Slutty Whore Willingly Taken

By Kai Anderson

Published on Nov 13, 2020




This story is a fantasy, yet it is based on things I've done in the past.


I finally got home a few hours later, after my night with Colin and his unknown friend. I was totally soaked though. My feet were cold, wet, and freezing. I was shivering by the time I stepped into a hot shower in my own flat to try to warm my body and wash off the cum from Colin and his friend. As I showered, my cock stiffened, and as I recalled being "raped" by both in the middle of a party, then thrown out of their flat naked like a piece of trash -- no longer important after being used - I jerked off as the warm water flowed over me.

Mark and I had plans to meet up that afternoon, to watch a football game at a local park, and I was nervous when I got to his flat -- the scene of my most wonderful "rape." I was literally shaking with excitement as I rang the doorbell and waited, unsure who would answer, or what awaited me behind that door. Mark opened the door, and I felt my excitement deflated.

"Hey man, come in for a bit," he said turning and walking into his bedroom.

"Hey, ok."

I followed him into his bedroom as he put some laundry into his chest of drawers. We still had time before the game would start. On reflection, I know why I turned up almost an hour early. I was hoping Colin may be waiting behind the door.

"What happened to you last night?" Mark asked. "We all went to Bennets, but we couldn't find you."

Bennets was a gay dance club in the center of Glasgow that was a very popular hot-spot on weekends. It was also where Colin first showed any interest in me.

"Oh...." I chuckled and shrugged, clearly blushing as I did.

"You fucking whore," Mark chided, catching my shrug and flushing face. "Who did you fuck now?" he continued.

I was about to answer when he interrupted me.

"Oh, oh.....oh. Never mind. What I should ask is......who FUCKED YOU last night?" he laughed, pumping his hips to imitate fucking someone.

"Fuck you," I said as I slapped his gyrating ass really hard.

"OOOOhhhhhhh, do it again," he said sexily, but smiling at the same time.

I sat down on his bed as he continued to put away his things.

"Colin and one of his friends from the party last night," I answered eventually.

He stopped and turned to look at me, cocking his head to the side like a dog might, with a frown on his face -- almost as though he didn't believe me, then in a flash it seemed as though a lightbulb turned on for him.

"Wait," he said and before he could add to it, I responded.

"Yeah, in his bedroom during the party," I confirmed.

Mark shook his head from side to side as he put the last of his laundry into the drawer. Turning back to face me he whistled.

"What a truly fucking whore you are," he said smiling -- making friendly fun of me.

I laughed back at him, and started to get a hardon just thinking of what had happened just a few hours ago in the room right next to this.

"Mark?," I heard Colin's voice shouting from somewhere else in the flat. "I'm heading to John's place," he continued as he suddenly appeared in the doorway, smiled and nodded at me as I sat on the bed with my face flushing bright red.

"Hey," he said to me very matter of factly.

"You want anything?" he asked returning his focus to Mark.

"Nah, I'm good for now," Mark replied.

"Ok. See ya later." Colin replied, and he just walked away. I heard the flat door open and slam closed as Colin left.

"I told you he's a total bastard when he's high," Mark consoled me as I must have looked totally crestfallen at so little attention or recognition from Colin.

"Have fun with him, but don't fuckin fall in love with him," he said, with a concerned and tactful tone.

I shrugged, knowing I was definitely in LUST with him. Love, no, this wasn't love. It was pure, animalistic lust.

"So who was the guy with the beard that Colin was hanging out with a the party?" I asked, trying to figure out my other "attacker" the night before.

As Mark pulled on his signature Green German army jacket and started heading out of the room, he stopped, turned back and stared at me for a moment.

"Wait, why?" he asked suspiciously.

"They both fucked me," I said with confidence, almost boasting that I'd had a threesome in the middle of a party in this very flat.

Mark nodded his head with a wry smile on his face.

"That's John. They hang out a lot, but he's also Colin's drug supplier. Come on, let's get going."

Mark quizzed me the whole walk over to the park to watch the football game, eliciting every sordid detail from the moment Colin grabbed my wrist to me finally falling asleep in my bed at home, exhausted yet elated. Mark equally told me of his adventures at Bennets that morning, but I confess my mind and imagination was totally captivated by Colin, and even by John whom I wasn't so much into but his aggressiveness and willingness to join Colin in using me was appealing.

