Slutty Whore New York

By Kai Anderson

Published on Mar 28, 2019




These are mostly memoirs of things I've done in thepast. Timelines are adjusted and someartistic license has been applied to make the re-telling more interesting andcaptivating. Some things which I include in one moment of time may havehappened over weeks or months, but compressing them into one moment would havebeen so much fun, so I re-tell it this way.


It took a very long time to walk and I was just reachingBank Street when I remembered that I didn't have my apartment key. How the hell would I get in. I reached my apartment building and it wasalready light. I was completelyexhausted, soaking wet, I was shivering with the cold, and I had no idea how Icould get into my building when a neighbor opened to front building door to headout for a run.

"Morning," he said as he flew past me without paying anyattention to my attire, or lack thereof.

"Morning,' I shouted back as I stepped into the hallway ofmy building. I walked up to my floor and there taped to my door was an envelopewith my name on it. Inside the envelopewas my apartment key with a note from Eugene.

"Great job. They loved you. Call you later. Eugene"

I didn't even think at the time how he got into my building toleave the envelope, or how he got the key, or how he knew I didn't have mykey. I was just so damned happy to getinto my apartment. I let my waterloggedsweatshirt fall to the bathroom floor and stepped into the shower to take along, long, hot and steamy shower. I dried off and fell into bed.

I slept, the sleep of the dead. I was exhausted, spent, sore. I slept forabout twelve hours, but when I woke, my thoughts immediately went back to theten Black guys who had gang fucked me last night, and my cock was rock hard,throbbing, and demanding attention. I jerked off, remembering how I was soroughly stripped naked. How their hands were all over my naked, vulnerable, andsubmitting flesh. How their hard cockspressed against me as they dragged me, pulled me, bent me, grabbed me, fuckedme. I remembered every cock that forced its way into my mouth and throat andthe difference in taste, thickness, and volume of each of them as they shot loadsinto my mouth and over my face.

As I continued to stroke my own cock, getting hotter andhotter as I remembered the gang fuck, my thoughts turned to being thrown nakedout of the apartment and my cock seemed to get even harder if this waspossible. I vividly remembered andre-experienced the fear that they would slam that door on me, leaving me starknaked, miles from my own apartment, in a strange, scary, rough area of NewYork. While they had thrown mysweatshirt out after me, I found myself fantasizing about -- what if they didn't? I imagined myself leaving their building,stark naked. Slinking down those stairs and hiding in shadows and betweenparked cars as I tried to make my way home. As I tried to travel more than onehundred blocks in the cold rain, in the middle of New York City, stark nakedand barefoot.

I blew a huge, huge load all over my face and body,imagining running through New York completely naked. Being seen by random strangers as I crossedbusy, well light streets. My cock rock hard and swinging from side to side as Iran to escape capture. It was a paralyzingly frightening thought for me, for somany reasons. To be stranded naked within New York City, yet, it got me so fuckinghard just thinking about it.

I finally got out of bed and drank some cold water from myfridge. My throat was still scratchy and sore. My asshole was tender andsensitive. My stomach was rumbling and upset. I went to the restroom and pooped out cum. Cum from the Black fuckers from the nightbefore. Nothing else, just cum. I began to doubt myself again and questionwhy I wanted to submit in this way so much, but as I was torn between thedoubts and safety concerns, my cock got hard and I was stroking myself again,getting excited and engrossed in the fantasy and reality of submitting. I am a whore, I thought to myself. I am a whore.

I made myself some instant oatmeal and turned on my computerto check my email. I noticed immediately fifteen emails from Eugene withattachments. As I opened the first it said simply "Enjoy." I clicked on the attachment and it took me toa web site I had never known of before, which contained links to videos. Iclicked on the video thumbnail highlighted and saw ten Black guys fucking the hellout of a naked, skinny, White slut. I recognized the dirty carpet, and Irecognized one of the lighter skinned Black guys who had long shoulder length cornrows and tattoos all over his body. Itreally did take me a few moments, as the White slut had his face buried in areally muscular, really dark skinned Black guys crotch while another cock was pummelinghis ass, propelling him forward onto that cock with every thrust, while he madewhimpering and gurgling and choking noises, but it finally dawned on me that,that......oh fuck. That White slut wasfucking ME!

