Slutty Whore Willingly Taken

By Kai Anderson

Published on Nov 9, 2020




This story is a fantasy, yet it is based on things I've done in the past.


I left the British army at twenty-two and while deciding what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, I started to enjoy the civilian life with an old school friend Mark and discovered the joys of the gay nightlife in Glasgow. I had always known I was gay, but I suppressed much of this for my five years in the army. Once out of the army, and free to explore, I was determined to make up time. I had always been hugely interested in BDSM, and I already knew that while I was pretty confident and assertive in my normal life, I was also craving the opportunity to submit completely to a dominant god.

Mark was in college and was living in a flat with an older gay room mate Colin who was in his mid thirties, tall, well build, long blond hair, and gorgeous to me. One evening while dancing with Mark at a club in Glasgow, Colin appeared and began dancing with us. I'd had confessed to Mark of my submissive leanings on one of our many drunken evenings when we both shared various fantasies. He knew I wanted to be dominated completely in a Total Power Exchange type relationship, but I had not found anything close to that. He knew I enjoyed the idea of being bound naked in steel and chains, and exhibited in front of others. He knew I fantasized about being a gay porn star, getting fucked daily on camera by a different stud. Mark knew a LOT about my sexual desires, lol -- and equally I knew a lot about his.

Colin was a pretty drunk, and more than a little high, so as he joined us his hands immediately began roving all over me while he shouted in my ear over the loud music "I want to take you home, strip you naked, and fuck the shit out of you right now."

Colin had never really indicated any interest in me, but he was always friendly and cordial when I slept over after being drunk the night before. His sudden attention was a surprise, but his assertiveness was intriguing, and my cock was rock hard instantly in response. Colin's hand quickly found that rock hard shaft while his other grabbed a handful of my hair as he kissed me with his tongue roving inside my mouth.

"Fuck yeah," he said pulling his mouth off my own with a smile as he stared into my eyes. "You're ready. Come on."

I glanced at Mark as Colin began to drag me from the dance floor toward the exit. Mark just smiled back and gave me the thumbs up sign. I felt my heart beating in my chest as Colin guided me through the dance floor, gripping my wrist and weaving us through the other gyrating dancers.

Just a few months out of the army, I was twenty-two, six feet tall, slim and muscular, with short brown hair and light green eyes. I had never thought of myself as attractive in high school as I was really very quiet and introverted, but in the army I got a lot of attention from women and I began to become more confident. When I started heading out to gay bars and night clubs, I realized I was attractive to other guys and I really enjoyed the attention -- hoping to find that one guy who would drag me away without any option or choice, to be their total submissive slave for life. I enjoyed wearing very tight trousers and jeans, and equally skimpy and tight fitting t-shirts though those normally came off the moment I got into the night club. I enjoyed dancing in crowds of guys, where my flesh would rub against others, and more often that not hands would brush or grope me delightfully. I enjoyed a few one night stands as a result, but they were vanilla sex encounters that did not really hold my attention much.

As Colin pulled me through the nightclub, I was topless as usual with my t-shirt hanging from the back of my very tight jeans. As we headed down the stairs of the night club to the street outside I pulled the shirt from my waistband and pulled my wrist from his grip to put it on before heading out into what would be a cold night at 1 AM in Glasgow. Colin turned as I pulled my wrist away with a quizzical expression. When he saw my t-shirt, he immediately grabbed it and pulled it towards him. My turn for the quizzical expression. Colin tugged one more time on my shirt, and I let it go. He smiled, nodded approvingly, and grabbed my wrist again, resuming our descent down the remaining stairs to the street.

The cold air hit me as I walked outside, my nipples instantly getting hard and sticking out, to match my still throbbing cock straining against the way too tight denim of my jeans. As we exited the club I saw Colin toss my t-shirt into a garbage can just outside the club but before I could say or do anything, Colin pulled me into one of the many waiting taxis.

Colin was all over me for the short 30 minute ride to his flat on the outskirts of the city center. Me sitting topless in the back of the cab with Colin kissing me, sticking his tongue down my throat, licking my ears and cheeks, unbuttoning my jeans to pull my already rock hard cock out and stroke it, almost bringing me to climax about a dozen times on the ride alone before slapping my balls hard to take away the rising tide with a wave of pain. Each time he slapped my balls he pulled away to watch me intently, and each time when I didn't complain or pull away from him, he smiled and came back more forcefully.

I didn't even realize we had reached our destination until the taxi driver said, "We're here guys," and asked for the fare which Colin paid with a large note telling the driver to keep the tip.