I rarely saw Colin over the next few months and I confess I was depressed and very disappointed. On the odd occasion when he would be in the Mark's flat when we arrived home or were heading out to the pub or a club, he'd normally just provide a friendly but very courtesy "hi." Mark could tell I was hoping for more, and he kept reminding me that Colin was a nice guy overall, but I should forget about him relationship wise. I did meet a few guys over those months, and we had some fun sex, but mostly vanilla and none of them captivated me or my desires. When I suggested that they tie my wrists, slap my ass hard, or call me names, they did it, but it was clear they really were not that into it. They were only doing it because I asked. Colin did it whether I wanted it or not. Of course, if I really resisted, he would probably have stopped -- right? I didn't really know for sure, and that was a huge part of the appeal -- the unknown.

About three months later we were out celebrating a friends twenty-first birthday and Mark and I both got pretty wasted. We had a great evening, but Mark was so drink I had to help him out of the taxi, up the stairs to his flat, and when he collapsed onto his bed he feel into a dead sleep. I couldn't even get him to take off his jacket. Being equally drunk myself, as I had done many times, I grabbed a blanket and pillow from the hall closet, stripped off in the living room and feel asleep naked on the couch.

I was having the weirdest dream of being naked on top of a packed pub bar, with the hands of twenty patrons roving all over my sweaty flesh. Twisting my nipples, probing my mouth, tugging on my cock, pulling and twisting my balls, fingering my ass, tugging on my hair, slapping my face and ass cheeks. I couldn't see any of the faces of those groping me, but I was getting into it and could feel my cock throbbing and my ass sphincter flexing repeatedly. I was LOVING it.

I heard Colin's voice vaguely.

"Come on cunt, take it all."

I vaguely heard other voices from the other people in the bar also, making equally lewd and suggestive comments which came into more and more focus as I began to come around, out of my drunken stupor.

"What a fucking hot whore."

"Bitches cock is leaking cum already."

"Choke `im with it, bud."

"Give me a go at his hole."

I felt a sudden and painful tug on my hair and the back of my head slammed into something hard. My eyes slowly opened, as my muddled brain was trying to make sense of what was going on. It was bright in the room, but with lighting, not natural daylight. I had to blink a few times and my eyes were just not focusing on much other than some figures moving around me, or standing over me, or ..... I suddenly felt something hard and large force its way past my sphincter and drive deep inside my ass, stretching it wide as it pushed forcefully in. My stomach and ass muscles tensed instinctively as I tried to prevent whatever it was from penetrating deeper into my bowels -- but to no effect.

As I tried to grunt in pain at the intrusion into my ass, an equally large and deep "thing" suddenly invaded my mouth, driving deep into my throat. The grip on my hair increased and my head was suddenly yanked upwards, impaling me further on the object that was suddenly choking me. I gagged as the object hit the back of my throat forcefully, and equally quickly began to withdraw as my had was pushed back down and hit the floor, only to be immediately pulled back off the floor and impaled again.

As my whole body contracted with the force of my gag reflex, the fog slowly began to clear and my eyes focused on someone sitting over my shoulders. I saw their green t-shirt for a moment as my head was slammed onto the floor again. My eyes lost focus for a second with little starbursts going off and I blinked momentarily. As my head was pulled off the floor I was able to open my eyes and focus of the shaft of a cock being forcefully driven deep down my throat. My scalp was in agony as the hand gripped my hair, pulling my head onto the shaft. My throat stretched wide as the cock forced its way down the back of my throat and my nose and face hit the green t-shirt. My body convulsed again as I gagged loudly, hearing myself as my stomach contracted.

As the cock pulled back once again, I was suddenly aware of the same attack on my ass. I was being fucked by someone I could not see. Pounded without any mercy or thought. I felt their hips slam into my ass with each thrust, their cock slamming inside me and my balls being pummeled on each stroke. As I tried to make sense of all of this, I tried to turn, to move, to twist my head away from the rape of my mouth, to straighten my legs in an attempt to move my hole of out the line of the attacking cock.

"She's comin' alive," I heard an unfamiliar voice say, laughing.

"Take my damn cock, you fucking cunt," was said at the same time, as my head was pulled onto the cock in my mouth once again, this time before my head had time to hit the floor.

"Give me a go at his hole," I heard a moment later as my body convulsed again, gagging as the cock forced its way into my throat again.

