Slutty Whore New York

By Kai Anderson

Published on May 16, 2019



by gwmsub4DOMGAM

These are mostly memoirs of things I've done in thepast. Timelines are adjusted and someartistic license has been applied to make the re-telling more interesting andcaptivating. Some things which I include in one moment of time may havehappened over weeks or months, but compressing them into one moment would havebeen so much fun, so I re-tell it this way.


I brought the package to Massa in the living room whograbbed it from me and began cutting into it with a steak knife from dinner.

"Massa, there is also a note for you, Massa," I interruptedas I held out the note.

Massa completely ignored me, entirely focused on cuttingthrough the packing tape to open the small cardboard box.

Master William took the note from me and read it. He laughedand passed it to Massa, using his left hand to stop Massa's efforts in openingthe box.

"Read this," he said.

Massa took the note, read it, looked at Master William,looked at me, back at Master William, then smiled and laughed. He folded up thenote, then got back to opening up the package. They finally got into thepackage, opened up some small bags of white powder, and snorted them whilechugging down whiskey and cokes as they kissed each other and played with eachother. I knelt to the side of the couch, waiting to respond to any of their needsor desires.

Massa Darius and Master William both drank and snorted drugsuntil around two thirty in the morning when both passed out on the couch. I had remained naked on my knees by the sideof the couch in case they required anything, but when I realized they hadfallen asleep I cleared up their Whiskey glasses, put the remainder of the whitepowder and pills into two pill bottles that they had come out of earlier, andcleaned off the coffee table. I then threw a blanket over both of them andcurled up naked on the hardwood floor beside the couch. I was hungry, asneither had ordered me to eat the night before, but I soon fell asleep.

I woke the next morning with bright light streaming into theliving room at around six in the morning. Massa and Master were still sound asleep.I went to the guest bathroom to shave, shower in cold water, and clean myselfout as always. When I returned, both remained sound asleep, so I took care ofsome regular daily chores, cleaning the kitchen, cleaning Massa's bathroom, andpreparing items for breakfast for both when they finally woke. I retuned tokneel by the couch by around nine and remained there until around two in theafternoon when Massa finally stirred as he needed to take a piss.

Stretching and wiping the sleep from his eyes, he glanced atme kneeling by the couch and snapped his fingers, pointing to a spot just infront of him. I scrambled over and seeing his hard cock held in his right handpointing straight at me I opened my mouth anticipating our morning ritual. Hisstream hit the back of my throat so forcefully I almost coughed it all back outon the floor, but managed to hold most of it in my mouth as I regained my composureand wrapped my lips around the head of his cock to prevent any additionalspillage. His piss tasted of Whiskey and much more bitter than normal, but Iswallowed dutifully, until he stopped at which point I ran my tongue around thehead of his cock to lick up any remnants and to clean his cock head. I then bent down to lick the piss I hadspilled on the hardwood floor in front of myself.

As I was licking up the small puddle of piss when Massagrabbed my hair and pulled me up to face him. He looked into my eyes, one afterthe other, then kissed me with his tongue exploring my mouth. It was a littlesurprising as Massa had not been very tender or affectionate for a few monthsnow. Master William was more affectionate, but Massa seemed more focused onMaster William and I had simply become a useful object to satisfy his needs.This seemed like a return to Massa Darius that I had met in the art college. Mycock which had been soft until this point, came alive and rose to full potential.Massa released me from the kiss, ruffled my hair tenderly, then kicked mehalf-playfully and half-hard in my balls which caused me to fold over towardsthe floor.

"Clean up the mess you made, BOY!"

"Massa, Yes, Massa," I replied as I licked and sucked up theremaining piss on the hardwood floor. My balls were aching a little, butnothing too serious.

When I had licked up the piss I returned to my "ready" kneelingposition with my knees spread to show off my cock and balls, and my handsbehind my head, making my abdomen, chest, nipples and face available to Massafor anything he desired.

"We're going into the city this afternoon," Massa said. "You'recoming with us."

"Massa, Yes, Massa," I replied.

The city meant New York. I had not left the condo for quitea while, so I was intrigued and a little nervous about the trip into the city.Where were we going? What would I be required to do? My thoughts were cutshort.

"Get breakfast ready," Massa commanded me.

"Massa, Yes, Massa," I replied as I scurried into thekitchen.

My stomach growled as I prepared sausage, bacon, pancakes,scrambled eggs, toast, coffee, and fresh squeezed orange juice for both. They are ravenously, and I stood by tore-fill their orange juice and coffee as they desired. Both left some food ontheir plates and starting with Master William he laid the plate on the floorand told me to clean the plate. I dropped to my hands and knees and ate the remnantsof sausage, bacon, and pancakes with syrup gratefully, using only my mouth.Massa then repeated the process and I ate the remnants from his plate. Both washed down my food with their piss andthen told me to get ready to leave. I showered and shaved everywhere except myeyebrows and hair which was kept extremely short to non-existent on the sidesof my head, but which was about two inches long on top of my head as Massaliked to grab my hair to manipulate me.