Colin and Mark shared a small two bedroom place on the fifth floor on a large Victorian era building. Each floor had four flats with a common stairwell that led to each landing. As soon as we got out of the taxi, and walked into the ground floor close, Colin pushed me against the cold tiled wall of the close and resumed kissing and groping me, but even more forcefully and aggressively. I succumbed entirely.

My unbuttoned and jeans presented no problem for him, and they were around my ankles in seconds as he groped my rock hard and leaking cock and fingered my asshole with his other hand. I was getting so fucking horny, I didn't even think for a second about the fact I was standing naked just a few feet from the street with cars driving by.

Colin eventually pulled back a little and grabbing my wrist he led me towards the stairs. With the jeans around my ankles I could not take a full step and quickly started to lose my balance, falling forward as he was walking too fast for me. As I landed on the close floor he quickly lifted up my legs, tugged off my sneakers dropping each as he did, and he then pulled my jeans off completely. I didn't wear socks to the clubs, so I was now literally stark naked on my back on the floor of the close, with my rock hard cock pointing up towards him. Colin just looked at me as though he wanted to rape me right there and then but instead he walked past me and started bounding up the stairs.

"Come on," he shouted back to me as I quickly grabbed my sneakers and jeans which he'd dropped.

My bare feet making a funny slapping sound as I ran up each flight of stairs and along each landing to reach the next set of stairs, trying to keep him in sight as he ran ahead of me. I didn't even give a single thought for the fact that at any moment, someone could open any of the doors to these various flats on my way past. My total focus was on catching up to Colin.

I finally caught up with him as he was opening the door to the flat. He turned, looked me up and down, then nodded inviting me in. I "complied" walking naked past him into the flat I'd been in at least a dozen times before, but it seemed completely different in this moment.

I was just about to turn around as I heard the door slam behind me when he slapped my ass really hard, pushed me up against the wall of the hallway, kicked my legs apart and I felt his engorged cock head pushing past my sphincter into my asshole in one single, assertive thrust. I was not expecting this to happen so quickly and let out a "FUCK" scream as he impaled me balls deep in a single long thrust. My hips slammed into the wall with every thrust and I felt his hands grip my hips, his finger nails digging into my soft flesh as he pounded me even faster, deeper, and further.

I'd been fucked before and loved it, but this took me totally by surprise with the speed and ferocity of it. My eyes flooded with tears as my asshole was stretched painfully, only for him to pull out completely from my asshole for a second before slamming it all the way back in balls deep as he grunted like some wild animal. I screamed "FUCK," again and this repeated at least a dozen times as he pulled all the way out of my burning asshole before slamming all the way back in as he pulled me backwards, his fingernails digging painfully into my hip flesh. As I finally got my breathing to match his thrusts, and started to relax to each of his thrusts, I felt and heard him thrust deep inside me and stop as he shot a huge load of cum into my ass. He thrust into my ass three or four more times more gently to tease the final remnants of cum out of his shaft before he collapsed on top of me, sweaty, hot, and breathing hard, pinning me to the back of the couch.

"Damn, that was fucking hot," he whispered into my ear as I felt his hands leave my hips and slip up my chest to my hair.

"Yea......." I was about to answer him when he grabbed a handful of hair on the top of my head and turned me to face him and pushed me down onto my knees in front of him.

"Clean my cock," he commanded with no doubt or thought that I may refuse.

I was somewhat still in shock as I had known Colin for about six months and had never seen him like this. Depsite the shock I was also extremely turned on by being used like this so matter of factly, as though I was simply an object for his pleasure.

I could have refused, but that thought did not honestly even cross my mind. I leaned forward with my tongue extended and began to lick his cock which was covered in my own asshole juice and taste as well as his cum. He held my hair and turned my head left and right to clean his tool for a few minutes until he seemed satisfied.

"Bring me a beer," he commanded as he turned and walked away from me, walking down the hallway to his bedroom.

Still on my knees with my ass full of his cum and my mouth tasting of my own shit and his cum, I realized my cock was raging hard and leaking pre-com. I felt like a whore who had just been used, and part of me was pissed that he had just walked away without even considering getting me off. Another part of me loved this though. I thought about jerking off, but instead simply got up, walked to the fridge, took out a beer can and walked to his bedroom with it.

He was lying on top of his bed, still fully dressed with his cock back in his jeans. As I walked through his bedroom door he snapped a few pictures of me, stark naked and full frontal with a huge leaking erection, brining him a beer. He smiled as I stopped, shocked for a moment by the flash of the camera, but then continued and handed him the beer. He drank the whole beer at once, burped loudly.