My stomach tightened and churned, and cold fear swept overme. I found myself shaking and yet I couldn't take my eyes off my computerscreen. My immediate, irrational, fearwas that EVERYONE would suddenly and instantly know that I was a fucking dirty,slutty, whore. My co-workers would know. My neighbors would know. My -- oh fuck,my family back home in Scotland would know. I couldn't hide any more. I almost felt physically sick, yet, I couldn'tstop watching myself being fucked so brutally, and violently, and forcefully. The first video lasted around fifteen minutesbefore it stopped. I immediately opened the next email which had another link, thatshowed more of my gang-fuck. All fifteenemails contained a link, to a video which showed different time periods of myslutty, whorish, self being gang fucked by those Black guys. I don't resist. Idon't say stop. I don't try to stop the cocks being forced down my throat, orbeing thrust violently into my asshole. I don't turn away as cum is shot intomy mouth and over my face, but rather, I open my mouth wide to receive thejism, and I reach out to suck the and clean the cock that provided it.

My heart is pounding through my chest as I was eachsuccessive video posted on the web site, until I reach the last one, when I'mpulled up off the floor and I'm shown, full frontal naked, my hair matted withsweat and cum, my face covered in cum but clearly visible and recognizable, mycock standing straight out in front of me, rock hard and dripping wet. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.......FUCK!!"

The final video shows the mountain man dragging my naked,filthy ass to the door and throwing me out into the hallway like the disgustingtrash I clearly am. I just stand therewhining something which the video doesn't pick up as it is just a little toofar away. My hands feebly try to hide myrapidly softening cock as fear invades my face and I begin to walk slowly anduncertainly back towards the room. Before I make it to the door, the mountainman fills the doorframe again, and I see my sweatshirt being thrown into thehallway, then the door slamming in my face.

I notice the number of views below the video on the website,and this vide has been viewed more than eight thousand times. Eight Fucking Thousand people have watched mebe gang fucked by ten Black guys, and have seen me suck cock, swallow cum, andbe filled by cock and cum in my ass. Fearand shock are the primary emotions at this moment and I feel physically sick asmy whole body shakes, yet, at the same time I'm drawn to the comments below thevideo, and as I begin to read them they are all exciting to me.

"Fucking hot little slut. Wish I had him for a night."

"God Damn. He takes huge cock like a sloppy whore."

"Nice video. Love how rough they are on the slut, and howmuch the slut loves it."

As I go back to the prior emails and videos, I see similarcomments and my cock grows hard, and my heart pounds, and I find myself totallyelated now at the thought that thousands of people who viewed me being gangfucked so roughly, are getting off on it. My fear of discovery recedes and I jerk off imagining all of thosestrangers, jerking off as they watch me being fucked. I have nude modeled, and I have acted onstage, but exposing my innermost secret and humiliating sexual desires to everyoneseemed so much more scary and vulnerable.

I was torn between not wanting to expose myself and my desiresso openly to everyone who found the videos on the web site, and actually beingexcited at the thought that ANYONE could discover my deepest slutty desires byfinding the web site.

I explored the web site and the other videos and commentsposted, and I was enthralled. The videosencompassed a variety of sexual "deviance" and kink. They captivated me and Ispent the whole evening and into the very early hours of Monday morning,watching video after video and jerking off to many of them. My fear andtrepidation had been replaced by excitement that so many people enjoyed seeingmy submission and seeing me being fucked so aggressively. My fantasies thenexpanded to consider how I could be embarrassed, used, humiliated, demeanedmore, on film and on the web site.

Master Eugene called me on Wednesday evening. I had beenchecking out the videos of me on the web site, and saw the number of people watchingand commenting on each video increase day by day. As the numbers increased, myfears diminished, and my excitement at being seen by so many increased.

"Did you check out the videos?" asked Master Eugene.

"Sir, Yes, Sir."

"What do you think?"

"Amazing, Sir." I replied. "At first I was," I paused,unsure what to say and how honest to be, but I decided to let Master Eugeneknow everything. "I was pissed at first."

"I was pissed that you sent me to be gang fucked by so manyBlack guys," I continued.

"I was pissed that they didn't use condoms. I was pissedthey threw me out with just a sweatshirt to go home, all the way home from upthere."

Master Eugene said nothing.

"I was really pissed, and scared, when I saw the web sitevideos."

"And now?" Master Eugene inquired very matter of factly.

I laughed.

"Now," I repeated.

"Now I've been watching my videos and the other videos everynight, Sir." I answered.

"I was pretty sure you'd love it all," Master Eugeneresponded.