Massa replaced my typical collar with the shiny one that hadSLAVE engraved into it. My hands were cuffed to the front of the collar but noankle cuffs or cage or butt plug. A leash was attached, and both pulled on Wintercoats as we headed to the elevator. I went out so little, only onto the balconyto clean it, that I rarely even considered what the weather was like any more.I did glance out when Massa told me we were going to the city, and it wassnowing lightly with the wind gently swirling the snowflakes as they fell. Ianticipated it would probably be freezing cold for me, as I would undoubtedlybe stark naked and barefoot, wherever we were going.

Into the trunk of Massa's car in the garage, and they coveredme with a wool blanket, to help keep me warm for the drive. We drove for a longtime it seemed. I could hear Massa and Master talking and laughing a little,but the noise of the car tires on the wet roads and the music on the radio madeit pretty difficult to catch much detail in their conversation.

Finally the car slowed to a stop and I heard the passengerdoors open, and slam closed again. The trunk clicked and from the relativedarkness of the trunk, light flooded in. I glanced out and saw the snow fallinga bit heavier now. As the blanket was pulled off me, I felt a chill run over myflesh as a gust of wind found the trunk.

Massa grabbed me by my shoulders and lifted me physicallyover the lip of the trunk. My naked feet sank into about an inch of soft freezingcold snow, and I shivered. Massa then walked me around the side of his car andI noticed six people standing just ahead of his car, and in front of their ownparked SUV. I didn't recognize any ofthem, but they looked like gang members from some Black or Harlem gang. Fivewere dressed in baggy clothes and had lots of tattoos and gold jewelry. Onehowever was dressed in a suit with a black overcoat on. One of the gang type guys was holding anumbrella to keep the snow of the suited guy, so he was obviously moreimportant.

Massa walked me up to the suited guy who looked to be aroundhis mid-twenties, like myself. He had short curly hair, a light skin, and acute face. His eyes roved up and down my naked body taking everything in. Hechecked something on his phone, then took a photo of me and sent it to someone.A chime on his phone suggested a reply and he nodded to one of the gang membersbeside him who produced a large package and presented it to Massa. Massainspected it, then handed my leash over to the gang member who had given himthe package. Without a word, Massa took the package and walked back to his car,while I was led away by the leash towards the back of the SUV. I tried to turnto see where Massa and Master William were, but their vehicle was already drivingaway in the opposite direction.

I shivered and felt a pang of doubt and fear run through meas I was led to the back of the SUV. The rear hatch opened and I saw a steel cageinside. It looked as though it was designed for a large dog, like a GermanShepard, but it was also just perfect for a naked slave boy. I was slapped hardon the ass by the gang member.

"In," was all he said and I walked into the cage on myknees.

The cage was closed and padlocked and the rear hatch of theSUV slammed shut. The windows were heavily tinted so I could see very littleoutside, and there was a panel at the back of the rear seats which meant I couldn'tsee who was in front of the vehicle. I heard all four doors on the vehicle slam,the engine start, and the vehicle moved off.

I gripped the cage bars with my hands to steady myself asthe vehicle made a few turns and I fell from one side of the cage to the other.What was going on? Where was I going?Who were these people? Had Massa loanedme or rented me or whored me out?

We drove for a while before the vehicle finally stopped. Iheard the four doors in front open and slam closed again, but I was left in theback on my own, to ponder my fate. My imagination ran wild, and I had to keeppulling myself back to the true reality of my situation. I could do NOTHING aboutwhat was happening to me. I was stark naked, collared and handcuffed in alocked cage in the back of a strange SUV. I had no idea where I was, or why I was there. I would just have to waitto find out. Worrying, didn't make anything easier or less scary, so just tryto relax and wait.

Finally I heard voices approach the SUV and the rear hatchswung open. Two gang members from the parking lot exchange unlocked the cageand manhandled me out of the cage. It was still snowing and I shivered as mybare feet hit the slushy wet snow on the rough concrete ground. I looked aroundand saw that we were parked behind a strong looking steel slatted fence, nextto a four story building. There were four other cars parked inside the fence,so I presumed it to be a parking area for the building. Looking through theslats in the fence I could see this was a corner building, and looking beyondthere were some other low rise buildings across the street and a few cars drivingon the street.

The guy in the suit walked over to a BMW parked in the lot,jumped in, started it up and drove to a gate which whirred open as I stoodnaked, barefoot, collared, cuffed, and leashed, while the gang type guys closedthe dog cage, shut the rear hatch of the SUV and locked it. There were six or seven Black kids onbicycles right outside the gate as it slowly slid open. They looked as thoughthey were around thirteen to sixteen. Asthe gate opened one of them clearly spotted me. He nudged and nodded to theothers, and soon all of them were staring in my direction, even as they movedtheir bikes out of the way of the departing BMW.

