Slutty Whore New York

By Kai Anderson

Published on Apr 12, 2019




These are mostly memoirs of things I've done in thepast. Timelines are adjusted and someartistic license has been applied to make the re-telling more interesting andcaptivating. Some things which I include in one moment of time may havehappened over weeks or months, but compressing them into one moment would havebeen so much fun, so I re-tell it this way.


We discussed both the Black guys gang fuck, and thephotographers session. I confessed thatI enjoyed both. He inquired if the tenguys at once was too many for me to handle, and I told him that at first I wasscared and intimidated by them, and by the neighborhood, but as they fucked meand manhandled me I almost wished they had been rougher with me. I wished theyhad slapped me harder, pulled my hair more, kicked and punched me more, pinchedand pulled my nipples more and so on.

"More like a real gang rape you mean?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

He smiled.

"You really are a whore, aren't you," he stated, smiling whilehe gripped a handful of my hair and shook my head from side to side.

"Sir, Yes Sir," I replied.

"Maybe next time," he teased.

We had some great, aggressive, sex and he left me tied upand naked on the floor next to his bed while he slept overnight.

The next morning, Master Eugene woke fairly early. I had finally fallen asleep after a lot oftossing and turning trying to find a comfortable way to sleep on the hardwoodfloor next to his bed. I had slept thisway before, of course, but it had been a while, and I had clearly gotten softand gotten too used to a nice comfortable bed to sleep in. My hands tied behind my back as I slept alsomeant I had to lie on my stomach or my sides, as it was just too uncomfortableto try to lie on my back. I found lyingon my stomach made it difficult to breath comfortably but lying on one side puttoo much pressure on my hips and shoulders on that side. After much wriggling and adjusting I finally founda position that was half-way between on my side and on my stomach. Fortunately, despite the snow falling outside,the room was warm as Master Eugene enjoyed his comforts.

Master Eugene was fully dressed when he kicked me gently towake me up.

"Wake up lazy," he said mockingly, but also in jest.

"Yes, Sir," I replied groggily, still half asleep.

I had only managed probably a couple of hours of sleep anddespite normally being a morning person, I felt really tired and lethargic.

"Want to see your new video?"

Master Eugene walked away, leaving me to contemplate thatquestion. It took me a few seconds torealize what he meant. They had posted anew video on the web site that already contained videos of me being gang fuckedby ten Black guys. I struggled to my feet, conscious that I really needed topiss, but my curiosity was much more motivating than the pressure in mybladder. My morning wood however was aserect and obvious as ever. I had not been allowed to jerk off or cum the day beforeor last night, and I was horny as hell.

I walked into the living room to see Master Eugene loungingin the soft leather office chair that sat in front of his office desk. Thelarge computer screen on the desk was cued up to the web site and I could see myself,naked, full frontal, barefoot, with my hands tied behind my back, standing onthe muddy path that led down from the farmhouse to the road. The video was paused, but as I walked forward,staring intently at the screen, Master Eugene clicked the play button and I distinctlyheard the photographers voice say "Drive away. Leave him here like that."

The video then showed the Jeep driving away from me, and merunning to try to catch up with it. It looked as though I had just been thrownout of the vehicle, and I was running to try to catch up to it. It was fucking hot. Finally the Jeep speeds away from me, and asI become smaller and smaller on the screen, it is clear that I'm being leftbehind. It was a very exciting video,and I thought I looked really good in it.

Master Eugene scrolled down to show that around sevenhundred people had viewed the video and scrolled further down to let me seesome of the comments.

"I just posted it about an hour ago," he said.

"," I replied.

"Want to see the second one?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied with anticipation.

I had been totally freaked out the first time I saw myselfon the web site being fucked by the Black guys. Now I was totally excited at the fact that thousands of people all overthe world were able to see me, stark naked, being used and fucked, being theslutty whore I really crave to be.

