled up in my and I really started fully crying.

What the fuck was wrong with me? I served in the British Army. I led people into battle in the Army. I was respected by those I led. WHAT made me let myself get into this humiliating and fucking awful situation? Why did I let these guys dominate and rape me in Mike's flat? Why didn't I fight them the fuck off and tell them to go to hell like any normal person would? I had survived war and Improvised Explosive Devices in the Army, and now I was going to die at twenty-two, naked in the middle of a snow field, hung from a tree, as a gay whore who walked willingly to this fucking end.

I heard the crunching snow before I even heard their voices. They were returning. Each had a cup with steam coming from it, and each was sipping from their own cup. The Blonde guy also had a video camera and was pointing it towards me as they approached. Realizing I was probably not going to die right now, my crying stopped, but this only heightened the cold that was all around me. My flesh was almost stinging with the cold and my feet were beginning to cramp as I continued to stand on tip toes.

"Well, What do we have here," asked John sarcastically as they approached.

"Nasty fucking fairy whore, I think," commented the light-skinned guy as he approached me and kicked the log out from under my feet.

The rope suddenly tightened around my neck, and I couldn't breath. I was swinging in the frigid air with snow swirling around me and the guys laughing in front of me. I wiggled and tried to plead, but no words would come out. I started to see star bursts between the falling snow, and very quickly daytime started to turn to nighttime.

Without warning a sudden falling sensation and my feet hit snow of the ground below me and I fell forward into the arms of John who stopped my fall.

"What, did you think we were going to kill you?" he asked, laughing as the others laughed also.

"We're going to have a lot more fun with you before we do that," said the Black guy, sounding absolutely serious.

"Please....." I tried to speak, but before I could finish, the rope tightened around my neck again and pulled my head up toward the tree branch over which the rope was slung. I shook my head vigorously from side to side, pleading desperately with them not to pull me into the air again.

They all laughed and playfully punched each other, apparently satisfied at the intense fear they had created in me. The Blond guy walked around me with the video camera, as John threw what remained in his cup over me. It was hot chocolate from the smell of it. The warm liquid felt like it was burning a hole through my skin, and I pulled away from it and turned slightly. The other two followed suit, throwing probably a half a cup of warm hot chocolate over my chest and groin.

"Maybe we should try to heat him up a bit," John commented, clearly sarcastically.

The others nodded in agreement and each pulled their leather belts from around their waist, wrapping the buckle end around their fist a couple of times which left a long tail of leather whip.

"PLEASE, I'm fucking freez....." was all I got out before the first belt from John cracked around my right hip and cut along the middle of both of my ass cheeks. The cold meant my skin was red, super sensitive, and very tender. That belt felt like a red hot poker touching my flesh.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh," I screamed and tried to turn away from the assault when two belts hit me almost simultaneously. One caught me just below the ribs on my left side and the belt curled around my side and lashed between my shoulder blades. The Other hit me directly on the cock and balls and curled around my thighs lashing me just below my ass.


As each belt cut painfully across my cold flesh, I screamed and tried to turn to somehow limit the pain, but there was nowhere to go. No defense I could offer to prevent the belts hitting me. Nothing I could do to stop them. I could only scream, and flinch, and scream, and flinch, and scream and flinch.

I was lost in a world of searing burning pain, and freezing cold, both at the same time. I was having a hard time breathing as I was screaming and crying. For the second time in a very short period, I was certain I was about do die, and strangely I resigned myself to that as it would take way the pain and cold.

It took me some time to get my breathing under control, and to stop sobbing before I realized I was now on my knees and the rope was gone from my neck. The belts were no longer cutting across my naked flesh, but I could still distinctly feel every injury they left on my body, as they still burned intensely.

Grabbing me by my ankles, I was dragged through the snow on my stomach once again, moving further away from the house. The snow was actually something of a relief, as it helped to numb some of the pain from the belt welts all over my chest, stomach, arms, and legs. I was pulled over a picnic bench which had about two inches of snow on top. Almost as soon as I ended up on my stomach on the top of the table, the Black buy grabbed my hair, pulled my head up, and thrust his stiff cock deep into my throat. I gagged instantly and tried to pull away, but I had nowhere to go. Almost instantaneously, a large cock rammed into my asshole and pounded my guts violently.