I was walked over to a door leading from the parking areainto the building which had two cameras pointing down from above and anintercom system. The gate slid slowly closed as I was led across the parking area,and the kids watched me the whole way, laughing and pushing at each otherplayfully. We waited until a voice cameover the intercom and the door clicked to unlock. The door had thick steel plateson the front of it, and it seemed heavy as the first gang member leaned into itto push it open for us to enter. From the cold of the outside I was actually brieflyrelieved to be inside the warmth of the building, but seeing around a dozenyoung, Black, gang type members in their late teens to early twenties who weresitting on various old couches and chairs, smoking and drinking cans of beerwith various guns lying around on tables, my relief quickly turned to concern.

I was walked through this first room inside the building,looking only at the floor in front of me as I felt the eyes of everyone in theroom following me. They had been chatting and laughing with each other as the heavydoor opened, but as I was walked naked, barefoot, collared and chained into theroom, the conversation stopped immediately and the atmosphere in the roomchanged palpably. I felt a knot in my stomach and fear rising within me. Whatwas going on? What had Massa Darius gotme in to?

Through a door on the opposite side of the room to the onewe entered from the parking area and turning right in a small hallway, I wasled up six flights or stairs which doubled back on each other, leading up tothe fourth floor of the building. On each landing of the stairs, three or fourmean looking gang types stood watch with guns lying on window ledges or intheir waistbands. All stared at me and some formed smirking or disgustedexpressions as I was led past them, but none touched me or said anythingdirectly, though I heard them talking in hushed conversation once I passed by.

The fourth floor the hallway had four doors. Immediately to theright at the top of the stairs was a largish bathroom that was nicely decoratedand clean, as opposed to the messy and dirty conditions of the buildingdownstairs. The next room to the right was a small, but clean kitchen with afew more gang type guys sitting around a table drinking from mugs and eatingChinese takeaway food. They glanced up as I was led past and nodded to eachother. As I glanced at them, I recognized one of them from the night beforeMassa's Christmas party. He had stepped off the elevator with gang leaderMarcus that evening. He smirked knowingly, and even nodded his head inacknowledgment as I was led past the kitchen door. Suddenly it started to makesense.

On the left a doorway led to a fairly large bedroom whichhad a big old fashioned four poster bed. It was well lit by some large windowsthat allowed plenty of light into the room. Ahead was the fourth and final doorwhich was closed. My chain-holder knocked on the door and waited for a momentfor a "Yeah," grunted from the other side before opening the door and leadingme inside.

I was led into a living room type space, with two couches thatfaced to each other with three or four gang type members sitting on themcausally. A large television had some football game playing and everyone seemedengrossed in the game. A large wooden dining room table to the left had Chinesetakeaway containers, plates and drinks glasses and napkins on it. The room was actuallyfairly nice and well lit by four large windows that looked out onto the streetbelow and the buildings opposite. Three of the gang type members sitting on onecouch glanced at me and motioned to the other gang member sitting opposite.Marcus turned to see me standing timidly in the doorway, shaking partly fromthe cold outside and mostly from the uncertainty of why I was here and whatMarcus would do with me surrounded by all these gang members with guns anddrugs.

"Fuck boy!" Marcus shouted as my chain-holder walked meforward and handed the chain to Marcus who took it and immediately yanked medown on to my knees in front of him. My knees hit the hardwood floor with athunk and as Marcus continued to pull the leash, I found myself bent forwardand leaning against his left leg as he grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling myface upwards so he could see me.

"Finally," he said as he smiled broadly and looked me allover.

"He fur the Marigold?" one of the guys on the opposite couchasked.

"Nah," replied Marcus tugging my hair up and forcing me tocrawl forward on my knees closer to him. Kissing me on the lips and forcing histongue into my mouth for a few minutes, he enjoyed roughly kissing me beforereleasing me.

"He mine for now," he nodded at the guys in response.

"Ah....." I heard the questioner reply.

"Dar sold im to clear his debts," Marcus added.

My eyes undoubtedly betrayed my understanding of thatsentence, and Marcus laughed seeing my response.

"S'right fuck boy," he said proudly. "You belong ti me, now."

I was stunned, and speechless, and trying to process whatthis meant for me. Master Eugene had first sold me to Massa Darius, which Ifound exciting and titillating as Massa was hot. Massa Darius had then asked tome sign a slave contract giving up all my freedoms to belong to him entirelywhich I had done, not really believing it meant what it said. I still had a joband an apartment and money and freedom at that point, but pretty soonafterwards I gave up all of those things willingly, even if I had a few doubtsat the time. At that point, I lost my job, my apartment, everything I owned. Massahad my passport, my green card, and my bank cards. I thought if things didn'twork out between Massa and myself, he'd release me, give those things back, andI'd move on. I had never anticipated he'd sell me without asking me. What thefuck !!

The hard slap across my face, brought me back to the harshreality facing me.

"Wha'd ya say, BOY?" Marcus shouted at me, his head tiltedslightly.

"Sir, y..Yes, Sir..." I replied, looking down at the ground infront of me, and my deflated naked cock.

The other guys on the couch opposite laughed and made a fewcomments, but I was not focused on them at all. My brain was spinning at athousand miles with thoughts and fears and disbelief. I had just been sold as apiece of property to a drug dealing gangster in New York City. He now owned mecompletely. I had nothing. No clothes, no money, no passport or green card, noway out, I was totally fucked.