The cock in my ass pulled out, leaving a sudden absence not only of the cock filling my hole, but also of the body leaning on my hips as I was being fucked. My hole felt raw and stretched, and I heard myself fart without any control as air escaped from my guts. In that moment I also realized my wrists and ankles were being held in place by hands, my legs held over me and spread wide apart to provide easy access to my hole. No matter how hard I struggled, I was unable to free either.

A hand grabbing my and suddenly squeezing and yanking my balls, stretching the sack to its limits sent a wave of agony through my abdomen. I tried to scream, but the cock in my mouth forced its way down my throat again, stifling the noise into a muted scream and gagging sound at the same time, which all seemed to enjoy and laugh at. A moment later, I felt a cock force its way past my sphincter and drive deep into my guts in a single thrust.

With every thrust down my throat I was gagging harder and harder, making more strange sounds as I tried to swallow back the puke that threatened explode out of my stomach. The pounding of my ass was even more forceful than before, and with every thrust I felt the air forced out of me and the attackers hips slamming into my ass. Between both, I was finding it harder and harder to catch a breath, and from slowly coming out of the alcohol delirium through the pain, I found myself slipping back into a dream like state through lack of oxygen.

In a second, this changed when my body convulsed as the cock in my ass slammed my guts at exactly the same moment the cock in my throat caused the most sever gag response yet. I felt the stream of puke literally shoot from my stomach, out of my mouth in what seemed like a fountain as my head was slammed down to the floor again.

"Fucking disgusting, cunt!" I heard as the weight of the body face-fucking me jumped off, and the hand released my hair.

I quickly turned my head to the side, as the puke shot out of me onto the hardwood floor. As the cock in my ass thrust in deep again, my stomach clenched and I threw up again, my eyes screwed tightly closed as I did.

"Oh, fuck."


"Fuck, yeah."

As my third or fourth heave got rid of what my body wanted to get rid of, I tried to catch my breath as the cock impaling my ass continued to pound insides. I blinked a few times and my eyes finally focused on the person who had jumped away from my puke fountain. Jeans and boxers around his knees, green t-shirt, short cropped beard and moustache. As his face came into relief I realized it was John, Colin's drug connection. My throat was sore from the face-fucking and burning from the puke, and I was still grunting with every thrust of the cock pounding my guts into oblivion. I glanced down away from John, to see three guys I'd never seen before. One White guy with a blond Mohawk type hair style, shaved on the sides was holding my wrist and ankle on the left. One light skinned black guy with curly short black hair was gripping my hips and pounding his cock into my hole with his head thrown back and his eyes closed -- perhaps entirely unaware I had just puked and John was no longer face-fucking me. To my right, holding onto my right ankle and wrist was a dark skinned guy with long dark black hair and the whitest teeth I think I'd ever seen. He was smiling broadly down at me, then glancing at the Black guy fucking me, then back to me.

I tried to form words, thoughts, and understanding of how I ended up naked on the floor being fucked by three guys I didn't know, and John of course. I struggled a little with my arms and legs, but I was still drunk, hung over, and weak after puking. I made some kind of moaning, groaning sounds, but I had no chance of fighting my way free from them. The Black guy seemed to get invigorated by my struggle, and if it was even possible, he started pounding into me even faster and harder than before. I could see the sweat on his forehead.

Colin suddenly appeared at the side of John, standing above me looking at the puddle of my puke on the floor and then to me with a disgusted look on his face.

"I'm sorry," formed in my mind as I looked at Colin's disgust. I shouldn't have puked all over his floor, I thought. But the words would not form as the pounding into my guts continued. For the briefest moment, the thought flashed through my mind, "I'm being raped." I know I did not willingly consent to this -- though I might if I was sober and awake. I know I was asleep when John and the other guy started fucking me. This was wrong on so many levels. But that thought floated out of my mind almost as quickly as it had entered.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming," the Black guy fucking me shouted, as his thrusts slowed and be buried his cock as deep into me as I think anyone ever has. I could feel his cock pulsating inside my hole as he shot his load deep within me. This stranger I had never met. I'd never even seen him before this moment, and he was now delivering his seed deep inside my guts while I was held down on the floor completely naked and vulnerable by two other complete strangers. What the fuck.

"Fucking take him outside if you want to fuck him," Colin shouted in a clearly irritated state.

"We can take him to the farm," John offered, and the other three quickly agreed.