"You really are such a fucking whore, boy," he added.

"Who were the Black guys?" I asked, adding "Sir," as anafterthought.

"You don't need to worry about that," Master Eugenedismissed me.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Sorry, Sir," I added feeling stupid for having asked.

"I told them to throw you out naked, you know," MasterEugene added.

"I wanted them to force you to get home stark naked," headded. "I know that's your ultimatefantasy, right."

"Fuck, really, Sir," I asked.

"Yeah," he replied. "Itold them it was your fantasy. To befucking stark, bare-assed, naked in the middle of a city. I told them to throw you out with just your apartmentkey," he continued.

"They enjoyed using you so much, they kinda forgot, so thedumb ass threw you out WITH a sweatshirt, and WITHOUT your key," he laughed.

"They called me about a half our later when they remembered,so I drove up to pick up your key."

I was pretty dumb struck as far as the thought that they mayhave thrown me out completely naked. My fantasy, my desire, but fuck. Howfrightening would that have been. Howwould I have gotten home. Would I have gotten home?

"What are you doing this weekend?" Master changed thesubject.

"Uh....nothing, Sir," I replied, still imagining me runningstark naked through the streets of New York.

"Good. I've got a modelinggig for you Saturday but come to my place on Friday night by 10, ok."

"Yes, Sir," I replied without even asking any details about themodeling gig. My mind, still captivated by running through New York, naked asthe day I was born, on a cold, rainy, night.

Master Scott sent me an email from Paris, telling me heliked the videos on the web site. Master Eugene had shared them with him, whichI should have anticipated. I felt a strong sense of embarrassment when Ireceived Master Scott's email. Somehow, I compartmentalized Master Scott fromMaster Eugene. Master Scott enjoyed humiliatingme in very personal, intimate ways while Master Eugene enjoyed tapping into myown fantasies. I somehow saw them as very different, even though they knew eachother well and shared me.

I arrived at Master Eugene's apartment on Friday at exactly 10PM as ordered. Master Eugene was home alone, and I was naked on my knees takinghis cock within seconds of entering. After he'd used me to his satisfaction, heordered in Chinese food and had me answer the door when the delivery personcame. Naked, with an erect cock, I opened the door and handed two twenties tothe young Asian delivery boy whose eyes seemed transfixed on my cock. I tookthe plastic bag from him, said "Thank you, Sir," and saw him smile broadly ashis eyes briefly flicked back up to meet my own, then they returned to my cock.

Master ate sitting on the couch watching television while Isat naked on the floor at his feet, eating what he fed me, thanking him forevery bite of food and drink of beer. Finally around 1 AM we went to bed, withMaster Eugene wrapping me in his arms. Up at 6 AM, we drove out of the city inMasters jeep. Two hours later, we turnedonto a muddy track and ended up in front of a farmhouse with a dozen or soother vehicles. There was a gentle rain falling through the whole drive, andnow seeing all of these vehicles I began to wonder what this "gig" was.

Master Eugene smiled at me as we got out of the jeep. I heard voices and when we walked around theside of the farmhouse, I noticed about two dozen people all milling around,chatting and drinking tea or coffee out of take away cups. As we approached thebarn type structure everyone was in, a skinny White guy with horn-rimmedglasses, really long light brown hair, and wearing army fatigues strodepurposefully out towards us.

"Eugene, my man. Isthis the guy?" he asked staring at me as though I was his next meal. His eyesroving up and down my body.

"What do you think?" Master Eugene replied, as a few peoplewithin the barn perked up and paid attention to our approach.

"Looks good on the surface, man," he responded noddingslowly, but keeping his eyes fixed onme. "But I'll need to see the whole package."

With that he looked up to the sky, and the still lightlyfalling rain.

"Weather sucks though, man. It's probably too cold for him, no?"he asked looking briefly at Master Eugene.

"No," Master Eugene replied without any hesitation. "He'sfine in cold weather. He actually likes it cold."

The White guys's eyes lit up as he looked from Master Eugeneto myself and back again, almost disbelieving what he was hearing.

Looking back to the crowd in the barn he shouted "We're on. Shooting in an hour."

The crowd began to mill about and their conversation gotlouder.

"Come," he said to me directly. "Let's get you ready."