"He give the best fukin BJ you ever had," Marcus said to theother guys as he opened up his jeans and pushed them down to his knees alongwith his shorts. His cock bounced free, already semi-hard, sticking straight up.

Marcus snapped his fingers, pointed to his cock, and I knewprecisely what was required. I shuffled forward on my knees between his legs,leaned forward and took the entire length of his cock into my mouth and swallowedit down my throat. I pulled back until the head was just inside my mouth andallowed my tongue to work his cockhead and piss slit. I could feel his cock growingharder and beginning to throb as blood coursed into it. I deep throated himabout a dozen times before pulling back up to again lick around the head of hiscock. I heard him moaning and exhaling as I worked and felt his hands on myshoulders and then on my nipples as he fairly gently rolled them between histhumbs and first fingers. Occasionally theother guys would shout at the television as something in the game was not asthey hoped, or they'd make a remark to Marcus about the game, but Marcus seemedtotally focused on the service he was receiving. After about thirty minutes ofsucking on his cock he finally grabbed me by the hair and face-fucked me harduntil he started shooting spurt after spurt after spurt of cum into my mouthwhich I swallowed. He sat back in thecouch and let go of my hair, but I continued to gently lick and clean both his cockand his balls until he finally pulled my head up to his and he kissed metenderly on the lips before pushing me away from him.

I was surprised by the tenderness of the kiss. I knelt backand waited for further instructions, my head still reeling with my sudden newpredicament and situation. Marcus returned his attention to the game but aftera few minutes he snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor just in front of him.I shuffled over to the spot, and he had me sit on the floor just in front ofhim. As the game continued, he would sit forward to stroke me, tweak my nipplesgently, rub his hand over my abs, stroke my cock, fondle my balls. It was sostrange, to be sitting opposite three really mean looking gang members as theywatched a football game, drinking and smoking, while I sat naked being fondledand getting hard by another gang member.

The other gang members would glance at me from time to time,but none said anything. Finally the game finished, and unfortunately the teamthey had wanted to win was not successful. They seemed extremely upset by this, shouting and swearing and cussingout the players who had "fucked up" the game. I was pretty freaked out by theaggression they were showing to be honest, and just kept my head down tryingnot to become the focus of the aggression.

"Awwwww," Marcus eventually said, as he patted my head acouple of times. "You're scarin my fuck toy."

The others laughed, but at a signal from Marcus they allhugged and used an elaborate handshake before leaving the room, each of them ignoringme entirely.

As I sat naked on the floor, my hands still cuffed to thefront of my shiny steel collar that said SLAVE on it, Marcus walked slowly backover to stand above me, looking down on me and smiling. I looked up at him fora moment, before turning and looking down at the ground. I heard him chucklequietly.

"Didn't expect Dar would sell your ass, huh?" he asked.

I looked back to him.

"N...No Sir, I...." I wasabout to add some thoughts, when I decided it may be better not to do so.

Marcus laughed again, but gently and not at me.

"Look," he said, and I turned my head up to look at himagain.

"This aint what you expected. I get that," he said as hestroked my hair, as you would pet a dogs fur.

"You scared. You dunno whats gonna happen, right," he said,smiling.

"Sir, ....Yes, Sir," I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

Marcus sat on the couch and turned me to face him. Taking mychin and stroking the side of my head with his other hand.

"You fukin gorgeous. I fuckin wanted you from first time I saw you in dat cage at de party,"he smiled. I flinched as I realized he was at the party, when I was locked intoa cage on a platform and was drugged and fucked by so many guys. I felt my faceflush bright red and the heat in my cheeks. I looked away in embarrassment andtried to turn my head, but he held me firm by the chin, looking directly at me.

"A don' care bout that shit, boy," he smiled. "A don' carehow many loaded you up dat night. I knewI wanted you, minute I saw you in da cage."

His thumb traced the line of my lips, gently and tenderly. Itwas such a strange, odd, juxtaposition to have this scary, mean looking,gangster with tattoos all over his face and arms, ear rings and studs in hiseyebrows, and a gun in his waistband, to be so tender and gentle.

"Ah supplied dem wiv da party favors," he continued. "Ahfucked you in da cage dat night."

"Ah actually fucked you tree times dat night. Ah tried to buy you dat night too, to own yaright there an then, but you wasn't for sale they said,"

I had no memory of Marcus being at that party, or of himfucking me three times, but then I was so high and horny with the drugs theyhad given me that I didn't remember most of the guys who used and fucked me inthat cage that night.

"Took a while, but ah finally found ya was wit Dar," he added,with a smile of satisfaction and achievement.

"Dar wouldn't sell ya at first, but he hooked so ah knew it'dappen finally."

"E owed me so much, e ad to sell you in da end to pay off `isdebts," he said, taking my head, reaching in, and kissing me again on the lips.

"You better off without im, boy," he counseled me. "E got abig problem wiv blow and H."

I pondered that for a moment as he simply studied my face. Massaundoubtedly had a drug problem. He wasmissing more and more school, and staying out for days at a time. He and Masterwere using every day and every night. Was Marcus right?