The second video showed me running the last few hundred yardsin the falling snow. It panned to showthe traffic coming, then back to me as I crouched down by the roadside to waituntil the vehicles passed, then running stark naked and barefoot for the lastthirty yards to the Jeep. It then showedme being thrown to the ground in the snow and forced to roll around in the snowas the photographers boots moved me from my stomach, to my back and so on.

This video already had over two thousand views and therewere lots of comments too. It seemed most people enjoyed my obvious discomfortat being stark naked and barefoot in the snow.

"Fucking AMAZING. A real fucking SLUT!"

"Piss on him while he's lying in the snow"

"Tie him to a tree in the snow and whip the shit out of himas the traffic drives by"

Just some of the comments that were posted on the second video. I was honestly captivated by the comments,and I was getting super horny at some of the things people were suggesting theywanted to do to me. Some were just way, way, out there, but some were -- intriguingto be sure. I had not been allowed to cum last night, or the night before, so Iwas horny, and my cock was twitching and dripping as I stood next to MasterEugene as he scrolled through the comments.

"You're really popular," Master Eugene commented, seemingreally impressed.

I blushed profusely, despite desiring this attention.

"If you could do three of these things," Master Eugeneasked, as he pointed with is finger to the comments, "Which five would you mostwant to have happen to you?"

I hesitated for a moment or two and began to deny myexcitement with an "I -- I'm not sure..." butMaster Eugene cut me off.

"You fucking know what is getting you hard on thesecomments. Tell me, and I can probablymake it happen."

He watched me intently, with a broad smile on his face. My eyes darted from his, to the screencomments, and I took a renewed interest in them. If they might become a reality, something Iwould experience -- that was more than simply a flight of fancy or fantasy.

Master Eugene untied my hands from behind my back and indicatedto me to use the mouse to scroll through the comments. He remained seated whileI stood, with my cock rock hard and leaking, as I read the lurid and sometimesfrightening comments, yet, this turned me on. I was fucking turned on by thousands of strangers not only seeing mesubmit in the most intimate and degrading ways, but by the fact that they allwanted to do something to me also.

I read through all the comments scrolling down to the bottomof them, then scrolled back up, pausing on the ones that stood out most tome. Master Eugene sat, sipping a cup ofcoffee, watching me scroll and slowly stroking my cock with his free hand. Hishand on my cock was getting me hornier and hornier as I read the comments. Henoticed the comments I was returning to and just smiled and nodded to himselfas though he already knew precisely what would turn me on. We had discussed my fantasies at length, sohe probably did have a really good idea.

I picked three from the list of comments on the secondvideo.

"Would love to gang rape that skinny white bitch with twentyof my home boys. We'd rip him in half and leave him naked in some random alleywith cum and piss coming out of all his holes."

"Tie his ass naked to a tree in Central Park and leave himthere for 24 hours. Let anyone who comes by use him as they please."

"I'd love that white bitch naked in chains on my farm.Working the fields all day, and working my cock all night. I have thirty acres ifyou're interested. Come for a week, or for a month. No excuses, no escapeunless I let you."

"I knew it," Master Eugene said, smugly. I blushed.

He stood up and suddenly smacked me hard on the side of myface. The slap startled me and I felt the sting on my cheek. My eyes wide, Istumbled back a step, my mouth open, and I looked at him confused. Fear floodedme as I thought I had done something to offend, but I couldn't thing what.

He stepped forward and slapped me twice more on each side ofthe face, then brining his knee up he hit me square in the balls causing me to collapseonto my knees with a loud "nghhh" as my eyes screwed shut and my stomach churned.My hands instantly went towards my going to protect myself from further pain,and to nurse my bruised balls, but Master Eugene grabbed a handful of my hairand tugged my head upwards to face him which involuntarily brought my hands uptoward my head instead.

"Is this how rough you really want it?" he asked scathingly "OR,do you want it rougher?"

I didn't say anything. I was a little in shock, and a little intimidated, but I was also hopingMaster Eugene would go further.