He turned and walked back towards the barn quickly. MasterEugene and I followed. As we entered the barn I could smell fresh hay mixedwith coffee and manure. A very strange odorcombination. Everyone seemed to be changing clothes, while a few guys wereplaying around with a large wooden crucifix. It was being tied to the front articulated arm of a large yellow excavatorwith ropes. I was curious, but the White guy led me over to a set of tables whichhad a whole array of photography equipment strewn on it.

"Leave your clothes here," he said pointing to a free spoton the table. "I don't want any clothing marks on you when we shoot."

"Yes, Sir," I replied and I followed his orders.

As I stripped I glanced back and the two dozen other people standingin the barn, who were dressing in what appeared to be clothing similar to peoplefrom biblical times. A few were watchingme, as I was getting naked. I felt my cock stir and harden.

Master Eugene was chatting with the photographer, so when Iwas finally naked, I wasn't quite sure what to do next, so I just stood therewith my arms folded, watching everyone else, as they got dressed. The crowd wasa real mix of genders, ages, and races. There were a few really cute looking young guys, but the majority weremid-thirties and even older. The young guys seemed a little too embarrassed tostare directly at my nakedness, but a number of the older folks in the crowdhad no such reservations. I, of course, lovedthe attention of being the only one naked in a crowded room full of clothedpeople.

The photographer was busy chatting and organizing with hiscrew of assistants which clearly included Master Eugene. After around twenty minutes or so he finallyglanced back, and realizing I was now naked, he smiled broadly and walked backto examine me. Turning my head from sideto side, opening my mouth to check out my teeth, running his hands down myarms, caressing my chest and pinching both nipples, and running his hands downover my six pack to grab my cock which was now rock hard.

"Fucking sexy Jesus, man," he said, more to Master Eugenethan myself.

This obvious examination in front of the crowd of people inthe room really got me hard and throbbing, which the photographer, and more afew of the audience members both noticed and seemed to appreciate. I secretly wished the photographer would havehis assistants do likewise, but that was not to happen unfortunately.

He grabbed me by the hand and led me like a child throughthe barn, past the watching crowd and out through the rear doors where I saw ahill filled with white sheep. The fieldwas actually pretty steep and rose up to a crest which only helped to highlightthe grey and black clouds in the dark sky above. The clouds were moving prettyfast over the field in the wind which was cold enough to make me shiver as itcaressed my flesh.

"We're going to suspend the cross with you on it at the top ofthe hill," the photographer told me excitedly. "The sheep are society and thepeople will just help to press the point," he continued as he led me away fromthe barn.

"You're Jesus on the cross," he continued. "A VERY White Jesus, which is fantastic," he continued,in reference to my pale and un-suntanned flesh. I love being naked in the sun, but I've never been able to take asuntan. Instead, I just end up with freckles everywhere.

"Wow.....great," I replied, as I got excited at the prospectof being bound naked on a crucifix at the top of a field, in front of all ofthese people.

"It's a statement on the absurdity of religion, and the evenmore absurd White effigies in Christianity," he went on, as he led me purposefullyforward, still gripping my hand like I was a five year old child.

I heard the excavator engine start behind me. The photographer walked me along the muddytrack which led up by the side of the field as the excavator drove past us,with the large wooden cross swinging back and forward, suspended in the air infront of it.

I glanced back as we reached the top of the hill and saw theother people following us, with Master Eugene still down by the barn fiddlingwith photography gear along with a few of the assistants. Two of the assistants who were dressed normally,but with thick winter coats on, were now walking right behind the photographerand myself. As I glanced back, bothlooked at me and smiled broadly. I was the only one who was naked. My cock wasrock hard, despite the cold and the rain which of course had started to fall aswe walked up the hill. I fucking loved this situation.

The photographer walked me into the field through a gate andwe walked along the top of a ridge, as the excavator drove on the other side ofthe fence. When we reached the mid-pointat the crest of the hill, the excavator lifted the cross over the fence andlowered it down until it rested laid down fully on the ground. The photographerhad me lay down on my back on the cross with my arms outstretched and my legstogether, just like Jesus on the cross. The cross was fucking cold to lie on, aswell as wet now from the sprinkling of rain that was falling. The two assistants started to tie my wrists tothe cross on the crossbeam, checking with the photographer and myself to makesure the rope and knots were in the correct position and comfortable. Once my wrists were secured to the photographerssatisfaction, the assistants moved down to my ankles, with one of them runninghis fingers all the way along my arm, down my chest, over my six pac, over myrock hard cock, and all the way down my legs. I lifted my head to watch him as he traced his fingers down my nakedbody, and he stared back at me with a devious smile on his face as he moved.When his fingers rolled over the head of my cock, he swept up some of myleaking pre-cum. He looked at his fingers for a few seconds, looked back at me,then licked the cum off with his tongue. I smiled more broadly as I saw him do that, and his smile back wasequally conspiratorial. Finally, myankles were also bound securely.