"Ah finally own you. You mine now boy," he added.

I swallowed hard, and tears began forming which I had nocontrol over. I feared that weakness in front of this tough, gang boss would besomething he despised and would result in a furious response. I wasn't reallysure what brought the flood or tears. Was it fear of Marcus and his gangmembers? Was it knowing that MassaDarius and Master William were no longer part of my life? Was it the realization of my total subjugationand vulnerability before Marcus? Was itthe fear that my life would be a living hell with this gang from now until myearly grave at their hands?

"Listen," he said as he wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Do right by me, an `all look after you," he assured me.

"You MY toy. No-oneelse uses you unless I say so," he continued.

I'm not at all sure why, but I once again felt relieved and extremelythankful that Marcus was not the mean, vicious bastard I suspected he was. Histenderness, and his words consoled me significantly, despite my desperate situationat that moment. I was at the complete mercy of this man. He owned me asproperty, like a dog or a cat, or a car. I had absolutely nothing at thispoint. No clothes, no money, no identification, no way out of this buildingwith so many armed gang members in the floors below me. I had craved andfantasized about being a no-way out slave in the past. I often dreamed offlying to a foreign land to be met by a Master who would strip me naked, put mein chains, burn my clothes and passport, and keep me forever as their property.The fantasy was always HOT, of course. I experienced it somewhat when Isubmitted to Master Yannick and Master Johannes in Singapore as a house-boy forten months, but I knew instinctively then that the situation was not truly "noway out." When they broke up, I wasgiven five thousand pounds and a plane ticket home. This was differententirely. I actually felt like owned property with no rights, no opinions,truly no way out. In fact that actuallyWAS my situation.

His words of comfort and protection endeared him to me,despite the fact that I still found him scary and I still harbored some doubts.I leaned forward and nuzzled the side of my face against his leg.

"Sir. Thank you, Sir,"I said loudly, and emotionally. I felt tears well up in my eyes again.

What the hell was wrong with me. I normally don't get soemotional, but perhaps, this was my emotional breaking point. Perhaps this wasas far as I could push my slavery and submissiveness and still maintain mysanity and personality. The threat of losing my sanity and personality had beenreal just a few moments before when I envisioned all sorts of horrors at thehands of Marcus. Those fears seemed to disappear as he treated me and spoke tome so tenderly and caringly. I HAD to trust him. What other choice did I have.

"Master," he corrected. "You call me Master."

I turned to face him but keeping my eyes on his crotch, notsure if I was really allowed to look directly at him.

"Master, Yes Master," I said. "Master, Thank you Master."

Master unclipped the handcuffs from my collar, and thenreleased my wrists from them. Iimmediately put my hands behind my head and spread my knees while kneeling on thefloor to assume the "show" position I'd been taught by Master Hugh so manyyears ago in Scotland.

Master slid forward on the couch and his hands roved allover my naked flesh. He turned me around to face away from him and pushed meforward onto my hands and knees. His fingers probed deep into my ass, pumpingme deep and hitting my prostate which caused my cock to flinch and leakpre-cum. I groaned and he laughed alittle. Turning me around to face him, he presented his fingers to me, and Isucked them clean, taking my ass juices as I did, but enjoying the gentlenessof his use of me.

Pointing to the hardwood floor where my pre-cum had drippedoff Master said simply, "Suck," and I eagerly did until the floor for a goodsix inches surrounding my leakage was now wet with my saliva.

"Ah gotta lot a bitches," Master said to me as I stoppedlicking and re-assumed my earlier "show" position for him.

"Ah fuck dem whenever ah want," he continued, studying myface and body as he did.

"Ah've fucked a lot a homies too," he said.

"Mostly if dey disrespect me or lose ma product n shit."

I listened intently, looking at the floor between Mastersfeet. He fucked guys for disrespecting him or losing his drugs. I didn't evenknow any gangsters were gay. I thought from television and movies that fuckinga guy would make them weak and someone would take over the gang from them. Mastercertainly didn't seem weak at all, and everyone around him deferred to himwithout a second of hesitation.

"Started inside. No bitches, so ah fucked fags and ah likedit just as much," he said almost nostalgically.

"Like it more dan a bitch sometimes. Can do more wit a fagand they less needy" he smiled broadly.

"Had me two fag ho's inside dat did anything I wanted," headded, pausing for a few moments as he thought back.

Despite just blowing a huge load in my mouth and down mythroat, I could see his cock swelling once again inside his baggy jeans.

"You my fag ho here, boy," he said to me directly.

"You do anything I tell ya, an you'll be fine."

"Master. Yes Master," I replied quickly. He smiled.

"Ah like rough sex," he said watching me closely. I liftedmy eyes from the floor when he said that and caught his gaze.

"Ah like beatin guys. Whippin guys. Ah like ta hear guysscreamin," he said looking at me intently.

I looked down again to the ground, fear creeping back into me.

He laughed, grabbed me, pulled me into him and hugged me ina very tight embrace

"Don worry boy," he whispered softly into my ear. "You canandle it. Ah've seen what you can take."