"I have to work tomorrow, so you can't stay," he said.

"Oh...ok. That's ....." I was not even allowed to finish my sentence before he got off the bed, grabbed me by the hair and dragged me out into the hallway and to the door of the flat. Without pausing he opened the door and pushed me naked into the corridor. I was dumbfounded by this and no words were forming as he kicked my jeans out of the door after me then simply slammed the door in my face. I was still rock hard, but I quickly grabbed my jeans and pulled them on, forcing my rock hard cock inside them. My jeans were all that I had in that moment. No shirt, no sneakers which were still inside the flat. No underwear or socks. I quickly checked my pockets and found my wallet and house keys. Thank fuck for that. I walked barefoot and shirtless, two hours home in the cold.

"Colin can be a mean asshole when he's high," Mark told me the next day when I recounted the encounter with Colin the night before.

"I've never seen that side of him," I said. "It did kinda turn me on though."

"Fucking slut," Mark shot back laughing, and I laughed with him in agreement.

Colin and I saw each other a few days later and he made no mention of the fuck, and neither did I. It was as though it had never happened at all. I secretly craved for it to happen again, but it did not seem likely until about two months later when Mark invited me to a party at their flat. There were about forty guests, most of them Colin's friends as it was one of his friends Birthday's we were celebrating. There was good music, good food, lots of drink, and a great time was being had by all.

Towards 1 AM the party was going strong when Colin grabbed me by the writs, walked me down the hall to his bedroom. I went with him without question.

"You want some?" he asked as he snorted a line of what I presumed was coke.

"No thanks," I replied. Colin just shrugged an ok. He snorted a second line of coke, finished his glass of Whisky in a single gulp then fell backwards onto his bed smiling at me.

"Strip bitch," he commanded, staring at me.

My cock twitched on hearing that command, but the noise of the music and voices from the party made me hesitate.

"I don't know," I said as I pointed behind me to the door.

Colin jumped off the bed in front of me and literally ripped my shirt open sending buttons flying all over the room. He then grabbed my hair and began aggressively kissing me as he pushed me back against the door.

I was pissed for a second about the shirt which I really liked, but his breath, his tongue, his lips, his scent, his warm flesh, it all overcame any resistance that I had. Colin continued kissing me aggressively until he felt me start to get into it, when he broke away from me, flopped backwards onto the bed once again and issued the command once more.

"Strip bitch."

Despite a very loud voice in the back of my head telling me not to do this in the middle of the party, my rock-hard cock took over. I pulled off my shirt, stepped out of my sneakers, and quicky unfastened my trousers and pulled them off. I didn't quite know what to do next, as Colin just kept smiling at me, standing naked in front of him with a huge hardon. He was still fully dressed, but he was rubbing his crotch and licking his lips. I suddenly felt embarrassed and without really even thinking about it my hands crept in front of my crotch in an attempt to hide my throbbing cock.

"NO," Colin shouted as he suddenly jumped up off the bed once again.

I jumped at the suddenness of his shout, and his leap towards me. Colin turned me around and pushed me against the bedroom door, pulling my wrists behind my back and crossing them. I then felt him tying my wrists behind my back with rope. I still have no idea where that rope came from, but he was physically in charge and I let him bind my wrists. Once my wrists were secured he turned me around again, and then he flopped down backwards on the bed again, just staring at me and smiling.

I looked down at the ground, and at my raging hardon.

Colin flipped off his shoes and waved his sock clad feet in front of me.

"Take my socks off," he ordered.

I began to kneel down and turn around to use my hands to try to remove his socks, but he quickly physically turned me back to face him.

"With your fucking teeth, moron," he chastised me, slapping me across the face.

I was shocked by the slap, and by the fury in his chastise, but deep down inside I knew this is how I should be treated, how I wanted to be treated. This might be my god.

I bent forward and with some difficulty finally got both of his socks off with my teeth. Colin then stuck his bare feet right in front of my face and I knew instinctively what he wanted, so without any command or instructions, I began to suck his toes and lick between them. He let me do that for a while then he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up off the floor, up to his lap, so I was now lying between his legs facing his engorged cock inside his trousers. He then pulled me into his crotch.

"You ready for this, cock sucker?" he asked, rubbing my face into his hard cock still inside his trousers.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

He pulled my head out of his crotch and slapped me hard on the face again, with a smile.

He quickly undid his trousers and pushed them and his boxers down to reveal his already dripping and rock hard seven inches of cock. As I opened my mouth to start sucking him, he grabbed my head again and pulled me all the way down on to his cock. I choked instantly and tried to pull away, but with my hands bound behind my back I had no leverage to do so. He held me, impaled on his cock for a few seconds before he pulled my all the way off to slap my face again.