The other people started to filter into the field, allwatching as I was being bound, naked and full frontal on the cross. My cock was still hard and throbbing, andleaking obvious pre-cum. Thephotographer leaned over me as I lay on top of the cross, still on the groundand smiled.

"Not too cold?" he asked.

"No, Sir. I'm kindaenjoying this right now, Sir," I replied.

He laughed and nodded his head approvingly, glancing at theassistant who had tasted my pre-cum.

"I love that you're hard and leaking," he continued,stroking my cock with his hand three or four times. "It will add a sexual context I hadn't reallycontemplated. Fucking fantastic."

"Careful," I said as he continued to stroke me. "You're getting me close."

The photographer and both assistants chuckled.

At a signal from the photographer, the excavator enginerevved and the cross began to rise up, pulling me more and more upright. Both assistants held onto me as the crosspassed through forty-five degrees and began to lift up to the verticalposition. Their hands were cold againstmy flesh, yet it enhanced the vulnerability of my position. Both were looking from my face, to thebindings around my wrist and ankles, to the excavator driver who was operatingthe arm. As the angle continued to increase, my weight slid down the crosssomewhat, putting more and more pressure on my wrists until the cross wasessentially upright, though still resting on the ground, and my full bodyweight was suspended by the bindings around my wrists and ankles.

It was a very strange yet exhilarating experience. As thecross rose, everyone below looked up to watch. Naked, cold, wet, hard, andexposed, I found it extremely erotic, even though the bounds around my wristsand ankles began to dig uncomfortably into my flesh.

"You good?" asked the cute assistant who had tasted my cum,as I hung on the cross, now some four to six feet above him.

"Yes, Sir," I instinctively replied, while still surveyingthe surreal scene before me. A green field, with sheep and people dressed inperiod costume, surrounding me as I was raised naked and bound to the cross.

The assistant laughed and stroked my cock a few more times.

"Need to keep it hard," he said.

"Ungh...... Yes, Sir," Igrunted.

At another signal the cross was raised off the ground tolift me even further into the air. Ropeswere attached to the bottom of the cross and affixed to stakes that had beendriven into the field. These were to try to prevent the cross from twisting,and to keep me fully on display for everyone in the field below me. Sadly the two assistants backed away and rejoinedthe other assistants at the back of the crown, but my eyes followed theassistant who had tasted my cum, and he kept glancing back to me also.

The photographer and assistants then started corralling thesheep and "extra's" into different groupings, and I was given direction on howto hang my head, to adjust my leg position, to turn my body slightly from rightto left, to open my hands or make fists and so on. The rain began to fall heavier as the sessioncontinued, and my hair became matted, allowing tiny rivers of rain to run downmy flesh. The cold wind also picked upwhich caused the cross to begin to rotate from side to side, and front to backa little.

I was on the cross for about an hour and was getting reallycold, as I was largely unable to move at all. I would turn slightly and wiggle my arms and legs as much as possiblefrom time to time to keep the circulation going, but I was losing the feelingin my arms and legs, and my hands and feet were like blocks of ice. I trulyenjoy the submissiveness of being naked and bound in the cold, rain, andsnow. There is something much more degradingabout being both stark naked and cold at the same time. I can endure quite abit, an advantage of my Scottish upbringing, but I was not beginning to shakeuncontrollably.

Finally the photographer decided it was time to bring medown. The two assistants who helped hoistme into position returned to help lower me, as all the "extra's" quickly madetheir way out of the field and back down the hill to the warmth and protectionof the barn.

As the bottom of the cross finally touched the ground, thecute assistant stepped directly in front of me, straddling the cross and mybody.

"I'm Alan,' he said, as his cold hands grabbed me around thewaist.

I flinched involuntarily as his cold hands grabbed myequally cold flesh, but I smiled equally as uncontrollably.

"Hi," I said, as he stepped forward rubbing my still hardcock against his chest. "I'm.."

Before I could finish he interrupted me.

"Kai," he said confidently. "I know."