Tugging my head backwards with the handful of hair he stillgripped, I fell backwards landing on my back with my hands cushioning the fall.He released my hair and I saw him take the leather belt from his jeans. He wrappedthe buckle end around his left wrist, smiling as he approached me. I knew whatwas coming, yet the first strike was a painful shock to my naked flesh. He broughtthe belt down with whooshing sound across my left chest and nipple, with theend of the belt whipping under and finishing on my left shoulder blade. I flinchedand rolled to my left a little, as if that would take away the sting. The nextblow landed low on the top of my thighs and it stung like a motherfucker. Another strike across my abdomen, just abovemy cock, caused me to bend and raise my knees in response. The next strike ofthe leather belt caught me squarely on my butt cheeks. Master Eugene was using his whole arm toswing the belt forward and backwards, hitting me on each stroke with no let up,and only a slight difference in force with the forward strike more targeted andpainful.

I had not made a sound yet other than expelling air with eachstrike, but as the blows returned to areas already reddened and sensitive, Ifound myself rolling and twisting on the ground below Master Eugene as theblows continued to rain down. Each blow brought a new cracking sound and stingto my flesh, followed by intense pain and then heat. I took around forty blowsor so when Master Eugene stopped to admire his work. I was breathing hard, andactually had tears in my eyes and running down my cheeks. My handsinvoluntarily roamed over all of the sore spots on my flesh, and I surveyed thedamage with my own eyes. Red welts andangry bruises were forming, but no broken skin or blood.

"Like that, bitch?" Master Eugene asked, though I don't thinkhe was really curious about the answer.

"Sir, Yes, Sir," I replied a little out of breath, lookingup into his smiling and nodding face.

Grabbing a handful of my hair again, Master Eugene pulled meup on to my knees and pulled my wrists behind my back once again. I felt thehandcuffs click into place.

"If you're gonna be gang raped by twenty guys at once, they'regonna be fuckin rough with you," Master Eugene said as he walked in front of meand slapped me hard across the face.

"Ungghhh........Yes, Sir," I responded. I almost lost my balanceand fell to the side with the force of the slap, but I shuffled my knees, keptmyself upright and returned my head to look up at him. My cheek was burningwith heat.

A sudden and totally unexpected kick to my exposed ballscaused me to double over and collapse on the floor, squeezing my things astightly as I could to -- I'm not even sure. To try to protect my balls? To helptake the pain away?

The kick was not super hard, but it caught me perfectly,trapping my balls between his foot and my pelvis. I rolled onto my side andlooked up at Master Eugene with tears streaming from my eyes as a response tothe pain.

Master Eugene smiled, leaned down, grabbed my right leg andpulled it with force to expose my groin and began kicking me in the balls withmuch less force than before, but my sensitive balls as this point didn't seemto notice or care about the difference. I flinched and bucked with every kick,feeling my stomach doing somersaults as the pain seemed spread like cold waterfrom my groin all the way up to my stomach. A dozen or so kicks and I washonestly a sniveling wreck. I was twistingand turning to try to prevent each blow from landing fully on my traumatizedballs, but I was not having much success.

Finally, Master Eugene let go of my leg and I curled up intoa tight ball to protect my groin and try to regain some form of composure.Slowly my breathing returned to normal, thought the pain in my balls was stillever present. Rolling me onto my backand sitting on my chest, Master Eugene smiled down at me.

"If I tie you naked to a tree in Central Park and let anyonedo what they want to you," he said "Anyone could come by."

"Fat ugly guys. Guys that smell bad and with uncut cheesydickheads. Tough guys that slap the shitout of you as they fuck you. Guys that make you drink their piss and spit. Groupsof guys. Maybe even women. You'd have nocontrol over who turns up and how they use you,"

He reached behind and found my cock had gone from flaccidand retreating during his groin kicking frenzy to hard and drippingpre-cum. He smiled and began to slap myballs with his hands as I flinched and grimaced, but I didn't try to buck himoff me. My cock quickly subsided again as the abdomen pain and stomachsomersaults returned. Three or four slaps was all it took, when Master Eugenesuddenly turned around to face away from me. I felt him manipulate something overmy now flaccid cock, and flinched as he forced my balls between hisfingers. I realized quickly that it wasa cock chastity device he was pushing my balls through, and my cock into. I had worn one before, but I much preferredto have my cock out and free swinging for Masters and others to grab onto anduse.