I wondered what he meant by that, but what could I do.

"Master. Yes, Master,"I replied.

A knock on the door interrupted Master, and he had me returnto the "show" position facing him on the couch.

"Yeah," he shouted and the door opened with two of the gangmembers who had been with Master at Massa Darius flat before Christmas.

Both looked at me and smiled, but only one spoke to Master.

"T-bag's ere."

"Ok," Master said as he sat back in the couch and his entiredemeanor suddenly changed.

A very young skinny Black guy of about seventeen steppedaround the two gang members and took a few steps into the room. He was dressedin the familiar baggy clothing that everyone else in this building wore as auniform, but he was fresh faced, clean shaved, with no tattoos that I couldsee. He had long dreadlocks and buck teeth, but otherwise he looked like anyother teenage kid. He was kinda cute.

T-bag's eyes darted from Master to me about a dozen timeswith his mouth hanging open, but no words coming out before Master broke thespell.

"Ya got ma shit?" Master demanded.

"Ye....Ye....yeah boss. Yeah, I got it boss," he said as he stepped forward, fumbling in hispocket before pulling out a large roll of money wrapped in an elastic band.

One of the gang members from behind took the roll of moneyand walked over to the dining table to count it. T-bag was looking at theground, much as I had done for much of my own time in this room, with these guys.I understood. He kept sneaking glances up at me though, as I kneeled in "show" position,completely naked with my erect cock pointing directly towards him, and my steelSLAVE collar still around my neck.

The gang member counting the money nodded to Master.

"Get whad ya need before you go," Master told him, and hequickly scurried out, but not before turning to snatch a quick glimpse of mebefore the gang members closed the door again, leaving Master and I alone onceagain.

Master sat forward in the couch, reached down and beganstroking my cock. I tensed instantly as just the warmth of his hand, and thepressure on my cock almost made me shoot my load instantly. I leaked a lot, as I had not actually cum inmonths. Massa had not allowed me to, andhe liked that I leaked so damned much.

"Ah think e's a fag," Master said to me in a very matter offact way. "Whad'ya think?"

"Master, I think so, Master," I replied, my eyes closed,trying to prevent my cock from exploding and likely shooting cum all the way tothe closed door some twelve or fifteen feet away from me.

"If ya like im, ah might let im fuck ya sometime," Master said.

"E's a good soldier. Moves a ton a product wit no shit."

Suddenly and without any warning, Master pushed three fingersdeep into my asshole. The sudden intrusion caught me so much by surprise, that Iliterally tensed instantly, and shot a huge thick stream of cum in an arc for agood seven or eight feet into the air. And shot after shot of cum kept shootingout of me as Master fucked my hole and role my pole at the same time.

"Maaaaa.........Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry........" I was mumbling asI was shooting my three or four month load all over the hardwood floor.

When I stopped shooting, Master still kept finger fucking myhole, and he moved his hand up to rub over the extraordinarily sensitive headof my cock. I flinched and tried to pull and turn away, but his fingers in myasshole pretty much pushed me forward onto the horrific torment of his handrunning the head of my cock. I whined and screamed in agony as he continued forwhat seemed like hours but was probably only around thirty seconds or so. All this time, I was hunched over, with myfists by my side, wanting to pull his hand away from my cock, but not daring toeven move my hands close to him for that purpose.

He final stopped rubbing my cock and pulled his fingers outof my asshole, slumping back in the couch. I was exhausted and totally spent. Ihad built up that load for months, and hadn't expected to shoot it, but the releaseof all of that pent-up horniness was just overwhelming. I was breathing as though I had just finisheda marathon, and I was sweating like that also. Finally coming to my senses, Irealized I had to apologize for cumming without permission and beg forgiveness.

"Master......" breath "I'msorry Master," breath, breath "I didn'tmean to cum witho....."

Master put his three fingers which had just raped my assholeinto my mouth.

"Clean," he said simply, and I liked and sucked them like astarving man with my eyes firmly shut. After a few minutes he pulled hisfingers from my mouth and I opened my eyes to look towards him. He brought his fingers up to his own mouth andinserted them, sucking them himself for a few seconds before returning them tomy mouth with a smirk on his face. I closed my eyes and continued to suck andlick on his fingers. He pulled them from my mouth again a few seconds laterthen snapped his fingers and pointed to my cum stains on the hardwood floor.

"Master, Yes Master," I responded without any hesitation andimmediately got down on all fours and began licking with my tongue along thebeads of cum that had shot out of me. My cum was really thick and creamy, whichwas a really interesting thought for me to have, as I knelt before this gangboss, licking my own cum of his floor.

A knock at the door and Master responded "Yeah," As the door opened I continued to lick up mycum trail as I was only a quarter of the way long it.

"Julio and Raul are here," I heard the guard say.

"K," Master replied and I glanced up as I continued to walkon all fours towards the door they were walking through, licking up mycum.