"You must be fucking freezing to death," he said, as he leanedinto me and hugged me tightly. "I'm fuckingfreezing and I've got this thick jacket on."

"You're gonna get my cum on your jacket," I quipped back asmy cock head rubbed over the zipper of his thick padded winter jacket, gettingme more and more excited.

"S'ok...," he smiled up at me, as the cross began to tiltslowly backward toward the ground. "You'lljust have to lick it off for me, right."

"YES, SIR," I said a little too loudly, and I heard theother assistant who was behind the cross, helping to guide it down to theground gently, giggling loudly.

Sadly as the cross lowered further and further towards theground, Alan was no longer able to hug me with his whole body, but he kept hishands on my hips all the way down until the cross finally rested firmly on theground. His eyes however remained fixed on mine the whole time.

Once on the ground, Alan moved down to untie my ankles whilethe other assistant untied both my wrists, one by one. Once untied Alan beganmassaging my blocks of ice that were my feet, with the other assistant massagedthe other two blocks of ice that were my hands. All were tingling from the blood rushing back to them again, and themassaging felt both painful and super warm and great all at the same time.

They slowly sat me upright, with Alan pulling my arms andthe other assistant using his legs behind my back to support me. I couldn't walk as my legs were stiff and cold,and my arms were equally stiff and cold.

"Take your time, dude," the assistant behind me cautioned asI sat for a few moments, shaking my arms and hands, and wiggling my feet and legs.

Alan rubbed his warm hands all the way up and down my thighs,studiously avoiding my cock and balls as he did, which disappointed me, but Iwas very appreciative of the assist. Slowly, the warmth and feeling began to returnand they both helped me to my shaky feet.

They wrapped me in a blanket and both helped me walk backdown the hill to the barn. Everyone elsehad already returned to the barn, to get out of the wind and rain, includingthe photographer and Master Eugene. Itwas just the three of us left, walking carefully and slowly down the evenmuddier path now. Once back at the barn I was given a mug of hot coffee andleft sitting on a stool with a blanket around me as all of the "extra's" gotdressed in their regular street clothes and one by one, they left. I noticed myclothes were no longer on the table where I had left them, nor anywhere else tobe seen.

It was probably around forty-five minutes when thephotographer, Master Eugene, and the other guys who were assisting in the photoshoot walked in through the back door of the barn. The photographer came up tome immediately and gave me a hug, causing the blanket around me to fall to theground, leaving me naked again.

"Great, really great, man," he said as he hugged me.

"Thanks," I replied, glancing at Master Eugene who washeling the others put away the photography equipment and totally ignoring me.

"Come," he said taking my hand and leading me over to a sidetable where he picked up a digital camera. My blanket was still lying on the groundbehind me, so once again, I was the only one naked in the room, which was fine byme. I noticed Alan glance over and smileas I stood now just a few feet away, stark naked again. I smiled back at him and shrugged myshoulders a little.

The photographer started scrolling quickly through images,and stopped on a few to let me see them. Shot from lower down the hill, the sheep were in the foreground, withthe other extras mingled between them. In the middle and above all of them wasthe cross, with me, naked hanging on it. Beyond the cross were the angry, darkclouds and sky. It was a pretty surrealimage, and as he flipped through more and more images, I got more and moreexcited. They were truly amazing. I had modeled for lots of photographers but I'dnever quite seen images like this.

"We'll re-work the images to take away the ropes, so justimagine that they're not there," he said excitedly.

I was so engrossed by the images on the small digital screenon the camera that I didn't realize everyone else had finished their packingand had loaded up their vehicles with all of the gear. Master Eugene came in andwhispered something to the photographer that I could not hear. The photographersmiled and nodded in agreement, looking at me.

Master Eugene picked up some rope that had initially boundme to the cross and smiling walked behind me, pulling my wrists behind myback. My cock twitched and grew harderand I felt the rope binding my wrists behind me. Master Eugene grabbed a handfulof hair and pulled my head back sharply so he could talk into my ear.

"Ready for part two?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied without any hesitation.

The photographer left and Master Eugene walked me out of thefront of the barn. Only Master Eugene'sjeep remained parked in front of the barn at this point. The others had clearly all left already. I felt a pang of disappointment that Alan wasnot still around but that was quickly replaced when Master Eugene stopped me afew feet from his Jeep.