Master Eugene stood up to take stock of his handiwork. The stainless steel tube ran from the base ofmy cock and encapsulated my cock completely. It was only about four inches long,and curved with a hole at the end to allow me to pee. Even in my flaccid state,it seemed way to short for comfort. A small silver padlock secured the device.

"That's better," he smiled. "I'm going to be really busy over the next few weeks, and Master Scottis out of town as well, so I want you really horny by the time I use you again."

"Yes, Sir," I said dutifully. I had only worn a chastitydevice on my cock once before, and then only for a few hours during ascene. I wondered what this would belike.

I spent the rest of the afternoon taking care of choresMaster Eugene set me in his home. Ivacuumed, dusted, washed his dishes, and wearing only a flimsy pair of nylonshorts which tented out in front due to the chastity device, I washed hisclothes in the building laundry room in the basement.

At around seven in the evening the doorbell went, and MasterEugene gave me thirty bucks and told me to answer the door. The knock on thedoor sent me scurrying to open it, naked as always with my new chastity devicefront and center. The young Asian guy on the other side of the door was soengrossed in sorting out some boxes of Chinese food into two separate plasticbags that he almost paid me no attention, until kneeling his eyes rested on mychastity device. He looked up into my eyes, his mouth dropped open, and hepaused, seemingly very unsure what to do. I offered him the $30 bucks.

"My Master says you can keep any change," I said with asmile.

He blushed profusely, took the thirty Dollars, and finallyorganized the bag with five boxes of Chinese food within. He extended his handand I took the bag from him. His eyesnever really left my encased cock.

"Thank you Sir," I said as I took the bag and closed thedoor.

Master Eugene did this a number of times with me, making meanswer the door naked, in chastity, sometimes with a raging hardon, and othertimes with cum all over my face. Manydeliver boys saw me in this state as I accepted the food they were deliveringand paid them. The regular USPS, UPS,and FedEx delivery guys for the building got to know me very well indeed. Interestingly, none of them seemed disgustedby me. Most seemed at worst indifferent,and the regular FedEx guy who was a big hairy White guy with a big belly seemedmost intrigued and appreciative of the show whenever I answered to door.

Sadly for the next three weeks, I didn't see either MasterEugene, nor Master Scott, nor Stan. Ijust worked, went to the gym, and slept. But I was constantly reminded of my predicament as my cock wasconstantly trying to get hard, but the confines of the chastity device made itpainful and impossible to get fully erect. I was getting hornier, and hornier, and hornier as the second week camearound, and even worse by the third week. I was anxiously waiting for MasterEugene to call me, so I could release my cock from its bondage and finally cum.My balls literally seemed to ache for relief.

On the Friday of the third week Master Eugene sent me a textmessage in the afternoon.

"Meet me at 10 PM. Wear white shorts, white t-shirt, whitesneakers -- nothing else."

He texted me the address which was on the East side. Iresponded "Yes, Sir. Great to have youhome, Sir," but he didn't reply.

I arrived at the brownstone at 9:45 PM and sat on the stepswaiting until a taxi dropped off Master Eugene ten minutes later.

"Follow me," he said without pausing as he bounded up thestairs and into the building. We went tothe fourth floor to a unit in the middle of the hallway. Master Eugene knocked on the door.

The door was opened by a White guy in his mid forties. Hewas fairly good looking with light brown hair, a full beard and light greeneyes. He smiled when he saw MasterEugene and more broadly when he noticed me standing just behind. Green eyes handed Master Eugene a small roll oftwenty Dollar bills which Master Eugene pocketed before turning to me.

Reaching into my shorts, Master Eugene unlocked the chastitydevice and finally released my cock from its bondage. It felt so great to be free, and my cock immediatelystarted to get hard. I was so focused on my release that I had not reallythought too much about what was happening. Master Eugene pushed me gently by myshoulders into the apartment and Green eyes closed the door with Master Eugene leftoutside.