All four of them then took turns, violently fucking my throat and ass aggressively. John and the Black guy would aggressively force their cocks deep down the back of my throat, causing me to gag and convulse hard, but I had nothing left in my stomach to throw up. They finally cut the duct tape on my ankles so they could spread my legs for easier access, and all four shot their load deep inside me. All four then made me suck and clean their cocks one at a time, with the blond guy still filming with the camera.

Once I'd cleaned the last cock, they pulled me off the picnic table onto my knees in front of all four. I was freezing, sore, humiliated, and quite honestly scared of what was coming next. The hand grabbing my hair told me things were not finished yet, and from looking down at the snow below me I suddenly had John looking down at me about an inch or two from my face. He forced my mouth open.

"Keep it open, bitch," he commanded.

As I looked up at him, a stream of hot piss suddenly hit me in the forehead at first, but he quickly re-directed the stream into my mouth. The others cheered.

I instinctively closed my eyes and turned my head away from the stream, but four vicious slaps on either side of my face, and a rough repositioning of my head with my hair told me clearly not to move again.

"Drink my fucking piss, you whore," John commanded and his piss stream hit me directly in the mouth again.

The piss was warm, but it was acrid and bitter, and disgusting, but it was warm. I gulped my first mouthful of this disgusting piss, gagged, spilled half of the next mouthful down my chest which elicited another few heavy slaps on my face, and I successfully drank most of the rest of John's strong, acrid, and voluminous stream. As the warm steam stopped I hoped it was over, but the Black guy quickly replaced John's stream with his own, followed by the light-skinned guy and finally the blond guy. My knees and legs were almost numb with the cold, while I was drinking this warm piss from all four of them.

Pulling me to my feet, they now pushed me ahead of them, back towards the house. I stumbled through the deep snow in the field, my feet almost frozen completely to the point where I could hardly feel them. As I walked out of the field a hand turned me right towards one of the out-buildings to the side of the house. I complied, submissively, dejectedly, broken. The first building we reached had two large barn-doors painted in dark red. John walked ahead of me, opening one of the doors and I was pushed with a gentle nudge through the door.

This was some type of studio. There were stage lights hanging from the roof, and on top of multiple moveable stands. There were three video cameras on tripods. There was a large fridge to one side with a kitchen counter. As I was pushed further into the space I started to notice whips, riding crops, metal fetters, didlos, and various other sexual toys dotted all over the space. Despite this, I was so happy to be out of the freezing snow, and out of the wind, that I really didn't care.

I was led to a very small, metal, cage which sat on tiled floor in one corner. I noticed that the cage had a drain directly underneath it. The cage door was opened and John just snapped his fingers, pointing to the cage. Without any resistance, I dropped to my knees and crawled with some difficulty into the cage, as my legs and feet were still almost numb from the cold outside. I felt the bars of the cage pressing against my still bound arms behind my back, and the bars on the sides of the cage brushed my own hips and thighs. I felt and heard the cage door close behind me and I heard the familiar click of two padlocks being locked. The floor of the cage was open grated metal, about one inch wide with square holes of about one inch spaced one inch apart.

"Let's eat," John said as he walked away.

"fuck yeah, I could eat a horse," one of the others said.

The lights went out and the room fell into complete darkness as the door was closed.

I tested my wrist bindings, but they were still firmly in place. I had no real room to move, unless I pressed myself against the bars with my face to the front, or with my ass to the back. I mentally want back over the events from the club, to this.

Did I ask for this?

Do I want this?

Why didn't I fight against this?

What will happen next?

At least I was starting to warm up a little. The whip marks still stung as feeling returned to my skin. As I felt truly sorry for myself, and contemplated why I ended up here, exhaustion and my drunkenness returned, and I actually fell asleep, stark naked, on my knees, hunched uncomfortably inside a very small steel cage, with my hands bound behind my back, and with both cum and piss inside me.


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you if you are a dominant, aggressive, demanding Master who likes to keep his slaves naked and collared lol ) at ALL TIMES.

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Next: Chapter 4

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