"No fucking teeth you stupid cunt," he commanded. I didn't realize my teeth had even touched his cock, but before I had a moment to think about it, he pulled me back down on his cock, impaling me all the way once again.

He pulled me off a little, allowing me another breath but then started to furiously face fuck me. Slamming his cock all the way down my throat and groaning as he did so. I was struggling to breath. My eyes were watering. I was struggling to try to get me knees on the bed to get some leverage, but he was too strong and in too dominant a position. I could only concentrate on trying to get a breath between thrusts when I felt him push his cock deep into my throat and hold before he shot load after load of cum down my throat.

I almost puked, but managed to swallow the bile and cum back down as he pulled my head off his cock. My eyes were filled with water. My nose was running. I was swallowing, trying to stop myself from throwing up, when I felt him swing his legs over me and I felt him stand up. He was behind me before I really had a chance to catch a full breath, and he slammed his still engorged cock into my asshole up to the hilt.

"Aaarhhhhhhh," I exclaimed in pain, as he now started to pound my ass, just as aggressively as he had pounded mouth. I was making "Ughhhhh," sounds loudly with every thrust, and he only seemed to become more excited and motivated by each cry he heard from me. He fucked me for quite a long time before I felt his thrusting increase in pace, then he finally held inside me as I felt his cock pulse, shooting a second load deep inside my ass.

"Fuuuuuucccckkkkkkkkkkk," he exclaimed as he shot into my ass, before collapsing on top of me, sweaty and breathing really hard.

Colin was still basically fully dressed. He laid on top of me until his breathing slowed, then he got up, pulled up his trousers and sorted himself out. Without a word, he pulled at the ropes binding my wrists then he simply opened the bedroom door and left me, lying naked on his bed with his cum in my mouth and ass. I couldn't immediately get the ropes off my wrists, so I struggled off the bed and used my foot to push the bedroom door shut. I then started working my wrists to slowly release them.

The bedroom door suddenly opened again as I sat on the bed finally releasing my wrists, but I was still naked with a raging hardon. I quickly pulled my right hand out of the ropes and pulled the duvet up to cover my nakedness. Colin stood in the open doorway laughing at me.

"It's just me bitch," he said condescendingly.

"I just needed a piss."

He stepped in front of me, pulled the duvet off me and pushed me back on the bed. My hands went to my cock again, which was still rock hard and desperate for attention. Colin slapped my hands away.

"Do I need to tie you up again?" he asked.

I was confused. Horny as hell with a raging hardon, really wanting to jerk off and cum, but another part of me really craved for this type of treatment. I liked being used like a slut, a whore, a piece of meat for his pleasure.

"Fucking whore," he said moments later without my answer to his question as I was still trying to decide how to answer.

Grabbing the rope from the floor he flipped me on to my stomach and pulled my wrists behind my back again, tying them quickly as he had done before. As he was tying my wrists something out of the corner of my eye made me look behind to the doorway, to see one of the party guests standing there, watching me being bound by Colin. The door was still open, and the guy in the doorway was smiling and nodding. The guy was pretty cute but a little overweight. He had dark brown curly hair, a neatly trimmed dark beard and moustache, and I realized he was rubbing his crotch while watching Colin tie me up.

"Wait, there's......" I tried to alert Colin to the presence of the guy in the doorway.

Colin quickly put a hand over my mouth to shut me up. The guy in the doorway appeared by the side of the bed with Colin's discarded socks in his hand and a huge smile on his face. Colin then removed his hand, but grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled my head back, forcing my mouth open.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch," Colin laughed as the other guy stuffed the two socks into my mouth with his fingers. The other guy was smiling as he did this, and I could see his cock throbbing inside his trousers.

The other guy found a tie from somewhere and Colin tied it around my head to keep the socks in my mouth. While Colin pinned me down to his bed by sitting on my back, the other guy crossed my ankles and quickly bound them with something. I was now fully trussed up. Colin jumped up off the bed.

"Fucking hell," the other guy said, and I heard them both laughing.

The flash and high pitched whine of a small motor made me realize they were taking photo's of me with an instant developing camera. I tried to turn to confirm if that was what they were doing, when Colin grabbed me and flipped me onto my back in front of the other guy. I looked directly into the camera as he shot another photograph with me naked, bound, and my cock still rock hard. He waived the photograph a few times till it developed while I remained on my back looking up at both of them. They ignored me entirely as they checked out the photographs and laughed.