Two guys who were clearly Latin walked in and laughed whenthey saw me, saying something to each other in Spanish that I did notunderstand at all. Both were pretty well dressed in cowboy gear with shinycowboy boots, black jeans, big silver buckles on their belts, and cowboy shirtsunder heavy black leather winter jackets.

"Ola," both said to Master and he reciprocated. I heard Masterget up off the couch to greet them, then saw one of the black highly decoratedcowboy boots with silver tips scrape up some of my cum on the tip of the boot.It was offered to me, and I immediately licked off my cum and licked around thetip of the boot to ensure it was clean. I heard laughter above me, and a handpatted me on the head, but I continued my assigned task of licking up my owncum. The boots walked past me to the couch but not before a hand slapped me playfullya couple of times on the ass.

Master and the two guests began speaking in Spanish andcontinued until I had finally licked up all my cum from the floor. When finishedI turned to crawl back to Master on my hands and knees and realized all threewere watching me while they talked. Hugelyembarrassed I dropped my head, stared and the floor, and crawled quickly back tothe side of Master, coming up into "show" position when I reached him.

One of the Latin guys behind me started to run his handsover my back, and down over my ass, before reaching between my cheeks andgently rubbing my asshole, though not entering it. They continued their conversationand Master signaled for me to turn around, which I did. The older of the twoLatin guys then started running his hands down my chest, abdomen, and to my stillhard cock which he stroked a few times. He was round forty, with short greyhair and a grey moustache. His colleague was younger, around thirty maybe,clean shaved and had a really cute smile. He seemed to smile a lot, but nottalk a lot. The older one did all the talking.

The gangsters from the hallway came in with whiskeys andbeer, and sandwiches for all three, then left again. Master talked with them influent Spanish for around an hour, with an odd word or sentence in English. Thewhole time, both Master and the older Latin guy were stroking my hair or playingwith my nipples or tapping my cock or balls with their feet. I was a very minordistraction to their discussion. Master had pulled me forward onto my hands andknees and I remained like that for most of their conversation.

Finally, the Latin guys got up and Master hugged them bothbefore they left. He remained standingas they were walking to the door. Unzipping his jeans, pulling out his cock,and snapping his fingers, he pointed to a spot in front of him. The older Latinguy paused as he was leaving and turned curiously. Master physically opened mymouth and tilted my head back, pointing his cock towards my mouth. I knew whatwas coming. His stream began with three or four shorts bursts which tasted ofWhiskey, but quickly turned into a steady stream that was quickly filling mymouth. I gulped and gulped and gulped to empty my mouth and managed to drinkhis piss without spilling a drop.

"Nice," I heard from the Latin guy before he turned to walkaway and the door closed.

Master smiled at the Latin guy then grabbed me by the hairand led me back to the couch , not aggressively or in any mean way, but just asa way to direct me more than anything. We were alone in the living room again.

"Good boy," he said, ruffling my hair as he sat down again.I blushed furiously, smiled, and felt happy and safe for the moment.

Master explained that I'd stay on the fourth floor of thehouse, but I had the run of the rooms. I'd be kept naked all the time, andthere would always be armed guards at the top of the stairs and on the floorsbelow, so I shouldn't try to go down to lower levels without Master. I was hisplay thing when he was at the house. His guards would feel me if he wasn'tthere, but otherwise I was just to wait for Master to come home and use me. Theguards shared the restroom and kitchen, but the bedroom and living room wereout of bounds to them unless Master was home.

He told me he had another home in the city where he livedwith a couple of girlfriends, but he conducted a lot of business at this house,so he'd be here a lot. He assured menone of his guards would touch me, unless I was trying to escape. When Master was at the house, I was to beready for him, cleaned, shaved, and ready. I'd be his toy, and he might shareme with others if he felt like it. At night I'd sleep in the bedroom, in thebed. I could eat any food in the refrigerator, but he didn't want me to get fator lazy, so he told me the guards would take me down to a gym in the basementevery evening and I should work out and keep in shape.

"You hungry, boy?" he finally asked.

"Master, Yes, Master, but I really need to piss first, Master,"I said.

"Go piss," he responded, nodding towards the closed livingroom door.

"Master, Thank you Master," I replied.

I started to crawl on all fours to the door.

"You can walk, boy," he said, laughing.

"Master, Yes, Master. Thank you Master," I said as I stoodand walked to the door.

It felt so stranger opening that living room door andstepping naked into the corridor with the now four tough looking gang membersat the top of the stairs turning to watch my every move. I felt tempted tocover my cock, but they'd already seen everything, so what was the point ofthat? I walked very slowly anddeliberately along the hallway looking at the carpet on the floor and my nakedfeet and legs, and my hardening cock as it wobbled from side to side. I turnedinto the restroom without making eye contact with any of the guards, and wasabout to push the door closed when one of them stopped it with his hand.

"Door stays open," he said simply, pushing it all the wayopen again.

"Sir, Yes, Sir," I nodded and I head the other three chuckle.