"Four miles down that road is the intersection we turned onto come up to this farm." Master Eugene said as he stood in front of me, whilethe photographer was climbing into the back of the jeep, snapping photographsof us.

"You've got thirty minutes to make it to the intersection,or we leave and drive back to the city."

"Ye.....Yes, Sir," I stammered.

With that, Master Eugene walked back to the jeep, started itup, and drove off down the dirt track that led to the roadway at the bottom ofthe lane. I was in good shape, and whileI didn't run regularly, I knew I could do a reasonable five-minute mile, butthat was wearing running shoes and clothes. I was naked, barefoot, on a really rough farm track and a poorlymaintained local road, and my hands were tied tightly behind my back. That wasgoing to slow me down for sure. Wasthirty minutes enough? Would he reallydrive away and leave me stranded, naked, outside of the city with no way to getback? I didn't want the answers to be Noand Yes, though, secretly, somewhere deep inside, I actually did want theanswers to be just that.

I started to run after the Jeep, slipping a little on themud, especially as running with my hands tied behind my back didn't do much formy balance. The photographer was snapping away in the back as I tried to rundown the muddy, slippery, rock strewn road that led from the road to the barn. The Jeep stopped at the turn on to the roaduntil I was almost right on it, before it turned onto the road and sped awayfor about two hundred yards before stopping again. I looked both ways up and down the roadbefore I stepped out onto the road. I had no way to hide my hard cock which wasbobbing up and down, left to right as I ran. I had little opportunity to try to hide with my hands bound behind melike this, so I knew if anyone drove by on this road, they'd see me without anydoubt.

From regaining my warmth inside the barn, as I stepped intothe roadway the cold suddenly made me shiver again. My stomach was doing summersaults at being insuch a precarious position, but my cock betrayed my true emotions by remainingrock hard throughout.

I started to run as quickly as I could on the road. Small rocks and uneven spots made the goingtough on my bare feet, and I kept turning around to make sure no vehicles werecoming up behind me. The Jeep kept paceahead of me for what must have been about a mile, before it disappeared intothe distance, now leaving me completely alone, naked, and bound on the road, inthe rain. I had no choice but to keeprunning, hoping to make it back to the Jeep before they maybe left mehere. I was truly concerned that MasterEugene might actually drive off and leave me here. It was a real possibility to me and I wasscared of that. He had said he intended for that to happen to me after I wasgang fucked by the group of Black guys. I had no reason to doubt that wasexactly what he told them to do. To throw me out naked in the middle of NewYork. I had even less reason to doubtthat he would leave me here, naked, to figure out a way of untying myself andfinding clothes and some way back into the city. I couldn't tell if the shiver was the cold,or the concern.

The rain started to fall harder and it started to actuallyturn to snow. I kept on running as fast as I could. My nose began running and snot was drippingoff as I ran. My cock was still rock hard and leaking pre-cum, and my feet weregetting really, really cold and sore on the freezing pavement as I ran. The sleety snow started getting heavier and Ifelt every single wet snowy flake hit my flesh, my head, my face, my shoulders,my chest, and my cock as I ran. I wasbreathing hard, and my skin was rosy pink from the cold andhyper-sensitive. I had no idea of howlong I had been running or how far I still had to go. I knew it was a T intersection that led fromthis under-maintained side road, to a larger and busier road which would ultimatelylead to the freeway to take us back into New York City. I knew therefore at some point, I'd either seethe Jeep, or I'd arrive at the intersection with no Jeep in sight and I'd knowI'd been abandoned.

It was a very, very, very long run. Or at least, it seemed so. I have run naked in the snow and rain before,but somehow this seemed very different. My fantasy of being abandoned naked inthe wilderness somewhere was possibly coming into reality, and I was literally freakingout about what I would do. About what Icould do.

I started running even faster and finally saw the largerroad looming on the horizon. I saw a few cars and trucks driving on it ineither direction and I realized the approach to the intersection was over unevenground with absolutely no cover at all. I would have to run this last two or three hundred yards completelyexposed to anyone driving on that road and paying attention. I stopped dead inmy tracks for a brief moment, fear gripping me when I could not see the Jeep atthe intersection. It wasn't there. The fucking Jeep was NOT THERE!! Fuck. But then I finally spotted it parked by a large tree on the oppositeside of the larger road.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Not only would I have to run stark naked allthe way to the other road, over two hundred yards or so, but I'd also have tocross that fucking road to get to the Jeep.