Green eyes grabbed me around the waist and began topassionately kiss me with his tongue probing every corner of my mouth.

"Very nice," he said as he stood back, his eyes ranging upand down over my body.

"Strip," he said casually as he watched me intently.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I stepped out of my sneakers andpulled my t-shirt up over my head at the same time. Pushing my shorts down andstepping out of them I left everything where it fell.

"Turn around," Green eyes asked, and I willingly complied ashis hands explored my flesh.

Taking me by the hand, he led me into his living room, hadme kneel on the ground in front him as he laid back on his couch, and I suckedon his nice seven-inch cock for a while, also licking his balls. We switched positions, and with me on myhands and knees on the couch, shoved his cock into me slowly and carefully andbegan to fuck me while his hands caressed my back and chest. I felt him come insideme and he simply hugged me close for about ten minutes before he walked me backto the front door where my clothes were still lying on the ground.

I got the very clear understanding that I was to getdressed, and he opened his front door, kissing me on the lips as I walkedout. I walked down to the ground floorand Master Eugene was waiting there. Without saying a word to me, we got into ataxi he hailed and drove up town to another building. This was a nicer buildingwith a doorman who waived us through and sent us up to the twentieth floor.

Master Eugene rang the doorbell and the door was openedalmost immediately by an older Asian guy in a very nice three piece suit. Two younger Asian guys were sitting insidethe apartment watching gay porn on a big screen television as they sipped Whiskeyand slowly jerked off.

The older Asian again handed Master Eugene some money, and Iwas gently pushed into the apartment, the door closing behind me. The older Asian guy took my hand and walkedme towards the two younger guys who were probably in their late twenties. Theyturned and smiled as we approached. The older guy remained dressed throughout,but he choreographed everything that happened. I was stripped, bound with rope,fucked by both younger guys at the same time while I was kneeling on the floor,bent over a table, laying on my back on the couch. I was dragged into the bathroom where bothyoung guys pissed into my mouth and over my head and chest. Both guys came inmy mouth and I was instructed to swallow it all. I was finally untied and the older guy walkedme to the front door. Still naked, heopened the door where Master Eugene was waiting, sitting in an armchair in thehallway playing with his phone.

"May we keep him for longer?" inquired the older Asian ofMaster Eugene.

Master Eugene stood up from the armchair and walked to theapartment door.

"I'm afraid not tonight. He had other clients lined upalready," he replied apologetically.

"Perhaps next time," the older Asian suggested as hereleased my hand.

"Absolutely," responded Master Eugene before telling me toget my stuff.

I grabbed my clothes and sneakers and walked naked into thehallway. The two younger Aisan guys were chatting amongst themselves. Only theolder Asian guy watched me as I began to dress in the hallway while we waitedfor the elevator.

Into another taxi called by the doorman of the building andwe drove way up town. Master Eugene was on his cell phone the whole time,essentially ignoring me and only talking with the taxi driver to provide him theaddress we were heading to. It wasaround 1 AM when we arrived at a the next location, which took quite some timeto drive to. It was a detached house with two floors surrounded by a garden anda low wall with an iron fence. We opened the gate and walked up to the frontdoor. As we approached, the front door opened and an older Black guy stood inthe doorway smiling at us. He was probably around sixty, with a bald head, alarge belly protruding over his jeans but covered by a hoodie. Handing MasterEugene a was of Dollars I knew my role by now. I stepped forward and into thehouse.

Old Black guy made me dance to some music as I stripped offmy t-shirt and shorts. He gave medirections on how to gyrate to his satisfaction, and he filmed me the wholetime. Once I was naked, he instructed me to feel myself, play with myself,finger my hole, stroke my cock. Finallyhe ordered me to strip him which I did under his specific directions. Thehoodie came off first to reveal a torso full of various tattoos and large darknipples which were almost four inches in circumference. He grabbed my head andmade me suck his nipples, and lick his armpits which smelled of sweat anddeodorant.