I stood over the toilet and had to will myself to pee, as myhardening cock and the glare of these four guards made me suddenly incrediblypee shy for some strange reason. I took a deep breath in, closed my eyes, and slowlylet it out. Finally the pee began as a trickle and grew to a steadystream. It felt so fucking good. I finished, shook my cock, flushed, thenwashed my cock head and foreskin and my hands. As I turned to leave therestroom I noticed they were all still watching me. I blushed and once again looked at the groundas I walked past them and back into the living room, closing the door behindme.

"Do ya prefer a dog dish on the floor, or a seat a the table?"Master asked me as I returned to the living room.

"Master, whatever you wish, Master," I replied and hesmiled.

"Dog dish, then," he said, nodding in satisfaction.

Master started spooning some cold Sesame Chicken and Ginger Beefnoodle into a stainless steel dog bowl sitting on the dining room table. I hadn'tnoticed it there before, but it was there now. Master brought the dog bowl tothe front of the television and told me to eat. On all fours, and using only my mouth, I started to eat the deliciousbanquet of cold Chinese food. Comparedto what I had been eating, when I was lucky enough to eat, the tastes andtextures even of the cold food were incredible. Master sat on the couch makingphone calls to various people, while I ate. Once finished, I had Sesame andGinger sauce all over my nose and cheeks. Master just laughed and wiped my facewith a napkin, as a mother would a child.

Master left me in the living room for an hour or two aloneas he dealt with business downstairs and when he returned he took me through tothe bedroom, closing the door behind us. Master had me undress him, fold his clothes neatly, and place them on achair by the side of the large four poster bed. Under the baggy gangsterclothing Master had a firm body with some definition, but by no means muscular.He had tattoos all over his face, arms, chest, abdomen, back, thighs, and calves.Only his cock, balls, and ass seemed to have missed the tattoo needle.

Master then had me lie face down on the bed, and he bound mywrists and ankles to the posts, leaving me spread eagled and vulnerable. Hethen climbed on top of me and impaled me in one swift punishing motion with hiscock. I screamed out at the suddenness of it, and he withdrew almost completelybefore plunging in again. His cock was not as long as Massa Darius, but it wasthick and had a large pointy mushroom head. I screamed and tensed as the second thrust drove deep into me, and aseach subsequent impalement occurred until Master settled into a powerful thrustingrhythm that pounded the air out of my lungs on every cycle. Master pounded mehard and fast for around twenty minutes until I felt six or seven slower butmore pronounced thrusts and I heard him cumming and felt his cock throbbinginside my asshole.

Master collapsed on top of me, all sweaty and exhausted.

"Fuck, that wus fuckin amazin," he whispered to me.

My wrists and ankles were red and a little raw in placesboth from the energy of his fucking, and my tensing and relaxing my muscles ashe plowed my ass. Master untied one of my wrists and started dressing.

"See you tomorrow, boy," he said.

"Master, Yes Master. Thank you Master," I replied.

As Master dressed himself, I untied my other wrist and myankles from the bed. I felt my asshole to see if any cum was leaking, as I wassure my hole was now large enough to drive a car through, but despite a littletenderness, all seemed to be ok back there.

"A'm not gonna cover that," Master said, pointing to mycock, "'cause ah like it too much, but no cummin or playin wiv it unless ah'mere,"

"Master, Yes, Master," I said.

With that, he kissed me on the lips tenderly and lovingly,and Master left me in the bedroom, leaving the door open as he walked out. Iwasn't really sure what to do. I could hear the gang members at the top of the stairschatting more loudly with each other now that Master had left. It was late anddark outside, so I decided to shower before trying to sleep. This meant going past the gang members againand into the restroom, with them all watching me. I knew they had all heard meget fucked hard by Master, and something about them being macho Black gangmembers made me embarrassed by my submissiveness and my submission to theirboss. I blushed as I passed them, stepping into the restroom and stepping intothe shower which didn't have a curtain or door, so they could watch me as Ishowered. I showered in tepid water. I didn't want to use hot steamy water asthat didn't seem right, but it was Winter so I didn't want to shower in freezingcold water either. A little warm water to take the edge off the cold seemed okI thought.

When I stepped out of the shower, one of the gang membersthrew me a towel and all watched as I dried myself, with my cock rising to fullmast as I did so. Once I was dry, the towel was returned to the gang memberguard, and I walked into the bedroom and was about to shut the door, when Iheard "Leave it open," shouted from the guards. I contemplated sleeping in the bed but chose instead to curl up naked onthe floor at the foot of the bed instead.

It took a while for me to sleep, as I could hear voices andnoises throughout the house from the others downstairs, and from the guards atthe top of the stairs. My mind was also working overtime. What have I allowedto happen to me? I fantasized aboutbeing a kept property slave, and I enjoyed BDSM, but was this what Iwanted? Did I have any choice now? Would I ever see, or be able to contact my familyagain? How long would Master Marcus enjoy me before selling me to someoneworse? I was naked, alone, held captive by a Black drug gang in New York City.How much lower could I go, and how much worse would things get?

Despite the situation I now found myself in, I eventually fellinto a deep sleep.


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you ifyou are a dominant, aggressive, demanding Master who likes to keep his slavesnaked and collared lol ) at ALL TIMES.

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