I had no real choice. I could stay where I was and watch the Jeep ultimately drive away,leaving me stranded, or I could run to the Jeep, hoping that no-one spotted medoing so. Or at the very least, if someone spotted me, that they are not a copand they don't call the cops. I startedrunning the final two hundred yards, my eyes darting left and right to watchthe one or two cars and trucks moving on the main road as I ran. The snow was coming down heavier now, and in thatweird way that snowstorms do, everything became quiet. I hoped that the snowfallwould make drivers focus on the road in front, rather than any strange nakedapparition off to the side of the road. The snow was now accumulating on theground, and while it was cold and melted as I ran on it, it also provided alittle more cushion for my bare feet which I appreciated.

I got within twenty feet of the main road and could clearlysee Master Eugene and the photographer in the back of the jeep, watching me asI tried to make my way to them. As Iapproached a convoy of around eight to ten vehicles suddenly appeared on theroad from my right, and I froze, literally. They were about a quarter of a mile down the road right now, but headingtowards the Jeep. Did I have enough timeto run to the intersection and cross the road before they approached? Should Iwait until they passed?

I looked back and forth between the stationery Jeep and theslowly approaching vehicles, and the longer I deliberated, the slimmer thechance was that I could cross without being seen. The snow was falling pretty hard now, and Ihad to keep shaking my head vigorously to shake it from my hair, otherwise thesnowflakes melted down my face and into my eyes. I decided to drop to my knees by the side ofthe side road I was on until the convoy of vehicles passed. Stopping like this was tough, as I becamemuch more conscious of every snow flake hitting my naked flesh. I also noticed the wind again for the firsttime, which was gently drifting the snow as it fell to the ground, but it seemedstronger against my skin. I shivered, sniffed, shook my head, and waitedimpatiently for the vehicles to pass. I couldhear their tires crunching as one by one the vehicles passed the side road Iwas on. Thank fuck for that. Another quick glance up and down the road,and I made a bolt for it, running across the main road to the Jeep.

Master Eugene and the photographer sitting in the back ofthe Jeep, all bundled up with blankets, smiling and filming me as I ran to theJeep. I stopped at the back of the jeep,my skin bright red from the cold, and wet from the snow. My nose was running and my eyes were watering.I must have looked a total mess. Istepped to the side of the Jeep , putting the vehicle between myself and theroad, so I now had a little protection from being observed. They left me standing there, naked andbarefoot in the falling snow as they gotout of the back of the Jeep and sorted out the gear in the back. Master Eugene was about to put me naked intothe back of the Jeep when the photographer whispered something to him.

The photographer pulled me away from the Jeep, waked me overto the edge of the road. I nervously looked up and down the road for traffic,but fortunately didn't see anyone. He then hit my knees from behind with hisown, forcing me to my knees in the snow. He walked around me shooting photographs as I sniffed and looked down atthe ground in front of me. He came around behind me then pushed me forward intothe snow, so I was now lying face down on the road in the fucking cold wetsnow. More photographs and he used his foot to roll me onto my back to takemore photographs.

Finally Master Eugene came over and whispered something tothe photographer. They both helped me up to my feet helped me into the Jeep inthe back seats. Just as my naked wet asshit the back seats, a large tractor trailer passed by. I stayed naked and tied for the whole tripback into the city, but I was happy to be in the Jeep with the heating on.

Master Eugene dropped the photographer off mid-town and thendrove me to the garage where he kept his Jeep. Only then did he untie me andgive me my clothes back. We walked backto his apartment in the snow and I stayed with him overnight.

We discussed both the Black guys gang fuck, and thephotographers session. I confessed thatI enjoyed both. He inquired if the tenguys at once was too many for me to handle, and I told him that at first I wasscared and intimidated by them, and by the neighborhood, but as they fucked meand manhandled me I almost wished they had been rougher with me. I wished theyhad slapped me harder, pulled my hair more, kicked and punched me more, pinchedand pulled my nipples more and so on.

"More like a real gang rape you mean?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

He smiled.

"You really are a whore, aren't you," he stated, smiling whilehe gripped a handful of my hair and shook my head from side to side.

"Sir, Yes Sir," I replied.

"Maybe next time," he teased.

We had some great, aggressive, sex and he left me tied upand naked on the floor next to his bed while he slept overnight.


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you ifyou are a dominant, aggressive, demanding Master who likes to keep his slavesnaked and collared lol ) at ALL TIMES.

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