Next I removed his jeans and was ordered to suck his toes.They were fat and hairy, but as he had been barefoot the whole time, they wereotherwise pretty clean. From there I was required to lick up his legs until Ireached his boxer shorts which I was to remove using only my teeth. His cock wasonly about five inches even when fully hard, but his balls were the size of Tennisballs and they hung down very low. Hewas not very mobile or flexible, so while I sucked his cock on my knees, heswayed back and forth a little, steadying himself more than once by using myshoulders. He tried to "face-fuck" me,but he just wasn't large enough to cause me any difficulty. Finally, he walkedme into the bedroom and laid down on his back.

"Fuck yourself on my cock, bitch," he commanded.

I knelt on the bed over him and lowered myself onto hiscock, then began to pump up and down on him. It didn't take too long for him to cum inside me as he grunted and groanedin pleasure. I was then ordered to suck and clean his cock, and once again lickout his armpits and asshole.

Satisfied he pulled on a robe and walked me into the livingroom telling me to get dressed. Opening the front door, I saw Master Eugene sittingon the swing in the garden, waiting for me to complete my latest task. It was now a little after 2 AM.

"Your last client cancelled, so you're done for the night,"Master Eugene said as I approached him on the swing.

"How does it feel being a whore?'

"I, I'm not sure,Sir," I replied honestly. I loved thefact that I was being used, and had no real option to say now. Of course, I could say no if I really wantedto, but I didn't really want to say no. I was concerned about catching STD's or something worse, but I was alsoso fucking horny from being in that damned chastity device, that my desire tobe used, abused, and treated like a whore far outweighed those concerns.Despite being fucked tonight, and despite being hard and leaking as I wasfucked, I still had not cum.

"Uh huh," Master Eugene laughed, not believing a word I wassaying.

As we stood in the garden Master Eugene pulled down myshorts and slapped my balls a half dozen times until my cock softened enough toput it back into the chastity device, padlocking it in place.

I think I actually whimpered as he did this, feeling totallydeflated and still as horny as hell.

The taxi eventually arrived and we returned to Master Eugene'splace. I stripped the moment I entered, and then soaped and washed MasterEugene in the shower, drying him with a towel before he went to bed. I slept naked on the floor beside MasterEugene's bed, though it was difficult to sleep as I went back over the nightshumiliations and my cock kept trying to get hard inside its tiny prison.

I was a whore. I wasbeing pimped out for money, and I was having sex with anyone Master Eugenedecided. The whole concept was a fantasyI had jerked off to many times, but I really didn't anticipate everexperiencing it. I had never envisionedthat I would whore out my body for money. The first Green eyes guy was ok. The two younger Asian guys were fun and cute. The old Black guy was not very fun atall. I guessed that was the way it was,and would be.

Master Eugene woke around noon, had breakfast, and I wasdressed in tight jeans, a t-shirt and sneakers. My first scheduled client was at 1 PM for an hour. A half hour betweento travel and my next client was at 2:30 PM, then 4 PM, then 5:30 PM then 7 PMand so on. The clients ranged in age fromthe youngest at around twenty-five, to the majority in their late thirties toearly fifties. The oldest was a verythin, wiry, Jewish guy who told me he was ninety-three. Two Chinese guys in the early evening decidedto whip my ass with leather belts while they spat and pissed on me, before theyboth fucked me spit-roast style. OneLatino guy face-fucked me with a huge dildo until I puked, then replaced thedildo with his own huge cock until he came down my throat. He then pissed down my throat and left melying in my own puke and his piss for about twenty minutes while fucked my asswith the dildo that had been down my throat.

We returned to Master Eugene's place at around 3 AMagain. I was exhausted and filthy, andMaster Eugene once again had me shower him, cleaning myself at the same time. Istill had not cum, and my cock was aching for release, but the chastity devicewent on once again and I got little sleep, despite being so tired. My throbbingand painful cock just made it impossible to push out the thoughts of all thosepeople who had fucked this whore that evening.