The Black guy pulled his cock from my ass, finally opened his eyes, and sneered at me, then slapped my ass hard. "Fucking cum whore."

"Sure," Colin replied. "Whatever you want to do with him, but,"

Colin walked behind me as I still lay pinned to the floor, totally exposed and vulnerable. He grabbed my t-shirt and jeans that had been sitting on the arm of the couch and threw them onto the floor into the puddle of my puke.

"Make him clean that fucking shit up first."

The two guys restraining my wrists and ankles released me, and John quickly reached down, grabbed a handful of my hair, and pulled me painfully up into a sitting position in front of him. With my hands now free, I tried to grab his wrists, but still pretty drunk, I missed the first time, with the four of them thought was hilarious. John turned my head, using my hair that was firmly gripped in his hand, to face the puke puddle and my clothes lying in it.

"Clean it up, cunt," he ordered, pushing me slightly towards it.

I hesitated for a moment, not entirely sure how I was supposed to clean up my puke without anything to do it with.

"Use your fucking rags, you dumb fuck," Colin added as he spat at me, hitting me in the face.

Without a second of thought, I crawled on my hands and knees, gathered up my jeans and t-shirt, and used them to absorb the puke which was almost all liquid as we had been too drunk that night to go for a Keebab or Chippie before heading home. Hands slapped repeatedly at my naked and exposed ass, as I tried to clean up the puke. When I had finally managed to absorb as much of the puke as I could see, I turned to look towards Colin who was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room, shaking his head from side to side as though I had disappointed him somehow.

"Throw those fucking disgusting rags away on your way out," Colin sneered at me, as he sat back in the chair and took a long drink from a can of Lager.

"C'mon cunt," John said, pulling me up to my feet by a handful of hair on my head again.

I stood, clutching the puke soaked clothes in front of my crotch which was -- of course -- rock hard. I had just been raped and humiliated in front of complete strangers, but my cock was as hard as a fucking rock. What is wrong with me.

"You coming?" John asked of Colin.

"Nah," he replied. "I'll come by tomorrow."

With a firm grip of my hair, John passed me over to the Black guy who had just been fucking me. The Black guy was eager to grab and equally large and painful tuft of my hair, and he began dragging me by the hair to the front door of the flat without saying a single word. The thought of resisting ran briefly through my mind, but I was still pretty drunk, I was having a bit of a hard time fully focusing, I was unsteady on my feet, and these four guys way outclassed me at this moment.

The Black guy dragged me by my hair, out of the flat, down the five flights of stairs, then around to the back of the building where the garbage cans were kept in a brick shed at the end of the garden. Without hesitation he dragged me down the garden to the shed, opened one of the garbage cans and put the lid noisily down on the can next to it.

"Goan then, cunt," he said in a thick Glaswegian accent. I dropped my clothes into the garbage can.

Tugging on my hair again, he then led me back up the garden, through the close, and right out onto the pavement in front of the flats. I tried to cover my rock hard and leaking cock as much as I was able to, while being dragged by my hair, bent over, drunk, and unsteady on my feet. We stepped off the pavement between two parked cars and crossed to the other side of the street. This was a pretty major street, with two lanes of traffic in each direction. It was still dark, and the street lights cast that yellow glow on everything, but I was fucking stark naked being dragged across the fucking street. I tried to look left and right, and I saw some car headlights pretty close to us, but every time I turned my head he would tug on my hair and I'd almost lose my balance.

When we got to the other side of the street, the Black guy finally let go of my hair and I was able to stand up. All four of them were surrounding me as I stook naked, covering my crotch as much as I could, looking down at the ground. The street was lined on each side with Victorian sandstone tenements with lots of flats inside each which looked out onto this road. As I took this all in, two vehicles passed by within a few feet of us. My cock twitched involuntarily at the exposure and humiliation.

One of the guys then opened the back doors to a small plumbers van that we were standing next to. Inside the back of the van, there were a lot of shelves with plumbing materials fitted to the side walls, and a metal corrugated floor.

"You got a choice, cunt," John says to me. "Come with us and get fucked up and used all weekend, or fuck off now, naked."

I heard the other three guys laughing and commenting.

"Fuck yeah, cunt."

"I wanna fuck you again, bitch."

"Come wiv us."


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you if you are a dominant, aggressive, demanding Master who likes to keep his slaves naked and collared lol ) at ALL TIMES.

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