"Don't go anywhere," Colin said as he and the other guy laughed and turned to leave, switching off the light, and closing the bedroom door.

I was bound really well, and I could not release my wrists despite trying to for quite a while. I finally gave up, and just listened to the noise of the party outside slowly diminish as time passed. I finally heard most people saying bye as they left. The music stopped and things got pretty quiet. It still took quite a while before the bedroom door opened once again. My cock had deflated over this time but as that door opened and Colin and the guy who helped him tie me up came into the room and turned on the light, it jumped back to life and started to stand up to attention.

"Damn, he really is a fucking cock whore," said the other guy laughing and taking yet another photograph with the instant camera.

"Told you," said Colin as they both checked out the developing photograph.

"You have a choice, bitch." Colin said eventually.

"Stay the night and we'll both fuck you and use you all night," he started as the other guy nudged him with his elbow, smiled and started nodding. "Or," continued Colin, "I throw you out now and I'll never use you, EVER again."

I really wasn't that much into this other guy, but I was so fucking horny, and I felt like such a cock whore as he suggested. I looked between them both and my cock basically answered by pulsating and leaking quite a bit of pre cum. I nodded my head.

Both stripped and they removed my gag and Colin's socks, but they kept me bound. Both used me aggressively, spit roasting me, making me rim their asses, spitting in my mouth, slapping me hard on the face and ass and the inside of my thighs as they fucked me, twisting my balls and nipples. The other guy, whose name I still didn't know, had a smaller cock around five inches, but it was thick like a beer bottle. I have no idea how long they both fucked me, but Colin shot twice more in my ass and once in my mouth, and the other guy shot once in my ass and once on my face. As the other guy came on my face, Colin was stuffing four fingers up my ass and without any waring I suddenly shot a huge stream of my own cum right over the other guys head.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck....." I exclaimed as I shot my load and they both laughed at me.

They finally flopped down on the bed, exhausted and sweaty, congratulating each other and discussing how much of a fucking slut and whore I am. My cock is still rock hard as I am still hugely turned on, but exhausted and sore myself.

I hoped they would untie me now, so when Colin started untying my ankles I was relieved, but when he pulled me by the ankles right off the bed onto the floor I landed with a thump. The other guy laughed and cheered him on. Colin then opened the bedroom door and dragged me on my back down the hardwood floor hallway to the front door. I suspected I knew what was coming next but looked back down the hallway to see the other guy walking down the hall with my trousers in his hands.

"Good bitch," Colin said as he pulled me to my feet and opened the door to the landing.

With a hard and extremely loud slap to my ass he propelled me out of his flat and onto the landing, still naked, barefoot, with my hands bound behind my back.

The other guy got to the door, stepped out, and threw my trousers over the landing bannister. I watched as they fell the five floors to the ground floor landing.

"Ooops," he laughed as Colin started to untie my wrists.

"See you again, soon" Colin said to me, as both went back into the flat and slammed the door shut with almost explosive force.

The noise of the door made me jump, and freaked me out. I was naked and barefoot, with a huge hardon, five floors above my trousers which was the only clothing I was clearly going to have to go home. I was covered in cum, I had cum leaking from my asshole, and I was shit scared that one of his neighbors would come out to find out what the noise was. I just took off running down the five flights of stairs as quickly as I could, almost tripping a couple of times.

I made it to my trousers and started to pull them on to cover my nakedness, but standing there, with the street just twenty or so feet away where cars were driving past, and in this building with so many flats where anyone could find me at any time. My throbbing cock and need to cum overwhelmed my fear of getting caught, and I stepped out of my trousers, laid down on the cold concrete floor and jerked off until I came for the second time that morning. I shot a huge load of cum onto the wall behind me and all the way up my chest. My brain told me to get dressed and get the fuck out of there, but still being incredibly horny and turned on, instead, I got up on all fours and licked my cum off the tiled wall. I then used my fingers to sweep up the cum on my chest and I liked that. I then stuck my fingers up my own ass and brought them back to my mouth to clean Colin and the other guys cum that was leaking out of me.

Two voices just outside the close entrance on the street brought me back to reality with a start, and I quickly pulled on my trousers. I had just pulled them over my hips when two middle aged women walked into the close, spotted me, looked me up and down standing there barefoot, with no top, and clearly acting strangely. I hooked up my trousers, forgetting completely to zip them up, and I hurried past them and out onto the street and into the cold rain that was falling.


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you if you are a dominant, aggressive, demanding Master who likes to keep his slaves naked and collared lol ) at ALL TIMES.

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Next: Chapter 2

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