Sunday was the same, beginning at noon and ending around 3AM once again. Today I was wearing onlyshorts, a t-shirt, and sneakers. The belt marks from the two Chinese guys had leftwelts on my ass and the backs of my legs, which encouraged some of the clientsthe following day to get a bit rougher with me. One particular Arab guy was reallyaggressive, pulling my hair, slapping me hard all over, tugging on my ballsuntil I thought he was going to castrate me, kicking me in the ass, stomach andribs, standing and trampling on me, and fucking me so hard I thought I wasgoing to pass out. We were in a very rundown, seedy apartment complex in the early hours of Monday morning for thisclient. When he was finished with me, he literally threw me naked into thecorridor and tossed my clothes after me, but as I gathered up my stuff Irealized he'd only thrown me my t-shirt and one sneaker. I had just pulled onmy t-shirt when a couple of really rough looking guys came out of a door just alittle further down the hallway and began walking towards me, squinting indisgust at me. The closest one to mespat on me as he passed by.

"Disgusting fucking faggot," he said as much under hisbreath as directly to me. "Better get the fuck outta here before you really getfucked up."

I was scared shitless. I grabbed my single sneaker andpulling my t-shirt down as much as I could to cover my cock in the front I randown the stairs to the entryway where Master Eugene was waiting for me acrossthe street. He shook his head from side to side as I approached him. If I pulled the t-shirt down in front to covermy cock, it rode up in the back to expose my naked ass. If I tried to cover my ass and cock, it onlydid half the job on either side, so Master Eugene took off his winter jacketand wrapped me in it to cover me up for the taxi ride.

My balls were still aching from the Arab guy, and I hoped wewere going home, when the taxi stopped about fifteen blocks from Master Eugene'splace. Master Eugene paid the taxi and I stepped out into an area of the city I'dseen during the daylight, but at night it was deserted, dark, quiet, and almostominous. As the taxi left I lookedaround, wondering where the next client would be. Master Eugene took the onesneaker I had left and casually tossed it into an alley at the side of us. Hethen unzipped his winter jacket, took it off me, and wrapped it around himselfagain. I suddenly felt so much colder standing in the wind without theprotection of the jacket.

"You know where you are, right?" Master Eugene asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

Master Eugene then produced my house key.

"You can keep the t-shirt, but I keep your house key," hesaid with a devious grin, "OR, you can take your house key but you give me thet-shirt. You have work tomorrow, so you'regoing home now. How you go home is up to you."

He reveled in my confusion and indecision for a few moments,smiling broadly and confidently. I knew I could not easily get into myapartment building, or my apartment itself, without my key. I pulled my t-shirtover my head and handed it to Master Eugene. Standing stark naked, but with a stainlesssteel chastity guard covering my cock, I was about a half-mile from myapartment.

Master Eugene smiled, reached over and kissed me full on thelips.

"You are such a fucking hot whore, you know that?"

"Sir, Thank you Sir," I replied, blushing.

He handed me the key to my apartment, then simply turned andwalked away in the direction of his own place, which was in the oppositedirection to my place. I still had red welt marks from the Chinese guys who hadwhipped me with the belt, and slap marks on my chest, stomach, and legs fromthe Arab guy. I was naked and barefootwith only the chastity guard for coverage. What choice did I have. I began jogging back to my own place. Fortunately it was a cold night where I couldsee my breath as I ran, and it was very early in the morning, so not too manypeople were out and about. I had to hidebetween some parked cars once or twice as people did pass me on the street, andI know a few vehicles spotted me, but I finally made it to my apartmentbuilding, and to my apartment.

It was 4:30 AM when I got back home. I showered and jumped into my bed, but I couldn'tsleep. I was a whore. I was a real, life, fucking whore. I had whored my body out and Master Eugenehad made money off me. I desperately wantedto jerk off and cum, but that fucking chastity device made it impossible todo. I don't think I've ever been sohorny and desperate in my whole life.


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you ifyou are a dominant, aggressive, demanding Master who likes to keep his slavesnaked and collared lol ) at ALL TIMES.

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